Moved by conscience, now that Jimmy Carter is in hospice, a new witness has come forth to set the record straight at last—revealing that John Connally also was involved in that election theft
Wow. I have learned more the past three years than the previous 64 years of my life. According to my numerous academic degrees and honors, I'm among the highly educated. I have only recently realized most of my "education" was itself propaganda. Never too old to learn, but damn, I wish I knew all of this truth decades ago.
In their haste to capitalize on COVID, they miscalculated and exposed to those of us who cared to pay attention that, well, it's all a fraud; all garbage. All of it. Covid, Ukraine, climate change, elections, 'impartial' courts, 'blind justice'....etc.
They're in dire need of deprogramming. I've been on this journey for three years now. But to do it, you need to dedicate yourself. Almost like a Monk. I cut TV and sports out of my life.
we've been on it since nine 1 one. knowing the lies then, and realizing your government is out to kill you where huge awakenings. helped us recognize the scamdemic from the the get go. so much was out there from the beginning; rockefellers 2010 scenarios for the future/lockstep, event 201, wuhan military games...
What difference does it make? Both Carter and Reagan were masons subduing the USA to the mason globalists... For example, Reagan was responsible for granting full immunity to the vaccine industry, thus killing and maiming hundreds of thousands without compensation.
It’s the masons, dummy!
In 1921, the Council on Foreign Relations was founded, to infiltrate and control democracy, by freemasons David Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Herbert Hoover, Allen Dulles, Walter Lippmann and Edward M. House. The impressive 10-thousand members list proves the power grab was successful.1 Since 1921, the CFR has chosen every single Secretary of State. Similar mason institutions, most with similar names, were founded in over 100 countries, including Britain's Royal Institute of International Affairs and the European Council on Foreign Relations2: practically, there’s no war where the CFR isn’t involved on both sides. 3 Their magazine Foreign Affairs is one way they send orders to all members.
In 2018, Wikileaks proved the CFR controlled all mainstream media.4
Hoover, Truman, Eisenhower, Bush father and son, Carter, Clinton, Obama 5 ... some argue that, with few exceptions like JFK and Trump, at least since WWII, all US presidents were freemasons and many CFR,. All administrations were filled with thousands of CFR members. 6 The Trump administration was no exception. 7 It’s not a coincidence that Neil M. Gorsuch, CFR Supreme Court Justice appointed by Trump, betrayed conservatives by ruling in favour of homosexual marriage and other New World Order “progressive” agenda.
Another proof of grooming for infiltration: 28 Jun 2019 Democrat Tulsi Gabbard wasn’t renewed 5 CFR year membership. 8 Because she wouldn’t obey all orders? In 2020, she was still pro-homo-marriage9 and pro-abortion (a basic CFR request) and pro-Biden, but wanted paper ballots, Electoral College, supported Trump in breaking up Big Tech and removing their censorship through section 23010, Glass-Steagall, pro-natalism paid family and medical leave plans up to 12 weeks, less public and defense spending, drug patent breaking, no war.11 That’s probably why she was defamed by Kamala12, Hillary Clinton and mason Mitt Romney.13 In 2021, she questioned Fauci on COVID origin and masks.14 Tulsi was groomed by WEF in the "Forum of Young Global Leaders" but suddenly was disappeared, and not because she turned 38 (41 in 2023), the WEF cut-off limit for “young”, freemason Macron (45) is still in the search results. Fremason Trudeau, 51, isn’t, but is listed in weforum.org15, while Tulsi has been erased from there, in Apr 2022 (she independized from the Democratic party in Oct 2022).16 Maybe this was the drop that filled the cup: she’s against CBDCs and social scoring.17
What’s the chance of this?: 11 Sep 1991, exactly a decade before 9-11 (2001), George Bush (father) said “What is at stake, is more than one small country - it is a big idea - a New World Order where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause... to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind - peace and security, freedom and the rule of law.. out of these humble times, our fifth objective - the New World Order - can emerge, [and] now we can see a new world coming into view. A world in which there is a very real prospect of a New World Order…” 18
September, 2000, one year before 9/11, Neo-Con think tank, “Project for the New American Century” (PNAC) 19 sustained: “the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.” PNAC members included Bush Administration insiders such as Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Libby and Perle.” 20
Along with much other evidence21, the fall of WTC722 proved 9/11 was a Pearl Harbor event planned by the globalists to make trillions but also to induce the taxpayer in accepting a surveillance police state, spending billions in mass digital surveillance of both citizens and foreigners as never before:
• CIA agent confessed on deathbed: “We blew up WTC 7 on 9/11”. He worked on the operation they dubbed “New Century” between May 1997 and September 2001. 23
• “Over the course of attacks, more than an hour and a half, NORAD air defense failed to intercept any of the hijacked aircraft. Fighter jets are stationed at bases throughout the US, often on “5 minute alert” to be “scrambled” and respond to domestic air emergencies. This failure was due to unexplained delays in reporting and responding, between the command authority, FAA, and military.
• Several war games and drills were being conducted on 9/11, including mock-hijackings and a mock plane crash.
• There were multiple, specific warnings from foreign governments of impending attacks, including potential targets and the names of several alleged 9/11 hijackers.
• The main members of the 9/11 Commission all had major conflicts of interest. The Commission Report omitted and altered evidence that contradicted the official story (see Sibel Edmonds and WTC 7).
• Insider trading (put options on American, United and other 9/11-affected companies) was never properly investigated. The SEC could trace who made these trades.
• Reports of involvement by Pakistani Intelligence (ISI) were never officially acknowledged or investigated.
• Some prominent travelers such as San Francisco mayor Willie Brown and top Pentagon officials were reportedly warned not to fly on 9/11. Who warned them? What did they know? Other groups and individuals also received warnings or suspiciously changed plans or moved out of the WTC soon before 9/11.
• Several FBI investigations which could have uncovered the 9/11 plot were squashed and sabotaged by key FBI officials.
• In September, 2000, Neo-Con think tank, “Project for the New American Century” (PNAC) said of their imperialistic vision, “the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.” PNAC members included Bush Administration insiders such as Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Libby and Perle.
• There are many historical precedents of “false flag” and state sponsored terrorism. Operation Northwoods 24 was a top secret US plan in the 1960s to carry out a campaign of terror, including blowing up airplanes, and blame it on Cuba as a pretext to invade and overthrow Castro.” 25
What hit them then? How do you explain the huge number of trustworthy witnesses who saw them? or the transponder tracking up to the towers? or the fallen flight due to the cockpit fight? or the flight simulation training in Florida?
The Roman Church (Vatican) was established in 326AD. The jesuits in 1540. They have been accumulating power and control for how many centuries? They are a military power and work behind the scenes.
Interactive Map | International Association of Jesuit Universities
Yes, yes, yes and mega yes...its all a fraud the usa & its constitution were hijacked in stages 1917, 1932, 1971, 2001, 2020 & 2022 by both depublicans & remocrats...the uniparty has existed far longer than most people realize.
Many decades ago, while a student in an Ivy League liberal arts college (well before it went woke), I took a course which was in a category requirement that ordinarily I would have no interest in, but I needed the credit and it was scheduled at a time that I could fit in. It was about the involvement of the CIA in Latin and South America. That class opened my eyes for the rest of my life. I am so grateful that I was "forced" to take that class, as I have had an entire life of seeing through the bullshit that everyone around me was believing hook line and sinker. This includes ALL topics that are comically derided as "conspiracy theories", including UFOs, JFK assassination, and more recently Covid and Ukraine.
I am pleased that Jimmy Carter has been somewhat vindicated. I have read biographies on many presidents, and even though Jimmy Carter is frequently cited as a bad president, I have always viewed him as one of the few ethically and morally driven presidents who always did what he thought was the right thing to do, not the selfishly corrupt career promoting profitable thing to do. Additionally Miles Copeland, an important historical CIA agent who said in an interview before he died that Jimmy Carter was a tough president for the CIA to deal with because he was "well read" and "principled" so he would not automatically do what the CIA told him to do.
I agree about Jimmy Carter and glad to hear what Copeland said about him. Carter may not have been the greatest president, but I think he was one of the greatest man who ever became president. I hope I never learn otherwise.
Yup! ALL are! An' much much more than even we "curious" folks know--
Globalist Peanut Farmer Jimmy was "implanted" in "office" (rich Southern soil ready fer plantin') as an easy mark--he'd undergone all manner've psychiatric care for depression in gubbamint instee-tu-shuns AND it was TAVISTOCK (frickin' Crown) that said, "he'z our man" (an' they figgered "we the peepur" would love him cuz he came from humble roots like Truman--another globalist skumbag).
Jimmy's gotta LOTta blood on his withered hoss-pissed hands... Anyone kin look up his ass-o-CIA-shun with the Tri-Lateral Com. an' the body count under henchman (handler?) Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzeziński. Some say the MKs were involved too...
This October Surprise was, of course, no surprise to team Regan...another patsy (get an act-turd! showtime..). Anyways, YES, team Bush (who also controlled Regan) orchestrated this "Surprise"; this gave George Sr. even more time in the Oval really) . Indeed it screwed Carter, but Carter was a dumb patsy from the start (as was Regan... an' when he tried to get fancy... it took occultist Nancy--to make sure he minded his pea's and Qz... she made the deal with Buddy Bush to let Walter Reed's "best" remove the damned bullet, an inside job a' course)
What a show! Gray lady in the shroud gets a lil' nod fer comin' out with it but this is Freeze/Thaw Op... you DO reveal the "goods" but ONLY when it's way too late to anythin' about it and THAT is the trauma to us all (even we Bullwinkle know-it-alls!)
yes, so much good evil has destroyed starting with jfk. think many of the same players have been involved in these world changing events ever since? without accountability they become bolder and bolder.
