I would vote for RFK, jr. And I voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020. Please don't send me any nasty replies or sarcastic comments for having voted for Trump. He was a better choice than Biden.

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My life was great under Trump, under Xiden it has sucked. Both parties are evil, and at this point it doesn't much matter. I am one of those people not quite sure we will get an election to even pretend we voted in.

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I hear you 100 percent. I don't think the communists will allow RFK, Jr. to run, and unless we have divine intervention, our 2024 election will be rigged once again. God help us.

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What really makes me laugh is that Joey thinks he is going to run again. I want to see Kennedy on stage debating Joey.

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I can't do green, it is all a lie like everything else.

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POLLUTION, NOT CO2. He wants polluters to pay for the pollution they cause, so the public doesn't have to. I don't consider CO2 to be real pollution, but there is real pollution that the public shouldn't have to pay to clean up.

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ACitW: Both parties are evil ...


Biggest understatement ever!

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So agree about Trump...Trump may be a blow hard but he does know what planet he inhabits, and doesn’t go on and on about the ice cream the White House and where it is located. Trump also visited the people of East Palestine Ohio after the train derailment and toxic chemical release, and Biden can’t be bothered to go there.

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Yup. Biden is too busy pandering to the 1% ers… the billionaires and ideologues pushing gender/identity

The rest of us. We are just useless eaters.

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Biden Inc. in Ukraine , never forget , lots of money 💰 laundering.

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East Palestine Ohio was a campaign trick and it fooled you. He is still a vaxx pusher.

All of it is fake. There is a uniparty and while you're trying to decide CBDC is coming to destroy you.

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I wasn’t really fooled by Trump’s trip to Ohio…and I know he won’t admit his part in pushing the Vaxxes and that he still thinks they are ok. I didn’t vote for either guy in the last presidential election…I ‘wrote-in’ my 14 year old Cattle Dog Roxy Ann Lee for President! 🤪👏🏼

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Roxy Ann Lee is a great presidential name. And she's smarter than ALL politicians combined. She has my vote!

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Yes Roxy Ann Lee was much smarter than Biden or Trump but sadly she Crossed the Rainbow Bridge last March (2022) and won’t be available to go on the campaign trail. (But wait a minute…a dead Cattle Dog candidate never stopped anything since we have a brain dead guy in there now!)

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Well if you really want to play the game like the pro’s do...get your deep fake and doggie double together and hit the campaign trail!

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I brought my 4 almost 5 year old and wrote in whoever she told me: mommy, bluey, Elsa, a unicorn,

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Love it…Bluey is an Australian Cattle Dog! 😉👏🏼

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I once believed that Trump was as bad as the media said he was. I now see how disgustingly corrupt the media is (the "progressive" media as well as mainstream media, and that Trump would have been by far a better choice than Biden. Much respect to Trump voters. Still, very happy about RFK, Jr, and think he is the best candidate by far. Trump had a chance to speak out about "Warp Speed" being a terrible mistake, and he doesn't want to go there. Still, that's nowhere near as bad as the psychopaths who want to force vax everyone. But RFK Jr is truly good and aware in so many ways. : )

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If Trump had lost in 2016, Hillary would have appointed three supreme court justices. And we would be living in a very different, even more dystopian world than we currently are.

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Same! I voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020, also. After Warp Speed, there’s absolutely no way in hell I’ll ever vote for him again. But, I’m definitely NOT going to vote for the dementia-ridden, illegitimate pervert that we’ve dealt with for the last almost two & a half years, either. So, if RFK Jr. doesn’t win the nomination, then I guess I just won’t vote, which will be a first for me. 😕

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Trump is the 19th President of the US Republic.

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Isn't that just the absolute epitomy of between a rock and a hard place but those two choices are fabulous compared to having the choice of voting for war criminal, butcherer of women and children and myriad other assorted deeply evil actions trump or war criminal, butcherer of women and children and myriad other assorted deeply evil actions biden?

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Good for you. I believe the US wouldn't be pouring billions into a proxy war with Russia right now had Trump won.

