The quote “We don’t really know why that’s happening, but we are seeing the trend,” Dr. Michael Ebright, director of thoracic surgery , tells TODAY.com. SERIOUSLY??? No clue why this is happening?

You don't find what you don't look for.

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Not a doctor but a clown. Science can find the cause of death of Tutankhamen but they can't find a cause now. What a circus 🎪

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Clown world. I knew we were in a circus, but I had no idea there was this many clowns involved.

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We do!

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Has anyone seen the TV show Westworld? Anthony Hopkins' Dr. Ford programs the hosts to not be able to see things they are not supposed to see. When presented forbidden information like a secret door or photo, hosts say "I don't see anything at all".

It's a great analogy for these doctors and experts that "don't know what's happening". Forbidden knowledge they have been programmed *not to see.

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It’s the mass formation. It’s as though they’re hypnotised members of a cult…. and of course, like most cult members… they never suspect their leader.

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Good one!!! ~~~Our Phx paper still presents their Comment Tators, almost daily, and snarkily, if I may say so! remarking on the total waste of time and energy, by us, arguing about The Big Lie ! Why for? How pathetic and juvenile we are, still pitching fits! accusing them of such a thing! ~~~oh, but in 2020, that next week, I watched at least three all-day panel presentations about the abuses of ballots, machines and observed fraud; and at least 2,000 signed affidavits were presented regarding what behaviors seen, and harassments received by “observers.” ~~~ho hummmmm, and more hmmmm~~~hafta say, some certain folks may need training for a new career, that is if there is still time ~~~ amen and amen

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They no. They just can't say it because they're cowards. More concerned about getting that next paycheck. This is going to come back and haunt them.

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After months of these notices and updates, and mystified that folks will not wake up to truths, I can’t help remembering this quote, “I can’t think about this now, if I do, I’ll go crazy. I’ll think about it tomorrow”. Scarlett O Hara, “Gone with the Wind”

And does tomorrow ever come?

I suppose that, with so many around a family member, and friends, who are dead or injured from ill considered vac decisions these past several years, this is the way they have chosen to take in order to keep going.

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Yup. My sister (who can’t understand all of the cancer and serious illness and disease all around her) “doesn’t WANT to learn any more about Covid. It’s time to move in”. Admitting her blind idiocy would literally drive her insane or into a deep depression. So just sweep it all under the rug and mock me as a science denier...,,

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…..What we have learned these past several years, is “yes, time to move on” applies to certain things: insults from coworkers, abuse from former boss, surviving bad marriage and loss, grieve and process, but not “time to move on”:when one’s life and health future depend on digging into the discussions! ~~~Ai yi yi! …and “heaven forbid” the Science, a la Fauchee! One can be called Intelligent only in certain things, otherwise……DX: hopelessly ignorant….I realize in these past months there are not enuff words to diagnoze my frustration and beginning detachment, for my own emotional and mental survival

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I have 3 siblings like your sister Same thing

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It would be a lot easier to swallow without the seething condescension based on their pseudoscience. And she is a “science” teacher. Lord help our children. Luckily my other sibs and cousins are on team reality.

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I could have wrote this! Same here

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Ha ha great quote and I think that nails it. And for many it seems tomorrow never comes. They prefer to go and get covid tests which is still a common thing where I live. Like a soother....

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It's a form of virtue signaling... when have we ever "tested" for a cold or flu? They've been properly trained. Those like us who didn't accept the "free" testing kits delivered to our homes are now on a list.

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According to a commenter on Zero Hedge there was a woman on a flight that kept testing herself. After some 50 negative results she FINALLY tested positive for Covid. She proceeded to lock herself in the bathroom to have her meltdown much to the chagrin of passengers who legitimately needed to use the crapper!

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No kidding ! I was in Barnes and Noble yesterday afternoon, couple wandering around, she wearing mask and he not. Rather bizarre, I mean……

Don’t I wonder how many of those on the platform really ever took the vac? Or just theater? But whatz her name on The View has been sick several times….

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I'm in a Facebook group for a small rural town near me and a member made a post about having covid. She went on to say she tested positive and it may be a good idea for everyone to start wearing masks. First response was from a guy telling her to fuckoff. He kept is rather short and sweet. That cracked me up. It went downhill for her really quick. I'm surprised she even posted it since life went on as normal out in the rural areas. I didn't see anyone wearing a mask. I know a lot of people out here and only know 3 who took it. They all had underlying health conditions. Got them on the fear factor. I'm sure there are more but it's not many. The vast majority knew and they're seeing what's happening now. They now have their confirmation they were right. None of them will ever take another vaccine. They're already teaching their children about it. Now, many of the clowns in the cities jumped the shark and landed in a pile of idiots.

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Good point. Denial can definitely be a psychological self-defense against a truth too overwhelming to deal with.

