Denver child’s heart beats again after 14 hours; 6-year-old saved from cardiac arrest at daycare in Bossier City, LA; child transported to hospital following medical emergency, AL; & more
This continues to be heartbreaking. It is unbelievable to me that this insanity is being ignored by the MSM and so many are unaware of the death and destruction around them! Children dying of cardiac arrest and turbo cancers exploding in number and no one in the general public is asking why? Those of us paying attention see the huge uptick in all cause mortality but apparently, it’s more interesting to see what Taylor Swift is doing this week! Good grief!
.... agreed - where is the extinction rebellion? Four years into the deathjab - and still not a peep - not even from those who were injured or had family members that died. My best friend died after his human resources dept-head insisted he get the experimental bio-weapon masquerading as a vaccine, and not one person or family member at the funeral wanted to admit it was the from the shot. Cognitive dissonence / mass formation psychosis is real - i am so pissed off at the weak, stupid & compliant, sub-human race.
We are indeed, it seems, living in the Matrix, where nothing we have been told, is real! They’ve lied about pandemics, they’ve lied about politics, they’ve lied about health, they’ve pretty well fed us lies about everything! (Yes, I’m black pilled!) The one benefit of the plandemic is it exposed their agenda to those of us who chose to see.
Word amongst the conspiratorial shadows is an added 1000 years, but your comment means you knew this. The question is why no one understands that this has all happened before. Full erasure of a people sounds too crazy even for the newly wakened.
Doug heartbreaking for you …so very sorry Cognitive dissonance and mass formation…no “whatz going on?!” Yes, the distractions, Taylor Swift….and do stunning so many fall for these things….
The more I learn and compare conditions to history, the more bewildered I too become.
For those who trust God's Word, we read that in the time before the Flood, people were ridiculing Noah, as he preached while working on the ark. Even up to the very last days, where the monstrous ramp/door was shut by angels, and the occupants were preparing things for the lengthy stay in their vessel, the outsiders, the wicked slated for death, were jesting and jeering even after they witnessed the miraculous events which just occurred.
Today, the very same mindset is manifesting itself as people make fun of the believers in "true" science, who they call misinfo spreaders. They defiantly refuse to believe or admit to their having been deceived, and seem to find solace in their side's numbers, although deep within their souls, when they go to be at night, they ponder the potential of them being wrong, as fleeting as that may be allowed.
As the numbers of effected souls climb ever higher as these C-shots days promise, we will begin to see, as in the days of the first rains which fell upon the antediluvians, more and more people defecting to the side of right, truth, logic, reality, (out of fear and desperation) and that will lead them on to investigate Truth in God's Word, the Bible (KJV).
The GOOD news is that as long as one is still above ground, he or she may find rest and peace in the Truth which God has supplied us with. The body may be killed but the person itself with its character, will be raised from the dead on that Great and Terrible Day of the Lord (in the future sometime soon.)
Yes, I know, it's always the same message here, but is there any other which can break through the darkness of the current condition of things so beautifully and fully (not to mention ETERNALLY)?
Satan is served whether or not someone dies, as long as they are unrepentant. Satan knows that God will certainly cleanse the world of sin and sinners. It then becomes his agenda to deceive the masses to prevent the Truth from "saving" their souls unto eternal life. The "war" is between Satan and Christ (and their angels) and for those who have read the back of the "Book" they will know how the story ends. Satan is a created being, and will be deleted and reduced to ashes eventually, like those he has deceived. He will no prevail and live to oversee "hell" as it is propounded by many of the "protestant" preachers of late. These are lying priests, wolves in sheep's clothing.
Satan's evil nature propels him to kill when the opportunity presents itself. But one must remember that "dying" is not the end-all. Every one of us will be subjected to death's darkness, but if we are trusting in God's Power, we will be resurrected on the Great day of His Return. No sooner, or later! ON that very Day!
One must also become aware that God's angels are commissioned to protect His property, otherwise Satan would see to it that the "spiritual disinformation spreaders" like me, would be like those outside Noah's ark 4500 yrs ago! Satan hates anything that God loves and made.
Thanks, Doug, for allowing me this space to confirm some points of interest.
Good grief, to the max……Such heartache and for so many, deliberate ignorance, and disregard of available Pro-feshional advice. I will never ever, understand… no one is capable of addition and subtraction let alone multiplication It happens to someone else. “But man oh man so glad I’m caught up with my shots…..”. When these folks wake up….oh my dears!
