It's later than "they" think..... a lot more of us now know about their plans...... they are hiding behind censorship, mis/disinformation campaigns..... we are coming for them.... and they now know it.....

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My fear ? They anticipated this, now, there is something more sinister coming.

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They have been at this for decades..... we need to educate everyone.....

Back in 1969, Dr Richard Day made some astonishing predictions about where the world would be today


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God bless you

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Same to you ❤

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My husband heard this on the radio in 1969 when he was in college. So yes, everything these global predator elites have been doing, is planning their evil agenda for decades which thankfully is falling apart. Thanks to unelectable Klaus Schwab for his Global-19 Reset book of his plans. For years, everything was secret, now they are telling us in our faces their evil plans and we now know, reason why many of us are awakened and will continue to hopefully destroy their one world order agenda. Their constant lies, misinformation/disinformation has gone way overboard and why many have lost trust in those in power, including our evil criminal DS govt.

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Wow...he heard it!!! Thank you for sharing.... ❤

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Yes, my husband told me about it. I was in the 8th grade, so I was too young.

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Gnostic Gospels such as "Q" were never included in the cannon for very good reason. They were produced to aid in confusion and distrust of the True Holy Scriptures. This man's website quotes from said illicit writing although it parallels closely to certain passages stated in the Gospels. That's the M.O. of the enemy. Keep CLOSE to the Truth, but inject just a little un-truth so as to make it palatable to the unwary. And thereby poison them.

'Listened to the majority of audio tape number 1, but became bored with it. Not that it is boring, but because these "revelations" of predictions set forth to "change" society over the (following) 20-30 years (from that early date) have been well understood and even witnessed by yours truly. The bullet-point link list at the site pretty much spells out their manifesto outline. The audio tapes delves further into each point.

What might strike the majority of souls investigating this strangeness among us, is who the "agents" are that are behind the century-old (and then some) manifesto. Until their veil is lifted, they will remain cloaked in secrecy, as intended. The Secret Society of Jesus, aka the Jesuit Order is second in command to every aspect of this manifesto, (second) only to Satan himself. This is a scary thing, but what is a "duck" other than what identifies it as such? Even while unseen, while yet still in the egg, if found under its brooding mother, it is highly likely to be a DUCK.

The initiates into that secret society, take a blood oath to ensure secrecy and and complete faithfulness (even unto death) to the "mother" RC. church.

As the high ranking (yet subordinate) Free-Mason Grand master, Albert Pike did write, "Doubt it not!"


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Open borders forced upon all western countries is pretty awful.

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Planned globalism, they say france will be an islamic nation in 10 years.

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10 years? Hell, I'm worried about THIS year...

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WEll that means the LGBT and DEI agendas will be gone from France pretty soon and that can only be a good thing for children and white men.

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“Fear not!” is the most repeated command in the Bible. In fact, it's been said that there are 365 “Fear nots” in the Bible — one “Fear not” for every day of the year!

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Exactly! Since I awakened, I lost my sense of fear as I knew things were going to be OK. We were taught to always be in fear and that's how they keep control and keep us enslaved. Fear was always their first method to do this, including creating problem, then reaction and solution.

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Now you are free.

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Very possible Carolyn!

Unfortunately I am sensing that too. Sometimes I am able to shake off by convincing myself that it’s nothing but the FEAR they managed to install in me, the ‘conditioning’ that we are/have been living under for the past 4 years.

Then I remember Bill Gates smirk...”but, the Next pandemic! They’ll pay attention then”

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Ooooooh! Don’t care for that!

Like to open up his head and see what’s there

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Glad to hear that I am not the only one! LOL

Thank you all for your kindness.

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Jan 27, 2024
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I certainly hope that you are right Tex. Thank you!!!

It would definitely benefit us to ignore these warnings.

For a long time I feel like they must give us some clue of what is happening..in order to ‘cleanse’ themselves of all their sins???

Therefore, I must pay attention…

Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer???

But you are right. I wish I could just ignore all their nonsense.