Thus the word minor. I'm of the opinion sincere prayer to our Creator could fuel it to major; but as with everything else in the collective west, the corruption runs deep, maybe too deep.
Ahh, quite true. But a number that were not are now, hopefully, waking up. The question of the hour is, will the growth be enough to tip the scale? Otherwise, I'm afraid it means little.
I figured it out when I was 30 years old. I was so mad I wanted to sue the college that I graduated from. But everybody, including my mother and husband thought I was off my rocker.
Im so happy to hear that Alex. I am the only one out of my degree laden friends. Slowly the corn is popping as the pan heats up. Maybe the frogs will start jumping out now. Pardon the mixed metaphors. :D
In the film, taking the red pill resulted in being flushed out of the system into the sewer. Of course, Neo was quickly rescued by the sub. IRL, being flushed after taking the red pill leaves the awakened in reality which isn't necessarily bad.
In real life, "taking the Red Pill" results in a situation like "They Live": You put on the glasses, you see the messages for what they really are. Thus I have not picked up a newspaper in decades. You watch our commentators, pundits and politicians on television and the stench of raw sewage and excrement literally wafts off the screen; the only way you can stop it is to shut the television off as fast as you can.
I agree, and I am about the same age as you. Almost everything thrown at us in high school was propaganda. College was even worse with only elitist liberal views presented.
You are completely wrong: this is not the USA, but Freemasons all over the globe.
What difference does it make? Both Carter and Reagan were masons subduing the USA to the mason globalists... For example, Reagan was responsible for granting full immunity to the vaccine industry, thus killing and maiming hundreds of thousands without compensation.
It’s the masons, dummy!
In 1921, the Council on Foreign Relations was founded, to infiltrate and control democracy, by freemasons David Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Herbert Hoover, Allen Dulles, Walter Lippmann and Edward M. House. The impressive 10-thousand members list proves the power grab was successful.1 Since 1921, the CFR has chosen every single Secretary of State. Similar mason institutions, most with similar names, were founded in over 100 countries, including Britain's Royal Institute of International Affairs and the European Council on Foreign Relations2: practically, there’s no war where the CFR isn’t involved on both sides. 3 Their magazine Foreign Affairs is one way they send orders to all members.
In 2018, Wikileaks proved the CFR controlled all mainstream media.4
Hoover, Truman, Eisenhower, Bush father and son, Carter, Clinton, Obama 5 ... some argue that, with few exceptions like JFK and Trump, at least since WWII, all US presidents were freemasons and many CFR,. All administrations were filled with thousands of CFR members. 6 The Trump administration was no exception. 7 It’s not a coincidence that Neil M. Gorsuch, CFR Supreme Court Justice appointed by Trump, betrayed conservatives by ruling in favour of homosexual marriage and other New World Order “progressive” agenda.
Another proof of grooming for infiltration: 28 Jun 2019 Democrat Tulsi Gabbard wasn’t renewed 5 CFR year membership. 8 Because she wouldn’t obey all orders? In 2020, she was still pro-homo-marriage9 and pro-abortion (a basic CFR request) and pro-Biden, but wanted paper ballots, Electoral College, supported Trump in breaking up Big Tech and removing their censorship through section 23010, Glass-Steagall, pro-natalism paid family and medical leave plans up to 12 weeks, less public and defense spending, drug patent breaking, no war.11 That’s probably why she was defamed by Kamala12, Hillary Clinton and mason Mitt Romney.13 In 2021, she questioned Fauci on COVID origin and masks.14 Tulsi was groomed by WEF in the "Forum of Young Global Leaders" but suddenly was disappeared, and not because she turned 38 (41 in 2023), the WEF cut-off limit for “young”, freemason Macron (45) is still in the search results. Fremason Trudeau, 51, isn’t, but is listed in weforum.org15, while Tulsi has been erased from there, in Apr 2022 (she independized from the Democratic party in Oct 2022).16 Maybe this was the drop that filled the cup: she’s against CBDCs and social scoring.17
What’s the chance of this?: 11 Sep 1991, exactly a decade before 9-11 (2001), George Bush (father) said “What is at stake, is more than one small country - it is a big idea - a New World Order where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause... to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind - peace and security, freedom and the rule of law.. out of these humble times, our fifth objective - the New World Order - can emerge, [and] now we can see a new world coming into view. A world in which there is a very real prospect of a New World Order…” 18
September, 2000, one year before 9/11, Neo-Con think tank, “Project for the New American Century” (PNAC) 19 sustained: “the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.” PNAC members included Bush Administration insiders such as Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Libby and Perle.” 20
Along with much other evidence21, the fall of WTC722 proved 9/11 was a Pearl Harbor event planned by the globalists to make trillions but also to induce the taxpayer in accepting a surveillance police state, spending billions in mass digital surveillance of both citizens and foreigners as never before:
• CIA agent confessed on deathbed: “We blew up WTC 7 on 9/11”. He worked on the operation they dubbed “New Century” between May 1997 and September 2001. 23
• “Over the course of attacks, more than an hour and a half, NORAD air defense failed to intercept any of the hijacked aircraft. Fighter jets are stationed at bases throughout the US, often on “5 minute alert” to be “scrambled” and respond to domestic air emergencies. This failure was due to unexplained delays in reporting and responding, between the command authority, FAA, and military.
• Several war games and drills were being conducted on 9/11, including mock-hijackings and a mock plane crash.
• There were multiple, specific warnings from foreign governments of impending attacks, including potential targets and the names of several alleged 9/11 hijackers.
• The main members of the 9/11 Commission all had major conflicts of interest. The Commission Report omitted and altered evidence that contradicted the official story (see Sibel Edmonds and WTC 7).
• Insider trading (put options on American, United and other 9/11-affected companies) was never properly investigated. The SEC could trace who made these trades.
• Reports of involvement by Pakistani Intelligence (ISI) were never officially acknowledged or investigated.
• Some prominent travelers such as San Francisco mayor Willie Brown and top Pentagon officials were reportedly warned not to fly on 9/11. Who warned them? What did they know? Other groups and individuals also received warnings or suspiciously changed plans or moved out of the WTC soon before 9/11.
• Several FBI investigations which could have uncovered the 9/11 plot were squashed and sabotaged by key FBI officials.
• In September, 2000, Neo-Con think tank, “Project for the New American Century” (PNAC) said of their imperialistic vision, “the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.” PNAC members included Bush Administration insiders such as Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Libby and Perle.
• There are many historical precedents of “false flag” and state sponsored terrorism. Operation Northwoods 24 was a top secret US plan in the 1960s to carry out a campaign of terror, including blowing up airplanes, and blame it on Cuba as a pretext to invade and overthrow Castro.” 25
All, virtually all those you mention are usians. It doesn't matter what groups they join, they are the VERY people who are doing all the usa war crimes, wars of aggression, usa State Terrorism, genocides, ... .
Coincidentally, I just finished reading Kinzer's "All the Shah's Men." A compelling, but infuriating read. Incredible to think what a different world we might be living in but for actions of monsters like the Dulles brothers.
There's 1,800 pages of it in hard copy plus copious footnotes. By all means, take your time. His adventures with Dennis Lee and Free Energy were particularly illuminating... 🤔
And those Dulles guys get an airport named after them! It remains to be seen if their Airport will put JFK in New York out of business... ( question: is airport still a word? it sounds so 50's all of a sudden ... )
We probably have not had a Democracy since 1963 and have been under rule by a military-intelligence Mafia that controlled the Republican Party before also controlling the Democratic Party starting with Clinton who worked with the Reagan/Bush administration with Iran Contra
And yes, Trump was controlled also. They owned him after Rothschilds and Wall St bailed him out during his first Casino bankruptcy and protecting him while grooming him over the next 25 years while he provided them intelligence on Russian money launders and local mafia. He was an intelligence asset not a Putin stooge as the MSM tried to portray him , so as to explain his connections with the Russian Mafia and to cover up the fact they were both being backed by intelligence.
Roy Cohn played a big role getting Reagan elected. Very close to Colby.
I wouldn't be surprised if he had some role in the October surprise. After his death in 1986 due to AIDS Trump bought the CIA backed Resort Casino in 1987 and soon after the Plaza hotel where Cohn ran his sex operations. In 1987 Trump made his first trip to Russia and when he came back started talking about running for President. It was about this time he hooked up with another intelligence asset in Epstein and this was when Epstein began his relationship with Leslie Wexner. Epstein also began his business with Hoffenberg and arranged to a hostile takeover of Pan Am. As a result of Trumps acquisition of Resorts which held a big stake in Pan Am Trump had lots of shared he wanted to dump. Interesting times
You are clueless! It's the masons: they founded all intel agencies... in many countries.
What difference does it make? Both Carter and Reagan were masons subduing the USA to the mason globalists... For example, Reagan was responsible for granting full immunity to the vaccine industry, thus killing and maiming hundreds of thousands without compensation.
It’s the masons, dummy!
In 1921, the Council on Foreign Relations was founded, to infiltrate and control democracy, by freemasons David Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Herbert Hoover, Allen Dulles, Walter Lippmann and Edward M. House. The impressive 10-thousand members list proves the power grab was successful.1 Since 1921, the CFR has chosen every single Secretary of State. Similar mason institutions, most with similar names, were founded in over 100 countries, including Britain's Royal Institute of International Affairs and the European Council on Foreign Relations2: practically, there’s no war where the CFR isn’t involved on both sides. 3 Their magazine Foreign Affairs is one way they send orders to all members.