A is a factor of A+B - apparently some really tough arithmetic for stooges. We need to stop using government (government healthcare - Obamacare) for things it was never meant to be used for. And I don't care if we all paid into it... if we support something that is evil then we become complicit to the evil that evil does. Sorry for the rant.
Rant away! ….. next time breathe in more oxygen! It’s due to the pressures and threats over these last several years that more people could not have been saved…. We rant, they stuff fingers in their ears! S’awful! It helps that we can rant together here and go back out, more courageous ! From the housetops!
.... gee thanks don't mind if I do... passive - apathetic - go-along-to-get-alongers. I fear for their eternal salvation. Babylon America .. if they knew the root of evil they'd understand the fruit of evil. There is no political/scientific/academic solution to a spiritual problem.
Did you watch Babylon America? That vid was 2.5 hrs long! Excellent and spot on, as best I can conclude. The young man hosting did a superb job in my opinion.
The man in Manhattan KS - I never heard of that happening to someone, bones breaking from the inside. Scary. But he had had two surgeries, the first one botched. And of course, probably a jab.
I had a cousin who underwent a gastric bypass operation, and within a year or two came down with a brain tumor, and died. That was before the vaxx, but I think the surgery messed up his immune system.
Statins are great (she said with scorn in her voice) - they do everything EXCEPT what they’re meant to do. The most widely prescribed drug in the world and yet cardiovascular disease has increased, not decreased!
I was prescribed statins last autumn and as soon as I got home I threw the prescription in the bin ! I saw what they did to my mum and I will never take them 😞
IMHO People that were paid to recommend or advise others to take a vaccine would be guilty of practicing medicine without a license.
Example GA Code § 43-34-22 (2020)
"If any person shall hold himself or herself out to the public as being engaged in the diagnosis or treatment of disease or injuries of human beings, or shall suggest, recommend, or prescribe any form of treatment for the palliation, relief, or cure of any physical or mental ailment of any person, with the intention of receiving therefor, either directly or indirectly, any fee, gift, or compensation whatsoever....... and shall not in any of these cases then possess a valid license to practice medicine under the laws of this state, he or she shall be deemed to be practicing medicine without complying with this article and shall be deemed in violation of this article."
Penalty. Any person who practices medicine without complying with this article or who otherwise violates any provision of this article shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of $1,000.00 per each violation or by imprisonment from two to five years, or both.
Compensation is not a necessary element to definition of practice of medicine. 1970 Op. Att'y Gen. No. U70-241.
I would bet they have used these laws to selectively target folks that recommend natural or alternative treatments in the past - which is probably why there is usually a disclaimer on many sites (e.g., this site is not offering medical advice). States control the licensing requirements for physicians and the laws differ as to what constitutes practicing with or w/o a license. All licensing requirements for professionals in various areas e.g., medicine, law, ... are established not just for safety but to ensure monopolies and control of their profession. Additionally a physician is licensed by the state so is restricted as to where he can practice.
My point is that when you have a celebrity, media personality, politician, religious leader, scientist, physician etc. out in public acting telling or demanding everyone to get vaccinated and extoling the virtues of such - they are essentially giving medical advice. For advertisement of medical products the law requires that that they identify the drug/product, the condition it is used for, potential adverse effects - and a statement like "speak with your physician to see if this product is right for you. I don't think I saw any sort of disclaimer for any of these products listed as countermeasures and they were not just recommended they were often mandated by employers in many cases and the providers/administrators of the jabs sure as hell did not give informed consent and I question if all of them even had medical training to give the shots. Medical procedures and treatments are specific to the individual - not to populations. For an Interesting discussion of this point see Dr. Martin ~ 25 min mark
I was hoping to watch that link. Oh well, I think I get the gist of it all. What applies to those being controlled, does NOT apply to they who are doing the controlling. We know that.
Best to keep a low profile; fly low and below radar. Help people to understand that the med profession views them as a half mil each, and maybe even more these days, if in their "care" loop. Criminality is rampant, and like politics, it is highly organized and prepared to do legal battle, both defensive and offensively. This world is a horrible place to be caught by the enemy's offenses, but there is an escape route with surety as its foundation, promises as its gift, and eternity as its denominator. We all know what that is, and where to find it, and Who provides it in full color.
A friend had surgery even though he was having zero symptoms, looked healthy, felt fine. He came out less healthy than he went in. I know there are still some good doctors, still some good outcomes but it is like sitting at the roulette wheel now. Is medical error the third leading cause of death?
