"Golf is linked to increased risk of developing Lou Gehrig's disease (ALS)"; "Cause of long Covid has finally been identified: low iron levels"; India sees NO link between the "vax" & heart attacks.
ZOMBIE ALERT: Best Unhinged WAPO Comments About Biden's TOTAL WAR on MAGA Speech!
A sampling of UNHINGED WAPO reader comments from: "Biden warns U.S. faces powerful threat from anti-democratic forces;" "As Biden warned about democracy’s collapse, TV networks aired reruns" etc.
ZOMBIE ALERT: How Insane are Washington Post Readers? (Unhinged WAPO Zombies Lap Up RUSSIAgate 2.0!)
A sampling of the UNHINGED comments posted on "FBI searched Trump’s home to look for nuclear documents and other items, sources say" showing HOW INSANE the regime's minions have become!
Now intermittent fasting is linked to 91% increase in risk of death from heart. Seems odd since fasting has been going on thousands of years without any issues. I'm never seen such BS in my life. Everything now causes cancer and heart issues.
TimeIsNear. I refer you to one of my favourite songs by Joe Jackson released in 1982. It is called " Every thing gives you cancer. You took the words out of my mouth " I've never seen such BS in my life" and I'm 74.
The first item about the sunbathing had me rolling on the floor with laughter, figuratively speaking. Apparently not one of those researchers was familiar with vitamin D!
The higher your Vit D status, the less you sunburn. I’m fair skinned. I never burn now and I’m out without stupid sunblock all the time. Sunblock is more dangerous.
I stopped sunbathing way back in my 20s, my roommate and I lived near the beach and we had a swing shift job for a while, but even then I saw what it could do to one’s skin…one woman’s looked as brown as a Naugahyde sofa….she was faithful though! I spend more time out in late afternoon if then And in AZ it can be wicked miserable
I live in the Midwest. I walk a lot and paint outdoors but I don’t deliberately sun bathe. That ended 50 years ago. 😀. You’d never find me in any of those hot spots, especially Florida. Except in February. I like defined seasons. I never tanned very well and found just laying out boring. It’s nice to get out again after a particularly gloomy winter.
they have never heard of. docs and med students don't learn a thing about healthy food vitamins or minerals, they only learn how to poison people so they will come back for more.
Yeah, fasting is bad for your health, what are the chances of me believing that... The muslims have been steadily fasting during ramadan for centuries. I wonder what they think if they read drivel like that. I use intermittent fasting as a way to keep my body and weight in check, been doing it for years - it's unreal to know that there are "news outlets" who actually believe the bullshit that they publish. Pathetic.
Well, Sharon, I'm not fasting 'through the day' and I definitely ain't 'stuffing myself' at night. Intermittent fasting at set times, consistently, has done wonders for my personal wellbeing. Combine that with exercise (I recommend a brisk daily 30 minute walk for starters) and a biweekly visit to the gym for some moderate working out and you're looking at a magnificent way to keep your body in check. It requires persistence, the will to change a lifestyle and, most importantly, the decision to stay away from the medical "industry" as much and as long as possible. Try it, you'll like it.
Yes, it does along within maintaining proper weight. I was able to go all day without food but now it's become difficult as I get older. I get busy and my body is demanding food. I don't really eat a whole lot but what I do eat comes from my garden or neighbors. I prefer it this way, but I still have to head to the store to get some things. It has to be organic or at a minimum no-GMO if that means anything now.
Thanks for that. I love humour. I'm still laughing. Could have been the vitamin D you absorbed from the sun that has kept you alive and your immune system functioning. I noticed the researchers failed to mention that little detail. I live in Canada, British Columbia but remember the health minister of Ontario claiming that it was a myth that vitamin D would protect you from covid or anything else. She appeared to imply that Vit. D bordered on folk medicine. To be accurate I never heard any health minister or regulatory health agency advocate for vitamin D.
I must confess that I have so far only read the first story in this post. It wouldn't surprise me if I'm back posting after reading the rest.
Certiorari. Might be a good idea. Seriously most people haven't got a clue.
I totally agree with you that many of the jabbed no longer have a functioning immune system. Being the only unvaccinated person in an extended family of more than twenty people I've had time to literally observe their health outcomes. Of twenty vaccinated twice, 12 got covid during the Omicron mutation. Most of them suffer from repeated colds and flu. The only two people in this group of twenty one that have not been sick with any viruses are my husband and I. He's 83 and I'm 74. My husband had 3 covid shots and I had none. We're both healthy in spite of our medical choices during covid. During this time I made sure we both got optimal amounts of vitamin D with vitamin K, magnesium and vitamin C. I have always had an affinity for Hippocrates, the father of medicine.
