And they singularly and together work to disqualify good candidates, like RFK Jr., and they assume a pecking order of ascendency. However, clearly Trump and his supporters were robbed, so I do think the nomination is his to win. That doesn't mean I'm against other GOPers running. Anyway, think of the power the people would wield with NO …
And they singularly and together work to disqualify good candidates, like RFK Jr., and they assume a pecking order of ascendency. However, clearly Trump and his supporters were robbed, so I do think the nomination is his to win. That doesn't mean I'm against other GOPers running. Anyway, think of the power the people would wield with NO affiliation to party or ideology whatsoever! We could really be free to be "king" makers; meaning, we elect the candidates we want with no interference from political cabals and boys' clubs.
And they singularly and together work to disqualify good candidates, like RFK Jr., and they assume a pecking order of ascendency. However, clearly Trump and his supporters were robbed, so I do think the nomination is his to win. That doesn't mean I'm against other GOPers running. Anyway, think of the power the people would wield with NO affiliation to party or ideology whatsoever! We could really be free to be "king" makers; meaning, we elect the candidates we want with no interference from political cabals and boys' clubs.