I suggest that it might be the FIRST leading cause of death, not the third. After all, giving a (false science) prescription to ingest rather than a change of life-style, is a death sentence. Heart disease is not a disease, but a "condition." Much like the myriad of other conditions that take lives, because they are not addressed at their core origin, but exacerbated with pharma pills.
Spiritually, it's the same horse, but a different color. The masses are being lied to regarding salvation and how that all works. They are told that their "souls" are eternal, and will be subjected to either heavenly bliss or eternal punishment! Can you even imagine that? And yet there are preachers who push that horrific, Satanic bald-faced lie upon their pew-warmers, with no back-lash whatsoever.
I agree, my grandmother on her death bed at 67 , I got her to first stop smoking and second slowly got her off the statins, slowly because she was fighting me along the way with her doctor, once both were gone, her arteries began to unclog them self and she lived till 86!
You did that? What a legacy you have created for your time in the rocker! To have lengthened your grandmother's life here on earth almost twenty YEARS! Praise God. I hope she had a relationship with the Redeemer before "falling asleep." If so, you will see her in the "hereafter" if you will follow through and have faith. What a marvelous story you share! And a very valuable one to whomever is able to read or hear it. So many are thinking they need all those meds, when in truth they're 'Killing us "Softly." (and quietly). Good work, my friend! Excellent work! You now are better equipped to "teach" what you know as fact.
I don't know about the US people waking up, but here in northern Italy, it appears they are. Every time a discussion rolls around to turbo cancer, heart attacks and blood clots, people understand it's from the jab and when we tell them we didn't take it, they say, "Good for you, you did right". They all regret taking it now.
We'll probably all cark it by heart attacks from the sheer terror of watching this horror show play out. It is heart stoppingly chilling to know that this blatant mass genocide is taking place. The jabbed probably have more peace than us as they are blissfully ignorant to the true horror. But this thinning of the herd has probably been going on with vaccines and other treatments since long before we were born. At one time we too were oblivious to the madness of this world. Probably a better way to live.
I agree. I would just add that the people I listen to, Doctors Ed Group, Bryan Ardis, Henry Ealy, Jana Schmidt (they have “The Healing for the A.G.E.S.” conference) along with Anna Maria Mihalcea and The Fifth Column say that the nanotech is being seen in all our blood, vaccinated or not. I think it’s just a matter of dosage and each person’s particular biology. We’re getting it through geoengineering, food, etc. The team above purchased an expensive microscope (there are only 5,000 in the world) and they will be showing images of what they’ve found at the next conference. Unless we take protective measures, we might all end up with the vaccinated. I believe the plan is for a controllable synthetic human hybrid in a new technocratic age. I don’t think they’ll leave the rest of us unvaccinated around to make our own course for long. There is power in positive thought. I practiced that after reading The Secret by Rhonda Byrne and attracted many good things into my life. We create what we focus on so in a sense I guess we are helping them create what they want. I find it difficult to look away because of the absolute horror, trying to make sense of this and out of fear. This must be why the Bible repeatedly says, “fear not”.
Yes, I had listened to a German lady (scientist, I think) who went into detail about all that you laid out. It's over the top, but only because we are of an age when things moved more slowly, it took time to dial someone on the telephone, and party-lines were in use.
Nowadays, nano-tech is the craze, and Satan's helpers are taking full advantage of everything man has created from warfare implements to health-destroying foods and etc.. So what can we expect? It's granted VERY difficult to look away and try to pretend it is not happening, when we know it is. The Bible says, "Fear not" because if we are in God's hands, we are safe. Not from the ravages of this world, but will be enwrapped in God's protective promises AFTER this life, and after resurrection has brought us up once again to be with Him (if Judgement will be done in our favor, through Christ's blood.) It's a trying time, but one must admit that it's NOT boring!
I agree. It is biblical and we can't stop revelations from playing out. We are the minority and the meek (from an economic, ruthless point of view) so as much as we resist we will probably get swept up with the tide. We can only do our best to fight against the system as much as we can and know we did our bit to prevent it. As the Bible says multiple times fear not and keep the faith. Many will be persecuted and die but it's what on the other side that counts.
The Reformers boldly (defiantly) would not recant their position they held. Most would die before they would comply with the Pagan Roman Church during those dark ages. That church has been held in derision and fully guilty of murdering hundreds of millions of innocent men, women and children through the 1260 years that prophecy foretold she would do. Those reformers, mostly forgotten, should be held up to the positions they deserve for their unwavering regarding the Bible's Truth.
