Husband was severely injured from Pfizer poison. He has been struggling every second since May2021. Friends and family have suffered blood clots, heart problems, cancer coming back or new cancer, enlarged spleen, vertigo, strokes, and much more! All after the poison jab!!

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(Very sorry to hear that Cks. Feel for you, big time. Hope his struggle will stabilize soon.)

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I hit "like" on your post not because I like the news that you report, but because I like that you noticed and reported it -- as we must. More of our friends and family are very very sick from the shot (the 'preventative') than were at risk from the 'disease.'

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About a year ago I checked my Pfizer batch and it had no reported events. Curious with so many sudden deaths I checked my batches again. Oh boy as of March 17,2023 my second jab had 26 deaths, 1978 adverse events, and 67 disabilities. I thought I was in the clear.

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Same happened to me. As reports come in, the numbers will go up. Check out FLCCC.com. It’s got protocols for detoxing from the shots and protecting against damage, recovering from side effects.

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Mar 22, 2023
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You would think after friends and family witnessed my husbands health struggles they would do their own research. Sadly they got boosters and even vaccinated their kids! Friends who started to have health problems still are not fully awake. I share information and tell them to do their own research but I think the jabs affected their critical thinking abilities.

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Have you seen Dr McCullough's posts on nattokinase? Thank you for speaking up. This fight must be led by the vaccine-injured now.

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Yes, I take nattokinase daily, LDN, 20,000 units of vit d, k2, vit c, NAC, vit c, qiercetin, garlic, and coq10.

I notice after I started the nattokinase I have more energy. I feel very healthy and exercise 4-5 days/week.

Hopefully taking all these supplements will help reverse these poisons.

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It's just a coincidence. They're obviously all racist.

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Thank you Mark for continuing to point out the astonishing rise in cancers since the jabs began! Profit over health, history repeats. Yes there are many ways to decrease your risk of getting cancer, as you've mentioned. Processed foods are another "profit over health" story. I find it interesting that "wear SPF" still makes it to the top of this prevention list. It is loaded with toxic, cancer causing chemicals absorbed by your largest organ, the skin. It restricts vitamin D absorption and outbreaks of rickets in children has been linked to excessive SPF use. Additionally, low vitamin D levels have been attributed to disease manifestation. It is also a fabulous profit maker for the chemicals industry with no care for what affects their products have on our health. Concerns about the sun's hazards may well be overblown to drive up SPF profits while there are natural solutions available. Coconut oil being one of them. If only we could more better comprehend the ingredients list on the products we use. Seems to be a bit of an iron curtain but very much worth questioning

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more SPF toxicity ... engineering.stanford.edu /magazine/your-sunscreen-killing-corals

Is your sunscreen killing corals?

May 6, 2022 | By Rob Jordan

You can love something to death. That is one way of thinking about a new Stanford University study that reveals how a common component of many sunscreens worn by coral reef-exploring tourists may hasten the demise of these endangered ecosystems.

The surprising findings, published May 6 in Science, could help guide the development and marketing of effective, coral-safe sunscreens.

“It would be a sad irony if ecotourism aimed at protecting coral reefs were actually exacerbating their decline,” said study lead author Djordje Vuckovic, a PhD student in civil and environmental engineering. “My hope is that our research will help lead the way to developing coral-safe sunscreens.”

Up to 6,000 tons of sunscreen – more than the weight of 50 blue whales – wash through U.S. reef areas every year, according to the National Park Service. Scientists have known for some time that oxybenzone, an organic compound found in many sunscreens, can damage corals. As a result, sunscreens with this compound have been banned in the U.S. Virgin Islands and Hawaii, the island nation of Palau, and Bonaire, an island municipality of the Netherlands, among other places.[...]

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Sunscreen eh? Another great way of terrorising people. Don't want to get sunburnt? Wear some clothes and stay out of the strong sun. Really simple. How people think it can be a good thing to smear chemicals all over themselves is beyond me. Wear clothes. Wear a hat. Don't sunbathe. My grandmother insisted only peasants got suntans because they worked in the fields!

