Here’s another bit of evidence that things are getting very bad in the Uk... my mother died in March 2023 .. and I applied for probate.. normally 16 week delay.. well since 2023 the waiting time is over 52 weeks due to the number of deaths in UK alone... and thise that do not want to talk about it.. want you to get another jab.. makes me hopping mad.

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sorry for the loss of your mum xxx

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That's very interesting. 16 weeks - consider yourself lucky (normally). But now 52 weeks - can you suggest any particular news source that is actually reporting on what is happening in the UK?

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Wow stunning…and yes, as Mom used to say, “it’s plain as the nose on your face!” They won’t look. Once again stifled by my sibling this week, when I tried to share the real information. Misinformation blah blah. Same song, second verse …

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They will not report on anything to do with excess deaths or probate.. it’s a complete farce and cover up... we just had a Covid enquiry .. nowtgey want to put it on hold until til after the general election because when the truth comes out .. the conservative will be in deep poo.

GBNews try’s its best but it’s still censored.

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I scrolled through GB and found only one story but it was interesting. People who start self-help groups online to talk about their side-effects are being censored. Kind of a "tell" that. But nothing has been released about the enquiry?

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No it’s put on “hold” until after the GE...

Any enquiry that takes years when it only needs weeks is a red flag.. looking for ways to mitigate and conceal findings that point the finger back to them.

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same here...they're talking about an upcoming inquiry but we all know it will be a complete whitewash

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you think that's bad? ireland looked at uk and said "hold my beer"...here we have one of the highest excess death rates in europe (92% vaxxed) and they've manipulated the figures so much that the gov actually came out last week and said there were NO excess deaths at all over the last couple of years!

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Last ditch efforts before the pitchforks come out.

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OMG…..I am remembering the supposedly endless ice trucks and ambuli who lined up at hospitals to pick up the dead early in this farce, what were the drivers really finding out then? So you think any of them would come forward ? When all the facts really come out, oh my ….what a gathering that will be.

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At least the censorship controllers cannot stop people finding ways to share truth.

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indeed! because they don't and cannot understand how our mind works. similar to why they can't make art.

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Wow, dreadful, so very sorry…..every once in while the truth is dripping out and people are putting the puzzles together Such a helpless feeling when those who need to know don’t even want to know the why’s to save themselves

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Just happened with my sister & family. She was pressured to be vaxxed by her husband (ER doc) and his family....she had anti-vax tendencies because of side effects with her and her children from previous shots.

Her husband recently received the booster and flu combo. He urged their 26 year old son to get his. Her son spaced the jabs days apart (only 3) and she now tells me he instantly changed from being cute to ugly somehow - even his brother noticed. His hair color even changed....only weeks later. Now he has problems concentrating.

All this isn't notice by the doc - in fact he gave his cousins a dirty look when he was told they were passing on this latest jab combo since they weren't satisfied it was sufficiently tested (glad some info is leaching out to the normies.)

I'm feeling guilty I didn't press harder on the issue of the newest booster. Been hung up and shunted aside so many times when informing those about the initial vaccines...they really don't want to know. Besides, if you inform them now about the current excess deaths, it's like saying they have a sword of Damocles hanging over their heads.

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There’s a helluva a lot cases of “Coinciditis”:

Myocarditis, Pericarditis, Arrhythmia, Pulmonary Embolism, Blood Clots, Stroke, Heart Attack, Neurological Impairment, Turbo Cancer, Guillain-Barre and Sudden Death that coincidentally and consistently affects the jabbed.

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It will be blamed on climate change, racism, and the unvaccinated. It’s already being stated. It’s so outrageous yet, people will believe anything that aligns them with their political heart throb.

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I like what you are all about. I talked to this retired teacher who just returned from a trip to Europe. She said that she got sick when returning to the States. She said I had

COVID. I don't think these people have a clue. She said I got my COVID Jab and boosters. She couldn't understand why she is sick? Guess she hasn't read any

real conclusive information. Unbelievable!

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Brain washed with all the msm propaganda. None of the news outlets mention nary a word about the clot shots.

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Yep, it's absolutely amazing to me how uninformed most people are

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Hmmm. So much propaganda out there. I kinda wonder what really is true? I know not one person who is injured or dead . Most every one I know… at least 100 people are vaxxed and walking around nofmslly… even some got boosters . Makes ya go : hmmmm🤨🧐🤔

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Yah, likely staged….. different levels of the endings. Some folks might have six months left, others another couple of years, depending on what shots, how many and when …. A neighbor of mine ardent pickle baller, still devoted though she had a big heart scare last spring and then relaxed her concerns this past summer. …..But frankly, I am holding my breath….not wise future, but she won’t research …wouldn’t admit it

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if you can EDUCATED HER

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Did you take the COVID JAB?

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yes, I stupidly took the first two phizer.Diagnoised with cancer and all 4 of my Dr's said I need to get it. EDUCATED now. There is now and there most likely well be more to pay.

