Unimaginable how many years have been stolen shortening these people’s lives.

& still shocked people can’t see the culling happening.

Thank you for consistently documenting .

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I think deep down the lemmings know they have been had.

Ever admitting that is another matter entirely. The smugnorant condescension is long gone. And that is by far their favorite toy.

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I agree. They aren't running out anymore like they were to get their new covid booster shot. That says something.

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My elderly mom did. But she’s finally at least calling her injuries “ long covid “. Her denial system is strongest I’ve seen, consistently. Her boyfriend has POTS, glad we were around to help them after the second doses ( him) & her booster.

She couldn’t understand why the dr didn’t have a magic pill for her shaky hands & “ heavy legs “.

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Nor are they virtue signaling their vaxx status all over social media anymore!

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Feb 7, 2024
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^^^^^^^Promotional Spam! Don't bother clicking.

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I wish that it was true but, sadly, I don't think so.

I know a lot of people who completely swallowed the Covid crap - and still do! They're all still panic stricken.

I only know 5 people plus myself who didn't swallow their rubbish from the beginning. I have persuaded 3 family members to, at least, question and research. The rest - no! Whenever I have tried to tell friends about the dangers of continuing to get the boosters they just roll their eyes and think I'm a fool! They can't be reached

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Two of my acquaintances at church… in hospital….one with cancer throughout body…the other with fluid build up in lungs… and breathing problems…they can’t put it together…mind doesn’t even go there! One said she’ll probably skip the booster this year…but will definitely get her flue shot! Clueless!😨. I’m keeping both in prayer!

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I got the same thing with my friends at church. (Many) We had 3 deaths in December. I talked one lady out of getting boosters....she cancelled them for she & her spouse. Yay! He's sick tho.

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The MORE FORTUNATE ones go to their graves, where they "sleep" and CANNOT hear you. The LESS FORTUNATE find themselves in one or more debilitating and depressing health crisis or emergency which drowns out any notion of contemplation, where fear, confusion, and suppressed anger cause their ears to "shut down", and so they too cannot hear you either!

I'm beginning to learn of and believe that this is the "beginning of sorrows" a "little" time of trouble coming onto the inhabitants of the world, right before the "Time of Jacob's Trouble, wherein things will become horrendously uncomfortable. The Bible tells the Truth, and pulls no punches. The "Spirit of Prophesy" material concurs and supports this. No one wants to face it, but the "times" we live in, have a very eerie parallel to those which are expounded upon by Holy Writ, and by God's prophets. No one wants their young children to grow up in a world of chaos, and despotism, only to be coerced to admit "There is NO God!" and lose their chance to inhabit eternity.


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Five people.

That's a lot.

I don't know anyone else in the city I live in.

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Yes, that's true. It's probably a miracle to discover five people.

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There are some who are admitting it. It's good to see these people come out and talk about it. However, the vast majority can't bring themselves to it. It would also be great to see them accept it and rise up against the entire system who did this too them. I haven't seen any more dumb comments about why someone should get it. I'm sure there are some diehards that will believe it until they're 6' under.

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And what confounds the whole picture, IMO, is that there are ZERO uprisings by those who are terminally effected and KNOW they have been had. If I were in such a position of despair, and being the "mechanic" that I am, I would "fix" the problem even if only on a personal (one to one) scale. What would such a person have to lose? Diagnosed with terminal illness, unable to carry on, what is the point of just lying down and succumbing to the poisoner and his weaponry.

This has yet been seen by yours truly. Will it come about someday?


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That would be a dream come true for them to accept it and rise up to fight the system that did this to them.

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That's what I'm talkin'

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You obviously don't live in Australia. I almost throw up every time I hear another fear mongering announcement compelling us to go and get another booster, or shingles vaccine, rsv shot, flu shot, etc.

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I'm aware of how the governments of Australia, New Zealand, and Canada treated their citizens. It gives me comfort knowing millions are pushing back and winning. However, the damage has already been done. I live in US TX but in a rural area. I know certain states like NY, CA, and MI seemed to be the worst but many more were messed up as well. Even when the scamdemic was at its peak lunacy, it didn't affect any of us out here. I never saw anyone wearing a mask out here. Our lives continued as normal unless we had to head into the city which isn't often. I only drive into the big city about 2 to 3 times a year. I did drive in twice during 2020 and it was eerie with me being almost the only car on the road for miles. All the businesses were shut except the essential businesses. I know when they started getting really stupid here, the guns started coming out and they're still out. There are still many people who are open and conceal carrying everywhere I go. I never leave home without it. I now keep one within arm's reach at all times because of the unwanted invaders our government is forcing across our borders. I won't hesitate if I ever have to use it. That's one thing I learned while I was in the Gulf War.