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Good thinking Sharon. I like your quote.

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Smokers are protected from bad jab effects because the badness in the jabs* binds to nicotine receptors (in every cell you have), but nicocine has much better affininty and so it prevents illness. You can chew nicotine gum, wear a patch (smalled patch, 1 week) or do as I do, make nicotine tincture (use American Spirit which is clean tobacco with equal amount of alcohol to make tincture.) *the badness in the jabs has the same profile as snake venoms, and virtually the same symptoms. What a coincindence, eh? https://rumble.com/v3vyewx-dr.-bryan-ardis-the-covid-antidote-pt-2.-the-truth-origins-and-antidote-for.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&ep=2

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Or do what I do and smoke! 😃

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I would not doubt this at all. The sick minds of these satanic horrors would love that symbolism.

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BS. I appreciate your comment but I would take what he says with a pound of salt.

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Uh-hunh... Uh-hunh... 🙄

If memory serves, when The Lethal Injections were first rolled out November 2020 in the UK, within 24 hours 2 injectees presented at Emergency with anaphylactic shock, 4 more, Bell's Palsy. That should have been the end of this monstrous farce, right then and there. But three years later, governments and Big Pharma are still pushing this filth like there's no tomorrow, people of all walks of life are dropping like flies from sudden heart issues and novel Turbo Cancers; the doctors are of course, "mystified" because obviously nothing to do with the 100% safe and effective "Covid" "vaccines" ...

And from The Presstitute Media? The gentle chirping of crickets, in the cool evening air... Because adverse reactions are 1 in a million... Pfizer and Moderna both said so; they and the doctors and of course the media wouldn't lie to us, now would they?

Would they?! ... 🤯

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Recently a freedom of information request produced parts of the vaccine contract between Pfizer and the Canadian government. It was right there in the contract that they did not know the long term dangers or the efficacy of their product. But the government immediately touted it as "safe and effective." In view of that information, aren't there a lot of government officials that could be deemed guilty of a legally prosecutable crime? I think it is called...um...fraud?

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Actually a "Crime Against Humanity" is the term you're looking for Mark: Each and every time these hi-tech rat poisons are administered. Under the original terms of The Nuremberg Code, subsumed in relevant legislation in all Western Countries, this carried The Death Penalty, and in my inexpert opinion, in the case of the Covid Lethal Injections, still should... 🤔

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Yep. Everyone who produced, distributed, administered, advertised, and advocated for it is complicit.

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Hang 'em up. Hang 'em high.

... we may run out of rope, and trees to decorate...

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Amazing how that pesky code went the way of the Dodo, never to be mentioned again, eh?

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Isn't it just? 🙄 Why the entire world isn't in open bloody revolt at this point astounds me. Instead, the pinheads believed every word of it, rolled up the sleeve for their Poison Death Shots..

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I’m beginning to believe that there is something in the shots that changes your brain. Makes you more docile. Otherwise sane people would be in open bloody revolt. I guess there are not enough of us who didn’t take the shot to revolt.

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Yes! I know two people who now have cancer. Both have confided to me they know the shot was the driving force, but neither is angry, just a quiet acceptance of their fate. They used to be firebrands, but now they’re docile, whipped souls. Like they know they got snookered, so they just have to accept it.

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One thing and another Leslie... decades of flouride in the public drinking water at higher concentrations than the water at Auschwitz... that's certainly done a fair amount of damage.. then the spike proteins in the Injections cross the blood brain barrier and cause all manner of sin and wickedness: I've noticed sinister personality changes in 3 people who took them... 🤔

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I was ready for a bloody revolt in March 2020. Just my instinct but it all smelled like baitfish.

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You too, eh?

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It seems all countries had the same agreement with Pfizer if they used Pfizer's covid shots. Lawyer Jeff Childers states that no lawyer would allow their client to sign such an agreement.

Contains info about South Africa's contract with Pfizer:


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I know you know but they all lied. I want to remind others who are reading these posts.

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I believe Pfizer actually said basically “the government made us do it” as they climbed off the “hook”.

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If fraud can be proven, their immunity from prosecution for the harms and deaths is null and void. That day would go down in history and the personal injury lawyers would have their day in the sun. It would be glorious 😊

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If you consider the breathtaking consequences of that proof -- all legal and moral authority would collapse in an instant, worldwide -- I think you'll agree with this:

"Don't hold your breath."

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It's amazing that they keep pushing the covid shots. They handled swine flu shot's adverse events much differently.....they discontinued that shot.


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1976 was nearly 50 years ago.. The drug lords of the day may still have retained a portion of their humanity... 🤔

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Exactly, especially evil as it is on the childhood vaccine schedule now in the States.

