The Great Gatsby's Sara Chase has tubal cancer; Dance Moms' star Kelly Hyland has "fast-moving" breast cancer; three sports announcers—Sean McDonough, Jim Ross, Brandi Rhodes—out with illness
I wish I could find sympathy for springteen and young. They are both sell outs. They were/are bullies that think way too much of themselves. God’s speed to both.
I can't stand all the self-righteous, arrogant celebrities, who were duped into promoting a deadly vaccine to the world's population. Can't stand them, will never support them, and they are canceled in my life. However, while I blame them for being complete assholes, I do not blame them for being lied to like the rest of the population, about the safety and efficacy of the deathvaxes. So, I still have sympathy for them, even the ones I literally hate. They are fellow human beings.
I have zero sympathy for the evil globlist elites and their minions who knowingly perpetrated this depopulation tool on an unsuspecting public. May they all be caught, prosecuted, executed for crimes against humanity, and rot in hell eternally.
When BS shilled for Hitlery, that was MY end of listening to any of his songs. Shilling for the Quackzine just seemed more of the same for a champagne socialist.
If memory serves, BS on B'way required proof of vax for his audience. And NY's Spotify protest was laughable. Not wishing anyone ill, but the awful irony in these situations is quite - well - ironic.
I had to go look up why I said they sold us out 1. Bruce S. Feb 8th 2021, Jeep add calling for unity. After blatant election stolen one month earlier. No
Bruce this won’t do! That was the Super Bowl my friend bragged getting his first
Vaxxine… I was stunned. Neil Y. Jan 2022 wants his music off Spotify bc of Vaxxine misinformation from Joe Rogan.
Gods speed to both … but they both got crossed off my list. Some warriors forget
Her recent book about Naomi Wolfe is also shocking. I didn't read it but read plenty of excerpts and reviews. She's mental. I guess pergorming the the mental gymnastics it took to ignore the shock doctrine playing out in front of us all broke her brain.
I'm sorry but who has ever heard of fallopian tube cancer before? Same with cancer of the appendix or sinuses. I know-someone's gonna say 'why that's been around forever'. Well, I have never known nor heard of anyone with these cancers ever. Til now. I'm "baffled".
That is actually now a routine questions doctors are asking at the doctor's office. Do you have shingles? I give them a hard time. Do I have what? What? Shingles? Why would I have shingles? That is strange you would ask that. I never was asked that question before in my life. I want them to realize this is nuts that they are asking people this question.
Close family member had a serious bout w/shingles. Confusion, dizziness, and hearing loss are among the symptoms, so you may want to re-consider not "hearing" or "understanding" your Dr.
Very interesting indeed! Kinda like how everything became "covid" for a while, eh?
Shingles is and has always had a very distinctive set of symptoms; painful skin eruptions and blisters filled with highly contagious pus. Literally "chicken pox on the inside".
Suddenly, it's now a whole big stew of additional symptoms that are caused by everything from uti to dehydration to poisoning but because people are so incredibly uninformed, they continue to swallow whatever line of bs doctor god says. As if the entire industry has not revealed itself to be a death cult. As if the entire industry has not shown itself to be incompetent, negligent and soulless. "Yeah, I know that you have actively been trying to kill people for four years, but I still trust you!"
Diagnosed as shingles by GP and several specialists. Apparently, it has a host of symptoms, and individuals may present w/some or all of them. Don't know if you can have it w/o any symptoms, a la Covid. Yeah, experts remained baffled...
My grandfather had an ear infection as a child. Took his hearing in one of his ears. We make choices in life. Risk versus benefit. If you feel better to get the shingles shot then it isn't any of my business.
You are correct, these cancers were never heard of before, ‘of the appendix” is one that I have heard of at least 4 times in my extended circle, over the last two years. How can that be?
So I guess we better dive into embryology before saying "thsts a new one". I've never heard ovarian cancer called fallopian tube cancer. Never. If nomenclature is changing based on cellular origin, ok. I've been out of school for 24 years. Still. I'm staying on the this is weird side.
sigh. I have a friend with high-risk pregnancy. Both dad n mom are covy shot up. I'll know in 2-3 weeks about the re-natal issues. It's due in 3-4 weeks.
