Sorry Len , not quickly......I do have a billion links and books on vaccinology, and I know that when reading historical accounts of Washington's supposed inoculation campaign, people got very sick, and some died. I do not know how to tell what is absolutely true from the history movies and books, but it's often reported that when Abigai…
Sorry Len , not quickly......I do have a billion links and books on vaccinology, and I know that when reading historical accounts of Washington's supposed inoculation campaign, people got very sick, and some died. I do not know how to tell what is absolutely true from the history movies and books, but it's often reported that when Abigail Adams inoculated her children, one nearly died from variolation.
I have to dig deeper in the actual literature of the time - which is available in some books, to know more. But while reading newspaper accounts going back decades, the "science" behind either variolation or injection looks very iffy at best, and dangerous and deadly at worst. What the first link does not talk about, is the actual cowpox vs smallpox that the flim flam man, Jenner used.
I have not read any of these links carefully........but go for it!
Sorry Len , not quickly......I do have a billion links and books on vaccinology, and I know that when reading historical accounts of Washington's supposed inoculation campaign, people got very sick, and some died. I do not know how to tell what is absolutely true from the history movies and books, but it's often reported that when Abigail Adams inoculated her children, one nearly died from variolation.
I have to dig deeper in the actual literature of the time - which is available in some books, to know more. But while reading newspaper accounts going back decades, the "science" behind either variolation or injection looks very iffy at best, and dangerous and deadly at worst. What the first link does not talk about, is the actual cowpox vs smallpox that the flim flam man, Jenner used.
I have not read any of these links carefully........but go for it!