Thank again!🤗

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The WEF just did a simulatjon of cyberaattack paralyzing power, water, internet plus much more.

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Did the simulation include their heads on pitch forks? Because it is coming.

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lol, brilliant

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Yep, when you have no power, how will you cook? How will you stay warm? When you have no clean water, how will you drink? Do you have an alternate plan? Think about it.

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This is why my husband & I live out in the country. We're orignally from NJ (I was born and raised there), and moved to NH 14 years ago to get away from it all, including the high taxes and all as we're now retired. I don't know how anyone can live in there anymore. We have well water, grow our own food, raise chickens, have a wood cook-stove (good to have when power goes out) and fireplace in living room. Plus, we have plenty of firewood from our property. We also have back-up generator, the first item mentioned to us from local folks to have before moving here. So we're pretty much prepared when the SHTF. Hope many folks are doing the same if they can.

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What a contrast from the type of leader who says, “if something should happen, when something happens, we will be prepared to share any answers we have, and give you the ideas to plan for your family. We have been working on things to help you be wise in the choices you might make ahead. We’re in this together….” Ahhhhhh! We had no idea!! We’re under the impression that you are the ones creating deliberate chaos for us!! ….

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Thanks to the Russians attacking Ukraine's power systems in 2014 most of the power industry has woken up, security is might tighter than it was.

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Russia didn't attack the Ukraine's power systems in 2014. The US overthrew the democratic government of the Ukraine in 2014 in a violent coup and replaced them with Nuland's puppet regime that we all heard her choose in a leak of her conversations and that regime were ordered by Nuland to start murdering Russian speakers in their own country including the locking in and burning alive of Russian speakers in Odessa. I was a consulting electrical engineer for nearly 40 years dealing with grid and many other systems and I can tell you none of the 400kV systems in my country are secure against a spanner never mind a hypersonic missile aimed at a substation transformer.

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thats more like it... and when and where has security gotten tighter - Jules is a plant - speaking nonsense

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We are coming for them. May the biggest strongest hairiest men be out in the front to take these monsters down. The devastation and degradation that has been done to our health, well being, environment, economy, and national laws (in many countries) is clearly in opposition to humanity and all that supports life.

We must resist like our lives depend on it--because they do.

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A big strong hairy man is not required. A ferret took down the CERN collider for nigh on three years so I wonder what a single flea could do to take down the WEF degenerates and ALL of their enablers? Apologies to HG Wells for the following change to the quote from the end scene of War of the Worlds movie in 1953.

After all that men could do had failed,

the WEF were destroyed

and humanity was saved...

by the littlest things.

Which God, in his wisdom,

had put upon this earth.

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LOL. Good to know.

Long live God's little critters and may they be the demise of the self-appointed

rich and powerful.

'Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.' Proverbs 16:18

'For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself.' Gal 6:3

Thanks for sharing.

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God likes plausible deniability of his existence to maintain faith as faith rather than certainty preserves people's freedoms. If we knew God's address we would do nothing for ourselves and would ask him to explain everything and we would not feel free knowing he was watching everything so these Davos self-appointed freaks give him the opportunity to wipe them, and only them, out without it seeming strange to the rest of us every time they have a meeting to discuss further enslaving us rather than having meetings to unwind their slavery system. Who knows as we write they may already have been infected at that common meeting point and we know that God can make examples of whoever he pleases eg the firstborn or the third born on the third Tuesday of the month if he so wishes but in order to preserve people's sanity he works in mysterious ways his wonders to perform.

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I would like to believe that the deluded Davos Deities be exposed and disappear.

Recall the lesson of Nebuchadnezzar II (Daniel 4) -A voice out of heaven spoke, '“This is the verdict on you, King Nebuchadnezzar: Your kingdom is taken from you. You will be driven out of human company and live with the wild animals. You will eat grass like an ox. The sentence is for seven seasons, enough time to learn that the High God rules human kingdoms and puts whomever he wishes in charge.”

Only then will the hills be alive with the sound of music!

Hebrews 11:6 'And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.'

