Also: Cardinals GM Steve Keim takes "indefinite leave of absence over health issues"; Tennessee's Tamari Keys quits season with blood clots in lungs; UFC fighter Deron Winn's "freak accident"
"Focus on your own friends, your family, faith if you have it. Life will continue, need to live it." Love what you wrote!
Just wish we could change or wake up stupid because their stupidity will change the world we live in and how we do things. Perhaps selfish but it's that serious. Even now, I know a cashier at the supermarket who I've helped heal from those toxic shots, she has said so many of her colleagues are sick and she's had to work more because of it.
That's my concern about talking with people about it. I don't want to scare the sh*t out of them. And, I do know they will think I'm just crazy so it's pointless.
Maybe you can explain to your family members that there are many supplements that can help them detox that have helped people.
My brother, my only sibling, wants me in a camp for non-vaxx compliance. I'm not kidding. Puts a real damper on the Holidays. My parents don't believe my brother said it, but he made his "Camp speech" to me, in my Grandmother's backyard in the fall of 2021 in front of two of my cousins (who agreed) and my wife. Been a year, no apology, so no forgiveness.
I don't bring up the vaxx anymore in "mixed company" (true bloods and vaxxed) unless some idiot starts spouting off on vaxx or mask efficacy. Then I set the record straight, or as much as I can, talking to morons.
These people are all walking wounded, piling on won't change anything. The ones I love, I hug them everytime I see them, never know why "died suddenly " might happen.
Otherwise, I just live my life. The die is cast, worrying about vaccine status won't change anything now.
Please don't abandon hope. This has all been prophesied. God explained it all thorughout the Bible, but most detailed in the the Book of Revelation. (Chapter 6 right now.) He wants us to seek Him and come with repentant hearts, accepting the free gift of eternal life, given to us through the sacrifice of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. (See John 14:6. Please open your Bible and start reading the Gospels...maybe start in Luke. God wants none to perish, and so He gives us the truth, so we know what is coming.
People are still 'vaxxxing'in all color states- but the true #'s of uptake are unclear/ subject to rigging...
I had a conversation with my 18 year -old daughter yesterday- she expressed to me that my stance on the "vax"stood in opposition to her conception of "morality" ... but I think she hears me...🙏
I hope she hears you. My daughter turned 18 a couple of months ago and the first thing she did was run to CVS and get the vaccine. She did not tell me or my husband. She knew we were adamantly against it. Now I live in fear every single day that she won’t wake up in the morning. She’s incredibly bright very intelligent and it’s probably the stupidest thing she’s ever done. My kids and many of my friends did not believe me when I started researching and found out how deadly this vaccine was. I have mounds and mounds of information that I’ve saved and some people finally came around but unfortunately my 18-year-old daughter did not. I pray for her every day
The one thing all of us can do while researching the dangers of these shots is to learn about the many treatments that have been discovered and are available. Could certainly come in handy for those we love.
I feel your pain and pray my now 17 year old son won’t do the same. I’ve fought so hard to keep the needle Nazis away from him. - even moved away from CA. He’s so confused by all this. They’ve put so much pressure upon our kids to take the slab jabs. It’s nightmarish and evil beyond belief.
My daughter told me that she knew if she got the vaxx that I would not let her continue living with me in my house. She is correct - I have suffered distressing effects from shedding. We must make this clear to our children to persuade them of our seriousness about this issue. At 18, she needs not only privileges but consequences.
You should get a vax to protect yourself. This is your responsibility and yours alone. This has to be done with the full disclosure of risks from said vax. Buying into this crap that you are doing it to protect others is a red herring. They are playing on your emotions. Everybody has to protect themselves and their families first. This vax did not come with full disclosure of risks because it was not properly tested. Because of this many were hesitant to take it so the greed bags began pushing for mandates, trampling upon our freedom to choose what goes in our bodies. These bums need to be punished for their crimes.
...its exactly the point isn't it?... that IF dear, good people's concept of morality can be weaponised, ( by those who have no adherence to any such concept but will use it, and those being manipulated can't conceive of such malevolence either)- then THAT is true power to divide good people.
And to look at WHO exactly ( with what corporate interests) is saying that to take this substance into EVERYONE'S body is an ultimate good, and those who don't should be frowned upon...
But I know YOU know all this, it's those we love/ & try and talk to who don't see it that way...
I totally believe people blather “morality” and such but it’s really revulsion and hate for anti vaxxers. They have been very carefully taught to hate us now. For decades.
That's so important to be aware of. For decades they've orchestrated an environment where it's certain banishment to even ask a question about any vaccine. Which is an obvious red flag in itself to those who can think. Rogan's stock went way up when way before COVID he stated on his podcast he finds it suspicious the way it's not allowed to criticize vaccines.
We're gonna fight like hell and bring our beautiful, intelligent voices and data direct to our local governments and communities. That is where much more happens. I see it. People know.
That's fantastic!!!! How do you rally the people? I find it totally impossible to do that where I am. And, people who have had an adverse event, one just told us he almost died of "covid", thinks he's ok now. These people don't know or don't want to believe that they are a manufacturing plant for spike proteins and that their body's have severely toxic substances in them, especially if they got the negative side effect and it went away. You can't warn them that they're not in the clear necessarily. You can't help them by giving them suggestions of supplements that you've learned can help. It's just crazy and sad.
It's well known that psychopaths have disgust for those they can easily fool. And a bit of respect for those who see them for what they are. It's not at all strange they wouldn't spare blue states and might even target them. Although the data I've seen say the hot batches disproportionately went to red states.
