Oh, there's going to be rifle butts, bayonets -- and cattle prods too I expect. November '22 -- June '22 I was living in daily fear of arbitrary arrest and indefinite imprisonment in a "Quarantine Camp" courtesy of the Government of British Columbia... 🙄💩😳
Don't stress yourself about The Morons: They won't get it, even when they're being prodded into the boxcars with rifle butts and bayonets.
I’m afraid you are right.
not with rifle butts and bayonets- but with 'glossy pamphlet speak' and emergency response teams
Oh, there's going to be rifle butts, bayonets -- and cattle prods too I expect. November '22 -- June '22 I was living in daily fear of arbitrary arrest and indefinite imprisonment in a "Quarantine Camp" courtesy of the Government of British Columbia... 🙄💩😳
No doubt- Kanada is ahead of the curve...
California on Steriods...😘
After what I've experienced over the last 3 years I know I am😱💩