With all due respect Mr. Miller, the reason I said what I said is because the entire political world is a psy-op in and of itself. It is all a circus, a scripted "scene " for the masses to "oohh" and "ahh" over. To divide & conquer. Not to mention how Bobby is in total favor of other poisonous vaccines, just not this one....seems a bit suspicious to me (although I personally do have a few ideas why that is). Also Bobby continues to "run away" from the whole "germ/virus theory " conversation. Why won't he talk about it? ?? I have ideas for that as well.
I am with you. It's the uniparty show and we get who they (the ccp) selects. And RFK JR interviews a lot of experts who have shared lots of non mainstream information and they bring receipts. Denis Rancourt for one...who illustrated via the all cause mortality death records that there was no epidemic that killed people but the measures. RFK knows this information. So many know this information yet they are still talking about the lab leak like it even matters. It's all different layers of horseshit.
Have you EVER read anything about the man? His name and his law firm have been fighting other vaccines for decades! Jesus. Go to ChildrenтАЩs Health Defense. Read just ONE of the books he wrote on the subject (specifically and preferably The Real Anthony Fauci).
Tucker only said what he was told to & allowed to say on air ! He wasn't going "rogue" as many people think. If he was, he would have been gotten rid of a long time ago. He also has his "masters" that he answers too as well, don't be fooled by the few "truths" he utters here & there......he is part of "the system/agenda" !!!
That's my point. Somehow he was able to say more than the previous gatekeepers. They are trying to keep hold of people by giving them more and more bits of truth.
The fact that youтАЩre so dismissive of everyoneтАЩs completely genuine concerns, is very suspicious to me. Because of your responses here, I no longer trust what you say, and I did before reading the way you respond to people. You have become a snake if you werenтАЩt already one before. Repent!
All these people who claim to be so aware & awake that are supporting ANY politician these days I personally now look at with a different opinion, including Jon. Not to mention how Jon himself for over 30 years has openly said he knows that "viruses " don't exist but now he is supporting Bobby who runs from that conversation
That's not the central issue. Getting people to believe "the virus" was inventedтАФand/or that "viruses don't exist," but have been used to panic everyone into submissionтАФis utterly impossible, as long as people think that those above us are benign. That they are NOT benign, but dangerous, is THE thing people need to understand, before we can discuss the question of virology.
Those of you who think that the ontology of viruses are ALL THAT MATTERS are distracting and dividing everybody else. Jon Rappaport should be commended for his realism and his open mind.
Me too. We know! Anyone who thinks that politicians are the answer has no clue what is happening. They all want control. RFK, Biden, Trump, DeSantis, they are all in it for themselves. Having a document that laid down the law was supposed to help with that, but now the Constitution is ignored and no one does anything about it. So what do we do?
The fact that any of "YOU" think this whole "election psy-op " is anything but is astonishing!!!
You'd prefer that all those issues NOT come up in this campaign? Or would that too be a psy-op? The fact that you'd dismiss it is astonishing.
With all due respect Mr. Miller, the reason I said what I said is because the entire political world is a psy-op in and of itself. It is all a circus, a scripted "scene " for the masses to "oohh" and "ahh" over. To divide & conquer. Not to mention how Bobby is in total favor of other poisonous vaccines, just not this one....seems a bit suspicious to me (although I personally do have a few ideas why that is). Also Bobby continues to "run away" from the whole "germ/virus theory " conversation. Why won't he talk about it? ?? I have ideas for that as well.
Try reading The Real Anthony Fauci and THEN come back and comment.
I am with you. It's the uniparty show and we get who they (the ccp) selects. And RFK JR interviews a lot of experts who have shared lots of non mainstream information and they bring receipts. Denis Rancourt for one...who illustrated via the all cause mortality death records that there was no epidemic that killed people but the measures. RFK knows this information. So many know this information yet they are still talking about the lab leak like it even matters. It's all different layers of horseshit.
Have you EVER read anything about the man? His name and his law firm have been fighting other vaccines for decades! Jesus. Go to ChildrenтАЩs Health Defense. Read just ONE of the books he wrote on the subject (specifically and preferably The Real Anthony Fauci).
Yep, he's bringing focus to things, just like Tucker did.
Obviously he won't tell everything but he's moving the Overton window...
CHD did it before he even ran.
Now he's got equal access to advertising, boom.
Tucker was/is another gate keeper
Yes, he is.
But he says things that previous gatekeepers could not.
That's a good sign of progress.
Tucker only said what he was told to & allowed to say on air ! He wasn't going "rogue" as many people think. If he was, he would have been gotten rid of a long time ago. He also has his "masters" that he answers too as well, don't be fooled by the few "truths" he utters here & there......he is part of "the system/agenda" !!!
That's my point. Somehow he was able to say more than the previous gatekeepers. They are trying to keep hold of people by giving them more and more bits of truth.
But they did get rid of him тАж.unless тАж that, too, was fake and тАж. part of their plan тАж
The fact that youтАЩre so dismissive of everyoneтАЩs completely genuine concerns, is very suspicious to me. Because of your responses here, I no longer trust what you say, and I did before reading the way you respond to people. You have become a snake if you werenтАЩt already one before. Repent!
This was a response to Mark Crispin Miller. We are awake, man, and we arenтАЩt going anywhere.
Love your analysis MCM!!!!!!!!!
Have you read Jon Rappoport?
All these people who claim to be so aware & awake that are supporting ANY politician these days I personally now look at with a different opinion, including Jon. Not to mention how Jon himself for over 30 years has openly said he knows that "viruses " don't exist but now he is supporting Bobby who runs from that conversation
That's not the central issue. Getting people to believe "the virus" was inventedтАФand/or that "viruses don't exist," but have been used to panic everyone into submissionтАФis utterly impossible, as long as people think that those above us are benign. That they are NOT benign, but dangerous, is THE thing people need to understand, before we can discuss the question of virology.
Those of you who think that the ontology of viruses are ALL THAT MATTERS are distracting and dividing everybody else. Jon Rappaport should be commended for his realism and his open mind.
I agree with all.
I don't think that issue is all that matters.
absolutely. as a species we need choices and to be bullied into agreement goes against humanity.
Yes RAPE OF THE MIND is at work as usual.
Me too. We know! Anyone who thinks that politicians are the answer has no clue what is happening. They all want control. RFK, Biden, Trump, DeSantis, they are all in it for themselves. Having a document that laid down the law was supposed to help with that, but now the Constitution is ignored and no one does anything about it. So what do we do?
I understand your feelings.
Please go read this paid post of Jon:
Rappoport is brilliant, both in style and content.
Yes. We agree. Everyone should read his posts.