"Experts" are worried? I'm worried about the "experts." They seem to be having great difficulty - on a grand scale - in connecting one dot to another. (Though they are in near universal agreement in knowing ABSOLUTELY what it ISN'T). An unprecedented wave of "Baffling Syndrome" is surging through the worlds medical establishment like a tsunami. Certainly, there's a safe and effective shot for this? They should mandate it....for the benefit of humanity. 🤥 "What's good for the goose....."

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Threats? Intimidation? Possible loss of credentials, if Truth is known? Something, is being highly Censored...

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It is pretty sad that so many "professionals" either have their head up their ass or are so afraid of the "man" destroying their livelihood that they remain silent - is this the early days of Nazi Germany or the Soviet union for these people?

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Dec 27, 2023
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Nobody is denigrating the German people.

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Dec 27, 2023
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Huh? I'm talking about people who were silent during the rise of the Nazis and the rise of the Soviet Communist party. And that so many professional people are doing that again here there and everywhere while a fascist Medical Industrial Complex fucks with the world. Or do you somehow think those Nazis and the Communist Party members were all good people and the analogy is inaccurate?

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I'm certain ALL of the above....and a touch extra.

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Only two dots

Ain't hard

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"Experts" are just now attempting a straight line on the Etch-A-Sketch. Patience, Grasshopper.

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When one presents as an "expert" I know to bolt.

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Never automatically trust anyone in a lab coat.

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I see a lab coat I RUN. FAST!

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"Baffling epidemic of coincidence"... 🤷

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good one. yes, we should mandate a shot for them that will restore their lost logical abilities.

Actually, I suspect their logical abilities are fine. We need a shot to restore their courage.

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‘courage in a bottle’

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Can't say it better than that.

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“ Expert texpert choking smokers

Don’t you think the joker laughs at you? “


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Siegel has been a loyal clotshot pusher but many are now concerned they will be held personally liable for ignoring the severe adverse events from the bioweapon jab. That can be the only explanation.

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I noticed he still had to sneak in there that the shots had saved many lives 🙄

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For which is is no data backing up that statement - but the fact that he even mentioned it is progress.... an intervention that saves lives but kills as many as it saves or more is not an intervention but a weapon

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That's all my 81 year-old Aunt Carol took away from the exchange! The jab saves lives! It is safe, effective, and depending on where you go, a free donut and nifty sticker may be offered!

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almost an after thought instead of first and formost

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Dec 26, 2023
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You need a decimal between the 8 and 6

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that high!

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excellent! KP

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To me, he appeared to be reading his comments.

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This is one of the myriad reasons, I ditched my cable TV subscription years ago...I couldn’t stand listening to the drivel on it...I was a loyal MSNBC/PBS/NPR watcher/listener...I ditched them all a long time ago. Now I want to vomit if I see any of these type of ‘propaganda’ video clips!

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totally agree. Covid has opened many people's eyes to the fact that our MSM is pushing propaganda. They are mouthpieces for government and Pharma propaganda. Has it always been this way? For the most part, yes.

Decades ago I remember reading that Russians like to say, "We know our media is lying to us, feeding us propaganda. But you Americans actually believe your media is telling the truth!"

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Your comment is similar to a conversation I had years ago with some Mexicans when I was living in Mexico about the corruption in Mexican Government and in their society in general.

They said the difference between Mexico/Mexicans and the US is “we know our government is corrupt”…that Mexican Presidents leave office having stolen millions of dollars for their own benefit, and everyone is always in on the mordida (the bite).

“In the US you (most US citizens) think your government and it’sofficials are not corrupt and that corruption doesn’t exist.”

Well people’s eyes have seriously been opened up about that over the last four years of the Scamdemic and Widespread Election Fraud!

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Not in my family.....they still completely buy into what CNN & the NYTimes tells them.

Arrogantly, too.

My sister-in-law has had SIX shots and a healthy looking grandchild born to vaxxed parents. All is still good with the world since these shots are protecting them. Complete trust in authorities - they have no idea anything is up.

Really disturbing, actually.

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Especially when these teleprompter reading gimps have that stupid look of concern on their face.

Or maybe just that stupid look.

