Ghanaian actor John Bredu Peasa "battling strange illness"; South African singer Tyla cancels first world tour; India: space researcher diagnosed with cancer, MP has heart attack; & more
Every time I read your articles, I feel like I am living in an alternate universe. Or rather, these people who are sick and dying, are living in an alternate universe.
I feel like I am living 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers' walking around seeing that everyone has clearly changed but when I point it out I am called crazy.
Basically everyone "famous" is a puppet of some sort.
The owners of the world have learned the lesson - keep out of the public eye.
This is the most important lesson of modern "democracies". The politicians, CEOs, Hollywood, athletes etc are all actors. They sometimes play the role of the bad guy, and sometimes they suddenly switch to the good guy.
Either way, they can be burn in effigy to satisfy the masses of slaves (NPCs) while the disgraced famous people retire to a tropical island with a pile of money.
How can you not see that yet?
Look back 10 years and tell me that Tucker Carlson (for example) is not an actor. He switched sides virtually overnight to become the good guy.
What about RFK? All his anti-war talk suddenly became full support for genocide and WWIII.
Or more recently, see all the "good guys" Republicans suddenly passing laws to criminalize criticism of a country(!) - Kristi Noem, DeSantis etc.
Too bad that most people have no free will, it would be nice to hope they can ever learn...
yes. Musk used to be loved by the left, msm with his planet saving tesla, now they hate him while the right loves him for freeing twitter/X. it is all theater to keep the masses divided, confused, entertained
I used to tell my kids (now adults) that 95% of everything they are told or read is lies - a controlled narrative. Then after 2020 I started saying it was 99%, then 99.9%. Now I think you’re right. Everything is a lie.
Thank you so much for this, Dr. Kimber. Americans are known globally (I believe) to be hard to coerce, and largely religious, so get'em through their religion, since force won't work. Or, force will serve for the un-religious, but the religious must be gotten through religion. Since, April, I've been reading every book, in order, and every word (yes, even Numbers) of the Bible; this morning reached Psalm 129. Over and over I see that God makes clear that He is not to be messed with. In fact, 'better a millstone' comes to mind as coming penalty for those very 'faith leaders'.
And that's why TPTB hate, hate, hate the unshotted so much. To think that some unwashed unshotted plebes are now just like "them" fills "them" with complete hate.
TPTB especially hate the Amish and anyone else in the gene transfection control group. WEF practically had an in-house brawl at their last meeting because they were so livid about this.
Fully agree. Moreover, I see the absolute irony in this use of the word--its Latin source (cuz I'm a Latinist, so) is the verb 'to choose'--(eligo, eligere, elegi, electus)--yes,, you saw that right--as in 'elect'.
The Pope is 86 years old. He always looked like he was i poor health to me.
Trump is still touting his poison jabs. There is no way by now he doesn't know that he caused the death and imjury of many. Trump is not going to save us.
Even on his deathbed, Trump's last words will glorify operation warp speed .. "So many lives we've saved, how fast we came up with these wonderful vaccines ..."
DJT has to come out and say he was pressured to get “wonderful” jabs out. We’d still be in lockdowns and masks if he didn’t. Time for him to do some explaining! He has to rectify this. Like Bibi, he did take Pfizer money.He is the only one with a chance to save USA and the world!
I'll worry about Trump apologizing when people start coming down on Biden. He's the one that mandated the damn things. Let's worry about the real criminals - Pfizer, Moderna, Fauci, Birx, Biden, the media, Big Tech (everyone in on the propaganda) 95% of Democrats that socially pressured the whole country, etc. Oh wait, yeah that will never happen. Only Republicans must be accountable for what they do. s/o
I think, as Patriots, we all need to move to stop this. But it would be nice to have a human to lead. I believe DJT was put here for this. I just feel we won’t have an election, but a civil war. Very discouraged.
The Pope … cannot say I’m sorry. Calling Trump a fascist and giving Pelosi personal communion after the Archbishop of San Francisco shut her off … doesn’t make him much of a Catholic or Christian.
Look ahead because the Cabal is continuing with other methods as we speak. Except for a few more millions of sheeple, people are done taking a needle. Next it will be a " patch " of needles. So much nicer. 🙄
Watch out and do your research they are working on plan B, C, and D.
We need to put them out of their pathological misery most importantly because if we don't, the process will not stop.
They want the hospital systems and medical insurance to collapse under the strain.
