Maybe more striking than the celebrities with fatal and serious illnesses is the impact the low- and mid-level disabilities from c shots have had on the regular workforce. Does anyone know a restaurant or a factory that isn't looking for workers? And the people who are filling the spots left by the wounded, dutiful shot-takers are people who hadn't been working, but what the heck, they're willing to step up for the new $17/hr entry-level no-skills-required work. In the white-collar world, employees who haven't been too badly disabled to work are walking around with brain fog, sick all the time and catching every bug that goes around. The long-term impact of disabling a wide swath of working-age adults remains to be seen, but it can't be good.

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I agree and it's going to get worse before it gets better. The people who are affected by brain fog now could become completely useless as their prion diseases progress. The worst case scenario here is so bad no one wants to talk about it. Half of people with miocarditus are dead within five years. So, our society is comprised non-vaxxers who are awake and don't watch TV news, and vaxxers whose cognition is impaired and who are dying. The vaxxed don't know what's happening to them. You could try to explain it to them, but they're not going to understand. It's like the old thought experiment: The house is burning but the sleeping people inside can't be saved. Do you wake them? Or let them die in their sleep?

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I suspect it's going to make 1347 look like a joke.

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Jun 11, 2023
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My favorite story was that city in Germany, offered you a roll in the hay at the best whorehouse in town with their best girl if you took The Lethal Injection first!

Sorry. Don't need nor want it that badly. 🤔💩

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First hand experience with an example of brain fog. Was at the grocery store today and the woman in front of me just could not understand the difference between owing 23.00 and 23.61. The clerk had to keep repeating that she owed another 61 cents. She kept saying "but I gave you 23.00." I finally went to another line. This is happening more and more.

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I know. It's mind boggling.

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Part of the problem with the vaxxed is that many people tried to warn them and they were rude to them. Admitting they have a vaccine injury now, is not easy for people. Not to mention admitting mental decline isn't easy for anyone regardless of blame.

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Well spotted. In the UK, they are describing these people as lazy or fat (or those that have decided to work at home - FOR EVER) and concentrating on covering up the true causes .. still the trouble is that the masses believe the rhetoric, BS and lap it all up..

Also another cover up or half truth is that the MSM tell us that a "FEW" have finally claimed some money from the government for suffering from the adverse effects of the jabs... stories never connected of course; but a few REALLY MEANS that a few have been given the go ahead after thousands claimed.

As for your last 5 words... no, it cannot and I think it will only get worse; but isn't that the point ???... crash everything to "Build Back Better" ?.

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Sometimes I think they overshot the mark... I mean, even people who want to remake society in every way probably want the people at the water and sewer facilities to be able to work...

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They don't want to remake society. They want automaton surfs. That's all.

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PS This just literally came in... a regular update (off track maybe I know).



Going back to your idea, what is the wost thing for you, what would make you mad and angry and maybe cause you and you neighbours to cause social unrest ???...

Untreated s*it on your setae, flooding in your house... ?;well it would me - especially if I had not caused it for once (hahaha)

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I think you have just nailed something I have been racking my brains about for ages. Again, big news stories in the UK. about UNTREATED excrement being pumped directly into rivers and the sea (close to shore) ... making out it has happened for donkey's years - err nope; not true at all.

I had it down to them wanting us stop holidaying on the coast or something more devious - of course no travel and all the other globalist agenda BS... but I wonder if your comment explains why they are blaming the private water companies for the disarray with the "sewage" and "water treatment" facilities that have worked perfectly for years UNTIL mid-2,021 ???.

PS Same with the train companies, airlines etc etc... the latter is a slam dunk, because pilots and co-pilots are dropping daily, together with the fact that like "nurses", many walked off the job when they brought the mandatory jabs in.

Well spotted.

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Ed Dowd has commented on this.

Excess Mortality Goes Mainstream in Earth-Shattering Ed Dowd/Tucker Carlson Interview


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Yes, good point. Dowd, Malone, etc., have done some nice charts with FRED data to make it clear that the disability rate in the workforce basically tracks the shot uptake. It's really striking when you see it in your own life, though. It's been what? 18 months? since the US stopped the high unemployment payments? And still, every place I go, they're desperate for workers. They're unable to work because of the shots.

