4 years ago I decided not to fly anymore. Many accidents with planes, pilots with heart attacks, the rules loosened so they can still fly even with a heart condition - then all the planes falling apart, and now I also decided not to drive in anyone's car or bus, who has been jabbed. At least I know from most if they are or not! I will drive myself thank you!
No we can't but if this escalates to where it appears to be going perhaps this would be an opportune time to take the driver's out of their cars! ( for our safety, of course). And look at all the new technology we have to do that. I recently read that somewhere in the United States is a new Door Dash delivery system that features driverless cars. I'm assuming that's one of the goals for our new normal life that has been envisioned.
Yes in Phoenix, they have had multiple companies test their self driving cars, which then all killed people, not just one. To the point where the city has suspended most of their licenses to operate these vehicles. One company who had theirs suspended is now after 2 years trying to get it back as they say they have solved All the issues.
thanks for the update. I think Phoenix is in itself dangerous enough to drive in without the unmanned cars! Let us hope it all goes well. Drive carefully Patrick ! Duck if you see a car without driver !
I agree….I won’t let a jabbed person drive me anywhere. I’ve been concerned about driving for sometime. I now drive during off hours and only when necessary.
I guess I'm taking my chances driving with my husband who took 3 of these accursed jabs. Last time was January 2022. So far so good. To be honest he is an excellent driver with a work history of driving fire engines. It's a two edged sword for me. Right now he is the best and most alert driver I know which may save us from a vehicle accident due to his driving abilities. The downside is what if.....
A calculated risk I am willing to take at this point. There are no easy answers to this delimma we face. As an unvaccinated person, as I am, it's a continual worry for me for all the ones who chose to take the shots. I have to have a rational balance with them. There are too many to cut out of my life.
Ingrid. Me too. No more flying for me. Last time was 2016. And sadly a planned 2020 flight smack dab in the beginning of covid hysteria was canceled. So now it's 8 years not flying. I can willingly give it up. I had a lifetime to use it before covid started. I certainly wasn't a globetrotter but did manage to see some amazing countries and enjoyed the freedom to do so given my limited financial budget. As for avoiding unvaccinated drivers it will be an interesting proposition. Many of us on this site agree or feel that given the current statistics while driving any type of vehicle, that the vaccinated shouldn't be driving anything. While this may be sound in principle, mathematically it would be a disaster. As far as I understand approximately 80% of the population of most first world countries have taken these shots.
Imagine this so called edict being declared tomorrow morning for our safety. Transportation in any form would ground to a halt. There are too many people that provide these services.
I'm beginning to think that rather than avoiding the vaccinated we need to find a cure for them. We're talking 80% of the population.
Those statistics keep me up at night. What if 80% of our population has been compromised? How do we even deal with that? Do we become hermits and avoid them? For me, approaching my 74th birthday I'm trying to put it all into perspective. A few weeks ago my beloved 19 year old granddaughter drove me home after a wonderful family Easter dinner. She has had 2 shots. I arrived home safely and was very impressed with her driving skills. It was a wonderful experience for both of us, given that 17 years ago I was pushing this same granddaughter in a stroller down a sidewalk, taking time to smell the lavender along the way.
I was rather thinking of bus drivers when I mentioned they should not drive. Indeed, it is impossible for all of the jabbies to stop driving! There are several protocols available to remove the products, but lots of the jabbies are still full-on, at least the ones I know. If they realized the danger they are in, it might be possible to help them healm but as long as they think the jabs are what is keeping them safe, there is no way to help them. I avoid to see the 2 most indoctrinated former friends. The only ones I see are my hair dresser and 2 friends who did not 'hide' from me. One is now scared but the other is still going for the next jab...
Totally agree. I fondly remember the good old days flying on Wardair in 1982. A trip to Barbados from Montreal. Regular fare with large seats, fantastic food with alcohol included and great desserts. It was all very civilized and the customer was actually valued and given value for their fare. Those days are long gone. And now we have planes in the sky that have no business being in the air. If a flight makes it from one airport to another it's a miracle given all the mishaps, be it mechanical problems, sudden illnesses, including the pilots, stressed and unruly passengers, lost luggage, the indignity of a body search and scanner, canceled or delayed flights, ad nauseum. Last time I was on a plane was 2016. It was fine. An uneventful and enjoyable trip to the UK from Canada despite the usual shakedown at the airport.