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Not sure why we even have it now. I watch about 3 programs on it and the rest I get on streaming which even shows the ones I do watch on cable eventually. I can do channel apps on my iPad and chromecast it to my older Smart TV. I’m sure the cable company has trapped us someway. (We have internet service with cable but not cell phone. The tech has moved way past me. My last victory was the chromecast device I had around for a couple of years but only used when I was cut off from Netflix from code sharing from my daughter’s sub but not from my iPad and phone Netflix app so I just cast it to the TV. Yuck yuck. 🤪😏

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Dr. Mark Siegel is certainly gulping the Kool-Aid is he not? Sad and pathetic!!! I could barely restrain myself from shouting while I listened to this brief clip. This is either a crime of omission or commission and I, of course suspect the latter. If you are a cheerleader for the vaccine and apparently he was, how can you swallow your pride, your humiliation, and your shame, and now speak the truth? Well, it's about time they finally discover how!! Shame on you, Dr. Mark Siegel. Shame on you, Fox News.

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Siegel - like everyone who shills regularly on Fox - is nothing but a hack. But I’ve found him to be particularly galling because he’s been reading from the Covid narrative script from day 1.

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I have my moments where I just can't read any further the moment that Mark puts up a new article. It's just all so bloody unsettling, otherworldly, scary and maddening. Tonight, however, things were different (and perhaps even worse, allow me to describe the scene): I had a Thelonious Monk record playing on the turntable, a had just lit up a great Cohiba cigar that I'd gotten for my birthday not too long ago and on top of that, the Mrs. decided to pour us both a glass of a superb single malt Scottish whiskey (no ice!!) - all this in a setting where there was no TV blaring in the background, no: just the two of us, Monk's music, the cigar and our drinks. The mere realization of all that goodness made it even more painful to read about all this misery, pain and suffering of all these beautiful people in the prime of their lives: there we were, both scrolling through all of Mark's posts (we don't watch TV, we just like to be together, being on our laptops, usually both reading the same stuff) and I just felt so bad for all these people who succumbed to the shot or who had lost loved ones to it, that I lost it. Tears running down my face. I thought of all the photos of people on ventilators, kids dying while playing a game of soccer, young mothers losing their babies, tiktok videos of sons and daughters in tears who weren't allowed to see their folks when they were on their deathbed and it just got to me. Let one thing be perfectly clear to all of us, and I'm sure that most readers here at Mark's Substack understand it, but we are such a beautiful species, capable of so much love and care, not only for our fellow citizens, but also for our families and friends - if you realize that, you know that we're talking about a flood of love that has no limits. The clear and obvious evil that came down on us in the last few years will at some point come back to the ones who unleashed all this on us without limits. The weirdest thought that I had when I wrote all this, is that at some point I thought that not even the devil (or satan of you will) could have imagined the level of evil that the medical establishment realized in such a short period of time. I've never really been a religious person, but I can tell you that ever since I understood what's been going on, I returned to praying daily and accepted the Lord back into my life. I don't like to say bad things about people and I believe in forgiving, but honestly: the crowd behind all this bull crap, evil and misery should rot in hell and I surely hope that the devil will be so pissed off at them, knowing that they were more evil than he could possibly ever be, that he'll make them suffer for all eternity.

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you articulate my feelings better than i could. the planet is going through ptsd

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Boy, COVID is nasty. All this could and should have been avoided if people would have just masked up. Especially in their cars. There would be more Aussies alive if they did. Instead, we have a bunch of selfish 'freedumbers' putting the rest of us responsible heroes in jeopardy. I got my 7th shot to protect everyone except anti-vaxxers.

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welp, you know you're wasting your time. YOUR shot won't work unless I get my shot!

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....and if you only have your sixth shot it will disable someone else's seventh and eighth shots. But your fifth still gives them the efficiency of 7.25 shots

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Why can’t more people grasp this? It’s simple science!

