Jackass Colbert is my favorite. How many people did he convince to inject the bio-weapon? Maybe his brain will burst next? He deserves everything he is getting from the “injection”. How are those dancing needles now bitch boy? Need a booster? I think he needs a booster.

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you make me laugh, Lawrence! :-)

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Good - laughter is the best medicine for most anything. I bet Jackass Corbett is not laughing much right now. And when he sees that watermelon sized tumor growing on his neck, the joke is really going to be on him. Laugh it up needle dick. How about you coffin shopping? It’s safe and effective… repeat after me…it’s safe and effective.

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My husband says not to be like them. It's hard to have sympathy when they wanted the unvaxxed to outright die, be put into camps, and/or be forced to be vaxxed.

Ok. God says hate the sin not the sinner. The best I can do is probably indifference.

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With all due respect, your husband can go f**k himself and his opinions about the f**ktards committing genocide...

Adam Smith said it best:

Mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent

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Great quote!

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Nov 28, 2023
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To misquote Lily Tomlin “I try to not feel shadenfreude but it’s hard to keep up.”

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Shadenfreude, closely related to “sorry, not sorry” ,or better yet “Karma’s a bitch!”.

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Schadenfreude is finding pleasure in other people's pain.

It has nothing to do with your personal definitions.

And click the spell check button. And have "fun" with schadenfreude.

While you can. We are all infected with this crap. Catch up.

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But acknowledging it's not a desirable attribute is a good thing...........no?

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Schadenfreude is one of the grossest responses known to humanity, so, no, it's nothing to participate in. It's like coming to enjoy eating rotten putrid food.

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Nov 28, 2023
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He may have gotten a good deal on Black Friday😅

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I use to like watermelon.

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You and me both.

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he needs more adverse effects

Perhaps then he can turn the world against big pharma

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I still get the cringe when I think about the time my sister quoted something Colbert said about getting vaxx'd. I don't even remember the quote, I just remember picking my jaw up off the floor after I realized she was serious in taking his words to heart. He influenced far more than we will ever know, and I despise him for it.

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I do too…anyone who promoted, recommended, forced, mandated, or injected is guilty of crimes against humanity. There is no middle ground here. I seriously don’t know if we have an enough rope to hang all these criminals. We just have to hope they all got the injections. Those who didn’t need to be brought to justice.

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Rope can be reused.

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So...Stephen Colbert is responsible for the decisions your sister and other people make?

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Yes, he influenced them w/his propaganda.

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When people who someone likes and trusts do skits (on TV) to promote the bio-weapon while making fun and demonizing everyone who resists the injections, you have a powerful propagandist molding the minds and the opinions of people in a powerful way. Jackass Colbert has blood on his hands.

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Yet you (I assume...) haven't succumbed to the propaganda.

So are the people who chose the opposite of what you chose because they were influenced by a talk show host like little children? Incapable of thinking for themselves and in need of protection from talk show hosts?

You find Stephen Colbert powerful?

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So, the people who were influenced by the propaganda of a talk show host need protection from him? They are vulnerable and incapable of making their own decisions due to the influences of a talk show host?

Which makes the talk show host responsible for their decisions? Because they are like easily influenced little children?

Or is it possible people need to grow up and take responsibility for their own decisions?

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Is it possible you are a trolling asshole?

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Is it possible you can think of no answers to the questions I pose because the answers would be ridiculous?

So...the only shelter you can find is to name call. Thanks for letting me know. I see you more clearly now.

If anyone based their medical decisions on what a comedian who is a talk show host told them to do, I feel only pity.

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Fingers crossed

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What if it was a naturally occurring burst Appendix? Me thinks he's an insider and he never took the real jab given his closeness to Dr. Fauci Hitler.

What i think he needs is a real shot. He won't last 2wks.

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Right... with someone who says he is 3 injections in and has already been out of doing his show 2 times because of a Covid injection? VAERS is full of problems with the appendix of vaccinated. He is injected and headed for a box with a really good lid.

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I keep thinking about Dekalog 1. Okay, sure, he was no doubt handsomely rumunerated to shill the product. But he's clearly a true believer as well.

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Nov 28, 2023
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Its a self correcting problem. Lets hope this problem does not cause another "virus" that will make the past covid actions lool like childs play.

