Prion disease in the jabs is known, and military grade microwave weapons can create agitated mental states. Gov wants us to get as crazy as possible, for multiple reasons. Lastly, high 5g and cell phone environments are a somewhat common thread here. How much does the US gov hate thee? Let me count the ways...

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It's way more than just the "US government": ask the WEF.

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The cai is running the show with the billionaire bankers. WEF is on their payroll.

See how cocky every one in the US is including the Obiden regime, corrupted politicians, agencies and judges? The only way they would be getting away with all their crap is if there is a big bad entity at the top in the US that is in charge and not only letting them get away with it but designing it. This is for the planned destruction of the United States to try to bring in what the previous Presidents have been yapping about the globalist " New World Order ". System of control and slavery of the people.


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Of course US "officials" are in on it. However the WEF is a UN "think tank" and it's base is actually in Davos, Switzerland. Most "governments" are on board just as much as the US. This is why the WHO's SCAMdemic "treaty" is being so widely accepted with few, although notable exceptions. The WHO is also a UN agency.

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there is a full list of WEF puppets available for all to see. You can read which puppets are doing your country. In Europe the royal houses and most of the high up politicians (prime minister, vice prime minister etc) all WEF groomed. King of Netherlands, Belgium, Scandinavian countries, UK of course, all members. PM of Belgium is a member. The Dutch just elected one that is not i think. The Italian Meloni was much revered but falls in line quickly, puppet as well. Waiting to see if the rumour about Milei in Argentina is true. Starting to look like it.

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Stunning and shocking…….I wonder how fast these commandments would spread were we all back to horses and buckboards. What hath technology wrought. And the technology yet unseen …. How naive and trusting are we

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the technology has made few wiser it seems. everyone can look up what is going on, but most want to watch the mainstream news and don't look any further. My family members still believe the covid narrative. Six injections further and they are afraid of going to see my dad who has a cold. So they don't believe the injections work, but they keep on going for more. They all complain about their govt (just like us) but they keep obeying thankfully, unlike a few of us !

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Nola, I know all this. Look at the three letters I posted and unscramble them, we scramble letters or add characters to avoid the AL scans from another agency. To avoid attention. Who is the Mafia Don of the Cabal? I believe as I said although it is a simplification.

Just think about it for a while. It will start to come together. Throw in Epstein meeting with the current head of the agency before or after he ran quickly to Israel when the legal water started to boil. Picture of him deplaning in Israel ( asylum), had to negotiate his exit strategy. And he did exit, the ear mapping when the Feds dressed up as EMT's using the breathing equipment on a dead guy with a mask line as they were pushing the dead guy ( not Epstein ) out the jail door, does not match his well known ear mapping. Simple.

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There's no reason to be cryptic when ALL of our communications are monitored lol!

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The more difficult you make it for the enemy that is trying to destroy us the better. Always make it more difficult. Their manpower is less then ours. Take note of their weak points.

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Lots of way wacky usa conspiracy theories, ain't there, freedomneverwas.

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Like the US "government" isn't rife with conspiracies and always has been.

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The power of the people is much stronger than the people in power

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Only if justice is quick and sure like in Romania once the people caught up with Ciecescu and his wife. Trial and executions within the day. No appeal.

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This is their emergency. They are in a race against time. Its in everyone's interest that the perpetrators get fair trials.


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Not sure the perpeTRAITORS can or even should get "fair" trials when they play their little games far outside any reasonable concept of "fairness". But I get your point. That was a very well constructed comment btw. I agree totally.

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Lovely! Bumper sticker, t shirt !

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If only they'd wtfu and DO something about it!

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No kidding, but I think the censorship+propaganda forces people to rely more on their personal network, and that means that changes in sentiment will propagate through those personal networks fast when it happens, and that could take big brother by surprise.

Hi 👋 big brother!

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The Impact of Surgeon General Ladapo’s Call to ‘Ban the Jab’


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it is world wide it seems. I think the WEF just delivers the puppets and does the preaching. A few hundred stinking rich direct the game, but most of them I think operate behind the screens.

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Now THAT is getting to the heart of the matter- the FUCKING billionaires that WE enable to continue to screw everything up for the rest of us!

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well, I wish I could NOT support them in any way. But it is very hard to avoid. Talked with a moneywise friend about it and he agreed, that it is almost impossible unless you live off grid, without phone or internet, and grow everything yourself, greens, animals, everything. the few people on earth that still live like this are the lucky ones. I saw a film a while ago from people in the high mountains in Nepal, they were the last herders, and they decided they had enough of it, not knowing they were giving up what is real freedom, to go work in the city for a boss. The woman grasped it, she lamented the loss of her animals, milk, butter, yoghourt, cheese, but the man was adamant - no more sheep for him.

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That is exactly what THEY want us to do everywhere to be herded and controlled in their 15-minute "cities". Yes it's difficult to avoid the bastards but "avoidance" isn't the answer. Resistance and revolution is what is needed and FAST!

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The government knew this was coming.

CONPLAN8888 - the Zombie Apocalypse.

Department of Defense, no less...

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Yes, by design so they can bring in Marshal Law ( Emergency Control ) and take every right you have and every thing you own. "Lawfully", by the laws they have been unlawfully passing while you were distracted by the theatre shows including the covid plandemic. Probably before the dominion changer machines Nov election. They are getting desperate, the US dollar has run out, the Fed Ponzi scheme is up and the proverbial Cat is out of the bag for the above ave IQ of the population that is not watching the Propaganda machine.


They will control you by taking away your money and then much to your joy and gratitude they will give you some air digits back that they will control the use of.

( re: the programable currency, they might keep the programmable part quiet at first, to trick all the gullible that still think the gov is there to help them😂 when they are really there to kill them and if they don't die, control them as slaves).