In 2018, Wikileaks proved the CFR controlled all mainstream media.4
Hoover, Truman, Eisenhower, Bush father and son, Carter, Clinton, Obama 5 ... some argue that, with few exceptions like JFK and Trump, at least since WWII, all US presidents were freemasons and many CFR,. All administrations were filled with thousands of CFR members. 6 The Trump administration was no exception. 7 It’s not a coincidence that Neil M. Gorsuch, CFR Supreme Court Justice appointed by Trump, betrayed conservatives by ruling in favour of homosexual marriage and other New World Order “progressive” agenda.
Another proof of grooming for infiltration: 28 Jun 2019 Democrat Tulsi Gabbard wasn’t renewed 5 CFR year membership. 8 Because she wouldn’t obey all orders? In 2020, she was still pro-homo-marriage9 and pro-abortion (a basic CFR request) and pro-Biden, but wanted paper ballots, Electoral College, supported Trump in breaking up Big Tech and removing their censorship through section 23010, Glass-Steagall, pro-natalism paid family and medical leave plans up to 12 weeks, less public and defense spending, drug patent breaking, no war.11 That’s probably why she was defamed by Kamala12, Hillary Clinton and mason Mitt Romney.13 In 2021, she questioned Fauci on COVID origin and masks.14 Tulsi was groomed by WEF in the "Forum of Young Global Leaders" but suddenly was disappeared, and not because she turned 38 (41 in 2023), the WEF cut-off limit for “young”, freemason Macron (45) is still in the search results. Fremason Trudeau, 51, isn’t, but is listed in weforum.org15, while Tulsi has been erased from there, in Apr 2022 (she independized from the Democratic party in Oct 2022).16 Maybe this was the drop that filled the cup: she’s against CBDCs and social scoring.17
What’s the chance of this?: 11 Sep 1991, exactly a decade before 9-11 (2001), George Bush (father) said “What is at stake, is more than one small country - it is a big idea - a New World Order where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause... to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind - peace and security, freedom and the rule of law.. out of these humble times, our fifth objective - the New World Order - can emerge, [and] now we can see a new world coming into view. A world in which there is a very real prospect of a New World Order…” 18
September, 2000, one year before 9/11, Neo-Con think tank, “Project for the New American Century” (PNAC) 19 sustained: “the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.” PNAC members included Bush Administration insiders such as Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Libby and Perle.” 20
Along with much other evidence21, the fall of WTC722 proved 9/11 was a Pearl Harbor event planned by the globalists to make trillions but also to induce the taxpayer in accepting a surveillance police state, spending billions in mass digital surveillance of both citizens and foreigners as never before:
• CIA agent confessed on deathbed: “We blew up WTC 7 on 9/11”. He worked on the operation they dubbed “New Century” between May 1997 and September 2001. 23
• “Over the course of attacks, more than an hour and a half, NORAD air defense failed to intercept any of the hijacked aircraft. Fighter jets are stationed at bases throughout the US, often on “5 minute alert” to be “scrambled” and respond to domestic air emergencies. This failure was due to unexplained delays in reporting and responding, between the command authority, FAA, and military.
• Several war games and drills were being conducted on 9/11, including mock-hijackings and a mock plane crash.
• There were multiple, specific warnings from foreign governments of impending attacks, including potential targets and the names of several alleged 9/11 hijackers.
• The main members of the 9/11 Commission all had major conflicts of interest. The Commission Report omitted and altered evidence that contradicted the official story (see Sibel Edmonds and WTC 7).
• Insider trading (put options on American, United and other 9/11-affected companies) was never properly investigated. The SEC could trace who made these trades.
• Reports of involvement by Pakistani Intelligence (ISI) were never officially acknowledged or investigated.
• Some prominent travelers such as San Francisco mayor Willie Brown and top Pentagon officials were reportedly warned not to fly on 9/11. Who warned them? What did they know? Other groups and individuals also received warnings or suspiciously changed plans or moved out of the WTC soon before 9/11.
• Several FBI investigations which could have uncovered the 9/11 plot were squashed and sabotaged by key FBI officials.
• In September, 2000, Neo-Con think tank, “Project for the New American Century” (PNAC) said of their imperialistic vision, “the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.” PNAC members included Bush Administration insiders such as Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Libby and Perle.
• There are many historical precedents of “false flag” and state sponsored terrorism. Operation Northwoods 24 was a top secret US plan in the 1960s to carry out a campaign of terror, including blowing up airplanes, and blame it on Cuba as a pretext to invade and overthrow Castro.” 25
Dear Celia, I'm a great admirer of your work ! I've been researching the masons since 2014 (near a decade now!). God willingly, I'll start posting soon on that. Please subscribe to my free substack so you could be updated. In the meantime, look for ex illuminati Ronald Bernard videos in Alt YouTube (they censored his most important one). Blessings! Fred
I believed that info about Trump being an asset when I read it a couple of years ago? I guess you wrote it somewhere else where I saw it? still looks totally reasonable...
On my substack I wrote a whole series on Trumps history. While I have no direct evidence he is an intelligence asset, if you look at the characters he did business with and palled around with, mafia, casinos, money launderers and other intelligence assets, and his involvement in the modeling industry, and his dodgy loans from a dirty bank (Deutsche Bank) its hard to imagine in the age of PROMIS and extensive surveillance that he couldn't have been indicted for something . My theory is he was given the option to cooperate and be protected or risk everything in court. Just speculation on my part though.
Yup, Trump was an intelligence OP (but valuable enough certain powerful spooks don't want him six feet under) He "successfully" ran his casinos via Resorts International--total spook operation that may've had some of their mob/spook team literally workin' the room for RFK's assassination AND they're the team that planned / executed the kidnappin' of Howard Hughes (after which they took over Hughes' casino empire...)...
"[. . . ] but this story isn’t ancient history, revealing only that that one-term president was cheated of his re-election."
Indeed; and what no one mentions here is that it reveals the utter disregard of the nation's highest office, for the lives and well-being of its own citizens, blatantly exploiting them as pawns in their own political chess game. That is the worst thing about this story, as is the current human suffering and death caused by the covid hoax.
Moved by “conscience” - what a load of you know what - it’s forty years after the fact.
I won’t give them a pass - their willingness to look the other way on the most important issues of the day makes them worse than irrelevant - I’d sooner trust the National Enquirer - if that even still exits.
I was in college and supported Carter at the time - in retrospect it seems like he was woefully unprepared to be president - but I’d take him in a heartbeat over our current specimen.
It was difficult to “like” an article that contains “praise” and “NYT” in proximity, but I have managed it!
The hostage crisis affected me as a child because I was regularly beaten up in school for being Iranian. Explaining that my family came from India made zero difference. Iran, Shmiran, India, Shmindia -- they all begin with I.
I was 11 years old when the helicopters in the rescue mission crashed in the desert, and I still remember thinking that it must have been sabotage by the Reagan side. I wonder when that conspiracy theory will be confirmed?
P.S. Does paying off foreign governments to retain US citizens as hostages rise to the constitutional standard for treason?
I was just showing this article to my husband who immediately said, " What about the rescue mission helicopters being sabotaged, actually killing people, to make Carter look bad?"
-as the material contents of his blue or yellow cardigan (dep. on season/episode #) - are subtly altered, year upon year, day unto day, hour upon hour, minute by minute, second to second -
until, the 'wearer' - finally catches up with the present moment.
Dont forget that when the King family won a civil suit, proving that the government was involved in the death of Dr. King, the gray lady published the paradigm shifting verdict on page 9, in a tiny little box in the corner. :)
Pregnant with anticipation, we shall await the NYT front page declaring that the rona was indeed a psyop, a scam, directed by the DOD etc...... in approximately the year 2053. I cannot wait!
Reagan was overrated IMHO. Still pissed off at him allowing my Social Security to be taxable. He was a great host for “Death Valley Days” but just another of many schmuck Presidents.
Reagan signed the first tier of Social Security and the second tier of taxation occurred during the Bubba Clinton administration. That’s all these politicos know is taxing things that have already been taxed.Tax,Tax,Tax and now we have Zombie Biden who has never seen a tax he didn’t like on the populace. Of course being Senator for Delaware he was a Senator for Corporate America all the while enslaving the rest of us.I really did not think he would be this wretched. Really. I had a clue but this bad?
I meant, didn't he (FJB!) introduce the bill to tax SS to congress? I remember being really pissed off for retired people at the time, but wasn't sure, but thought FJB! was the senator to come up with that bright idea.
Maybe. Because it is rather a Ponzi scheme. Unfortunately the US people have become dependent on it. Kind of reminds me of the tale of the grasshopper and the ant. I know so many who struggle because all they have is limited social security income.
indeed. Perhaps we would struggle less if it were not so limited 🤔 . fortunately I have my $290 from my corporate pension, so I am not entirely dependent on the Ponzi scheme...
Celia: I don’t know how to link stuff but it’s still there on Apple podcasts...The Delingpod...just scroll down to that date. I appreciate your work as well.
There have been various ways for The Controllers of the World to select who gets the Red and Blue party nominations for president. And then the Controllers find ways to choose who wins between those two candidates practically each and every time. Just study the circumstances of every presidential election since 1964. The manipulations are getting progressively more blatant.