Admittedly, my brain has always been one that falls short of being able to assimilate and then recall what I have finally digested and put to memory. In other words, I'm a bad student. Others who have far better capacity would be better to rely upon for to answer your question. But I can tell you what I can within this limited space here.
The prophecy has been fulfilled. It occupies a space of time (1,260) years which we know as the "Dark Ages." It is referred to as "days" which translate to prophetic years. It is also referred to differently e.g. "time, times, and half a time (or the dividing of time") and "42 months." All of which pencil out to 1260 since anciently, a month had 30 days.) A "time" was one year. "Times then is two years, and the dividing of times is a half year.
The reformers figured all this out and at the same time concluded correctly about the identity of the "Beast that rises from the sea" and "Causes all (etc...) to receive a "mark." The Reformers were unaware of what that mark was at that early stage. A full, comprehensive expose can now be easily and comfortably viewed in ones own office on-screen. (See "Babylon America").
Ellen G. White had penned a stellar example of the history of God's "people" their shortcomings, the Hebrew nation's sordid past, and the later reformers and their lives afterward. She gives explicit Bible-directed, light upon the subject of the Dark Ages, and beyond. Her writings have no equal as viewed as "complimentary work" expounding upon God's Holy Word. If you're serious about history, and wish to grasp "HOW" things have come to the point they have today, then please attain a copy of "The Great Controversy" and you will declare its validity with boldness of purpose to your family and friends. It will enlighten you to such a degree, that you will be astounded how modern society is so in the dark regarding spiritual matters; how the devil has so bent the minds of man as to outright deny that God even exists!
A terrible change is coming upon the earth, my friend. Everyone needs to understand how that change has been prepared to subdue the minds and hearts of men, and WHO it is that has organized such changes (i.e. the secret societies; namely the Jesuit Order being at the helm.)
E.G. White's book (Great Controversy) is thick. And it does not cover history back to Adam, as does other material she wrote. So, you can see how to answer your inquiry in depth can consume a LOT of verbiage. Your best bet is to get the original or earliest (early 20th century) printing. Or I can have a copy sent to your home directly from a friend in the States.
Thank you for your inquiry. It reminds me of my inadequacies and the need for a more refined study time. Thank you.
Thank you Ray. I think you definitely did justice to the topic. You’ve peaked my interest. I have a long list of books to read with little time, but I’ll watch the video and dig a little deeper.
Its so hard to see these stories over and over again, those people should be home enjoying life instead they're suffering and dying thanks to the jabs.
Governor Kemp today would qualify for top honors in the national dunce contest, if he still thought that vaccination with an MRNA kill shot was our best remedy for covid.
Back in 2021, TPTB took advantage of the natural tendency of people to be trusting of The CDC.
"We are very confident in my caring team at the University of Kansas Medical Hospital" ==> even though they're the ones that murdered me with their bioweapon injection!
My friend’s 14 year old daughter lost consciousness in class and fell forward leaving a big gash on her forehead. She was diagnosed with POTS, vaccinated for sure. She also has dyslexia which I believe is a result of the childhood schedule showing that she should not be taking vaccines (nor should anyone). This is one of many, many deaths and injuries I have personally witnessed.
People do not apoligize,acept consequence and do a 180 turn (repent) this is why there is little acknawledgement of what they did and it well happen again.
A doctor told me that if I came across someone with no pulse or breathing to do the cardiac thump and if that doesn’t restart the heart then don’t bother with CPR because there’s a good chance they will be brain dead. And if you see it happen then do the thump up to 4 times before starting CPR. I wouldn’t want to be saved if I was going to a vegetable.
This continues to be heartbreaking. It is unbelievable to me that this insanity is being ignored by the MSM and so many are unaware of the death and destruction around them! Children dying of cardiac arrest and turbo cancers exploding in number and no one in the general public is asking why? Those of us paying attention see the huge uptick in all cause mortality but apparently, it’s more interesting to see what Taylor Swift is doing this week! Good grief!
.... agreed - where is the extinction rebellion? Four years into the deathjab - and still not a peep - not even from those who were injured or had family members that died. My best friend died after his human resources dept-head insisted he get the experimental bio-weapon masquerading as a vaccine, and not one person or family member at the funeral wanted to admit it was the from the shot. Cognitive dissonence / mass formation psychosis is real - i am so pissed off at the weak, stupid & compliant, sub-human race.
We are indeed, it seems, living in the Matrix, where nothing we have been told, is real! They’ve lied about pandemics, they’ve lied about politics, they’ve lied about health, they’ve pretty well fed us lies about everything! (Yes, I’m black pilled!) The one benefit of the plandemic is it exposed their agenda to those of us who chose to see.
