British Asian? Huh? That's a risk factor for heart disease? What does that even mean? The moronic depths to which these people sink is staggering.

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They do eat a lot of curry cooked with clarified butter (ghee). It's probably easy to determine online whether life expectancy is lower for a British Asian than for a native Brit.

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A 22 year old with Dementia? And Trump is proud of how “he” was able to reduce the “vaccine” delivery time from 12 years to 2 months? You couldn’t make this stuff up.

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Trump is a rabid narcissist

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I guess so? My god.... you want me to vote for him? I don't think so. He proud of this? Does he live in bubble? Is he insane?

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So are his fans!

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No, at all. The media portrays him as one, but the Mainstream media has been CAPTURED for decades. 6 major corporations own nearly all programming, and 3 Mega-Corporations own and CONTROL them. There are Trillion-dollar investors in all Large corporations(not just the media), sans a few like Walmart... They don't want Trump to upset their apple cart. They have used everything in the book against him, yet here we are, and TRUMP will be our next president, even winning the Popular Vote. He's boastful and tends to exaggerate, but he is a narcissist, not in your life.

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Lawrence...I tried to message you on app...couldn't do it. But I really want to ask you something...how can I do this without invading your privacy...and using substack.

It is about "dementia"....

I tried it only on my phone...do you accept messages through substack?

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You can go to the Substack chat and message me from there. I was on it today with another writer

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First of all, Trump is not a scientist. He listened to the experts, just like all the presidents before him, back 50 years or so. President Trump depended on those at the top of the medical chain as outsiders. He had no idea how EVIL they were. In retrospect, it's easy to point fingers, but how many jabbs did you or others have? Many people who took 3-or more jabbs are quick to judge Trump. Look in the mirror, "You are responsible for your own decisions."

The minute I heard about the so-called virus in America, I knew something was off. So, I switched gears and started to research it. (I'm a natural skeptic.) Schools are the bane of our existence, and Doctors are trained, not taught.

As I recall, it was around mid-November 2019 that I started to investigate the facts. Not having any formal background in the Sickness Care System, it was like throwing darts at first. I didn't use the media, but right to the medical websites and their studies, it was like learning a new language. Thankfully, I have studied health for many years, so I was familiar with nutrition, supplements, etc. Early in January 2020, I stumbled on a meta-analysis chart that Blew the Whole Scam out of the water. What was going on was as plain as the nose on your face. It's very cheap and sometimes free, so the BigPharma elites and their minions shouted it down. And with an adequate amount, it is nearly 100% effective!

Trump was the Target of the Hoax, and the timing was too perfect. He was doing an admiral job as president through all the turmoil with his top staff and the RINOs at the start of his term. The REAL Powers that be would have none of this, and they unleashed the Kraken to no avail. They stole the election, and the proof is still hidden from the media to this day, but the massive turnout for TRUMP blew away the steal, and the AMERICAN people saved America from the NWO psychopaths.

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If pharma executives read the many, many essays that Mark has posted I wonder whether they would react with horror or laughter for what they’ve done? Sometimes I feel like a ghoul for reading them, but maybe it’s just bearing witness. Either way I feel very sad about what is happening.

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They are sociopaths, just like most MD’s. They will always find a rationale to justify their exorbitant salaries.

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They would laugh all the way to the bank. BigPhama executives only read the bottom line of their profit report statement. Everything else is inconsequential.

Alternative Doctors are the way to go; however, you won't see them on Massmeida, which has some top Doctors on its platform. Humanity United Now—Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD is one. Ana is really deep and guarantees you will learn things you haven't heard about before. Another is The Forgotten Side of Medicine | A Midwestern Doctor | Substack, which has engaging, inspiring knowledge.

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the Vaxxocalypse

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Come on now, people. We all know 22 is the new 75. Get with the program and “the science.” It’s called “progress.”

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You gotta be in la la land to think it is genetic.

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Among others, they especially like to use the terms 'genetic' or 'auto-immune' when they have no idea of the underlying etiology of a symptom.

What's wrong with saying, "I don't know?"

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Saying "I don't know?"... they really prefer uttering "I'm baffled!!"

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Oh, it's genetic, all right. But not your genetics. Some have animal genes and other human genes, and some have metals mixed in for better connectivity. 5G is not your friend.

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These people just refuse to connect their terrible illnesses to the C-19 jab!! They urge people of "vulnerable groups" (anyone who's had the jab are "vulnerable") to get checked for heart problems, prostate problems, etc. Look at the real connection people!! It's the jab! People who've had the jab are very vulnerable to turbo cancers, heart attacks and strokes. They are likely afraid to admit it, but let's face it. The jab has killed and maimed many people. Just admit it and help save lives!

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The worldwide number is 200 million at last count. That's the death count. And it's WORSE THAN THAT. The same thing is in our no longer pure blood. We are all vulnerable!

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Experts are baffled.

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BS. At this point, they're either lying or stupid.

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Demonic or Psychopaths, more likely both.

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"The Fianna Fáil councillor underwent four-hour key-hole surgery in the Mater Hospital in Dublin last Friday and is now urging all men to go to their GPs and get checked regularly. "

All MEN?? Don't they know by now that women also can get prostate cancers.

When surgically removing a prostate, surgeons should also check if such patient is pregnant. Maybe? Because these days everything seems possible...

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At some point the normies have to start becoming aware something’s not quite right. I wonder when? How much of these sorts of things have to transpire before they get a clue?

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I'll say it. I think there is some gaming, sports activity, betting like they do with disaster capitalism. The bet placer viewing remotely on the outcome. I'm sorry but that is the level of the soulless horrors we are facing. All you need to do is check the stock exchange activity before the worst disasters across the planet. It is what they do and now they have the technology that feeds the sickness to even greater levels.

