They're trying to get us to WANT to live in smart cities with every movement of everyone tracked. Or better yet, get us never to leave our homes and have everything delivered, making Amazon the only marketplace.
Good insight. I figure it is to try to create so much dysfunction and chaos in our societies that we are desperate to welcome in the "new world order" in the form of WEF/WHO. Thereby giving them maximum control. But your thought totally makes sense too, maybe's it's both!
I could see this happening even before "COVID" with respect to Amazon. Makes me even more suspicious that someone like Bezos et. al is part of some deep state long-term agenda.
For a while now, I’ve had a recurring nightmare that emanates from my knowledge that 100 percent of society’s important “truth-seeking” organizations are completely captured. In my recent essay, I quantify the capture rate in American colleges, where 4,200 of them got ALL the important take-aways regarding Covid response spectacularly wrong.
I wouldn't think it's much of an advertisement for city living to create chaos in urban areas while allowing the countryside to remain quiet. If anything, my already low desire to live in the big city has dropped even further over the last 2 or 3 years.
It is so very messed up! And what really frightens me is that we will look at this time "as the good old days." There is no putting this genie back in the bottle...
Yes, although, there's enough loot to be extracted from us to also keep Walmart and other major players in the loot without having retail labor to worry about.
I've been pondering several possible CIA manipulations...
First, Sam Bankman Fried HAS to be a CIA asset, even if unwitting. Look what he did with the funds he funneled to Alameda - rigged Ivermectin trials to fail, and poured millions into intervening in the 2022 election (we were headed for a red wave, and in fact the 2022 primaries suggested a huge red wave, but suddenly, magically, Fetterman and a bunch of other tight races got the necessary infusions of cash).
The other one - I recently read an interview where a government whistleblower claimed the CIA has been funneling money into gansta music since the 90s, as a way to foment social unrest. This would help explain how meth head P Diddy is a billionaire.
The late Dave McGowan details this here: <iframe src="" width="560" height="384" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Recently a cop was shot in NYC by a guy being forcibly removed from his car for standing at a bus stop. Looks like stop and frisk is back for motorists now.
Also the music of the 60-70's that exploded on the scene out of Laurel Canyon during the Vietnam War. Another huge psyop and no wonder that a lot of the artists that we thought were against the Man came to embrace the Man during Covid. Neil Young, Joni Mitchell, I’m loosing at you.
@Sam, tried several times to LIKE your very informative post, but the Substack interface wouldn't let me. So, if you would, please mentally add 1 to your LIKEs :3
That self-important scrotal sac, Neil "I take myself seriously" Young, has let his inner asshole flop around braless for decades, and Joni "the skull" Mitchell could never sing, so I've always felt she must've sold *something* to get famous.
However, John Mayall lived in Laurel Canyon around that time, and I don't want to imagine him caring about anything but music.
there are others too who've commented on the strangeness coming out of Laurel Canyon, including Tikhon's Substack that mentions '...some of the seedier aspects of the area and the role it played in the nascent hippie movement, [as] documented in McGowan’s "Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon: Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops & the Dark Heart of the Hippie Dream".....' -
Many thanks, mary-lou! Keep the links coming; I haven't vomited yet!
The past few years have been a real eye-opener, yet I feel the bottom of this Thing has still to be fully exposed.
During a hiatus from school, a college classmate of mine worked as Senator Strom Thurmond's chauffeur in D.C. This classmate said, "Congress is the only institution cooler than (an EXTRAORDINARILY debauched club to which he belonged)".
We citizens have been taken for a ride, footing the bill for a continuous orgy that would make ancient Rome look self-disciplined. If it makes ya sick, it's probably true.
Those involved are running towards the wrong goal post. The more invested they are, the greater the ego pain required for them to self-correct. It is unlikely they will do so. They lost a LONG time ago. It's up to us NOT to let them pull us down with them.
great comment - yes, 'they' ain't seen nothing yet! music audiences all over the world didn't stand a chance with the incredibly sleek bombardment of pop music, didn't we all like Elvis, the Stones and so on and so forth! however, a few years ago I came across a b/w recording of one of those hysterical girl-audiences at a Beatles' concert and suddenly recognised that I was seeing an incredible mix of PR, commercialisation and mind control, very crafty and heavily edited. even though I'm more a jazz and folk music person myself, it was a painful realisation at best.
