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I think you mean "EUGENICS", as the real goal post is massive depop worldwide.

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Changes are being made to Medical Assitance in Dying (MAID) which will expand eligibility criteria to eliminate the “reasonable foreseeability of natural death” criterion. This means that it will no longer be required for a person's death to be reasonably foreseeable to receive MAID services.

The government of Canada's website says that those whose only medical condition is a mental illness will not be eligible for MAID until March 2023, meaning that it will be fully available for those with just a mental condition after that date.

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So... Just some out of box...

That means Liberals get this service soon?

(ethical note... I am being bitterly sarcastic. I believe what Catholic church, which is in eclipse now, against "eugenics" "mercy killing" abortion. Completely evil, participation bin a grave evil. That can land one in hell)

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The useful idiots are ALWAYS the first up against the wall.

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Man, thank you for saying this. I have spent HOURS telling fuckwits on 4Chan who ask "why would the globalists kill their most loyal sheep" why so many times I can't be bothered anymore.

Yes, the useful idiots always die first.

Second, our enemy are social Darwinists, they set an elementary IQ test before us and the stupidest people fell for it (Biden deserves to burn for all eternity, as does Macron, many people got vaxxed despite not wanting to but having to).

If you were going to indiscriminately kill millions of people, wouldn't you arrange things so that the bulk of your guilt was shifted onto the lemmings who willingly took part in euthanasia?

IFR of less than 1% anyone????

I have very little sympathy for the people who still fall for this shit. I'll mourn them but maybe the globalists were correct about them. They would almost certainly have been eaten in the jungle thousands of years ago.

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I agree COMPLETELY! I remember saying this in the summer of 2020!

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Oliver Stone. Mr Conspiracy theorist took deathvax? Really?

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A brutal post, Baboon. But the unmitigated truth is brutal.

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The Naked Emperor covered this recently "But first a look at how the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) are suggesting that unvaccinated patients be put on psychiatric medication." So are they suggesting that people who do not want to take the injections are mentally ill? Hmmmmm..

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It woulda been worse if he hadn't taken vax for a stand up double

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Ninety dead doctors in Canada

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Over months. These injuries are from just the past week.

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It's incredible! People are still getting these death shots and many are not finding anything odd about the surge in sudden deaths, illnesses, or diseases. They'll tell me that they don't know anyone that's had negative side effects from the jab. WTF!

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An anesthesiologist I work with was heading out Friday and announced he didn’t make plans for the weekend because he was off to get his Covid booster and wasn’t sure how he’d feel. He stated his wife got hers at 10:30am (it was around 3pm at the time of our convo) and was already down with a 102 fever. He seemed so proud...almost giddy to get his shot. I just thought to myself “there goes another stupid smart person”. I work with lots of them.

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A year ago there was a lot less data to base a decision on. Now you only have to do a little bit of research to see masses of data and reveal the darkness.

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That’s some strong kool-aid! I hope they make it thru the weekend.

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Nov 21, 2022
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I wonder if there is something in the jab that affects a persons thinking making the jab addictive and putting them in denial of any bad news. You speak to these people and they respond as if it’s you, the un-jabbed, that are odd, dim, and just watch too many alternative media.

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Nov 21, 2022
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There is something to the shedding. I have not taken the Jab and remain a pureblood. However, if I am in an enclosed space such as a car with someone who is vaccinated, for a prolonged period of time, I will end up with symptoms. The symptoms go away within 48 hour usually. I know why this is happening, but it's a long story so I won't bore you with it here.

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Nov 21, 2022
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Don’t need common sense just a good memory and a penchant for unquestioning obedience to endure medical school.

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At least they're not quitters

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At some point they will permanently quit.

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I gave you, Willie Mays, a slow softball, just a little outside and up in the strike zone and you hit it 550 feet

For Iain

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Prefer cricket and hit it out of the ground for six runs,

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Nov 21, 2022
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If it's someone that's shaming other for not getting vaxd or pushing on kids, I wouldn't lose any sleep.

Exhibit A:

University of Michigan professor describes why she voted to endorse Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine


Talking/minimizing side effects...nothing about death.