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Cher...wouldn't get vaccinated while Trump is in office but will line up right away if Joe is in office. WTF. So these celebrities all went to get vaxxed purely for political reasons...is that one explanation? With respect to a thinking process, can anything be more moronic than that?

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Think the phrase you want Mark, is "dumb as shit". 🤔

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Cement head!

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Yes... that was the narrative at the time. Nobody could trust Trump's vaccine until Biden said it was ok.... but lied. Actually Trump lied too and was pushing the bio-weapon even when the warnings were well-known

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I remember that idiotic wench Kamala Harris said the same thing. As if the "vaccine" was concocted by Trump. She is a total moron along with the money-worshipping celebrity trash.

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Mark - Quite the misplaced priorities - maybe some have drug-affected brains?

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Hopefully these "celebrities" will all enjoy the many rewards that vaccination gives them.

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There are lots of morons in Hollywood...

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Both Biden and Kamala said that they wouldn’t take the vaccine when Trump was president because there wasn’t not enough time to test it for safety. Lots of the dem base said the same thing and yet right after Biden became president everyone lined up for it.

Golly….this close and then they all forgot what they said 2 months ago. Seriously how do people’s brains work that way?

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She was also hysterically demonizing the unvaccinated on her twitter stream I am told. Sad stuff.

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Controlled minions is more like it.

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Sadly, I think this is what the real controllers—whoever they are—want from us. Endless division driven by hyper emotional (preferably rage-centric) decision-making.

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As well as, hyper emotional (preferably rage-centric) commenting.

(not directed at you)

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To answer your last question, trusting government and/or known liars/criminals. (Pfizer, for example, paid the biggest fine in US history, yet is still a company and their owners and executives are still walking around free.)

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The Pope wiped out all credibility with that one line, as far as I am concerned. He had a meeting with Pfizer executives and then said do it out of love. Whose bitch is he?

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Whose bitch is he? Ultimately, "the Rothschilds"...🤔

Oh, and "the Rockefellers" too I suppose..

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From what I heard..read I guess 4 or 5 years ago from a catholic publication in the US, said pope Francis was installed and pope benediction forced out by Hillary and Obama

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Wouldn't have believed Hitlery and Obombya would have that kind of pull outside of the US.. OTOH their handlers next level up, certainly would... 🤔

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It appears he’s more Satans friend than foe!

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The fact that this strategy exists is pretty much all you need to know that a con-job has been afoot. What amazed me is how many people suddenly became experts on something they actually knew nothing about and probably had never even thought about until everything was planted in their skull.

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Thank you, AJ#2, for this link. Very useful.

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One of the interesting things to come out of observing the Pope is that some of the things he has said and done are sensible...others purely destructive. I therefore wonder if he is captive to his own dissonance, confused, or being manipulated into doing something that looks positive from one side but when combined with other things becomes a way of exploiting and ultimately destroying the institution he is supposed to be leading.

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He's destroying the Church from within. The only saving grace is he is OLD. He will die soon and the Church will recover.

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Revelation 13:2......and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority

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Nov 28, 2023
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The blatantly obvious does not need investigating Stephen.

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Colbert was dead to me after the skit with the dancing vaxx needles. I don't think I have ever seen anything more disgusting.

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Kimmel was a close second with “RIP wheezy”. Such a bunch of arrogant d bags with no humility and black hearts.

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Took the words out of my mouth.

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here's the sad fact around chemo and all other cancer "treatments" promoted by" Mainstream Medicine" when they state these "treatments" have a 74% cure rate. they are NOT saying 74% of people will survive. This means it will work for up to 3 years. After that the death rate is HIGH. Yet they claim there are high cure rates which is a profound lie. I will never do chemo or radiation. Speaking as a retired chronic care and hospice medical professional.

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They also claim success if someone dies of the treatments but is cancer free at time of death and add that to their little accounting books. It's all pure poison and a shell game.

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Nov 28, 2023
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Raw food. Coffee enemas when the herxheimer reactions are bad. Food grade diatomaceous earth, activated charcoal. Shilajit!!! One time my skin rash hurt so bad i didn't think I'd be able to sleep all night, put some wet shilajit on it and it stopped hurting immediately. Mostly just cutting out junk food and fasting though. 2 day dry fast made my cervix stop hurting after hurting really bad for a year

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if you told anyone this they would call you crazy. If I ever have to deal with it Ive got at least 10 treatment protocols that I will follow.

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Like Joe Tippons protocol!