At this point I am done with flying.
Now, everytime my husband and I go out in our vehicle it's like playing dodgeball. With all the unpredictable drivers on the road, it's become a feat of endurance to manouver our vehicle and managing to stay alive. Such is life in the fast lane. My husband is 83 and I'm 74. They say mental challenges are good for the mind as we age. We get to experience this everyday as we navigate our way to our various destinations.
Thank you, Helen, for your input! It makes me think that I need to write and even print stories of the not-so-distant-past so that generations to come will hear stories like yours. God bless you and yours. We are here for a reason.
Cathleen. Thankyou for your lovely comments about writing stories to be passed down to future generations. I just finished producing a hard covered book relating family memories and stories that date back as far as the 1920's. It was a gift for my daughter's 54th birthday and she is absolutely delighted with it.
Awe! That's wonderful! There's a lot that I haven't told my grown children about my life (I didn't want them to emulate me and make the same mistakes). I plan on writing it down very soon.
Did you use any tools on-line or elsewhere to find info on your relatives from past generations? It's something that I have been meaning to do, as well.
While I completely agree with your statement I know it isn't possible at the moment. The psychopaths have their bloody hands in everything. I suppose if we somehow can make our own fuel and know how to network without the internet, we might be able to completely remove ourselves from their grip. I am not saying it is impossible but we do need to start somewhere. Does anyone ride horses or donkeys anymore? What about wagons to deliver goods and services? Food. Who will be growing the food? News. How will we print the news AND where will the paper come from? Anyone have CB/HAMM radios? Who will be making bullets? How and where will we be butchering and selling our animals? Barter or trade? Do you know a trade?
We are a little behind but can make up for lost time if we assess our personal strengths and weaknesses and then start mobilizing now. The pscyhopaths are great at stealing our wealth, now we need to not only stop them we need an alternative plan.
The Amish population is way ahead of us. They're pretty independent, still drive horse and buggies; grow their own food and I believe they didn't take the covid shots. Many of their communities live off the grid.
Again, I like the sentiment. We all have to make personal choices as to whether we support the beast system or not. Every choice I make takes me further or closer to God. EVERY CHOICE. I do the best that I can and am thankful for God's mercy. We are here for a reason. If we all look at our local and state governments and try to get rid of the obvious degeneracy and corruption, that would be a great start.
MAGA (Make Assets Great Again): money should be 100% backed with gold and real assets. This makes masonic counterfeiting harder. They are buying everything with virtual money: listed corporations, media, medical system, political parties, prosti-ticians, universities… !
Get the murderers out of government: force masons to self-identify by law under severe penalty (their oath doesn't forbid self-identification, also, evil oaths are void). Freemasonry is the church of Lucifer. “Separation of church and State” requires eliminating the freemasonic demono-cracy over Government (theocracy comes from “theo”, God, “cratos”, power, but this has nothing to do with God, but Satan and his demons, so it’s a demono-cracy).
Why are there not "likes" by the dozen in support of this prof.'s post? Only one adjustment to it that I'd make and that is to clarify that EVERY secret society is Satan's tool. But concerning them all, there is "order" of hierarchy. Like with hyenas patrolling the African Savanah. Freemasonry is not the highest rung. That level is held securely by the secret society which controls Freemasonry, and every other secret society that exists. That position belongs to the "Society of Jesus" (aka the Jesuit Order, or secret society). Not only do the Jesuits have control over the other demonic secret societies, such as the Rosicrucians, The Knights of Malta, Opus Dei, etc... they also are in positions of control within secular govts and have gained control of EVERY single agency and institution we can point to, that could have any form of influence which can effectively be used to further their "programs" of chaos.
Capt Roy asked the rhetorical q: "What the Hell is in store for us?"