Ha! (I hope they’re wrong, I really could be a lot younger than they told me I am!)
Word amongst the conspiratorial shadows is an added 1000 years, but your comment means you knew this. The question is why no one understands that this has all happened before. Full erasure of a people sounds too crazy even for the newly wakened.
Doug heartbreaking for you …so very sorry Cognitive dissonance and mass formation…no “whatz going on?!” Yes, the distractions, Taylor Swift….and do stunning so many fall for these things….
The more I learn and compare conditions to history, the more bewildered I too become.
For those who trust God's Word, we read that in the time before the Flood, people were ridiculing Noah, as he preached while working on the ark. Even up to the very last days, where the monstrous ramp/door was shut by angels, and the occupants were preparing things for the lengthy stay in their vessel, the outsiders, the wicked slated for death, were jesting and jeering even after they witnessed the miraculous events which just occurred.
Today, the very same mindset is manifesting itself as people make fun of the believers in "true" science, who they call misinfo spreaders. They defiantly refuse to believe or admit to their having been deceived, and seem to find solace in their side's numbers, although deep within their souls, when they go to be at night, they ponder the potential of them being wrong, as fleeting as that may be allowed.
As the numbers of effected souls climb ever higher as these C-shots days promise, we will begin to see, as in the days of the first rains which fell upon the antediluvians, more and more people defecting to the side of right, truth, logic, reality, (out of fear and desperation) and that will lead them on to investigate Truth in God's Word, the Bible (KJV).
The GOOD news is that as long as one is still above ground, he or she may find rest and peace in the Truth which God has supplied us with. The body may be killed but the person itself with its character, will be raised from the dead on that Great and Terrible Day of the Lord (in the future sometime soon.)
Yes, I know, it's always the same message here, but is there any other which can break through the darkness of the current condition of things so beautifully and fully (not to mention ETERNALLY)?
This is my good intention for us all.
A-men so be it!.. the devil doesn't care who gets killed he just cares that all the people are killed.
Yes, sort of, Doug.
Satan is served whether or not someone dies, as long as they are unrepentant. Satan knows that God will certainly cleanse the world of sin and sinners. It then becomes his agenda to deceive the masses to prevent the Truth from "saving" their souls unto eternal life. The "war" is between Satan and Christ (and their angels) and for those who have read the back of the "Book" they will know how the story ends. Satan is a created being, and will be deleted and reduced to ashes eventually, like those he has deceived. He will no prevail and live to oversee "hell" as it is propounded by many of the "protestant" preachers of late. These are lying priests, wolves in sheep's clothing.
Satan's evil nature propels him to kill when the opportunity presents itself. But one must remember that "dying" is not the end-all. Every one of us will be subjected to death's darkness, but if we are trusting in God's Power, we will be resurrected on the Great day of His Return. No sooner, or later! ON that very Day!
One must also become aware that God's angels are commissioned to protect His property, otherwise Satan would see to it that the "spiritual disinformation spreaders" like me, would be like those outside Noah's ark 4500 yrs ago! Satan hates anything that God loves and made.
Thanks, Doug, for allowing me this space to confirm some points of interest.
Good grief, to the max……Such heartache and for so many, deliberate ignorance, and disregard of available Pro-feshional advice. I will never ever, understand… no one is capable of addition and subtraction let alone multiplication It happens to someone else. “But man oh man so glad I’m caught up with my shots…..”. When these folks wake up….oh my dears!
A is a factor of A+B - apparently some really tough arithmetic for stooges. We need to stop using government (government healthcare - Obamacare) for things it was never meant to be used for. And I don't care if we all paid into it... if we support something that is evil then we become complicit to the evil that evil does. Sorry for the rant.
Rant away! ….. next time breathe in more oxygen! It’s due to the pressures and threats over these last several years that more people could not have been saved…. We rant, they stuff fingers in their ears! S’awful! It helps that we can rant together here and go back out, more courageous ! From the housetops!
.... gee thanks don't mind if I do... passive - apathetic - go-along-to-get-alongers. I fear for their eternal salvation. Babylon America .. if they knew the root of evil they'd understand the fruit of evil. There is no political/scientific/academic solution to a spiritual problem.
Doug, my brother!
Did you watch Babylon America? That vid was 2.5 hrs long! Excellent and spot on, as best I can conclude. The young man hosting did a superb job in my opinion.
Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
Hey! you can't write that! That's plagiarism! (lol)
M$M... Bill Ghate$ bought them out.
Add Soros, etc…
This is spam. Don't click.
The man in Manhattan KS - I never heard of that happening to someone, bones breaking from the inside. Scary. But he had had two surgeries, the first one botched. And of course, probably a jab.
I had a cousin who underwent a gastric bypass operation, and within a year or two came down with a brain tumor, and died. That was before the vaxx, but I think the surgery messed up his immune system.
Statins cause muscle weakness - they are causing gerd in many people.
Statins are great (she said with scorn in her voice) - they do everything EXCEPT what they’re meant to do. The most widely prescribed drug in the world and yet cardiovascular disease has increased, not decreased!
I was prescribed statins last autumn and as soon as I got home I threw the prescription in the bin ! I saw what they did to my mum and I will never take them 😞
Good on you! I read all the studies and research on statins and said nope! Apparently, most doctors don’t even bother to read the research these days!
Gastric bypass messes absorption of nutrients and wrecks the immune system. Those having the procedure are subjected to a lifetime of illness.
Shocking! Yes awful! And So so sorry A cousin of mine died of bone cancer, very painful…
Did he take Lupron?
IMHO People that were paid to recommend or advise others to take a vaccine would be guilty of practicing medicine without a license.
Example GA Code § 43-34-22 (2020)
"If any person shall hold himself or herself out to the public as being engaged in the diagnosis or treatment of disease or injuries of human beings, or shall suggest, recommend, or prescribe any form of treatment for the palliation, relief, or cure of any physical or mental ailment of any person, with the intention of receiving therefor, either directly or indirectly, any fee, gift, or compensation whatsoever....... and shall not in any of these cases then possess a valid license to practice medicine under the laws of this state, he or she shall be deemed to be practicing medicine without complying with this article and shall be deemed in violation of this article."
Penalty. Any person who practices medicine without complying with this article or who otherwise violates any provision of this article shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of $1,000.00 per each violation or by imprisonment from two to five years, or both.
Compensation is not a necessary element to definition of practice of medicine. 1970 Op. Att'y Gen. No. U70-241.
So, if one suggests an herb for some ailment, with no intention of compensation, it still may be deemed as breaking the law and subjected to fines?
I would bet they have used these laws to selectively target folks that recommend natural or alternative treatments in the past - which is probably why there is usually a disclaimer on many sites (e.g., this site is not offering medical advice). States control the licensing requirements for physicians and the laws differ as to what constitutes practicing with or w/o a license. All licensing requirements for professionals in various areas e.g., medicine, law, ... are established not just for safety but to ensure monopolies and control of their profession. Additionally a physician is licensed by the state so is restricted as to where he can practice.
My point is that when you have a celebrity, media personality, politician, religious leader, scientist, physician etc. out in public acting telling or demanding everyone to get vaccinated and extoling the virtues of such - they are essentially giving medical advice. For advertisement of medical products the law requires that that they identify the drug/product, the condition it is used for, potential adverse effects - and a statement like "speak with your physician to see if this product is right for you. I don't think I saw any sort of disclaimer for any of these products listed as countermeasures and they were not just recommended they were often mandated by employers in many cases and the providers/administrators of the jabs sure as hell did not give informed consent and I question if all of them even had medical training to give the shots. Medical procedures and treatments are specific to the individual - not to populations. For an Interesting discussion of this point see Dr. Martin ~ 25 min mark
stay free
I was hoping to watch that link. Oh well, I think I get the gist of it all. What applies to those being controlled, does NOT apply to they who are doing the controlling. We know that.
Best to keep a low profile; fly low and below radar. Help people to understand that the med profession views them as a half mil each, and maybe even more these days, if in their "care" loop. Criminality is rampant, and like politics, it is highly organized and prepared to do legal battle, both defensive and offensively. This world is a horrible place to be caught by the enemy's offenses, but there is an escape route with surety as its foundation, promises as its gift, and eternity as its denominator. We all know what that is, and where to find it, and Who provides it in full color.
Thank you for your remarks, Jewel,
Hey - just checked the site came up for me - may want to try again -
Watch the whole thing if you can - lots of wisdom
Part 1 is here
you're a "Jewel!"
I have it up now. Thanks! starting with the first.
I bet you, if practicing without a license leads to death there is an extra law there somewhere that increases the penalty.
Death penalty or life imprisonment should be the norm for the jab pushers.
