Jun 25·edited Jun 25Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

More Kafka than Orwell.

Or maybe not. Orwell gave us the concept of thought crimes. Kafka gave us the image of being lost in a bureaucratic maze with an undefined crime hanging over us. Both are part of our world.

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And Huxley's "Brave New World." Where citizens clamor for their own narcotizing drug, SOMA. Just like they clamored for the vaccine. And demonized and vilified those who had enough critical thinking skills to ask questions.

At the risk of metaphorically mixing dystopian novels with reality, "I love you Big Brother" became "I love you Dr. Fauci."

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You three beat me to it, my exact response(s)! Thx :D

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We seem to find ourselves at the intersection of all the dystopian novels combined.

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It is a little bit of this and a little bit of that as they try out what works. Also do not forget that are many factions who all have their own tools and their favorite ways of using them.

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I found *THX 1138* a bit prescient. The protagonist is accused of "criminal drug evasion."

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LOL, Josh, I posted my comment about Orwell and Kafka, then scrolled down and saw yours. To my knowledge no one has mentioned Kafka, always Orwell, but, as you say, both apply.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27

Orwell because of ubiquitous surveillance. The Covid-19 military operation enabled the Five Eyes to inject billions of people with AI nanotechnology biosensors for surveillance under the skin via the Internet of Bio-Nano Things and the WBAN.


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Jun 25Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

Amerian Frontline Drs report: "This past week, medical tyranny tightened its grip and set its sights on truth-telling physicians and nurses.

My friend, Dr. Eithan Haim, was arrested by the so-called "justice" system for exposing horrific gender mutilation surgeries SECRETLY CARRIED OUT at Texas Children's Hospital which had promised the Texas Attorney General that the surgeries had stopped.

Nurse Vanessa Sivadge was also targeted after revealing illegal taxpayer billing for transgender medicine at the same hospital, Texas Children's Hospital. For her crime, FBI agents came to her home, threatening to "make life difficult" and openly declaring her workplace "unsafe" for her. "

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Damn. Seems weird to "like" this, but I do greatly appreciate it.

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Not so many of us are usetah thinking of creative justice options, and punishments but yeah I think a good sized committee could fill in some blanks on this topic….all those trying to allow for humane as in humanity might have to withdraw…..that song, “Don’t grow up to be cowboys?!” Walk over hot coals? Good thing I’m mot on the jureeeee. The least of it…..amen and amen

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Awful awful, shameful !

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Just don't comply.

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I think the compliers fear doubt like they fear disease, and they see those bearing alternate narratives as disease vectors.

They fear doubt because they know it might keep them from complying, which they equate with survival.

They would rather be in the middle of the pack and hold themselves blameless even if they die from that, instead of being on the edge and having to constantly evaluate everything and accepting responsibility for their fate. They think everyone on the edge automatically dies or can be blamed, which to them is the same as dying.

Wow my head hurts after that.

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Jun 25Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

The largest of these centers is in Salt Lake City. I knew there was something fishy in the valley in which I live. I looked up purchases of the state fusion center of New Mexico, where I used to live, and they have looong lists of equipment purchases approved April of 2024. Included were various types of hazmat suits, masks and tanks for breathing of various kinds for protection against biological attack. Included acquisitions also included more typical things like tents, water tanks, meals, etc. My impression is that the list represents a readiness for a particular expectation of an airborne "incident" in the near future. I don't know if this information is available from other centers across the country. Concerning.


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Well no wonder the great salt lake is drying up. Fusion centers use a lot of water daily. Whose idea was it to build it in a desert state in the middle of a drought?

I go camping on Antelope Island for thanksgiving and 2 years ago it took me an hour to walk out to the water.

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And where are they getting the funds for these? Hopefully in the near future the funding of the administrative criminal syndicate will be DE-funded. These people working for the tyrannical government need to be fired.

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Jun 25Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

I got dragooned into that shit organization from US Customs in 2003 as was US INS, Border Patrol and Coast Guard. Nobody but the shifty social climbers wanted anything to do with it . I called it the Big Incestuous Mob and they did whatever they could to threaten everybody as much as possible. I got treated better in the army👎🏻.

Anyway these new age geniuses who blamed much of 911 on us for not catching the 🙄so called bad guys. They pummeled us daily with mostly useless senseless training much of it absolutely senseless . I goes on to this day round and round. So these guys early on hammered us with intel daily much of it bragging about this program or that again much of it useless and pointless to someone working the front line of a border crossing. The FBI was billed as right on par with the Elliot Ness tv series of the 60s and we got the briefs on their cases concerning anything terrorism. Again some made no sense and just reading it you could see they were setting up cranked up Arabic kids then supposedly arresting them without even letting them lay a hand on a phony bomb or gun. This happened a few times. I swore then they must be just churning cases to make themselves look good . As I came to notice later it seemed much like the Goveneur Gretchen kidnapping plot from the way it read. The informant 🙄was the one leading them on, talk about Entrapment and I bet it ll went away quietly later on.