"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." So perhaps that's helped to keep us healthy since it's been a guiding principle in my life.
On a positive note I have a 19 year old granddaughter who succumbed to two covid shots and hasn't had anymore since mid 2021. She has been sick off and on since then. I had the occasion to celebrate 19th birthday recently. She arrived at my house with a sore throat, could barely speak and looked awful. She had felt like this for a week with no improvement. I dragged her into my bathroom and gave her an immune booster of colodial silver and oregano oil. Then I gave her some vitamin C and Vitamin D with K. Next was a hot cup of herbal tea with fresh lemon and honey. I sent her home with a care package. She told me she recovered the next day. She was amazed and quite frankly I was too because she had been sick for a week. These are basic remedies that I've used for years.
I have similar experiences with jabbed friends. Some have actually admitted they made a mistake getting the shots and have changed their lifestyle accordingly. Others are still in complete denial. Something I have heard a few times: “I have always done everything right. Why am I always so ill?” I hope they eventually accept the truth. If there is any path to healing from the damage done it must begin there.
Certiorari. Perhaps there is hope. The granddaughter I referred to also spent some time with me during the evening discussing covid and the Vaccines. At the end of her discussion she said she didn't believe the Vaccines were ever necessary. For me that's progress because a few years ago she wasn't singing the same tune. One step at a time.
Helen, your husband had 3 jabs? And has not been sick or destroyed his immune system? Is he using the same protocols of D3 with K2, C, etc? There is something to be said for good old vitamins!
HuskieFan. Yes he had 3 jabs despite me trying to talk him out of it. He has no intention of getting anymore. He is on the same protocol as me. So far so good. It's been 2 years and 3 months since his 3rd. I hope he is one of the lucky ones and remains healthy.
Good life tip here. NEVER take life advice from ANY politician. Doing the opposite of what they say is usually the best advice. Almost all of them are sociopathic liars and deceivers
Pretty much every doctor out there will tell you that vitamin D is really really good for you and essential. My OB/GYN said to take vitamin D supplements, because most women are actually a little deficient in vitamin D. Also magnesium. There are many other supplements that I take, and I try to lead a healthy lifestyle. But I believe fresh air and sunshine is essential.
Donna…the best Vit D supplement is getting actual Vit D from the sun versus synthetic Vit D. Just like our food needs to be minimally processed in order to get the entire benefits, so does Vit D. Dig into Dr. Stephanie Seneff’s work of cholesterol sulfate.
HEALTH ALERT: Top 11 Sudden Adult Death Syndrome Causes
Working for Amazon (or as a Czech diplomat), wearing bras, being happy, your gas stove, Menopause, passing exams, changing exam rooms, and the #1 cause of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS).
HEALTH ALERT: Top 10 Sudden Adult Death Syndrome Causes
Napping, having s*x, exercise, some new mysterious unknown element just "discovered" in the atmosphere, climate change (again) and the (still) #1 cause of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS).
HEALTH ALERT: Top 13 Sudden Adult Death Syndrome Causes
Gardening, solar storms, sleeping positions, Putin, going to the beach, living under flight paths, sock lines, being a lonely Karen, climate change and the #1 cause of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.
Radiation causes cancer. Nonionizing radiation given off by wireless tech is known to be carcinogenic. The most likely cause of the increase in colorectal cancer in the young is that they were raised with laptops and tablets on their laps, and cell phones in their pockets, and wifi in their homes and schools. Incidence of brain cancer in this age group is also sky rocketing. But because there is a powerful industry and approving government to blame, it will be denied and blamed on anything else.
You go Girl! ...'n think of all them mothers 'n fathers gleefully looking in on their unborn twice or thrice during pregnancy - completely needlessly, and facilitated by church-of-medicine naive minions drunk on altruism!
Yep, you're telling my story! After showing concern, I've had the machine once go 'ping' against my shoulder with both the dentist anD assistant standing next to me, and once on the wrong quadrant when the medical professional actually said "...you know how sometimes you can attract that thing you most fear? - well..."! Dental X-rays went through a revolution along with the arrival OF digital cameras, and new machines use only 20% of the radiation of older ones.