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I got my 7th jab to save granny

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WOW Johnny, your Aussie shots must definitely be a thing!! Protect others - not even yourself!! even though Pfizer admitted on the European Commission (Jeanine Smally), that they “ hadn’t tested the shots for efficacy in transmission and protection of covid, since we had to see what happened on the marked and move in the speed of science…” to put the shots out.. Johnny, You are a hero! keep taking your great shots! You don’t need to protect us, we will manage (we have had covid and have excellent natural antibody protection so we don’t pass it on to grandma and our immune suppressed vaxxed friends..) but Your Aussie Shots surely will help your immune system to produce, covid - tolerant IgG4 , so you can have ever recurring and increasingly nasty covid infections, antibody dependant enhancement you know, and eventually you stand a good chance to get a turbo cancer and/ or heart attack - for good measure! Cheers, happy New Year down under to You Johnny!

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I was driving down the freeway in the afternoon on Christmas Eve and happened to notice a car ahead of me that hadn't noticed the cars in his lane were slowing down. It looked like he noticed at the last second and veered left, but it was too late. He slammed into the rear end of the truck in front of him which spun directly into my lane. I was going about 50 mph as the truck rolled across my lane. I had about 400 feet in front of me with 2 lanes to my right that were clear of other cars thankfully which gave me just enough room to swerve and miss the front end of the truck by about an arm's length. If I had hit the truck, I'd probably be in the hospital right now, which is most likely where the drivers of the other vehicles involved in the accident are. All it takes is one person to make a mistake to wreak havoc for other drivers nearby. Be careful out there.

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I have been hearing for sometime about this kind of driving but not seeing it, now I see lots of. People driving the wrong way down the one way street is almost a pandemic maybe epidemic of s...t it really is bad

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Maybe instead od speed and drunken driving explore and establish how many of the road accident victims actually died BEFORE the crash and their cars smashed into the next obstacle because they weren‘t driven anymore?? Stroke? Heat attack?? Sudden blindness? Paralysis?

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indeed. I suspect there are a LOT more of those than there used to be, prior to the death jab rollout.

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We should remember that the gain-of-function virus was created to disable/weaken people, not outright take us out. Obviously the mRNA shot with tons more Spike protein is deadly, but we should not discount the damage from the virus. And how many were really released and continue to be released quietly?

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I think it's hilarious that the devil worshipers worked for years to create a deadly virus and all they got was a virus that has an IFR lower than that of the flu! Then again, the purpose of the virus was to get everyone to line up for the real bioweapon: The poison jabs. All they had to do was lie about the IFR, make people believe that if they got covid, they would end up in the hospital and die, and that would be enough for the sheep to beg for the poison jabs.

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In early 2020 I remember reading about how the NIH gain of function ghouls spliced pieces of HIV into covid. RFK's Fauci book helped me realize everything I thought I knew about HIV and AIDS was wrong.

We are fortunate government scientists are as vulnerable to lies and propaganda as the rest of us. Anything to slow down The Science is a win for humanity.

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FOTU - aka fear of the unknown. This is exactly how you turn some people into mindless and compliant drones.

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I wish the authors of the Korean study would actually produce some numbers indicating the number of people suffering these various disorders. All I could find is the statement, "statistically significant." Government statisticians working for the health authority are yelling at everyone telling them to get vaccinated because so many people are still being hospitalized and dying from covid (no numbers released). And, according to independent authorities almost all of those people are vaccinated and boosted, thus an example of "statistically significant" numbers being used to promote a false narrative.

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Personality changes have been noticed in the Covid " Vaxxed", quicker to anger, Rage filled reactions to once minor things, possible reasons why traffic accidents are higher?

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Culling, ( Reducing) the Human population, a Worldwide Genocide, hidden in the guise of a " Vaccine", nothing more.

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I can’t get upset about any of this anymore. The JN1 variant has mutated to be as infectious as it can be. It has exhausted its ability for immune escape. And RIGHT now is evolving in a small domain toward high virulence. The real pandemic of the vaccinated is about to begin. God help us. https://open.substack.com/pub/philipmcmillan/p/geerts-concern-about-the-new-covid?r=gjogf&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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make sure vit D level is above 50 ng/ml (>60 is best). Have on had several natural antivirals. Stephen Buhner's book Herbal Antivirals is an excellent reference. Human immune system is a miracle if it's kept in top running order. And when it needs a little help, the list of helpers is long, and many are inexpensive and readily available.