And I knew a young lady who died unexpectedly in her sleep. Yes, stuff has always happened. But isn't that what makes this so frustrating? I talked to a nurse the other day who said that her respiratory floor has been busy ever since cv. Her take was that immunity is low in people who have had cv and shots didn't work well. That's it. We question what we're seeing. It's so insidious.
Ah! but wait! "Scientists ... may be one step closer to unravelling the cause of a rise in ... cancers in relatively young people ... a combination of eating too much sugar and not enough fiber "
FACT: The synthetic mRNA carried on lipid nanoparticles transports it to vital organs via the endothelium and appears to be resistant to breakdown by human ribonucleases. Subsequently, the product is long-lasting and produces the protein product of interest for a considerable time period... That is a BIG problem when the protein is the pathogenic SARS-CoV-2 Spike that crosses the blood-brain barrier.
AstraZeneca, J&J are adenoviral vector DNA technology. Pfizer & Moderna are synthetic mRNA technology. Think human GMO’s, as ALL of them are gene therapies coding the body to make spike protein, the lethal part of the virus. It’s produced for an uncontrolled amount of time and uncontrolled quantity. The lipid nanoparticle hydrogel (LNP) transports it to vital organs via the endothelium. The blood clots forming contain spike proteins and are folding in, making amyloid structures. Like prions in Mad Cow disease.
NY pulled his songs off Spotify b/c Joe Rogan - also on Spotify - interviewed Dr Peter McCullough about CV19 and related. Dr McC recommended some DIY solutions, like iodine/water spray for nasal passages.
This is from an online article in today's Washington Post titled, 'Unusual' cancers emerged after the pandemic. Doctors ask if covid is to blame. The conclusion is, " ... it's important to emphasize that the research and other recent papers focusing on covid and cancer involve acute infection or long covid; they do not suggest a link between the coronavirus vaccine and cancer -- misinformation that some anti-vaccine groups have spread in recent months." They are attributing the rise to the "virus". There is no information about if any of these studies compared vaccinated to unvaccinated individuals or patients who had "Covid" or long Covid who had been treated with Remdesivir or monoclonal antibodies to patients who had not.
Well Myra, if that is the case then they should be leaning hard on the Living Cockroach Fauci who funded all of this. If it’s the “virus” then Teflon Tony has some splaning to do to not only the American people, but the world.
DoD funded this a military operation controlled by the military in all its phases. A bio weapon, countermeasure. Fauci just a well paid control freak pupit. Vax was a a weapon to cull and poison the population.
The Black Keys cancellation was definitely because of ticket sales. Someone thought they were popular enough to play arenas. They're not. It will be rescheduled in much smaller venues.
Chiefs Cancel Practice After Defensive Lineman BJ Thompson Suffers Seizure, Goes into Cardiac Arrest
Ahh yes... Neil. "I've seen the needle/and the damage done/ohhh woe/ the damage done". Listen Young, go and have another Jibberjab, matey. Go and DIE you old Loser. And get off Spotify, you didn't like Rogan's horsepaste, so fuck off.
I wish I could find sympathy for springteen and young. They are both sell outs. They were/are bullies that think way too much of themselves. God’s speed to both.
Agree 💯. They were and are nasty bullies.
I feel badly for all the others.
I can't stand all the self-righteous, arrogant celebrities, who were duped into promoting a deadly vaccine to the world's population. Can't stand them, will never support them, and they are canceled in my life. However, while I blame them for being complete assholes, I do not blame them for being lied to like the rest of the population, about the safety and efficacy of the deathvaxes. So, I still have sympathy for them, even the ones I literally hate. They are fellow human beings.
I have zero sympathy for the evil globlist elites and their minions who knowingly perpetrated this depopulation tool on an unsuspecting public. May they all be caught, prosecuted, executed for crimes against humanity, and rot in hell eternally.
Sorry, guess I needed to vent a little!
Thanks for venting. This is a reasonably safe space : )
You are more forgiving than I am. Maybe because their music resonated when I was younger. Now I just see sad, pathetic losers. : (
Never a fan of NY. But BS was influential in my youth. Telling that both have aged poorly into such unattractive old men.