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Whatever you do or think ... please do not think this has anything to do with the precious gift to humanity .. the safe and effective poison that totally effs up you immune system .. creates severe inflammation and those helpful strands of protein that clogs up your life giving circulation... praise be to our master the BBC for keeping us all in the dark!... thankyou Bill Gates ...Klaus Shithead... and the megalomaniacs running the shitshow in your country and those forced mandates... whoopywoo!

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I wonder how many are connecting dots now? Saw a bunch of people at a neighborhood bonfire last night - far as I can tell the jab = increasing death & disease dots are still not connecting. Quite a spell.

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They don't want to know.

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“Health problems” is almost a diagnosis unto itself these days

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Is there a government insurance code for that?

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IMPORTANT: The COVID 19 Bioweapons Are “Nano Technology Enabled” – The National Nanotechnology Initiative


Transhumanism, Nanotechnology, and Cybernetics


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Lioness 🎯

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Jun 11, 2023
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Hmm, I wonder if it's really nanotechnology. The article says it nourishes the body with "wavelengths and and light". All I know is no patches are going on my body!

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Novak has a wef supported children charity that has nothing to do with tennis... I wouldn't trust one thing he does.

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I feel wicked saying this but, it serves them right. People like Ester Rantzen hurling abuse at the unjabbed, wishing bad things for them. Serves her right. The nastiness of people like her during the height of the madness was astounding. So, no pity from me. For any of them. A bit of common sense and a bit of research and they'd still be fine.

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Well said - she was absolutely vile. I was shocked, as I stupidly used to think she was ok. She's now on my ever lengthening list of 'awful people' 😒😒😒

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Puffin go check out Abi Roberts wall of cunts video here on substack, good old Esther is on there with all the others who called for freedoms to be removed of anyone unvaxxed, communist China would be proud of them all.

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thanks so much for that Lizzy - she was brilliant !! I shall look out for her now 🙏

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This is a great short video.

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thank you David but it won't open for me ☹

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Anyone that tried manipulate people to getting it, deserves what they have coming. Don't feel bad. They didn't feel bad when they were fear mongering.

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Thank you Mark

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So many cancer diagnosis these days, do any of them know what caused it or are they just ignoring the elephant in the room.

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Impossible to guess what other folks think but all my pre-covid friends got jabbed now ten have new serious health conditions, five are cancers & two of those connect it to jabs. The others seem oblivious to the role of transfection on them or others around them suggesting about 20% get it if my orbit reflects a representative sample of thinking.

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How do those two feel about and deal with the injection increasing their risk of cancer?

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One did it to visit a grandchild the other in solidarity w partner opting to comply w mandated no jab no job policy.. neither talk about it much beyond saying they should have known better, researched & resisted more when they initially shared the diagnosis.. beyond that idk we talk about everything else old friends talk about.

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Ah, that seems good. Some people might get so depressed or upset that it further impacts their health. But if they are more middle of the road - I should have known better - then hopefully they will be a voice for reason in their community in the future.

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Jun 11, 2023
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They will just blame it on long covid, or asymptomatic coronavirus infection. 😔

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I believe the doctors are not only dismissive but they are downright abusive when patients ask if it's connected. Often they were even tell them to get another, from the stories I've read.

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Had a thought yesterday, my doc wants me to take Prednisone for inflammation for an achilles heel injury. I don't want it. My mother was doing fine until her doctor put her on long term Prednisone for shoulder inflammation/pain. W/in no time she went to having normal memory age-related disruptions to full out dementia. We looked it up and yes, Prednisone can cause dementia, of course there are articles denying it, but we saw first hand what it did.

So then I got to wondering w/all the vaxx patients how many are being treated w/Prednisone for their vaxx related health issues, which in turn can, for some people, cause dementia? Just a thought. I know the vaxx does its own set of evil, but we have treatment methods that surely make matters worse.

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I haven’t heard of dementia as a side effect of steroids but it wouldn’t surprise me. They made my mellow cat as ornery as hell when he was on it for a while. If you’re open to natural medicines, Curaphen (its label says it’s “safe and effective” haha but it’s probably true in this instance) might work or the supplement boswellia. Sometimes these have worked for me and sometimes bit but I am no longer using anything made by Big Pharma.

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Thanks will look it up and see if it jumps at me. Until the PT woman taped me up I was using the ancient therapy of good ol Castor oil, wasn't a cure by any means, but it did help out.

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I am not a medic but surely you would only be prescribed a short course to get the inflammation down? 5 to 7 days? It might be worth it short term. DYOR of course.

