I literally FORCE myself to read these, as a record upon my soul, my conscienceness, I am recording this as crimes against humanity. But it is not without cost. I am sitting here immobilized, tears streaming down my face, these poor souls, sacrificed on the alter of what, exactly? I mourn them, their precious lives cut short...

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Same here.

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Jun 10, 2023
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Excellent idea and with a prayer

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Here’s one I haven’t seen here yet.

She was active and healthy...aside from being a vaxx zealot. I know, she chastised my family re masks and the vaxx and covid panic via her teaching. Otherwise I only have wonderful things to say about her. She was lovely! And SUCH an amazing teacher.

I heard the cause of death was a sudden infection after a minor nasal surgery. Total shock.


Still haven’t found the obit for a friend’s husband who died within 2 months from cancer just a couple weeks ago.

Also the otherwise healthy and active vaxxed nurse friend of mine who at 50 had a heart attack (blamed on menopause!!) less than a year ago now has cancer. Started in her appendix, spread to her ovaries and bowels. Doesn’t sound good.

She says it was a one in 200 million kinda cancer. Not with this death shot.

I stay quiet and only offer shock and support.

She knows how I feel.

BC is probably undercounted.

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If your reference to BC is British Columbia then I would totally agree that BC is probably undercounted. I don't think fudging the numbers and obscuring the truth would be a big stretch for our NDP minister of health. He got lots of experience back in the nineties with a certain premier. I have never trusted him since.

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Various Cancer and Heart Societies & Associations are benefitting from these deaths. Where are the efforts of these groups researching the effects of the millions of experimental doses highly correlated with adverse events resulting after receiving the covid vax (matchyourbatch.org)? The package insert (when it is found not to be left intentionally blank, that is) says long term effects are unknown. Myocarditis and Thrombosis are warned about. How are these groups helping to prevent more deaths and injuries from these coerced and mandated vaxs? Why haven't they tried to stop or recall these shots?

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So many young men and women in their prime - 20's and 30's. Many rapid cancer. I noticed 3 deaths in this short period were in the small town of Tillsonburg, ON. Criminal!

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A tragic and unfolding horror. The ones who clearly resorted to suicide or possible drug-related deaths are particularly painful to see - especially when young. Not only was there the travesty of the first scything through the vulnerable population by what is now turning out to have probably been a weaponised gain-of-function Frankensteinian horror of an illness, but there was the second scything of injection-induced deaths, and then the third scything of mental-health induced deaths due to the sustained attack - via this heinous terror campaign and imposed isolation of lockdowns - on our precious youngsters' mental well-being. This is a triple evil visited on the human race. Hell is too good a place for the perpetrators.

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In the last week I've heard of two deaths in North Bay / Sudbury region. One, a former classmate, a 52-year old female Doctor who died of Cancer. Yesterday, my colleague had to go to a funeral for a friend who died on the couch in the living room while he and his wife were watching TV.

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😱I’m putting this instead of all the curses I’d rather put

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As I read these obits I can’t help knowing we have family and friends that have cancer, or who have died from cancer or who have heart trouble. The list is growing and will I surmise continue to grow. These death lists remind me that I am not alone in my list of family and friends who have died or are in the process of dying. To me it is caused my the jab. To them it is a battle against their own health issues. None dare say they think it was caused by the jab. Not one will say it.

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My God, when you look at some of those young faces, it's heartbreaking.

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My personal belief about Northern Ontario and I have been here now since Dec/2021 is there is a much higher percentage of people who stayed away from the jabs and or stopped after 1 or two.

I deliver propane and talk to 5-10 people a day and far more people up here are awake, to varying degrees about what is going on.

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I hope you’re right! I know it’s true for some of my neighbors.

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Were there no bioweapon shots/lockdowns/school closures/hospitals catering almost exclusively to "C-19" "cases"--How many of these people would be alive--and healthy--today? It's a bit rhetorical to ask; I wager we could shrink the list significantly. The teens-to-thirties would likely be (mostly) missing from the list. I used to read Dr. William Makis' columns....Listing all of the (highly likely) vaxx deaths. With photos; ages; etc. It got to be too much, and I unsubscribed. I remember seeing an obit photo of a vibrant; healthy; five (?) year old Vancouver girl. Heartbreaking. Barely out of her mother's womb. Moreover; I can still hear the murdering; smooth talking; British Columbia witch "Dr." Bonnie Henry--On the radio; repeatedly shilling for the "Vaxx"--For toddlers. Why are these wicked demons still running around free?

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I hesitate to share this on F-book because so many of my friends and family are vaxxed. No reason to cause them anxiety. I guess we'll just keep burying them and not talk about why they are dying. I consider them to be casualties of war. This cognitive decline prion disease part of it is real, too. In war, if you can debilitate without killing it causes a larger problem than just outright slaughter. It takes more resources to care for the debilitated than to just bury them. People staring off into space in the middle of some task, such as sweeping the floor, is the final stage. They just keep getting slower and slower until they stop.

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Why do I make a connection with the startling under reporting of sudden deaths in Canada and the fact that our leader is a man who kisses the feet of the leader of the WEF...? Just as medical professionals were instructed not to perform autopsies, have instructions been given not to report deaths? What a huge web of deceit there is to untangle...