I've has 21 mercury/amalgam fillings replaced and a root canal with NO anaesthetic whatsoever! The dentist taking X-rats likely helped them with the procedure... as much as I resisted!
And recent shocker, 'had the first 'glass ionomer' filling - these bastards release sodium fluoride for up to ten years... idiot dentist kept $chtum about that, eh...
The shots are of course also carcinogenic. Problem is too few realize that their favorite toys are too. It is tragic Going on two generations now immersed in unprecedented ever increasing levels of radiation. In the government's cell phone radiation studies on rodents (NTP study see at ehtrust.org), the exposed rodents developed cancer - those rodents did not also have covid shots.
Linda. Sadly I think you are right. I have slowly embraced the technology fighting it along the way. I now use wireless ear buds which I avoided for years. I use my cell phone all the time. I was one of the last in my circle of family and acquaintances to get one. The difference is I am 74. Because I was exposed to this so late in life I've had way less exposure to this toxic technology the younger generations have been exposed to. For me now it's a calculated risk. For the younger generations which includes my children and grandchildren I am very worried about how this technology will effect them.
Please set an example and do not let your children and grandchildren or anyone else see you with ear buds or a cell phone. Humans copy each other's behavior and even if not, the radiation harms wildlife in the path of the wireless too, killing birds, insects, plants, etc. I call ear buds cancer sticks. The science is here: https://ehtrust.org/airpods-facts-health-effects-of-wireless-radiation-to-the-brain/ The harmful effects of current radiation exposures will likely affect future generations. May even make future generations sterile. We elders are responsible for the world we hand to our descendants and the behavior we model. You're right. It's very bad. We should be politically active to fight against what we know is wrong.
I’m going deaf and earbuds allow me to hear somewhat. I hate the idea of constant radiation going into my brain but without them I pretty much live in silence.
The thing is, when they lie constantly like this it tears the fabric of society. And when they keep doing it every day for years, society descends into madness.
I grew up with world class maniacs. Several died of drug overdoses in their 40’s. A couple in their 20’s. Zero died of heart attacks. After decades of abusing themselves to the max. All pre Covid, mysteriously.
And oddly they tend to be charismatic and well liked. My buddy Scott was a great musician and the girls swooned for him. And he had no clue. He hated himself. I couldn’t bring myself to go see him in the hospital. I knew that I would be a blubbering mess. He died a few days later.
"Golf is linked to ALS" -- I'm sorry but anyone who believes that is not engaging in any thought at all. I recently saw a good Thomas Sowell quote:
"Seldom do people think things through foolishly. More often, they do not bother to think things through at all, so that even highly intelligent individuals can reach untenable conclusions because their brainpower means little if it is not deployed and applied."
That may have once been true but now we have PR departments working overtime to spin this horrific assault on humanity. Then, there are those that are also just making shit up to save their behinds because they are complicit. This is nothing but nonsense and they know it.
TrumpFan. I know. It's exhausting. Like the clever spider spinning her web, I wonder how much of humanity will succumb and fall prey to this assault on our humanity. As a long time history buff I think there's a good chance that we will lose this battle. Historically true democracy has been just a blip on our history. We may be losing our grasp on it.
However at this point I think the term democracy has been hijacked and reconfigured to represent something entirely different. Most so called First World Nations who claim to be models of democracy are attacking the very foundations of democracy. We're in for a rough ride. It could be worse. If we were in France in the 1700s an afternoon outing with our families might have included lunch while watching the beheading of enemies of the state thanks to Madame Guillotine.
Notice that the Berlin experts are blaming the sharp increase in heart emergencies age 1-10 on the "drug and club scene". Must be those kindergarten rave parties.
Back in 2022 a doctor friend (total covidian) told me she was very worried that the kids were taking some mystery drug since so many were coming into the ER with seizures. Mystery drug? Huh, funny, that kinda correlated with the jabs rollout. I have found quite a collection of videos of people talking about their post-jab seizures and other neurological issues, and how they went to the ER and got the gaslighting.
I love the July 2021 NPR story. “Americans are sicker than ever. ER’s are full nationwide. What is going on?” Gee, if only a radical new variable had been injected into the equation recently, perhaps we could form a hypothesis.
asking this question is already part of the answer (if they would pose that question they would probably already see the answer, but they don't like that so they won't ). logic? transparency? truth? officially verboten.