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Apr 13, 2023
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Thanks for this post...I'm not so sure about the eliminate religion install science and meterialism, as an absolute. It is the "opiate of the people," as said Marx. It keeps people content with their miserable existence, unhappiness, emptiness as in the next life is where we shall be rewarded. Why look for anything, anywhere while in this realm when we've already been told where it is and only submission allows entry into Nirvana.

Religion is perhaps the most effective way to control people, and to stop them from looking any further than their preferred holy book, as well as to create conflict between people.

Rejection of man-made / corrupted religion is a natural consequence questioning and critical thinking. Anyone who thinks that any of the stories about any of the gods that have been introduced through the course of the current civilisation quite simply does not use the same epistemology to evaluate their religion as they do for any thing else in their life.

Divinity is within all of us and most religion traditions teach us that, including Christianity, but few organized religions of our time teach this and in fact spread the message that humans are weak and wicked, unworthy of redemption. All one has to do is watch children playing, or have them to know that we are beautiful, caring, curious and full of love, our most powerful and the most powerful weapon.

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As far as vaxxes go...I’ve said this so many times already and I’ll say it again...and again:

When will people do historical research and find out that anytime you inject anything into your body, you’re on a highway to hell.

NEVER in the history of mankind has injecting poisons into your body given you better health.

Quite the opposite. They’ve ALL maimed and killed. Read and learn the history of this barbaric act:

The Poisoned Needle: Suppressed Facts About Vaccinations https://a.co/d/cfvx9Q6

Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History https://a.co/d/coVuit4

- George William Winterburn, PhD, MD, The Value of Vaccination: A Non-partisan Review of Its History and Results, 1886

- History and Pathology of Vaccination, Edgar R. Crookshank, 1889

- Charles Creighton, Jenner and Vaccination. A Strange Chapter of Medical History, 1889


There are many others, they’re just a few.

Finding the truth isn’t that hard

But you do have to get off your ass and turn off the tube and read.

We’ve known for well over 150 years the concept of vaccination is a fraud concept.

And the criminals that pose as our elected officials are in on the take and are raking in millions, and will NEVER stop the madness that is called vaccination.

And neither will doctors who are being PAID handsomely for jabbing and lying to their trusting patients.

If you’ve been jabbed then your death will be influenced by and/or directly caused by said jab.

People should quit thinking it’s coincidence. That’s propaganda talk.

And yet the populace of today (being dumbed down by design) have their heads buried in the sand and believe the corrupt media’s story of blaming these deaths on everything else under the sun except the obvious. What a pity.

And those “doctors” who are shilling for the medical cartel, the pharmafia and allopathic medicine should hang their heads in shame.

They know the truth, but have sold their soul to the company because their payment on their yacht, McMansion, and Jag is due.

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The issue I have with RFK is his continued acknowledgement of the fraudulent germ theory and it’s equally fraudulent cousin virology

That keeps the door open to acknowledge the next fraudulent “pandemic” as legitimate.

He knows better but will not publicly say so.

When he finally does, he’s got the world by the balls and will bring allopathic medicine out of the dusty archaic past and into the present which will save millions of lives, because it will prove that vaxxes are the illegitimate answer to the phony “pathogenic virus” ghost story

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Vote for freedom! no matter who stands for it!

The problem with RFK2 is that he supports decarbonization ... an essential part of the global government:

The full PLAN exposed:


Green communism sucked 200 trillion from taxpayers:





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PROOF OF VIRUSES. Music Man, the germ theory is not fraudulent, just over-hyped. Bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites can be quite toxic, just as some animals and plants are. The opposition to the germ theory hinders the movement against the Covid conspirators, because the top believers in No-Virus theory won't consider alternative evidence. {It's likely controlled opposition, like Flat Earth theory.} I haven't read the list of books you mentioned, but I did read Neil Miller's book on Vaccines: Are They Safe and Effective. It shows graphic evidence that they are not. One of the books on your list mentioned Jenner. A doctor interviewed on Dr. Mercola's website around 2010 said that Jenner's method of inoculating people in India was actually effective, because it only involved scratching the arm, not injection. I think pus was applied to the scratches. The immune system is strongest just under the skin and in the GI tract, so it quickly makes antibodies to the pathogen at the surface. Injections bypass the strongest part of the immune system completely, where positively charged ingredients cause blood clotting, because the blood is negatively charged, unless it clumps or clots. Injections can also cause the diseases that they're claimed to prevent. They can cause other health problems as well (like autism etc). I have a post called Proof of Viruses at https://covidandvaxfaqs.substack.com/p/proof-of-viruses.