That's what happens when the ( Homicidal ) Psychopathic Billionaires are in charge.

approx. 800 billionaires now at any given moment. There are clubs and even the people with tens or even hundreds of millions are NOT invited. Sorry. They anticipate a very small ruling class and with assult drones, DEWs, electronic grid hits ( think Havana syndrome ringing ears ), daily Chem sprays over our heads, littering the skies that people don't look up to notice ( too much trouble to look up ? ) tainted water, food and air. I didn't want to mention the Boston Project Robots and NYC's Mayor proud announcement of the Robot dogs he will sic on the people because it would make this story too unbelievable. Oh, the Geoengineered weather too, hurricanes, earth quakes, fake wildfires (DEW weapon attacks - see the arcs on the ground when they strike). Mostly covered in this substack in the case you are new. Also Geoengineeringwatch.org

Time to Wake-Up Yanks! This is what your US gov has been doing while you were watching TV. Sorry. Americans were too fat and happy and they let their gov steal their money and go complexly out of control at home and abroad with assaults. Courtesy of dod.




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Ecclesiastes 12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear Yahweh, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. 14 For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.

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Yeppers. We trust we will be seeing all that

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Exactly this too : turn it on or up / watch them go crazy , take notes :

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They did it in Rwanda. Now it is our turn.

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The commonality appears to be low IQ and in societies that have lost their boundaries. I have lamented the loss of decorum and impulse control in football for decades.

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Not necessarily “low IQ” but deeply and purposefully uneducated or poorly educated. I’ve been noticing for years and it seems to be getting worse that a lot of young people I interact with in stores or restaurants can’t do simple math - they can’t add and subtract - easy stuff - and many can barely speak English even though it’s their native tongue - much less write it or read it aloud. I believe this has been part of the “planned demolition” for many years. Our so-called “educational system” has been in free fall for decades.😭

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Yes, indeed, the “like” sprinkled throughout every sentence, the “me and my girlfriend,” the signs and sentences written by those who don’t know where an apostrophe fits…,”two bedroom’s for rent.” ~~~ At the market, the clerk asks “did you want your receipt?” Yah! I did, but now I don’t…. I talked for a few minutes to a young woman outside the doctor’s office last week, and wanting to talk more, she wrote down her phone number. Her name, printed, and number appear as though written, painfully, by a fourth grader. It would seem that her husband is upset that she is spending so much time at the casino.

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1963: American Council of Teachers of English made determination that ' English grammar need no longer be taught'--reasoning that students do not need to know grammar in order to be able to write. And up rose Grammarly.....

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You cannot educate the uneducable.

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I’d sincerely like to know what you mean.

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Educable mental retardation is a descriptive term we used to use to describe people in the mild mental retardation range. These folks typically max out at the 6th grade level. I am using the term more broadly. I believe we are putting tremendous pressure on teachers and the school system generally to educate people that are not capable of learning academics beyond the 8th grade level. Up until recently kids dropped out of school before high school (which was advanced) and learned farming or trades or whatever. Today we force them to stay in school and they flounder. Not one kid in the Baltimore public high schools achieved competency in Mathematics last year. Then we blame the teachers. We put them on special ed services and spend thousands on them and nothing happens.

A sane society would be providing structured environments for educable and barely educable kids and helping them develop the common sense skills and the impulse control needed to contribute and stay out of jail (Our prisons are dominated by men ages 18-39 with sub 80 IQ's.) We should teach these kids life management skills and we would have high expectations for them, instead of claiming they are victims of racism and stringent drug laws so we can let then wreak havoc as we saw in the Miller compilation. These are people that have very poor impulse control and never learned how to behave well in civilized society. I doubt the vax had anything to do with their aggression. Our failure to teach and expect civilized behavior is more likely the problem.

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You need to read about Marva Collins. She quit teaching in public schools and opened her own private school. All her low-income, black students were considered either mentally retarded or capable of limited learning. After spending time in her classroom, they all excelled in advanced math and Shakespeare - and all got into Ivy League schools. There is a problem with both the system and with low expectations among teachers who have overcrowded classrooms.

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Consider the source and the original creators of these shots and you will have your answer and then I ask what would you expect from someone raised to be and by a Eugenicist and the Fraudulent "Disease" King. Bill Gates and Fauci. They sat together somewhere near his home (or in it) in Washington State devising these killer shots!

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On a Global Research article, I read about experiments by American scientist Alan Frey using pulsed microwaves causing rats to become docile and altering specific behaviors, and causing frog's hearts to stop beating. The US Government understood the potential of this, and they funded Frey's research. From the article: "For governments it is not difficult to pulse the cell phone signals in the brain frequencies and in this way manipulate the thoughts of their own or foreign citizens. The difference between pulsed microwaves and extra long electromagnetic waves is that pulsed microwaves can be targeted on one person (or the whole nation if cell phone signals are pulsed in brain frequencies) while extra long electromagnetic waves, transmitted in brain frequencies, with their length up to 300 hundred thousands kilometers will reach brains in large areas. For sure so far the legislations around the world (except the Chile and Brazil) do not prohibit such actions to the governments or anybody else on human brains (for example Elon Musk is building system of 20.000 satellites around the planet and working on neuralink research at the same time".


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The Balamori study on white storks found the closer to cell towers they were the more dysfunctional they became. Storks very close to cell towers could not even get it together to build nests, couldn't pair bond or reproduce. They just sat there staring into space or started fighting each other.

The ones furthest away built nests, pair bonded and had successful egg laying. The closer to cell tower they were the more dysfunctional they were.

Even schools are now removing wifi because the children just get sick and cannot concentrate when it's on.

Even without any intentional 'funny business' this technology is still completely toxic and incompatible with civilised society ... and biological life.

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The power of the people is much stronger than the people in power

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C'mon... Prion and Jabs... Mere... https://postimg.cc/FksPZ7xQ

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Are you stating that this comment about prion disease is ridiculous? If so, I'd agree.

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Nope... Everything bad that happened/happens since the deployment of the m[iracle]RNA toxic spew COVIDIUS jabs in DEC2020 is a mere coincidence. Nothing to worry about.

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Early in the vaccine rollout, one of my client’s friends, (a woman in her 70s) experienced what she called a psychotic episode immediately after vaccination. It lasted for several hours before she came back to her senses. She did not report it to any doctors because she did not want it in her records that she had had this episode. She said it did give her new empathy for the mentally ill. I absolutely believe that much of this violence is an effect of the mass vaccination, as well as the war machine, causing social and economic misery in so many countries. Thank you Mr. Miller for bravely continuing to spread the truth.

