A million THANKS to Prof. Mark Crispin Miller for allowing us all to view these posts free of charge. If we were forced to pay for reading the research of all the top-notch pundits out there, our subscription bills would total in the thousands.

Unlike many other substack authors, Prof. Miller is more concerned with disseminating the truth and enlightening the public than he is with filling his bank account, and THAT is very noble indeed.

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So far Tessa Lena has done the same! Kudos to both. When I have money to give they are first on my list

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They are two of the best!

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I also can not afford to pay for subscription to all the writers whose substack articles I read. I don't begrudge the paywall, however, that many experts have put in place. I have come to understand that for some, perhaps many, of these excellent substack writers, they have lost income, in some cases, quite severely. Others have large legal fees, from defending their license to practice medicine, or defending themselves against defamation.

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Just do monthly. That way you can spread whatever you can afford around, and still throw some support their way.

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There is a doctor that posts similar high-quality articles on the topic "sudden illness or death" as MCM, but the full-length article is for paid subscribers only. Because of MCM, I am able to read in-depth articles on this crucial and unique subject.

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Some of his articles are with globalresearch.ca I realise that for some, substack is their only income but I think for vital health matters viewing should be assessible to all. One time donations made available too.

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Another thing that Mark deserves credit for is that he allows commenting privileges to all subscribers whether or not we are paid subscribers. That's becoming a rarity on Substack among popular writers. Thanks, Mark.

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I just subscribed. 👍🏻

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Got that right !

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Jul 26, 2023
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I really do think that a lot of people have lost a lot of income and are now managing this way. And what a tremendous amount of work a substack like this must be—people absolutely deserve to be paid! The moment I am working again, I will subscribe and support several whose work I’ve been following.

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Jul 25, 2023
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The "vaccinated" braindead are incapable of seeing the absurdity in their thinking. Not only did the silly jab not prevent anything, the inoculated are much worse off than before. Thousands are now dropping dead suddenly, or with delayed onset of cancer, as late as 700 days post-jab. And then they have the gall to quip: "Imagine how much worse it might have been without the shot."

There's no getting through to these empty-headed media sheeple. What's absolutely infuriating to the point of evoking murderous rage in the still sane is the phrase from parents who've watched their own children destroyed by these death jabs: "Even though our son/daughter had this fatal reaction to the vaccine, we still strongly urge every parent to get their child vaccinated."

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I thought it was a billion lives. 🤔 I don’t send much as the comments would allow the lie worm in their brains to start wiggling and eating more brain. They are on their own, God bless ‘em. .

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Jul 26, 2023
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Duly noted. 🤔🤷🏻‍♀️😉

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What kind of a government ignores this obvious disaster & keeps recommending that you take this poison?

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A government that’s intentionally, covertly killing off its people using biochemical weapons camouflaged as ‘vaccines.’

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Democide and Genocide in full view.

Just like the Germans... look the other way when your neighbors disappear.

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Let's face it most Republicans are complicit themselves. The R majority House is still funding NIH, CDC, FDA/big pharm, etc., in this historic travesty.

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Yes, of the RINO and neocon variety.

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And I get such a kick out of the people who spit shit about the current regime but thought all that weird bush neocon crap was just fine in the aughts. Naw, you don't get out of the blame for voting for that shit and supporting your winning team then. You are complicit. I can forgive you, the propaganda was intoxicating, but you really gotta realize that the language of that time is simply not relevant anymore.

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Yes, and by "you," you DON'T mean me, because I didn't vote for that azzhole. Couldn't even stand to hear him (or Barry, for that matter) talk. It was physically painful. I went from Dem to indy, c. 2006. I loathe the duopoly. I'm down with George and Tom about how it would destroy and now is destroying the republic. Being indy, for me, is being guided by the search for truth, in all its unvarnished glory. Truth and constitutional integrity matter more to me than any shit ideology. Would love to see my contemporary, RFK Jr., flip the bird to the donkey and go balls free. (BUT Cheryl Hines . . . ugh. The power of the puss is even a mystery to me, and I have one!)

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Right...Because, they are all the same!

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And they singularly and together work to disqualify good candidates, like RFK Jr., and they assume a pecking order of ascendency. However, clearly Trump and his supporters were robbed, so I do think the nomination is his to win. That doesn't mean I'm against other GOPers running. Anyway, think of the power the people would wield with NO affiliation to party or ideology whatsoever! We could really be free to be "king" makers; meaning, we elect the candidates we want with no interference from political cabals and boys' clubs.

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Hope you are getting that for which you voted.

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Hope you're not implying I personally voted for him. Never. Just sick of folks putting up with spineless R's and give them a pass when many were complicit or spineless just cuz they're not a Dem.