When BS shilled for Hitlery, that was MY end of listening to any of his songs. Shilling for the Quackzine just seemed more of the same for a champagne socialist.
It's all good. They mostly get what they get, right?
Well said Bianca.
We kmow
Bruce Springsteen wouldn't let unvaccinated people into his concerts either.
Karma is a b**ch.
I know
Thought I remembered his vax requirement for performances.
Same w/Jimmy Buffett, although I think he also allowed for proof of the two day test that a person was negative from Covid.
Considering they were suppose to be fighting the “man” turns out they became the “man”
They did!
The shot that keeps on giving.
If memory serves, BS on B'way required proof of vax for his audience. And NY's Spotify protest was laughable. Not wishing anyone ill, but the awful irony in these situations is quite - well - ironic.
Agreed !!! Both sold out!!
Sold out and may never sell out again.
: (
I had to go look up why I said they sold us out 1. Bruce S. Feb 8th 2021, Jeep add calling for unity. After blatant election stolen one month earlier. No
Bruce this won’t do! That was the Super Bowl my friend bragged getting his first
Vaxxine… I was stunned. Neil Y. Jan 2022 wants his music off Spotify bc of Vaxxine misinformation from Joe Rogan.
Gods speed to both … but they both got crossed off my list. Some warriors forget
To keep the good fight.
He pulled it off Spotify but went back on when no one cared. I believe there was a group who came back with their tails between their legs.
They are definitely off my list as well. That list keeps getting longer. I guess it makes life simpler
If you're of that era, add Joan Baez and Judy Collins to that list, both Fauci-ites. Surprising and very sad.
I was so pissed at both these guys I actually forgot the details,.. had to go look on line to remind me why?
And that’s the thing I’ve crossed off a bunch of people too…
Trying to not become judgmental or bitter but…
Off the list they go…
is simplifying life.
Thanks for the laugh that’s
Very funny.
Only name you need on the list is Yeshua
“Your part is to reflect my Glory” I Am God. Says devotional.
Was it Rage For the Machine?
Curious whether anyone has suggested to either Springsteen or Young that they could be suffering vax-effects.......
My opinion only, I don’t think either has the fortitude or abilities to grasp the possibility. I think they are both lost.
I have not forgotten or Schwarzenegger: “F**k your Freedoms. “
Another nasty bully. I can't watch any of his movies now. I just see the pathetic nasty man he is.
Agreed! Nasty, pathetic loser man
Agreed. I am thinking about the weather as well.
Naomi Klein was just as bad if not worse. Her book, the shock doctrine played out in front of her and she failed to see it.
I am so happy I never read any of her books. She is a phony who pretends to give a damn about the planet.
Her recent book about Naomi Wolfe is also shocking. I didn't read it but read plenty of excerpts and reviews. She's mental. I guess pergorming the the mental gymnastics it took to ignore the shock doctrine playing out in front of us all broke her brain.
Agreed. I love reading the comments just to find hidden gems.
Hurricane Katrina was a natural disaster, but the response to it was right out of Klein's book.
They definitely blew up some of the levies. I have a cousin who lived there at the time, there were plenty of witnesses to it.
I despise "intellectuals", one of the worst crops of humanity.
Yes, I get understand.
I'm sorry but who has ever heard of fallopian tube cancer before? Same with cancer of the appendix or sinuses. I know-someone's gonna say 'why that's been around forever'. Well, I have never known nor heard of anyone with these cancers ever. Til now. I'm "baffled".
And Shingles. When my dad had it in the 70s it was RARE, nobody knew anyone else who had had it. Now, the posters say 1 in 3... 🧨
That is actually now a routine questions doctors are asking at the doctor's office. Do you have shingles? I give them a hard time. Do I have what? What? Shingles? Why would I have shingles? That is strange you would ask that. I never was asked that question before in my life. I want them to realize this is nuts that they are asking people this question.
There is also a shingles vaccine which they might be trying to promote. Safe and Effective, no doubt, like all the rest.
i'd rather die by a bear.