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Antivirals will be necessary for any vaccinated person to survive this. Once they are infected they will die. Unvaccinated people will be fine. We have developed innate immunity to these variants. This is going to be horrible. Millions will die quickly.

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I'm not so sure. I agree with you that the vaxxed will suffer more than the unvaxxed, but I'm just not sure how much more. The shots created a huge range of injuries, from death at one end of the spectrum to a sore arm at the other. I don't know whether that was because the jabs were so poorly manufactured that some ended up being extremely toxic while others were almost benign, or whether the difference was due to the state of health of the person getting the jab. I know of 3 deaths and 9 serious life changing injuries from the jabs, but I also know of more than 100 people who seemed to suffer no negative consequences. So I'm thinking those folks somehow recovered from the effects of the jabs and if so they should be fine when the next virus hits.

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I am not talking about vaccine adverse reactions or injuries or deaths here. I am talking about the killer (for the vaccinated) virus that is going to evolve from the new JN1 variant. Here is a post I did a few months back on the immune escape variant. Links at the end of article. Watch at least the first link. This is Black Plague bad. Millions will die - quickly. They will not be able to be saved. https://open.substack.com/pub/lawrencebutts/p/the-coming-pandemic-of-the-vaccinated?r=gjogf&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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right. I guess I find it hard to believe in a killer virus. If the virus kills people, then it will die as well because it won't be able to spread very far before its host is killed.

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Here is the latest presentation on the JN1 variant evolution. https://philipmcmillan.substack.com/p/geerts-concern-about-the-new-covid

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Since you refuse to take the time to look at what I have sent you…It is much easier for you not to believe it. Ignorance is a blissful state. But it you take the time to look at the article and links I have posted you might be of a different mind? But you do what you want.

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It`s early

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A destroyed immune system does not recover with time.

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if it's truly destroyed, yes I would agree. What we don't know about at this point is the degree of the destruction. Healing is usually possible, but we're dealing with something we've never dealt with before: tricking our own cells into creating a toxic foreign protein. The unknowns are how long does the trickery last and how much of the immune system did it destroy before the trickery stopped.

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I do still pray and hope human nature will find a way to deal with the spikes and the NLP, for all the innocent mislead people, among them my youngest daughter, gen z - not wanting to listen to her conspiracy old medical doctor mum ..

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And you know this how?

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Here is my article from a few months back - links at the bottom - watch at least the first link. https://open.substack.com/pub/lawrencebutts/p/the-coming-pandemic-of-the-vaccinated?r=gjogf&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

Then watch the updated presentation on the JN1 variant evolution. This is as real as it gets. https://open.substack.com/pub/philipmcmillan/p/geerts-concern-about-the-new-covid?r=gjogf&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Vaccinated folks will need antivirals like ivermectin. They will need to take prophylactic antivirals. Nothing else has a chance of saving them. This is as serious as it gets.

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and aspirin against clotting and azithormycin against bacterial super infection and high dose prednisone against neurological MS like inflammation, tinnitus ecc. and and and

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I suspect you are right!

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It’s the nightmare of all nightmares if I am.

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It’s the EUA mRNA SHOTS Stupid!

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Hell is empty and the demons are all here.

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Excellent interview you did with Greg Hunter of USA Watchdog. How dare you say the exact words that describes what is happening? Refreshing to say the least. I see people's minds morphing daily into reality more and more. Plumber today and whole company he works for all very aware and sorry they took the intervention. Now they are catching up on all their other hat tricks.

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Can you share a link please? Thank you kindly.

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Gayle Wells, you are correct about the recent interview MCM did with Greg Hunter. Also listened to The Trevor Loudon Report now on the LFA TV channel (Rumble) and his recent interview with Ed Dowd. Recommend both of these highly.

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Lkindly.Links please? Thank you!

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I am not sure the moderator for MCM substack will allow links. For Greg Hunter interview go to Rumble.com and search USA Watchdog (Greg's show). Once it comes up you can find the MCM interview. To find Trevor Loudon interview with Ed Dowd also go to Rumble.com and search LFA TV. Once it comes up you will need to scroll down to find Trevor's show. LFA TV has several podcasters so be patient as you scroll down to find it. Good luck!

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