I Peter 3:12

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It would be better if they could be saved but the recent pronouncements of Ursula Fondalyin regarding "misinformation" being their greatest threat tells me they are as arrogant as ever and that busy little flea will be credited with getting rid of the roadblock to the future she and her children represent.

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Amen and amen! The dengue mosquito LOL

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God uses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise.

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Exactly. I absolutely believe that over 50% of the population know just enough while the predators keep pretending otherwise. It's mind-blowing.

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Precisely. Psalms 37:1-40 Amen

Soon, they will not [EVER] be able to even walk the streets.


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No mercy for UVDL!

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Huh.....that’s what Nixon said

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On the Tucker Carlson interview with Brett Weinstein they talk about the WHO treaty. Brett warns about the WHO dictating policies that nations will be forced to follow, including newly declared emergencies like climate change. Tucker plays a clip of Tedros reassuring everyone that the WHO treaty is not taking away anyone's rights, and then adds that all of the nations are "volunteering" to join the WHO treaty. These people speak in legalese lies like Fauci. Truly a kakistocracy.

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Tedros assuring anyone they’re not taking away any rights is like the wolf disguised as grandma telling Little Riding Hood....

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China controlled Tedros said what he said on purpose. He stupidly thinks those of us who have woke up to the truth will fall for his lies yet again. I knew he was lying the minute the words came out of his mouth. Hopefully millions more did the same.

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The reality of all those folks taking their private planes…partying it up while laughing about how on track we are to change the climate !!! Once a year, making new plans to control the skies…the turnings of the earth…LOL ~~~They can’t do a thing about blizzards, monsoons, rainbows! floods or earthquakes….their powers never made a difference on the daily concerns! To wit: all that pretty much has to do with Climate…. LOL LOL. Hast thou not made the connection??!! LOL again….and putting up screens to block the sun!??! El stupidos

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Jan 27, 2024
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Tex, I absolutely agree with you. WHO, NATO, WEF, etc., have no right to dictate our lives. WHO Tedros is not a doctor, but a known terrorist. Bill Gates is no goddamn philanthropist, having no regards for human welfare, just want to vaccinate and kill us all. Including Klaus Schwab, John Kerry, Al Gore, George Soros and many others, they are all nothing but unelected globalist predators and we are the prey. Whatever they tell us, I will do the opposite. They can all go to hell.

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We need a Great Purge. All important organizations are completely captured. Half-measures or modest "reforms" cannot work.

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In Canada the the Liberal Gov't under (Justin Trudeau) was found guilty by the courts for imposing the "Emergencies Act and locking down people's bank accounts for those who participated in the Truckers protest against vaccine mandates and lockdowns.. (cracks are beginning to appear in their narrative)

Dead line for Who to reach an agreement is Jan 27th

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Sadly it appears that Trudeau will just continue as nobody is willing or able to confront him on anything, it seems. He still has 18 months left in his mandate and shows no sign of stepping down. Maybe a miracle.............

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I am thinking Tucker Carlson's recent visits to Canada (to sold out venues) could make a dent in Trudeau's ongoing tyranny. Coupled with the Canadian court that ruled in favor of the Truckers.

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You would think, but Tucker's visit is being painted as typical far right propaganda and Trudeau's supporters probably believe that because that is what they tell everyone. Within an hour of the judge's finding on the Emergency Act deputy PM Freeland said they would appeal the ruling, thus asserting that the Judge was wrong and they (the PM and his cadre) were right. In a normal world this finding would bury the government, including her. Afterall it was she that ordered bank accounts frozen, and the information she needed to identify who had donated money to the truckers (so their accounts could be frozen) was obtained from a hacker who obtained it illegally. That should have buried her right there. But it didn't. But little grandma Jones in Grande Prairie is now on an international watch list because she donated 20 dollars to a cause she thought was just. The federal government under these people is a criminal conspiracy, it seems.

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Mark terrell, appreciated the added information.