It seems we are getting a taste of what has been in the oven toward their controlling the world for centuries now. These "people" are doing the bidding of Satan; some know it, some do not. They have all the temporal advantages in their favor. But their evil will eventually be recompensed upon their own heads and then they well cease to exist any more for ever! That's outstanding news, if you ask me! Good news is good!
We exist in a "time" which has a past, and a future, validating God's Word. None of this is a surprise to Him. For us mortals, the future seems dark and foreboding but it does not have to. We're given free will with which we can make an informed choice between Truth and its opposition; error, chaos, deception, sorrow, pain, and every form of treachery. Therefore, the difference must be ascertained. And quickly!
It could be my imagination, but it sure does seem that in these last few years, that more and more qualified scientists and (truthful) doctors have "come out" and joined the side of Truth. It's like a "revolution" or a movement is underway and gaining momentum. Both sides, it appears, are strengthening their front-line forces. We must encourage our "special forces" to continue, and support them in prayer and deed and word! This might give us a little more time to "work" for the side of right, light, Truth, and Justice, which indeed is God's side.
Thanks. I'll certainly review it. If "money" is held up as the MAIN motivator, or better yet, the CORE motivator behind the scenes of this world, then I would think that it is a diversion of the Truth, which stands solidly against the concept. Spirituality and Truth are at the CORE of the world's condition. They both have been kicked to the curb, maligned, and rejected as though meaningless, trivial, and unworthy of note, much less the obedience they suggest to be worthy of the goodness they project and promise as such through God's Word.
Again, thank you for the link. Much appreciated! Now, here's an "eye opener" for your viewing enhancement. Please let me know what you think of it after watching. Thanks.
Listen to ex illuminati, Ronald Bernard: all secret societies respond to one satanist commander. According to the Catholic Church, you are excommunicated automatically if you join them.
Jesuits and Opus Dei are not part of it. It's just slander without any evidence.
I'm glad to have received that link with R. Bernard giving his testimony. It must be subsequent to the one I've watched in full some years ago, when he was the guest of a one-on-one interview by a female. At first I was not all together sure, but Mr. Bernard's name, voice and demeanor rang bells. Then when he used the quote, "You must put your conscience in a freezer," it all became clear that it was indeed the same man.
But I am looking forward to finishing it and delving into the other part(s) of his testimony in other vids. It's very interesting to freshen up with the facts of the case. Granted, I do not know if his testimony was a product of deliberate action for PR purposes by the Catholic System, or if his testimony here was detrimental to the cause of the "organization" which controls all others. The Jesuits have created the FBI and the CIA, and therefore, it is no stretch to imagine ANYTHING being done in secret having an ulterior motive. If the "organization" can persuade their "audience" to perceive them as a beneficent, benevolent, and child-loving entity, when in reality they are the Satanic opposite, then so much the better. Throwing ANYONE, even their own, under the bus becomes within their agenda outline, "business as usual."
If you, professor, actually believe that the "organization" (Mother Church) has been wronged for being accused of heinous crimes against humanity (and untold numbers of children, both unborn and born), not even to mention the many many millions of martyrs during the "dark" ages of which she is guilty of creating, or distrust that the "organization" has the capacity or will to arrange propaganda streams in their favor, then you have been fully deceived, by believing the efforts of the Satanic Church to further her goals.
OR....you are fully engaged in the misinformation efforts that the Jesuits themselves are animating and employing toward the veiling of the truth regarding her activities. That would make you a Jesuit, or one of their puppets, now wouldn't it?
But all that aside, I will watch the testimony again. 'Hard to think that Mr. Bernard is a fake.
The Illuminati is the "secret society" which is in full control of the WORLD'S finances. They don't really concern themselves with the spiritual side of things knowingly. Sure they engage is Satanic activity, but who, in this world, is exempt from that, except those who "Keep the Commandments of God, and have the faith of Jesus"?
Learn of this and live, or doubt it and die eternally.
Dear Ray, in the interview Ronald says that he had been abused by a Catholic Priest. So your comment doesn't make any sense.