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Pharma and the "health" agency regulators know far more than what they are revealing on the C19 shots, instead of stopping production and locating the problem, they DISPERSE the batches to a wider area, so it escapes detection.

Craig Paardekooper posted a noteworthy article "Chance of a Bad Batch" on How Bad is my Batch? (HowBad.info)

Why Did They Choose 5% for the High Toxicity Batches ?

During the Second World War, the Allies cracked Enigma, but they didn't sink every U-boat. If they had done so, the Germans would have known that Enigma was compromised. Instead, the Allies only sunk 5%, to keep the deaths below the threshold of German perception. In the same way, keeping serious vaccine injury at 5% ensures it occurs at the maximum possible frequency, whilst remaining just below the radar of public perception. 5% is the statistical level where chance occurrences are indistinguishable from deliberate causation.

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So the allies sacrificed their own ships so as to not let the nazis know they had cracked Enigma? wow. Talk about a dumb move. Makes you wonder whose side where the allies were really on.

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If you planned to replace all the workers with robots, what would you do with the workers? Give them some UBI and a metaverse screen to strap to their faces? Wouldn't you be afraid that some of them would take off the metaverse mask and kill you? Of course you would. So you convince them that submitting to a bioweapon is not submitting to a bioweapon at all but is necessary to save them from a bioweapon, and keep the media quiet while the workers disappear. What could go wrong? Lots, I think.

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We can only live in hope.. and I suppose for the Eternal Optimists amongst us, "pray"...

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Ban the Jab Story Brevard County GOP


Summary of Everything and Quick Links


Quick Index of Key Players


Smashing the Overton window


Organizational Chart, Bank for International Settlements Kill Box


The Dossier acquires confidential Davos attendees list


Laundering With Immunity: The Control Framework – Part 1


The 150 Bilderbergers Who Influenced And Controlled The Response To COVID-19


Six U.S. States have laws allowing Citizen Grand Juries to be formed by groups of citizens: Kansas, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota and Oklahoma.

No doubt there are many Frankenshot victims in those states. Murder charges should be brought by Citizen Grand Juries in those states. Even if the ultimate verdict is innocent, the discovery process will uncover essential truth. Also many such cases should be brought, one for each murder. The only way to stop the tyranny is to start at the local level. The Federal government is hopelessly or nearly hopelessly corrupt.


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Thank you!

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Thanks for all this important information. Do you live in Florida?

I live in Central Florida.

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Thank you for your time and effort in compiling, curating, and disseminating this collection of information.

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pray for grand juries

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Corporate media hyperventilating on climate change has them positioned perfectly for the pivot toward "yes it's happening and here's why it's a good thing"

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Yes, that’s why our government tried to mandate vaccines for citizens yet allowed illegals to flood the country with no such mandate?

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I have been most struck very recently by the news of Benjamin Netanyahu's new pacemaker. If his heart problems are vacc. related, the thought occurs: he must be at the top of the food chain of world politics, in terms of power, experience, endurance. If he dares say nothing -- it means at the very top they are willing to immolate themselves, or else they are not in control.

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In the west, with the exception of Hungary's Orban, the leaders are all globalists. This means they don't serve their own populations, but instead the global agendas, one of which is reducing the number of "useless eaters" (the term used by Yuval Noah Harari, Klaus Schwab's WEF sidekick, to distinguish us from the "elites").

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I cannot tell you how much I loathe that goblin Harari.

Some years ago I read a review comparing his "Sapiens" with a much more positive book by Steven Pinker. The author came down on the side of the goblin (as to be expected from the fashion of cynicism that has so long prevailed), but I could tell he was bad news nonetheless.

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I feel likewise about Harari. He seems to despise 99.9% of the human race, very much looking forward to the dystopian world he is actively and merrily helping to engineer.

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Yet Russell Brand loves kissing him on his bald head. Maybe there's an important clue in there somewhere

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Seems to me that the clue points to Russell Brand being controlled opposition.

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A government owned and operated by the companies and investors that produce and profit from this poisonous product.

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An illegitimate government who stole the election and is determined to continue to implement the Depopulation order of the WEF and their cohort. Not only must we end the irresponsible use of lethal vaccines, we must remove the unfit occupants from this administration.

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A government aligned with The Satanic Global Elite, same as all the other governments.

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Uh.....the US Government?

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The kind of government that is totally disconnected from it's people and runs itself for it's own benefit. This is no longer a government for the people by the people. It is a government for the corrupt by the corrupt.

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That's the $64,000 question. I think we all know the answer.

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A corrupt one that is culling the useless eaters.