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Oh! We're not to our own research under any circumstances! Trust the 'Science'.

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He gave me a 12 day supply, told me it might make me irritable or interfere w/sleep. I am irritable enough all by myself.

Last time I had a steroid injection in my knee it made me wired beyond belief, I didn't sleep and was buzzing for two days on hyperdrive. I told the ortho never again, put it in my chart, no more of that drug. I know it is two different types of steroid, doses etc, but because of my mom I am hesitant. I already have brain farts, and I don't need a drug making them worse. I just started PT, so I am going to see how much progress I can make there. I was warned that if I don't get it under control the tears could go to full blown rupture and I don't want that.

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I had the buzzing sensation several years ago after I was given a steroid shot for a rapid onset skin condition. It got rid of the hives but the other effects were disturbing

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Have your tried using a tens machine?

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No. I used to use one for my back. We started dry needling and long story short had to quit that. Still doing ice/heat, massage, taping. Some of the swelling has gone down.

I need knee surgery, so it is getting complicated.

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Mayor Kahn says the heart attack came out of nowhere. A total mystery to him and his medical team, but I would bet big money he never took another covid booster since then.

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Personally I couldn't give a festering flying fuck.

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Good for you.

For everyone else, it's relevant when the people in charge pushing covid shots for the masses stopped taking it themselves because they woke up to the danger.

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In the immortal words of Br. Alexis Bugnolo who uttered same back in June 2021:

"Anyone with a brain had enough time to examine the Scamdemic and see that it was false...If in a year you didn't practice that and you went and ran off to get the jab so that you could go travelling or not get offended or do something like that... You're an idiot. And you're a coward. And you don't live according to the truth."

- A Stark Warning for Politicians, Journalists and Doctors - https://www.bitchute.com/video/ieDAFLLvXhbw/

- We are at the Great Separation - https://www.bitchute.com/video/2Udu97lMClL4/

Sadiq Khan is a grifter, he is complicit in Mass Murder. He has no excuse. If the standards of Nuremberg applied, like 99.9% of contemporary British politicians, he'd hang.

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Do you think that some of these politicians will fake vaccine injuries to say, I got it therefore I did not know about the conspiracy?

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Jun 11, 2023
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He deserves Eternity in The Lake of Fire.

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They likely woke up to the danger, but will they go public with it? I doubt it..

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Of course they won't. They're bought, they're complicit. These quislings to humanity think "The Elite" will richly reward them for their treachery -- and they certainly will. 🕳️

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I wouldn't be surprised if he never took any shots and this was all part of the act. Anyone in charge of the C40 cities agenda is well aware major depopulation will need to occur to make it happen.

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Mark - Did you see the news today - an ESPN director, Kyle Brown, died Saturday after suffering a medical emergency while working the NCAA Baseball Super Regional tournament in Winston-Salem, NC. He was 42 and a 16-year employee at the network. [Obviously like so many TV, entertainment and sports figures, we can just about bet he was jabbed.] He leaves behind his wife and four children, 14, 11, 9 and 6 years old. How horribly sad is all of this. I know it's the "new normal" but it's almost getting too much to bear. Knowing that it will be ongoing for likely the next 5+ years is the most difficult part.

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Back in December 2019, I had a 'medical emergency', and went to a local hospital ER. I was diagnosed with a heart attack. Knowing myself, I refused a heart catheterization and requested transfer to my preferred hospital, where my cardiologist practices. It was quite a process getting the transfer! As it turned out, after a cardiac MRI, I was diagnosed with myocarditis and treated properly. I truly believe it was Covid. Given my experience, I believe many people may be misdiagnosed with heart attacks. Know your body.

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How many doses of The Lethal Injection have you taken? Because "Covid" ... doesn't exist ...

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Absolutely none - and from now on, will never take any others.

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But they can surely visit the White House unhindered... This is from Lioness:


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They are working so hard to find ways to continue this deceitful narrative. I couldn’t believe when I read about this last night.

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The problem is that they are likely to create another plandemic and, as the Gates used to giggle, "this will be taken seriously." The worldwide coordinated attack on people's finances is coming up shortly:


However, a fake "pandemic" will be necessary to maintain "emergency" dictates, so there will be a lot of people collapsing in the street to convince people that there is a new "virus":

Dr. Rashid Buttar was wrong on many details, but he got the point right and it cost him his life:


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A lot of these illnesses can also be from increased exposure to microwave radiation. The clot shot just might be enhancing the effects of radiation do to metals in the shots. https://magdahavas.com/from-zorys-archive/pick-of-the-week-22-a-very-important-symposium/

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So true, or a combination.