He also explains how all Western intel agencies are controlled by the satanic societies.
They were all founded by masons, not Jesuits! CIA, FBI...
There's not a single evidence that the Jesuit order is part of the cabal. Just slander.
Neither for the Catholic Church. In fact, it's the only Christian Church were you were automatically expelled (excommunication) if joining masonry.
Caveat: that said, this doesn't mean you won't find masons in high places in the Jesuits, Vatican, Christian denominations or any other religion: they are bribing or infiltrating all religions to destroy them from within and install a one world religion!
Yes, and since it does seem that stressing the heart or any part of the nervous system might trigger a major condition, like seeing your senior pilot beside you just collapsed in this flight chair, that might be enough to send you over the edge.
Scary stuff. And so intentional! Heads should definitely roll!
SAN DIEGO — A 52-year-old man lying on the ground in a shopping center parking lot was struck and killed in a hit-and-run crash in the Tierrasanta community Wednesday afternoon, San Diego police said Friday.
Zero news on Wednesday, the day something happened. He was already on the ground, and very likely already dead, if indeed a car hit him at all. Believing nothing these days.
I have been wondering for a while about the deleterious effects of these giant batteries. For instance, Tesla Model Y: 76.0 x 47.8 x 5.5 inches. That's a lot of battery!
This sort of thing is getting VERY serious. I wonder when MSM is going to pick up on it? Spoiler alert - most likely NEVER!!!! Ever. Why? We know why. Prediction - If they do start to recognize it, they'll blame in on "Long COVID", saying the people involved apparently were either unvaxed or didn't get boosted sufficiently and use that as ammunition to advocate for another round of "vaccinations". If they're not stopped and imprisoned, that's exactly what they'll do. Yes, they really are that sick and twisted.
It's a jungle out there! It's as though society at large stumbled into enemy territory (the Trump presidency) and the powerful and dangerous neighboring tribe pulled out their blowguns and started shooting poison-laced darts at us.
I don't know about that. The article you cited is nearly three years old. I have family and friends that are 3+ years in with the jabs. They DO get sick frequently but continue to kick...
4 years ago I decided not to fly anymore. Many accidents with planes, pilots with heart attacks, the rules loosened so they can still fly even with a heart condition - then all the planes falling apart, and now I also decided not to drive in anyone's car or bus, who has been jabbed. At least I know from most if they are or not! I will drive myself thank you!
Problem remains: We can't control the state of health of all the other drivers/cars on our roads...
No we can't but if this escalates to where it appears to be going perhaps this would be an opportune time to take the driver's out of their cars! ( for our safety, of course). And look at all the new technology we have to do that. I recently read that somewhere in the United States is a new Door Dash delivery system that features driverless cars. I'm assuming that's one of the goals for our new normal life that has been envisioned.
that sounds even more scary! I read some months ago that one of these driverless cars in AZ had killed a person, unable to notice him on the radar.
Yes in Phoenix, they have had multiple companies test their self driving cars, which then all killed people, not just one. To the point where the city has suspended most of their licenses to operate these vehicles. One company who had theirs suspended is now after 2 years trying to get it back as they say they have solved All the issues.
thanks for the update. I think Phoenix is in itself dangerous enough to drive in without the unmanned cars! Let us hope it all goes well. Drive carefully Patrick ! Duck if you see a car without driver !
I agree….I won’t let a jabbed person drive me anywhere. I’ve been concerned about driving for sometime. I now drive during off hours and only when necessary.
I guess I'm taking my chances driving with my husband who took 3 of these accursed jabs. Last time was January 2022. So far so good. To be honest he is an excellent driver with a work history of driving fire engines. It's a two edged sword for me. Right now he is the best and most alert driver I know which may save us from a vehicle accident due to his driving abilities. The downside is what if.....
A calculated risk I am willing to take at this point. There are no easy answers to this delimma we face. As an unvaccinated person, as I am, it's a continual worry for me for all the ones who chose to take the shots. I have to have a rational balance with them. There are too many to cut out of my life.
Sorry, but you need to start driving for you and your husband.