A. O. Fuller: 90% of the people in hospitals with COVID are people who are unvaccinated, which means that not having a vaccine is a risk factor for getting COVID, and that should be convincing. Side effects of the vaccine, from what we know from clinical trials as well as the rollout over millions of people, are relatively benign. There is no direct connection between getting the vaccine and death.




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Sage, on Amnesty bullshit... On substack, I knew you and I would1000% stand against it.

You've got some Bitchute blood in you girl.

Those bad boys kill me.

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Not just that the birth rates are collapsing in all the mRNA jabbed nations.

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So hard to keep up with all these stiffs

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@Mark - I realize this is a huge work effort, but if these deaths/injuries were compiled in a simple spreadsheet like an Airtable, it would be a lot easier to get some more converts to reality, once they see a simple, ever growing list in one place.

I'm sure that there is a lot of talent following you here that if you asked for volunteers, they could assemble this data that way for you.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NX5jCjXM0KQ Jimmy Chalfant, of the rock group KIX collapses of heart attack on stage. I heard it was his second, the first was a year and a half ago.

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Drummmer is hot seat like athlete

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“It was like someone was actually inside my skull, like pushing out. I can’t explain how awful it was..." Said Genevieve Florence, 24 years old.

Poor girl. She wanted to be an actress so she "had to" take the shot--twice. Is there no Balm in Gilead? When's it gonna stop? Needless suffering. Crimes against humanity and the Eternal.

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And the Eternal...

Dig you bringing God into this. These are horrendous crimes against God.

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The evil one is trying to destroy the human race because we are made in God's image. Just my opinion.

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It's a good one! Much truth

I think satan is wanting people dying early, to capture their souls.

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Nov 22, 2022
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"...God is pulling people home to Him who are at high risk of taking the Mark of the Beast in its fully-realized form..."

I've been hoping the same thing... There are many good people I know who've fallen for this.

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God is most certainly outsmarting satan, absolutely.

Our scenarios are a bit different, but I agree totally. You're first I've seen say this...

A glorious age coming

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Gotta pay to play...

"suffering needles"

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Good catch. No pun intended. Here--or the one above.

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Despite at least one athlete, a soccer player, dying under the same circumstances here in Japan, there seems to be zero suspicion that the shot is behind these. In fact, there seems to be zero awareness in Japan that famous people are dropping like flies.

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How many people's bodies are like ticking time bombs?

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A few months ago I saw this cartoon that was just "The Vaccinated" and "The Unvaccinated" staring at one another with a caption like "Just waiting for the other to die".

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I ask Saint Joseph, patron of the sick, patron of the dying to watch over my loved ones,).

In other words, yes, they are ticking time bombs. I think, if they got a true deathvax shot... Whatever that is... They will die.. Failing a miracle.

Personally, I am guessing Our Lady of Fatima predictions. She will step into this in a big way. She will cure many, but many will die.

Ultimately this is chastistement and then complete overthrow of Satan.

Gen 315, Fatima, Saint Louis de Monterey more...m

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I see it as kind of an initiation test into the next level of consciousness. The people that seem to think that they have it all figured out now are the ones having the hardest time with this.

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Those from "top" schools are getting hammered... I think they were indoctrinated into soft communism.

Greater good in this case is nonsense.

Pope Pius XII says it more clearer, using exact phrase :


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The thing is, those "top" people have given, almost gleefully, their consent to this experimental gene therapy. But they gave that consent based upon the false reality they inhabit and flourish in. My suspicion is that it is that false reality itself that is being challenged on a metaphysical, spiritual level they've yet to connect with.

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Yes, gleefully. Like a religion.

My 5 sibs went to big name school... They weren't happy when I said, ENJOYING the scamdemic!?

I went to Westchester COMMUNITY College... No brainwashing.

Good old boys. Some quite good smart asses. Miss em. 40 yrs

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Some hope. I just read an article , Malone, very recent... Some might survive. His latest one I received

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Nov 21, 2022
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De Nile aint just a river in Egypt

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Or subjecting your tiny children to the jabs? Realization for covidian parents is gonna come hard. Those people will be in denial the longest and they will be looking for scapegoats when tshtf.

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Not famous and lost in the denial, friend told me today that his father 66 died last week, found his chair at home. Listed as natural causes, embalmer told my friend that it was coronary, main arteries were filled and prevented embalming fluid from going through his body. Hmmmm🤔. No follow up, autopsy would have cost the family 5k.