Remember that hot batches are coming from “reported” reactions. There are many many more injuries/deaths not being reported. The blue states may have many more deniers who would never go against the narrative and their doctors recommendations.
Blue state here, living in a tiny Blue town (under 1,800 population). High vaxxed rate (77%). We have had 3 'died suddenly' deaths and everyone is suffering from something: bronchitis that won't go away, heart attacks, cancer that was 'dormant' for 20 years, gall bladder/stones coming back, long covid, catching covid over and over...
What do you mean by that? Just on my block alone, I know of two that have died from this. I know through others of quite a number of severe adverse events. People I've talked with have been sick with "covid", they have fatigue, nightmares, joint pain, seizures, all from those shots. Please don't say what you don't know.
Psychopaths have total disdain for those they can easily manipulate. It's not surprising at all they wouldn't spare the sycophants. Even though it seems as you say it would be counterproductive.
But these moronic idiots still go get jabbed....Like Sirka, I wish no harm to can lead a horse to water....but you can't make him drink....
Jesus said, if one will not listen or refuses to listen, dust yourself off and move on, at least you tried
Does 'eyes to see and ears to hear' ring a bell here?
If you are an average person working taking care of your family etc. how are you supposed to find out about the reality?Try searching on google etc.The news,their doctors, everyone has told them it is safe . I really don't know how you unbrainwash people.
I work in a Northern California nursing home and majority are fast asleep and I do try to talk about what I know to those I hope I can trust but their eyes glaze over and they check out. It’s depressingly scary news that doesn’t match their reality (have taken 5 shots, plus the yearly flu shots and whatever scheduled shots are due because their doctor recommends the safe and effective potion.
I'm so sorry you face that everyday. Must be very stressful for you. I hope you didn't get any shots yourself considering where you work. I understand. Where I am, most people appear to be fine to others so totally agree with you. You can't tell these people because it doesn't match their reality (you stated that very well).
Thank you. Unfortunately, I did get 2. Got super sick after the second shot, 8 hours later. It scared me so bad I swore I’d never get another vaccine again. It’ll be 2 years in January since my last shot. I’ll never trust a pharmaceutical ever again.
If you don't already, I suggest you take supplements like zeolite, humic acid, and others that help to build your immune system and detox the very dangerous toxins from your body and possibly stop the replication of the spike proteins and possible damage caused by the lipid nano particles and graphene oxide. Apparently, if you don't detox, those toxins (lipid nano particles, graphene oxide, spike proteins) will be doing damage. If you'd like, I can post more info about the different supplements. I know of several people who's symptoms of fatigue, seizures, joint pain, and nightmares got resolved with zeolite because zeolite binds to the positive toxins like spike proteins, lipid nanoparticles, graphene oxide. It binds to any positive toxins because it's a negatively charged natural substance. It basically scavenges throughout the cells and binds then removes the toxins (those mentioned, heavy metals, mold, flouride, radioactive isotopes, etc). It's a fascinating substance.
Hi, I started fulvic zeolite, borax, sun chlorella, baking soda, fasting and dmso. It’d be nice to have instructions on all these items. I know supplements can be antagonistic or mess with other elements. I took IVM last year with all the usual supplements…NAC zinc, vit k2, d3, b12, quercetin vit c. I have hydroxichloriquine and IVM but I’m thinking it messes up your parasites (kills them) and if not done correctly you can have a worse outcome when the eggs hatch. IVM doesn’t kill eggs. Only the adult, I think. Anyway, I haven’t been taking those pHARMaceuticals. And big government are probably messing with supplements as well🤷♀️*paranoid*
I’d appreciate anything you can suggest, hopefully with instructions:)
That is the shot's purpose - to destroy the mind, if the body doesn"t go first. People will only be able to follow the orders, and continue to be "updated" as transhumanism takes over the person. Just like Micrososft updates have become more frequent of late.
Had coffee yesterday with 2 friends. One was injured with autoimmune hepatitis right after jabs. Her life sucks now. The other has a husband with conditions docs have no clue about. Of course they have no clue either what might have caused it. But one already knows I have “kooky “ ideas. No point in sharing I’m afraid.
I'm so sorry. It's just so sad how brainwashed and ignorant people truly choose to be. What's even more sad is that there is probably hope to heal or at least have a better life, if they open their eyes.
When things aren’t adding up globally on a health care scare and your not paying attention your screwed. If your instincts aren’t screaming your in trouble anyway.
When you don´t make the effort to do any research whether reading books or perusing alternative webpages and just watch the tv and read the newspaper, you´re putting yourself in harms way. Laziness is a killer.
It is hard for people to find stuff without the help of people like us who know where to look or know what names to look up. I send emails out to some people of substack posts or videos and also of ways to heal from the crap in those shots and to take as preventatives if you're just being shedded upon. Unfortunately, I can't send them out to everyone I know because it's basically pointless. But, I do agree with you, "laziness is a killer" and most of the people will never know it considering the new "SADS" label.
Outraged Human, who writes Outraged's Newsletter Substack, has just replied to a comment of mine on Stegiel's Journal of Lingering Sanity Substack with a link to this, which I have not yet watched, but Outraged Human is pretty good at knowing good resources.
I have not yet watched it because Outraged said that it is long.
I recommend both of those niche Substacks, one can have a deeper conversation with the authors, because of small subscriber numbers.
Yikes. I can't think of a book except Robert Kennedy Jr. book on "the real anthony fauci" but there are movies by Andrew Wakefield. There are trailers on this site from his movies: Also, maybe show her that reagan signed the (hate using wikipedia because they're apart of the evil but it's just an easy reference at the moment) in 1986 that made pharma NOT liable for consequences of the vaccines they create because the vaccines they created caused death prior and things have only gotten worse. Red flag right there.