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I fear for humanity! Why if I - just a retired nobody - figured out in early 2020 what a Scamdemic this was that the majority of the population couldn't? I have friends who were harmed by the shots. A very good friend got the jab. May 5th he passed from a stroke after being declared perfectly healthy by his physician just a couple of weeks before. My sister got the jab late August. By September1st she was in the ICU on a vent and died 2 months later November 1, 2022 Nothing I could say would convince her husband that that protocol was going to kill her. Is there anyone who doesn't know who have experienced harm or death from this evil?

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Just had a non-conversation today with friends we haven't seen for a while & the guy screamed at me when I gently tried to broach the vaxx injuries topic. We're NOT gonna talk about that shit. But he insists his wife has "long covid" etc etc. (After vaxxes/boosters)

And yet, the so-called C19 has never been isolated (Christine Massey FOIs research) , the mortality stats were the same throughout the so-called plandemic (cuz CDC renamed the flu & pneumonia) until after the deadly vaxx release, & by the way, THERE"S NO VIRUS.

(See March 21, 2022 > The Viral Delusion Part 1 Behind The Curtain of The PLANdemic & The Pseudoscience of SARS-COV-2 (archive. org) https://archive.org/details/the-viral-delusion-part-1-the-tragic-pseudoscience-of-sars

But clearly, 3+ years on, there's just no hope for some people's lack of curiosity or ignorance. :/

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Makes you want to say to him, "I promise not to mention vaxx injuries if you promise to stop insulting my intelligence by saying your wife has long covid."

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Exactly. I have hated the term long covid since it began.

They will now use that term to cover all of the horrible effects of this murderous shot. They are already doing it in a hospital here in Boston.

They lie and lie and lie.

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I live in MA - Boston hospitals were the last holdouts to not require masks. They kept it in place until the arbitrary and ridiculous May 11 date of the "official end of the pandemic". These people are clowns.

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Not just Boston, but here in WA state too. I had to go to ER for stupid injury/accident. I had to sit there for hours in a mask (enforced by staff) while at least 4 guys between 40 and 65 came in with chest pain/cardiac stuff and a woman whose main language was not english was wandering about the ER trying to get people to help her with texting her doc. Her hand was swollen and dark purple. She asked me what 'immersion' meant I told her and asked where she had seen it, it was a text from her doc and I suspect spellcheck or voice translation subbed 'immersion' for MRSA. She was all over the ER, touching stuff and handing her phone to people. I washed the hell out of my hands and asked to leave as soon as they could process me out. I had to wear a stupid mask, but they took no notice of someone potentially spreading MRSA. Arrgh.

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I'm so sorry for that experience. It is so frustrating. Yes, the lack of curiosity and the need to not admit they were wrong. My friend who got the jab, got CV, and now says she is experiencing "weird inflammation" won't even broach the subject that her symptoms may have been caused by those actions. I sent her information from Dr. Marik about how to treat it. I didn't make any suggestions but that she might try intermittent fasting since she was going to revisit her diet. That was weeks ago and she has not even responded. She is so smart on other things - yet this is not an approachable subject.

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I had thought about suggesting the same approach with my sister while she is waiting to be seen by lung specialist. The intermittent fasting, nattokinase, vit D.

But it's a difficult situation.

I am doing whatever I can to support her, and I will continue. If I think she is open to suggestions form "this side of the fence" I will gently offer.

But I am not going to press the "if you had only chosen not to get the shot".

These people are suffering enough as it is.

When I look at my own life and the piss poor choices I have made along the way, that effected every area of my life in a rather devastating way, I am in no position to wag a finger.

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I am so very sorry for the loss of your sister. Another awfulness.

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Thank you!

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Jun 11, 2023
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"Peak oil" is just another hoax to raise prices & force austerity policies & cry scarcity. Big lie.

Peak oil? Oil is not a fossil fuel & is NOT scarce. I remember way back in the 1970s we were told that we'd reach peak oil in 2 decades. Didn't happen then. Will NEVER happen.

Nearly every single thing that the PTB tell us is a friggin lie. Check out the oil facts below.