People gobble up these ridiculous explanations of what’s driving excess mortality, humans are a stupid animal it turns out. It’s so odd, happy as can be to accept the most bizarre theories while at the same time totally opposed to even having the mRNA shots on the table as one of the possible options.
Most of these dopes also jabbed their innocent children. The guilt of admitting the lunacy of that error has their minds permanently shut down to such possibilities.
By the way, I just "searched" this and on the first page of results was an article from the 1970s "proving" it to be a false hope. This was a year of so from the publishing of "World Without Cancer" by G. Edward Griffin's about Sloan-Kettering's rigged testing of Laetrile.
Nah, it's just random shale. Do you blink? Heart attacks could be caused by excessive blinking! Do you ever eat marshmallow peeps? Aneuryms could be caused by marshmallow peeps! Ever smell chicken roasting? Strokes could be caused by the smell of chicken roasting! Hey, maybe you have too many buttons on your sweater, watch out for clots in your toes.
Aspartame was not brought to us by Monsanto. It was made by Serle and it was Donald Rumsfeld carrying a suitcase, on his visit to the FDA, because they banned the stuff as dangerous to our health. Rumsfeld wanted to convince them this poison needed to get their approval. When Rumsfeld left that meeting, with the FDA, Aspartame was approved to put into our food supply and he was sans his suitcase. Hmm...taking a very wild guess here...but...maybe...just maybe...the contents of that suitcase is what convinced the FDA to give Aspartame their seal of approval? NAHHH...Rumsfeld was too honest of a guy to do anything shady...
Reading the New York Times is linked to many harmful side effects.
Dementia, I hear...
lol very true
ZOMBIE ALERT: Best Unhinged WAPO Comments About Biden's TOTAL WAR on MAGA Speech!
A sampling of UNHINGED WAPO reader comments from: "Biden warns U.S. faces powerful threat from anti-democratic forces;" "As Biden warned about democracy’s collapse, TV networks aired reruns" etc.
ZOMBIE ALERT: How Insane are Washington Post Readers? (Unhinged WAPO Zombies Lap Up RUSSIAgate 2.0!)
A sampling of the UNHINGED comments posted on "FBI searched Trump’s home to look for nuclear documents and other items, sources say" showing HOW INSANE the regime's minions have become!
Newspaper think has been a major malady for 250 years.
Now intermittent fasting is linked to 91% increase in risk of death from heart. Seems odd since fasting has been going on thousands of years without any issues. I'm never seen such BS in my life. Everything now causes cancer and heart issues.
Except emergency use authorization jabs.
Correct, they are wholesome,awesome and taste great too.
Yep. Tastes great, less filling. Like Miller Lite, only good for you.
With free refills.
Because they’re made with wholesome goodness and other secret proprietary ingredients
TimeIsNear. I refer you to one of my favourite songs by Joe Jackson released in 1982. It is called " Every thing gives you cancer. You took the words out of my mouth " I've never seen such BS in my life" and I'm 74.
The first item about the sunbathing had me rolling on the floor with laughter, figuratively speaking. Apparently not one of those researchers was familiar with vitamin D!
The higher your Vit D status, the less you sunburn. I’m fair skinned. I never burn now and I’m out without stupid sunblock all the time. Sunblock is more dangerous.
I stopped sunbathing way back in my 20s, my roommate and I lived near the beach and we had a swing shift job for a while, but even then I saw what it could do to one’s skin…one woman’s looked as brown as a Naugahyde sofa….she was faithful though! I spend more time out in late afternoon if then And in AZ it can be wicked miserable
I live in the Midwest. I walk a lot and paint outdoors but I don’t deliberately sun bathe. That ended 50 years ago. 😀. You’d never find me in any of those hot spots, especially Florida. Except in February. I like defined seasons. I never tanned very well and found just laying out boring. It’s nice to get out again after a particularly gloomy winter.
they have never heard of. docs and med students don't learn a thing about healthy food vitamins or minerals, they only learn how to poison people so they will come back for more.
Joe Jackson song
You are right! Good point :-)
Trying to cover-up the cases of people dying of the COVID JAB.
Everything causes death, except the vaccine. "Keep the line moving, folks. Nothing to see here."
I thought the same when I read this ridiculous headline:
"Cancer-causing forever chemicals found in BAND-AIDS where they can get directly into blood through open wounds, report warns"
I thought that they were trying to inject us with bandaids.