It's just sad to me that these "average working people" which some are very well to do and do research things, won't believe their own family members and close friends (one of our friends comes to mind) but rather choose to believe a government they have said they don't trust, fauci who they said they hate, and doctors who SHOULD know better because it's their duty to keep harm from their patients and honor the Hippocratic Oath. They have thrown out logic completely and replaced it with fear, complete nonsense, and laziness.
True about search. I have been researching health for over a decade and had been able to keep our beautiful dog alive through countless unbelievable mistakes from both conventional and holistic vets because when I searched from some health issue online I got to see many options mostly holistic and I learned many things about illnesses. Now, you look something up and it's all the same institutions that come up. It's gotten very difficult especially if you don't know how to look things up. I'm grateful I started to research so many years ago and have trained myself to know how.
My dogs were what actually started my journey into health - and was then able to see how people had been hurt too. I learned the truth about health and everything I had believed until then was a big fat lie.
You are right, it is really hard to reach certain people because the only news they see is on their television. And we all know that that is just garbage propaganda. Those of us who are awake can dig deeper and look at alternative sources. I try to share everything I find on social media in the hopes that some of these people will take a second to read what I have posted and maybe wake up, dig and do their own research. You can lead them to water but you cannot make them drink. All you can do is pray for them. Some friends whom I know will never wake up I’ve had to leave behind and I no longer associate with them
How do you express it to people? I've only been able to tell a few people and usually it's those who bring up something themselves first. They might say something about the economy and I'll weave it in with that or recently someone told us he was so sick with "covid" and that he almost died. Then, we started to tell him a few things and gave him an extra container of zeolite that we have. I'm sure that's going in the garbage but how can we not try to help?
oh duck duck go announced they would be arranging search results algorithms in line with the narrative awhile ago so I gave up on them... oops just saw this has been said above!
Please be aware that if you haven't detoxed you're probably still filled with the toxins and you're not safe. There are many supplements including zeolite, humic acid, iodine, NAC, systemic enzymes that one needs to take to help the body be cleared of those toxins. Even people who are around those that have been vaxxed are probably being shedded upon and need to take these supplements as preventatives or aids because they've been effected, too.
If you want more info on those supplements, let me know and I'll post more.
Sorry that happened to you. I've had two as well (AZ) and won't be letting the NHS inject me with anything at all while I'm still conscious. I'd rather die at home.
You don't know that it did not help.Thank you for standing up for the people who can not and the so many people that do not know they have been had-yet.Stay in it.Please.
Yep, I am aware there are many sources reporting on SADS, etc... My comment was one of appreciation to MCM. I’ve been writing about this plandemic for a while... painfully aware of what this has been about from the start. Take care Tom.
Thank you for these compilations. When we’re bombarded with mainstream media misinformation I think we need daily reminders that we’re not crazy. I haven’t watched a television newscast in about two years. I’m trying to understand how people have become comfortable with death and neurological issues. I think somehow the most powerful immunization that has occurred is the immunization against common sense. When people think of the Covid vaccine perhaps they imagine sunshine and vitamins and scientists in pristine white coats in immaculate labs doing good for humanity. In reality it’s more like stubby men in a back room, with grimy fingers, counting money while chewing on a cigar and mixing vats of some putrid potion on a stove.
Yes! This is great. And so true! Do you think most kids being vax injured now eludes to a kind of acceptance to this? “We are all sick” mentality. My sister told me she thinks no one gets out of their 30’s w/o cancer? What??? And she’s a nurse. Indoctrination at large
It's not just things I read in the news. My personal experience in my highly jabbed area mirrors what is being reported. People with odd illnesses, getting sicker than normal from seasonal colds, strokes, heart problems, and one person I know died suddenly. None of this is normal. All of this followed the jab rollout. And yet....people still aren't waking up. It's like something has gone horribly wrong with people's ability to think. It's just staggering.
me too.we were outgrouped and vilified at work. Now lots ongoing endless respiratory illness, lots of tests for various things ( gynae, colon), many heart issues in young men of 30/40, and lots clots in parents friends and 2 of mine ( 50s, males), lots my parents age have died of cancers, quickly, some of MY friends also (younger ,50s, 60s) and 2 teen sudden deaths i know thru my friends and one lovely 30 y/o my friend and good friends son, plus mums best friend not found til 4 days later. lots arrhythmia, new parkinsons, etc.
I have a 28ish year old co-worker. He's in AU. Always having cold type illnesses. Thinks it's new variants. Probably will keep getting stuck until he can't.
First, stay off of google (the creator of Google has said at the start up of google, "this is not about searches, this is to build an AI data base'!) and use Startpage or DuckDuckGo. Second, get the TV out of the house, or at least, limit viewing (think 'programming') Third, if people do not or will not do their own research, that is their matter how much or hard one works, you MUST find time to take care of yourself and family!
I have heard something about that as well, not sure who it is...I do not use them anyway, I have always been with is what I have found
I just know that Google is not a good choice as most of the 'inquiry's' are subject to AI algorithms and so called 'fact checkers' which for the most part are AI
All of these cancers, must be round up. Maybe 5G? No that is safe too. Not tobacco either. Wonder what it can be? Sarc off now. This will be known as the worst disaster to befall humanity. With all cause mortality up 25-40% depending upon where you live, and the birth rate in steep decline we are watching the thinning of the population. If this is what the Malthus cult was wanting they got it.