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Trudeau is already in hell, it's just his body that remains here ...

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Ah yes our dear leader. He got a letter of resignation today from his best friend David.

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A droplet of good news! Whaddaya know?!

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Wow, thank you guys. Super “wow” on all the pretty young folks with bad cancers. My dad just passed from horrible CA that spread to his brain, 68 y. o. Worked in medical field For sure Pfizer! there will be a reckoning one day I know, God bless…

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There's an additional difficulty in finding causes of death in obits and news pieces: some people don't have obits. I know three people nearby who died in the last 6 months who did not have an obit. In one case, this architect I know put it in his will. The other two were from working class families who, for reasons I'm not sure about, had no obit... not in the local papers, or from a funeral home.

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No obit is, I think, a trend that began before Covid, but I'm sure the role played by the deathvaxx has increased the number of people who don't want speculation about a loved one's strange demise. It's a kind of denial, I suppose.

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This is insane! Why aren't people waking up, or are they?

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When they live in a bubble, have a very busy life, or only watch MSM it is hard for them to connect the dots. Even when they wake up they are very uncomfortable talking about it. And then there are some that will always be defiant and refuse to believe such a thing could happen.

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In my circle, people are so focused on their own experiences, they just don’t seem to notice that it’s happening all around them. Not too surprising when people are grieving, I guess.

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Jun 10, 2023
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Exactly. If that is all they watch then they know of nothing else. Like the recent clip of Jimmy Dore, "research, it is called reading". I busted out laughing.

One thing I can say positive about the whole "Q" thing way back when is that it taught people how to click around to get people "researching". It created a burst of new outlets and channels outside the MSM. When the whole Q thing died some of those people just switched gears and continued to report on all kinds of things that are not the narrative. God Bless them.

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So true. The zombie apocalypse is already here...

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You're dancing at the Zombie Zoo

Dancing at the Zombie Zoo

Painted in a corner, and all you wanna do is

Dance down at the Zombie Zoo

Zombie Zoo

Song by Tom Petty

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Didn't know that song. Thank you.

I've been listening a lot to READ ALL ABOUT IT, sent out by CHD Europe (I live in Denmark) with John Watt's plea - even though it makes me cry nearly every time, it also gives me strength: https://rumble.com/v28buk8-read-all-about-it.html

Read All About It, Pt. III Lyrics

[Verse 1]

You've got the words to change a nation but you're biting your tongue

You've spent a lifetime stuck in silence afraid you'll say something wrong

If no one ever hears it

How we gonna learn your song?

So come on, come on

Come on, come on

[Verse 2]

You've got a heart as loud as lions, so why let your voice be tamed?

Maybe we're a little different, there's no need to be ashamed

You've got the light to fight the shadows so stop hiding it away

Come on, come on


I wanna sing, I wanna shout

I wanna scream 'till the words dry out

So put it in all of the papers, I'm not afraid

They can read all about it, read all about it

Oh, ohhh, oh

Ohhh, ohhh, oh

Ohhh, oh, oh

[Verse 3]

At night we're waking up the neighbours while we sing away the blues

Making sure that we're remembered, yeah, 'cause we all matter too

If the truth has been forbidden, then we're breaking all the rules

So come on, come on

Come on, come on

[Verse 4]

Let's get the TV and the radio to play our tune again

It's 'bout time we got some airplay of our version of events

There's no need to be afraid, I will sing with you, my friend

Come on, come on


I wanna sing, I wanna shout

I wanna scream till the words dry out

So put it in all of the papers, I'm not afraid

They can read all about it, read all about it


Yeah we're all wonderful, wonderful people

So when did we all get so fearful?

Now we're finally finding our voices

So take a chance, come help me sing this

Yeah we're all wonderful, wonderful people

So when did we all get so fearful?

Now we're finally finding our voices

So take a chance, come help me sing this


I wanna sing, I wanna shout

I wanna scream till the words dry out

So put it in all of the papers, I'm not afraid

They can read all about it, read all about it

Oh, ohhh, oh

Ohhh, ohhh, oh

Ohhh, oh, oh

I wanna sing, I wanna shout

I wanna scream till the words dry out

So put it in all of the papers, I'm not afraid

They can read all about it, read all about it

Oh, ohhh, oh

Ohhh, ohhh, oh

Ohhh, oh, oh



And Five Times August FIGHT FOR YOU - always thinking of my 21 yo son:


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I'm an old Tom Petty fan. I've got to check that one out.

For me right now US and Them by Pink Floyd is really resonating.

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LOVE, Tom....will check out THEM, too....

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My regret is I never saw Pink Floyd in concert. I wasn't a big concert goer. I did see the Beatles, Rolling Stones twice, Dave Clark Five, Gerry and the Pacemakers and Neil Diamond and the Beachboys in my teens and twenties, Blue Rodeo and Nick Cave in my fifties and sixties. But that was it.

I think music speaks to the soul and it was given to us to compensate for being human. Sometimes it's a wonderful escape into a magical realm we can only dream of.

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