Here Bankster minion, Henry Kissinger, explains their strategy succinctly:
“Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order (referring to the 1991 L.A. riot). Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government.”
Henry Kissinger @ Bilderberg Conference, Evaians, France 1991
[Note the UN troops that moved in en masse to beat down the Trucker's protest in Ottawa. All wearing the same heavily padded riot gear, can't see their faces, not even so much as a little insignia to be seen]
Clinton’s Deputy Secretary of State quoted in Time magazine on July 20, 1992: “In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn’t such a great idea.”
From THE GLOBAL REVOLUTION by The Club of Rome 1991 "Because of the sudden absence of traditional enemies, "new enemies must be identified."[2] "In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill....All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself."[3]
"We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest"
Paul Warburg, the International Banker testifying to the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations in 1950
"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis."
David Rockefeller, Club of Rome executive manager
"Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and suburban housing are not sustainable."
they're all completely was their corporations which heavily pushed consumerism on the public...advertising thrown in your face at every turn and constantly encouraging their customers to throw out the old and upgrade, upgrade, upgrade...and now they have the absolute gall to turn around and blame joe public for all the woes of the world...meanwhile their factories keep producing more plastic than ever.
Exactly! Been saying this for years. I refuse to feel guilty for what they created! Plastic containers were once a miracle for convenience... now we are scorned polluters for using them.
i've been trying to switch away from plastic storage over the past few years and now most of the food in my kitchen is held in glass jars or steel tins. having said that i'm still the proud owner of an original tupperware cereal box and mixing bowl that i bought at a "tupperware party" 30 years ago and which is still in use.
great compilation! however, Rockefeller's "We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis..." < hasn't quite worked out yet, has it? although many crises have been played out, many of us are still capable of critical thinking, many of us still love life and there's a strong undercurrent of non-compliance. the old "make love, not war" is as relevant as it ever was.
I just returned from a visit to NYC, staying with friends in West Harlem, 145th St & B’way. I spent three days taking the subway and walking around from Harlem to the Village. I was mentally prepared to defend myself (NYC laws don’t allow you to carry much protection); I went to NYU in the 80s and 90s (yes, it took me twelve years to finish my BFA!). But the City was pretty chill. Tons of tourists in SOHO blithely trotting around. Harlem didn’t have so many tourists but I never felt the least bit threatened, day or night. I know during the scamdemic things were different, but I felt like all the things I’ve been hearing recently are highly exaggerated. Much as I want to think the nouveau/pseudo libs in the City are stewing in their own juices, I just didn’t see it.
Good point. TPTB want these events to be seen online. You might see a dozen of these actions and think it's happening everywhere all the time. All they need to do is change people's PERCEPTION, they don't need to change reality.
This is correct. I live in Manhattan near Harlem. This area is pretty much as it has always been in recent years. There are some local retailers (Drugstores, mainly) that have installed locked barriers on most of their shelves to prevent shoplifting, but most other businesses are operating normally. These "mass shoplifting" incidents and attacks on people on the street have happened in some parts of the city, but they are not the norm, and reports of them are greatly exaggerated.
Our current example is the provoking and stirring of strife with Biden's Presidential Proclamation of Transgender Day of Visibility falling on Easter. A pathetic and desperate attempt to drive a wedge between Christians and Transgender citizens by resorting to tribalism and balkanization. LAME-O.
This has nothing to do with either group, but everything to do with a sick demented depraved administration that is desperate to win an election. I'm not sure how that works for them.
On Easter!! Really!? I hadn't heard about this...but I'm not from the U.S. so... WOW, yep, they are really just going for "keep the public distracted with any conflict they can create, so they don't see what we are really doing" Divide and Conquer!
One of our Congress members, who is a "pastor" of sorts, said it is unChristian for us to criticize Biden's transgender proclamation. His name is Raphael Warnock (maybe should be warlock). Criticism was said to be cruel and hateful.