Why this recent rash of stage 4 prostate cancers point to the vaccines, is that it's rare that prostate cancer ever gets to stage 4. There are many signs that proceed it which make any necessary intervention prior to stage 4 (spreading) possible. Usually, prostate cancer is so slow that no medical treatment is even required, however.
His brother originally said he believed there was foul play involved in Grant's death because he was detained in Qatar for wearing a rainbow shirt in support of LGBTQ+.
I was being a smart ass and offering an alternative meaning for the "initialism" LGBTQ+
These kids are like canaries in the coal mine. Young healthy and dropping like flies. If it can do this to young people imagine what's in store for everyone else. They're all ticking time bombs.
Pfizer is a sponsor of the SEC, the league that TN is in.The Univ. of TN does not have a vaccine mandate but have "seen" quite a lot of the athletes are in fact jabbed.Not sure how you wold find that out.And yes the lack of C-19 mandate has attracted a lot of students.
My son was a student athlete at Ohio State Univ. A couple of weeks before the university made it mandatory for students to take the jab he received a lot of pressure from his coach to comply. He had to test every other day early in the am, and the coach stated that it would be impossible for him to participate in his sport out of state because it was mandatory at that point in time at almost all other universities and he wouldn't even be able to enter their facilities. So that is one way to get student athletes to comply. FYI, there was one other student athlete that was unjabbed and a coach. They both folded with the pressure. My son walked away from a full ride with 2 years left of college.
My daughter is in med school at OSU and she caved as well. In addition to that, I understand those young doctors receive woke culture training and brainwashing about vaccines. I also question their education. For example, anatomy was taught "virtually."
Re "Then you just kind of turn around and suck it up.”, the clueless are blaming their illnesses on themselves, and not the gov poisoning. I really want them to understand what's been done to them but they cling to the narratives...that alone so frustrating, so angering.
Soon enough, the deaths will continue to multiply at a rate faster than statistics can keep up with. Those of us who are healthy and unvaccinated will be left behind to care for those who are ill and near death. Already, there is a serious employment shortage everywhere. Because people are dying and being injured by the vaccine. When more and more jobs go unfilled, how will society move forward? Who will work the sanitation jobs? Who will teach in our schools? We are about to see a complete and total change in society
Blood clots in the lungs of a college basketball player. Oh, that is completely normal. You know part of her family is looking at her and saying TUSKEGEE AIRMEN PART II!!!
What’s gonna happen to humanity?
The facts are mounting
And people are still vaccinating babies and children in blue states … feels rather hopeless
You can't stop stupid.
Focus on your own friends, your family, faith if you have it. Life will continue, need to live it.
"Focus on your own friends, your family, faith if you have it. Life will continue, need to live it." Love what you wrote!
Just wish we could change or wake up stupid because their stupidity will change the world we live in and how we do things. Perhaps selfish but it's that serious. Even now, I know a cashier at the supermarket who I've helped heal from those toxic shots, she has said so many of her colleagues are sick and she's had to work more because of it.
I have also witnessed the burrowing discomfort at the very edges of the taboo when speaking to family. silent but visible
I try to have them not get boosted, and not depress them about their current/future plight.
It's difficult with the injectees who don't have any apparent adverse events, they boost away.
That's my concern about talking with people about it. I don't want to scare the sh*t out of them. And, I do know they will think I'm just crazy so it's pointless.
Maybe you can explain to your family members that there are many supplements that can help them detox that have helped people.
My brother, my only sibling, wants me in a camp for non-vaxx compliance. I'm not kidding. Puts a real damper on the Holidays. My parents don't believe my brother said it, but he made his "Camp speech" to me, in my Grandmother's backyard in the fall of 2021 in front of two of my cousins (who agreed) and my wife. Been a year, no apology, so no forgiveness.
I don't bring up the vaxx anymore in "mixed company" (true bloods and vaxxed) unless some idiot starts spouting off on vaxx or mask efficacy. Then I set the record straight, or as much as I can, talking to morons.
These people are all walking wounded, piling on won't change anything. The ones I love, I hug them everytime I see them, never know why "died suddenly " might happen.
Otherwise, I just live my life. The die is cast, worrying about vaccine status won't change anything now.
I'm very sorry.
Interesting thought. Isn't it crazy how sometimes family members won't believe each other but they'll believe total strangers.
It's just nuts.
You got that right! This is beyond crazy! When in the world…is the world…gonna wake up!
Please don't abandon hope. This has all been prophesied. God explained it all thorughout the Bible, but most detailed in the the Book of Revelation. (Chapter 6 right now.) He wants us to seek Him and come with repentant hearts, accepting the free gift of eternal life, given to us through the sacrifice of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. (See John 14:6. Please open your Bible and start reading the Gospels...maybe start in Luke. God wants none to perish, and so He gives us the truth, so we know what is coming.
People are still 'vaxxxing'in all color states- but the true #'s of uptake are unclear/ subject to rigging...
I had a conversation with my 18 year -old daughter yesterday- she expressed to me that my stance on the "vax"stood in opposition to her conception of "morality" ... but I think she hears me...🙏
-this is not the end of this...
I hope she hears you. My daughter turned 18 a couple of months ago and the first thing she did was run to CVS and get the vaccine. She did not tell me or my husband. She knew we were adamantly against it. Now I live in fear every single day that she won’t wake up in the morning. She’s incredibly bright very intelligent and it’s probably the stupidest thing she’s ever done. My kids and many of my friends did not believe me when I started researching and found out how deadly this vaccine was. I have mounds and mounds of information that I’ve saved and some people finally came around but unfortunately my 18-year-old daughter did not. I pray for her every day
The one thing all of us can do while researching the dangers of these shots is to learn about the many treatments that have been discovered and are available. Could certainly come in handy for those we love.