Close family member had a serious bout w/shingles. Confusion, dizziness, and hearing loss are among the symptoms, so you may want to re-consider not "hearing" or "understanding" your Dr.
Wow. All those symptoms but no "pox like" eruptions on the skin. Sounds like rebranding has become the medical experts go to instead of baffled.
Very interesting indeed! Kinda like how everything became "covid" for a while, eh?
Shingles is and has always had a very distinctive set of symptoms; painful skin eruptions and blisters filled with highly contagious pus. Literally "chicken pox on the inside".
Suddenly, it's now a whole big stew of additional symptoms that are caused by everything from uti to dehydration to poisoning but because people are so incredibly uninformed, they continue to swallow whatever line of bs doctor god says. As if the entire industry has not revealed itself to be a death cult. As if the entire industry has not shown itself to be incompetent, negligent and soulless. "Yeah, I know that you have actively been trying to kill people for four years, but I still trust you!"
Wonder what they're diagnosing as cancer too... probably never before seen growths and tumors but they gotta put a name to it!
Diagnosed as shingles by GP and several specialists. Apparently, it has a host of symptoms, and individuals may present w/some or all of them. Don't know if you can have it w/o any symptoms, a la Covid. Yeah, experts remained baffled...
My grandfather had an ear infection as a child. Took his hearing in one of his ears. We make choices in life. Risk versus benefit. If you feel better to get the shingles shot then it isn't any of my business.
Understood. No one in immediate family has gotten the shingles and/or the Covid shots.
Add pre-eclampsia and placental abruption. Years ago these were yikes! And actually rare. Now its common. I mean in women I personally know!
Yes it is real and horrific
I have a 45 y/o acquaintance with appendix cancer. Jab happy & posted about it on FB. She has no clue why she's sick.
Ain't hard?
You are correct, these cancers were never heard of before, ‘of the appendix” is one that I have heard of at least 4 times in my extended circle, over the last two years. How can that be?
add foot cancer to the list
I assume you're serious. 5 years ago I'd have said you surely misunderstood: there's no such thing as “foot cancer"!
So I guess we better dive into embryology before saying "thsts a new one". I've never heard ovarian cancer called fallopian tube cancer. Never. If nomenclature is changing based on cellular origin, ok. I've been out of school for 24 years. Still. I'm staying on the this is weird side.
It’s weird but there is a rise along with primary peritoneal carcinomatosis
bro. just read a few paragraphs.
Peter , unfortunately long term not great .
sigh. I have a friend with high-risk pregnancy. Both dad n mom are covy shot up. I'll know in 2-3 weeks about the re-natal issues. It's due in 3-4 weeks.
Fascinating. Incidental typo? Oral contraceptive instead of ovarian cancer, both “OC”?
Odd indeed!
"Shocked, shocked ........"
Not saying the injection hasn't caused turbo cancers, and more, but I actually do know two people who had sinus cancer. Years ago.
And I knew a young lady who died unexpectedly in her sleep. Yes, stuff has always happened. But isn't that what makes this so frustrating? I talked to a nurse the other day who said that her respiratory floor has been busy ever since cv. Her take was that immunity is low in people who have had cv and shots didn't work well. That's it. We question what we're seeing. It's so insidious.
Me too!
Ah! but wait! "Scientists ... may be one step closer to unravelling the cause of a rise in ... cancers in relatively young people ... a combination of eating too much sugar and not enough fiber "
The DM also reporting this week the "cause" may be much simpler: Covid.
Anyone remember Judy Micovits saying - circa June 2020 re an expected "Covid Vaccine": "50 million Americans will die and they''ll blame Covid"
Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock…just waiting for the other shoe to fall………
FACT: The synthetic mRNA carried on lipid nanoparticles transports it to vital organs via the endothelium and appears to be resistant to breakdown by human ribonucleases. Subsequently, the product is long-lasting and produces the protein product of interest for a considerable time period... That is a BIG problem when the protein is the pathogenic SARS-CoV-2 Spike that crosses the blood-brain barrier.