The globalist cabal is after true Judeo-Christianity, not only because it threatens their transhumanist degrowth technoserfdom future, but believers in the soul and in higher transcendent forces are allegiant to those aspects of themselves, their communities and their nations. Wokeism is a toxic mimic of Jesus' teachings (I mean, what I know of them, mostly through reading, as Christianity wreathes through the art and music and literature of the West), with sappy preschool empathy and focus on the marginalized mimicking the devotional aspects (not the power psychotic corruptions of religion) of faith, like "whatever you do to the least of these, you do to me" These traditions threaten their agenda. Almost everyone who has bravely stood up against what's happened over the last four years has had some combination of very high cognitive ability and either faith or absolute adherence to a rule-based philosophy, deontology or familial or personal experience with the patterns of totalitarian states.
I thought Reverend Snow Gregor Samsa love bombing from the White House on Easter, like a cognitively impaired Jim Jones, was a horror right out of sci fi and dystopian novels and movies. And the NY governor lighting up the Empire State building too. Beyond surreal, like spun off into another timeline surreal. It is a cult absolutely. See James Lindsay on the Queering of the American Child
Hopkins is the guy being persecuted in Germany because of a barely visible swastika on a book cover, correct?
My faith in Christ is absolutely why I have stood against the agenda. I don't understand why many Christians fail to see that this is a pro-life issue. One of my fully vaxxed church friends died of pancreatic cancer which may have been caused by covid shots. Another friend who, along with her family, ministered in Guatemala, got a booster while in the US in May 2022, was severely vax injured, was never able to return to Guatemala and the ministry essentially shut down. A seminary professor got a booster and flu shot last fall and was diagnosed shortly afterward with glioblastoma. I am angry at religious leaders that fell for the agenda and pushed the shots.
There is a difference between intelligent discernment, which you could say is a type of criticism, and hateful speech. Much different. We all must continue to see clearly beyond the games they are playing. Good for you for seeing the provoking of social conflict for what it is.
Well it's not only that he proclaimed T D of V on Mar 31, which just coincidentally happened to be Easter Sunday, but that he made special celebratory announcements for Ramadan, Hannukkah, Kwanzaa. I guess he forgot Diwali and anything Shinto.
Chile 2018 to 2020 is an interesting showcase of how the masses were propagandized to destroy their own society. I lived there those years, I assumed wrongly at the time they South America would escape the plandemic and economic implosion we all knew was coming, sadly those areas fell for the scam even more. I believe a lot of those flash mobs and other terrorists that you mention in this article got their start in Chile as that country was the first model run for the demolition.
lol actors? No, these are real criminal gangs that are already robbing people, but then get extra funding to move their robbing of locals, to specially targeted inviduals or neighborhoods. I’m not saying your story you linked is false, but it’s not related to what I am talking about, the group that attacked and almost killed me in Chile was originally just local thieves but during the 2019 planned protests were found to have received Chinese money, some of these groups later in 2024 have moved onto using visa free travel from Chile to places like Illinois,
San Diego, Phoenix and other cities and attempting to rob wealthier neighborhoods before being caught.
It’s even admitted that some of the professional communist thieving gangs are now using visa travel to the United States to rob rich communities just like they did in Chile in December 2019z
Very interesting Mark. Who blew up the Georgia guidestones and who put them up. Do you think this is a hint to what is going on. The books of Daniel and Revelation have the real reason.
while '.....the original Operation Gladio was a Europe wide network of fascist "stay-behind" cells that NATO/CIA/MI6 trained to carry out bombings and assassinations in the event of a Soviet invasion, "Gladio B" substituted Muslims for fascists, and continues to carry out false flag attacks in Europe and maybe elsewhere....' -
perhaps there's a "Gladio C" too, somewhere (Jan.6; "domestic terrorists").
I sometimes wonder what the immigrants are gonna think about all this...they're mostly coming from third world countries expecting to start new lives in the lands of milk and honey all over the western world...when in fact they're all entering the mouth of the beast straight into dante's inferno...they've been lied to and fooled the most...what will be their reactions when their kids starting coming home from school and having identity issues?
