whoopi masking so she won't infect the camera. and all these people thanking their doctors for their illness. stop donating to doctors, hospitals, foundations, that do not heal you. there are treatments for cancer that can heal, but of course, they are silenced so that bigharma can hark in some more millions. Check out Budwig, Moerman, and several others.

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In lieu of flowers the Buffett family asked for donations to a few medical places, they will make millions off his death. The sad part it is said he followed the medical doctors advice to a T. He should have sought help elsewhere.

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“Wasting Away in Pharmaritaville”

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Big Harma got my momma too, her name was ...


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Best comment. 🎯

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Perfect, because it is true.

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All I can saw is wow..

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Don't forget that Buffet pushed the vax relentlessly. You could not attend his concerts without 'showing your papers'. He reaped what he sowed.

My sympathy for these idiots is almost over...

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Yes, they’re still trying to push Vax passports! Listen to Turfseer’s mega-hit PASSPORT TO HELL. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/passport-to-hell

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Sadly he did. There is no doubt in my mind had he not gotten the vaxx he would have had plenty more years left to enjoy his life, well into his 80's.

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indeed. giving money to these institutions keeps the sickness alive, not the patients.

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If you can be in Huntsville, AL next Sunday (9/17), LtCol T-Bone Trombley is one of 19 speakers at Patriots Unite &Push event. T-Bone will share how he cured his cancer.


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Yes, billions. Billions $$$ made on just the covid 1984 Bioweapon injection! On just 1 thing.

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1984 IS HERE. The famous novel becomes a metaphor for the current dilemma we find ourselves in. Watch the hit music video. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/1984-is-here

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Urine therapy (+ fasting), is one such way. And everyone can do, it's free, freely available and the cure will save you money (no food!).

What other therapy can offer that?


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I'll pass on that one.

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I’m mostly surprised that Whoopi is only 67, I thought she was quite a bit older.

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IV vitamin C, fenbendazole, among numerous other things that aren't chemo therapy or radiation, can slow down or cure cancer. I read (source unknown) that 57% of doctors surveyed said they would refuse chemotherapy if diagnosed with cancer. That says a lot. We have done tons of research about cancer over the last 3 years and while there are many options, it does not appear there is one that works for everybody. Coley's toxins are an intriguing possibility as well. While the cancer industrial complex will rush you into surgery/chemo/radiation, please don't panic and research the alternatives. Be strong because the pressure will be immense, trust us.

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Sep 10, 2023
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Cumulative you can go with TRILLIONS!

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Looks like the vaxx has been an absolute boon for the medical industry.

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In December 2021 Pfizer bought Arena Pharmaceuticals for $6.7 billion. Arena's specialty is treating immuno-inflammatory diseases. Some said Arena had drugs to treat the heart damage similar to what we see from the mRNA shots.

Bourla must have seen something very special to warrant paying double the market price.

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Having given millions myocarditis and blood clots, Pfizer will now gladly profit from treating their new crop

of heart diseases.


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THE MYOCARDITIS BLUES. A man sings the blues after coming down with side effects from the mRNA vaccine followed by a deadly heart inflammation. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-myocarditis-blues

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Great for the 'industry'; but for humans this "vaccine" (it's NOT a vaccine despite dishonest marketing & advertising) is a CATASTROPHE. Covid is bad enough but the "vax" is a order of magnitude WORSE.

Despite PLENTY of evidence, with more evidence coming out daily, it's still being pushed and Biden just promised another obselete shot for another "emergency' (although the commitment was made in June to purchase the shots)

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Megyn Kelley's sister died from the vaxx I heard. Kelley sat down for an interview with none other than Gavin de Becker regarding the vaxx insanity. It's all rather surreal. Becker contributed to Ed Dowd's book.

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Becker's Gift of Fear is a most excellent read, old book, but such valuable information.

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I stumbled across de Becker's free masterclass many years after reading the book. https://giftoffear.com/ I pass this on to nearly every woman I know. It is riveting!

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I will check it out.

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I will check it out.

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I love that book! I read it when it first came out (1997).

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Yes, "Sudden and unexpected " on Oct 21, 2022. Heart attack 58 years old.

Well that will change minds!

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Whoopi about omicron: “You just don’t know where it is.” We know; It’s inside of the covid shots you took. Shame on you for encouraging others to take that poison.