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Me too. I will die of the cancer swiftly before I am tortured and bankrupt by the cancer industrial complex.

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5 miserable years.

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These celebrities truly live on another planet.

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Cher is the dumbest twat Ive ever seen, as for Colbert, h'es a dumb twat too, the fake pope is getting payback from God I pray. As for the rest of them in this post, dumb and dumber.

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Don't know if the "Pope" is getting payback from God (I don't think God operates that way), BUT - God does let us suffer the consequences of our decisions - good and bad.

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Yes, thats what I meant. Im Catholic and what hes doing to our church and our faith is straight up demonic.

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From Hustler Magazine of all places. It's worth the read:


"𝗣𝗼𝗽𝗲 𝗙𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗶𝘀 - 𝗔𝘀𝘀𝗵𝗼𝗹𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗠𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗵"

With the mainstream media hailing the new pope as a cuddly, squeaky-clean messiah for the shamed and shit-stained Catholic Church, it looks like it’s up to HUSTLER—and a few diligent historians—to do the journalistic dirty work. Formerly known as Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio from Argentina, the new human hotline to heaven may have dropped his old moniker, but he still has some serious historical baggage. The closer you look, the more this papal savior resembles Pontius Pilate.

During his country’s military dictatorship and its “Dirty War” of the 1970s, when scores of resisters were killed or disappeared, Bergoglio honed his reputation as a guy who would gladly bend over for any junta that came along. After all, complying with dictatorships and fascism is a deep-seated tradition in the Catholic Church.

As local head of the Jesuit order at the time, Bergoglio stripped two priests— Orlando Yorio and Francisco Jalics—of their official functions, withdrawing the protections provided by the church. The priests were involved in helping the poor, an activity that smelled to the junta’s jackboots a lot like Peron ism. Anything Juan Perón and his wife Eva fought for—like democracy, trade unions and care for the underprivileged—was a scourge to the new regime. How dare Jesuit priests follow their vow of charity when they should be rimjobbing the new Butchers of Buenos Aires?

No sooner had Bergoglio made the priests unfair game than they were grabbed by paramilitary thugs and delivered to the torture chambers of the notorious detention camp Escuela Mecánica de la Armada, or ESMA. Later, when people started asking questions, the priests turned up drugged and naked in a field outside Buenos Aires. Yorio later testified that “Bergoglio never warned us. It was him who provided our names to the military.” The future pontiff, they charged, even lied to the priests’ families about their fate.

As if that weren’t disturbing enough, Bergoglio dutifully looked the other way while newborn babies were stolen from detainees and given to regime-friendly families. He claimed he didn’t know it was going on, but witnesses under oath swore otherwise.

Bergoglio has consistently invoked privilege and dodged questions about his complicity with the deadly regime that ruled Argentina until 1983. The Catholic Church, of course, denigrates the accusations as the usual anticlerical attacks. Anybody see a pattern here? People accuse the Catholic Church of disgusting deeds; the church denies everything; then it all turns out to be true.

The unsurprising revelations that the Catholic Church turns out to be rife with proven pedophile perverts is by far the Vatican’s biggest bummer these days. It tends to put a damper on parents handing their sons over for altar-boy duty when the job likely involves sucking off Father O’Diddley.

Witness the Grassi affair. Father Julio César Grassi was a priest in Buenos Aires who founded a charity called Happy Children. Creepy already, right? Turns out, the charity was his personal groping pen. Bergoglio and Grassi were bosom buddies, so the future pope vouched for him even though Grassi was a convicted child molester!

Pope Francis, whose name supposedly comes from St. Francis of Assisi (we suspect it was actually borrowed from Francis the Talking Mule) is obviously the clean-up guy whose job is to sweep the whole nasty childrape chapter under the chapel carpet. In full bury-the-bodies mode, the Vatican is loudly proclaiming that “what is important is what the Holy Father does now.”

What Bergoglio promptly did upon nailing the papacy was to get in some prayer time at the basilica where Cardinal Bernard Law happens to reside. Law is the arch – bishop emeritus of Boston, who fled to Rome ten years ago when his shitty practice of protecting child molesting priests hit the big fan. The archdiocese left behind by Dirty Uncle Bernie has since paid out over $100 million in settlements to victims.