I feel your pain and pray my now 17 year old son won’t do the same. I’ve fought so hard to keep the needle Nazis away from him. - even moved away from CA. He’s so confused by all this. They’ve put so much pressure upon our kids to take the slab jabs. It’s nightmarish and evil beyond belief.
My daughter told me that she knew if she got the vaxx that I would not let her continue living with me in my house. She is correct - I have suffered distressing effects from shedding. We must make this clear to our children to persuade them of our seriousness about this issue. At 18, she needs not only privileges but consequences.
She’s 18! What an ignorant remark on your part, and quite insensitive as well!!
Thank you. I just told that troll to F off. So mean.
Insensitive and moronic comment.
Wow. That was shitty. Are you trolling here? Fuck off
You should get a vax to protect yourself. This is your responsibility and yours alone. This has to be done with the full disclosure of risks from said vax. Buying into this crap that you are doing it to protect others is a red herring. They are playing on your emotions. Everybody has to protect themselves and their families first. This vax did not come with full disclosure of risks because it was not properly tested. Because of this many were hesitant to take it so the greed bags began pushing for mandates, trampling upon our freedom to choose what goes in our bodies. These bums need to be punished for their crimes.
I am in full agreement, I find myself at a loss for the conduct of others...
I feel like it’s all about susceptibility to propaganda. I feel so bad for those who were so trusting
I don't. Their trust is what enables the evil jab pushers
It should be illegal to pedal these clotshots.
No one should even be allowed to have one.
Unless it's euthanasia slow kill that they actually want.
Skip the informed consent, the clotshots should not exist for anyone.
Oh yes they do, they’ve harmed so many
"For with God nothing will be impossible." Luke 1:37
@DogsLife- 🙏
...its exactly the point isn't it?... that IF dear, good people's concept of morality can be weaponised, ( by those who have no adherence to any such concept but will use it, and those being manipulated can't conceive of such malevolence either)- then THAT is true power to divide good people.
And to look at WHO exactly ( with what corporate interests) is saying that to take this substance into EVERYONE'S body is an ultimate good, and those who don't should be frowned upon...
But I know YOU know all this, it's those we love/ & try and talk to who don't see it that way...
I totally believe people blather “morality” and such but it’s really revulsion and hate for anti vaxxers. They have been very carefully taught to hate us now. For decades.
That's so important to be aware of. For decades they've orchestrated an environment where it's certain banishment to even ask a question about any vaccine. Which is an obvious red flag in itself to those who can think. Rogan's stock went way up when way before COVID he stated on his podcast he finds it suspicious the way it's not allowed to criticize vaccines.
We're gonna fight like hell and bring our beautiful, intelligent voices and data direct to our local governments and communities. That is where much more happens. I see it. People know.
That's fantastic!!!! How do you rally the people? I find it totally impossible to do that where I am. And, people who have had an adverse event, one just told us he almost died of "covid", thinks he's ok now. These people don't know or don't want to believe that they are a manufacturing plant for spike proteins and that their body's have severely toxic substances in them, especially if they got the negative side effect and it went away. You can't warn them that they're not in the clear necessarily. You can't help them by giving them suggestions of supplements that you've learned can help. It's just crazy and sad.
btw have you seen (North West Leicester) mp Andrew Bridgen speaking out in UK parliament?
Shame barely anyone was there. But he said it all.. out loud. it's in Hansard now ( on the official record).
He quoted data and docs and called for an end.
Yes. There was a Dr. in Japan who did the same. I can't remember now who it was. Hopefully, the tide is turning. Baby steps but turning.
What's it matter, if blue states get mislabeled saline?
I live in a blue state and they are dropping like flies. And are none the wiser.
Same here. It is all around us …..death and sudden disabling illness in blue state.
Denial is the variant of the season
It's well known that psychopaths have disgust for those they can easily fool. And a bit of respect for those who see them for what they are. It's not at all strange they wouldn't spare blue states and might even target them. Although the data I've seen say the hot batches disproportionately went to red states.
Remember that hot batches are coming from “reported” reactions. There are many many more injuries/deaths not being reported. The blue states may have many more deniers who would never go against the narrative and their doctors recommendations.
That's an excellent point I hadn't thought of.
Blue state here, living in a tiny Blue town (under 1,800 population). High vaxxed rate (77%). We have had 3 'died suddenly' deaths and everyone is suffering from something: bronchitis that won't go away, heart attacks, cancer that was 'dormant' for 20 years, gall bladder/stones coming back, long covid, catching covid over and over...
Two good friends out here died of cardiac events in their sleep this year. We aren't getting saline.
19 people I know, almost all from CA, dead or injured from clotshots. From north and south. Plenty of hot batches used here.
I think Vermont is getting saline
Were these in blue areas of blueland?
First in San Jose home of Silicon Valley.
The other in Sacramento, state capital.
Both were very "progressive" politcally, one of them an African American.
Both left a wife and children behind. Tough on everyone.
What do you mean by that? Just on my block alone, I know of two that have died from this. I know through others of quite a number of severe adverse events. People I've talked with have been sick with "covid", they have fatigue, nightmares, joint pain, seizures, all from those shots. Please don't say what you don't know.
Wouldn't knocking off the true believers be counterproductive to their purposes? Or are their purposes different than would appear?
Psychopaths have total disdain for those they can easily manipulate. It's not surprising at all they wouldn't spare the sycophants. Even though it seems as you say it would be counterproductive.
Try Brave
Have you tried Presearch? Brave seriously disappointed me in 2021.