A friend had surgery even though he was having zero symptoms, looked healthy, felt fine. He came out less healthy than he went in. I know there are still some good doctors, still some good outcomes but it is like sitting at the roulette wheel now. Is medical error the third leading cause of death?
I suggest that it might be the FIRST leading cause of death, not the third. After all, giving a (false science) prescription to ingest rather than a change of life-style, is a death sentence. Heart disease is not a disease, but a "condition." Much like the myriad of other conditions that take lives, because they are not addressed at their core origin, but exacerbated with pharma pills.
Spiritually, it's the same horse, but a different color. The masses are being lied to regarding salvation and how that all works. They are told that their "souls" are eternal, and will be subjected to either heavenly bliss or eternal punishment! Can you even imagine that? And yet there are preachers who push that horrific, Satanic bald-faced lie upon their pew-warmers, with no back-lash whatsoever.
Reflections of the Covid ordeal!
I agree, my grandmother on her death bed at 67 , I got her to first stop smoking and second slowly got her off the statins, slowly because she was fighting me along the way with her doctor, once both were gone, her arteries began to unclog them self and she lived till 86!
You did that? What a legacy you have created for your time in the rocker! To have lengthened your grandmother's life here on earth almost twenty YEARS! Praise God. I hope she had a relationship with the Redeemer before "falling asleep." If so, you will see her in the "hereafter" if you will follow through and have faith. What a marvelous story you share! And a very valuable one to whomever is able to read or hear it. So many are thinking they need all those meds, when in truth they're 'Killing us "Softly." (and quietly). Good work, my friend! Excellent work! You now are better equipped to "teach" what you know as fact.
God bless you, Sir,
NYTs article Why Are Younger Adults Developing This Common Heart Condition?
Of course they make ZERO mention of the CLOT shots.
The NY Times is a CIA rag.
I don't know about the US people waking up, but here in northern Italy, it appears they are. Every time a discussion rolls around to turbo cancer, heart attacks and blood clots, people understand it's from the jab and when we tell them we didn't take it, they say, "Good for you, you did right". They all regret taking it now.
That's the best news I've heard all day!
Thank you for that, Cathleen!
In Christ,
We'll probably all cark it by heart attacks from the sheer terror of watching this horror show play out. It is heart stoppingly chilling to know that this blatant mass genocide is taking place. The jabbed probably have more peace than us as they are blissfully ignorant to the true horror. But this thinning of the herd has probably been going on with vaccines and other treatments since long before we were born. At one time we too were oblivious to the madness of this world. Probably a better way to live.
I agree. I would just add that the people I listen to, Doctors Ed Group, Bryan Ardis, Henry Ealy, Jana Schmidt (they have “The Healing for the A.G.E.S.” conference) along with Anna Maria Mihalcea and The Fifth Column say that the nanotech is being seen in all our blood, vaccinated or not. I think it’s just a matter of dosage and each person’s particular biology. We’re getting it through geoengineering, food, etc. The team above purchased an expensive microscope (there are only 5,000 in the world) and they will be showing images of what they’ve found at the next conference. Unless we take protective measures, we might all end up with the vaccinated. I believe the plan is for a controllable synthetic human hybrid in a new technocratic age. I don’t think they’ll leave the rest of us unvaccinated around to make our own course for long. There is power in positive thought. I practiced that after reading The Secret by Rhonda Byrne and attracted many good things into my life. We create what we focus on so in a sense I guess we are helping them create what they want. I find it difficult to look away because of the absolute horror, trying to make sense of this and out of fear. This must be why the Bible repeatedly says, “fear not”.
Yes, I had listened to a German lady (scientist, I think) who went into detail about all that you laid out. It's over the top, but only because we are of an age when things moved more slowly, it took time to dial someone on the telephone, and party-lines were in use.
Nowadays, nano-tech is the craze, and Satan's helpers are taking full advantage of everything man has created from warfare implements to health-destroying foods and etc.. So what can we expect? It's granted VERY difficult to look away and try to pretend it is not happening, when we know it is. The Bible says, "Fear not" because if we are in God's hands, we are safe. Not from the ravages of this world, but will be enwrapped in God's protective promises AFTER this life, and after resurrection has brought us up once again to be with Him (if Judgement will be done in our favor, through Christ's blood.) It's a trying time, but one must admit that it's NOT boring!
God be with you,
I agree. It is biblical and we can't stop revelations from playing out. We are the minority and the meek (from an economic, ruthless point of view) so as much as we resist we will probably get swept up with the tide. We can only do our best to fight against the system as much as we can and know we did our bit to prevent it. As the Bible says multiple times fear not and keep the faith. Many will be persecuted and die but it's what on the other side that counts.
