"Would you have dinner on Christmas Eve with someone, even a family member, who you know hasn't had the vaccine?"

Just today a friend told me that she would like to come out of hiding, but too many of her family members aren’t vaccinated. How after getting 7 jabs and still getting Covid anyway can anyone believe that the jabs offer any protection?

Lol…I’d love to ask Helena if she goes out to eat does she wear a mask while walking to her table, but then takes an off when she eats and thinks she is protected from the Rona? How anyone can follow that logic is beyond me.

Thanks for these series, Mark. They always make my day.

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Had or have the same mate. My Father and Sister pushing the jab and even the mask still; youcan not comprehend the stupidity.. especially since both PLUS my sister's kids and husband have been ill (quite seriously) since the jab.

3 things

1. You may not like this, but I had to make peace with myself in a way of saying F-them, they have made their choice ... PLUS AND AFTER I have screamed at them for years... and sent them all info.

2. The NHS killed my Mum last year on their "good death" or "end of life plan" ... and I told the above (Dad and Sister) EXACTLY what would happen and they mocked me as a conspiracy theorist... they still do get it. Dad and sister =7jabs as well in the UK.

3. Even between Dad and Sister (was Mum and Dad back then).. x-mas dinner was passed through door and even in freezing temps, my sister'sfamily ate outside...... YOU CAN NOT MAKE THIS SHIT UP and yes it is 100%factual.

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Amazing how closed their minds are to the truth. But I remember how much we were bombarded with military grade fear porn during the epidemic. I actually fell for it at first because I thought there was no way the PTB would close the economy. It wasn’t till the jabs came out and the pressure for everyone to get jabbed was something that had no long term studies. That’s what I saw through the propaganda. But if I and others finally saw the truth why didn’t everyone?

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I think we are past simple denial now, more a case of not being able to handle and cope with the reality.

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So true... I have found that many of them cannot deal with anything that contradicts their brainwashing/programming. (Not just about the shots) Check out Tucker's interview with Dr. Michael Nehls, if you haven't seen it yet. The one on Tucker's site is behind a paywall, but it can be found on Bitchute.

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What a burden to carry Make peace with yourself is right, I’m so very sorry. There is no understanding; of the deliberately blind….I think the next year or two will be difficult for all of us

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Till me Bob-Enough were they fearful all there lives?

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Absolutely terrified.

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I am sorry but this is why this plandemic and other things still go on, many people are afraid.

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No need to be sorry as I know.

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Yes, at this point, you have to say F'em, for your own sanity.

If they haven't figured it out by now, they will likely die before they do.

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They will die and never have realised. You will be still suffering from their stupidity.

They sort of get an easy out.

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Ignorance is bliss... lol

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Fear prevents people from all development!

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Is it just me or does it seem like the volume of this is going up every day? Does it have anything to do with passing the of the 3 year anniversary of the beginning of the mass vaccine of everyone?

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The excess death rates in various countries appear to be rising year on year since the rollout.

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The rat study. I think all the rats were dead or close to death within 18 months. If you take that same timeline for a human lifespan, you’re looking at 3 to 5 years from injection to death or close to death… so yes now that the 3 year mark is here, the numbers will go up exponentially.

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You are correct.... the real dying is just beginning.

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Saw someone in the park yesterday whom I hadn't seen since Christmas.

What a decline in her. Skinny as and couldn't hold a conversation.

She was all go for the vax earlier.

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My roomate is getting thinner, early signs of cancer. He took the shot in 2021….

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Yes I

think that is it.

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We are moving up the bell curve of death....

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This is too fucking much!

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Agreed. Fake pope

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...and dangerous because he is captured and follows WHO and WEF......

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Evil fake pope.

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A Jesuit Pope is forbidden.

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The papacy>Revelation 13:1-10

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Virologist Dr. Gert Vandeen Boschee, who warned no to give “vaccs” during a Plandemic, says we’re going to have a huge wave of sicknesses from those jabbed. Really frightening. I don’t have the article anymore. Hopefully you can find it!

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I remain concerned about shedding. Though I have done a series of 10 EDTA+Vit C chelation treatments, my BP is unusually elevated. I have no dark field microscopy technicians in my area who could tell me what synthetic/unwanted material might be clogging up my arteries. The sicknesses could extend to the unvaxxed, as well, though perhaps not as bad, but worse than they should be. Just my thoughts.

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Shedding is a psyop to fear monger pure bloods. The amount of spike in the actual shots is a different universe compared to what might get passed around in the air from shedding. If shedding was a genuine risk, everyone that took the shots would already be dead.

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According to Naomi Wolf's research team, reviewing Pfizer docs, there are many documented vaxx effects due to shedding, i.e., proximity to those who got the injection. Tie this into DOD/Gates research into aerial vaccination (e.g., through airport ventilation), and I think it would be prudent to assume the risk of exposure to vaxx damage (spike proteins, modified genetic material, or whatever) is greater than zero. Not that I willing to avoid Costco, but I would reject a mate who had been vaxxed. Too much risk in the latter, imo.