My state, Ohio, has a Supermajority of Red in the General Assembly but they are playing the role of Washington Generals, maybe even worse. The Dems used the same page of playbook on a national level when G.W. Bush was prez.
I'm done with voting. George Carlin was correct all along...why give the elections legitimacy?
Wrong. Like all intel agencies, the CIA was founded by masons and it's infiltrated since then. It's the masons who run global elections, even in countries where there's no CIA. Open your eyes to which countries accepted lockdowns...
What difference does it make? Both Carter and Reagan were masons subduing the USA to the mason globalists... For example, Reagan was responsible for granting full immunity to the vaccine industry, thus killing and maiming hundreds of thousands without compensation.
It’s the masons, dummy!
In 1921, the Council on Foreign Relations was founded, to infiltrate and control democracy, by freemasons David Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Herbert Hoover, Allen Dulles, Walter Lippmann and Edward M. House. The impressive 10-thousand members list proves the power grab was successful.1 Since 1921, the CFR has chosen every single Secretary of State. Similar mason institutions, most with similar names, were founded in over 100 countries, including Britain's Royal Institute of International Affairs and the European Council on Foreign Relations2: practically, there’s no war where the CFR isn’t involved on both sides. 3 Their magazine Foreign Affairs is one way they send orders to all members.
In 2018, Wikileaks proved the CFR controlled all mainstream media.4
Hoover, Truman, Eisenhower, Bush father and son, Carter, Clinton, Obama 5 ... some argue that, with few exceptions like JFK and Trump, at least since WWII, all US presidents were freemasons and many CFR,. All administrations were filled with thousands of CFR members. 6 The Trump administration was no exception. 7 It’s not a coincidence that Neil M. Gorsuch, CFR Supreme Court Justice appointed by Trump, betrayed conservatives by ruling in favour of homosexual marriage and other New World Order “progressive” agenda.
Another proof of grooming for infiltration: 28 Jun 2019 Democrat Tulsi Gabbard wasn’t renewed 5 CFR year membership. 8 Because she wouldn’t obey all orders? In 2020, she was still pro-homo-marriage9 and pro-abortion (a basic CFR request) and pro-Biden, but wanted paper ballots, Electoral College, supported Trump in breaking up Big Tech and removing their censorship through section 23010, Glass-Steagall, pro-natalism paid family and medical leave plans up to 12 weeks, less public and defense spending, drug patent breaking, no war.11 That’s probably why she was defamed by Kamala12, Hillary Clinton and mason Mitt Romney.13 In 2021, she questioned Fauci on COVID origin and masks.14 Tulsi was groomed by WEF in the "Forum of Young Global Leaders" but suddenly was disappeared, and not because she turned 38 (41 in 2023), the WEF cut-off limit for “young”, freemason Macron (45) is still in the search results. Fremason Trudeau, 51, isn’t, but is listed in weforum.org15, while Tulsi has been erased from there, in Apr 2022 (she independized from the Democratic party in Oct 2022).16 Maybe this was the drop that filled the cup: she’s against CBDCs and social scoring.17
What’s the chance of this?: 11 Sep 1991, exactly a decade before 9-11 (2001), George Bush (father) said “What is at stake, is more than one small country - it is a big idea - a New World Order where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause... to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind - peace and security, freedom and the rule of law.. out of these humble times, our fifth objective - the New World Order - can emerge, [and] now we can see a new world coming into view. A world in which there is a very real prospect of a New World Order…” 18
September, 2000, one year before 9/11, Neo-Con think tank, “Project for the New American Century” (PNAC) 19 sustained: “the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.” PNAC members included Bush Administration insiders such as Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Libby and Perle.” 20
Along with much other evidence21, the fall of WTC722 proved 9/11 was a Pearl Harbor event planned by the globalists to make trillions but also to induce the taxpayer in accepting a surveillance police state, spending billions in mass digital surveillance of both citizens and foreigners as never before:
• CIA agent confessed on deathbed: “We blew up WTC 7 on 9/11”. He worked on the operation they dubbed “New Century” between May 1997 and September 2001. 23
• “Over the course of attacks, more than an hour and a half, NORAD air defense failed to intercept any of the hijacked aircraft. Fighter jets are stationed at bases throughout the US, often on “5 minute alert” to be “scrambled” and respond to domestic air emergencies. This failure was due to unexplained delays in reporting and responding, between the command authority, FAA, and military.
• Several war games and drills were being conducted on 9/11, including mock-hijackings and a mock plane crash.
• There were multiple, specific warnings from foreign governments of impending attacks, including potential targets and the names of several alleged 9/11 hijackers.
• The main members of the 9/11 Commission all had major conflicts of interest. The Commission Report omitted and altered evidence that contradicted the official story (see Sibel Edmonds and WTC 7).
• Insider trading (put options on American, United and other 9/11-affected companies) was never properly investigated. The SEC could trace who made these trades.
• Reports of involvement by Pakistani Intelligence (ISI) were never officially acknowledged or investigated.
• Some prominent travelers such as San Francisco mayor Willie Brown and top Pentagon officials were reportedly warned not to fly on 9/11. Who warned them? What did they know? Other groups and individuals also received warnings or suspiciously changed plans or moved out of the WTC soon before 9/11.
• Several FBI investigations which could have uncovered the 9/11 plot were squashed and sabotaged by key FBI officials.
• In September, 2000, Neo-Con think tank, “Project for the New American Century” (PNAC) said of their imperialistic vision, “the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.” PNAC members included Bush Administration insiders such as Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Libby and Perle.
• There are many historical precedents of “false flag” and state sponsored terrorism. Operation Northwoods 24 was a top secret US plan in the 1960s to carry out a campaign of terror, including blowing up airplanes, and blame it on Cuba as a pretext to invade and overthrow Castro.” 25
I still remember feeling in a twilight zone, similar to Sept. 11, when I heard the hostages were released the same day Reagan was inaugurated, and the media and acquaintances were all crediting Reagan's mere innate strength as the reason it happened that VERY SAME day! I'm sure he was a better actor than W. He played his part right on center stage; W had to be sent off to an elementary classroom in Florida and be "shocked" (while inadvertently saying he saw the FIRST plane hit while watching TV).
I had always doubted the October Surprise until just a few years ago.
Deep State flunky Stephen Halper's involvement in Russia Gate brought a spotlight onto him and sources came out about how he had been involved with all the Company folks helping their buddy Bush become VP. Halper had helped steal Carter's debate prep books. With a lot of people looking into Halper, one found an admission from a former Company agent that Bush and his people had indeed made deals with Iran in 1980 on the hostages. I wish I had saved that record instead of just reading it.
Bush was a vile man and engaged in all manner of things before his time as VP and as VP.
Wow. I have learned more the past three years than the previous 64 years of my life. According to my numerous academic degrees and honors, I'm among the highly educated. I have only recently realized most of my "education" was itself propaganda. Never too old to learn, but damn, I wish I knew all of this truth decades ago.
Same thing here. History major in my 50s.
I realized I'm Truman.
In their haste to capitalize on COVID, they miscalculated and exposed to those of us who cared to pay attention that, well, it's all a fraud; all garbage. All of it. Covid, Ukraine, climate change, elections, 'impartial' courts, 'blind justice'....etc.
Now I'm REALLY awake. I can't not unsee it.
The frustrating part is the inability to convert the useful idiots. You go your whole life seeking out the few who can see.
They're in dire need of deprogramming. I've been on this journey for three years now. But to do it, you need to dedicate yourself. Almost like a Monk. I cut TV and sports out of my life.
we've been on it since nine 1 one. knowing the lies then, and realizing your government is out to kill you where huge awakenings. helped us recognize the scamdemic from the the get go. so much was out there from the beginning; rockefellers 2010 scenarios for the future/lockstep, event 201, wuhan military games...
agreed/indeed- we can't accuse 'them'- of not 'putting out'...
(& thank g*d, for the national output- that is...! )
What difference does it make? Both Carter and Reagan were masons subduing the USA to the mason globalists... For example, Reagan was responsible for granting full immunity to the vaccine industry, thus killing and maiming hundreds of thousands without compensation.
It’s the masons, dummy!
In 1921, the Council on Foreign Relations was founded, to infiltrate and control democracy, by freemasons David Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Herbert Hoover, Allen Dulles, Walter Lippmann and Edward M. House. The impressive 10-thousand members list proves the power grab was successful.1 Since 1921, the CFR has chosen every single Secretary of State. Similar mason institutions, most with similar names, were founded in over 100 countries, including Britain's Royal Institute of International Affairs and the European Council on Foreign Relations2: practically, there’s no war where the CFR isn’t involved on both sides. 3 Their magazine Foreign Affairs is one way they send orders to all members.
In 2018, Wikileaks proved the CFR controlled all mainstream media.4
Hoover, Truman, Eisenhower, Bush father and son, Carter, Clinton, Obama 5 ... some argue that, with few exceptions like JFK and Trump, at least since WWII, all US presidents were freemasons and many CFR,. All administrations were filled with thousands of CFR members. 6 The Trump administration was no exception. 7 It’s not a coincidence that Neil M. Gorsuch, CFR Supreme Court Justice appointed by Trump, betrayed conservatives by ruling in favour of homosexual marriage and other New World Order “progressive” agenda.