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mine did too. still miss her.

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Awww I miss my nan too Mary-lou. Shedding tears at your comment. Thanks for the connection to our great wise elders who knew a thing or two! My Nan refused to get my dad and his sister vaccinated, all those years ago. She never trusted big pharma and she knew of people who were injured from polio vax. People thought she was crazy. But she knew. Missing her so much through all this. hugs.

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may those memories, bitter-sweet perhaps, be shared always. be well, and let's honour our Grans and Gramps!

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YES Dar! I was going to mention the killing of ocean life in my post :) Just thought I rambled on too much so I left it out. Absolutely, it is deadly on corals and all life. Heaps of chemical laden humans seeking to experience the beauty of the ocean don't realize the harm they are doing. It's very sad

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People have becomes so afraid of the sun they will put poison on themselves instead. We need sun, natural Vitamin D, just don't get too much, we all knew that before SPF was invented to sell more poison.

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"Restricts vit D photosynthesis" in the skin by uvB (when it is available).

When culture dictates that women been shrouded and masked head to foot mom's vit D level may be so low that , fetus may fail to form bones and die shortly after birth.

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the aluminium in them is very bad

especially as aluminium can cause cancer and is the cause of Alzheimer's disease


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Aluminum is common in baking powder--Rumford brand does NOT include aluminum.

25 years ago, for a baking class I was about to give, I did an examination of the effect of different leavenings in 'baking powder" biscuits. All bp's with aluminum resulted in baked product with a bitter taste, lost their soft texture on cooling, became tough. Cream of tartar and baking soda results: soft even when cold and no bitter taste.

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Interesting! I had no idea that aluminum was in baking powder! But I did start making my own baking powder with yes, cream of tartar and baking soda because there is maltodextrin or corn starch in most baking powders. Which is from GMO corn and is really damaging to our gut biome.

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I was going to say the same thing about the SPF! Toxic chemicals in sunscreen. And we desperately need sunshine for the anti cancer benefits of Vitamin D!

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It's amazing that even before I share the article about the letter by the Oncologist, Facebook flags it as containing false information. They're determined to keep the public in the dark. Facebook has hidden several articles that I have recently shared.

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Brooks, That is so wrong. Why not quit Facebook? If everyone quit...

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I'm very tempted to quit, but I have not quit because I want to use FB to promote a novel that I've written and am preparing to self publish. That's the only reason I remain. But I am astounded by FB's censorship, because their prohibition of free speech endangers people's health and lives.

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imagine also what they could do to your book. change to substack...?

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Mar 22, 2023
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Sage, speaking of the military, you should listen to RFK Jr 's recent discussion with Sasha Latypova on RFK Jr.'s podcast. Mike Yeadon mentioned it in a recent piece. https://player.fm/1BVYLdZ

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All of these people, who had EVERYTHING going for them...drank the Kool-aid and now they are headed for a box with a lid. It's kind of funny is a macabre sort of way. Yup... you got some toothless hillbilly selling old bottles at a flea market saying, "I ain't taking no vaccine they come up with a hurry" making better decisions than the smartest and most successful people in our society. Like I said... it's kind of funny.

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I’m no toothless hillbilly but I’m not a rocket scientist either ~ how is it that so many of us just knew it was bad news and that we shouldn’t get it, while so many others never even questioned it and immediately lined up to get one right after the other? 🤷🏼‍♀️🤔

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I think people were naive and never suspected that their government would steer them in a dangerous direction. Too many people just believed they were doing the right thing to help overcome the pandemic.

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That’s true too and definitely in the beginning but after seeing they don’t work, all injuries and deaths...

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Terrifying thoughts of being called an “antivaxxer” if you don’t get the jab! Just like wiping thoughts of conspiracies from your mind even when things don’t add up because “conspiracy theorist” has been weaponized. Those programming the population know how to use “fear of man” to manipulate most into doing what they want. Bastards!