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Here's something for you:

"We Are About To See One Of The Greatest Human Die Offs Of All Time" https://www.brighteon.com/7c890783-e5d8-430f-b462-f381396be9db

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One that thinks its better than its PEOPLE mate.

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A very evil one...

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Jul 25, 2023
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Jul 26, 2023
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The DIPS (demons in power) hate, hate, hate the unshotted so much. The plan was for them to be the clean, healthy ones and everyone else to be poisoned. They never imagined 30% would resist and now those 30% are on the same level playing field as them. The DIPS cannot stand that. AT ALL. They despise the unshotted as they know those people cannot be enslaved. You know they spit venom anytime the unshotted are brought up in polite conversation.

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I suspect this may be a "vaccident" but who knows:

Obama’s White House Chef Drowns Near Former President’s Martha’s Vineyard Home


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Such inexplicable drowning, in calm, shallow waters, has increased dramatically, worldwide, since the "vaccinations" started.

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Obama's Chef, Reggie Love, fits the profile. He drowned in Edgartown Great Pond. which is near Poucha Pond where Ted left Mary Jo to drown.

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Yes and WHO ? was with him when it happened. The article would not mention the name.

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You mean with Reggie Love? Yes, you are right. Again, no mention. Like it goes for so many other deaths. Why don't they name that person? Was

there really that person?

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They always used to name that person before the Media and reporters were 100 % bought off by Soros et al. What the heck, he/she is the number one witness/ suspect.

Naw....not important.

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Right....Nothing to see here!

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Reggie Love is alive and well. I thought he worked for Vice Media? How does he fit into this scenario?

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Interesting Chappaquiddick angle...

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I know. Isn't it!

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According to the official story.

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In my neck of the woods it is people driving off roads and dying. The authorities will call it a medical emergency, This happens 5x a week.

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Not to mention he was a very experienced swimmer.

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He didn't appear experienced at all in those videos he had posted, swimming with fins in a lap pool. But I can't imagine anyone paddle boarding who isn't able to save themselves in 8 feet of water.

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I get suss because drowning in shallow water was a common cause of death for people like ex cia chiefs and former Beach Boys who were too close to Manson and such in the day.

How convienent to be able to hide it behind a 'pandemic'.

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Look at label on any 5 gal. joint compound bucket.

Image of toddler falling in and drowning. Learned in Red Cross Water Safety Instructor course only 2" water will do the trick.

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Ha I was thinking murder What did he see or hear? Young man who can’t swim goes out on a board with no life jacket????

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That’s the thing though, he was an excellent swimmer!

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3 strikes against him:night time, alone(Red Cross rule #1:never swim alone), and black clothing I have read?

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Not too sure. Maybe this is another Killary type event, or maybe it’s like a Paul Pelosi Hammertime scenario. Frankly, nothing would surprise me these days! And isn’t it weird this is the 2nd Obama chef to die? Quite the coincidence I say.

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Why would the Clintons (i.e., the CIA) kill the Obamas' chef? It's far likelier that he got jabbed, then died, as countless others also have drowned for no clear reason, all around the world.

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As someone who has worked fine dining and seen some shite...

The hired help always sees too much. The backrooms and who their boss lets into the private parts of the operation or lets stay past hours talking politics. Who have to suck up being stuck late because the boss had a bunch of political friends over, but you hear shit. Like how much these people don't fucking give a shit about your plight (struggling working class schlub recieving food stamps because you make $3.35 and Hour...) and would be happy to have you gone from their consideration. I've experienced a few weird exchanges, I've had conversation stifled because I was bussing the nearby table, I've had people acutally ignore my prescence. I can believe that chefs are targets. They know a lot.

Edited for clarity, I hope.

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Hired or otherwise “help” has heard stuff from the beginning of slave/worker/hired help time. The elites get you poor and controlled and you have no power to change anything. You want to but the image of death/starvation/poverty/hungry children gets in your way. This is the way it is and always will be. It’s not really much better or worse now. But I guess the elites think robots will serve them in time.

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I was referring to the type of event, not that the Clinton’s were involved. I should have said “Epsteined” I guess!

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Yup. Simple and horrible as it is. The jab.

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No way! second chef of Obama? Who was the first that " died " ?

Damn dangerous job. Just like Clinton SS Agents. 12 dead of his. None in the line of duty I believe.

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Autopsy...Back in the good old days when they used to care about a cause of death and if it was murder or not.

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The other guy was a Clinton chef.