Another proof of grooming for infiltration: 28 Jun 2019 Democrat Tulsi Gabbard wasn’t renewed 5 CFR year membership. 8 Because she wouldn’t obey all orders? In 2020, she was still pro-homo-marriage9 and pro-abortion (a basic CFR request) and pro-Biden, but wanted paper ballots, Electoral College, supported Trump in breaking up Big Tech and removing their censorship through section 23010, Glass-Steagall, pro-natalism paid family and medical leave plans up to 12 weeks, less public and defense spending, drug patent breaking, no war.11 That’s probably why she was defamed by Kamala12, Hillary Clinton and mason Mitt Romney.13 In 2021, she questioned Fauci on COVID origin and masks.14 Tulsi was groomed by WEF in the "Forum of Young Global Leaders" but suddenly was disappeared, and not because she turned 38 (41 in 2023), the WEF cut-off limit for “young”, freemason Macron (45) is still in the search results. Fremason Trudeau, 51, isn’t, but is listed in weforum.org15, while Tulsi has been erased from there, in Apr 2022 (she independized from the Democratic party in Oct 2022).16 Maybe this was the drop that filled the cup: she’s against CBDCs and social scoring.17
9-11: 2 planes, 7 towers down
What’s the chance of this?: 11 Sep 1991, exactly a decade before 9-11 (2001), George Bush (father) said “What is at stake, is more than one small country - it is a big idea - a New World Order where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause... to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind - peace and security, freedom and the rule of law.. out of these humble times, our fifth objective - the New World Order - can emerge, [and] now we can see a new world coming into view. A world in which there is a very real prospect of a New World Order…” 18
September, 2000, one year before 9/11, Neo-Con think tank, “Project for the New American Century” (PNAC) 19 sustained: “the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.” PNAC members included Bush Administration insiders such as Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Libby and Perle.” 20
Along with much other evidence21, the fall of WTC722 proved 9/11 was a Pearl Harbor event planned by the globalists to make trillions but also to induce the taxpayer in accepting a surveillance police state, spending billions in mass digital surveillance of both citizens and foreigners as never before:
• CIA agent confessed on deathbed: “We blew up WTC 7 on 9/11”. He worked on the operation they dubbed “New Century” between May 1997 and September 2001. 23
• “Over the course of attacks, more than an hour and a half, NORAD air defense failed to intercept any of the hijacked aircraft. Fighter jets are stationed at bases throughout the US, often on “5 minute alert” to be “scrambled” and respond to domestic air emergencies. This failure was due to unexplained delays in reporting and responding, between the command authority, FAA, and military.
• Several war games and drills were being conducted on 9/11, including mock-hijackings and a mock plane crash.
• There were multiple, specific warnings from foreign governments of impending attacks, including potential targets and the names of several alleged 9/11 hijackers.
• The main members of the 9/11 Commission all had major conflicts of interest. The Commission Report omitted and altered evidence that contradicted the official story (see Sibel Edmonds and WTC 7).
• Insider trading (put options on American, United and other 9/11-affected companies) was never properly investigated. The SEC could trace who made these trades.
• Reports of involvement by Pakistani Intelligence (ISI) were never officially acknowledged or investigated.
• Some prominent travelers such as San Francisco mayor Willie Brown and top Pentagon officials were reportedly warned not to fly on 9/11. Who warned them? What did they know? Other groups and individuals also received warnings or suspiciously changed plans or moved out of the WTC soon before 9/11.
• Several FBI investigations which could have uncovered the 9/11 plot were squashed and sabotaged by key FBI officials.
• In September, 2000, Neo-Con think tank, “Project for the New American Century” (PNAC) said of their imperialistic vision, “the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.” PNAC members included Bush Administration insiders such as Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Libby and Perle.
• There are many historical precedents of “false flag” and state sponsored terrorism. Operation Northwoods 24 was a top secret US plan in the 1960s to carry out a campaign of terror, including blowing up airplanes, and blame it on Cuba as a pretext to invade and overthrow Castro.” 25
More in my stack:
actually it's the jesuits
no planes hit the towers.
What hit them then? How do you explain the huge number of trustworthy witnesses who saw them? or the transponder tracking up to the towers? or the fallen flight due to the cockpit fight? or the flight simulation training in Florida?
The Jesuits? Proof? how do you explain globalist control of countries where there are no Jesuits?
It doesn't resist Occam's razor!
On the contrary, there's a very comprehensive list of masons in the US and foreign governments, including their lodge name and number!
Where did the planes land?
The Roman Church (Vatican) was established in 326AD. The jesuits in 1540. They have been accumulating power and control for how many centuries? They are a military power and work behind the scenes.
Interactive Map | International Association of Jesuit Universities
I've been on this journey for near 42 years now- how long does it take...?
(or- to pose the question another way- "How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie-pop?" ... asking for an Owl friend )
It's a LIFE journey EB.
indeed! (sometimes, I tend towards immediate gratification!)
Don't stress yourself about The Morons: They won't get it, even when they're being prodded into the boxcars with rifle butts and bayonets.
I’m afraid you are right.
not with rifle butts and bayonets- but with 'glossy pamphlet speak' and emergency response teams
After what I've experienced over the last 3 years I know I am😱💩
So true, but the ones I know don't seem to want to be deprogrammed. Ignorance is bliss, and they like the bliss of ignorance.
I would add : "...and the constricted view outside their double-paned, argon - filled, 'Overton Windows'
(available at Home Depot...while supply chains last !)
You're "Luke Wilson" in Idiocracy and..."yer shitz awl retarded!"
Yes, yes, yes and mega yes...its all a fraud the usa & its constitution were hijacked in stages 1917, 1932, 1971, 2001, 2020 & 2022 by both depublicans & remocrats...the uniparty has existed far longer than most people realize.
You don't mean Harry!
Many decades ago, while a student in an Ivy League liberal arts college (well before it went woke), I took a course which was in a category requirement that ordinarily I would have no interest in, but I needed the credit and it was scheduled at a time that I could fit in. It was about the involvement of the CIA in Latin and South America. That class opened my eyes for the rest of my life. I am so grateful that I was "forced" to take that class, as I have had an entire life of seeing through the bullshit that everyone around me was believing hook line and sinker. This includes ALL topics that are comically derided as "conspiracy theories", including UFOs, JFK assassination, and more recently Covid and Ukraine.
I am pleased that Jimmy Carter has been somewhat vindicated. I have read biographies on many presidents, and even though Jimmy Carter is frequently cited as a bad president, I have always viewed him as one of the few ethically and morally driven presidents who always did what he thought was the right thing to do, not the selfishly corrupt career promoting profitable thing to do. Additionally Miles Copeland, an important historical CIA agent who said in an interview before he died that Jimmy Carter was a tough president for the CIA to deal with because he was "well read" and "principled" so he would not automatically do what the CIA told him to do.
I wish I had taken such a class.
I agree about Jimmy Carter and glad to hear what Copeland said about him. Carter may not have been the greatest president, but I think he was one of the greatest man who ever became president. I hope I never learn otherwise.
Um.. you ever heard the story when Jimmy was asked about what America did to Vietnam replied "The destruction was mutual"?
Sorry to burst your bubble Kev but he is every bit as despicable as the rest of the bastards.
Carter promoted the global warming scam in the last decade/s....
carter was involved in Latin/S.America oppression - oh fuck it!! they're all players- no more hero worship FFS!! ( this includes kennedy(s)) !!!
Yup! ALL are! An' much much more than even we "curious" folks know--
Globalist Peanut Farmer Jimmy was "implanted" in "office" (rich Southern soil ready fer plantin') as an easy mark--he'd undergone all manner've psychiatric care for depression in gubbamint instee-tu-shuns AND it was TAVISTOCK (frickin' Crown) that said, "he'z our man" (an' they figgered "we the peepur" would love him cuz he came from humble roots like Truman--another globalist skumbag).
Jimmy's gotta LOTta blood on his withered hoss-pissed hands... Anyone kin look up his ass-o-CIA-shun with the Tri-Lateral Com. an' the body count under henchman (handler?) Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzeziński. Some say the MKs were involved too...
This October Surprise was, of course, no surprise to team Regan...another patsy (get an act-turd! showtime..). Anyways, YES, team Bush (who also controlled Regan) orchestrated this "Surprise"; this gave George Sr. even more time in the Oval really) . Indeed it screwed Carter, but Carter was a dumb patsy from the start (as was Regan... an' when he tried to get fancy... it took occultist Nancy--to make sure he minded his pea's and Qz... she made the deal with Buddy Bush to let Walter Reed's "best" remove the damned bullet, an inside job a' course)
What a show! Gray lady in the shroud gets a lil' nod fer comin' out with it but this is Freeze/Thaw Op... you DO reveal the "goods" but ONLY when it's way too late to anythin' about it and THAT is the trauma to us all (even we Bullwinkle know-it-alls!)
Marketable Archetypes for Marks... "Marketypes"
I can sleep well now- thank you!
Just a movie. THIS is REAL LIFE:
Thanks. Added to my "Booket List".
Thank you mzlizzi. 1962 wish i would have heard of the this 50 years ago rather than nine 1 one being our wake up call. I found it as a pdf online
yes, so much good evil has destroyed starting with jfk. think many of the same players have been involved in these world changing events ever since? without accountability they become bolder and bolder.
Covid did start at least a minor Great Awakening, didn't it?
How minor- remains to be seen...
(but minor chords are "De Mode")
Covid and the J6 false flag
Thus the word minor. I'm of the opinion sincere prayer to our Creator could fuel it to major; but as with everything else in the collective west, the corruption runs deep, maybe too deep.
Ahh, quite true. But a number that were not are now, hopefully, waking up. The question of the hour is, will the growth be enough to tip the scale? Otherwise, I'm afraid it means little.