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I've always wondered about variolation vs inoculation. I know that it too was often dangerous and deadly..........

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Sorry Len , not quickly......I do have a billion links and books on vaccinology, and I know that when reading historical accounts of Washington's supposed inoculation campaign, people got very sick, and some died. I do not know how to tell what is absolutely true from the history movies and books, but it's often reported that when Abigail Adams inoculated her children, one nearly died from variolation.

I have to dig deeper in the actual literature of the time - which is available in some books, to know more. But while reading newspaper accounts going back decades, the "science" behind either variolation or injection looks very iffy at best, and dangerous and deadly at worst. What the first link does not talk about, is the actual cowpox vs smallpox that the flim flam man, Jenner used.

I have not read any of these links carefully........but go for it!




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Jill, can you give me a link on that?

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You make smoke and mirrors. You don't know the meaning of Proof. Your No Virus theory will only hinder the movement against the conspirators, because most people are not going to believe the germ theory is totally wrong.

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I don’t know the meaning of proof?

I think you mean the MANY BRILLIANT doctors, scientists and people who scorn and debunk everything your offer as proof.

These people DO KNOW THE MEANING of proof


Have a nice life and goodbye

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My sources are better than yours (ha ha, or lol as they say these days, I think). And I have the ability to reason as well. As I said, all those other things can be toxic, i.e. bacteria, fungus, parasites and even animals and plants, so it's reasonable that viruses can be too. Most viruses are harmless, but some can cause severe damage, just as with parasites, poisonous plants, poisonous animals etc. Some of my sources are at https://covidandvaxfaqs.substack.com/p/proof-of-viruses. In the case of polio, it doesn't occur unless there's both a toxic chemical (like DDT, arsenic, etc) and a polio virus. If either of those is missing, polio won't occur. There's probably misdiagnosis too. The same may be true of rabies etc. Rabies vaccines can cause rabies, but it probably also requires nerve damage caused by chemicals etc. I wrote a post about polio at https://naturalremedieswiki.substack.com/p/polio-virus-ddt-polio. I also wrote a post for Dr. Stillwagon's online book on the Silent Killers, vaccines, at https://covidandvaxfaqs.substack.com/p/the-silent-killers-vaccines.

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you're saying germs aren't real?

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That is the gist of it for terrain theorists.

There is no such thing as contagion.

I’ll believe anything these days and whether or not the earth is flat or viruses exist carries very little importance in my life.

The problem is neither group will EVER address evidence which refutes their views.

Im not even sure they are. wrong but some of their arguments are pretty infantile. My favorite is “my wife and daughter got sick and I didn’t! QED!”

“Well, my wife and daughter got sick and so did her brother, five kids in her class and me.”


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Americans are about to be "vaccinated" through the food supply:


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You are right. We researched and never took the JAB. The more things came out you could see that is wasn't going to kill you instantly. Everybody has a brain and we used ours. I remember how stupid Dr. Oz was when he had a woman on his show wiping down packages sent through the mail. Really, there was no way that you could keep germs off of it. STUPID...

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I had a friend that wore gloves to the mailbox and wiped down her mail, as well as all the groceries her husband brought home. Too much work for me, if it is gonna kill me, it is gonna kill me.

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Me too. I knew that I wasn't going to do that. I felt the same way :-)

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Me too :-). I survived.

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IMO, Kaiser is heavily involved in continuing the scam and enriching these players:


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All "healthcare providers" and insurance companies participate. Why else is it that the correlation between excess deaths and life insurance payouts after the injections started hit the news only once in the last three years?