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I know of two individuals...same thing. Caused me to do some research, especially after the recent mass shooting in my state by a military person (presumably vaccinated) who suffered auditory hallucinations, but does not seem to fit the profile of a schizophrenic (his age active of the psychotic episode and high functioning).

Anyhow, do a search online and in VAERS for “hallucinations and covid vaccine”....it is eye opening. There is an autoimmune illness (only discovered in 2007) that mimics schizophrenia....autoimmune encephalitis. Guess what?!?! They are seeing cases of it....but as with many vaccine injuries the nature of the presentation is not going to cause doctors who have been brainwashed with “safe and effective” to even consider or recognize the symptoms as vax injury. The particularly cruel aspect of this is that the person suffering will bear the brunt of stigma and labeling (with the wrong help offered) and also does not have the capacity to understand what is happening to them. Never mind that for family and friends in close proximity to the one suffering....the whole affair can be frightening, potentially dangerous, and is most definitely unsettling. Only made worse by the fact that getting the person the help they need by proper diagnosis and treatment is nearly impossible. Ahhh...the spike protein crosses the blood brain barrier! Thanks Fauci and Gates!

As an example...one research paper spoke of a cluster of cases in San Diego. Oh...and meanwhile brain tumors and growths (benign and malignant) are surfacing in my circle of friends, family and acquaintances. But the msm and FDA/CDC will not find what they do not look for....

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Not just vaccines about other big harma products, so many on pills, and mind altering ones. I read that most mass shootings are those on serious medication for their mental issues. Throw in lack of nutrition and toxins that are everywhere and we have chemical overload.

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Big pharma. Wants everyone on drugs.

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The answer is a resounding yes. Most people are fairly familiar with Autism and its array of symptoms. But not as many are familiar with PANS and PANDAS (another meaningless diagnosis for the benefit of the medical community). PANS symptoms range in a spectrum, just as in Autism. The symptoms are ADHD, ODD, OCD, ANXIETY and more. There is some overlap but often PANS kids/adults can "pass" for normal. Therefore, when they do crazy stuff, it appears like mere bad behavior, poor parenting, acting out or just unwilling to follow directions. In reality, they have out of control inflammation driving all kinds of crazy behaviors, lack of impulse control, anger, and so much more. This will not make sense unless you live and breathe it. Most PANS parents say Autism is a walk in the park, next to raising a PANS child. (of course not true but just trying to give some context). I have a PANS daughter (mostly recovered due to detox, supplements, mold and toxin avoidance and a very strict diet). We were in hell for years but are mostly on the other side. I see the world through this prism. The lack of impulse control, the rage and anger, the increased anxiety, the inability to focus, all due to excess toxicity and inflammation, mostly vaccines. The homeless crisis...will never be solved. The prison crisis, the same. The declining test scores, lack of accountability by teachers and administrations (in college and schools) will not get better. 75% of the teachers (in CA where we are) are completely altered...unable or unwilling to perform their job either due to physical illness or mental illness or both. I know vaccines don't cause EVERY negative outcome in the world but they pretty much contribute to everything that is going wrong.

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There is also a huge range of inflammation producing conditions caused by many factors in our now very manipulated and toxic environment. Soil depletion, toxins in our foods and water and air, heavily magnified emf transmissions, government propaganda/media induced anxieties, profoundly disparate political entrenchments, not even to mention the sense of hopelessness resulting from the last 3 years of draconian government overreach into every aspect of people's lives- there are so many negative influences going on simultaneously, any one of which could cause emotional "syndromes" to occur. It's a HUGE fuckmess!

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Yes, I know this to be true. We all live in a very toxic world. We try to avoid all those toxins as much as possible. But there is a vast difference between ingestion and injection, or transdermal and inhalation of toxins vs injection of toxins. There's just no comparison. This, combined with the age of injection and the lack of safety science around the injections is key.

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In case anyone's wondering, I looked up PANS: Pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome.

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We can safely surmise: Brain damage brought on by vaccination?

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yes....and although the DSSM labels acute onset to be necessary for the diagnosis, just as with other vax injuries, it is not always acute onset...delayed onset is quite common. It turns out that there was a bit of a negotiation between the existing medical specialties that already serve these alphabet diagnosis under their medical umbrella and didn't want to "lose" them to a new specialty. So, they determined that "acute onset" would be the differentiation.

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As they pronounced it in the XVIIIth Century: "Shite." 🤔🙄💩

Once upon a time homosexuality was about the grossest psychopathology imaginable, they were monsters right up there with serial-murdering psychopaths. Then in 1973 in a twinkling the committee in charge of definitions changed the DSM so that it was now just a minor deviance, no big deal. What is the meaning of anything if our reality can be changed with a surreptitious vote behind closed doors?

Meanwhile the publications warning of the dangers of vaccination are legion, starting to my awareness at least with "The History and Pathology of Vaccination" first published in 1886. Eleanor McBean in "The Poisoned Needle" (1958) speaks of doctors in the 1920s remarking the only times they had encountered cancer was in people who'd been vaccinated as children. I have an interesting volume, "Vaccination, Social Violence and Criminality" (1990 – price on the back cover $14.95); I paid $260 for my copy, like many "anti-vaccination polemics" the book is now quite rare. Author Harris L. Coulter speaks of a condition he calls "Minimal Brain Damage" and attributes most of our social ills including widespread appalling bad manners and the atrocious quality of popular music to it. My twin sister in 2011 after a lifetime of allergies died of Stage IV colon cancer that appeared out of the blue in 2009. I on the other hand have had a lifetime of debilitating psychological issues; I now have a strong suspicion in both cases the cause in both our cases was – childhood vaccination.