Patrick. Not going to happen. I guess you will be shocked to hear we have a 30 foot trailer that hooks up to our truck and my husband drives that too.
fwiw here's a report of a transit bus driver who died at the wheel (fortunately while stationary), age 63. The article focuses on transit management's failure to even notice the bus wasn't moving on schedule, making no mention of jabs. https://blockclubchicago.org/2024/04/17/death-behind-the-wheel-how-the-cta-failed-a-driver-in-crisis/
The divide&conquer strategy has worked too well! Most unfortunate for humanity.
Ingrid. Me too. No more flying for me. Last time was 2016. And sadly a planned 2020 flight smack dab in the beginning of covid hysteria was canceled. So now it's 8 years not flying. I can willingly give it up. I had a lifetime to use it before covid started. I certainly wasn't a globetrotter but did manage to see some amazing countries and enjoyed the freedom to do so given my limited financial budget. As for avoiding unvaccinated drivers it will be an interesting proposition. Many of us on this site agree or feel that given the current statistics while driving any type of vehicle, that the vaccinated shouldn't be driving anything. While this may be sound in principle, mathematically it would be a disaster. As far as I understand approximately 80% of the population of most first world countries have taken these shots.
Imagine this so called edict being declared tomorrow morning for our safety. Transportation in any form would ground to a halt. There are too many people that provide these services.
I'm beginning to think that rather than avoiding the vaccinated we need to find a cure for them. We're talking 80% of the population.
Those statistics keep me up at night. What if 80% of our population has been compromised? How do we even deal with that? Do we become hermits and avoid them? For me, approaching my 74th birthday I'm trying to put it all into perspective. A few weeks ago my beloved 19 year old granddaughter drove me home after a wonderful family Easter dinner. She has had 2 shots. I arrived home safely and was very impressed with her driving skills. It was a wonderful experience for both of us, given that 17 years ago I was pushing this same granddaughter in a stroller down a sidewalk, taking time to smell the lavender along the way.
I was rather thinking of bus drivers when I mentioned they should not drive. Indeed, it is impossible for all of the jabbies to stop driving! There are several protocols available to remove the products, but lots of the jabbies are still full-on, at least the ones I know. If they realized the danger they are in, it might be possible to help them healm but as long as they think the jabs are what is keeping them safe, there is no way to help them. I avoid to see the 2 most indoctrinated former friends. The only ones I see are my hair dresser and 2 friends who did not 'hide' from me. One is now scared but the other is still going for the next jab...
hahahaha I am still at home.
Agreed. Flying is quite expensive and rather no fun anymore.
Totally agree. I fondly remember the good old days flying on Wardair in 1982. A trip to Barbados from Montreal. Regular fare with large seats, fantastic food with alcohol included and great desserts. It was all very civilized and the customer was actually valued and given value for their fare. Those days are long gone. And now we have planes in the sky that have no business being in the air. If a flight makes it from one airport to another it's a miracle given all the mishaps, be it mechanical problems, sudden illnesses, including the pilots, stressed and unruly passengers, lost luggage, the indignity of a body search and scanner, canceled or delayed flights, ad nauseum. Last time I was on a plane was 2016. It was fine. An uneventful and enjoyable trip to the UK from Canada despite the usual shakedown at the airport.
At this point I am done with flying.
Now, everytime my husband and I go out in our vehicle it's like playing dodgeball. With all the unpredictable drivers on the road, it's become a feat of endurance to manouver our vehicle and managing to stay alive. Such is life in the fast lane. My husband is 83 and I'm 74. They say mental challenges are good for the mind as we age. We get to experience this everyday as we navigate our way to our various destinations.
Thank you, Helen, for your input! It makes me think that I need to write and even print stories of the not-so-distant-past so that generations to come will hear stories like yours. God bless you and yours. We are here for a reason.
Cathleen. Thankyou for your lovely comments about writing stories to be passed down to future generations. I just finished producing a hard covered book relating family memories and stories that date back as far as the 1920's. It was a gift for my daughter's 54th birthday and she is absolutely delighted with it.