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Government should be doing a percentage, random, to determine what is going in.

They don't want a record of what they already know

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Nov 21, 2022
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I’m having a ‘lil visit with the embalmer ;)

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Please do. I attended a Focus on America meeting last week. One of the speakers was trade embalmer Richard Hirschman. He's been an embalmer for 20 years. He said he's never (before covid shots) seen the clotty stuff he's regularly pulling out of bodies. He's featured in the movie Died Suddenly. He's spoken to many other embalmers and they are seeing the same unusual things.

He also helps told one individual that had a bunch of clotty stuff did not get any covid shots.....but he found out the person had a blood transfusion.

Also, a lot of young people dying suddenly....heart attacks, dying in sleep.

Patriots | Focus On America


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The latest (covered in USA Today) is that alcohol use in 20 and 30 somethings is increasing risk of stroke. Yet another cover-up.

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More normalizing. Every time someone says crap like that as an excuse for why so and so stroked out. You must say: Whoa! That is crazy are we living in a parallel universe. That was never the case, they are normalizing this so we won't pay attention. Not sure what it is but this is not true. What do you think? Keep asking people to think. (In your own words of course).

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Does anyone realize that NO employees in the medical companies, from top to bottom , have to get the jabs? Also heard NO government people were forced to get these-Congress and all workers. Is the “virus”so smart it knows not to infect these people? Just asking’!

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Lists of agencies, companies came out last yr. Enraging

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Makes as much sense as banning those that are unvaxxed from flying into the USA (to go on vacation) but letting people illegally come in thru our southern border and not be vaxxed (or making them get vaxxed).

Also, not required to get jabs are USPS employees, the millions of Chinese students in USA, certain automotive company workers, etc.

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I know somebody who works for J and J subsidiary Jannsen and was forced to get the shot against his will. He held out until they threatened to fire him.

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I’m not a dr. Only know what I heard on a video.

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Nov 21, 2022
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Big pharma Pfizer, Moderns, email

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I grew uo in NY....

A fat slob, 62 years old has 30 inches of snow drop down on his driveway.

HE'S too cheap to pay teenagers. He goes out and shovels for 45 minutes and drops dead.

This was youngest people who died of heart attack were, before deathvax.

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Not a single younger person died from ❤️ issues in my long life. Not one. Until they were older and over 70. I never attended my first funeral until I was 19 and my grandparents all lived until their 80s and 90s. Even cancer was rare and unheard of in kids. Accidents yes. All these younger folks now. Horrific. My daughter has an inoperable small benign ? mass in her brain--may have been there all her life but I worry about that now. And her husband who has had Afib previously-works in NYC MLS and carries a 40 pound camera on his shoulder. All vaxed. All boostered as far as they tell me. 🙏🏻🙏🏻.

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Two classmates in my class died in high school. One died in a small plane crash. The other died in a car accident.

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We had a couple of accidents in my high school. When I was a preteen a younger boy on my school bus route fell off a wagon and was killed by the tractor. I remember being so shocked at a child dying that I saw and talked to most days. I walked around for a long time upset and thinking about him. Death happened to someone I knew and a kid. It ruffled my world badly.

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You're on target!

In New York, A shade younger cuz we're so damn mean.

Not me, I'm teddy bear.

Except against Yankees esp Clements bat throwing psycho.

Love Piazzas wife... Tough honest lady

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Hi MCM, If Jonnie Irwin was given 6 months to live in Aug 2020, this was before the vaxx rollout so he has lived more than 2 years. So not sure if his prognosis had improved after chemo in 2020 ? Not sure how vaxx jabs would play a part if he was given a 6 months to life before the jabs. Any ideas? I checked other articles and not seeing anything about going into remission after chemo. From the article:

Irwin revealed the first warning sign of his illness came while he was filming A Place In The Sun in August 2020 in Italy, when his vision became blurry while driving.

“Within a week of flying back from filming, I was being given six months to live,” he said

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An 18 year old cricketer, a 24 year old basketball

star, a 32 year old reality star, all with severe heart issues. All would have been vaxxed to travel. MSM is negligent in not making this frontpage worldwide.