Francis, of course, gave the old prick a big papal hug, something advocates for survivors of priestly abuse called “extraordinarily hurtful.” Sure, but ain’t that a Catholic Church specialty? First Grassi, now Law. Makes you wonder just how many pervert pals the freshman pope has.

Despite the humanitarian hype around Francis, his cultural attitudes are still stuck in the days of the Inquisition. When Argentina’s president pushed for a gay-marriage bill, Francis bayed that it was “a destructive attack on God’s plan” and “the devil’s work.” As for the pro-choice movement, it’s an insidious “culture of death.” Let’s be honest. Francis the Mule would never have become pope if he had any intention of rattling the church’s entrenched dogma about women, gays or anything involving penises entering anything (other than children).

Some pope-watchers do, however, speculate that Francis could soften up one bit of traditionally Viagra-hard dogma, namely the church’s old condom phobia—probably under pressure from the mass of fornicating padres. He’s even said the celibacy rule isn’t a matter of faith and “can change.” Time to bust out the blessed ultra-thins!

Ultimately, whatever good Francis might do, he is still the head of the world’s most relentlessly evil institution. The Catholic Church’s extended, Satanic history of corruption, torture, greed and perversity has caused so much misery and harm, it’s going to take more than one old coot in slippers to turn it around. The only pope we’d hail would be the last one. So our appeal to Pope Francis is this: Admit to the world that catholicism was a sick prank that’s gone on way too long and just shut the whole thing down. Sure, you’ll go to hell, but admit it: You were on your way there anyway.

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Ugh! Thanks for posting this. I knew some of this, but not the gory details. I grew up Catholic, but turned my back on the church after the pope said that even if a man was hiv positive he still couldn’t wear a condome leaving the women and children open to a life of hell. This was just after watching my brother die a very gruesome death.

I wonder how many catholics he convinced to get jabbed even though they were made from aborted babies cells? What a damn hypocrite. Awe well I’ll leave it for gawd to deal with him. Infallible my ass.

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The immortal words of Bertrand Russell come to mind: "Most people would sooner die than think. In fact, they do." If I recall aright Jewish author Max Dimant in his "Jews, God and History" remarked that (tragically) one of the ideas the church inherited from the Greeks is that of Oriental Despotism; the central problem with all religions is of course they absolve the believer of "Personal Responsibility" -- as I finally discovered to my great cost in 2014 at the tender age of 55. Since the Covid Fraudemic got underway in March 2020 I've attempted to pick up my own version of Christianity -- The Church of England -- only to be tossed into the hands of my enemies November 2021 by the Bishop of British Columbia, Anna Greenwood-Lee when she issued a pastoral letter in support of the monumental bastards running this province; let me add I've additional huge issues with their "Woke" posture:


Meanwhile I also got to watch my brother die a slow horrible death courtesy of Tony Fraudci. The bitter truth is, ever since Christianity was coopted by Emperor Constantine beginning in 312 AD the Church has only ever been the servant of the Rich and Powerful. Couple of books on the reality of it for you: "Vicars of Christ" by Peter Derosa and "Hitler's Pope" by John Cornwell -- even if he was forced to recant it.

Best advice I can give you, study the life and writings of Dietrich Boenhoffer as I am starting to do.. but even so, like it or not, your first responsibility must be to yourself. Never forget this.

PS If it's any comfort to you, HIV -- if it even exists -- is a harmless virus; AIDs was just another one of Fauci's murderous frauds. Have a look at "The Real Anthony Fauci" by RFKjr. I suspect your brother, like mine, wasn't killed by "AIDS" ... he was killed by "AZT" ... 😥 It's very very difficult to understand someone like Fauci could be a living, breathing, human being, and yet be so abominably evil.

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I'm very sorry you had to watch your brother die that way. There is something evil in the eyes of this pope and all of the big philanthropaths/ globalists---just a sinister soulless glazed darkness. I will look into Boenhoffer, thanks.

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Amen to this!

"It's very very difficult to understand someone like Fauci could be a living, breathing, human being, and yet be so abominably evil."

He should have been brought up on charges after he pushed AZT and if he had been he wouldn’t have been able to push remdisiver on people. There is enough catholic left in me that hopes that he roasts in hell.

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Yeah...let's all listen to Larry Flint. Now there's a wonderful man and great role model for the kiddies.

Did you know Larry Flint had a huge bronze statue of a chicken made and "erected" in his home town with the inscription, "My First True Love." He tells the story of his "love" for the chicken as a youngster. Look it up. Or better yet, take the grandkids on a fieldtrip and do selfies in front of the chicken.