And it's not about money, but depopulation and control. In the meanwhile, the perps seem to derive some sick satisfaction from making their victims pay for the rope they are hanged with.

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True this: "The perps seem to derive some sick satisfaction from making their victims pay for the rope they are hanged with."

You get a vaccine that kills family members or makes them deal with a life-altering illness, and people thank Pfizer ... and ask for more of the same shots. It's hard to process.

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The fact that Kennedy has worked for years to expose the dangers of vaccines makes him a viable candidate in my view. I don't agree with all of his political ideas but I admire his courage and his talent for effective presentation of facts, especially his writing of the expose of Anthony Fauci: "The Real Anthony Fauci...".

RFK Jr is a brave man and a tireless worker. Given the corruption of the DNC in the selection of candidates, he doesn't seem a likely democrat party candidate, so he may have to run as an independent candidate.

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That is the $64k question: Why isn't he running as an independent? Sanders was asked the same question in 2015. The answer is far less important than the inevitable result. Left populism is dead for a generation at least Is that what awaits the health freedom movement?

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Apr 13, 2023
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At RFK’s talk at St. Anselm’s college in NH a number of weeks ago, he was asked about burn out when dealing with the vax and medical freedom issue. He said, “It’s simple. I’m not attached to the outcome. I get up every morning, report for duty, and do what needs to be done.” To me that resonates as a sensible and practical philosophy. The work we are being asked to do may not materialize in a positive outcome until after we have left this life. I’m ok with not being around to see the victory, but I feel it’s important to do my part to help however small that part might be. Many hands make light work.

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Absolutely. We are not where we are coming from, but where we are going.

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Apr 13, 2023
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There is no "we" in the general sense.

You and I can make our choices that will certainly affect where we are going.

Rob might be running, because he wants to die in honor.

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Because he has a degenerative neurological condition.

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John, great quote. I think I'll use it in a new post at https://rfk4president.substack.com/archive. I'm not sure when though. Maybe today or tomorrow.

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This would mark the first time in my life I actually voted FOR someone, instead of against the other someone -- not counting write-in protest votes.

But if he runs, I'm afraid for his life.

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If he was not allowed or not risking his life with absolute certainty, he wouldn't run. I also prefer him over other potential candidates, but no US President has served the people after the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Presidents seem to have been patsies, puppets, globalist insiders, and the runaway ones were usually taken care of. Rob might chose to sacrifice himself to wake people up... Time will tell, assuming there will be another election, which might or might not happen, considering the potential false flags, artifically-created famine, and general poisonings that would ensure martial law.

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1) calling for a cautionary review of all pediatric and adult vaccinations does not make anyone an “anti vaxxer.” The pharmaceutical industry has a death grip on this country via our Healthcare system, all in the name of ....$$$. Nothing they do should be questioned?? And 2) will RFK jr. win? Doubt it, but his candidacy will enlighten the American public. The media will look like the utterly idiotic puppets they are taking apart a Democrat. And 3) I sent his campaign $50.. let’s go RFK!!!

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I hope he helps bring the problems with vaccines to a larger audience, but his anti gun stance is a no go for me.

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And his climate change hooey. It is another hoax of a scam.

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Jerms, I don't think he's that concerned about gun control. It may be hype against him.

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Apr 13, 2023
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Me too!

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I cannot attend but I did contribute a modest amount to his campaign. His issues have a place at the table for discussion at the very least. He's a real American. America CAN be great again!

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Any amount adds to the “total” support!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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This is going to get so ugly, man, I've already seen the smears coming out.

It really is something to stick your neck out like this, gonna be a blazer of a season. Bloom County would be lit right now.

I think the establishment is going to over reach and expose themselves to many who haven't already figured it out yet. Gonna be tough for the media to keep up with Kennedy.

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BRING IT ON!! Right now, RFK Jr is my hero!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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Jake Tapper of all people has already called Kennedy a quack, I was rather insulted by that.

Big P is gonna be hard to beat.

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Jake Tapper is a prostitute so do not be insulted.