In case people do not know here, Fenbendazole and Ivermectin cure cancer. This may sound crazy but it is apparently true and big Harma has been keeping it under wraps.
Cheap, easy, no side effects like standard chemo and over the counter many places.
Check it out in the substack. Thousands of Drs are screaming this from the hill sides....sound familiar?
I just Duck Duck goed the Fenbendazole and it is huge return!!
A long-term urine fast cures cancer, and just about every other condition known to man. Don't need any pharma drugs, even if they are supposedly benign such as ivm or fenben.
Wide spread adoption of this therapy would put big pharma and docs out of business. But even our side seems less than interested, I wonder why?
You're right! I'm taking ivermectin for chronic leukemia and it's working great-three blood tests in the last 6 months with lower lymphocytes each time. And a high school classmate of my sister cured his prostate cancer with fenben last year. I posted about it on the substack you mentioned.
Yes, you are right, they are. It keeps coming out in even the lame stream media press.
They are finding carcinogens etc in regular medicine. FDA EPA etc are not doing a thing. Sitting on their well paid ( because they do nothing! ) asses.
The pope is NOT a Pope, he is a demon pretending to be the Pope. That demon wants to tear down the Catholic Church and everything it stands for. As a Roman Catholic I am appalled by what hes doing, I pray he steps down or repents his sins, the list is massive. Im sorry for the rest on this list but they should have stood up for themselves and said NO thank you to the bioweapon injections.
I went to a few places this weekend where I used to go regularly before 2020 (trying to get out more!) I was surprised to see several different people who's health has visibly declined (middle-aged people, not elderly) who used to look fine.
I walk my dog on a particular pathway where I would frequently meet and speak to many old people, some of whom had dogs. A fair few have simply dropped off the radar in the past year or so. Also as I walk past a lot of houses, I notice the number of them now either empty and cleared out, or being refurbished by property flippers is staggering. It seems the cull has taken root latterly.
I also see ambulances parked outside houses on a regular basis, which was not a thing pre 2021.
I am surprised the Pope is still alive. He doesn't have two functioning lungs (a large part of one was removed when he was young) and has been sick a lot since the "flu." He could step down now that Bennie did it and showed him how. So perhaps he is like Justin Trudeau who says he will not step down because he has so much more work to do. JT is delusional if he thinks his "work" is needed or wanted by anyone in the real world. I wonder what the Pope thinks about his work?
HOPE: Breaking News! Oh wait - I see the gutter press is starting to cover these strange events.
REALITY: Orange Man Bad; Biden is as sharp as a pin. 10 reasons we need WW3. What to do if a nuclear bomb falls on your Japanese Garden. Oh look up there - a dead birdie.
Carnage. I have family members that finally are noticing all the death, but they see it primarily due to celebrity diseases and demises (minor and major celebs); but they still count the deaths of real people they know as if "it was their time". One of my neighbors has been on disability leave for a couple of years, and has lost many relatives (one, caught on a security camera inside the house: seemed to have lost the balance for a moment, sat down by the kitchen table, and rested the head on crossed arms. Was found 2 or 3 days later by a neighbor who was able to snick into the house through a basement window). He still calls his illness "long covid" but deep inside he knows he was poisoned. Sad.
Thank you, Mark, once again. When involved in daily activities, we might not encounter obvious cases of Shot Clot. We do have a readily available group in sports athletes and entertainers who were threatened with the loss of their careers and rolled up their sleeves. The drip-by-drip nature of this genocide is very cleverly done.
As to the Pope and Royals...we must become accustomed, I think, to understand the cabal has Primary Movers and everyone else. We must also become accustomed to understanding the cabal has factions who are striving to implement their own narrative. The Pope, Royals, and Bill Gates are second or third movers at best. They all could have been assured, too, that they were being given placebos. Remember, also, how the CIA and DARPA projects work: everyone is compartmentalized. No one group knows everything. I would hazard a guess that only an extremely small group of people know the "big picture." If you read carefully "The Hidden Hand" interview from 2006 or so on "Top Secret," much information was given which seems logical and fits normal human parameters. He said that children are tested extremely early; are trained in Monarch-type operations to harden them; and eventually end up working within The Family groups which are split into politics, technology, military, religion, etc. When a big event is going to happen, out of courtesy, the group orchestrating that event will give a "heads up" to other family groups who will disseminate as they deem appropriate.