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Exactly. I chose not to worry about it. It very well could be a planned part of the psyop. I live a very full life with travel, family stuff, and I’m very healthy still. Hiding and worrying about shedding. How is that any different from the hiding jabbed up woman above.

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You might want to read Dr. Pierre Kory

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I remember an odd NPR show about how they were inoculating bats and placing them in caves to spread the inoculation to other bats. This was in 2019. I do think there is shedding and have absolutely experienced it but as soon as you feel anything take the very things Makis and others are talking about. I don't think it is as powerful as people may worry about though. Make sure your Vit. D levels are good.

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Good grief. Odd is right It’s been years since I’ve listened to NPR. I’ve forgotten about them And isn’t it strange how we hear news differently now ?

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Nope. Personal experience. Suddenly big bruises in 2021, ie internal bleedings, and sensory disturbances in the skin (nerve damage). My friend, a zone therapist, gets nosebleeds and rashers all over from vaxxed people. Many people react to this in serious ways, but fortunately, it seems, many do not. And thank God for that!

So I'm wondering if it's you who is the psy-op? But I prefer to refrain from such accusations as they divide and hurt people. Labeling people like me and many others as liars, or 'it's all in your head'. And where have we heard THAT before?

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Prudent avoidance is part of the precautionary principle. I've pretty much thrown that to the wind being employed as a public school teacher with my employer pushing the vaxx so heavily on students and families. I haven't gone back to review the many articles and interviews by Naomi Wolf, but I think a real big tell in the trove of Pfizer docs her team is sifting through is how in Pfizer's own trials they considered someone with close proximity to a vaxxed subject was also vaxxed (or certainly no longer part of the control group of unexposed to the product under study) themselves.

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Agreed. Prof. Herve Seligmann and Pierre Kory have also both stated that all cause mortality in children (in Europe, I think) went up when the adults started to get injected. And then leveled out again. There are many serious examples.

But not much else to do but have faith (in whatever) and 'keep calm & carry on' - along with as many precautionary and strengthening measures as possible. Those kids need someone like you.

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There is absolutely something that a person can do. My family is taking preventative Iver***tin 2x a week . Can order pills online outside the U.S. or we also have the kind used for equine with no ill effects. Check out the FLCCC's website (Frontline Covid Critical Care Alliance) for info on shedding & prevention

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I’m sure shedding exists. But my 40-50 unjabbed friends are all very healthy. Even the ones having regular sex with jabbed partners.

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I'm genuinely happy to hear that. I wasn't that lucky, but also very sensitive.

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Shedding is real. I have had some experience of it before I realised what was going on. Only things like headaches getting into a car with jabbees and nothing of late since the jabbing spree has reduced.

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Yes, I get really bad headaches, just from walking by someone who is freshly, heavily vaxxed. The lady who cuts my hair is jabbed, and after a haircut, I had a headache for several hours, even after coming home, taking a shower and changing clothes.

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Ventilation is helpful. I can tell with most folks because their skin becomes crusty and translucent. There is a general decease in light transmission. But not all vaxxed present that way.

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What was surprising was that it happened while I was walking past a crowd outside of a restaurant once... It was during prom or graduation, so maybe they were all jabbed.

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Maybe, maybe not.

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What about EMFs? You might want to minimize your exposure to that, as well... if you haven't already.

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Look up fx Dr Makis recommendations, if you have not already. Take care ❤️

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Yes, I visualize it rolling in ahead, quietly, likely over next months, as the disastrous tsunami in Asia years ago. And it occurred to me that because some accident notices are just a few in afternoon drive time, and many more are mourned as having died in their sleep, also with those who don’t follow athletic tragedies lots of the shock is never noticed, all the under ocean as they say. ~~~Then finally the big waves come in, unstoppable, crushing everything in their path…..when resistant and stubborn family members, friends finally break down and are willing to read some of these stories…….so sorry you wouldn’t listen to me…..

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That’s what virologist Gerry Vanden Bosch (sp.) has predicted! It’s going to be a mess of vaccinated getting covid , which will over run hospitals. He believes the whole system will break down.

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In my post JN666 there are all the links to Geert's theories and more https://open.substack.com/pub/lawrencebutts/p/jn666?r=gjogf&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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I’d like to print this, but can’t find usual prompts. Thank you!

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Just this morning I caught up with Tucker’s recent interview with Santiago Pliago, in his belief that there is now a new “vibe shift” in world population now beginning to understand, eyes wide open to the deceits and medical fraud. Very refreshing Hope ahead

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I think Pilago is mostly smoking hopium. Watch the bigger movements: Redacted's coverage of the Baltimore Bridge being a cyber attack; the obviously coordinated attacks on our food and energy sectors. The unnatural immigration flows into the USA. This is 21st century warfare. We appear to be losing.

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Waking up is great, but when are we going to do something about it? How do we do something about it other than gripe and cry w/each other? We have creative minds, how/why is it so hard to get people to unite, they do it easy peasy, we don't. Can't even get them to turn off the cable. Something you don't even have to leave the house to do, and it saves money.

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Uncle. As in I give up on hopefulness, they really are managing to kill or maim a significant portion of the population. Those who planned it must be so elated, they are blind to the ramifications to their own future.