Another outstanding essay Dr. Miller. Telling us what the increasingly reviled, sycophantic main-stream media will not touch with the proverbial ten foot pole. We greatly appreciate your honesty, integrity and the acumen you bring to bear from your decades of experience in this field of media studies and dissecting propaganda. Very few public intellectuals of your caliber have the courage to speak as forthrightly as yourself. So again we are so grateful and thank you.
the Deep State's modus operandi is create a problem and solve a problem...CCTV all over everyone being surveilled > 1984 for real...
re the Rodney King riots...
I was living in LA at the time...
Korea Town is next to a mostly Black neighbourhood...
they would go into a Korean store, and if they were short a penny, or a nickel, or a dime, the Korean owners would stop the sale...
so the Blacks got pissed off at being nickelled and timed, literally...
when they began to rob the stores, they mostly took diapers, baby food, toilet paper, things they needed...yes the kids took tv's etc., but most of the items stolen were what I just listed...
I was surprised they stayed in their own neighborhood and didn't go after the high cost items in the stores in Beverly Hills on Rodeo Drive, for example...but that's because they weren't thinking like, that kind of criminal behavior is the norm...
I lived in the valley during the riots... Once it spread to other areas, it was surreal to see parents and their kids looting stores on tv, just a mile north of where I was. I wondered how those kids would remember that time...
Good essay Mark. Lots of dots are connected and the links are succinctly explained. But what about distinguishing our authentic efforts to mobilize a mass movement as we did in Canada with the Freedom Convoy? I think it may have started with some sort of Deep State effort to create a Canadian version of the Deplorables but at some point genuine justice-minded people injected themselves into the Truckers' project. They did mount an effective critique of government policy thereby tapping into a broadly-based popular revulsion with Trudeau's Covidian empire building. You do so muchMark and yet I keep looking in vain for substantial Canadian references except in your regular reports on deaths and injury. Tucker Carlson did come to Alberta Canada to comment on developments here. See
They're trying to get us to WANT to live in smart cities with every movement of everyone tracked. Or better yet, get us never to leave our homes and have everything delivered, making Amazon the only marketplace.
Good insight. I figure it is to try to create so much dysfunction and chaos in our societies that we are desperate to welcome in the "new world order" in the form of WEF/WHO. Thereby giving them maximum control. But your thought totally makes sense too, maybe's it's both!
problem - reaction - solution.
a.k.a. Hegelian dialectic -
I could see this happening even before "COVID" with respect to Amazon. Makes me even more suspicious that someone like Bezos et. al is part of some deep state long-term agenda.
For a while now, I’ve had a recurring nightmare that emanates from my knowledge that 100 percent of society’s important “truth-seeking” organizations are completely captured. In my recent essay, I quantify the capture rate in American colleges, where 4,200 of them got ALL the important take-aways regarding Covid response spectacularly wrong.
I wouldn't think it's much of an advertisement for city living to create chaos in urban areas while allowing the countryside to remain quiet. If anything, my already low desire to live in the big city has dropped even further over the last 2 or 3 years.
The suburbs will get theirs soon enough.
They'll have to go farther away than that to get the ones I'm talking about...
It is so very messed up! And what really frightens me is that we will look at this time "as the good old days." There is no putting this genie back in the bottle...
I thought of Amazon too, which I always use.
I closed my Amazon account which was at least 24 years old and have never regretted it. Whenever possible do NOT go for convenience.
Amazon is the great reset,
Still use it for exotic medicinal herbs. The alternative is pharma.
Yes, although, there's enough loot to be extracted from us to also keep Walmart and other major players in the loot without having retail labor to worry about.
I've been pondering several possible CIA manipulations...
First, Sam Bankman Fried HAS to be a CIA asset, even if unwitting. Look what he did with the funds he funneled to Alameda - rigged Ivermectin trials to fail, and poured millions into intervening in the 2022 election (we were headed for a red wave, and in fact the 2022 primaries suggested a huge red wave, but suddenly, magically, Fetterman and a bunch of other tight races got the necessary infusions of cash).