Proximity to 5 G environments, to Smart meters, all should be considered in these injuries, in conjunction with the jabs or not. It seems to activate the badness, I can confirm this personally, when I got within 1/10 mile of a 5 G tower I had an episode of heart irregularity. Also, avoid synthetic vitamins, they are known to be poison. Gov trying to kill us so many ways, hard to know how to say thanks....
That's exactly what is contributing to all of these illnesses that coincide with tax injury perfectly. I agree wholeheartedly with all of that. I stopped the supplements in the volume I was doing them and felt better. I also started doing apricot seeds daily. A G. Edward Griffin book he wrote about it explains. There are so many toxic supplement cons. It's easy to test which ones are toxic if you are observant. Hedge funds going into the business of vitamins was suddenly a thing.
I remember when the supplement industry was largely taken over by big corporations. One day Health Canada was seizing supplements, the next day big companies were selling them en masse.
The sheer number of celebs becoming ill now is staggering. It is a frightening insight into what is happening with the much bigger percentage of people who have no celebrity fame.
Every time I read your articles, I feel like I am living in an alternate universe. Or rather, these people who are sick and dying, are living in an alternate universe.
I know what you mean, AnnR.
It is mind boggling. I will never understand.
I feel like I am living 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers' walking around seeing that everyone has clearly changed but when I point it out I am called crazy.
If Popes aren’t exempt from the bio-weapon shot, the cabal is even more exclusive than I thought.
Francis has had three shots, he has been fighting flu like symptoms for the last few months.
Basically everyone "famous" is a puppet of some sort.
The owners of the world have learned the lesson - keep out of the public eye.
This is the most important lesson of modern "democracies". The politicians, CEOs, Hollywood, athletes etc are all actors. They sometimes play the role of the bad guy, and sometimes they suddenly switch to the good guy.
Either way, they can be burn in effigy to satisfy the masses of slaves (NPCs) while the disgraced famous people retire to a tropical island with a pile of money.
How can you not see that yet?
Look back 10 years and tell me that Tucker Carlson (for example) is not an actor. He switched sides virtually overnight to become the good guy.
What about RFK? All his anti-war talk suddenly became full support for genocide and WWIII.
Or more recently, see all the "good guys" Republicans suddenly passing laws to criminalize criticism of a country(!) - Kristi Noem, DeSantis etc.
Too bad that most people have no free will, it would be nice to hope they can ever learn...
I would imagine that people who have a drive to be famous must be easy to control. The powers that be can harness that drive by promising them fame.
yes. Musk used to be loved by the left, msm with his planet saving tesla, now they hate him while the right loves him for freeing twitter/X. it is all theater to keep the masses divided, confused, entertained
Hegelian Dialectic
I used to tell my kids (now adults) that 95% of everything they are told or read is lies - a controlled narrative. Then after 2020 I started saying it was 99%, then 99.9%. Now I think you’re right. Everything is a lie.
Except the BIBLE! That you can depend on! It’s the truth!
Sola Scriptura
This papal cretin was urging his flock to get jabbed, so…
As was the Presbyterian Church USA. Still, now, on their website.
Condign punishment for their heresy.
Thank you so much for this, Dr. Kimber. Americans are known globally (I believe) to be hard to coerce, and largely religious, so get'em through their religion, since force won't work. Or, force will serve for the un-religious, but the religious must be gotten through religion. Since, April, I've been reading every book, in order, and every word (yes, even Numbers) of the Bible; this morning reached Psalm 129. Over and over I see that God makes clear that He is not to be messed with. In fact, 'better a millstone' comes to mind as coming penalty for those very 'faith leaders'.
Revelation 18:23.....for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries (pharmakeia) were ALL nations deceived.
Hear, hear!
And as a socialist, he's on their side. Or thought he was?
'They' are most certainly not socialists. They have, however, convinced the majority of socialists that they are on their side.
I remember reading that in the Vatican they imposed a vaxx mandate, everyone had to take the death shot ...
And that's why TPTB hate, hate, hate the unshotted so much. To think that some unwashed unshotted plebes are now just like "them" fills "them" with complete hate.
Makes them rage so much.
TPTB especially hate the Amish and anyone else in the gene transfection control group. WEF practically had an in-house brawl at their last meeting because they were so livid about this.
Fully agree. Moreover, I see the absolute irony in this use of the word--its Latin source (cuz I'm a Latinist, so) is the verb 'to choose'--(eligo, eligere, elegi, electus)--yes,, you saw that right--as in 'elect'.