Try - superior search engine to all the alternatives.
But these moronic idiots still go get jabbed....Like Sirka, I wish no harm to can lead a horse to water....but you can't make him drink....
Jesus said, if one will not listen or refuses to listen, dust yourself off and move on, at least you tried
Does 'eyes to see and ears to hear' ring a bell here?
If you are an average person working taking care of your family etc. how are you supposed to find out about the reality?Try searching on google etc.The news,their doctors, everyone has told them it is safe . I really don't know how you unbrainwash people.
I work in a Northern California nursing home and majority are fast asleep and I do try to talk about what I know to those I hope I can trust but their eyes glaze over and they check out. It’s depressingly scary news that doesn’t match their reality (have taken 5 shots, plus the yearly flu shots and whatever scheduled shots are due because their doctor recommends the safe and effective potion.
It’s very depressing.
Keep it up sister. Do not lose the faith. Your soft voice can move mountains. Just keep praying and speaking when you can.
I'm so sorry you face that everyday. Must be very stressful for you. I hope you didn't get any shots yourself considering where you work. I understand. Where I am, most people appear to be fine to others so totally agree with you. You can't tell these people because it doesn't match their reality (you stated that very well).
Thank you. Unfortunately, I did get 2. Got super sick after the second shot, 8 hours later. It scared me so bad I swore I’d never get another vaccine again. It’ll be 2 years in January since my last shot. I’ll never trust a pharmaceutical ever again.
If you don't already, I suggest you take supplements like zeolite, humic acid, and others that help to build your immune system and detox the very dangerous toxins from your body and possibly stop the replication of the spike proteins and possible damage caused by the lipid nano particles and graphene oxide. Apparently, if you don't detox, those toxins (lipid nano particles, graphene oxide, spike proteins) will be doing damage. If you'd like, I can post more info about the different supplements. I know of several people who's symptoms of fatigue, seizures, joint pain, and nightmares got resolved with zeolite because zeolite binds to the positive toxins like spike proteins, lipid nanoparticles, graphene oxide. It binds to any positive toxins because it's a negatively charged natural substance. It basically scavenges throughout the cells and binds then removes the toxins (those mentioned, heavy metals, mold, flouride, radioactive isotopes, etc). It's a fascinating substance.
Hi, I started fulvic zeolite, borax, sun chlorella, baking soda, fasting and dmso. It’d be nice to have instructions on all these items. I know supplements can be antagonistic or mess with other elements. I took IVM last year with all the usual supplements…NAC zinc, vit k2, d3, b12, quercetin vit c. I have hydroxichloriquine and IVM but I’m thinking it messes up your parasites (kills them) and if not done correctly you can have a worse outcome when the eggs hatch. IVM doesn’t kill eggs. Only the adult, I think. Anyway, I haven’t been taking those pHARMaceuticals. And big government are probably messing with supplements as well🤷♀️*paranoid*
I’d appreciate anything you can suggest, hopefully with instructions:)
That is the shot's purpose - to destroy the mind, if the body doesn"t go first. People will only be able to follow the orders, and continue to be "updated" as transhumanism takes over the person. Just like Micrososft updates have become more frequent of late.
Had coffee yesterday with 2 friends. One was injured with autoimmune hepatitis right after jabs. Her life sucks now. The other has a husband with conditions docs have no clue about. Of course they have no clue either what might have caused it. But one already knows I have “kooky “ ideas. No point in sharing I’m afraid.
I'm so sorry. It's just so sad how brainwashed and ignorant people truly choose to be. What's even more sad is that there is probably hope to heal or at least have a better life, if they open their eyes.
When things aren’t adding up globally on a health care scare and your not paying attention your screwed. If your instincts aren’t screaming your in trouble anyway.
When you don´t make the effort to do any research whether reading books or perusing alternative webpages and just watch the tv and read the newspaper, you´re putting yourself in harms way. Laziness is a killer.
It is hard for people to find stuff without the help of people like us who know where to look or know what names to look up. I send emails out to some people of substack posts or videos and also of ways to heal from the crap in those shots and to take as preventatives if you're just being shedded upon. Unfortunately, I can't send them out to everyone I know because it's basically pointless. But, I do agree with you, "laziness is a killer" and most of the people will never know it considering the new "SADS" label.
Turtles all the way down is a good one.
Outraged Human, who writes Outraged's Newsletter Substack, has just replied to a comment of mine on Stegiel's Journal of Lingering Sanity Substack with a link to this, which I have not yet watched, but Outraged Human is pretty good at knowing good resources.
I have not yet watched it because Outraged said that it is long.
I recommend both of those niche Substacks, one can have a deeper conversation with the authors, because of small subscriber numbers.
Yikes. I can't think of a book except Robert Kennedy Jr. book on "the real anthony fauci" but there are movies by Andrew Wakefield. There are trailers on this site from his movies: Also, maybe show her that reagan signed the (hate using wikipedia because they're apart of the evil but it's just an easy reference at the moment) in 1986 that made pharma NOT liable for consequences of the vaccines they create because the vaccines they created caused death prior and things have only gotten worse. Red flag right there.
There's a fantastic video with Edward Dowd being interviewd by Mercola (if you didn't know, Mercola takes down his videos after 48 hours). I found the video on this website:
Hope this helps. I know there's tons more but I can't think of anything else off the top of my head right now.
It's just sad to me that these "average working people" which some are very well to do and do research things, won't believe their own family members and close friends (one of our friends comes to mind) but rather choose to believe a government they have said they don't trust, fauci who they said they hate, and doctors who SHOULD know better because it's their duty to keep harm from their patients and honor the Hippocratic Oath. They have thrown out logic completely and replaced it with fear, complete nonsense, and laziness.