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In case you haven’t read this article by midwestern doc he writes about how bad vaccines have been going back many decades. Included in it is the 60 minutes video of Mike Wallace covering the swine flu jab and how many people had been injured by it. He also said that after Clinton allowed big pharma to advertise on TV that’s when they bought the media and no reporters could do what Wallace did because they would loose their money. There is so much more to the article. I hope people will read it and see how long our government has been covering up for the deadly vaccines. As usual he does a deep dive into history.


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Filth is exactly the appropriate word for the shot.

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Just trying to keep the discourse civil...

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Someone in my choir, at that time, sat in my row, had Bell’s Palsy, it didn’t look very comfortable, or comforting

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2023...Doctors are still baffled.

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Yeah, I'll bet they are. How come I'm not?

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The ones that are baffled prefer to be over the truth.

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As they push the MRNA flu shot. For your safety of course.

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No. You’re supposed to take it for the safety of everyone else. See sign above. Virtue signaling.

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I seriously can't believe they convinced so many to believe this nonsense. The majority of the world did a 180 and fell into a hole of stupidity.

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Fear is a powerful emotion. Most around me were terrified and just wanted it to end. So they would march willingly and unthinkingly into the arms of possibly their own undoing. It was chilling to see after I figured out what was really going on.

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I've been looking into all these FF for years. All these lies to push for wars. I was in one back in the early 90s and it was over lies. Then 9/11 happened which opened my eyes. I've looked at every event that I could throughout history and realized we've all been played. We would probably still be ignorant if the internet wasn't around. I knew this was complete BS when they aired the videos coming out of China of people dropping dead while foaming out their mouths. We didn't see this happened anywhere else. Then every lie that followed. You couldn't convince the ones who were gripped with fear. Then all the stupidity ensued. At least a lot of people have awakened to many things over the past 3 years. And we're not hearing much from the ones who took the poison. That's telling.

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soon to become befuddled then perplexed finally ending in mystified.

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Maybe they're also in denial since they took it. They don't want to accept they're dumb for trusting the science. Many clowns are now running the circus.

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“We don’t really know why that’s happening, but we are seeing the trend,” Dr. Michael Ebright, director of thoracic surgery at Stamford Hospital

Maybe it has “something” to do with the billions of pieces of bacterial plasmid DNA and SV-40 cancer promoter gene sequence that was injected into billions of people? But I am not a highly paid “super important” doctor…so what do I know. I guess it is just a fucking mystery?

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I think Angela Lansbury could figure it out... Columbo as well. It's as if they think the population are morons or something.

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I think Inspector Clouseau could figure it out!!! 😂😂😂😂

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Weellll the "population" generally let strangers shoot something into their arms

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Pre 2021, most if not all 52 year olds lost 9 people close to them. I was in Hillsboro NC over the weekend. Tons of cloth masks, especially outside on the most perfect day of the year. 70 year old white dudes banging on hand drums singing Hari Krishna way out of tune. My buddy is dying to live there and pay double the taxes because it’s so “progressive”. I mentioned what I saw when I was there and my buddy said “my kinda peeps”. He is literally losing his mind over the possibility of Drumpf getting elected again. (I am NOT rooting for that moron) Surely the end of the world, democracy, etc. Such a fascist that guy. NOT the people who mandated poison of course. Those are the good guys following $cience. Who cares if the world will be at war forever with “progressives” in charge. Who cares if you need a loan to go to the grocery store. Who cares if home ownership has been put out of reach for 80% of the population. Who cares if 50% of the population is sucked into crippling debt sold the lie that they will be top 10% earners based on a degree in utter bullshit that has no value to anyone. We bought 13.5 acres in the mountains and he asked me if the people out there were in a militia. Meanwhile the people out there have been more sweet,helpful and welcoming than the “progressives” in CT that I spent 30 years growing up with. Those “progressives” wouldn’t piss on me if I was in fire. Me being a wrong thinker and all. MSLSD is doing wonders for people.......

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Yes. Proggs are simply nuts now. Trump gets worked into every conversation. Hating on those they consider haters. Well, I don’t think their own brand of hate is “on the side of the angels”. They can’t hear themselves at all.

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Yup. Drumpf and/or Qanon explains everything. Including the utter failure of all of their insane policies blowing up in their nose ringed faces. And on the other side, the poisoner in chief is still idolized. While bragging about his amazing Warp Speed. “My kid has myocarditis but I’m STILL voting for him!!!!”

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1. Rip has a misleading name when read in a headline. RIP

2. How would you like to go to a workplace clotshot "event".

Surgeons are baffled about lung cancer - I would suggest that they are not baffled but muzzled and blinkered.

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Savannah Guthrie should be in GITMO on a rack

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I think "the iron maiden"... shouldn't you? 🤔

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As should most of the media. Bloody demons.

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She was a true believer in the covid hoax and now is paying the price. I've very sorry for her health situation and for her family.