I figured it out when I was 30 years old. I was so mad I wanted to sue the college that I graduated from. But everybody, including my mother and husband thought I was off my rocker.
excellent pun !
Im so happy to hear that Alex. I am the only one out of my degree laden friends. Slowly the corn is popping as the pan heats up. Maybe the frogs will start jumping out now. Pardon the mixed metaphors. :D
welcome to the club!
There's a reason it's called "Taking the Red Pill".
In the film, taking the red pill resulted in being flushed out of the system into the sewer. Of course, Neo was quickly rescued by the sub. IRL, being flushed after taking the red pill leaves the awakened in reality which isn't necessarily bad.
In real life, "taking the Red Pill" results in a situation like "They Live": You put on the glasses, you see the messages for what they really are. Thus I have not picked up a newspaper in decades. You watch our commentators, pundits and politicians on television and the stench of raw sewage and excrement literally wafts off the screen; the only way you can stop it is to shut the television off as fast as you can.
I agree, and I am about the same age as you. Almost everything thrown at us in high school was propaganda. College was even worse with only elitist liberal views presented.
I was in University 1977-1983: 6 years of my life, down the toilet, for nothing.
You ought to have mentioned that all these lies, perfidy, backstabbing, low life actions are all done by none other than the usa.
You are completely wrong: this is not the USA, but Freemasons all over the globe.
What difference does it make? Both Carter and Reagan were masons subduing the USA to the mason globalists... For example, Reagan was responsible for granting full immunity to the vaccine industry, thus killing and maiming hundreds of thousands without compensation.
It’s the masons, dummy!
In 1921, the Council on Foreign Relations was founded, to infiltrate and control democracy, by freemasons David Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Herbert Hoover, Allen Dulles, Walter Lippmann and Edward M. House. The impressive 10-thousand members list proves the power grab was successful.1 Since 1921, the CFR has chosen every single Secretary of State. Similar mason institutions, most with similar names, were founded in over 100 countries, including Britain's Royal Institute of International Affairs and the European Council on Foreign Relations2: practically, there’s no war where the CFR isn’t involved on both sides. 3 Their magazine Foreign Affairs is one way they send orders to all members.
In 2018, Wikileaks proved the CFR controlled all mainstream media.4
Hoover, Truman, Eisenhower, Bush father and son, Carter, Clinton, Obama 5 ... some argue that, with few exceptions like JFK and Trump, at least since WWII, all US presidents were freemasons and many CFR,. All administrations were filled with thousands of CFR members. 6 The Trump administration was no exception. 7 It’s not a coincidence that Neil M. Gorsuch, CFR Supreme Court Justice appointed by Trump, betrayed conservatives by ruling in favour of homosexual marriage and other New World Order “progressive” agenda.
Another proof of grooming for infiltration: 28 Jun 2019 Democrat Tulsi Gabbard wasn’t renewed 5 CFR year membership. 8 Because she wouldn’t obey all orders? In 2020, she was still pro-homo-marriage9 and pro-abortion (a basic CFR request) and pro-Biden, but wanted paper ballots, Electoral College, supported Trump in breaking up Big Tech and removing their censorship through section 23010, Glass-Steagall, pro-natalism paid family and medical leave plans up to 12 weeks, less public and defense spending, drug patent breaking, no war.11 That’s probably why she was defamed by Kamala12, Hillary Clinton and mason Mitt Romney.13 In 2021, she questioned Fauci on COVID origin and masks.14 Tulsi was groomed by WEF in the "Forum of Young Global Leaders" but suddenly was disappeared, and not because she turned 38 (41 in 2023), the WEF cut-off limit for “young”, freemason Macron (45) is still in the search results. Fremason Trudeau, 51, isn’t, but is listed in weforum.org15, while Tulsi has been erased from there, in Apr 2022 (she independized from the Democratic party in Oct 2022).16 Maybe this was the drop that filled the cup: she’s against CBDCs and social scoring.17
9-11: 2 planes, 7 towers down
What’s the chance of this?: 11 Sep 1991, exactly a decade before 9-11 (2001), George Bush (father) said “What is at stake, is more than one small country - it is a big idea - a New World Order where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause... to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind - peace and security, freedom and the rule of law.. out of these humble times, our fifth objective - the New World Order - can emerge, [and] now we can see a new world coming into view. A world in which there is a very real prospect of a New World Order…” 18
September, 2000, one year before 9/11, Neo-Con think tank, “Project for the New American Century” (PNAC) 19 sustained: “the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.” PNAC members included Bush Administration insiders such as Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Libby and Perle.” 20
Along with much other evidence21, the fall of WTC722 proved 9/11 was a Pearl Harbor event planned by the globalists to make trillions but also to induce the taxpayer in accepting a surveillance police state, spending billions in mass digital surveillance of both citizens and foreigners as never before:
• CIA agent confessed on deathbed: “We blew up WTC 7 on 9/11”. He worked on the operation they dubbed “New Century” between May 1997 and September 2001. 23
• “Over the course of attacks, more than an hour and a half, NORAD air defense failed to intercept any of the hijacked aircraft. Fighter jets are stationed at bases throughout the US, often on “5 minute alert” to be “scrambled” and respond to domestic air emergencies. This failure was due to unexplained delays in reporting and responding, between the command authority, FAA, and military.
• Several war games and drills were being conducted on 9/11, including mock-hijackings and a mock plane crash.
• There were multiple, specific warnings from foreign governments of impending attacks, including potential targets and the names of several alleged 9/11 hijackers.
• The main members of the 9/11 Commission all had major conflicts of interest. The Commission Report omitted and altered evidence that contradicted the official story (see Sibel Edmonds and WTC 7).
• Insider trading (put options on American, United and other 9/11-affected companies) was never properly investigated. The SEC could trace who made these trades.
• Reports of involvement by Pakistani Intelligence (ISI) were never officially acknowledged or investigated.
• Some prominent travelers such as San Francisco mayor Willie Brown and top Pentagon officials were reportedly warned not to fly on 9/11. Who warned them? What did they know? Other groups and individuals also received warnings or suspiciously changed plans or moved out of the WTC soon before 9/11.
• Several FBI investigations which could have uncovered the 9/11 plot were squashed and sabotaged by key FBI officials.
• In September, 2000, Neo-Con think tank, “Project for the New American Century” (PNAC) said of their imperialistic vision, “the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.” PNAC members included Bush Administration insiders such as Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Libby and Perle.
• There are many historical precedents of “false flag” and state sponsored terrorism. Operation Northwoods 24 was a top secret US plan in the 1960s to carry out a campaign of terror, including blowing up airplanes, and blame it on Cuba as a pretext to invade and overthrow Castro.” 25
More in my stack:
I think the correct term is "Its the Masons, stupid!" ;)
All, virtually all those you mention are usians. It doesn't matter what groups they join, they are the VERY people who are doing all the usa war crimes, wars of aggression, usa State Terrorism, genocides, ... .
Amen, brother!
So true. Believe nothing.
I’m starting to see more clearly why the deep state fears Trump.
t-rump is a part of it. they play both sides.
Coincidentally, I just finished reading Kinzer's "All the Shah's Men." A compelling, but infuriating read. Incredible to think what a different world we might be living in but for actions of monsters like the Dulles brothers.
Two things for you:
• George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography by Webster Griffin Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin
• And the single largest Red Pill I have ever taken: Wade Frazier's "A Healed Planet":
I took a quick peak. Not sure if I can go there yet...
There's 1,800 pages of it in hard copy plus copious footnotes. By all means, take your time. His adventures with Dennis Lee and Free Energy were particularly illuminating... 🤔
And those Dulles guys get an airport named after them! It remains to be seen if their Airport will put JFK in New York out of business... ( question: is airport still a word? it sounds so 50's all of a sudden ... )
The New York Times is still a very good paper...
for lining bird cages.
Thank God birds can't read! They'd go mad.
...or catch the flu- by insinuation !
We probably have not had a Democracy since 1963 and have been under rule by a military-intelligence Mafia that controlled the Republican Party before also controlling the Democratic Party starting with Clinton who worked with the Reagan/Bush administration with Iran Contra
And yes, Trump was controlled also. They owned him after Rothschilds and Wall St bailed him out during his first Casino bankruptcy and protecting him while grooming him over the next 25 years while he provided them intelligence on Russian money launders and local mafia. He was an intelligence asset not a Putin stooge as the MSM tried to portray him , so as to explain his connections with the Russian Mafia and to cover up the fact they were both being backed by intelligence.
Plus his mentor was Roy Cohn, that paragon of truth and justice.
Roy Cohn played a big role getting Reagan elected. Very close to Colby.
I wouldn't be surprised if he had some role in the October surprise. After his death in 1986 due to AIDS Trump bought the CIA backed Resort Casino in 1987 and soon after the Plaza hotel where Cohn ran his sex operations. In 1987 Trump made his first trip to Russia and when he came back started talking about running for President. It was about this time he hooked up with another intelligence asset in Epstein and this was when Epstein began his relationship with Leslie Wexner. Epstein also began his business with Hoffenberg and arranged to a hostile takeover of Pan Am. As a result of Trumps acquisition of Resorts which held a big stake in Pan Am Trump had lots of shared he wanted to dump. Interesting times
You are clueless! It's the masons: they founded all intel agencies... in many countries.
What difference does it make? Both Carter and Reagan were masons subduing the USA to the mason globalists... For example, Reagan was responsible for granting full immunity to the vaccine industry, thus killing and maiming hundreds of thousands without compensation.