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True dat, but still it annoyed me. I like Jr., I appreciate his work on exposing the gnomenazi. He is a courageous man unlike Tapper the Tool.

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Kennedy is really sticking his neck out, it is admirable.

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I think there should be a “ pool” guessing how long it will be before they expose his neurological condition that causes his raspy voice..FYI, same as Maine Senator Susan Collins ... sadly, the media goes as low as necessary.

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I think it was in his interview with Russel Brand that Joe Rogan mentioned RFK started having trouble with his voice after a flu shot. That's accurate if memory serves me, but I hadn't heard that before and I haven't looked into it further.

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Did Jake Tapper disapprove of RFK Jr cleaning up the Hudson River ( ?) which was toxic? Willing hypocrite.

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Actually, anything that Jake Tapper says against him is an endorsement in my view. Tapper is a lying snake, so I would tend to approve of anyone he tries to insult.

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As long as he does not end up the same way as JFK, hooray. No Jack Ruby to knock off his assassin this time, in that scenario - I was stunned when JFK got his - the best American President to that time and he handled the US Cuban Missile Crisis wonderfully - I saw it all as it unfolded

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What a historic event to attend. We will be there. Enough is enough. ❤️🤍💙🇺🇸

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Little too far off, but I will support Kennedy as much as I can. All these awful news outlets have long been blocked on my computer so I won't have to see these lying bastards again.

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I just registered. I live right here in Boston so it's a no-brainer for me to go.

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Best of luck from the UK. We have literally no-one here to stand up for the truth, apart from minor backbenchers who speak out to an empty Chamber and have their career ruined for their pains. I'm already depressed at the thought of the BBC/Guardian/Independent coverage to come of the 'anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorist, RFK Jr. God bless him.

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It would be so wonderful, if it could work.

I respect Rob, but I can't see that any President after the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 has ever done any good for Americans. The country has been hijacked ever since:


The system is rotten to the core and cannot be salvaged from the inside (especially a Kennedy must be aware of that...):


The timetable of the usual civilizational collapse is coming up soon. As the process is now global, I can't see another culture taking over, especially if the technocrats' plan keeps making progress, the next step being everyone being "vaccinated" with graphene oxide that can be remotely controlled through 5G, effectively turning people into units in the IoT. Animals are included and the "vaccination" is now targeting the food supply, because people are refusing to take any more "boosters" or whatever else:


The country has been hijacked since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, when a private bank was granted the exclusive right to issue the USD as a loan with an interest to the taxpayer that politicians have been allowed to spend at their own discretion or, may I say, at their handlers' discretion.

False hope sells, because it's cheap:


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"The system is rotten to the core and cannot be salvaged from the inside" True. You can't kill a snake by living in its belly.

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I think the graphene claim is false fear mongering. I wrote a post about it yesterday at https://covidandvaxfaqs.substack.com/p/no-graphene-in-vaxes-no-shedding. Also, I don't believe any bank creates U.S. currency as a loan. That seems to be another fraud. See mythfighter.com.

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I am glad you are thinking on your own, even when we disagree, which is not necessarily the case at this point. All you might consider doing is keep thinking.

The important thing is that you make up your own mind and cannot blame anyone else for your decision. Graphene is delivered in many ways, and it's only part of the nanotech poisoning:


No need for shedding, although some sort of shedding was certainly there after the injections, but nobody knows what:


The actual red herring is the mRNA:


But that's not the end of the story:


Well, you don't seem to understand how the private bank, the Federal Reserve has been given the exclusive right to issue the USD since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 as a loan at an interest to the taxpayer. All economies built on debt at an interest eventually collapse, and the fiat petro-dollar is well beyond the point of return:


Gold-based currency has become impossible in the US, which ensures the introduction of the CBDC after the dollar collapses.


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I signed up as I’m in Rhode Island. Not sure I can make it during the day though...I’m conservative but support RFK and will donate.

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I sure hope RFK wins.

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This time around, the anti vax and conspiracy theorist labels are no longer taboo to people.

I'm glad RFK Jr is running, even if he gets screwed by the DNC, he's gonna be dropping truth bombs.

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