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Omg sooo true 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Yes right inside dingbat

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The skyrocketing cancer cases in the under 50 couldn’t possibly have anything to do with the shots that F’d up their immune systems. 🙄 Good grief people are stupid.

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I highly recommend Whoopi rush out and get another booster.

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Every 60 days per CDC guidelines please Whoopi.

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A must. Thank you for your Doctorly, stay safe advice. How much do I owe you?

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Absolutely, the injections she got appear not to be working. More is the answer ! Just like with any medicine or poison! Just keep doing the same thing even if it does not work, time after time after time! By 8 times you'll be dead and it will work then! For sure!

Let's see her do it on tv with the vial info and lot number and batch number visible. That way we can run and look up how she is going to do afterwards! Must open and draw from vial on stage. No cheatin short cuts!

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😂 yes let's see her do it on TV...and she can't have any of the "special made" Pfizer injections--like the special batches that were made for Pfizer employees only

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Yes on THE VIEW while the other vile co hosts look on cheering with coffee cups clanking

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Or 3!

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I had to LOL when I saw Whoopi and her face diaper, she really is a dipshit and she believes because she's triple jabbed she shouldn't be getting the flu. I say she's lucky to be alive after all those jabs but I'm sure she'll be taking more because president Peters (Biden) has said to. Every person in this post has issues due to the jab but not one of them except Megyn Kelly know it. Play stupid games, get stupid prizes, or deadly ones.

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I`m sure some of these morons suspect the clot shots but will never go public. Kelly did though. Good on her!

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Shakespeare meets Vaccine Injury Denial. Listen to Turfseer’s PERCHANCE TO DREAM. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/perchance-to-dream

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And yet none of these people can connect the dots….!

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They’re incentivized NOT to connect any dots... #GlobalistScum

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Show me the incentives I’ll show you the outcome. Given our world is being highly manipulated the incentives are what allow a tiny group to have an outsized impact on outcomes. It’s all in the incentive structure.

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Whoopi will believe she’s just not boosted herself enough yet.

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She said she was boosted. Does that mean she only had 3 shots total? If true, why didn’t she get anymore, like 4, 5, 6?

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Judy it BLOWS me away.

We’ve had some possible injuries in my big family and nope no one says anything.... oh he’s older now..... bad genes..... wow rare but that’s life......

if you calmly bring up anything with the experimental jab it’s complete shock 😱

Gasp 😮

“What are you even trying to say??!!”

Complete shit show 💉 💩

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If I had a nickel for every “you’re just a conspiracy theorist”! At this point in the game, if they’re not at least starting to question, then they’re on their own. I’m sorry so many have been deceived, and injured, but this is starting to look like willful ignorance for most of these folks.

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Sep 23, 2023
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Perfectly stated!

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Maybe Bruce will write a song.

Or he could cover Greenday, American Idiot.

They all need more jabs.

Jabs for life.

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Yikes. They all look like sh*t

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The Boss has become The Slave.

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THE VIRUS IS MY GOD. The “virus” is claimed to have invaded a town in the old west and soon worshiped as a new idol among the populace: Watch the music video here: https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-virus-is-my-god.

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Stephen Gould should read Dr. William Donald Kelley while he can.

Dr. Kelley cured his own incurable pancreatic cancer before he launched his protocol.

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Unfortunately, if he believes there is “no cure,” nothing can help him very much. I’m always sorry to hear someone say something so definitive but ultimately it is his choice.

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He believes whatever he believes regardless of what the truth is.

I have benefited so mightily from everything I have learned from Kelley and Gonzales that it is irrelevant that I have never had to use their protocols to stop cancer from metastasizing in my body. I wouldn't hesitate to rely on what they said over what any mainstream oncologist might.

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Or anything by Nick Gonzales, a partner of Kelley and deceased. Nick's former partner since Kelley is Linda Isaacs now in Austin, TX.

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Dr. Nicholas Gonzales and Dr. William Donald Kelley were never partners but Gonzales' protocols were based on what he learned, knew, and wrote about Kelley's. Mary Beth Gonzales continues to run a foundation based on finding doctors who will commit to applying her late husband's protocols.

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Reach out to him vonu. Your AI could be used for some good.

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I don't have any contact information for him.

I don't have any AI.

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What about your " lists " you have for people. Maybe he is on one.

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Tell me about these lists that you think I have for people.