I was harassed by the Veterans Administration (VA) by email, phone, and in person to take the death jab. This is similar to the DVA in Australia. They finally stopped harassing me when I laid into a nurse's ass for about 10 minutes. I still see them pushing all the vaccines when I drive into the smaller cities about 30 minutes away. I hear them announce it and see the signs. The VA called me in Dec 2023 wanting to know if I had taken the flu, shingles, covid and two other vaccines from any other place outside of the VA. I would have to go back and listen to the phone call for the other 2 vaccines since I don't recall them. I record all my calls with them because they have lied to me a few times over the years. I've already used one recording against them. Anyways, I gave this nurse an earful about the mRNA and all the other vaccines. I told her why I would never take any vaccines again. I don't know if she slipped up or not, but she said they were talking about it too. She was referring to her colleagues. It was mandated that the entire VA take the vaccine which is why many quit. This left them very understaffed for a long time until they lifted the mandate. I didn't ask her to elaborate but I would like to know what they were talking about. It's just the way she said it. I know they know but they still push it. I stopped taking vaccines back in 1995 because I would always end up going to the hospital since I would get extremely ill. I pieced it together many years ago. I no longer have gotten sick like that again.

I saw the propaganda/psyop form the very start. I knew it was psyop when they aired the news out of China showing people falling down in the street dying with foam coming out their mouths. I've never seen that clip aired again. I'm very familiar with information warfare and propaganda since I attended lectures on it in the military and saw it during the wars. How to spot a false flag 101 is to pay very close attention to every single detail from all the news outlets. The devil is truly in the details. Way too many false flags have taken place in the world over the decades to create laws which usurp our liberties and start wars. Even when many of us tried to expose many of these events on YouTube back in the day, the majority thought we were crazy. I wonder how many of them think we're crazy now. I know there are many paid shill posters and gate keepers online to distract and keep the narrative alive. It's still happening with covid and the push for wars but now people are getting wise to their tactics which is good to see.

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There are many True Believers out there......

see Maskachusetts

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I can’t help but think we are in the midst of a construct - whose aperture is assigning destruct to focal gain

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Yes, thanks so much….as painful, shocking and maddening as it is, we must see these events laid out for us…to keep us passionate, and fighting even when our listeners aren’t willing to listen …one day perhaps they will….echo chambers all….. amen and amen….

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I don't recall where I read it, but the article said that the vaxx takes 25 years off the average person's life.

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And if you're at age 25 or less?

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You are dead or have a life filled w/medical issues.

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The synthetic mRNA carried on lipid nanoparticles appears to be resistant to breakdown by human ribonucleases by design so the product would be long-lasting and produce the protein product of interest for a considerable time period...it is a big problem when the protein is the pathogenic SARS-CoV-2 Spike.

The more mRNA shots you take, the greater the immune system damage, the greater your risk of impaired health. We have a global humanitarian crisis happening in real-time and the healthcare establishment is baffled. PATHETIC!

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A family member has recently been diagnosed with arthritis. His hands are so swollen, it hurts to use them. But no...he has no concerns about the platform.



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Family friend (age late 70s) had same thing happen - sudden onset of severe arthritis in his hands after Pfizer shot #2. He had just paid thousands of dollars for membership at a golf club but now he cannot even play since he cannot grip the club. The sudden onset of autoimmune issues is real.

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Hope the golf club will do the honorable thing and refund his membership due to his severe medical hardship.

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That was an issue before covid with vaccines. Then there was a concerted effort to get people that age to be revaccinated with childhood vaccines plus shingles and hepatitis. Suddenly there was a huge upsurge of rheumatoid arthritis. I was staying in a town where a lot of elderly people live and I swear almost every elderly person I saw had the bruising and welts common to people treated using immune suppressive drugs. And that begets an increase in the incidence of cancer. Covid shots are an amplification of that whole process. Some degree of population decrease may be a side effect but profit, captivation and control of large swaths of human beings and all their personal and material resources is a primary purpose, in my opinion.

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Rheumatologists and immunologists pushed the Vax hard on their patients. Of all doctors they should have known better. But they're captured. I subscribed to a few medical trade magazines just to see what their perspective on Covid and vaccines were. They're all in. Safe and Effective! More antibodies are better! Falsehoods galore.