Awe! That's wonderful! There's a lot that I haven't told my grown children about my life (I didn't want them to emulate me and make the same mistakes). I plan on writing it down very soon.
Did you use any tools on-line or elsewhere to find info on your relatives from past generations? It's something that I have been meaning to do, as well.
While I completely agree with your statement I know it isn't possible at the moment. The psychopaths have their bloody hands in everything. I suppose if we somehow can make our own fuel and know how to network without the internet, we might be able to completely remove ourselves from their grip. I am not saying it is impossible but we do need to start somewhere. Does anyone ride horses or donkeys anymore? What about wagons to deliver goods and services? Food. Who will be growing the food? News. How will we print the news AND where will the paper come from? Anyone have CB/HAMM radios? Who will be making bullets? How and where will we be butchering and selling our animals? Barter or trade? Do you know a trade?
We are a little behind but can make up for lost time if we assess our personal strengths and weaknesses and then start mobilizing now. The pscyhopaths are great at stealing our wealth, now we need to not only stop them we need an alternative plan.
The Amish population is way ahead of us. They're pretty independent, still drive horse and buggies; grow their own food and I believe they didn't take the covid shots. Many of their communities live off the grid.
Again, I like the sentiment. We all have to make personal choices as to whether we support the beast system or not. Every choice I make takes me further or closer to God. EVERY CHOICE. I do the best that I can and am thankful for God's mercy. We are here for a reason. If we all look at our local and state governments and try to get rid of the obvious degeneracy and corruption, that would be a great start.
The vaxed should be forbidden to operate vehicles in public places.
All public transport should ban them from operating
Yeah we are all at risk from the “vaccine” STILL. The gift that keeps taking.
We're at risk "still"? I rather think it's more like "we're just getting started."
And to think not so long ago the Vaxxed were all for locking up the Purebloods, and throwing away the key... 🤔
BTW just finished reading Naomi Wolf's "Letter From Brooklyn, April ‘24" https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/letter-from-brooklyn-april-24?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=676930&post_id=143672926&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=o7w81&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email
What the Hell is in store for us?
Depopulation or EXTERMINATION? (finest quotes):
Unless we fight for the solutions:
MAGA (Make Assets Great Again): money should be 100% backed with gold and real assets. This makes masonic counterfeiting harder. They are buying everything with virtual money: listed corporations, media, medical system, political parties, prosti-ticians, universities… !
Get the murderers out of government: force masons to self-identify by law under severe penalty (their oath doesn't forbid self-identification, also, evil oaths are void). Freemasonry is the church of Lucifer. “Separation of church and State” requires eliminating the freemasonic demono-cracy over Government (theocracy comes from “theo”, God, “cratos”, power, but this has nothing to do with God, but Satan and his demons, so it’s a demono-cracy).
16 laws we need to exit Extermination Planet
No Free Speech without Reach. We need a #FreeReach law urgently!
Why are there not "likes" by the dozen in support of this prof.'s post? Only one adjustment to it that I'd make and that is to clarify that EVERY secret society is Satan's tool. But concerning them all, there is "order" of hierarchy. Like with hyenas patrolling the African Savanah. Freemasonry is not the highest rung. That level is held securely by the secret society which controls Freemasonry, and every other secret society that exists. That position belongs to the "Society of Jesus" (aka the Jesuit Order, or secret society). Not only do the Jesuits have control over the other demonic secret societies, such as the Rosicrucians, The Knights of Malta, Opus Dei, etc... they also are in positions of control within secular govts and have gained control of EVERY single agency and institution we can point to, that could have any form of influence which can effectively be used to further their "programs" of chaos.
Capt Roy asked the rhetorical q: "What the Hell is in store for us?"
It seems we are getting a taste of what has been in the oven toward their controlling the world for centuries now. These "people" are doing the bidding of Satan; some know it, some do not. They have all the temporal advantages in their favor. But their evil will eventually be recompensed upon their own heads and then they well cease to exist any more for ever! That's outstanding news, if you ask me! Good news is good!