How can people not tie these tragedies to the poison vax? It boggles my mind.
The Pope is 86 years old. He always looked like he was i poor health to me.
Trump is still touting his poison jabs. There is no way by now he doesn't know that he caused the death and imjury of many. Trump is not going to save us.
trump is a rabid narcissist
No. We are on our own.
Even on his deathbed, Trump's last words will glorify operation warp speed .. "So many lives we've saved, how fast we came up with these wonderful vaccines ..."
DJT has to come out and say he was pressured to get “wonderful” jabs out. We’d still be in lockdowns and masks if he didn’t. Time for him to do some explaining! He has to rectify this. Like Bibi, he did take Pfizer money.He is the only one with a chance to save USA and the world!
I'll worry about Trump apologizing when people start coming down on Biden. He's the one that mandated the damn things. Let's worry about the real criminals - Pfizer, Moderna, Fauci, Birx, Biden, the media, Big Tech (everyone in on the propaganda) 95% of Democrats that socially pressured the whole country, etc. Oh wait, yeah that will never happen. Only Republicans must be accountable for what they do. s/o
No mere mortal will save us. We need to ALL save ourselves with God's help. We are almost too far gone to bring this back. Time is getting short.
I think, as Patriots, we all need to move to stop this. But it would be nice to have a human to lead. I believe DJT was put here for this. I just feel we won’t have an election, but a civil war. Very discouraged.
I imagine that they are afraid to look. The bogeyman IS under the bed.
It is the new normal. People have short memories.
The Pope … cannot say I’m sorry. Calling Trump a fascist and giving Pelosi personal communion after the Archbishop of San Francisco shut her off … doesn’t make him much of a Catholic or Christian.
The point is not to rouse your pity. The point is to wake those who have their eyes wide shut.
AT least, he told Ukraine to wave the white flag.
Finally, something he can be proud of.
It's becoming harder than ever, bearing witness to the suffering.
Look ahead because the Cabal is continuing with other methods as we speak. Except for a few more millions of sheeple, people are done taking a needle. Next it will be a " patch " of needles. So much nicer. 🙄
Watch out and do your research they are working on plan B, C, and D.
We need to put them out of their pathological misery most importantly because if we don't, the process will not stop.
They want the hospital systems and medical insurance to collapse under the strain.
In case people do not know here, Fenbendazole and Ivermectin cure cancer. This may sound crazy but it is apparently true and big Harma has been keeping it under wraps.
Cheap, easy, no side effects like standard chemo and over the counter many places.
Check it out in the substack. Thousands of Drs are screaming this from the hill sides....sound familiar?
I just Duck Duck goed the Fenbendazole and it is huge return!!
Pretty sure the address is
A long-term urine fast cures cancer, and just about every other condition known to man. Don't need any pharma drugs, even if they are supposedly benign such as ivm or fenben.
Wide spread adoption of this therapy would put big pharma and docs out of business. But even our side seems less than interested, I wonder why?
That is a new one to me.
Quite the references!
I have been wondering what Richard Fleming MD PhD JD has been up to....
Yeah, he seems to have gone dark. Hope he's alright, I'm sure he put himself in the crosshairs with his findings.
Urine therapy has a long history and is widely used in ayurvedic medicine. Doesn't appeal to the western sensibilities however.
Maybe, given the situation we are in, we could think about dropping a sensibility or two.
Er, well not any old urine. My own, fresh. Believe it or not it tastes nice, except for say the day after a binge.
You're right! I'm taking ivermectin for chronic leukemia and it's working great-three blood tests in the last 6 months with lower lymphocytes each time. And a high school classmate of my sister cured his prostate cancer with fenben last year. I posted about it on the substack you mentioned.
Yes, you are right, they are. It keeps coming out in even the lame stream media press.
They are finding carcinogens etc in regular medicine. FDA EPA etc are not doing a thing. Sitting on their well paid ( because they do nothing! ) asses.
Great point. It is imperative to look at everything through the psyop lens, then assess probabilities before embracing anything - or anybody.
Darn that climate change 🥴
The pope is NOT a Pope, he is a demon pretending to be the Pope. That demon wants to tear down the Catholic Church and everything it stands for. As a Roman Catholic I am appalled by what hes doing, I pray he steps down or repents his sins, the list is massive. Im sorry for the rest on this list but they should have stood up for themselves and said NO thank you to the bioweapon injections.