Is that not the case.
What's in the vax probably ressembles liquid band-aids! LOL!!!
Some say it's Draino or antifreeze.
We never seem to get to actually know.
Probably inconsistent ingredients anyway.
Maybe they use KFC secret seasoning.
Ha HA!! it's the KFC secret seasoning!!! gets the rat taste off too!!
I believe this one. Not that this is causing the big increase in cancer, but that the product does use poisonous chemicals.
Now they tell us
Yeah, fasting is bad for your health, what are the chances of me believing that... The muslims have been steadily fasting during ramadan for centuries. I wonder what they think if they read drivel like that. I use intermittent fasting as a way to keep my body and weight in check, been doing it for years - it's unreal to know that there are "news outlets" who actually believe the bullshit that they publish. Pathetic.
Fasting through the day and stuffing yourself at night isn’t exactly doing without however
Well, Sharon, I'm not fasting 'through the day' and I definitely ain't 'stuffing myself' at night. Intermittent fasting at set times, consistently, has done wonders for my personal wellbeing. Combine that with exercise (I recommend a brisk daily 30 minute walk for starters) and a biweekly visit to the gym for some moderate working out and you're looking at a magnificent way to keep your body in check. It requires persistence, the will to change a lifestyle and, most importantly, the decision to stay away from the medical "industry" as much and as long as possible. Try it, you'll like it.
Unless I misunderstood your comment and read it with the wrong pair of glasses on - if that's the case than I apologize.
One billion muslims are NOT dying of heart problems!
at least not during this year's Fasting Month (which just ended 10/04).
I’m a dietitian. Fasting has many benefits
Yes, it does along within maintaining proper weight. I was able to go all day without food but now it's become difficult as I get older. I get busy and my body is demanding food. I don't really eat a whole lot but what I do eat comes from my garden or neighbors. I prefer it this way, but I still have to head to the store to get some things. It has to be organic or at a minimum no-GMO if that means anything now.
I need a topical paste for cancer. Fenben alone or Fenben and IVM together?
are you kidding me?? Trump boosted????
:-( :-( :-( He really doesn't get it ????
Please provide link.
That article is from Dec 2021. Not current.
I’m here to attest that I have died at least 1,238,464 times due to sunbathing already. 🤣
Thanks for that. I love humour. I'm still laughing. Could have been the vitamin D you absorbed from the sun that has kept you alive and your immune system functioning. I noticed the researchers failed to mention that little detail. I live in Canada, British Columbia but remember the health minister of Ontario claiming that it was a myth that vitamin D would protect you from covid or anything else. She appeared to imply that Vit. D bordered on folk medicine. To be accurate I never heard any health minister or regulatory health agency advocate for vitamin D.
I must confess that I have so far only read the first story in this post. It wouldn't surprise me if I'm back posting after reading the rest.
Many of the jabbed no longer have functioning immune systems. Some sunshine seems an especially good idea for them.
Certiorari. Might be a good idea. Seriously most people haven't got a clue.
I totally agree with you that many of the jabbed no longer have a functioning immune system. Being the only unvaccinated person in an extended family of more than twenty people I've had time to literally observe their health outcomes. Of twenty vaccinated twice, 12 got covid during the Omicron mutation. Most of them suffer from repeated colds and flu. The only two people in this group of twenty one that have not been sick with any viruses are my husband and I. He's 83 and I'm 74. My husband had 3 covid shots and I had none. We're both healthy in spite of our medical choices during covid. During this time I made sure we both got optimal amounts of vitamin D with vitamin K, magnesium and vitamin C. I have always had an affinity for Hippocrates, the father of medicine.
"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." So perhaps that's helped to keep us healthy since it's been a guiding principle in my life.
On a positive note I have a 19 year old granddaughter who succumbed to two covid shots and hasn't had anymore since mid 2021. She has been sick off and on since then. I had the occasion to celebrate 19th birthday recently. She arrived at my house with a sore throat, could barely speak and looked awful. She had felt like this for a week with no improvement. I dragged her into my bathroom and gave her an immune booster of colodial silver and oregano oil. Then I gave her some vitamin C and Vitamin D with K. Next was a hot cup of herbal tea with fresh lemon and honey. I sent her home with a care package. She told me she recovered the next day. She was amazed and quite frankly I was too because she had been sick for a week. These are basic remedies that I've used for years.
Perhaps there's hope after all.