Another strange thing was I was on the front line of stopping child and sex trafficking according to them yet knew absolutely NOTHING about organized trafficking than I did from what I learned on the job and from experience. Looking back I find that extremely strange considering we were pummeled with so much intel and classes indefinitely. Now I hear about this thing with the partnerships and wonder why we never heard a peep about this going on, nothing.

I tell you I didn’t like the smell of Homeland Security when it first was mentioned with “ One Face At The Border” and it went downhill from there. Even the name irritated me for some reason. It stunk then as it stinks now and I wouldn’t trust that or any alphabet agency as far as I could throw it.

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Wait, you were in DHS? Hard to tell exactly what organization you refer to at the beginning of your comment.

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There is a funny thing about names, and phrases, and “we are your friends” news announcements…. we just are not wary enough, suspicious enough ….it is not easy to teach young people…adults! how to question the motives of elected? leaders…..Did I recognize that Henry Kissinger believed a bunch of us didn’t deserve to be in this planet!?? Good grief already ~~~Whatever changes are due in the new Dept of Education and whatever, I hope they are drastic…. The Nancys, the Rachels, the Joe and what’s her name….

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The Federal Dept. of Education will be abolished.

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Can hardly wait! Yep! Turn up the sound on MSNBC, CNN ….and Fox…. Maxine, have your coffee….or your drink ready… maybe you and Nancy can be on the phone to weep together ….conference call, maybe Whoopi too….

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The FEAR Propaganda compelled at least 270,227,181 people, or 81% of the population to receive at least one dose of the Bioweapon gene jab and overall, 230,637,348 people or 70% of the population are considered fully jabbed. Critical Thinking and Bravery are nearly extinct.

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deletedJun 25
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That data is registered after a vial has been used (injected) and registered, not before. It’s a bit different than engaging Smartmatic and Doninion for voting fraud.

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deletedJun 25
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I’m well aware of the incentives although that doesn’t change how the data is registered. If they engaged in fraud there’s some damn stiff penalties. As an example, filing a false VAERS report is a violation of Federal law (18 U.S. Code § 1001) punishable by fine and imprisonment.

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deletedJun 25
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Do you have any hard evidence to support your claim? If you do, please provide it because I’m happy to expose fraud and medical malfeasance.

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Wondering if the nurse who was prosecuted for injecting patients with saline recorded them as receiving actual vaccines, and bonus payments were made based on the number of injected? Would that not be a crime? She was let off the hook for some reason. How is that possible? No one with the means seems curious enough to dig deeper into the story.

If here are millions of dead & phantom voters I imagine there are millions of phantom vaxed out there.

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“Show me the man. I show you the crime.” l. Beria. Joseph Stalin chief of police!

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Kunstler put it best in his most recent column:

“This raises a greater question that redounds from the courts onto the November election: just why is the US government so deeply invested in all that lying? The answer is obvious: it has been engaged in nefarious activities that it seeks to hide and deny.”

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Jun 26Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

Orwell was right on, but so was Franz Kafka before him: you get arrested and put on trial but never are told what you've done wrong.

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Sale of our National Parks. Not simply about RVers or 'people who like parks'. So much more. Who knows more? . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8Pre0bMp5I

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Good flipping grief. They never, ever quit. When I was in high school my parents took us on a cross country trip RV'ing. It is something I will never forget, one of the best things my parents did for us was to show us our country and its beauty.

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ACroneintheWoods.--Perhaps you are able to find more on a substack, or other article. Needs to be brought to everyone's attention. Shared widely.

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this is worthy of sharing

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Chris--there is more on a substack, unfortunately I am unable to remember which one or find again. Yes needs sharing widely

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This example of lawlessness makes me think of Etienne statements on government. These are concepts that dont necessarily exist, ie government, but the belief in them fuels them. Money, specifically interest, is a concept similar to this: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/spiritual-sundays-freedom-vs-slavery

I think this is the same in this example of lawlessness. There is no actual law that folks like assange or jones committed, but the perception of a law being broken is what allowed their capture.

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Well said. Utter depravity. I read somewhere else I think about how some student claiming to be offended by your statement that there was two sides to the mask issue was "offensive" leading to your persecution. They are truly purposefully destroying any and all legal precedents that protect citizens and create bullshit new rules/laws, as Trump and many others have experienced.

Let's hope that we derive spiritual benefit from our (widely varying) degree of suffering from opposing this bullshit.

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It is sad that those of us who have figured it out have to wait until the others catch up, and then watch the “others” finally pay the price.

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Most of the popular 'dissident' leaders are actually working for the other team.


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Some. MAYBE "most." Who knows? We have to be very careful with such accusations, which THEMSELVES could well be psy-ops. COINTELPRO was all about such rifts.

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After weeks of this it just becomes spam to me. Be nice if you commented on the subject that writers put a lot of effort into instead of only posting your stuff.

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Great post! And the link to Celia's post.

She posted the video of the Judge and Escobar.


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we are rapidly becoming a plutocracy (skull and bones?” Laws and justice for them the rest take out the trash. Unless you are part of the Temporall groups that they need for power.

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