Watch & learn > Peak oil? Oil is not a fossil fuel《Trooper Buddy》


Oil is the 4th most abundant liquid on earth. If you are looking at the entire Earth, then water is not the most abundant liquid. Magma is first, liquid iron (as in core) is a rather distant second, and water is very distant third. Oil is fourth. If you look at just what sits above ground, absolutely no liquid is even a shadow of water.Truth. PetroleumThe time of Oil Wells Used Petroleum. Petroleum literally means "rock oil." It is the second most abundant liquid on Earth. 3 years, 8 months ago

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Wow, incoming from all walks of life. Well they followed orders get the jab, the more jabs the worse it gets. No matter what celebrity status you

Are. And the stars fall from the sky, most of their followers still all cry, “ it could have been worse”

The wind responds how? Why do you still deny,

That these poisons shoot down every star which shined goodbye.

Seizures, heart attacks, strokes, turbo cancer,

And looks like this won’t stop soon. But we all know why. Bud light is being served at target stores

And every conspiracy fact, science is the god they worship, a fatal choice. Sad to see these people at such ages being taken out of the game.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Damn shame

None of this ever was justified.

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It was patently obvious to me right from the start, there was something very fishy about this so-called "pandemic". By June of 2020 it should have been nakedly obvious to any sentient person this was a nothing but a scam and a fraud. But all the morons went out and got their Lethal Injections, didn't give it the thought they'd put into buying a used car...

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For me early there were two telling points. Two weeks to flatten the curve,

What curve? Bill gates saying we are going to vaxxinate 8 billion people. The Hell you are!

Then the no mask mask then two mask

Then I am science

Then social distancing is that like “ I did have sexual relations with that woman”

Then safe and effective

I sold for big pharma 15 years which gave me 15 years insight into the evil empire.

I warned my circle tribe, people thought I was overreacting everyone just went along. The C student passes the test.

Two friends left jobs because of mandatory shots. 2 people in tribe now dead, one returning cancer, other unsure. Critical thinking is not a common


99% chance of recovery from man made vector virus


95% safe effective

Which we know was a lie.

Well when I make a mistake and I make ‘em every day I reflect and adjust and self correct. One miss stake I did not do was believe their lies.

Now we watch wondering who’s next?

In 5-10 years this may be a ghost town

Idk I am in a red zone in a blue state.

Scam and fraud for anyone with instincts left intact. Common sense ain’t common.

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From what I've been reading, you take that injection? Just one? You've got 6 months to 3 years. In 5 - 10 years most of humanity will be dead.

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By the end of the decade most( if not all) will be goners.

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Well.. I'm 64 now, and as lives go, mine hasn't been worth the bother of being born... one piece-of-shit exercise in frustration and disappointment after another. So it's not like it I'm losing a fuck of a lot. 😐💩

Still, at this point, in anticipation of what they've got planned for us? I wish I was 84, instead of 64.

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I hear you. I'm 62 and I also wish I was closer to the end. Hell, who knows. Maybe we already are closer than we think. It's hard to see anything good in our future. I thank God I'm not younger. The thought of being here any longer is now horrifying.

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Listen, you have us. We may not be much, but we love reading your words. Isn't that something? Isn't that the silver lining in this toxic cloud of crap?

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I appreciate your candor. I´ve said for a couple of years now that the older folks have it better as at least they are on their way out of this shit-show soon anyway. I am 42 so I envy anyone older than myself because they had more time before tech took over our lives. I am alone and have no friends and I anticipate that won´t change...at least anytime soon.

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"You vill eat ze bugs, own nothing, und be happy."

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"You've got 6 months to 3 years"

Maybe not. The "vaccine" batches varied. Also, the batches were not always properly stored. If someone got only 1 shot they COULD be OK. It's hard to say. If they got more than 1, the odds that they got hold of a "real" dose increase with each shot.

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You're playing Russian Roulette, no matter what.

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I’ve read that too. Graphene oxide is like black goo growing in the bodie, with spikes drilling holes in your endothelial linings two really bad things. And the turning off cancer cell moderators as well as infertility adds up to pre meditated murder.

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In the immortal words of Bugs Bunny:

"Gruesome, isn't it?"

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Bugs Bunny knew .. at least he asked his doc “what’s up Doc?”

Friday saw Yosemite Sam on the back of an oil tanker truck

Both hands a pistol

Saying “Back off

We ain’t delivering milk”

Gruesome indeed. Nothing will ever be the same again.

Calling all Yosemite Sam’s to fight back

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