I have similar experiences with jabbed friends. Some have actually admitted they made a mistake getting the shots and have changed their lifestyle accordingly. Others are still in complete denial. Something I have heard a few times: “I have always done everything right. Why am I always so ill?” I hope they eventually accept the truth. If there is any path to healing from the damage done it must begin there.
Certiorari. Perhaps there is hope. The granddaughter I referred to also spent some time with me during the evening discussing covid and the Vaccines. At the end of her discussion she said she didn't believe the Vaccines were ever necessary. For me that's progress because a few years ago she wasn't singing the same tune. One step at a time.
Helen, your husband had 3 jabs? And has not been sick or destroyed his immune system? Is he using the same protocols of D3 with K2, C, etc? There is something to be said for good old vitamins!
HuskieFan. Yes he had 3 jabs despite me trying to talk him out of it. He has no intention of getting anymore. He is on the same protocol as me. So far so good. It's been 2 years and 3 months since his 3rd. I hope he is one of the lucky ones and remains healthy.
Thank God for grandma like you! great on the ground story!
Wow wow
Most of them
Good life tip here. NEVER take life advice from ANY politician. Doing the opposite of what they say is usually the best advice. Almost all of them are sociopathic liars and deceivers
I upped my D status the minute we went into lockdown.
Pretty much every doctor out there will tell you that vitamin D is really really good for you and essential. My OB/GYN said to take vitamin D supplements, because most women are actually a little deficient in vitamin D. Also magnesium. There are many other supplements that I take, and I try to lead a healthy lifestyle. But I believe fresh air and sunshine is essential.
Donna…the best Vit D supplement is getting actual Vit D from the sun versus synthetic Vit D. Just like our food needs to be minimally processed in order to get the entire benefits, so does Vit D. Dig into Dr. Stephanie Seneff’s work of cholesterol sulfate.
Truly, good grief
And men can have ~~~
Ahh yes, the unhealth minister, the minister of health another (expert)
I’m on my 17th life, all ‘cos I foolishly imbibed of solar energy.
Welcome to the club, my friend. May we carry on indefinitely!
HEALTH ALERT: Top 11 Sudden Adult Death Syndrome Causes
Working for Amazon (or as a Czech diplomat), wearing bras, being happy, your gas stove, Menopause, passing exams, changing exam rooms, and the #1 cause of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS).
HEALTH ALERT: Top 10 Sudden Adult Death Syndrome Causes
Napping, having s*x, exercise, some new mysterious unknown element just "discovered" in the atmosphere, climate change (again) and the (still) #1 cause of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS).
HEALTH ALERT: Top 13 Sudden Adult Death Syndrome Causes
Gardening, solar storms, sleeping positions, Putin, going to the beach, living under flight paths, sock lines, being a lonely Karen, climate change and the #1 cause of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.
Spent my entire youth at the beach all day, every day. Yes I have a few wrinkles but my ticker still hums along nicely.
Donna thank you for the laughs. Laughing is the best thing for your health and sure won't give a heart attacks !
shhh....don't tell the 'experts', the journalists and the politicians, they might spoil it for us!
they are too busy fear-mongering, poison mixing and pushing their poisons to laugh!
Me TOO!!!!🤪
Me as well...only to be 'reborn', every morning...
ANYTHING except the clot shot.
Radiation causes cancer. Nonionizing radiation given off by wireless tech is known to be carcinogenic. The most likely cause of the increase in colorectal cancer in the young is that they were raised with laptops and tablets on their laps, and cell phones in their pockets, and wifi in their homes and schools. Incidence of brain cancer in this age group is also sky rocketing. But because there is a powerful industry and approving government to blame, it will be denied and blamed on anything else.
'Was recently surprised to learn that 'ultrasound' scans don't use sound - they're non-ionising radiation devices! Twue!
I stopped getting mammograms…what a SCAM!
You go Girl! ...'n think of all them mothers 'n fathers gleefully looking in on their unborn twice or thrice during pregnancy - completely needlessly, and facilitated by church-of-medicine naive minions drunk on altruism!
And let’s not even talk about dental X-rays! 🤫🤪 Why do they go behind a “standing fall out shelter” when you get an X-ray?
Yep, you're telling my story! After showing concern, I've had the machine once go 'ping' against my shoulder with both the dentist anD assistant standing next to me, and once on the wrong quadrant when the medical professional actually said "...you know how sometimes you can attract that thing you most fear? - well..."! Dental X-rays went through a revolution along with the arrival OF digital cameras, and new machines use only 20% of the radiation of older ones.