Even though those with autoimmune disorders are on a half dozen anti-antibody drugs. Rational thought logic, and common sense are verboten. Doctors must obey and follow the narrative regardless of damage to patients, or else.

The White Coat Cult is dangerous and deadly.

Best to avoid any involvement as you would any other cult.

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Your onion is fairly well-peeled, but it still has some layers to go yet, before the core motives are exposed. Naturally, everything cannot be disclosed or manifested until the "Judgement" but things can be not only deduced, but clearly READ as they have been put to paper for the purpose of communicating their true core manifesto-type world-views to each other of the same ilk. And for the "pride" of knowing something in advance, as though a prophet, like A. Fauce "predicted" that during Trump's time in office, there would be a "surprise pandemic!" Now how did he know that? But those on top are VERY sure of their under-taking project (no pun intended) and flaunt it at will, for seeing that the world community follows their pied-piper song of warning, and complies unknowingly and trustingly.


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Wow wow … so very sorry….

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Holy shit

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Please ask him to watch this, can't hurt to try. Right?


Remember, we all are fighting a demonic evil, and what better to poison us than venoms. Makes a lot of sence if you think about it. By the way, you can purchase them on line. Isn’t that just wonderful?

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Great idea!

I think I'll schedule an expensive safari expedition to the Outback where the Green Mamba abounds, and when found, simply allow him to bite me. I've heard it said they produce one of the most deadly venoms known among snakes, but that's probably just a conspiracy theory, to keep the natural beauty of nature pristine.


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Awful…. I’m so sorry

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Do NOT for a moment think that the professed "baffled" assessment is for real. It is a lie.


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The truth cannot be told, it has to be realized. ~Ralph Smart

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Good one. I like "The truth is never told, it is learned". I don't know who said it.

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Much like, "The best sermons are seen not heard." Human nature is a strange thing, but pretty well familiar amongst us. But with such a dire pictorial prediction given us through the Word of God, it would benefit us all to consider taking it seriously and investigate BEFORE the trap is sprung upon us. The trap is not "man-made" but far worse, it is the construct of the evil one, the devil, the "father of lies" and the originator of iniquity.


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It should be "told" as well. It should be shouted from the rooftops, and thereby leaving no one to say, "No one told us!" Christians have been given the assignment to do just that regarding the nearness of the end, and the TRUTH about the "First Beast;" who she is, what she is up to, and what will eventually happen to her for all her evil ways. "Realizing" that "truth" might come too late for a great many persons, so says prophetic insight.


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We have been screaming from the mountaintops for the past 4 years! They cannot hear us! It’s a prime example of mass formation psychosis (a type of hypnosis). The only way to wake them up now, is showing examples of the damage the vaccine has done to humanity. Faith over fear! We are in this together and you are right, we have a purpose and need to continue to be a lighthouse and shine our truths, however it is put on our hearts to do so.

Matthew 7:7-8

7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

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Revelation 14:6-12

The final warnings-The Sunday mark

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Hi brother Dan,

Yes indeed, the Sun day "mark" is the "mark of the beast" for sure. It seems that the totality of so called "protestant" churches are not addressing this truth, this clear fact. But I've been surprised to see that Doug Bachelor and a handful of others are stepping up to the plate and doing so.

It appears that the "wise virgins" and their "light" giving lamps have only a short time to shine before the Second Advent. We're nearing the end of time, and are fully IN the end times.


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Toby Keith died yesterday. He was 62 I think. Turbo stomach cancer. Very sad.

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Nearly all these disease pathways occur in the same point of origin.. the CNS…. And that points to Dr Ardis who auggests nicotine patches… why? Because the venom peptides used in the vaccines lodge into the acetyl nicotine receptors in CNS and stay there in non smokers…

We are nicotine based creatures and get nicotine from certain foods.. mainly the nightshade group.. my symptoms went within three days after using a 2mg patch everyday.. same with my mother…. Do not be surprised by this simple cure.

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A friend of mine uses the patches too, and had great success. Her husband mocks her (he had 3 shots, she had none), he's had COVID twice).

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Posted this a little while ago, glad you are in the know and educating.


Remember, we all are fighting a demonic evil, and what better to poison us than venoms. Makes a lot of sence if you think about it. By the way, you can purchase them on line. Isn’t that just wonderful?

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Will cigars work? Serious question

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To some degree inhaled tobacco/nicotine is possibly protective for "covid" from the early reports in 2020 and 2021.

I don't know how or if it works to help already acquired symptoms/damage.

Ask Dr Ardis.