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And yet they all rapped all over Djokovic- Djokovic will have the last laugh!

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It's beyond belief that people are STILL BEGGING for DEADLY INJECTIONS (incorrectly referred to as VACCINES!) Don't they read non-MSM news proving the numbers of fatalities that follow these Depopulating INJECTIONS?

We all know that IVERMECTIN had to be made to 'disappear' from public view in order to "prove" to US Health Authorities that no alternative 'CURES' ever existed for novel viruses. So, the 'ESTABLISHMENT', financially motivated by Big Pharma, denigrated IVM & other long proven SAFE WHO recognised medicines as either 'non- existent', 'dangerous' or only 'for ANIMAL USE'. The CDC & FDA then went along with the SCAM and gave the speedily concocted injectable solutions (called "vaccines") an Emergency Use Approval (EUA). The rest is History.

The vax didn't work, millions died POST VAX and Pfizer made trillions$$$.

LIABILITY must be reintroduced for BIG PHARMA's deadly meds (it's currently used as their LICENCE to KILL) and life might return to some form of normality?

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I joined the dots.

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RICO class actions! Treble damages!

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I hope I understand your implication and wait for such an event to actually make it to court!

Why are the CDC & probably the FDA perpetrating this farce when most of us know the truth = Covid Vax is just a HUMAN CULL!

Today I went grocery shopping with my bright YELLOW TEE-SHIRT with messages stating;

'UnVAXXED to live Longer' (front) and

'Covid UNVAXXED CLUB' (back)

Had various comments; "Love the tee-shirt" and "We know what's going on".

Then the cashier whispered, "Never had a jab and I'm never going to". He went on to talk about NWO & WEF.

I told him that Boris (PIG) Johnson had signed us up for WHO taking control of when they pretend the next PANDEMIC has arrived and then controlling the planet with MANDATED Mask wearing, Lockdowns and compulsory poisonous injections.

I mentioned our new UNELECTED Prime Minister has already signed up the UK for a BAN on any uninjected Brits being BANNED FROM international flights.

At least people are beginning to realise what's really going on! At long last!

We finally talked about Canada's 'Pussy' TRUDEAU wanting anybody refusing the poison, to have MANDATORY psychiatric 'help'. He's washed up!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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The entire system is corrupt.

The Covid/Crypto Connection: The Grim Saga of FTX and Sam Bankman-Fried ⋆ Brownstone Institute


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Catherine Awesome Fitts


Part III



"Reasons To Be Cheerful"

~ Ian Dury

"Cheerfulness helps to preserve health, creates good looks and invites friendship.

It is easy to suppose that some people are born cheerful and others pessimistic.

But, in fact, temperament is by no means entirely what we were born with."

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I'm always conflicted about the "like" button for such articles. I want to click to show appreciation for the efforts of the host of this blog, but it is hard to "like" the fact that such terrible health problems are occurring to all these people.

Anyway, of course, I clicked it. Many thanks for your tireless reporting!

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Well jolly, good luck old chap👏 with one's sporting endeavours. 96% of adult Australia supposedly had 2 shots, clearly as that's gummint figures I'd still say 80% did. ALL the non msm chatter remarks that it is the doubles & triples that are in the wards. Note too that the jibberjabbed are not just getting cvd, they're also having "totally, absolutely UNRELATED" cancers & heart attacks, an unprecedented excess mortalities surge... dunno why, huh 🤔 Meanwhile Australian Federal Health has airtime allover for (4th Slow Bait for Feral Humans) health & safety vaccines... 😉

"I am informed and I refuse consent" 🍻 🏊

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Al Roker recovering from blood clots in his legs and lungs: "Medical whack-a-mole" https://www.cbsnews.com/news/al-roker-recovering-from-blood-clots-in-his-legs-and-lungs-medical-whack-a-mole

Al Roker gets the COVID-19 vaccine live on TODAY https://www.today.com/health/al-roker-gets-covid-19-vaccine-live-today-show-t206100

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I posted both those items last night

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Sorry; hard to keep up with your good work!

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They're all so sweet about getting raped by Pharma and government.


Exceptions! Clapton

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I love Clapton's song/video 'This has gotta stop - enough is enough , I can't take this BS any longer' 💖

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Sing it and post it

I wanna hear ya...

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