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Obama Spotted With Black Eye and Bandaged Fingers Days After Death of Personal Chef


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Jul 25, 2023
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I bet they will start to blame all deaths on “ climate” in about 6 months or so. It will be as ridiculous as it sounds, and people will believe it. There will be talk of a “climate vaccine.” I can actually see this happening

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Just like happened to Brian Jones, Dennis Wilson and William Casey? Global Warming you historically retroactive bitch!!

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I'm with you on that - from what I've read, he was an EXCELLENT swimmer and in tip top physical shape. So sad.

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Yeah, 100 feet off shore in relatively shallow water, I think it was the vaxx, or they off'd him. It is a sad story, he was young and had a family. We will never know the truth.

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Yes; early in the scamdemic many speculated, with reason, that the movement of previously unknown clots in vaxxed people would cause sudden unconsciousness and death and thus increase drownings, car accidents that go right through houses, plane crashes etc. It is responsible to publish and question this, because it should be looked into by investigative journalists and regulatory agencies, both of which are now functioning here as they used to in the USSR.

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I also read somewhere that people are passing away in their sleep in the morning because the physiological process of waking up from sleep is similar to the exertion of running, swimming or other strenuous exercise. It is bizarre to see people literally dropping dead mid-sentence while standing. Apparently, exertion isn't the only reason. The whole thing is mind boggling.

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I didn't know that about the process of waking up from sleep being similar to exertion of running. Very interesting.

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Was he "the chef who knew too much"?

Scary to work for - or anywhere near - these psychopaths.

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Damn, the one person that Obummer lifted out of poverty. What a shame.

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O bummer was in poverty. He did not have a dime to his name.

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My point is who has he helped with his hundreds of millions from Netflix an others? Himself. Multiple beachfront mansions. Two 7500 sq ft structures in Hawaii to skirt zoning. Man of the people bailed out the big banks and then enriched insurance companies with his garbage care. Grifter like all the rest. Either side. He could live in a 600k house and give generously. Ain’t happening.

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Funny investing 30 million beachfront that will be swallowed up any minute now…..

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And your family can't enjoy because they are frail and because you are an arrogant know it all.

Things sure are coming around.

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That makes a lot more sense than the current speculations.....

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Much more shocking than Bronny's cardiac arrest would be Lebron publicly acknowledging the culprit.

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NBA's #1 (career) scorer LeBron James, is staying silent on the C19 shots. Perhaps he doesn't know, or is unwilling to say a peep as he's still an active player. Former NBA John Stockton (leading career assists and steals) has spoken out on lockdown and the covid "vaccines" and has been hounded by MSM.

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Imagine that level of power and influence, seeing them do that to your young and healthy boy, and then realizing you are actually so powerless you can't even complain.

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Hope Bronny's parents - and others! get the Mama Bear attitude and say "How dare you do that to my kid!" Certainly they were fooled but the shots are still going out, so better late than never. And they must have a clue as other top athletes have spoken out: Kyrie Irving (NBA - active), Novak Njokovic won this year's French Open, "almost" won Wimbledon, Aaron Rodgers (NFL), not as known but in the NFL HOF Ken Ruettgers and wife Sheryl started C19VaxReactions after Sheryl was injured (from the 1st Moderna shot in January 2021).

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And the Covid " Vax" injuries are accelerating, with time.

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I think "accelerating" should be switched to "continuing" over time. Which is bad enough--so, no need to over-emphasize.

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To me, it feels as though it's accelerating. Feelings of course have little to do with numbers and reality. I wonder then, if the effect of the injuries/death *not going away* is becoming increasingly unnerving.

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When Elon Musk mentioned the vaccine in relation to Bronny James, the newspapers were up in arms criticizing him. It is strange that you are allowed to trash and ban and fire people for years for not getting the shots, but not allowed to speculate about 18 year olds keeling over with heart attacks. By the way, RFK Jr was scheduled to speak at the Ethical Culture Society this week with Rabbi Shmuley. Ethical Culture cancelled at the last minute despite a contract, etc.

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It screams cover up

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Welcome back Mark. These are not obscure people. I've been watching Hislop play and announce soccer games for years. Bronny is one of the most famous offspring in America. Deion Sanders is a Hall of Famer. It's a good thing Shaka wasn't driving a vehicle when he collapsed.

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Like all the other vaxidents ...

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I was travelling on a train recently and a young lady collapsed - all colour drained from her face and her lips turned blue. I sincerely hope that she is all right (I had to get off at the next stop so didn't see if she recovered or not) the first thing I thought was: myocarditis.

In all my years, I never saw a young person collapse like that. Never saw defibrillators so widely dispersed in public buildings since 2020 either. We had better get used to seeing seemingly healthy young people collapsing from now on. Bring a sense of humour along with your compassion - I think we are gonna need it.

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