The other one - I recently read an interview where a government whistleblower claimed the CIA has been funneling money into gansta music since the 90s, as a way to foment social unrest. This would help explain how meth head P Diddy is a billionaire.
long but very insightful article on the role of the Tavistock Institute and its influence on (pop)music and mass manipulation -
For more info also see Music's Mind Control & Military Connections lecture by Mark Devlin
thanks, will do!
+1 (I am unable to LIKE comments.) Thanks for this. I have bookmarked it.
The late Dave McGowan details this here: <iframe src="" width="560" height="384" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" allowfullscreen></iframe>
John Philips of Mamas and Pappas was military, and first publicist of the Beatles.
Check out Lennons "I don't believe" on YouTube. He was whacked by Mkultra dude.
ty...amazing article
absolutely. some of it made me feel very uncomfortable though (for it explains a lot of what we perceive is so terribly wrong with society).
+1 (my LIKEs don't register). Thanks for this, one of many things I hadn't heard about before finding this article and its comments!
Or keep the black folks in jail.
Recently a cop was shot in NYC by a guy being forcibly removed from his car for standing at a bus stop. Looks like stop and frisk is back for motorists now.
Also the music of the 60-70's that exploded on the scene out of Laurel Canyon during the Vietnam War. Another huge psyop and no wonder that a lot of the artists that we thought were against the Man came to embrace the Man during Covid. Neil Young, Joni Mitchell, I’m loosing at you.
@Sam, tried several times to LIKE your very informative post, but the Substack interface wouldn't let me. So, if you would, please mentally add 1 to your LIKEs :3
That self-important scrotal sac, Neil "I take myself seriously" Young, has let his inner asshole flop around braless for decades, and Joni "the skull" Mitchell could never sing, so I've always felt she must've sold *something* to get famous.
However, John Mayall lived in Laurel Canyon around that time, and I don't want to imagine him caring about anything but music.
there are others too who've commented on the strangeness coming out of Laurel Canyon, including Tikhon's Substack that mentions '...some of the seedier aspects of the area and the role it played in the nascent hippie movement, [as] documented in McGowan’s "Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon: Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops & the Dark Heart of the Hippie Dream".....' -
also George Webb's series - (unfortunately for paid sub's only [which i can't access]).
this is scary to say the least, but I can't help feeling that it's all true :-((
Many thanks, mary-lou! Keep the links coming; I haven't vomited yet!
The past few years have been a real eye-opener, yet I feel the bottom of this Thing has still to be fully exposed.
During a hiatus from school, a college classmate of mine worked as Senator Strom Thurmond's chauffeur in D.C. This classmate said, "Congress is the only institution cooler than (an EXTRAORDINARILY debauched club to which he belonged)".
We citizens have been taken for a ride, footing the bill for a continuous orgy that would make ancient Rome look self-disciplined. If it makes ya sick, it's probably true.
Those involved are running towards the wrong goal post. The more invested they are, the greater the ego pain required for them to self-correct. It is unlikely they will do so. They lost a LONG time ago. It's up to us NOT to let them pull us down with them.
great comment - yes, 'they' ain't seen nothing yet! music audiences all over the world didn't stand a chance with the incredibly sleek bombardment of pop music, didn't we all like Elvis, the Stones and so on and so forth! however, a few years ago I came across a b/w recording of one of those hysterical girl-audiences at a Beatles' concert and suddenly recognised that I was seeing an incredible mix of PR, commercialisation and mind control, very crafty and heavily edited. even though I'm more a jazz and folk music person myself, it was a painful realisation at best.
Excellent article, Mark! Unfortunately so very true. Thanks for sharing your friend's observations.
They've already told us what they are up to:
Here Bankster minion, Henry Kissinger, explains their strategy succinctly:
“Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order (referring to the 1991 L.A. riot). Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government.”
Henry Kissinger @ Bilderberg Conference, Evaians, France 1991
[Note the UN troops that moved in en masse to beat down the Trucker's protest in Ottawa. All wearing the same heavily padded riot gear, can't see their faces, not even so much as a little insignia to be seen]
Clinton’s Deputy Secretary of State quoted in Time magazine on July 20, 1992: “In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn’t such a great idea.”