I've has 21 mercury/amalgam fillings replaced and a root canal with NO anaesthetic whatsoever! The dentist taking X-rats likely helped them with the procedure... as much as I resisted!
And recent shocker, 'had the first 'glass ionomer' filling - these bastards release sodium fluoride for up to ten years... idiot dentist kept $chtum about that, eh...
WHAT???? I’ve had three root canals! You’re insane! NO anesthesia???? You’re a better man than me! Cheers!🥃
So they replace mercury fillings with sodium fluoride releasing ones?! good grief...
Renee, yep! I only got one, and quickly realized it was a scam and never have had another one (I'm 73).
Me too.
One of my last ones I had to screech. She was tough. Not doing any more LOL
Er, no. I have an ultrasound medical device, and it gives off no microwaves. Why would it?
Plenty of other things do, though. Good idea to get a microwave meter to check out surroundings.
'Microwaves' 300Mhz ~ 33Ghz - 'Ultrasound Scans' 2 ~ 5Mhz https://ourtube.co.uk/video/48081 &
we're looking at a "Combo-Meal" here (imo)...
The shots are of course also carcinogenic. Problem is too few realize that their favorite toys are too. It is tragic Going on two generations now immersed in unprecedented ever increasing levels of radiation. In the government's cell phone radiation studies on rodents (NTP study see at ehtrust.org), the exposed rodents developed cancer - those rodents did not also have covid shots.
every 'combo-meal' comes with a 'free' carcinogenic toy...
Linda. Sadly I think you are right. I have slowly embraced the technology fighting it along the way. I now use wireless ear buds which I avoided for years. I use my cell phone all the time. I was one of the last in my circle of family and acquaintances to get one. The difference is I am 74. Because I was exposed to this so late in life I've had way less exposure to this toxic technology the younger generations have been exposed to. For me now it's a calculated risk. For the younger generations which includes my children and grandchildren I am very worried about how this technology will effect them.
Please set an example and do not let your children and grandchildren or anyone else see you with ear buds or a cell phone. Humans copy each other's behavior and even if not, the radiation harms wildlife in the path of the wireless too, killing birds, insects, plants, etc. I call ear buds cancer sticks. The science is here: https://ehtrust.org/airpods-facts-health-effects-of-wireless-radiation-to-the-brain/ The harmful effects of current radiation exposures will likely affect future generations. May even make future generations sterile. We elders are responsible for the world we hand to our descendants and the behavior we model. You're right. It's very bad. We should be politically active to fight against what we know is wrong.
I’m going deaf and earbuds allow me to hear somewhat. I hate the idea of constant radiation going into my brain but without them I pretty much live in silence.
I don’t use a cell phone only make calls on land line. But I am on the iPad for news, contact
I also use an iPad for news and because I make several hard covered books every year I use my computer which has a large screen.
The thing is, when they lie constantly like this it tears the fabric of society. And when they keep doing it every day for years, society descends into madness.
Builder just today couldn't do the work as he had a heart attack.
I had my kitchen cabinets painted recently. One of the workers who completed the job died of a heart attack two weeks later. Young guy.
I grew up with world class maniacs. Several died of drug overdoses in their 40’s. A couple in their 20’s. Zero died of heart attacks. After decades of abusing themselves to the max. All pre Covid, mysteriously.
Self worth and all that….what a waste of human gifts
And oddly they tend to be charismatic and well liked. My buddy Scott was a great musician and the girls swooned for him. And he had no clue. He hated himself. I couldn’t bring myself to go see him in the hospital. I knew that I would be a blubbering mess. He died a few days later.
Dreadful…..wouldn’t be awful if had happened on the job
"Golf is linked to ALS" -- I'm sorry but anyone who believes that is not engaging in any thought at all. I recently saw a good Thomas Sowell quote:
"Seldom do people think things through foolishly. More often, they do not bother to think things through at all, so that even highly intelligent individuals can reach untenable conclusions because their brainpower means little if it is not deployed and applied."
Biggest brainwashing job EVER!
And more to come. Think of a tidal wave. We better find high ground fast.
(joe jackson)
That may have once been true but now we have PR departments working overtime to spin this horrific assault on humanity. Then, there are those that are also just making shit up to save their behinds because they are complicit. This is nothing but nonsense and they know it.
