And still not a single person arrested for creating the pandemic, profiting from it, lying about it and still covering everything up and denying anything bad happened. Where I live many people have told me that doctor's won't even acknowledge vaccine injury, despite the obvious. WTF.

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I met a woman at the local grocery store. She didn’t look great, I asked what was going on.

She was diagnosed with vestibular vertigo. Wellll, I asked if she gad taken the covid poison shots. A resounding “yes”. I asked if she was aware that this condition was one of the listed pfizer side effect (among many)

“NO” - bummer

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Dr. Linda, there have been so many cases of Vestibular episodes in dogs in my area I have lost count. As a life long animal owner I have NEVER had a pet, dog or cat with this issue and they all have lived to a good old age into their teens. We are not injected and our dog has had two bouts of this, one in January after a family stay @ Christmas and (injected family) another in late April (Spring booster?) We are around people that are injected… family and friends that come for dinner etc. However we are very diligent with precautions before & after we are with them. Xlear nasal wash being the best defense among others things.

BTW, anyone with Vestibular Vertigo should not be driving a car! Hope she URBER’ed to the store.

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They might be using veterinary vac to kill off animals - they breathe too much

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Owners could be shedding the spike proteins onto their dogs

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Michael, I believe that this is the case. We did not partake in “the great unpleasantness” but all other family members and friends have. Most stopped at two, some at one, due to AE, but a few unhinged went on to take what ever was offered. They were not invited to our home until weather prevailed where we could entertain outside.

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🚨I just read your comment. I highly recommend against using Xlear in the dogs!!! That alone could cause those symptoms (xylitol toxicity in dogs big problem). You can use pure saline (sodium chloride solution) or very diluted iodine/distilled water nasal flush for them (if you don’t want to make it, you can buy little noses for infants that is only saline).

Again, this is very serious… I hope you see this comment 🙏

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James I responded above. I did not mean to imply that we were using Xclear for our pets. Hope others saw your reply and understand that xylitol is toxic to animals. Especially dogs. God Bless and thank you for clarifying for those that are not familiar with this fact.

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I was concerned. Thank you so very much for your kind reply.

I pray your dogs get better! 🙏

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No they will not! My sister and a friend have been victims of the outright denial. I would be absolutely furious if I was in that situation. Since I refuse to see one I won't have to subject myself to the nonsense.

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What area do you live?

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British Columbia Canada. Where people have to line up on the sidewalk during the early hours to get into a walk-in clinic if they have some need. The home of safe supply where drug addicts can get served however - free drugs to them which they will often sell because they want something else and thus there is safe supply narcotics flooding the streets. And the the chief of public health, who is a vaccine n***, wanted to legalize all hard drugs, which could then be supplied at the taxpayers expense and provided by the companies founded by her former associates.

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Unless you live in B.C.

people think you are making up this shit . You are telling the truth and readers believe what Mark is telling you. B.C. is out of control.

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They would soon find themselves turning on each other and it would be Game of Thrones.

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You're right. Psychopaths cannot co-exist. Like a bunch of mafia or cartel bosses, they will turn on each other

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When will the MILITARY and POLICE do their jobs??

They have the information everywhere in their organizations.


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Don't worry....they'll hold some more "Hearings"

That'll show 'em

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No matter how much fame or fortune you have… your temple of health and vitality can quickly become a prison of pain and misery. All of these people will go to their graves without a clue as to who and what put them there. This is some FUBAR shit going down.

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General Hospital has been hit hard, I wonder if anyone there has made the connection yet? If I remember correctly one of their actors got the boot for not getting the vaxx.

Stevie Nicks show, someone had to have dropped suddenly and unexpectedly. Bummer to be in line and then have to go find something else to do after making effort to go to the show.

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One of their actors did indeed get fired for saying no.

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Kinda ironic, really. Hospitals being killing zones. Or is that non-ironic?

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This nurse nails it. 10 things you must know before your next hospital visit.


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Not going, ever, to a hospital, no matter my illness. Would rather die on my kitchen floor. That would be my #1 rule, never go.

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I had to have 2 surgeries in the last three years. THERE WAS NO OPTION…huge cancer tumor removed from abdomen, and an incisional hernia FROM that surgery! You should see my tummy 🤦‍♀️…but I’m healthy and I’m ALIVE! I’ve also lost 42 lbs. eating healthy, clean water, and sunshine!🌞 You can only imagine how I felt going in, knowing what I know. It was brutal! I did do an Advanced Directive and I had it notarized: no vaccines, no Remdesivir, no blood transfusions, no ventilator! I slept with my Bible-Psalm 91, Psalm 46 ✝️✝️✝️…my Hightower!