On the other hand, imagine being the 60-something caregiver to an autistic 30-year-old who stands 6'2", weighs over 200 lbs, can't speak, can't be toilet-trained? You can't sue anyone either, because Big Pharma has had – worldwide – complete indemnity for liability for their vaccine products since 1986 – but apparently they went out of their way to obtain additional indemnity prior to releasing the "Covid Vaccinations"! Take a look at "Vaxxed: From Coverup to Catastrophe" by Del Bigtree (https://rumble.com/vc2pg4-vaxxed-from-coverup-to-catastrophe.html?playlist_id=watch-history) BTW that documentary has several parents talking of how their bright, precocous 18-month old within hours of vaccination retreated into an dull-eyed, impenetrable, irreparable shell... 😱

I've been digging in various places since the Covid Fraudemic began in March 2020 and what I've learned is that most of our "experts" and "authorities" are just a bunch of lying self-serving posturing prats with a string of pretentious initials after their names, making it up as they go along and looking pretty much, to the thickness of their wallets; that pretty much all the professions (the academy, the law, medicine, religion, whatever) are actually just criminal rackets whose purpose is to make money for the people inside the racket, and to make life difficult for the peons outside it.

Here's a couple of primers for you:

💣 "The Medical Racket" - https://ahealedplanet.net/medicine.htm

💣 "Ralph Hovnanian's Medical Dark Ages Quotations" - https://ahealedplanet.net/mdaq.htm

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No doubt defined by virtue of the DSSM - yes defined as a set of symptoms the better to label the afflicted without revealing causation but I am sure Big Pharma has a pill for that. Come on folks the world models unprecedented aggression today is it surprising that the masses reflect the culture. Our government commits democide and supports genocide though out the world and you all are surprised that the masses mirror the violence every day in society. Total breakdown of accepted mores and no respect for the other.

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I am in a senior comty and the incoming population in past two years is an obvious culture change from what we have lived before. They are entitled, snarky and sassy to staff, don’t care about rules, why read the signs…the book? Oh well I’m only visiting, and Do you know who I am?!!! And more… LOL. “ Well, let’s see if you remember ‘Who’ you are when you’ve fallen backwards off a golf cart bumper on which you should not be standing!!”

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Try to understand that we will all soon be immigrants. Try to understand the new people in your midst and avoid blanket demonization of these new residents. Grow Up!

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Well done for helping your daughter de-tox. It is heavy metal overload for sure. Have you read Anthony Williams the medical mediums book The Brain Saver, it is full of amazing info that can help you further and everyone else. Keeping the heavy metals out and off the body is crucial to living a healthy life. Our livers cannot cope with the workload. Over 100,000 chemicals have been introduced in the last few decades, mostly untested for safety.

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Hi Cheryl,

Thanks for your input. I have an autistic son and am currently considering a detox protocol based on cilantro and zeolite. May I ask what detox you used to achieve this positive outcome with your daughter?

Thanks in advance.

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Also...Nutritional Analytics on Instagram is an excellent resource for Mineral Balancing if you want assistance and lab work. You can order and complete a HTMA test to assess mineral status on your own or use a health practitioner. Note, MD's only do urine or blood which doesn't tell you what the HTMA test will. Jessica Peatross MD is a good resource for drainage protocols to do prior to any killing protocols.

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We did a lot of different detox protocols. I would say that the first step is to make sure their environment is mold and toxic free (soaps, dishes, scents, etc). The second step is diet. Keto diet is best, but next would be paleo. Third would be to make sure all detox pathways are opened prior to any "killing protocols" or the symptoms will escalate once you start mobilizing toxins. Drainage protocols with herbs, certain supplements and of course, make sure the bowels are moving daily (twice a day best). THEN I'd start mineral balancing. Minerals alone will mobilize toxins but they have to be the correct form of the minerals (see Understanding B12 Deficiencies Facebook group). Correcting the B12 pathway with mineral balancing is really important. So...all this to say, one shouldn't start with a "killing" protocol. You may have a good baseline going so are ready. I don't know. As for us personally, we did do Andy Cutler metal chelation for years. It worked but also stripped minerals. Mineral support is foundational to everything. I forgot to mention electrolytes. Give electrolytes daily...VERY critical.

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Thanks a lot for this very useful information!

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You might like to look at Anthony Williams the medical mediums website, his book The Brain Saver book will be very helpful. The first thing you need to take out of the diet is eggs, followed by dairy and lower fat content, they all feed the heavy metals that cause autism. Follow a natural diet without artificial anything, and especiallly no chocolate and caffiene. Anything your son is addicted too is most likely not something he needs. I no it is hard (not by personal experience, just observations) but it will be worth it in the long run. All the best to you.

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Start slowly, one step at a time. Anthony Williams uses Cilantro in his protocols all the time. Celery juice each morning is wonderful, again start slow, build up from a quarter of a cup to 2 cups over time.

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Thank you very much, I will look into it!

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So glad you PANS daughter is largely better! Well done you! You mentioned a strict diet so Im sure you know that a keto diet is amazingly anti inflammatory. My 18 year old has bipolar affective (suffers psychosis when manic) and doing keto and carnivore (the latter is even more effective than keto since it is an extreme version of keto) has been life changing for him.

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Yes...we are talking about going to this next step keto or carnivore...I really think it will bring us to the next healing level.

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I do believe there is a connection, yes, and more subtle personality changes as well, based on my own observations of people I know.

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I know only two vaccinated people. Unfortunately both are close and both very different people from what I knew in the past. They seem withdrawn and unconcerned. They only ask weird questions and if you ask them a question they deflect and change the subject. Sad to watch!

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Interesting, because being more withdrawn and less responsive is the same thing I have observed in a couple of people I know. It is hard to say what other factors might be at play, but I suspect the injections, as both of them likely got all 6 or maybe 7, if that's the number we have reached.

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Oh, don't misunderstand, I'm saying they are definitely vaxx injured. And yes, I do think society is reaping the harvest of their shortsighted trust in government.

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My father, who died of the Moderna vaccine in June 2021 several weeks after receiving it, experienced a minutes-long hallucination while my mom and I were visiting him in the hospital. It wasn't violent or aggressive but it was out of nowhere and bizarre and he tested negative for stroke both by immediate screening and CT scan. So I can certainly believe the vaccine can do nasty and unpredictable things to the brain.

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I am sorry for your loss. My mom died from Pfizer. The vaccine caused sudden onset myasthenia gravis and she had an MG crisis happening, but the doctors fixated on heart and possibly stroke (even though imaging showed no evidence of heart attack or stroke). I ultimately diagnosed her and my diagnosis was confirmed. Unfortunately she had been literally starved and dehydrated for a week and could not recover...they also failed to give her the needed meds even after they understood what was happening.