We exist in a "time" which has a past, and a future, validating God's Word. None of this is a surprise to Him. For us mortals, the future seems dark and foreboding but it does not have to. We're given free will with which we can make an informed choice between Truth and its opposition; error, chaos, deception, sorrow, pain, and every form of treachery. Therefore, the difference must be ascertained. And quickly!
It could be my imagination, but it sure does seem that in these last few years, that more and more qualified scientists and (truthful) doctors have "come out" and joined the side of Truth. It's like a "revolution" or a movement is underway and gaining momentum. Both sides, it appears, are strengthening their front-line forces. We must encourage our "special forces" to continue, and support them in prayer and deed and word! This might give us a little more time to "work" for the side of right, light, Truth, and Justice, which indeed is God's side.
Thank you for considering these things.
Ex illuminati Ronald Bernard: how the world REALLY works
Thanks. I'll certainly review it. If "money" is held up as the MAIN motivator, or better yet, the CORE motivator behind the scenes of this world, then I would think that it is a diversion of the Truth, which stands solidly against the concept. Spirituality and Truth are at the CORE of the world's condition. They both have been kicked to the curb, maligned, and rejected as though meaningless, trivial, and unworthy of note, much less the obedience they suggest to be worthy of the goodness they project and promise as such through God's Word.
Again, thank you for the link. Much appreciated! Now, here's an "eye opener" for your viewing enhancement. Please let me know what you think of it after watching. Thanks.
Listen to ex illuminati, Ronald Bernard: all secret societies respond to one satanist commander. According to the Catholic Church, you are excommunicated automatically if you join them.
Jesuits and Opus Dei are not part of it. It's just slander without any evidence.
I'm glad to have received that link with R. Bernard giving his testimony. It must be subsequent to the one I've watched in full some years ago, when he was the guest of a one-on-one interview by a female. At first I was not all together sure, but Mr. Bernard's name, voice and demeanor rang bells. Then when he used the quote, "You must put your conscience in a freezer," it all became clear that it was indeed the same man.
Now, I only had time to watch about half of the vid: https://rumble.com/v2hazdg-ronald-bernard-ex-illuminati-banker-testimony.html
But I am looking forward to finishing it and delving into the other part(s) of his testimony in other vids. It's very interesting to freshen up with the facts of the case. Granted, I do not know if his testimony was a product of deliberate action for PR purposes by the Catholic System, or if his testimony here was detrimental to the cause of the "organization" which controls all others. The Jesuits have created the FBI and the CIA, and therefore, it is no stretch to imagine ANYTHING being done in secret having an ulterior motive. If the "organization" can persuade their "audience" to perceive them as a beneficent, benevolent, and child-loving entity, when in reality they are the Satanic opposite, then so much the better. Throwing ANYONE, even their own, under the bus becomes within their agenda outline, "business as usual."
If you, professor, actually believe that the "organization" (Mother Church) has been wronged for being accused of heinous crimes against humanity (and untold numbers of children, both unborn and born), not even to mention the many many millions of martyrs during the "dark" ages of which she is guilty of creating, or distrust that the "organization" has the capacity or will to arrange propaganda streams in their favor, then you have been fully deceived, by believing the efforts of the Satanic Church to further her goals.
OR....you are fully engaged in the misinformation efforts that the Jesuits themselves are animating and employing toward the veiling of the truth regarding her activities. That would make you a Jesuit, or one of their puppets, now wouldn't it?
But all that aside, I will watch the testimony again. 'Hard to think that Mr. Bernard is a fake.
The Illuminati is the "secret society" which is in full control of the WORLD'S finances. They don't really concern themselves with the spiritual side of things knowingly. Sure they engage is Satanic activity, but who, in this world, is exempt from that, except those who "Keep the Commandments of God, and have the faith of Jesus"?
Learn of this and live, or doubt it and die eternally.
Dear Ray, in the interview Ronald says that he had been abused by a Catholic Priest. So your comment doesn't make any sense.
He also explains how all Western intel agencies are controlled by the satanic societies.