From THE GLOBAL REVOLUTION by The Club of Rome 1991 "Because of the sudden absence of traditional enemies, "new enemies must be identified."[2] "In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill....All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself."[3]
"We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest"
Paul Warburg, the International Banker testifying to the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations in 1950
"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis."
David Rockefeller, Club of Rome executive manager
"Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and suburban housing are not sustainable."
Maurice Strong, Rio Earth Summit
they're all completely was their corporations which heavily pushed consumerism on the public...advertising thrown in your face at every turn and constantly encouraging their customers to throw out the old and upgrade, upgrade, upgrade...and now they have the absolute gall to turn around and blame joe public for all the woes of the world...meanwhile their factories keep producing more plastic than ever.
Exactly! Been saying this for years. I refuse to feel guilty for what they created! Plastic containers were once a miracle for convenience... now we are scorned polluters for using them.
i've been trying to switch away from plastic storage over the past few years and now most of the food in my kitchen is held in glass jars or steel tins. having said that i'm still the proud owner of an original tupperware cereal box and mixing bowl that i bought at a "tupperware party" 30 years ago and which is still in use.
Plus the feminism movement that got women out of the house and into the working world.
"Got women out of the house", AWAY from the children, who were dumped with "child care professionals", destroying what little remains of the family.
Plus, women working means more tax revenue for politicians to either pocket or distribute, the better to enslave the recipients.
This is it, exactly, sarah k!
great compilation! however, Rockefeller's "We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis..." < hasn't quite worked out yet, has it? although many crises have been played out, many of us are still capable of critical thinking, many of us still love life and there's a strong undercurrent of non-compliance. the old "make love, not war" is as relevant as it ever was.
Revelation 17:12 And these (kings) have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast
+1 (for some reason, I can't LIKE comments)
I just returned from a visit to NYC, staying with friends in West Harlem, 145th St & B’way. I spent three days taking the subway and walking around from Harlem to the Village. I was mentally prepared to defend myself (NYC laws don’t allow you to carry much protection); I went to NYU in the 80s and 90s (yes, it took me twelve years to finish my BFA!). But the City was pretty chill. Tons of tourists in SOHO blithely trotting around. Harlem didn’t have so many tourists but I never felt the least bit threatened, day or night. I know during the scamdemic things were different, but I felt like all the things I’ve been hearing recently are highly exaggerated. Much as I want to think the nouveau/pseudo libs in the City are stewing in their own juices, I just didn’t see it.
Good point. TPTB want these events to be seen online. You might see a dozen of these actions and think it's happening everywhere all the time. All they need to do is change people's PERCEPTION, they don't need to change reality.
This is correct. I live in Manhattan near Harlem. This area is pretty much as it has always been in recent years. There are some local retailers (Drugstores, mainly) that have installed locked barriers on most of their shelves to prevent shoplifting, but most other businesses are operating normally. These "mass shoplifting" incidents and attacks on people on the street have happened in some parts of the city, but they are not the norm, and reports of them are greatly exaggerated.
Ya hard to know exactly what is true for sure through all the on purpose RAPE OF THE MIND from every direction.
Which is why we've changed our focus to turn off most of the Propaganda and move forward with possibility thinking and doing.
Getting stronger and healthier at the core of this process. 💪
It is difficult to ignore our BS here in CHINADA as the fear porn doesn't stop.
Our current example is the provoking and stirring of strife with Biden's Presidential Proclamation of Transgender Day of Visibility falling on Easter. A pathetic and desperate attempt to drive a wedge between Christians and Transgender citizens by resorting to tribalism and balkanization. LAME-O.
This has nothing to do with either group, but everything to do with a sick demented depraved administration that is desperate to win an election. I'm not sure how that works for them.
On Easter!! Really!? I hadn't heard about this...but I'm not from the U.S. so... WOW, yep, they are really just going for "keep the public distracted with any conflict they can create, so they don't see what we are really doing" Divide and Conquer!
