Damn. Starting to look like cars and shots don't mix. Or walking, playing sports or any other thing you might be doing as a living, average human being!

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All in the last two days:

best friend, 73, (vaxxed, boosted) gets a flu shot, then five days later sick with Covid, his second time in two months.

Neighbor, in seventies, too fatigued to answer door, recovering from Shingles shot the day before.

Another neighbor, 69, related she was so sick after her first shingles shot, she didn't get the second.

These are pro-vax friends who at least will hang out with me (unvaxxed). We've agreed to not argue the topic, but I am so sad for their experiences.

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Based on all the strange car accidents I'm beginning to think walking on a sidewalk could be dangerous. I can't get over how many people are crashing into buildings. While not unheard of in the past, this many can't be a mere coincidence. Even canoeing and swimming seem fraught with peril these days. Actually any form of exertion seems hazardous for an awful lot of people. Hmmm. I wonder why.

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Agree on Sanders, et al.

That was my first thought.

It's INSANE how quickly this bioweapon vanquishes A, B, T cell capabilities.

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"police have deemed the incident as not suspicious"

They're gonna have to adjust their thinking soon.

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Sep 17, 2022·edited Sep 17, 2022

Forgive me if you've posted this already and i missed it but have u seen the footage of the royal guard standing beside the Queen's coffin in Westminster Hall just suddenly start shaking and faceplanting to the ground? He seems like a textbook candidate for your list. One minute a youngish, healthy looking man is standing there and all is fine and next minute, BOOM, down like a tower of bricks. They don't seem to even have time to put hands out to break their fall, just straight on their face, so weird.

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Sep 17, 2022·edited Sep 17, 2022

The insurance actuaries must be quite unnerved, knowing their policies cannot be paid off for all these unexplained accidents. I would guess that none of us who think we have car insurance really do at this point, whether we are injected or not.

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Sarah Sanders is 40. Thyroid cancer is very common, and has been since our diet is down the tubes with glyphosate ( in my humble opinion). Of course, mRNA technology does not help I am sure

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I knew the alleged covid was a psyop from Day One although I didn't anticipate the toxic jab. People falling flat on their face (pre-vaccine), laid out on hospital floors and on the ground and supposed research that found two species of snake, the many-banded krait and the Chinese cobra, were "reservoirs" of the virus (just these two species mind you) are typical over-the-top contradictions of reality that could only mean psyop.

I knew there was no novel virus for two reasons:

--- in psyops they only do for real what they want for real, it's all about smoke'n'mirrors propaganda to make you believe things, not do them for real or even simulate reality with any degree of care because Emperor's New Clothes style works better than simulating reality as closely as possible for some reason.

--- a real virus wouldn't work for their narrative, you cannot control a virus in the way wanted for their narrative - I've since learnt that no virus has actually been proven to exist using the scientific method ... which isn't to say there aren't pathogens out there causing various illnesses (they just haven't been found) but we can see a number of alleged illnesses aren't really of the nature they say they are and aren't necessarily caused by what they say they are.

I also knew for such a big psyop massive "controlled opposition" would be pushed out to undermine the opposition argument. Sure enough, "Wuhan lab"! How convenient for all the anti-conspiracist academics and other pundits to latch onto Plandemic and Wuhan lab nonsense to "debunk" the "conspiracy theorist" argument. How can these people be so blind to the genuine scientists and doctors calling out this fraud? It's just amazing how they all latched onto Plandemic as if that's the only thing out there.

The reason I knew immediately there would be no special virus and that controlled opposition would be pushed out is from my understanding of 9/11. 9/11 is not the psyop the majority of those who recognise it as a psyop think it is. 9/11 is, we might say, a double psyop. The story is ridiculous and deliberately so, so the perps knew in advance that a small percentage of people would not believe their ridiculous story. So what better for them to have a whole propaganda campaign targeted to the anticipated disbelievers. Let's get everyone getting it wrong - the believers and the disbelievers alike! Makes perfect sense for them to try to do that, no? Have everyone get it wrong is a great way to keep the truth suppressed.

The disbelievers think of WTC-7's collapse as the "smoking gun" but why would the perps flagrantly showcase WTC-7's collapse from seven vantage points when they could simply have brought it down discreetly later as they brought down WTCs 3-6 - all seven of the WTC buildings came down eventually. WTC-7 was a propaganda decoy to try to keep the focus on how the buildings came down as much as possible when the most important truth isn't about how the buildings came down.

Everyone talks about HOW the buildings came down. That's a no-brainer. More interesting questions are "Who brought the buildings down?" and "Why were there no reported deaths in WTCs 3-6 when the whole of the WTC was a complete and utter mess after the twin towers came down?"

Cameraman caught in aftermath of Twin Towers collapse on 9/11


When you understand 9/11, you understand psyops in general so very much better.


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Nothing to see here! Sadly I don't think most people realize what's going on.

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Although jabbed himself, French General, Christian Blanchon, pays us, the brave refusers of the jab, a great homage. I felt moved reading it.


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Good Lord, Mark. Thanks again and very much for your diligence. This piece of yesterday thanks Substack authors and brings some light to Gates' little-exposed G.E.R.M. https://www.ur1light.com/post/the-wetef-wants-missouri-with-my-thanks-to-substack-authors-illuminations . Also, two Albums and other Tracks that I hope may lift your spirits after such a lot of giving work on your part. ALRIGHT!




“Get Your JAM On!” vocal for Record of the Year


“Love Over War, Ev’ry Time We Play” instrumental


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