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Smart to do an Advanced Directive. And notarize it! I must get on it.

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I think you can go into your state website and download a copy, which I did!

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I told my wife I don’t want her taking me to the hospital unless it’s for an autopsy.

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Really, need to be proactive to avoid ending up in that situation.

For example, the simple act of grounding to the earth will have a very beneficial effect the cardiovascular system:

The amount of charge around the RBC is known as the zeta potential, whilst its linearly dependent speed is called the zeta velocity. Simply put, the more electrons around a blood cell, the faster it will travel and the more isolated it will be from its fellows. A highly valid study showed an average increase in both Zeta values of nearly FOUR times, after just an hour connected to the earth


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Agree 💯. Take an active approach to your healthcare.

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Grounding is 👍!

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Exactly, I adamantly refuse to enter a hospital for any reason. I will not subject myself to their "treatments".

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Agree 💯

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Patriotic Nurse has great info, thank you for posting the link.

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Great video. Thank you.

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I love Patriot Nurse. I remember her from YEARS ago!👍

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Even irony has been inverted with the Great Reset.

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Two refused and were booted.

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My capacity to give a fuck is quickly dwindling.

And that scares me...

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I totally understand. I am around so many people who got the jab, now have “health issues,” and will never make the connection. Most of them dutifully wait for their masters, the MSM, to give them their next instructions about which jab to take. They will never wake up.

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I've talked to people like that. When asked about being jabbed their eyes glaze over and the program begins: Oh yes, I had to with my condition! You see I have ------and simply can't take any chances with the virus! Have all my boosters too, don't you?!? At this point they're usually grinning like good little sheep. Not sure if that's part of the programming or if they're proud of themselves for reciting the whole spiel. I've never heard of any condition requiring an untested, rushed, experimental witches brew being injected.

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I understand. Many of the people I am around are still true believers in the jab. They do not see it as dangerous, even today. In fact, they will line up to get the new "flu vaccine" whenever the heck that garbage bucket of toxins is rolled out. (Or, who knows, maybe the next jab will have something curative and the controllers will cook something up to harm those of us who did not take the other jabs.). In the end, I believe those taking the jabs to be completely hypnotized, and unable to see outside of their hypnotic boxes. We are all hypnotized, to one degree or another. I know that I am. In terms of talking to those who have taken the jabs, I now just listen and try to process their thought processes, many of which come from MSM talking points. If I do talk to them, I choose my words and time wisely and only cautiously bring anything up related to shattering their new religion. Otherwise, disaster ensues.

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Self-preservation, McKeekitty

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I'm so glad I don't watch TV anymore, or pay any attention to "celebrity entertainment", so I have only heard of one of these people, Chestnut. The Fox anchor had an unusually large clot? That is indicative of the clots caused by the CLOT SHOT.

Wow, that drag queen is a big girl. I have been told that men wearing high heels can cause spinal and nerve issues.

The sooner America is over with the cabal "entertainment industry", the better. It must be ended.

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Correction - of course, I do know who Stevie Nicks is; my ex-wife was a huge fan of Fleetwood Mac in the 70's.

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That we allowed this genocide and/or slow death to be allowed to be showered on the human race is deplorable and inexcusable.

What makes it worse are those with eyes wide shut who can’t see the forest from the trees, and accept the lies, brainwashing and propaganda without narry a concern or an entity to blame.

If the masses don’t wake up soon and realize that we’ve been fucked over by those who truly hate us, we might as well bend over, put our heads between our legs, and kiss our asses goodbye

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If they don’t wake up then they will stand in-line to get the bird flu vax. I’m seeing a left leaning website constantly yakking about it and they still go on about Covid and wearing masks.

The propaganda is starting again just like last time.

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Humans have been living alongside birds for hundreds of thousands of years, but only in the 21st century it's a "problem". You just have to laugh at the farce of the world the psychopaths create.

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It’s pretty obvious that there’s a humanitarian crisis happening in real time with a common and obvious denominator. Yet, somehow the allopathic healthcare system establishment is still baffled.

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So is much of the "alternative" healthcare system establishment, many of whose practitioners got jabbed, and most of whom required masking.

