I think there should be a “ pool” guessing how long it will be before they expose his neurological condition that causes his raspy voice..FYI, same as Maine Senator Susan Collins ... sadly, the media goes as low as necessary.
I think it was in his interview with Russel Brand that Joe Rogan mentioned RFK started having trouble with his voice after a flu shot. That's accurate if memory serves me, but I hadn't heard that before and I haven't looked into it further.
Kennedy is really sticking his neck out, it is admirable.
I think there should be a “ pool” guessing how long it will be before they expose his neurological condition that causes his raspy voice..FYI, same as Maine Senator Susan Collins ... sadly, the media goes as low as necessary.
I think it was in his interview with Russel Brand that Joe Rogan mentioned RFK started having trouble with his voice after a flu shot. That's accurate if memory serves me, but I hadn't heard that before and I haven't looked into it further.