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she is an evil member of the MSM and has spent yrs degrading President Trump and anyone else the left hates. I have no sympathy for her at all.

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I’m not. I just posted. She nationally shamed Covington High School student Nick Sandmann knowing he had done nothing, had not said one word to the Native American man, but she scored huge points as the 17 year old was wearing a MAGA hat purchased in the White House Gift Shop. Perhaps if NBC was not “owned” by the Pharmaceutical Industry, she would have not blindly vaccinated herself and her young children.

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"But the incidence of lung cancer in women who are nonsmokers is twice as high as men who are nonsmokers.”


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Just reading today again about the real dangers in mammography. Huge issues. The pink washing in awareness month was started by AstraZeneca to promote their blockbuster drugs, which themselves are listed as carcinogenic. This whole celebration pushes “the CURE”. Never PREVENTION which in many cases is not getting the damn test. It’s shocking. I will get no more, although I was never very regular at it. I’m 75. Never a problem.

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and toxic household cleaning solutions!....not to mention the `500 chemicals women use each morning with their various beauty products.....I don't agree with Mammograms, like all mentioned above, we have safe and effective breast screening, thermography and we have many non toxic cleaning supplies and beauty products...I don't think most people want to think, if it doesn't personally affect them then why bother to do anything about it...and here we are.

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It`s hair dye

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Some argue it's shaving armpits and then applying aluminum based deodorants.

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We lost a family member to the turbo lung cancer. 60 years old and in great health, until he got the vaxx.

This holiday season we need to be mindful and pray, or do positive thoughts if you can't bring yourself to pray, for all the families that will be going through "the first" w/out their loved ones. We have two in my family alone that won't be w/us this year. On the bright side there will be a new baby full of innocent chi and happiness to distract from the sorrow.

It is getting late in the year but could still be pulled off, there is a Christmas celebration called Blue Christmas. It is a service for those that have lost loved ones and find the holidays tough. The ones I have been to have been really nice, quite poignant and well done. They are hard to find, and I wish they would become more mainstream. It has been a couple years since I have been to one due to the Covid crap, but I can only imagine what the attendance would be if they became popular in communities w/all the vaxx deaths. Imagine if people got together for the service and connected the dots?

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Sorry about the loss of your family member. I think Blue Christmas is a great idea.

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Thanks. Sometimes Hospice has one, but they aren't the same as a Blue Christmas service.

If you are involved in a church or any organization plan one for next year to host, they really are special. It isn't necessarily for the recently passed, it can be for anyone that is missing their loved one during the holiday season.

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That is a lovely idea! After my brother passed away of stomach cancer I cried a lot for him, that first three years

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Disease after disease and death after death; yet, doctors remain baffled. I suppose no amount of higher level education actually improves critical thinking skills, and it definitely does nothing to give these doctors moral courage to stand up and tell the truth.

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They`re not baffled they are scared shitless of the consequences if they speak up

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They lack testicular fortitude. If they all stood up and did the right thing, all if this would be over in a heartbeat. Pun fully intended.

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Here is what they do.... test....give pills....test...give pills...cut...give pills...test... refer you to a "specialist"

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Just more pharmacists

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sad thing is, so many people suffering obvious jab effects are still unable to admit it.

I posit two reasons: ONE, the mental gymnastics due to fear, ego, etc. and TWO, actual neurochemical effects from the spike protein (and whatever else) crossing the blood brain barrier

fortunately, there *are* ways to get through to even the most heavily conditioned/damaged -> https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/5-scientific-reasons-your-vaccinated

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Very good.

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Dear Savannah Guthrie, it’s called Karma. You shamelessly scolded Nick Sandmann on air for his racist MAGA behavior on a school filed trip to DC. When you did that interview, you knew that the high school Junior had not said one word to the Native American Indian. And yet, you disgraced him nationally on the TODAY show. Perhaps your voice is being silenced because of your Machiavellian dishonesty. You do not have my sympathy. As a “Journalist”, you abused your power.

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Yesterday I spoke with a friend who had just returned from a funeral of a 60+ year old female friend in Ohio, US. This is what she told me: her friend was diagnosed with a massive tumor that had wrapped itself around her spinal cord (spine?). Two weeks after the discovery/diagnosis, she died. Suddenly.

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I know of several that have died in 2 weeks.

During gallbladder surgery removal the doctor found widespread cancer in the 60 year old daughter of my former boss. They gave her 2 weeks to live. She went for a second opinion at Duke...they confirmed diagnosis. She was dead in 2 weeks.

My friend's sister was diagnosed with cancer and given 2 weeks to live. She was dead in 2 weeks. Another one of her sisters was just diagnosed with cancer and given 2 weeks to live.

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Until msm talks about it, many will remain clueless.

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Young adults blame stress over climate change. Since they were forced to take the vaccines or drop out of college, I just murmur affirmations. And continue praying.

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