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Yes this is true here in Nova Scotia too. The naturopath I go to was masked and I am sure she was jabbed and when I cancelled due to feeling unwell, asked if I had Covid. Two osteopaths I have seen were jabbed, but I was successful in getting one to stop taking anymore and to not jab her kids with any vaccines. Also lots of friends who always read labels on all their food, eat organic farm food, use natural personal care products, take herbs, grow food etc and they have been jabbed multiple times. This disconnect is what has me baffled.

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So you know my sisters?

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Seems like I do. ;)

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That is a real problem, because the alternative practitioners used to oppose medical treatments they thought were too toxic. Wonder why they are standing down?

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Yes and most humans want to be accepted and part of the herd. It is not easy going beyond the pale with different beliefs. For many, this causes more fear than going along with the herd.

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I visit a nice health food and vitamin store just north of New Haven. A few times, while shopping, I asked for help finding nattokinase. I mentioned to a worker there that it was a good product to help with the problems caused by the covid jab. I was met with silence. Something similar happened another time at that store also.

In the good old days there were things to help with pesticides, air pollution, decontamination of your vegetables, mercury toxicity from dental practices, etc, etc.

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I too can't find the nattokinase in my area. I order it from an online vitamin and supplement shop.

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Somewhere along the line someone said covid was a cult. I found Rick Alan Ross' work and I've been listening intently...I'm certainly no expert but covid does seem to be checking a lot of boxes of characteristics of what Ross calls a "destructive cult." I am not sure if you've looked into this...it is otherwise so puzzling to me.

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Reminds me of my short experience with a home birth midwife. Pretty much the same as the healthcare system. Plus it's not illegal to do it without professional fear mongering supervision in the USA

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Bafflement. A very convenient charade brought on by concern for revenue loss and fear of being held accountable.

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The drag queen is not a she. He has XY DNA that is only found in men. The show he is part of is disgusting grooming of children who watch it into a perverted, often pedophilic lifestyle.

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Stevie Nicks was one of those dumb ass tools who harangued the unvax’d or didn’t allow them @ her shows.

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Which is really puzzling because she had plenty of experience with the evils of pharma after her horrible experience getting off of prescribed psychiatric drugs.

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She’s the same as so many of those aging liberal assholes who have turned into “the man”

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Another musician that is really too old to even be on a stage.

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Money talks!!!

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I actually don’t think it was $$. She was terrified of the WuFlu

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It’s hard to know what they were thinking. I know the other celebrities really enjoyed slamming everyone who couldn’t discern that these were toxic and deadly, and refused to take them! saw through the hype immediately in March 2020! I’ve never had it. Took care of family who thought they had it and got them through it. Took care of two aging parents and thank you Lord we all did just fine! I trusted God’s immunity over the BS! That’s where there is a big difference! Most of these celebrities don’t believe in God. I also had some very bad experiences with toxic pharmaceuticals when I was young and figured it out on my own!!! The doctors were clueless and never even considered the side effects were from a medication they prescribed, and yet they would prescribe another one!!! I thank God for giving me that discernment early in life! I used it to inform and save others from the same issues!!

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I’s always the same old hypocritical, sanctimonious, “we-know-best,” & then breaking their arms patting themselves on the back for what “good” people they are & how much they “care”. Every bit of which is 🤡-🌎


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Yes, and thanks to all their lies and rhetoric we cancelled our cable and don’t watch tv anymore! That was in 2020!! It was so obvious and I can’t believe so many people still believe it as they ramp up the bird flu fake plandemic!!! It’s an election year so since they figured out it worked in 2020, they’ll do it again!

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Not being allowed into a Stevie Nicks show might be top of the list of reasons not to be injectified

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I have called for a voluntary ceasing of betting on sports, until we can be sure nobody is dying on the field from the jabs. Betting on poisoned players seems pretty non-sporting to me.

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Well said. There is not sport in this. . . just time

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agreed, thanks Dr. L

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This is attempted murder and murder, some people better start getting arrested, Im sick of all the talk in congress, firkin DO something.

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Wake up! The seizure to heart attack is a pure giveaway of shot injury. And the media liars hide it all

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For photos of what Fox anchor Dave Hall’s blood clot most likely looked like:


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Exactly Laura Kasner .😩

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Sounds like typical fallout from the Covid vaccines and boosters.

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Dear Creator,

I Currently Reside On A Planet

Where Medical Doctors Have Become

Pharma Field Niggers.

I Know That You And I Have Had Our Differences.

But They Must Have Really Pissed You Off.


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And yet no one in MSM can put two and two together and come up with four 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

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