They were all founded by masons, not Jesuits! CIA, FBI...
There's not a single evidence that the Jesuit order is part of the cabal. Just slander.
Neither for the Catholic Church. In fact, it's the only Christian Church were you were automatically expelled (excommunication) if joining masonry.
Caveat: that said, this doesn't mean you won't find masons in high places in the Jesuits, Vatican, Christian denominations or any other religion: they are bribing or infiltrating all religions to destroy them from within and install a one world religion!
Blessings in Christ!
Check Tessa Lena-- Substack. Vaccines for parasites.
Try tessa@substack
How about the vaxxed nuclear power plants operators pushing buttons and pulling levers, cause there must be many ...
That would be right up the NWOs alley.
FAA has very quietly tacitly admitted that the EKGs of pilots are no longer normal.
Thousands Of Pilots From 30 Global Airlines Sound Alarm To FAA Over Vaccine Injured Pilots
There have been many collapsing on the job but they do have co pilots
Yes, and since it does seem that stressing the heart or any part of the nervous system might trigger a major condition, like seeing your senior pilot beside you just collapsed in this flight chair, that might be enough to send you over the edge.
Scary stuff. And so intentional! Heads should definitely roll!
Just my opinion.
Certainly could happen. And probably will. But we won’t be informed.
Hyper-aggressive driving is through the roof.
SAN DIEGO — A 52-year-old man lying on the ground in a shopping center parking lot was struck and killed in a hit-and-run crash in the Tierrasanta community Wednesday afternoon, San Diego police said Friday.
Zero news on Wednesday, the day something happened. He was already on the ground, and very likely already dead, if indeed a car hit him at all. Believing nothing these days.
Speaking of cars:
You’ll go nowhere and you’ll be happy:
Elon's top secret: EVs cause cancer
Go green with gasoline!
I have been wondering for a while about the deleterious effects of these giant batteries. For instance, Tesla Model Y: 76.0 x 47.8 x 5.5 inches. That's a lot of battery!
Unsafe At Any Speed:
With So Many Petrochemicals
Injected Into Their Bodies
The Drivers Probably Wouldn’t Pass
The Vehicle Emissions Test.
That's a classic!
Thanks for your tireless efforts at reporting all these individual cases Mark. I hope people sending you cases helps. Here's one I stumbled upon just now involving a country singer Colt Ford apparently having a heart attack at one of his concerts. https://rumble.com/v4noul6-country-star-colt-ford-suffers-heart-attack-at-arizona-concert.html
This sort of thing is getting VERY serious. I wonder when MSM is going to pick up on it? Spoiler alert - most likely NEVER!!!! Ever. Why? We know why. Prediction - If they do start to recognize it, they'll blame in on "Long COVID", saying the people involved apparently were either unvaxed or didn't get boosted sufficiently and use that as ammunition to advocate for another round of "vaccinations". If they're not stopped and imprisoned, that's exactly what they'll do. Yes, they really are that sick and twisted.
It's a jungle out there! It's as though society at large stumbled into enemy territory (the Trump presidency) and the powerful and dangerous neighboring tribe pulled out their blowguns and started shooting poison-laced darts at us.
Everyone vaccinated for covid will DIE within 2 years, warns French virologist
I don't know about that. The article you cited is nearly three years old. I have family and friends that are 3+ years in with the jabs. They DO get sick frequently but continue to kick...
The "New Normal"
Best to purchase a video-cam for ze 🚗 vehicle...
Meh, in a few years auto-electro-pilot tuna cans will have audio for ze conversations and video for ze accidents at 20 mph.
Just one grain of shame on a heap.
https://sports.yahoo.com/kevin-mclinton-former-maryland-men-032100336.html 52 year-old former maryland basketball point guard who led in assists for 3 years. found himself in the hospital for unknown reasons and then died for unspecified reasons.
In NZ similarly, a school bus crashed on a straight stretch of road, driver died & children injured. This was a year ago. https://www.stuff.co.nz/manawatu-standard/news/131428671/fatal-school-bus-crash-leaves-one-dead-six-injured-near-marton