True about search. I have been researching health for over a decade and had been able to keep our beautiful dog alive through countless unbelievable mistakes from both conventional and holistic vets because when I searched from some health issue online I got to see many options mostly holistic and I learned many things about illnesses. Now, you look something up and it's all the same institutions that come up. It's gotten very difficult especially if you don't know how to look things up. I'm grateful I started to research so many years ago and have trained myself to know how.
My dogs were what actually started my journey into health - and was then able to see how people had been hurt too. I learned the truth about health and everything I had believed until then was a big fat lie.
That's wonderful. Same here. We started eating organic because of him.
You are right, it is really hard to reach certain people because the only news they see is on their television. And we all know that that is just garbage propaganda. Those of us who are awake can dig deeper and look at alternative sources. I try to share everything I find on social media in the hopes that some of these people will take a second to read what I have posted and maybe wake up, dig and do their own research. You can lead them to water but you cannot make them drink. All you can do is pray for them. Some friends whom I know will never wake up I’ve had to leave behind and I no longer associate with them
How do you express it to people? I've only been able to tell a few people and usually it's those who bring up something themselves first. They might say something about the economy and I'll weave it in with that or recently someone told us he was so sick with "covid" and that he almost died. Then, we started to tell him a few things and gave him an extra container of zeolite that we have. I'm sure that's going in the garbage but how can we not try to help?
Try other search engines, like Presearch, duckduckgo, yandex. You'll find the "rest of the story'" there.
I don't know presearch or yandex (my husband just told me that's Russian). Duckduckgo isn't a good one. They did a deal back in May with microsoft to share data.
oh duck duck go announced they would be arranging search results algorithms in line with the narrative awhile ago so I gave up on them... oops just saw this has been said above!
So unfortunate. Wonder who got to them.
swisscows and qwant seem ok too
What is that?
2 search engines
Do you know who's behind them?
Interesting. Thank you.
Well it truly is the blind leading the blind.
Love that line. 👀 to see and👂to hear
yeah, me too....and there is a reason God gave us 2 ears and 1 mouth, as it says in the Bible
We are to listen twice as fast as we speak!
God's part we cannot do.....
Our part God will not do!
Amen kick the dust off
I was in serious heart failure a few months after my 2nd jab. Could have easily died but made recovery.
No more jabs of ANY kind for me!
Please be aware that if you haven't detoxed you're probably still filled with the toxins and you're not safe. There are many supplements including zeolite, humic acid, iodine, NAC, systemic enzymes that one needs to take to help the body be cleared of those toxins. Even people who are around those that have been vaxxed are probably being shedded upon and need to take these supplements as preventatives or aids because they've been effected, too.
If you want more info on those supplements, let me know and I'll post more.
Sorry that happened to you. I've had two as well (AZ) and won't be letting the NHS inject me with anything at all while I'm still conscious. I'd rather die at home.
The Harmacide scamdemic hacksxxxxine continues to inflict harm.
Bioweapons brought to you by the US dod.
When will Twitter come clean on the freaking hacksxxxine?
Reinstate Celia Farber?
I will always despise Twitter...
They destroyed my city entirely, and fuckerberg too.
SF fuckerberg GH.
SF killafornia.
We lead the destruction of America.
I am sorry.
I went to jail opposing all these endless lies.
Did not help a whit.
You don't know that it did not help.Thank you for standing up for the people who can not and the so many people that do not know they have been had-yet.Stay in it.Please.
If it wasn’t for Mark I wouldn’t know about these stories. Thanks MCM for your efforts to keep the lights on and the ugly truth exposed.
Mark does a good job but if he’s your only source you need to look harder. Everybody is reporting this. Just not the truthless MSM.
Yep, I am aware there are many sources reporting on SADS, etc... My comment was one of appreciation to MCM. I’ve been writing about this plandemic for a while... painfully aware of what this has been about from the start. Take care Tom.
Thank you for these compilations. When we’re bombarded with mainstream media misinformation I think we need daily reminders that we’re not crazy. I haven’t watched a television newscast in about two years. I’m trying to understand how people have become comfortable with death and neurological issues. I think somehow the most powerful immunization that has occurred is the immunization against common sense. When people think of the Covid vaccine perhaps they imagine sunshine and vitamins and scientists in pristine white coats in immaculate labs doing good for humanity. In reality it’s more like stubby men in a back room, with grimy fingers, counting money while chewing on a cigar and mixing vats of some putrid potion on a stove.
Yes! This is great. And so true! Do you think most kids being vax injured now eludes to a kind of acceptance to this? “We are all sick” mentality. My sister told me she thinks no one gets out of their 30’s w/o cancer? What??? And she’s a nurse. Indoctrination at large
Probably more sanitary conditions are used when making Fentanyl than with the covid vax
I don’t wish illness on anyone but I gotta say “told ya so”
It's not just things I read in the news. My personal experience in my highly jabbed area mirrors what is being reported. People with odd illnesses, getting sicker than normal from seasonal colds, strokes, heart problems, and one person I know died suddenly. None of this is normal. All of this followed the jab rollout. And yet....people still aren't waking up. It's like something has gone horribly wrong with people's ability to think. It's just staggering.
me too.we were outgrouped and vilified at work. Now lots ongoing endless respiratory illness, lots of tests for various things ( gynae, colon), many heart issues in young men of 30/40, and lots clots in parents friends and 2 of mine ( 50s, males), lots my parents age have died of cancers, quickly, some of MY friends also (younger ,50s, 60s) and 2 teen sudden deaths i know thru my friends and one lovely 30 y/o my friend and good friends son, plus mums best friend not found til 4 days later. lots arrhythmia, new parkinsons, etc.