It’s the masons, dummy!
In 1921, the Council on Foreign Relations was founded, to infiltrate and control democracy, by freemasons David Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Herbert Hoover, Allen Dulles, Walter Lippmann and Edward M. House. The impressive 10-thousand members list proves the power grab was successful.1 Since 1921, the CFR has chosen every single Secretary of State. Similar mason institutions, most with similar names, were founded in over 100 countries, including Britain's Royal Institute of International Affairs and the European Council on Foreign Relations2: practically, there’s no war where the CFR isn’t involved on both sides. 3 Their magazine Foreign Affairs is one way they send orders to all members.
In 2018, Wikileaks proved the CFR controlled all mainstream media.4
Hoover, Truman, Eisenhower, Bush father and son, Carter, Clinton, Obama 5 ... some argue that, with few exceptions like JFK and Trump, at least since WWII, all US presidents were freemasons and many CFR,. All administrations were filled with thousands of CFR members. 6 The Trump administration was no exception. 7 It’s not a coincidence that Neil M. Gorsuch, CFR Supreme Court Justice appointed by Trump, betrayed conservatives by ruling in favour of homosexual marriage and other New World Order “progressive” agenda.
Another proof of grooming for infiltration: 28 Jun 2019 Democrat Tulsi Gabbard wasn’t renewed 5 CFR year membership. 8 Because she wouldn’t obey all orders? In 2020, she was still pro-homo-marriage9 and pro-abortion (a basic CFR request) and pro-Biden, but wanted paper ballots, Electoral College, supported Trump in breaking up Big Tech and removing their censorship through section 23010, Glass-Steagall, pro-natalism paid family and medical leave plans up to 12 weeks, less public and defense spending, drug patent breaking, no war.11 That’s probably why she was defamed by Kamala12, Hillary Clinton and mason Mitt Romney.13 In 2021, she questioned Fauci on COVID origin and masks.14 Tulsi was groomed by WEF in the "Forum of Young Global Leaders" but suddenly was disappeared, and not because she turned 38 (41 in 2023), the WEF cut-off limit for “young”, freemason Macron (45) is still in the search results. Fremason Trudeau, 51, isn’t, but is listed in weforum.org15, while Tulsi has been erased from there, in Apr 2022 (she independized from the Democratic party in Oct 2022).16 Maybe this was the drop that filled the cup: she’s against CBDCs and social scoring.17
9-11: 2 planes, 7 towers down
What’s the chance of this?: 11 Sep 1991, exactly a decade before 9-11 (2001), George Bush (father) said “What is at stake, is more than one small country - it is a big idea - a New World Order where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause... to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind - peace and security, freedom and the rule of law.. out of these humble times, our fifth objective - the New World Order - can emerge, [and] now we can see a new world coming into view. A world in which there is a very real prospect of a New World Order…” 18
September, 2000, one year before 9/11, Neo-Con think tank, “Project for the New American Century” (PNAC) 19 sustained: “the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.” PNAC members included Bush Administration insiders such as Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Libby and Perle.” 20
Along with much other evidence21, the fall of WTC722 proved 9/11 was a Pearl Harbor event planned by the globalists to make trillions but also to induce the taxpayer in accepting a surveillance police state, spending billions in mass digital surveillance of both citizens and foreigners as never before:
• CIA agent confessed on deathbed: “We blew up WTC 7 on 9/11”. He worked on the operation they dubbed “New Century” between May 1997 and September 2001. 23
• “Over the course of attacks, more than an hour and a half, NORAD air defense failed to intercept any of the hijacked aircraft. Fighter jets are stationed at bases throughout the US, often on “5 minute alert” to be “scrambled” and respond to domestic air emergencies. This failure was due to unexplained delays in reporting and responding, between the command authority, FAA, and military.
• Several war games and drills were being conducted on 9/11, including mock-hijackings and a mock plane crash.
• There were multiple, specific warnings from foreign governments of impending attacks, including potential targets and the names of several alleged 9/11 hijackers.
• The main members of the 9/11 Commission all had major conflicts of interest. The Commission Report omitted and altered evidence that contradicted the official story (see Sibel Edmonds and WTC 7).
• Insider trading (put options on American, United and other 9/11-affected companies) was never properly investigated. The SEC could trace who made these trades.
• Reports of involvement by Pakistani Intelligence (ISI) were never officially acknowledged or investigated.
• Some prominent travelers such as San Francisco mayor Willie Brown and top Pentagon officials were reportedly warned not to fly on 9/11. Who warned them? What did they know? Other groups and individuals also received warnings or suspiciously changed plans or moved out of the WTC soon before 9/11.
• Several FBI investigations which could have uncovered the 9/11 plot were squashed and sabotaged by key FBI officials.
• In September, 2000, Neo-Con think tank, “Project for the New American Century” (PNAC) said of their imperialistic vision, “the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.” PNAC members included Bush Administration insiders such as Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Libby and Perle.
• There are many historical precedents of “false flag” and state sponsored terrorism. Operation Northwoods 24 was a top secret US plan in the 1960s to carry out a campaign of terror, including blowing up airplanes, and blame it on Cuba as a pretext to invade and overthrow Castro.” 25
More in my stack:
Dear Scientific Progress. I hear you.
Dear Celia, I'm a great admirer of your work ! I've been researching the masons since 2014 (near a decade now!). God willingly, I'll start posting soon on that. Please subscribe to my free substack so you could be updated. In the meantime, look for ex illuminati Ronald Bernard videos in Alt YouTube (they censored his most important one). Blessings! Fred
I believed that info about Trump being an asset when I read it a couple of years ago? I guess you wrote it somewhere else where I saw it? still looks totally reasonable...
On my substack I wrote a whole series on Trumps history. While I have no direct evidence he is an intelligence asset, if you look at the characters he did business with and palled around with, mafia, casinos, money launderers and other intelligence assets, and his involvement in the modeling industry, and his dodgy loans from a dirty bank (Deutsche Bank) its hard to imagine in the age of PROMIS and extensive surveillance that he couldn't have been indicted for something . My theory is he was given the option to cooperate and be protected or risk everything in court. Just speculation on my part though.
Yup, Trump was an intelligence OP (but valuable enough certain powerful spooks don't want him six feet under) He "successfully" ran his casinos via Resorts International--total spook operation that may've had some of their mob/spook team literally workin' the room for RFK's assassination AND they're the team that planned / executed the kidnappin' of Howard Hughes (after which they took over Hughes' casino empire...)...
"[. . . ] but this story isn’t ancient history, revealing only that that one-term president was cheated of his re-election."
Indeed; and what no one mentions here is that it reveals the utter disregard of the nation's highest office, for the lives and well-being of its own citizens, blatantly exploiting them as pawns in their own political chess game. That is the worst thing about this story, as is the current human suffering and death caused by the covid hoax.
Every day I get more and more disgusted. Some shining city on the hill! More like a pile of dirt, to be polite.
The politicians are the dirt.
subject to landslides ?!
beneficiaries of landslides...
Moved by “conscience” - what a load of you know what - it’s forty years after the fact.
I won’t give them a pass - their willingness to look the other way on the most important issues of the day makes them worse than irrelevant - I’d sooner trust the National Enquirer - if that even still exits.
It's Ben Barnes, not the Times, that was moved by conscience. He explains his silence hitherto in the article, which you should maybe read.
Understood - just seems a little tardy - I don’t doubt it happened
I was in college and supported Carter at the time - in retrospect it seems like he was woefully unprepared to be president - but I’d take him in a heartbeat over our current specimen.
sorry I didn't read it, conscience maybe spurred by the prospect of sudden adult death syndrome ?
If they lied before, why is this automatically the truth? I'm not arguing, just wondering.
Who says it's "automatically" the truth? Barnes' story has been credibly confirmed, nor can I imagine why he'd lie.
It wouldn't surprise me, but the strangest part is Israel shipping weapons to Iran, especially to Khomeini. However, in this world ......
Khomeini was apparently installed by Western intelligence. That's what the Shah thought, and he was probably right.
and the Shah was an asset of western 'intelligence'...
There was a time I would have thought you were a nut to say that. Today, I wouldn't bet against ya.
I think that the ship leaving port in Israel for Iran was documented. Either nobody made the connection or it was kept on the down low.
some made the connection... but not all the luggage was transferred...
It was difficult to “like” an article that contains “praise” and “NYT” in proximity, but I have managed it!
The hostage crisis affected me as a child because I was regularly beaten up in school for being Iranian. Explaining that my family came from India made zero difference. Iran, Shmiran, India, Shmindia -- they all begin with I.
I was 11 years old when the helicopters in the rescue mission crashed in the desert, and I still remember thinking that it must have been sabotage by the Reagan side. I wonder when that conspiracy theory will be confirmed?
P.S. Does paying off foreign governments to retain US citizens as hostages rise to the constitutional standard for treason?
So glad you wrote this Sanjoy.
I was just showing this article to my husband who immediately said, " What about the rescue mission helicopters being sabotaged, actually killing people, to make Carter look bad?"
Sounds like murder and treason to me.
Another of your Substack posts where as Mister Rogers used to say, "You learn something old everyday." Wow.
-as the material contents of his blue or yellow cardigan (dep. on season/episode #) - are subtly altered, year upon year, day unto day, hour upon hour, minute by minute, second to second -
until, the 'wearer' - finally catches up with the present moment.