You can find any of this information about the current pope in hundreds if not thousands of places, but I guess Hustler is your goto. I see.

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Oh I know Larry Flint was an asshole and Hustler is disgusting. That's not the point. Besides, I don't actually think Larry wrote it... 🤔

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Nov 28, 2023Edited
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As my departed sister liked to say of such people: "He swings both ways: Men and boys."

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It's the same thing. As you sow, so shall you reap. It's called karma in other areas of the world. Nobody actually gets away with anything. That's completely false.

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When I hear a "woman" calling other women such gross ugly words I think, yikes! That's sick.

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Yep a woman I know had her appendix burst while waiting in the emergency room in San Diego…apparently a 5 hour wait there is normal. She’s been back to the emergency room 5 times since. The doctors have now concluded that she is still in severe pain because she eats an extremely healthy diet. She has been directed by the “medical professionals” to eat canned fruits and veggies now. She’s super vaxxed and all in with her hubs and two kids. 🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ It’s a shame, she’s a really fabulous lady.

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Sign on the emergency room wall:

"Sorry for the long-wait, but we have many "refugees" that need assistance".

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She “eats an extremely unhealthy diet”, so they want her to eat a “healthy” diet of CANNED fruits and vegetables?!!? Her unhealthy diet must have been grilled meats and fresh veggies, then!

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My older brother had his inflamed appendix removed in the fall of 2021. Knowing that he had been vaxxed, I checked the list of side effects and mentioned to him that appendicitis was a common one with vaccination. He said he knew it wasn't caused by that because it didn't happen until 4 months after he got the shots. So I just said yeah, okay.

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A vaxxed cousin-in-law had his appendix removed a month ago; a lot later than your brother.

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Don't put the blame on him,blame the "experts" that told him this crap

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That's why I just dropped it. To this day, he doesn't have a clue what he did to himself getting those shots. I'm the only one in my family who does any research on anything.

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Just to add my experience,my mother in law got pulmonary embolism and her doctor said to her that it can't be from the poison after a year. Go figure

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Both sad & apropos, ain’t it?

The mandated shots & the surfacing health issues - devastating

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Colbert only got 3 shots? Why is he not up to date on the greatest vax scene ever?

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That Cher tweet seems so over-the-top asinine my first thought was ... the Babylon Bee?

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Well, Kamala Harris essentially said the same thing in the debates. If Trump was president she wasn’t at all sure about the vaccines- when Biden got in it was do it or be shunned. It’s such a farce - did she think Trump was back there in a lab making the thing?

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Now there's a pretty pair ... Cher and Kamala; or to be more specific a pretty vacant pair (thank you Johnny Rotten).

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That woman is so stupid. Does the think Trump was in the backroom mixing vats of vaccine? So when Biden takes over, did they start the vaccines from scratch?

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Hey Steve, we paid you to *promote* the vaccines, not actually *take* the vaccines. You dummy.

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Getting a Covid vaccination is an act of stupidity. Sorry your majesty.

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When I read the email and saw the pope is ill, then Colbert’s appendix burst, I said out loud oh no. Then, thought about all the negative comments that would likely be posted on this MCM’s substack. I don’t wish sickness on anyone, and think it tragic that even one person has suffered from this diabolical evil. Thank you Mark for posting these reports. If not for you, I would miss them all. I appreciate all the work you undertake to provide us with this sad and terrible information.

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Thanks so much. I do wish people wouldn't vent their spleen here, no matter how obnoxious some of those jabbed celebrities have been. Our hating one another is exactly what our masters want.

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It may not be the most pleasant comments to read but I understand it. I certainly remember how we were treated and what they said. People handle things differently. We also don't know if this has affected their livelihood, families and friends. I know it has affected some in my family. Let them vent the anger because it will be worse if they keep it trapped inside. Hopefully, they will eventually work it out.

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Thank you.

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Agreed. Thanks for saying this.

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Thank you.

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So when it was Trump's "vaccine", the left said they wouldn't take it when it would be available. Then Trump's out and Biden's in and it became Biden's "vaccine" and the left all took it. Maybe that was Trump's plan after all?

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This really shows their sick irrationality--anything by a decent person is bad, and all is great from a bad person. But they double-crossed themselves with this stupidity.

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