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The moniker antivaxer only terrifies you if you let it. I could care less what anyone else thinks of me. Maybe it’s my age. I don’t tell anyone anyway as I don’t need their insufferably stupid validation and it’s None of their damn business. It’s pretty calm around me now but I listen for what is going on with their health because it’s useless to say one word about this. All I can control is myself

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You are also called an anti-vaxer even if you question vaccines. Part of the plan to dehumanize those who can think for themselves.

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I’m proud to be an anti-vaxxer. It makes me feel smart.

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Me too! 😊

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You are not a conformist (probably) - you definitely have critical thinking skills and you were not exposed to mass psychosis operation or you were not effected by it. You won the Darwinian test for survival.

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Always question everything.

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@Lawrence B: note the close link between Darwin, his cousin Galton and eugenics - https://rss.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1740-9713.2009.00379.x

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They were brainwashed and coerced, using fear.

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Remember many many many people were coerced by these fiends in the "medical profession" and by their own governments and unions in many cases. This criminality comes right from the top, wickedness in high places.

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I wonder that same thing every day...

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Mar 22, 2023
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Bullseye! The jab takers are highly correlated with watchers of CNN, MSNBC , network and other mainstream news. Alternative media saved my life- I read enough truth and felt enough support that I never wavered and got jabbed.

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So true.

I used to say the death jab was an IQ test, but then watched in total amazement as my PhD friends rolled up their sleeves without hesitation or question.

Zero common sense...

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It’s a test for critical thinking skills, conformity and susceptibility to brainwashing. And common sense…

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My neighbor here in the 'hood explained her refusal to get the vaccine by saying that soon enough we would be hearing commercials by personal injury lawyers saying "Have you or someone you know received...?" She had an innate distrust of anything coming out of the Government and saved herself and her family. She has little formal schooling, but can smell a hustle when she gets around one...

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Yup - street smart with critical thinking evolving from it.

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And every day she sings to herself, "I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help" (thanks to R Reagan for thought and B Brown for tune)

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don't we all ;-))

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This has been the universal IQ test. Those of us who learned from past mistakes (I’m a retired RN of 20yrs so I e made my fair share and used to be steeped in the Kool-aid) and decided to treat our immune systems like our lives depend on it (because it does) will be the last ones standing.

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Yup - the immune system is were the rubber meets the road.

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Obviously its climate change.

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I came to the same "obvious" conclusion, so it must be true now.

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Ha, Ha

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Or from fear of the unvaxxed!😢

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Ha, Ha

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Reading this is just so sad, all these people with cancer and it was all caused by the bioweapon shots. My prayers are with everyone affected by these poisonous evil shots.

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Funny that.

I get lots of cancers. But because I stay away from medical doctors and use natural remedies, I cure my own cancers. No doubt I will get internal cancers and I will use known cures for these too. But if you have not yet learned to avoid the Medical Mafia, you will pay a terminal price.

Incidentally, one of the causes of cancer is vaccinations. As I said, funny that.

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That’s we hat I thought about the over 65 women and cervical cancer. Seniors are highly vaccinated, as a whole. Pneumonia, super-duper flu shots, Covid jabs, shingles, lord knows what else. It’s not just the Covid jabs. It’s all the poisons people are having injected into their bodies.

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For sure. For a decade, I have campaigned unsuccessfully for Australia's federal government to establish an independent research facility to clear for safety all commercial substances ingested by humans and domestic animals. These would include rBST in milk, rBGH in meat, antibiotics, adjuvents, preservatives, food colourings, pharmaceutical, and radiation of all kinds, including overhead HV, electronic devices, TVs, and medical.

After we have tried and executed the psychopaths responsible for the current democide, I intend to get this facility. I also want nutrition taught as a primary school subject.

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"I also want nutrition taught as a primary school subject". Be careful what you wish for with this, so many diet agendas.

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You don’t want the US Food Pyramid - recommends a diet heavy in grains/carbs. There was also the “Food Compass” which says Lucky Charms are healthier than fresh eggs. There has to be GOOD nutritional inform taught. Most people have no idea what that is.