In a different case, I am very familiar with...doctors attributed encephalitis to something which the evidence clinically does not add up. The person had never had hallucinations before....but they had encephalitis of the brain and now are essentially presenting as mentally ill, not having proper executive function skills. The person has a severe autoimmune history prior to vaccination. This issue developed due to vaccination...at least that is my believe....that they are suffering from autoimmune encephalitis but it is presenting like schizophrenia. But most in their 50s do not suddenly start having psychotic breaks.

I did some research and discovered that there are reports...quite a few of this phenomenon going on....but of course, the msm is not mentioning it. And honestly, I’ve been disappointed that the medical freedom movement docs have not flagged this issue. These individuals suffering in this way need help but the stigma of mental illness will stop many from even recognizing that it is an actual physical process that requires treatment like other autoimmune disorders do. And worse still, the individual suffering does not have the capacity to understand the issues.

There is a book called “Brain on Fire” (a movie also based on the book) that describes the case of a NYT reporter that suffered from autoimmune encephalitis (almost ended up treated and institutionalized as a mentally ill individual). Her case was prior to COVID 19. But it gives tremendous insight into a relatively new diagnosis and how damaging it can be for everyone, patient and loved ones. It also speaks to how this phenomenon is not on the radar of doctors. Hence, many will suffer and be denied treatment because the issue is not properly diagnosed. Just as my mom’s condition was not properly diagnosed. After all, in the era before the toxic jabs how many 82 years olds suddenly suffer from myasthenia gravis?

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I am so sorry for your loss. It is frustrating beyond expression that medical workers do not care for people properly if it's their relatives who accurately diagnose or determine a possible treatment, and not staff. I have had this happen in my family multiple times and it leaves me wanting to scream. Medical staff have their minds full of thousands of bits of information which are not relevant to the given case. A family member able to read articles on PubMed can zero in, and know more than they know about our loved one's illness, inside of 2 hours.

My father was 72 and was also suffering from quite serious aphasia. On his death certificate it says he died of septicemia, but I had wondered about a UTI to explain his mental confusion, and they had showed me blood work showing no sign of infection. (His kidneys were failing so could not do a typical urine test for UTI.) So, he didn't have infection -- yet died of sepsis. The truth is that many have died of what you might call "multiple organ failure not otherwise specified" -- I also know a 46 year old woman who died this way -- and they just chalk it up to sepsis because they don't know what else fits. Since covid (and maybe before that) death certificate data are for shit.

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Different labels for much the same thing, toxic heavy metal poisoning. Have a read of The Brain Saver book by Anthony William the medial medium, very informative and helpful.

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By dod design

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So very very sorry….

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Thank you. <3

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Jan 5, 2024Edited
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I am so sorry to hear about your father. I believe more recovery from stroke is often possible than the doctors believe, and I hope you will consider the alternative doctors (Kory, McCullough, etc) and the FLCCC in terms of ameliorating vaccine damage. All the best to your dad.

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Awful, dreadful ….and what if we did not have this social media to find our encouragement and understanding in minutes, not waiting for the USPO letter to arrive, if it does? I don’t know how we could keep our sanity.~~~I’ve worked in places where the bosses needed anger management, but road rage, sports brawls and airplane Karens…..?!? Out there, in my life, as well? You’re right, the collection of all these, in one place?! Continued thanks Mark! Yikes

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It's a good question, Mark. The answers on the vaccine front, given the censorship in place, may take some time to get to the bottom of. On the emotional front Klaus Schwab has famously stated that we are headed into an angrier world. My question is: is that angrier world due to vaccine injury to the brain, or to the emotional manipulation that we are all under that I've tried to bring to our attention in Light, Love, Laws & Lies: https://www.daragrennie.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Book-Light-Love-Laws-Lies-Nov-2021-Edition.pdf

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I second your motion.

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There is no time left. See above.

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Looks great, thank you!

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The angrier world that Klaus is making because people are rising up against the machine.

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I drive for a living within a two hour drive along freeways and highways, I have never seen so many

Guardrails being driven through! No ice, no torrential rains, 3 trucks in the Columbia River.

Clif High called them vaxxidents, and it just another quirky observation. I know it’s not climate change,

Has nothing to do with politics, definitely mental

And intuition says “ it’s the vaxx, stupid”

Reading the headlines you’d think zombie land is happening in acceleration through the guardrails

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I also have noticed people crossing the streets at the crosswalk and not even looking to see if a car is coming or if its even stopping, they just walk. While driving I noticed a girl of 20 years old or so walking around the corner and then stepping off the curb and crossing the street I was driving down. Lucky for her I saw her and slowed down. I said to her, "hey, you need to look before you cross". She yelled at me and said, "I'm on the crosswalk."

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She’s not likely to live long enough to have children who think like her, I suspect.

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That shit has gotten totally out of control here in NJ! What happened to “look both ways before you cross the street”? Seems to have been replaced with “look down at your phone and assume the driver of the car sees you, and if he doesn’t, well, he’s at fault”. As if that will matter while you’re undergoing an autopsy.

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I see this too faces glued to their screens


Could of run over countless clueless


Then I’d have to bury em. I got no time for that but thought has crossed my mind

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i've noticed similar where i am also...lots of walls, pillars, hedges been driven through...in a local town last year a woman drove straight through a small wall into a cemetery and the car ended up on top of a grave having knocked down its large headstone

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I’m thinking these people are full speed velocity either heart attack or something

Else to cause such damage.

It’s really difficult to go through guardrails but damn it there is a new one

Often … bet you do an audit on State

Fixing guard rails and increasing ambulance calls point to the damn vaxx

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In the fall, just a few miles from my house, on Northeast Extension of Pa TPK, a car stopped. For some reason did not pull over. Another car pulled up behind him--to help? A big rig came along, did not stop, drove right up on top of car #2. trucker and Car2 driver and passenger killed. Driver of first car (which did NOT pull over) alive.

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Omg well idk latest stats: but some 30,000 people die every year on the roads. I bet that number goes up too.

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Reminds me of the phrase 'Someone is walking over my grave'. So what happens when someone drives over it? It was a sudden shiver with 'walking' so perhaps it will be the 'flu a.k.a. COVID with 'driving'!