One of our Congress members, who is a "pastor" of sorts, said it is unChristian for us to criticize Biden's transgender proclamation. His name is Raphael Warnock (maybe should be warlock). Criticism was said to be cruel and hateful.
Mr. Warnock would profit from reading the Bible.
The globalist cabal is after true Judeo-Christianity, not only because it threatens their transhumanist degrowth technoserfdom future, but believers in the soul and in higher transcendent forces are allegiant to those aspects of themselves, their communities and their nations. Wokeism is a toxic mimic of Jesus' teachings (I mean, what I know of them, mostly through reading, as Christianity wreathes through the art and music and literature of the West), with sappy preschool empathy and focus on the marginalized mimicking the devotional aspects (not the power psychotic corruptions of religion) of faith, like "whatever you do to the least of these, you do to me" These traditions threaten their agenda. Almost everyone who has bravely stood up against what's happened over the last four years has had some combination of very high cognitive ability and either faith or absolute adherence to a rule-based philosophy, deontology or familial or personal experience with the patterns of totalitarian states.
I thought Reverend Snow Gregor Samsa love bombing from the White House on Easter, like a cognitively impaired Jim Jones, was a horror right out of sci fi and dystopian novels and movies. And the NY governor lighting up the Empire State building too. Beyond surreal, like spun off into another timeline surreal. It is a cult absolutely. See James Lindsay on the Queering of the American Child
and C.J. Hopkins today on the Hate Police
Hopkins is the guy being persecuted in Germany because of a barely visible swastika on a book cover, correct?
My faith in Christ is absolutely why I have stood against the agenda. I don't understand why many Christians fail to see that this is a pro-life issue. One of my fully vaxxed church friends died of pancreatic cancer which may have been caused by covid shots. Another friend who, along with her family, ministered in Guatemala, got a booster while in the US in May 2022, was severely vax injured, was never able to return to Guatemala and the ministry essentially shut down. A seminary professor got a booster and flu shot last fall and was diagnosed shortly afterward with glioblastoma. I am angry at religious leaders that fell for the agenda and pushed the shots.
There is a difference between intelligent discernment, which you could say is a type of criticism, and hateful speech. Much different. We all must continue to see clearly beyond the games they are playing. Good for you for seeing the provoking of social conflict for what it is.
Well it's not only that he proclaimed T D of V on Mar 31, which just coincidentally happened to be Easter Sunday, but that he made special celebratory announcements for Ramadan, Hannukkah, Kwanzaa. I guess he forgot Diwali and anything Shinto.
...and excluded Easter completely? They just keep sharpening their pointy sticks don't they?
Give us Barabbas. Didn't work out so well for that pointy-stick lot, as Titus Flavius sent them all running not so very long after.
And excluded Easter completely. Hence the uproar.
Chile 2018 to 2020 is an interesting showcase of how the masses were propagandized to destroy their own society. I lived there those years, I assumed wrongly at the time they South America would escape the plandemic and economic implosion we all knew was coming, sadly those areas fell for the scam even more. I believe a lot of those flash mobs and other terrorists that you mention in this article got their start in Chile as that country was the first model run for the demolition.
Craigslist 'Crisis actors: Rent a mob'. very illustrative from an older article -
lol actors? No, these are real criminal gangs that are already robbing people, but then get extra funding to move their robbing of locals, to specially targeted inviduals or neighborhoods. I’m not saying your story you linked is false, but it’s not related to what I am talking about, the group that attacked and almost killed me in Chile was originally just local thieves but during the 2019 planned protests were found to have received Chinese money, some of these groups later in 2024 have moved onto using visa free travel from Chile to places like Illinois,
San Diego, Phoenix and other cities and attempting to rob wealthier neighborhoods before being caught.
indeed, this brings it to a whole different level of terror. Gladio-style operations come to mind, absolutely horrifying. thank you for posting!
It’s even admitted that some of the professional communist thieving gangs are now using visa travel to the United States to rob rich communities just like they did in Chile in December 2019z
All true ... good article.
All by design, according to plan, and perhaps even on schedule.
Great line: "... so have the powers that be always reached down to keep themselves above it all."