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You told me you were putting me on a list. So I surmised there may be other individuals on your list(s). I am sure I could pull up your quote but a bot can also and they have more time for that then I do.

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You have more time for silliness than anyone else I can recall.

Are you stalking me or are you merely very peculiar?

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Pearl Jam just cancelled Indianapolis tonight last minute for something “ serious “. Hoping they are ok.

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Do you think there is a relation with the sound systems and the injection? I do.

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Big time EMFs? Funny how the only one who figured it out was Megan Kelly...closest to not a lib. Whoopi’s like I don’t know what’s going on, I did everything right...but hey get the new jab and be stupid all over again.

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Why did she only get 3 shots. Why not 4, 5 or 6? Isn’t that many the number if a person took all of them so far??

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A friend”s sister died from a torn aorta two days after her third booster (5 shots total I’m guessing) so I didn’t even know we were up to three...I thought it was two boosters.

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Wasn't 2 at first? Then 3 boosters. I had a friend who was considering the 5th shot last Nov. The 5th may have been a combo flu too, I dont recall. I am not paying close attention to how many. I just assumed maybe the 6th had already happened.

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Watch the percentage of prominent people having trouble, I believe a similar percentage of the general public is affected.

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Hmmm....lots of music entertainers, singers and band members going down.

Mark has them all documented. I guess some accurate figure finding and then some math is in order for comparative injected groups. Say hospital employees injected VS music band members injected. Important to have the right group selections. Dowd? Calling on Ed Dowd?

It obviously would be based on if they got vial A, B or C. But I suppose we must discard that in this Study comparison.

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Could be, but they are also part of one of the most highly vaccinated populations (the entertainment industry as a whole).

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Due to wildfires… 🤨

“Pearl Jam have canceled a second concert on their European tour because of damage to singer Eddie Vedder’s vocal cords from wildfires that have been plaguing France.

In an Instagram post on Wednesday, the band announced that “due to the extreme circumstances at the last outdoor site outside of Paris (heat, dust, and smoke from the fires) our singer Ed Vedder’s throat was left damaged. He has seen doctors and had treatment but as of yet, his vocal cords have not recovered."


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"Lots of people are getting really rare and weird cancers. Most of them are actually quite young. We have no idea why this is happening. It's not like anything has taken place recently that involved them injecting themselves with substances with unknown outcomes. So it must be that these people are not doing enough exercise or are eating the wrong sort of crappy food. Even the ones in Hollywood who wouldn't know what food was or how not to exercise". Says all the mainstream media.

"It's clearly the frigging jabs they keep taking!!!" says nobody in the mainstream media.

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That`s it. The diet and exercise thing and 2 digit IQ

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Announcing her third bout with covid, Whoopi Goldberg masks up to prevent transmission of the dreaded “Zoom” variant.

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Ironically digital viruses are the only ones that are actually real or transmissible.

For a century every experiment to demonstrate contagion of flus and colds has failed to make anyone sick. Not even when rubbing snot from sick people into the eyes, mouth or throat of healthy volunteers. Not even when having them cough into their faces directly. Look up the Rosenau experiments during the Spanish Flu.

Knowing that contagion theory has no science to back it up, is it any wonder that the modelling of 'covid' contagion which was used to justify lockdowns in 2020 was based on a data set created in 2018 by the BBC and celebrity mathematician Hanna Fry.

The data set came from an experiment conducted in 2018 where they asked hundreds of volunteers to download an app to their smartphone. They then tracked the smartphones and pretended that was proof of contagion. No biology was involved at all. The modelling of covid contagion was based entirely on a 'digital pathogen' being transmitted between smart phones.

Contagion and virology are 100% pseudo science, but also very profitable, so they just simulated the whole thing on smart phones and mandated masks and social distancing just to make it feel real.

So that's why the virus (being entirely a digital/ mythical construct) can ONLY be transmitted by zoom, social media or 'the news'.

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The Boss is taking an unexpected breather ....

I suspect that before long he will be taking a much, much longer unexpected breather.

As will many of his fans.

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Regarding "The Daily Mail recently spoke with a health expert..."

Hahaha, let's hear his bona fides, because I am pretty sure this dog sitting next to me at the coffee shop has better ideas about covid than that quack. 'Expert', please....

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The bioweapon that keeps on giving - tears your body up so much it finally gives out to - #ABV - anything but the vax.

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