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I hope you get whet your campaigning for.

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Thanks, Celayne. If we beat the globalists, nothing can stop the elimination of food, medical, and environmental toxicity. This is because in the brief period between elimination of the globalists, and installation of local, regional, and national consensus on future government policies (ie genuine democracy), we will be a dictatorship. To ensure we install interim policies that merge seamlessly with community consensus, I engaged a decade of full demographic surveys on 112 issues. So we have a pretty good idea what people want.

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A friend of mine told me that Medicare will not pay for Pap smears for women over 65.

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Mar 22, 2023
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You mean mentally ill men.

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Haha! I suppose they get all the smears they want

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whew, cheeky.... :-))

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Mar 21, 2023
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I think about that too. The traditional mammography mangle (excrutiating pressure plus radiation) has never sounded appealing to me and has long stood accused of spreading cancer 'in situ'. Wanna hear a funny thing? Only the mammogramed in the family have turned up with breast cancer. I'll take my chances, it seems to be working.

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There are many false positives on diagnostics and they can get a patient far down the “cure” path until they recognize the error.

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My MIL just had a needle biopsy for a questionable mass in her breast. She was sooo reluctant to do it. I told her not to let them pressure her into anything she didn't want done, you should always be allowed to ask for more time before consenting to any medical procedure.

But she was scared, and they insisted this was the only way to figure out whether it was malignant or not.

She called me afterwards. She was shaken up, but relieved it was over. Thankfully the needle did not hurt as bad as she expected.

However, she told me they did ANOTHER mammogram AFTER the needle biopsy?! That about sent me through the roof-- why would they extract from her & then mangle her like that?? What is the scientific reasoning? (I genuinely don't know, this cancer stuff is brand new to us.)

I feel like that is just what a Nazi scientist would do if they wanted to make the cancer spread.

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I don’t trust the medical establishment. I hope your MIL is going to be okay.

In my limited experience, they are extremely pushy about procedures and hurrying them along and use scare tactics.

So the mother of one of my friends went to a nursing home after a stroke. She was well into her 90s. The staff wanted to schedule her for a colonoscopy! My friend said absolutely not. But she is at risk due to her age, they said. The lady was not long for this world at that point. What a joke! They just wanted the money.

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the scary thing, CJ, is the white coats go after their own with the same zeal! 'Colonoscopy: A Gold Standard to Refuse by Dr John McDougall MD

“Mrs. McDougall, you are in your fifties, and you need a colonoscopy to prevent colon cancer.”

Mary looked puzzled.

She had come for help with her abdominal pains

and was now being asked to have a procedure for detecting the remote possibility

that she might have colon polyps or cancer. She looked to me for a response.

I said, “I understand your concern, but no thanks.”

And we began to leave again. In an authoritative tone he insisted, “It would be highly irresponsible not to do this test.”

I told him I knew as much about the risk of colon cancer and the supposed benefits of colonoscopy as he did, and the answer is “No.”

The doctor was obviously threatened and loudly declared, “You are risking her life. I am the expert here. I have been doing these procedures for more than 10 years. They are perfectly safe. If you refuse my recommendations I will have to write a note in her records, just in case she dies of colon cancer and you come back and try to sue me.”

As I walked out of his office I said, “I have seen perfectly healthy people killed after having their colon perforated with your six-foot long tubes passed under sedation.”

What bothered me most about this exchange was that I am a doctor,

yet he was talking to me in a condescending manner,

as if

I were a hopelessly ignorant child.'[...]


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Many thanks. I have just read Dr. McDougall's essay. I had known that Scots, with a diet heavy in fats, had a high risk of bowel cancer. It was gratifying to read of the (obvious, really, when you think about it) cancer risk being tied to decades of eating in a certain way. So glad that husband and I have always (coming on 51 yrs now) had to live very frugally, with the vegetable garden providing a large part of our diet, bread always made by me (so no chemical additives).