From :
Unwaveringly true to the fools
the fates have us play in this life
sadly we slice and dice ourselves into tribes
at the stealth behest of our rulers;
into tribes shrewdly maneuvered
by the-powers-that-be to prevent
we-the-plebs from uniting and fighting
the possessed point-oh-one percent.
Great poems. Redpilled indeed.
Very interesting Mark. Who blew up the Georgia guidestones and who put them up. Do you think this is a hint to what is going on. The books of Daniel and Revelation have the real reason.
They say the investigation is “ongoing”. This is so they don’t have to turn over FOIA requests
Indeed the Little Horn, the Roman beast's head wound is nearly healed.
Revelation 13:3
Great Reset=Feudalism 2.0
Operation Gladio 2.0.
(Or maybe a higher number since the same technique has arguably been used several times since the original)
tru dat.
while '.....the original Operation Gladio was a Europe wide network of fascist "stay-behind" cells that NATO/CIA/MI6 trained to carry out bombings and assassinations in the event of a Soviet invasion, "Gladio B" substituted Muslims for fascists, and continues to carry out false flag attacks in Europe and maybe elsewhere....' -
perhaps there's a "Gladio C" too, somewhere (Jan.6; "domestic terrorists").
I sometimes wonder what the immigrants are gonna think about all this...they're mostly coming from third world countries expecting to start new lives in the lands of milk and honey all over the western world...when in fact they're all entering the mouth of the beast straight into dante's inferno...they've been lied to and fooled the most...what will be their reactions when their kids starting coming home from school and having identity issues?
Hopefully, new immigrants will fight against all the wacky weirdness, with us.
Muslims already have stood-up fiercely against LGBTP propaganda.
They're not immigrants they are ILLEGAL ALIENS.
Actually, "conservatism" aligns with common sense and the Law of Nature, and that is universal.
We can actively convert them into conservatives, just think of the worldwide out reach conservatism may have.
Most Writers
And Readers Of Substack
Are Fallen Liberals.
Face Planted On Cold Concrete.
It Is What It Is.
It’s What They Do When They Get Up
That Has Value.
Another outstanding essay Dr. Miller. Telling us what the increasingly reviled, sycophantic main-stream media will not touch with the proverbial ten foot pole. We greatly appreciate your honesty, integrity and the acumen you bring to bear from your decades of experience in this field of media studies and dissecting propaganda. Very few public intellectuals of your caliber have the courage to speak as forthrightly as yourself. So again we are so grateful and thank you.
the Deep State's modus operandi is create a problem and solve a problem...CCTV all over everyone being surveilled > 1984 for real...
re the Rodney King riots...
I was living in LA at the time...
Korea Town is next to a mostly Black neighbourhood...
they would go into a Korean store, and if they were short a penny, or a nickel, or a dime, the Korean owners would stop the sale...
so the Blacks got pissed off at being nickelled and timed, literally...
when they began to rob the stores, they mostly took diapers, baby food, toilet paper, things they needed...yes the kids took tv's etc., but most of the items stolen were what I just listed...
I was surprised they stayed in their own neighborhood and didn't go after the high cost items in the stores in Beverly Hills on Rodeo Drive, for example...but that's because they weren't thinking like, that kind of criminal behavior is the norm...
I lived in the valley during the riots... Once it spread to other areas, it was surreal to see parents and their kids looting stores on tv, just a mile north of where I was. I wondered how those kids would remember that time...
Sounds like bs to me.
Good essay Mark. Lots of dots are connected and the links are succinctly explained. But what about distinguishing our authentic efforts to mobilize a mass movement as we did in Canada with the Freedom Convoy? I think it may have started with some sort of Deep State effort to create a Canadian version of the Deplorables but at some point genuine justice-minded people injected themselves into the Truckers' project. They did mount an effective critique of government policy thereby tapping into a broadly-based popular revulsion with Trudeau's Covidian empire building. You do so muchMark and yet I keep looking in vain for substantial Canadian references except in your regular reports on deaths and injury. Tucker Carlson did come to Alberta Canada to comment on developments here. See