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apparently anti-parasitics are good against the jab - fenbendazole and ivermectin

I recommend genevaThatcher.substack.com

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You cannot reason someone out of anything they were not reasoned into.. brainwashed by the main stream media because they believe all the tripe fed to them is true.. why would anyone lie to them?.. perfect sheep going to slaughter.

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Gave $100 AUD. Given it's YOUR fkn Federal Reserve, it's only a pathetic $60 US today.

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Thank you!

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LOL! Now you know all central banks are owned by the same parasites.

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Yep. Slap you in the face you'll remember type lesson, how Nietzsche. 🤔

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That's in fact also a Zen moment: Teacher hits student to make him understand there is no such thing as a teacher without him, to find the teacher within. And then to burn his notes of the scriptures O:)

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Yes, I've also read of a Japanese (?) state of Satori or "kick in the eye" realisation.

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Mark I sent 58.00 bucks, all I can do right now.I really do believe that you and the other workers are being overwhelmed What a great job you people do, thanks

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Thank you, Donald

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My wife’s uncle here in Chile, Sergio Guzman. After booster came down with turbo cancer. At first was prostrate cancer but in a short time spread to all his bones. Dead within 5 months.

Two other great aunts died suddenly of cancer after the second booster.

In 2015-2020 there was an average of ~105,000 deaths. In 2021-2023 there have been 135,000 deaths (all cause mortality). One other point is ~90% of the population vaxed and boosted. I think every family has had an unexpected death. Government and Media write it off as other reasons. Don’t know if the sheep here will wake up

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Unfortunately, I can join you. My Brother, age 65, died suddenly on 9//5/23. His older son insisted he get the COVID Jab or he couldn't see his grandson. He called off work on

Labor Day and Tuesday. He told his younger son he was going to take a nap in the afternoon.

Son heard his Father made a sound and couldn't revive him and neither could the paramedics.

We believe he had a massive heart attack. RIP Brother + Sorry for your loss +

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I’m sorry for the loss of your brother

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Thank YOU so much for your kind words. Doesn't it hit home when it happens to someone in your Family and Friends. It has knocked me for a loop. I still can't believe he's gone. I didn't see him for three years, because of this whole COVID mess. It wasn't, because of my Brother.

My nephew's wife started an argument and my older nephew went along with her. That caused us not to visit them and my Brother lived near them. So, we just didn't visit. We were

going to visit my Brother for Christmas, but GOD had different plans.

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Sorry to hear, Lynn. Hang in there, and prayers for your brother and family

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Oh, Thank YOU. It's people like YOU that keep me going. GOD BLESS +

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I am so sorry, yes regrets are indeed painful and we cannot see ahead. And more so, when we aren’t speaking the same language and they don’t understand our urgency.~~~.reading these disappointments and discouragements from others, makes me think of “hi kids! So sorry to interrupt your games! I ve lost my little puppy, he’s black and white, two black feet, can you think if you mIght have seen him? Oh! Does one of you want to help me look for him?!” Oh thank you! Sure, get in my car!

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Regrets means at least having the balls to face one's mistake! The majority of population is living in lala land, that's a lot worse believe me. Missing opportunities to address issues or at least get one's affairs in order

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This story feels me with sadness.. he like so many took this shot because he believed it would help other people get through the “plandemic ” .. honourable sacrifices help those who make huge sums of money get away with murder.. humbly sorry for your loss.

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You can't trust the official numbers. I'm quite certain they massage the figures.

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Wow, and for many 15, 20 years before they were supposed to go

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And for the babies who were never born, little babies/children, teens, lives shortened by at least 50 years+. Such a tragedy, yet all was planned years in advance, thanks to Bill Gates who publicly stated 2020 is the Decade of Vaccines. He even said that he and his children never got vaccinated. That alone is all I need to know.

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So sorry heartbreaking And all they have to do is question authority. Where’s that bumper sticker when you need it

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I don’t know one person injured or dead . Hmm🤨🤔🧐

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I lost several these past three years, both father and mother of a friend within a month, and others too numerous to name, all gone with the memory fog..

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Big pharmaceuticals made a vaccine that causes heart disease and now they have a drug to save the sheep from heart attacks. Bloody demons

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problem-reaction-solution (Hegelian dialectic): create a health problem, invent medication - that only addesses the symptoms - and lifelong dependency (for us) plus incoming bucks (for them) is the solution. indeed, bloody demons.

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DITTO!! Problem-Reaction-Solution. That's how it works to fulfill their evil agenda plans.

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There has already been a heart failure pandemic - just not the kind they are talking about.

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Well it's good business practice maximize the profits.

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after having created a lifelong dependency on 'medication'.

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…. Possible Antibody dependent enhancement… like Judy Mikovits predicted

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oh my good god...there really is no end to their depravity

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There's an Instagram account that is compiling sudden deaths right now, every day more and more, all around the world: kd44.


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Bill Gates discussed with the global s that we need a vaccine to reduce the population.

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Kissinger was the first to say that the population needed to be reduced after he got out of the Nixon cabinet.