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Mark's been showing this for a while. Houses with a truck half-way into the house.

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I wondered if anyone else had noticed ‘vaccinated driving’ because I have. Not necessarily different driving from pre pandemic, but the frequency of incidence of inexplicably bad driving, I find remarkable.

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Glad to have your input. I listen to Clif High occasionally also.

You would know from all that driving. I remember when the vaxxes were first rolled out a lot

of single car/person vaxxidents around here too.

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Well it’s a very real thing

I’ve lost count of all the strange

Things happening.

Either they are looking at cell phones while driving or they are seriously

Affected by their shots!! Or both

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Oh I think it is the jabs...and the stress. A lot of them must subconsciously be


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Well my brother got 2 shots

Had cancer removed from arm

Two eye surgeries

One back injury

Not wanting to consider the shots

I think some must have regrets

Some still in denial

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First heard of him summer '21, thanks to Eric Sprott. At that time, an interview with Greg Hunter, Clif was prophesying big death toll in (I think) two years. That would be this summer past. Or this year past.

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I lost track of Clif when George Noory took over -and found him again through Substack.

God bless and keep substack.

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April -October, each month, we travel a 500-mile-each-way trip . For last two years I have tried to remember to be on higher alert (i.e., beyond 'defensive driving') for driving anomalies. I do believe we have been seeing more frequent examples (but will have to check with husb. for confirmation of this recollection) of what we term 'Jersey drivers' or New York drivers" (apologies, Mark)

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My dad used to say Sunday Drivers

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Jersey/NewYork drivers race--do a slalom around other cars, no signalling. Are they all 19-year old males? Don't think they can be, but they act like it.

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Glad I live way out west not in CA either

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Yeah, holiday trip--we noticed a lot of guardrail issues and replacements. Also a lot of windmills being shipped around, which isn't a vaxident but is delusional...

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Green energy

Soooo you build wind blade

Place on diesel ship

Drop on diesel truck

Hire two pilot cars running on gas

Then get to site

Wait for diesel cat and cement truck

To put wind tower up

And this friends is green energy

Supported by gas and diesel

Green energy right

The woke the people pushing this are idiots and have not one clue how

Stupid they are!

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Wow! Indeed, out there, praise to you who need nerves of steel to handle the wheel in seconds so that you are not taken out with them. I’ve not heard the daily drive time accidents this week…not so much in my car and just busy elsewhere. And I’ve taken to going later to the store and not so many errands at one time. So sorry for all these personal background stories of anguish, angerrrrrrr and loss Thank you.

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I say my prayers before driving!


One more driver about a year ago drove through or into funeral parlor!

Figured driver just expedited his going out …? Very strange! Funeral parlor put in concrete wall.

Pass by it everyday!

Collective unconscious is determined by road behavior

I’d say there are extremely angry drivers

I try not to engage

But my middle finger has been used more than I care to admit!

I will not play victim to their evil

I am fueled not by gas, but the Holy Spirit

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Couldn't agree more. Society is just nuts. I get anxiety every time I have to enter it for needs like grocery shopping.. Had lunch today with "friends" and couldn't wait to get out of there. I no longer have anything in common with them as they all were clueless about what was really going on in the world. As far as I know they were all vaxxed by the propaganda lies they ate like candy. same propaganda i didn't buy. Flashing diamonds and talking about exotic vacations did little to impress me as people worldwide were dying of starvation. yes I know I am the minority. Thankfully!

I find if you smile at someone you don't know, say something pleasant to them or better yet pose questions about what they "saw" last night on the MSM and they look at you with that "deer in the headlight stare," you pretty well know you are dealing with a medically messed up human. I stay at home at all cost and go to church everyday. AKA my barn, chicken coop. greenhouse and garden. Proof of God isn't found on NBC, CBS. NBC. FOX. CNN and many other self proclaiming "God" sites that promote genocide.

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I had a similar experience with family gatherings over the holidays. When you point out the obvious they glitch out and then come back, continuing as though you never said anything. One family member who is vx'd and boosted to the gills told me he has come down with the malady several times over the last few years. He asked me about my experience, and I said, "I haven't had so much as the sniffles in the last four years". He went blank for a second and then came back like I'd never said anything. They cannot put two and two together, and that is not natural. He's not a stupid person, he's highly successful in his career, but if I was continually lathering on a certain sunscreen and every time I even looked at the sun through the window ended up with massive sunburn I would begin to question the efficacy of the product.

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William your family member vax'd and boosted, who is out of it. Would fit in nicely in my family, sad and very strange

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mine too.

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The people I speak to seem to get sick if they have been vaccinated. They are poison to the immune system. See my post above for a read of The Poisoned Needle.

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I am no longer invited (thankfully) to lunch with “friends” anymore after a lunch about two years ago when they all pulled out their “vaccination cards”. Some had even laminated them!! I told them “why’d you do that? There are four more lines on it!” They just stared at me and needless to say I’m on the outs

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Ginger bad bad girl! your friend laminated there brains, get new friends

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🤣. I have!

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Thats serious brainwashing. Vaccines have never even been proven to work. I am currently reading The poisoned needle which goes into the history:


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I’ll take a look

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Thanks for saying you have nothing in common with former friends....I thought I was the only one...I don't go out much anymore either. I envy you your church!

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GREAT LINE: "[. . . ] vaxxed by the propaganda lies [. . . ]"

And I agree: going into the world for any reason these days is ... extremely uncomfortable and nerve wracking.

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I trust my intuition and circumstances that may delay me going out on the roads. For instance yesterday my car battery was flat and had to spend half an hour charging it, instead of being annoyed I am thankful because it may have meant I should not be on the road before. Only last week, on a road I usually travel, there was a 70 year old who side swiped 3 cars and hit another head on, he apparently had a medical episode, they ended up in hospital, have not heard how they went after that. Just going by what I have been told.

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Here's one that I just can't wrap my head around. I'm in Seattle and yes, there are lots of homeless, but it's not just homeless men that I see in this 'fashion.' Men walking around with their pants down on their thighs, with underwear not only showing, but as the main event. I watched a young African American man exit his vehicle when I stopped to buy gas on I-5 between Portland and Seattle. His pants waist was on his thighs. I watched him with a neutral expression for a good minute and he started to yell at me for staring at him. Like, man, don't mess with my style! Granted, some of the homeless are often drugged out, so their pants could be just about anywhere up or down the legs. But the ones that are often out of it have pants down nearly to their knees. I guess you could say they have a good excuse. The woman on the plane, no excuse at all!