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With all this I am wondering how much “the spouse” knows, I wonder how many spouses have to choose to keep quiet? I wonder whether spouse is more distressed because they are now seeing a pattern and can’t say anythin~~~Reading all these comments and contributions I m feeling as though we are all on the sidewalk waiting for our bus, where we can all catch up before dropping off at our daily stop. We trust each other, we can save seats for each other and arrange to take the late bus home too, because we heard more news today.~~~ It’s good to board the bus on this block here and catch up before the day starts~~~and as far as I know, there aren’t any recording devices on this route, that I know of. ;-) But maybe check under your seats and also around the ceiling. ;-).

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It’s the 3 year anniversary of my wife’s best friends death. 6 days after her first shot. A now good friend of mine wrote about her death and the hot lot issue for The Epoch Times. This is a non paywalled version of the story. EN6201 is over 250 reported deaths. There were roughly 2,000,000 shots in that lot. We know from the data Aaron Siri got through a FOIA request. Probably just 250 coincidences tho!


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And no one who refused I have observed is sick.

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A couple got mild "covid" but recovered fine. I've never had it.

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When will this end?! I lose three friends from my former workplace that closed even since the “Covid Vaccine” rolled out. It’s still very sad…

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OMG, so very sorry….like being on a high hill, shouting into a blustery gale, who can hear you whuie they are standing near the cliffs

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Matthew 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

Revelation 14:6-12

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Didn't the prophets of old give testimony to uncomfortable truths? I think the same can be said of Prophet MC Miller. May our nation repent of itself and atone.

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Bruce Willis Developed Aphasia After Being Vaccinated: Aphasia is a Language Disorder.


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How awful….Mom had Alzheimer’s in her last years. Afterwards, I came across a letter she had written, only first page to a long family friend, saying how had she was struggling, realizing that words and memories were not coming to her, and how distressing not to be able to express herself. She was a lifetime letter writer and I know this was painful to share. But she could sing hymns with Dad, just had her own language garble in speech.

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So sorry. Father had dementia (vastly worse after a booster, dead 5 months later). MIL had it also (but before covid). It is a sad and debilitating affliction.

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I read of course about Bruce Willis's aphasia, but there were no public records showing that he was vaxxed according to the report I read. Of course I believe it highly likely that he was and that it was causative. Is there any trail on social media or otherwise that shows he was vaxxed, or calling on others to get it?

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Aphasia increased 6,808% in 2021, cases of palsy, primarily Bell’s palsy (facial paralysis), increased 3,614% in 2021, cases of encephalopathy (disease of the brain) increased 3,128% in 2021, and cases of strokes, primarily ischaemic strokes (blood clots in the brain), increased by an incredible 101,863% following COVID-19 vaccines in 2021.


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Searched around and found:

Bruce Willis Developed Aphasia After Being Vaccinated


Don't know if it is true, but here is another one: Bruce Willis - Permanently disabled after Blood Clot caused Stroke following his 4th COVID Vaccine!


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The Rumble link shows some direct evidence he was vaxxed, unwillingly, though it says he got 4 shots. He was one of the celebrities I respected more than most of the others. Very sad news for him and his family.

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I am right there with you. I love Bruce Willis.

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Distressing for me to read these accounts as they echo personal stories. I had a very good friend who had been diagnosed with a benign brain tumor a decade ago. She had surgery, received chemo and radiation and had a good prognosis for several years. She never stopped going to doctors and they of course told her to get the vaccines. In June she was having difficulty walking. She fell down numerous times as her entire left side was becoming numb and or swollen. She was hospitalized in November where she was of course told she had Covid, despite three vaccines, and released into hospice--denied all treatment and died in January. At the same time, my father-in-law was treated for very mild Covid in the hospital after receiving four or five vaccines. He was then given Remedisivir and he also died of kidney failure in January. Neither of these deaths will be counted or valued as casualties.

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Maybe a day will come when we can make their deaths become valued and counted as casualties. We cannot allow our loved ones to be dismissed. I am sorry for your losses.

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I watch my double vaxxed mom get worse by the month. She will absolutely not consider opinions outside of MSNBC/CIA talking points. She has strange rashes and heart irregularities that were absent her first 78 years. So sad. Lots of her associates have died suddenly or had fatal turbo cancers. She knows, but prefers to live in denial.

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It's both hard and weird. I am sorry.

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Computer security expert Ross Anderson died suddenly March 28, two days after the Frances Scott Key bridge collapsed after being hit by a container ship amid suspicions of it being hacked.

Unsafe at Any Feed

Anderson's rule proves true...


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Cyber attack. Here is Clayton Morris' coverage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCNI2PMe_mg

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no wonder people are dying so many years or months after injection...

research now shows the spike is in the body at least 245 DAYS post-jab! https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/long-vax-bombshell-spike-protein

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Yikes. “We promise, No, it never leaves your arm….right.”

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I want to comment on Pope Francis and then answer "sam".

It was good to read and I hope he - Pope Francis ... dies and rots in hell, as he is evil personified.

I have been in the masses at the vatican for the last 4 Popes and JP II was the only one that had goodness in him.

PS I am not even a bible basher or Catholic.

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