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Oh geez. I’ve heard about the punctures. One friend’s relative got horribly sick after they used an unsanitary tool for the procedure.

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They do that in pregnancy too, when women are really vulnerable. How else could they have gotten so many shots into pregnant women? And not just because of grandma guilt? How many women were coerced because they would need to find new providers that took their insurance, would OK their birth plan, etc, etc if they did not follow the 'rules' of the practice. There's probably more than a few women who didn't exactly choose to have those shots at the time, but when you're sticking out two feet in front of yourself, brimming with new life, you are really helpless.

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I can imagine the lines “you want your baby to be healthy, don’t you?”

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Best thing to do when you are pregnant is stay away from doctors and tests. Just eat healthy, exercise and relax. Stress and fear will do more damage to the unborn baby. I hate hearing how they push so much fear onto mothers to be these days. And no ultrasound for finding out the sex of baby either!

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My mother was 90 and in a memory care facility, no longer knew who I was with no memory of her life past childhood, totally incontinent and barely able to feed herself, when the visiting doctor called to tell me he had found a large lump in her breast. He was horrified when I said we weren’t going to do anything about it. I should have said, “Why are you groping a 90 year old incapacitated woman?”

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Geez how disgusting they checked her breast, the lengths they will go to for the money making machine is unbelievable. Should have sued for assault. If she was not able to give consent to being checked then that is what it is!

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It would have been fun to see the doctor’s face when you asked him that!

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Yes definately a money making machine. They are not supposed to put elderly people through anything like that, it is more risky than not having these tests.

Years ago I suffered bad IBS, went down the doctor route to alleviate my mums fears, blood and stool test, nothing, then said have a colonocopy which I then said no thanks. Ended up curing myself, change diet, did fodmap friendly diet for awhile and now follow Medical medium, Anthony Williams.

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my friend went thru this recently. ( scared, pushed into mmg, biopsy and titanium rod, all on appointment, (it all escalated v fast on the day).

However some good things. She did have br ca. We met literal angels along the way, intelligent and empathetic surgeon lady into nat health, vit c ivs, sulphurous veg, gut health. we ignored the choccie biccie eating, heavily preg but masked and gasping onco; doom propaganda film they showed us re chemo. doodled and shared fotos/ laughed at the back. resisted masks, spoke the truth in non confrontational ways, smiled and asked ppl about their lives, met amazing dear ppl in these places. talked with nurses about what they believed. (some revelations!) got below the surface. read guy tenenbaum and Fred evrard book ( fasting, supplements, diet and inputs, both beat stg 4s with metastasis, another dr lady did also in their bk)/ vids, also dr boz bk about her mum " any way you can", keto, fasting, 11 years of life til cvd measures took her, from being at deaths door. my friend used some fasting around chemo.Nutrition ( low carb/ (some keto), grass-fed, organic. meat fish fowl eggs, berries nuts seeds veg ( a little (raw?/ org dairy if tolerated) Sauerkraut, kefir, kombucha

/fermented food! BTW friend has had 4 treatments ( one a week so far). 2 of which were a " very expensive" immunotherapy. ivermectin. yes, merck has evergreened ivermectin ( liposomal) as a hugely expensive immunotherapy. there are lots of studies, vids and comments, plus dr tess lawries substack recently has great info on this. Friends lump has shrunk 50%. nurses astounded, no side effects. cold cap/ fasts. no hairloss. no nausea. not taking steroids or anti nausea in between ( only the drip pre treatment). lots of joe dispenza meditation. now sz of a marble. the lymph wil go down last as its the filter ( see guys interview with Dr berg).

she was taking turkey tail, ivermectin ( anyway) artemisinin, there is a whole hive mind of wisdom out there, and I've studied paleo/ primal for decades. can use in conjunction with any treatment and ppls stories are revelatory! fasting 20 or 30.even 40 days, with maybe a touch of bone broth turned those guys around but they were really far along before shifting it. wishing you well, very well indeed. x

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Yes, I agree.