Yep. Wonder why they wouldn't release it in 1950 like they were supposed to...
1960. Typo!
Yeah, great book! Helps one understand the world we live in.
I went to a few places this weekend where I used to go regularly before 2020 (trying to get out more!) I was surprised to see several different people who's health has visibly declined (middle-aged people, not elderly) who used to look fine.
I walk my dog on a particular pathway where I would frequently meet and speak to many old people, some of whom had dogs. A fair few have simply dropped off the radar in the past year or so. Also as I walk past a lot of houses, I notice the number of them now either empty and cleared out, or being refurbished by property flippers is staggering. It seems the cull has taken root latterly.
I also see ambulances parked outside houses on a regular basis, which was not a thing pre 2021.
**Not my pope**
I am surprised the Pope is still alive. He doesn't have two functioning lungs (a large part of one was removed when he was young) and has been sick a lot since the "flu." He could step down now that Bennie did it and showed him how. So perhaps he is like Justin Trudeau who says he will not step down because he has so much more work to do. JT is delusional if he thinks his "work" is needed or wanted by anyone in the real world. I wonder what the Pope thinks about his work?
Same, since Satan is both their bosses. And that is from a Catholic.
HOPE: Breaking News! Oh wait - I see the gutter press is starting to cover these strange events.
REALITY: Orange Man Bad; Biden is as sharp as a pin. 10 reasons we need WW3. What to do if a nuclear bomb falls on your Japanese Garden. Oh look up there - a dead birdie.
Will be so sorry to see Pope Lucifer Clovenhoof pass away.
Carnage. I have family members that finally are noticing all the death, but they see it primarily due to celebrity diseases and demises (minor and major celebs); but they still count the deaths of real people they know as if "it was their time". One of my neighbors has been on disability leave for a couple of years, and has lost many relatives (one, caught on a security camera inside the house: seemed to have lost the balance for a moment, sat down by the kitchen table, and rested the head on crossed arms. Was found 2 or 3 days later by a neighbor who was able to snick into the house through a basement window). He still calls his illness "long covid" but deep inside he knows he was poisoned. Sad.
Thank you, Mark, once again. When involved in daily activities, we might not encounter obvious cases of Shot Clot. We do have a readily available group in sports athletes and entertainers who were threatened with the loss of their careers and rolled up their sleeves. The drip-by-drip nature of this genocide is very cleverly done.
As to the Pope and Royals...we must become accustomed, I think, to understand the cabal has Primary Movers and everyone else. We must also become accustomed to understanding the cabal has factions who are striving to implement their own narrative. The Pope, Royals, and Bill Gates are second or third movers at best. They all could have been assured, too, that they were being given placebos. Remember, also, how the CIA and DARPA projects work: everyone is compartmentalized. No one group knows everything. I would hazard a guess that only an extremely small group of people know the "big picture." If you read carefully "The Hidden Hand" interview from 2006 or so on "Top Secret," much information was given which seems logical and fits normal human parameters. He said that children are tested extremely early; are trained in Monarch-type operations to harden them; and eventually end up working within The Family groups which are split into politics, technology, military, religion, etc. When a big event is going to happen, out of courtesy, the group orchestrating that event will give a "heads up" to other family groups who will disseminate as they deem appropriate.
Proximity to 5 G environments, to Smart meters, all should be considered in these injuries, in conjunction with the jabs or not. It seems to activate the badness, I can confirm this personally, when I got within 1/10 mile of a 5 G tower I had an episode of heart irregularity. Also, avoid synthetic vitamins, they are known to be poison. Gov trying to kill us so many ways, hard to know how to say thanks....
That's exactly what is contributing to all of these illnesses that coincide with tax injury perfectly. I agree wholeheartedly with all of that. I stopped the supplements in the volume I was doing them and felt better. I also started doing apricot seeds daily. A G. Edward Griffin book he wrote about it explains. There are so many toxic supplement cons. It's easy to test which ones are toxic if you are observant. Hedge funds going into the business of vitamins was suddenly a thing.
I remember when the supplement industry was largely taken over by big corporations. One day Health Canada was seizing supplements, the next day big companies were selling them en masse.
The sheer number of celebs becoming ill now is staggering. It is a frightening insight into what is happening with the much bigger percentage of people who have no celebrity fame.