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He wrote NSSM 200 at Nixon's request; but he was hardly the first to say so. His patrons, the Rockefellers, had been hammering that gong for decades.

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Good grief Well he knows the full story by now I believe

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Jacquie.....Do you listen to Clif High?

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No, I haven’t heard of him.

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Save your money - tracking sudden unexplained deaths is a futile undertaking. Feed the hungry,house the homeless, send money to uninsured sufffering vax side effects.Numbers are an irrelevant exercise to prove how powerless we are.Powerless as we watch the 8th booster and PREP Act extrnded to 3038 covering Covid, Ebola and Marburg new planned future plandemic.BETTER YET SAVE YOUR MONEY STOCKPILE FOOD,LEARN SELF DEFENse, Keep your gas tank ful. Store water, buy a generator, buy a water purification system. Teach your children survival skills, how to fix things,change a tire tune up the car. The folks in this post are already dead via government democide. Prepare for the next onslaught do not become complacent. Tend to your needs now. , resist being drawn into a quest that leads no where. Make a plan and stick to it, good luck to you and yours.

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We're not dealing in "numbers." We're putting names and, often, faces on (some of) those killed by the bio-weapon, in the biggest such slaughter in human history. In the face of it, your survivalist advice is narcissistic—and, indeed, "futile," since if we let this go without a peep, they'll keep it up until there are too few left alive to ship you food, transport your gas, and stock the filters for your water.

Those of us who do this work have heard from people who have used it to urge others NOT to get the jab. That helps explain the minimal "uptake" of the "vaccines"—which, in September, only 3% of eligible adults accepted. Do you think that's "futile," too?

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Go for it Mark! We must wake up the slumbering. I read a lot of Holocaust stories, and I know all that continued because neighbors hid behind their curtains and pretended not to notice the empty yards and homes around them Kudos to the 3%. They will not be bullied into that self aggrandizing ritual


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I agree with you, Mark, but I have to say there are days I feel the same. Not thinking just about my own survival but just the frustration of the continued blindness. If the people don't believe the proof of all the deaths what do we do? I have to keep telling myself the truth is seeping in. Slowly but surely seeping. I'm 62 and have lost most of my patience. I just want the world to wake up. NOW.

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I have to believe that one day this torrent of facts and stories will be read by the ignorant and the stubborn and the arrogant and the light will dawn and they will see the truth…with just half their family gone, the joyfully anticipated new baby, also sadly farewelled…. Because the mothers in law and far out relatives refuse to attend gatherings unless proof of vac…. It’s truly amazing …. I can’t I can’t

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Reach out to others who may listen. Half my family is vaxxed and I am still seen as a conspiracy theorist, so be it our brains still

Work and we will try to reach others every day.

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Prep act in force til 2028. We are essentially under martial law - wake up counting dead iss as futile, save the living from taking the Vax in any form remember your government wants to KILL YOU NOW,CAN’T MAKE THIS UP!!!!!!!!!

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"Counting dead," as you put it, is precisely HOW we "save the living from taking the vax in any form." What's your approach?

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Clif High said this was going to happen in the years to come.

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Who is Clif High?

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It is with great sorrow we announce that Rachel Eleanor Rubin passed away at the young age of 33 on Tuesday, January 2, 2024. She went peacefully in her sleep at her apartment in Essex, Vt., due to an unforeseen heart condition.


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Funny. Aren't they all unforseen? It's because they never had a condition in the first place.

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Two vaxxed children in their 30’s. Sickens me.

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From what I’ve heard it will peak in 2025.

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Makes sense. That’s probably when myocarditis and auto-immune and other ailments will take their near ultimate toll.

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I don’t know how we can know that. They have put C19 shots in the childhood schedule and tons of other products/injections are poisoned. They are increasingly making it tough to know what is going on. Glad MCM and his team are digging this up.

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Do the Pharmacists even know? Now dentists will be trained to give the HPV shots and others. This is another killer or at least a harmer! https://thevaccinereaction.org/2023/11/u-s-taxpayer-funded-initiative-trains-dentists-to-push-hpv-vaccine/

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Really. No stone unturned for these globalists.

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Yep, all of us need to go but not them! We are the Useless Eaters eating their food, etc.

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That's because the globalists didn't kill enough people, so are training dentists, even hairstylists, according to one article I read from NM. Such desperation, it's sickening.

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My hairstylist is a Conservative! ;0) I get your meaning.

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This is where the Deagle 2025 Report comes in.

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So correlation and causation are cousins, after all.

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first cousins.

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MCM, I can give $5 now but then I don't want to be a continuing paying member. I can send it to you through my Paypal account or you can call me. If I switch to a paying member, can it be for just one time?

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I have no control over that. Decide what's easiest for you, and then do that, thanks.

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Send me the email address you use for Paypal and I will do it.

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i think Mark proposed subbing for 5, then cancelling for a one off contrib

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Thank you Mark and Joe for your invaluable work. I made a contribution and I encourage those that can to do so. The work MCM and others is doing is critical. If you can't give $, send prayers and forward this to others that can support their work.

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