My point is who has he helped with his hundreds of millions from Netflix an others? Himself. Multiple beachfront mansions. Two 7500 sq ft structures in Hawaii to skirt zoning. Man of the people bailed out the big banks and then enriched insurance companies with his garbage care. Grifter like all the rest. Either side. He could live in a 600k house and give generously. Ain’t happening.
O bummer was in poverty. He did not have a dime to his name.
My point is who has he helped with his hundreds of millions from Netflix an others? Himself. Multiple beachfront mansions. Two 7500 sq ft structures in Hawaii to skirt zoning. Man of the people bailed out the big banks and then enriched insurance companies with his garbage care. Grifter like all the rest. Either side. He could live in a 600k house and give generously. Ain’t happening.
Funny investing 30 million beachfront that will be swallowed up any minute now…..
And your family can't enjoy because they are frail and because you are an arrogant know it all.
Things sure are coming around.