And they're still all getting covid again.
I have a 28ish year old co-worker. He's in AU. Always having cold type illnesses. Thinks it's new variants. Probably will keep getting stuck until he can't.
YES! The denial is definitely real. Hard core.
First, stay off of google (the creator of Google has said at the start up of google, "this is not about searches, this is to build an AI data base'!) and use Startpage or DuckDuckGo. Second, get the TV out of the house, or at least, limit viewing (think 'programming') Third, if people do not or will not do their own research, that is their matter how much or hard one works, you MUST find time to take care of yourself and family!
Wasn't Duck Duck Go just purchased by another group?
I have heard something about that as well, not sure who it is...I do not use them anyway, I have always been with is what I have found
I just know that Google is not a good choice as most of the 'inquiry's' are subject to AI algorithms and so called 'fact checkers' which for the most part are AI
All of these cancers, must be round up. Maybe 5G? No that is safe too. Not tobacco either. Wonder what it can be? Sarc off now. This will be known as the worst disaster to befall humanity. With all cause mortality up 25-40% depending upon where you live, and the birth rate in steep decline we are watching the thinning of the population. If this is what the Malthus cult was wanting they got it.
Why this recent rash of stage 4 prostate cancers point to the vaccines, is that it's rare that prostate cancer ever gets to stage 4. There are many signs that proceed it which make any necessary intervention prior to stage 4 (spreading) possible. Usually, prostate cancer is so slow that no medical treatment is even required, however.
3 young German football players all diagnosed with testicular cancer all around same time.
The love of money…in this day and age…means more than life…it looks like!!
And Grant Wahl's brother wants us to believe his death was related to Marfan's syndrome...
Anything but the vax baby.
Ummmm… at 5’8” no. No. No. No. Are we living on Uranus? Marfans is a tall person disease. Not short. Fucking idiots.
Wow. I assumed he must have been 6'6. They will lie about anything.
And a week ago he wanted us to believe his brother was murdered (or foul play was involved) because he wore a 🌈 shirt in Quatar in support of LGBTQ+
His brother originally said he believed there was foul play involved in Grant's death because he was detained in Qatar for wearing a rainbow shirt in support of LGBTQ+.
I was being a smart ass and offering an alternative meaning for the "initialism" LGBTQ+
Margins can effect your heart🤷♀️...but, NOBODY should be taking the kill shot, ever!
Marfan, not margins😐
She's so young. Tamara Key Date of Birth july, 11th 2001, Age 21 Years Old
I find it hard to believe that the coaches don’t realize what’s going on. Have any of them spoken out?
Exactly ZERO people are speaking out. Z.E.R.O. Including all the MDs and nurses I work with.
I remember earlier this year reading that the biggest soccer club in Romania was banning the "vaccinated" players because they keep dropping dead.
I agree. I haven't heard of any speaking out. It would probably be the end of their career if they did.
There may be an end to their career anyway because there won’t be any healthy athletes left to play any sports!
Enough of THEM have also been dropping dead or merely keeling over.
These kids are like canaries in the coal mine. Young healthy and dropping like flies. If it can do this to young people imagine what's in store for everyone else. They're all ticking time bombs.
NY Rangers calling?
Then the alarm clock rang.
In UK, only one ex England footballer speaking out, Matt Le Tissier. He then got sacked by Sky TV where he was footie presenter.
Shows where their priorities are, I guess.
Pfizer is a sponsor of the SEC, the league that TN is in.The Univ. of TN does not have a vaccine mandate but have "seen" quite a lot of the athletes are in fact jabbed.Not sure how you wold find that out.And yes the lack of C-19 mandate has attracted a lot of students.
My son was a student athlete at Ohio State Univ. A couple of weeks before the university made it mandatory for students to take the jab he received a lot of pressure from his coach to comply. He had to test every other day early in the am, and the coach stated that it would be impossible for him to participate in his sport out of state because it was mandatory at that point in time at almost all other universities and he wouldn't even be able to enter their facilities. So that is one way to get student athletes to comply. FYI, there was one other student athlete that was unjabbed and a coach. They both folded with the pressure. My son walked away from a full ride with 2 years left of college.
My daughter is in med school at OSU and she caved as well. In addition to that, I understand those young doctors receive woke culture training and brainwashing about vaccines. I also question their education. For example, anatomy was taught "virtually."
♥️ if only ALL students were standing up for everyone to NOT be coerced ♥️ What a fabulous boy.
I looked up her stats, see link below. It looks like she played many teams in states that require vaccination.
Re "Then you just kind of turn around and suck it up.”, the clueless are blaming their illnesses on themselves, and not the gov poisoning. I really want them to understand what's been done to them but they cling to the narratives...that alone so frustrating, so angering.
Soon enough, the deaths will continue to multiply at a rate faster than statistics can keep up with. Those of us who are healthy and unvaccinated will be left behind to care for those who are ill and near death. Already, there is a serious employment shortage everywhere. Because people are dying and being injured by the vaccine. When more and more jobs go unfilled, how will society move forward? Who will work the sanitation jobs? Who will teach in our schools? We are about to see a complete and total change in society
And that is not a common form of cancer. Let's not look for answers folks. Nothing to see here. Move along.
Tamari Key.
Blood clots in the lungs of a college basketball player. Oh, that is completely normal. You know part of her family is looking at her and saying TUSKEGEE AIRMEN PART II!!!