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here's a message from someone who isn't brainwashed or crazy:

January 3, 2024: Personal Message From Reiner Fuellmich


Rosdorf, 03.01.2024

Dear friends, supporters and companions!

I wish everyone a Happy New Year and assure everyone that I will continue. We will not let up with our educational work and the subsequent legal investigation into the plandemic.

Of course it is very difficult for me to be away from my wife and my dogs and my family and friends. But it helps me a lot that I always receive new information through the many letters and postcards, as well as very personal messages and stories. All this helps me a lot. That’s why I can still say with full conviction and determination: Some crack under pressure, I don’t!…

Read more…

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Is he still in solitary confinement? - He is facing embezzlement / mis-appropriation of funds charges - I think well under six (US) figures -and has spent months in solitary confinement in the new Germany ? hmmm... I never knew how to read him - his partner - business and personal - the woman who appeared with him in many videos brought the charges. But the German authorities clearly think he is a dangerous guy.

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Vivienne Fischer the woman was a deep state infiltrator there to take Reiner down...he is innocent and she is a POS. He is now a political prisoner in Germany.

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Spike proteins get into the brain via 2 pathways (so far). While in circulation they directly go through the blood brain barrier. The spike protein also migrates through the skull marrow into the brain. Once in it causes miss folded proteins and other damage.

Removing the lead from gasoline dropped violence in every country that did it. Environmental influences do affect the control centres of the brain. I wouldn't be surprised if the spike protein is responsible. What we really need is the vax status of the people involved in these incidents. Especially the airplane freak outs.

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No vax statuses. The sane non injected - typically happy content hard working conservatives with a lot of common sense and harmony are now seeing how the other half has destroyed their country ( ie. human shit piles in San Fran streets )and their world and while they are praying hard, they may be realizing it is an uphill battle. They may get really pissed and try to correct things.

I think many of the airplane acts are just that, paid actors, like the actor playing Joe Biden ( LGB/FJB) Arthur Roberts and initially, and the falling episodes, Jim Carey.

Hopefully everyone here knows about Hollywood and the masks they have. If not see Penn State football try outs Eli Maning. I am not providing the link because this is old news and it should be known already. It has been 4 years now since the obvious, in your face, shit show started. 4 years worth of " what the hell is happening " research should be done. That does not include being fed Propaganda. That is the opposite of research.


Yuri, if you are reading, I hope u r getting royalties for this.😉 It keeps getting more popular. " bananas in the ears!" 😂🤣😂

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You don’t have to be a conservative. You can be a liberal with critical thinking skills too.

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thanks. i was just about to make that same point

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Rare to find.

Do you see what destruction they just voted in? They are by nature delusional.

It does not jibe with reality.

They still don’t know what is going on...

Look at Harvard and Yale. California.

No more to say.

The Facts Speak for Themselves

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I just spit out my coffee laughing at that statement.

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But not, I think, a liberal who modifies himself with term 'Progressive'.

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Not to mention most libs cheered on the forced vaccination, the rigged election, say nothing about inflation, say nothing about the millions of aliens hopping the border (all unvaxxed), etc. They went from standing on grocery store stickers to standing for Ukraine, a country they couldn't point to on the map. They posted pics with the custom Faceberg "I've been vaccinated, disinformation is deadly" photo frame, and waved their vaccine cards around like 16 year olds collecting an award. It isn't all liberals, but it's the vast majority. Strangely enough, I can't find a single one of these supposed 81 million that voted for Joe Biden. They've all gone quiet. Their warped ideology and worldview was and continues to be a huge driver in this democide. Time to wake up

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Misfolded Proteins. in more than the jab.

.https://www.sciencealert.com/misfolded-proteins-could-make-dementia-transmissible-scientists-suggest?fbclid=IwAR07yc4_sUO0nOfe4F1DCeNLwbyi9-C1sXMGop9qqtxrbh5W_CStwz5d9Gs ..... ....Jane

"This raises questions...."

Yes, including the current "medical treatment" advertised to "prevent" the current virus.



Jane , blood transfusions/transplants/biologics of all sorts from that population, yes.😐

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It's pretty simple. They were poisoned.

And now the vaxxed are experiencing the breakdown of both their bodies and their minds...

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They are brain damaged from the vaccine. And their DNA is different from ours (unvaccinated). They are losing higher brain functions and becoming emotionally driven brutes. You see it everywhere anymore (especially when driving with them). It will get worse as the spike proteins continue to be attacked and brain cells continue to die in their brains. We have a human subspecies living with us now. We will probably be lucky if they do eventually expire from the vaccine or the coming immune escape variant

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Crap, Lawrence. I'm not disagreeing, I just feel sick to my stomach.

Thanks for being direct all the time.

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As you know.. I am not going to sugar coat any of this. The other day my daughter called me over to her phone. “Look at the mental decline here from Bob” (not his real name and a long time client of our business). “Look at what he is saying about this upcoming job”. I looked at her and said, “We just need to ignore silly shit like this”. So we have adult professionals acting like 8 year old children. We have one client who tried 3 times to pay a bill and failed. I ended up collecting a 20 dollar bill for the balance in the account. We are now in the land of the emotionally driven and mentally handicapped.

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I am dealing with it in a friend...its a bit scary..she's getting to the point (she was never ever mean a day in her life) when you gently tell her you don't need to buy more chicken you have a freezer full (I'm pretty sure she has forgotten how to cook)....she gets those pursed lips I saw in my Mom with Alzheimers...and then the anger.

five minutes later it is like it never happened....

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Yup - they are leaving us. There is nothing we do. It’s horrible.