Dont forget that when the King family won a civil suit, proving that the government was involved in the death of Dr. King, the gray lady published the paradigm shifting verdict on page 9, in a tiny little box in the corner. :)
I called the # appended to that article- got an escort service...
not the black Suburban escort service, I trust...
Pregnant with anticipation, we shall await the NYT front page declaring that the rona was indeed a psyop, a scam, directed by the DOD etc...... in approximately the year 2053. I cannot wait!
Reagan was overrated IMHO. Still pissed off at him allowing my Social Security to be taxable. He was a great host for “Death Valley Days” but just another of many schmuck Presidents.
Wasn't it Joe Obiden that came up with that great idea? (Taxation of our Social Security)
Reagan signed the first tier of Social Security and the second tier of taxation occurred during the Bubba Clinton administration. That’s all these politicos know is taxing things that have already been taxed.Tax,Tax,Tax and now we have Zombie Biden who has never seen a tax he didn’t like on the populace. Of course being Senator for Delaware he was a Senator for Corporate America all the while enslaving the rest of us.I really did not think he would be this wretched. Really. I had a clue but this bad?
I meant, didn't he (FJB!) introduce the bill to tax SS to congress? I remember being really pissed off for retired people at the time, but wasn't sure, but thought FJB! was the senator to come up with that bright idea.
Schmoe Joe was culpable.
Yup. Better that we had let SS go bankrupt a decade or two ago, right?
Maybe. Because it is rather a Ponzi scheme. Unfortunately the US people have become dependent on it. Kind of reminds me of the tale of the grasshopper and the ant. I know so many who struggle because all they have is limited social security income.
indeed. Perhaps we would struggle less if it were not so limited 🤔 . fortunately I have my $290 from my corporate pension, so I am not entirely dependent on the Ponzi scheme...
Mark: your podcast with Delingpole (The Delingpod), August 21, 2021 was fantastic...been meaning to tell you. Recommend it to everyone on here.
I can't believe I have not heard this. Where is it???
I found it on Rumble, planning to listen to it myself later.
Celia: I don’t know how to link stuff but it’s still there on Apple podcasts...The Delingpod...just scroll down to that date. I appreciate your work as well.
There have been various ways for The Controllers of the World to select who gets the Red and Blue party nominations for president. And then the Controllers find ways to choose who wins between those two candidates practically each and every time. Just study the circumstances of every presidential election since 1964. The manipulations are getting progressively more blatant.
Indeed. Read Votescam, by the Collier Brothers. It's in the Forbidden Bookshelf series. US elections have long been decided by the CIA.
My state, Ohio, has a Supermajority of Red in the General Assembly but they are playing the role of Washington Generals, maybe even worse. The Dems used the same page of playbook on a national level when G.W. Bush was prez.
I'm done with voting. George Carlin was correct all along...why give the elections legitimacy?
Wrong. Like all intel agencies, the CIA was founded by masons and it's infiltrated since then. It's the masons who run global elections, even in countries where there's no CIA. Open your eyes to which countries accepted lockdowns...
What difference does it make? Both Carter and Reagan were masons subduing the USA to the mason globalists... For example, Reagan was responsible for granting full immunity to the vaccine industry, thus killing and maiming hundreds of thousands without compensation.
It’s the masons, dummy!
In 1921, the Council on Foreign Relations was founded, to infiltrate and control democracy, by freemasons David Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Herbert Hoover, Allen Dulles, Walter Lippmann and Edward M. House. The impressive 10-thousand members list proves the power grab was successful.1 Since 1921, the CFR has chosen every single Secretary of State. Similar mason institutions, most with similar names, were founded in over 100 countries, including Britain's Royal Institute of International Affairs and the European Council on Foreign Relations2: practically, there’s no war where the CFR isn’t involved on both sides. 3 Their magazine Foreign Affairs is one way they send orders to all members.
In 2018, Wikileaks proved the CFR controlled all mainstream media.4
Hoover, Truman, Eisenhower, Bush father and son, Carter, Clinton, Obama 5 ... some argue that, with few exceptions like JFK and Trump, at least since WWII, all US presidents were freemasons and many CFR,. All administrations were filled with thousands of CFR members. 6 The Trump administration was no exception. 7 It’s not a coincidence that Neil M. Gorsuch, CFR Supreme Court Justice appointed by Trump, betrayed conservatives by ruling in favour of homosexual marriage and other New World Order “progressive” agenda.
Another proof of grooming for infiltration: 28 Jun 2019 Democrat Tulsi Gabbard wasn’t renewed 5 CFR year membership. 8 Because she wouldn’t obey all orders? In 2020, she was still pro-homo-marriage9 and pro-abortion (a basic CFR request) and pro-Biden, but wanted paper ballots, Electoral College, supported Trump in breaking up Big Tech and removing their censorship through section 23010, Glass-Steagall, pro-natalism paid family and medical leave plans up to 12 weeks, less public and defense spending, drug patent breaking, no war.11 That’s probably why she was defamed by Kamala12, Hillary Clinton and mason Mitt Romney.13 In 2021, she questioned Fauci on COVID origin and masks.14 Tulsi was groomed by WEF in the "Forum of Young Global Leaders" but suddenly was disappeared, and not because she turned 38 (41 in 2023), the WEF cut-off limit for “young”, freemason Macron (45) is still in the search results. Fremason Trudeau, 51, isn’t, but is listed in weforum.org15, while Tulsi has been erased from there, in Apr 2022 (she independized from the Democratic party in Oct 2022).16 Maybe this was the drop that filled the cup: she’s against CBDCs and social scoring.17
9-11: 2 planes, 7 towers down
What’s the chance of this?: 11 Sep 1991, exactly a decade before 9-11 (2001), George Bush (father) said “What is at stake, is more than one small country - it is a big idea - a New World Order where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause... to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind - peace and security, freedom and the rule of law.. out of these humble times, our fifth objective - the New World Order - can emerge, [and] now we can see a new world coming into view. A world in which there is a very real prospect of a New World Order…” 18
September, 2000, one year before 9/11, Neo-Con think tank, “Project for the New American Century” (PNAC) 19 sustained: “the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.” PNAC members included Bush Administration insiders such as Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Libby and Perle.” 20
Along with much other evidence21, the fall of WTC722 proved 9/11 was a Pearl Harbor event planned by the globalists to make trillions but also to induce the taxpayer in accepting a surveillance police state, spending billions in mass digital surveillance of both citizens and foreigners as never before:
• CIA agent confessed on deathbed: “We blew up WTC 7 on 9/11”. He worked on the operation they dubbed “New Century” between May 1997 and September 2001. 23
• “Over the course of attacks, more than an hour and a half, NORAD air defense failed to intercept any of the hijacked aircraft. Fighter jets are stationed at bases throughout the US, often on “5 minute alert” to be “scrambled” and respond to domestic air emergencies. This failure was due to unexplained delays in reporting and responding, between the command authority, FAA, and military.
• Several war games and drills were being conducted on 9/11, including mock-hijackings and a mock plane crash.
• There were multiple, specific warnings from foreign governments of impending attacks, including potential targets and the names of several alleged 9/11 hijackers.
• The main members of the 9/11 Commission all had major conflicts of interest. The Commission Report omitted and altered evidence that contradicted the official story (see Sibel Edmonds and WTC 7).
• Insider trading (put options on American, United and other 9/11-affected companies) was never properly investigated. The SEC could trace who made these trades.
• Reports of involvement by Pakistani Intelligence (ISI) were never officially acknowledged or investigated.
• Some prominent travelers such as San Francisco mayor Willie Brown and top Pentagon officials were reportedly warned not to fly on 9/11. Who warned them? What did they know? Other groups and individuals also received warnings or suspiciously changed plans or moved out of the WTC soon before 9/11.
• Several FBI investigations which could have uncovered the 9/11 plot were squashed and sabotaged by key FBI officials.
• In September, 2000, Neo-Con think tank, “Project for the New American Century” (PNAC) said of their imperialistic vision, “the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.” PNAC members included Bush Administration insiders such as Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Libby and Perle.
• There are many historical precedents of “false flag” and state sponsored terrorism. Operation Northwoods 24 was a top secret US plan in the 1960s to carry out a campaign of terror, including blowing up airplanes, and blame it on Cuba as a pretext to invade and overthrow Castro.” 25
More in my stack:
And Jonathan Vankin's Conspiricies, Cover-Ups and Crimes.
They used Perot to elect Bill Clinton. The 2000 and 2004 elections were a sham.
Dukakis and Kerry were instructed to take a bigtime TV 'rasslin dive. Bernie was a tool to keep hope in the system but he knew his role all along.
I still remember feeling in a twilight zone, similar to Sept. 11, when I heard the hostages were released the same day Reagan was inaugurated, and the media and acquaintances were all crediting Reagan's mere innate strength as the reason it happened that VERY SAME day! I'm sure he was a better actor than W. He played his part right on center stage; W had to be sent off to an elementary classroom in Florida and be "shocked" (while inadvertently saying he saw the FIRST plane hit while watching TV).
I had always doubted the October Surprise until just a few years ago.
Deep State flunky Stephen Halper's involvement in Russia Gate brought a spotlight onto him and sources came out about how he had been involved with all the Company folks helping their buddy Bush become VP. Halper had helped steal Carter's debate prep books. With a lot of people looking into Halper, one found an admission from a former Company agent that Bush and his people had indeed made deals with Iran in 1980 on the hostages. I wish I had saved that record instead of just reading it.
Bush was a vile man and engaged in all manner of things before his time as VP and as VP.
I don't believe anything.
That’s the safest, and smartest bet of all