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It doesn’t seem like it is decreasing. Is it just me or is the vaccine apocalypse picking up speed. I was thinking they just might pull this off if the vaccine death rate starts decreasing. Now I am not so sure.

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They are noticing that they are attending an awful lot of funerals lately, and that the ages of the deceased seem “off,” but they continue to come up with reasons that make sense to them for the deaths.

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Please forgive this, but the facts are: I had once determined that the "death" industry, namely the funeral home sector will surely advance in value (NYSE, or NASDAQ). I was so sure of it because they are really not-attached to the med industry that I could see, anyway, and reasoned they'd benefit from the excessive "work" load caused by the jabs.

I could not have been more mistaken! "How" this was manifest to be so, remains an enigma in my mind, but facts are facts. At least the two companies that I singled out to gain in stock price simply went sideways, and even declined. No investments were made. But it just goes to show that business is just as corrupt as the industries of the world. There is NO way that a company can assume twice the work load without accruing profit. Over the counter companies will "invest" in expansion endeavors, but that is always accounted for and documented, so what happened? I'm puzzled.


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That's a conundrum worth puzzling over.

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"Beckinsale has been caring for her mom, who is battling significant health issues, since her stepfather, British TV director Roy Battersby, died in January after suffering 'a massive stroke' while battling two types of cancer."

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The writers don't even realize what they're saying in that once sentence. Or maybe they do.

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no one even questions it in print. Or mentions how utterly tragic and alarming and handwringing and life changing that would have been in, oh, 2019.

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The tsunami of prion diseases has arrived: CJD, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, ALS, dementia. Keep an eye out for more 22-year olds using walkers.

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Maybe it's God working in His mysterious way. I believe people who took the jabs and changed their God given DNA are now not seen as God's children, they took the mark of the beast without researching first.

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This is just a foreshadow of what is to come, conditioning those that survive to take the MOB when that becomes available.

But it is definitely damaging DNA, which is causing the illnesses, vaccidents and deaths. It’s not just jabs that is causing it, war isn’t so simple it’s waged on multiple fronts, simultaneously.

The current jab is not the MOB, which involves allegiance to the Beast. One cannot take it by accident.

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War is certainly waged on multiple fronts, and especially so with a devil for a commander! As for the MOB, as just made plain above, it will be a distinguishing compliance with Rome's laws as opposed to God's Commandment Laws. There is no other way to view it rightly. And the one "Law" that Satan hates above all the others, is the Fourth. It clearly defines the Creator, and is the coveted position (or title of such, anyway) of the devil. When a decree goes forth enacted by the support of the community, the church/state will willingly pose a law upon the people to hold up the Sun Day as a sacred day, lied about by the RC church, in conjunction with her claim that God is angry and causing all the chaos in the world, because we've desecrated the Sun Day, AND have destroyed His planet earth for gain. Climate change is being implemented for that very purpose. Doubt it NOT!

All this of course, is a ploy, and an age-old plan to delude the population once it is in effect. No buying or selling will be incurred for those who resist. Going "hungry" or following after the devil's schemes, is the choice put forth. The devil is a liar, though. Trust him???

But God will miraculously intervene and the "bread and water will be made sure" for his faithful servants as it was for Elijah.

Trust Him,


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Nothing happening now is news to Yahweh (God).

The “restrainer” is now restraining ... until he is taken out of the way ...then all hell on earth will be loosed.

Hopefully we believers will be removed, protected or strengthened to endure to the end. The Good News is, we see world events differently and have a future that is much better than what lies ahead for those who believe the lie rather than the truth.

But do you find comfort knowing that this is playing out exactly as foretold and we are here to witness it? What is our part in His will?

Yes, the evil ones are culling, maiming, destroying people and our beautiful planet, striking our babies, making the last years of our elderly undeservedly horrible and ensnaring our working adults in debt and delusion.... but... with regards to excess deaths, perhaps He is allowing the removing of those MOST LIKELY to take the MOB before they get a chance to take it?

Who gets the last laugh here, if those souls are still intact?

When the known transhumanist agenda and the Word line up perfectly, this writer sits up and takes notice.

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Oh QUIT with the dart throwing! You're not even close. The "mark" is not yet assigned to anyone. It is Rome's "mark" of her authority to change God's Commandments, as they have, which constitutes the "Mark of the Beast." (most pointedly, the Fourth Commandment as given in the ORIGINAL Ten)

She IS the BEAST, you MUST already know that much! If not, please do the simple investigation which discloses the fact. Take care NOT to give false info to your readers. It is highly damaging to the Truth. Do NOT partake in Babylon's dark intentions, and avoid her coming plagues!

God bless you and yours,


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No, but I see your point. The Mark of the Beast is a clear choice that you will knowingly take. These are Godless psychopaths and or demonically influenced people. However, these are the very Last Days, so be ready for the great escape. Some point to December 17-18 of this year, and there are good reasons for it, but I think there will be more time for more unsaved people to be saved, as God wants as many people to be saved as possible.

There is no telling how bad it will get before the church/Bride is taken away. But we were given the day in scripture, but we must watch and pray for his glorious return. Bible sales are up 22% this year, so the Spirit is moving.

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Oh my gosh... Nitin Sawhney... this news affects me very much. 😱

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Nothing to see here re this heart attack in a very healthy person.

"‘In my case, I completely blacked out, falling onto a glass ornament from a standing position, smashing the coffee table with my face as I collapsed into a pool of blood and broken shards, penetrating both cheeks, my nose and the area just beneath my eyes."


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