AstraZeneca, J&J are adenoviral vector DNA technology. Pfizer & Moderna are synthetic mRNA technology. Think human GMO’s, as ALL of them are gene therapies coding the body to make spike protein, the lethal part of the virus. It’s produced for an uncontrolled amount of time and uncontrolled quantity. The lipid nanoparticle hydrogel (LNP) transports it to vital organs via the endothelium. The blood clots forming contain spike proteins and are folding in, making amyloid structures. Like prions in Mad Cow disease.
The mRNA shots also contain DNA.
See, as one example, Jessica Rose, cross post of June 7, 2024, on Substack. Australia is not unique in this regard.
rosey is on team enigma. take her info with grain of salt. skip down 1-10 list -
Excellent explanation.
This is so sad’
Spot on!
As a variation on the Died Suddenly theme, perhaps it's time for a whole new official concert category ... "Cancelled Suddenly".
SCCS- Sudden Concert Cancellation Syndrome.
Good one ... but PLEASE keep the u in sudden as part of the acronym, to wit "SuCCS"!
Hardly, but thanks anyway.
As Neil Young sings “I’ve seen the needle and the damage done”. Oh the irony!
Was Ole Neil speaking and promoting the poison? I didn't hear anything about him in a few yrs or more
NY pulled his songs off Spotify b/c Joe Rogan - also on Spotify - interviewed Dr Peter McCullough about CV19 and related. Dr McC recommended some DIY solutions, like iodine/water spray for nasal passages.
And just another routine heart attack for a 20-something world class athlete.
Holy cow, I am guessing this youngster is done.
You can thank the NFL for mandating the bioweapon!
Looks like he was in college during the jabs time period. College mandates were likely even worse.
Yes but no one forced it on anyone..
haha and fauci is science
Do these folks really not have a clue or have they been paid?
I don’t think they have a clue, which I have trouble understanding!
To be fair they don't seem like the sharpest blades in the box
This is from an online article in today's Washington Post titled, 'Unusual' cancers emerged after the pandemic. Doctors ask if covid is to blame. The conclusion is, " ... it's important to emphasize that the research and other recent papers focusing on covid and cancer involve acute infection or long covid; they do not suggest a link between the coronavirus vaccine and cancer -- misinformation that some anti-vaccine groups have spread in recent months." They are attributing the rise to the "virus". There is no information about if any of these studies compared vaccinated to unvaccinated individuals or patients who had "Covid" or long Covid who had been treated with Remdesivir or monoclonal antibodies to patients who had not.
Murder most foul.
Yesterday's Daily Mail said pretty much the same thing.
ummm hmmmm. My siblings depend greatly on WaPo … any slight warning or tipping toward the truth would bring on a coronary
They’re grasping for excuses.
Now it is the hot weather causing massive health issues.
Well Myra, if that is the case then they should be leaning hard on the Living Cockroach Fauci who funded all of this. If it’s the “virus” then Teflon Tony has some splaning to do to not only the American people, but the world.
DoD funded this a military operation controlled by the military in all its phases. A bio weapon, countermeasure. Fauci just a well paid control freak pupit. Vax was a a weapon to cull and poison the population.
Of course it is the virus fault, they wouldn't have it any other way.
The Black Keys cancellation was definitely because of ticket sales. Someone thought they were popular enough to play arenas. They're not. It will be rescheduled in much smaller venues.
I saw them way back in the beginning at ACL and they were awesome. Definitely a small venue band.
Their garage?
Brandi Rhodes would do well to learn more about the proteolytic enzymes that could eradicate her endometriosis and keep it gone.
Yikes! That shot of Neil Young & pals looks like open mike nite at the nursing home. He should just hang it up.
This is outrageous! The jabbed must be very, very nervous...
Ignorance is bliss......then you fall over
Chiefs Cancel Practice After Defensive Lineman BJ Thompson Suffers Seizure, Goes into Cardiac Arrest
I'm sorry (not) but they can go f themselves all together!
Ahh yes... Neil. "I've seen the needle/and the damage done/ohhh woe/ the damage done". Listen Young, go and have another Jibberjab, matey. Go and DIE you old Loser. And get off Spotify, you didn't like Rogan's horsepaste, so fuck off.