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The saddest one of all is the little boy Mana Darville. I have never heard of him (or his father) but he has a light in his eyes that comes right from the Heavens.....Somehow, some way I pray he can pull through, but it sure doesn't sound good. If his parents vaxxed him.......no mercy for them....

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These clot shoits were readied, and fully tested, years before they pretended to "Warp speed" them. They knew exactly what they were doing and they treated people like cattle. Maybe it is time we hung those people and started treating cattle a lot lot better.

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Well. Just found out someone we knew in high school died. Heart attack caused by a blood clot. Just like that. 53 years old. They claim it runs in the family. Uh-huh. I suppose it's possible of course but the timing, well, you know.

Really nice guy. A gentle soul. I was told he was a cancer survivor and went through a rough patch including his kids not talking to him for years after a divorce. They recently reconciled and things began to turn for him.

I haven't seen him since high school but still bothers me. I hate what we've done to humanity.

The shots saved millions, eh? How many did it injure and kill though? How many families are broken? Explain this experts.

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"Neil also reveals that he signed a deal with the drug company that if he were still alive after four months of taking it, the medication would then become free."

Neil's conversation with his doctor, probably:

"Good news--after four months, this drug is free!!

Bad news--no one has ever made it that long.

Anyway, you ready for your fourth covid booster???"

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One of the neighbors out back had a stroke on Sunday. It is unsure how he is going to be able to continue to live in his situation (retirement travel trailer).

Not sure if he is shotted, but a lot of older folk around here did. Lots of memorials lately.

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Mar 21, 2023
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If the media doesn’t say it (deaths and injuries from the jab) it’s not happening.

And, of course, they are saying it’s “safe and effective” so it’s settled. 🤷‍♀️

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Sadly yes.

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Loss of peoples surveillance systems in their bodies when immunosuppressed...cancer and autoimmune disease at the top of the list sadly . ( vaids)

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You might be interested to read what Anthony Williams the medical medium writes about autoimmune disease, it is another made up title.

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Really? Not sure I agree or the millions of others who have one would either. I am sure a great deal of it is environmentally triggered, but having your body attack itself is not fun and not made up. How do you explain that away?

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Has anyone heard of monoclonal antibodies for COVID causing cancer?

I have an unvaccinated family member recently diagnosed w breast cancer. She's older, but extremely health-conscious, very disciplined with her diet & what she puts into her body.

The only change since her previous unremarkable mammogram was that she recievied Regen-COV monoclonal antibodies.

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yup, this bad news Experimental stuff comes with the dreaded 'black box warning'

drugs.com/sfx/regen-cov-side-effects.html AND rxlist.com/regen-cov-side-effects-drug-center.htm 'SIDE EFFECTS ADVERSE REACTIONS And Medication Errors Reporting Requirements And Instructions

Clinical trials evaluating the safety of REGEN-COV (casirivimab and imdevimab) are ongoing [see Overall Safety Summary ].

Completion of an FDA MedWatch Form to report all medication errors and serious adverse events* occurring during REGEN-COV use and considered to be potentially related to REGEN-COV is mandatory and must be done by the prescribing healthcare provider and/or the provider's designee. These adverse events must be reported within 7 calendar days from the onset of the event:

*Serious Adverse Events are defined as:


a life-threatening adverse event;

inpatient hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization;

a persistent or significant incapacity or substantial disruption of the ability to conduct normal life functions;

a congenital anomaly/birth defect;

a medical or surgical intervention to prevent death, a life-threatening event, hospitalization, disability, or congenital anomaly. [...]

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I was just thinking about this the other day. Thank you for bringing it up.

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This will never be normal. Because we will never let them normalize it. Crimes against humanity are not normalizeable.

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Sam Neill breaks my heart. He made lots of lovely little videos on Instagram throughout the initial year of madness. Sadly he then appeared in the UK for filming and started promoting the Safe & Effective Vaccines which he clearly took and believed in. I had to stop following him for a long time because it upset me so much. Such a lovely man hoodwinked by his government and his health advisors. We all know what caused his cancer. I wonder if he does?

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