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Cigars are awesome! Of course you don't inhale as suggested by the other commenter, all the nicotine is absorbed sublingually. There's lots of research on neuroprotective ability of nicotine as it acts on nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) and can help manage Parkinson’s and other neurological diseases.

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It is not stopping or slowing down...it might be changing a litte bit, but it is not stopping is it?

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By no means.

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Ed Dowd in a recent interview spoke to that, he sais injuries are still on a big increase, deaths are declining a little but the injuries may push up the death benlfits. Remember he is only deAling with insurance death/ injury pay outs

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Also tons of auto accidents…people losing it on the road…or brain fog…. Or something!!…my granddaughter… had a young guy…run right into her…in broad daylight…says he didn’t see her…but she was some ways from him… and he just plowed right into her…fortunately she was not injured! She called her insurance Co.…they said they were “too overwhelmed with accidents”….to get back with them sometime later! Can you believe it? This was a couple weeks ago…don’t think she’s heard from them yet! What do you do in a case like that? Insanity!

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Yes it is hard to believe but I know it is happenig. Ed Dowd said he was also aware of it but he does bot look intl thats type of insurance

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No the pandemic only stops once Bill Gates is the last man standing.

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Well my unvaccinated healthy 28yo daughter returned to work with about 10+ coworkers vaxxed and boosted AND was hospitalized for optic neuritis, tested for MS, MRI brain, etc - hmmm? Shedding anyone? 🔥

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Did she get a PCR test.. the one where they ram right into the membrane in the roof of your sinus.. that’s a delivery mechanism.. not to take anything to test..

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She needs to get the hell out of there

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She quit and recovered.

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I really don't know how long its going to take the MSM to start reporting this stuff because the jabs are still being pushed here, as "safe and effective" Heads need to roll, this is insane whats happening.

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I agree.

I use eBay as a barometer and plug in "Fauci" to search. In 2021 Fauci vigil candles were all the rage. Now The Real Anthony Fauci is all the rage...

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Someone needs to stick one of the vigil candles right up his duplicitous ass.

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while it is burning

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Don't forget the other one, who's very rarely mentioned anymore, but that condescending, patronizing witch Wolensky, fake crying, while begging people to get the vax to stop corona. And then when it didn't prevent anything, she had the unmitigated nerve to push it like a heroin dealer on pregnant women and babies.....she, IMO, is just as sinister as Fowchi, if not worse.

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The MSM will never report on it because big pharma is funding them.

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That is true. At some point it might become like the doctors. They just can't stand it anymore and either walk away en masse or start telling the truth because they can't hold it in anymore. Covid is killing them, Trump is killing them, and now Carlson interviewing Putin is killing them.

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Rare now = 1 in 1000 or maybe 1 in 100 or actually fucking everyone. Nothing to see here. Please move on.

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Everyone who got the shots has myocardidis.

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All we can ask for is consistency

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PM Sunak in the UK recently proclaimed the covid shots are still safe.

These people need to be pinned down on thresholds when using words like safe and rare. Completely meaningless words once detached from statistics.

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They need to be pinned down on something a little less abstract than thresholds.

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Has he discussed this with King Charles?

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Has he discussed this with King Charles?

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I just checked Pfizer's Post-marketing Report they were ordered by a Federal judge to release in April 2022, and Optic Neuritis is on the list. I didn't find the Dysguesia however, I'm sure there are many more AEs of Special Intereset that Pfizer didn't list in addtion to the 1,200 they did list. The huge number lives they've ruined makes what they've done unforgivable!

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Dirtbag extraordinaire Albert Bourla is a modern-day Mengele!

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But it's been a military operation from the start. He's just a "defense" contractor.

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A Britain's Got Talent contestant has been given the devastating news that he has just 12 months left to live following a cancer diagnosis. Fans of the ITV talent show will remember Baptist minister Allan Finnegan as one of the 2020 series' stars, who made it to the semi-finals with his stand-up act. The 56-year-old dad of two and grandfather had been diagnosed with tumours in both eyes two years ago after seeking help for a problem with his eyesight, and was told that one of them was rare cancer ocular melanoma. Although Finnegan has had treatment, his cancer had spread and he has now been told that it is untreatable, along with the heartbreaking news that he is thought to have just 12 months to live.


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OMG this seems to be getting worse if that's possible. It's absolutely criminal. I feel so fortunate I felt the gaslighting early.

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It is like these atrocities are happening all around and the locals are like pistachio or coffee ice cream?

Beyond bizarre...

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Diagnosis in Fall 2021

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Independent Media: You see what is happening here - good God!!!!

The Gutter Press / Cartoon Network: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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