The Reformers boldly (defiantly) would not recant their position they held. Most would die before they would comply with the Pagan Roman Church during those dark ages. That church has been held in derision and fully guilty of murdering hundreds of millions of innocent men, women and children through the 1260 years that prophecy foretold she would do. Those reformers, mostly forgotten, should be held up to the positions they deserve for their unwavering regarding the Bible's Truth.
Can you tell me more about the prophecy regarding the years around 1260? If not, it’s okay.
Admittedly, my brain has always been one that falls short of being able to assimilate and then recall what I have finally digested and put to memory. In other words, I'm a bad student. Others who have far better capacity would be better to rely upon for to answer your question. But I can tell you what I can within this limited space here.
The prophecy has been fulfilled. It occupies a space of time (1,260) years which we know as the "Dark Ages." It is referred to as "days" which translate to prophetic years. It is also referred to differently e.g. "time, times, and half a time (or the dividing of time") and "42 months." All of which pencil out to 1260 since anciently, a month had 30 days.) A "time" was one year. "Times then is two years, and the dividing of times is a half year.
The reformers figured all this out and at the same time concluded correctly about the identity of the "Beast that rises from the sea" and "Causes all (etc...) to receive a "mark." The Reformers were unaware of what that mark was at that early stage. A full, comprehensive expose can now be easily and comfortably viewed in ones own office on-screen. (See "Babylon America").
Ellen G. White had penned a stellar example of the history of God's "people" their shortcomings, the Hebrew nation's sordid past, and the later reformers and their lives afterward. She gives explicit Bible-directed, light upon the subject of the Dark Ages, and beyond. Her writings have no equal as viewed as "complimentary work" expounding upon God's Holy Word. If you're serious about history, and wish to grasp "HOW" things have come to the point they have today, then please attain a copy of "The Great Controversy" and you will declare its validity with boldness of purpose to your family and friends. It will enlighten you to such a degree, that you will be astounded how modern society is so in the dark regarding spiritual matters; how the devil has so bent the minds of man as to outright deny that God even exists!
A terrible change is coming upon the earth, my friend. Everyone needs to understand how that change has been prepared to subdue the minds and hearts of men, and WHO it is that has organized such changes (i.e. the secret societies; namely the Jesuit Order being at the helm.)
E.G. White's book (Great Controversy) is thick. And it does not cover history back to Adam, as does other material she wrote. So, you can see how to answer your inquiry in depth can consume a LOT of verbiage. Your best bet is to get the original or earliest (early 20th century) printing. Or I can have a copy sent to your home directly from a friend in the States.
Thank you for your inquiry. It reminds me of my inadequacies and the need for a more refined study time. Thank you.
In the Redeemer, Christ Jesus,
Thank you Ray. I think you definitely did justice to the topic. You’ve peaked my interest. I have a long list of books to read with little time, but I’ll watch the video and dig a little deeper.
Its so hard to see these stories over and over again, those people should be home enjoying life instead they're suffering and dying thanks to the jabs.
These injuries are HORRIFIC.
NOT injuries! but rather: Intended outcomes!
Governor Kemp today would qualify for top honors in the national dunce contest, if he still thought that vaccination with an MRNA kill shot was our best remedy for covid.
Back in 2021, TPTB took advantage of the natural tendency of people to be trusting of The CDC.
Not anymore
The child from Liberty Middle School died.
7th-grade boy dies after suffering ‘medical emergency’ at north Alabama middle school
"We are very confident in my caring team at the University of Kansas Medical Hospital" ==> even though they're the ones that murdered me with their bioweapon injection!
My friend’s 14 year old daughter lost consciousness in class and fell forward leaving a big gash on her forehead. She was diagnosed with POTS, vaccinated for sure. She also has dyslexia which I believe is a result of the childhood schedule showing that she should not be taking vaccines (nor should anyone). This is one of many, many deaths and injuries I have personally witnessed.
People do not apoligize,acept consequence and do a 180 turn (repent) this is why there is little acknawledgement of what they did and it well happen again.
A doctor told me that if I came across someone with no pulse or breathing to do the cardiac thump and if that doesn’t restart the heart then don’t bother with CPR because there’s a good chance they will be brain dead. And if you see it happen then do the thump up to 4 times before starting CPR. I wouldn’t want to be saved if I was going to a vegetable.
Thank you Mark and your team for memorializing these events and keeping us informed.