TrumpFan. I know. It's exhausting. Like the clever spider spinning her web, I wonder how much of humanity will succumb and fall prey to this assault on our humanity. As a long time history buff I think there's a good chance that we will lose this battle. Historically true democracy has been just a blip on our history. We may be losing our grasp on it.
However at this point I think the term democracy has been hijacked and reconfigured to represent something entirely different. Most so called First World Nations who claim to be models of democracy are attacking the very foundations of democracy. We're in for a rough ride. It could be worse. If we were in France in the 1700s an afternoon outing with our families might have included lunch while watching the beheading of enemies of the state thanks to Madame Guillotine.
Maybe some are lunching right now and enjoying the view.
It was Dr. Guillotine. But your point is spot on.
Love Thomas Sowell.
If someone was handing me a bag of money to find cancer risks from hugging bunnies, Id probably find a link😆
Notice that the Berlin experts are blaming the sharp increase in heart emergencies age 1-10 on the "drug and club scene". Must be those kindergarten rave parties.
Back in 2022 a doctor friend (total covidian) told me she was very worried that the kids were taking some mystery drug since so many were coming into the ER with seizures. Mystery drug? Huh, funny, that kinda correlated with the jabs rollout. I have found quite a collection of videos of people talking about their post-jab seizures and other neurological issues, and how they went to the ER and got the gaslighting.
I love the July 2021 NPR story. “Americans are sicker than ever. ER’s are full nationwide. What is going on?” Gee, if only a radical new variable had been injected into the equation recently, perhaps we could form a hypothesis.
Weird how people in the 60's and in Height Ashbury weren’t dying daily from drug use.
This collection would be funny if so many young people weren’t dying.
And why aren't they comparing vaxxed v unvaxxed? That would rule out all their dumb research.
You are being logical and reasonable. No place in Msm medical for any of that. 😉
asking this question is already part of the answer (if they would pose that question they would probably already see the answer, but they don't like that so they won't ). logic? transparency? truth? officially verboten.
Terry…there are those of us who are NOT vaxxed that are having issues due to “shedding” and/or the GOF biotoxin. I am one of them!
People gobble up these ridiculous explanations of what’s driving excess mortality, humans are a stupid animal it turns out. It’s so odd, happy as can be to accept the most bizarre theories while at the same time totally opposed to even having the mRNA shots on the table as one of the possible options.
Most of these dopes also jabbed their innocent children. The guilt of admitting the lunacy of that error has their minds permanently shut down to such possibilities.
Guess my husband is at only half the risk of getting ALS because he dislikes golfing and yardwork but likes woodwork and hunting.
Our friend now has ALS and he did none of these activities but did get three covid shots.
I’ve Got $100 That Says :
If Enough Doctors Die
We Can Cure Cancer.
Can you say "Laetrile?"
By the way, I just "searched" this and on the first page of results was an article from the 1970s "proving" it to be a false hope. This was a year of so from the publishing of "World Without Cancer" by G. Edward Griffin's about Sloan-Kettering's rigged testing of Laetrile.
It's a rich tapestry.
This sentence did give me a headache:
"While many opt for diet sodas instead of the full-fat options..."
Is fat a figure of speech or a shape.
Daily my perception that we are living in an insane asylum increases greatly.
Man, they must stay up all night making this up!
Nah, it's just random shale. Do you blink? Heart attacks could be caused by excessive blinking! Do you ever eat marshmallow peeps? Aneuryms could be caused by marshmallow peeps! Ever smell chicken roasting? Strokes could be caused by the smell of chicken roasting! Hey, maybe you have too many buttons on your sweater, watch out for clots in your toes.
One can get so creative ;-) But they won’t see the humor in it
Until they do. But I get it, some peeps probably never will.
Aspartame was not brought to us by Monsanto. It was made by Serle and it was Donald Rumsfeld carrying a suitcase, on his visit to the FDA, because they banned the stuff as dangerous to our health. Rumsfeld wanted to convince them this poison needed to get their approval. When Rumsfeld left that meeting, with the FDA, Aspartame was approved to put into our food supply and he was sans his suitcase. Hmm...taking a very wild guess here...but...maybe...just maybe...the contents of that suitcase is what convinced the FDA to give Aspartame their seal of approval? NAHHH...Rumsfeld was too honest of a guy to do anything shady...
The American Cartel at its finest!🤣