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It really is...a nightmare you cant wake up from. I'm so afraid for the people I love..just 6 now..but all jabbed. Somedays I cant breathe when I think about losing my sisters

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Right before Christmas I watched the presentation with Geert visibly upset about the emergence of the JN.1 variant. I couldn’t sleep for 4 days afterward. I am still upset by what he talked about. I am looking in the regular news today and what he talked about is happening in the real world right now. They are starting to fear this variant. I thinking about whether I can get my oldest son to take the ivermectin I have. I am going out to stock up today. I am even going to get some for my X. He visits her and maybe he can convince her to take it. I don’t know what is happening with my brother. He will never listen to me on this. I have to do what I can if this JN.1 evolves into a killer of the vaccinated. A 72 year old man shouldn’t have to go through crap like this.

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I suppose I should feel compassion and empathy towards those that poisoned themselves, but I don’t... I just don’t anymore.

It was a choice ~ WE chose not to cave to the establishment because we knew it was bad news. And nobody had to tell me this, (and I suspect it was the same with most people who are “awake?”)

I just knew in my heart it was the wrong thing to do and I had the intestinal fortitude to stand by my decision, even during the very worst blowback from the Left.

Is it sad? Of course it is. But I’m seeing stories like these, with such alarming frequency now, that I’ve just become kind of flippant (and numb) about the whole situation...it is what it is. Maybe this is the way it’s supposed to be ~ Perhaps it’s what God intended?

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I feel like it's judgment too. And you are going to be coerced into doing stuff all the time in your life, by family and everyone else, you can't give in=kill yourself to keep your job in the case of the vax. Now people are getting their jobs back and the vaxxed are out of work because they're too sick

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If for no other reason, the fact it was and still is an ongoing experiment should have been enough for everyone with half a brain to refuse to take part in it. I have no pity for anyone who willingly got jabbed but especially for those who pushed that shit. I wouldn't blame this on any silly 'god' however.

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Yep. For those who took it under duress I have tremendous sympathy. They were backed into a corner and circumstances forced their hand. They are victims in every sense of the word. For those who lined up voluntarily and took it, for me it's "You asked for it, you got it". The way it came out of the blue and everyone grabbed on and went along with the program was not natural, which triggered my spidy sense immediately. The HR department where I worked adopted "the new normal" immediately and went all in. That sent me down the trail of investigating the research and the patents behind all of it, which led me to the conclusion it was a planned event. Seriously, they had the test kits manufactured all over the world in sufficient numbers in a matter of days? No, they had those at the ready.

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In October 2021, my employer gave me the ultimatum of “get vaxxed or lose your job.”

My doctor provided me with a written letter of medical exemption, which my employer refused to accept. So I packed up my shit, told them to go get fucked and walked out. I suppose you could say I was under “duress?” I mean...I dunno, I ended up being unemployed for 3 months ~ it was a pretty stressful time.

BUT...I remained true to myself, I stuck by my beliefs and I’m still here and healthy because of it. So, I have ZERO regrets...

Do I think that the people that caved deserve to die? No, of course not. Do I think they’re extremely weak-minded and a perfect example of Darwinism? Absolutely!

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Good on you for standing up for your rights to look after your own health.

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Yes the PCR tests were distributed all over the world in 2018. Very much planned event.

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I think we need to have compassion, they were following what they thought was right, but more than not, many were coerced. I just found out a lovely guy I speak to regularly who is into natural living and alternative medicines say he had two shots because he would have lost his business and had over 20 other people's livelihoods to think of. I was stunned, now he currently has RSV.

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I do because I remember when I was young and dumb and when told to get a vaccine I didn’t think twice about it. Raise your hand if you did that awhile back. The elderly that lined up to get jabbed think that their doctor knows what’s best for them and many aren’t glued to the internet like we are.

I once worked for a doctor who lied about the elderly needing cataract surgery even though they had good eyesight. But because he said they needed it they had it.

Plus there were many people who were forced to get it or they wouldn’t be able to house or feed their families. Not many could afford to reject it. And yes I know many people hated the unjabbed, but I’m not lowering myself to their standards.

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Yes my soon to be 87 year old mum was told to get her catarcts removed, I said are they bothering you and she said no, so she agreed to leave it as it was, she is doing fine and still drives. (She did not get vaxed, ever, though all her friends did).

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Good for you for asking the question and for her to not have the surgery. I started whispering in ears that it’s a good idea to get a second opinion and many did. I was horrified to see what he was doing and then he started changing my findings just so he could lie about patient's visual acuity and that’s when I turned him in. Got my butt dragged into court, but I’d do it again.

I know that this type of crap happens in many other fields and our justice system just looks the other way. I think everyone should always get a second opinion.

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I suppose that residents of Sodom and Gomorrah did not have to participate in licentiousness. The mob attack outside Lot's house suggests, well, mob behavior. Herd-following, Lemmings (who apparently are getting a very bad rap)

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Jan 5, 2024
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Not sure it there is any proof of that, but it does not hurt to keep your immune system in top shape.

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Many Americans are drugged up to their eyeballs. Many Americans have been taking prescription drugs since they were toddlers. Don't underestimate the negative effects decades long use of SSRI drugs for so-called "treatment" of depression, anxiety disorders, and other psychological conditions (Such as ADHD, Autism, Aspergers, etc).

Americans need to stop with the prescription drugs. They are just as toxic as any "vaccine."

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Agreed, but the new mRNA brings it to a new level.

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Heavy metal toxic build up, Anthony Williams the medical medium talks a lot about this and what can be done to heal.

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God, diet and exercise.....and someone or thing to Love

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Yeah, I don't know what's going on. Yesterday we heard some weird noises outside our building--we couldn't figure out if it was a cat, kids or what. My husband went to investigate. A woman had her pants pulled down by the side of our building and was squatting to pee after, apparently, loud words with herself. My husband asked what she was doing and she replied 'what does it look like?' He pointed to the public bathroom in the park across the street and told her to get out of his yard. It was 3:30 in the afternoon and we live in an extremely small town. We wonder, what is this obsession with relieving oneself in public? Where did that come from? This is not the first time, either....

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and there is this

Revelation 12:12.....Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time

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Maybe they are regressing to a primative state?

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It’s simply an increase in evil. There’s a spiritual war and we see more possessed people. I have known several people who have died suddenly and others with turbo cancer. That’s something different. I’m sure the vaccinated are also growing angry as they try and accept that they were poisoned or harmed.

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more evil is being exposed

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