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I note that the Edmonton Oilers stadium holds 60,000 plus screaming folks….that’s a great start….LOL. Word will get around to those who heretofore have waited for the truth….now in the company of a like minded population….what a thrill that must be to be together! ….. oh my, what a screwed up mess these last years have been Disgusting

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For the record...the arena holds about 20,000 people and the lower bowl was used for the event. There was between six and ten thousand attendees.

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Oh well great! I had read that number in the factoids about the venue

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Witness the biblical story of Haman and Queen Esther….. who got hanged out to dry? we must keep hoping and keep believing….lots of things can happen between page 35 and page 346….

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Sadly it's true. The press has in other jurisdictions has been captured by the government and the corporate media.

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"We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying. In our country, the lie has become not just moral category, but the pillar industry of this country.”

― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

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Ai yi yi !! Wow. …So grateful for these conversations~~~Hidden away under the Substack hedges…

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Maybe Lubyanka has room for the WEFers.

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Don't kid yourself. Russia too is on board w/ the WEF Agenda.

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Since they - or nearly all global leaders (twits more like it) - are on board with that eat zeeee bugz plan then we could clearly see they are all in on it together much like Charlie 1 9 er... it has destroyed economies and killed so many people (the policies are the real killer) - yet not a peep about accountability for zee ping or whoever deliberately released it and they all just go along with it - amazingly

oh wait they are firing up the next one - point being they ALL want total control over their subjects which isnt much different from the great wars period

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Totally disagree. WEF has already been identified as a legitimate target by Russia. This has been a false assertion.

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I understood that Russia wasn’t part of the Fed and the west was trying to destroy it to bring it into the fold. Now I’m just confused. Are there any good guys? Where’s Diogenes when you need him?

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Russia has already recently identified WEF as a legitimate target. Russia is informed about all the bad actors and will not stand for their tyranny they are trying to rollout.

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We get a lot of great information by not listening to Legacy Media or MSM if you like. Just consider the source as I have said a few times.

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Stephen Colbert is still talking about horse paste. And no one booed him.

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His audience is most likely hand selected to be agreeable

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Yes, Oh my….imagine questions to audience members before the show, Weed them out, like a legal court prep Seat them in the rear….Creepy ~~~Who’s the guy recently who attended his first DT rally and was absolutely shocked to find waiting audience all so nice!! Unbelievable, wonder how long he’s had his journalism career

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They must have a crapload of dirt on that idiot Colbert. He can’t be that stupid.

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The same jackwagon (Colbert) who has been jabbed and boosted out the wazoo yet has had Covid more than once and I think hospitalization for appendicitis complications too. His audience of sheeple...sigh...😏

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A lot of true believers holding on like the Germans at the end of WW2. Any day now the Fuehrer will use those wonder weapons and we'll win. He's just waiting for the right moment.

Most of the cult realize the mistake they made but are now fatalistic "nothing we can do about it" types. At least they are not taking more shots but the true believers still are.

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just saw this excellent presentation by Dr David Martin


He states that Dr Z quoted the notes of Dr Baric, that zinc plus vitamin D plus HCQ or Ivermectin, is the antidote to the virus. Of course that had to be silenced, otherwise they could not come out with the jabs!

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Dr Baric-Frankenstein. Imagine the stuff that guy knows, but he ain't ever talking. Otherwise he'd be 'Epstein-ed' yesterday.

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These buggers know to keep a low profile. Of course since they work tor defence nothing will ever be brought against them. Just like Fauxii retire on 10 times a regular pension and being revered by the elite woke universities

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So sad, that things have come to this

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One of my main concerns continues to be the dangerous psychological sabotage that has taken so many millions (billions?) of people worldwide. I worry that between the neurochemical effects of the jabs and the deep-seated brainwashing tactics, many are forever lost... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/so-many-are-still-in-denial-about?r=8ypo0&amp%3Butm_campaign=post&amp%3Butm_medium=web&amp%3BshowWelcome=true

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Yes, indeed….the behaviors and anger at public events, difficult family members and change of personality. Must be confusing and terrifying….a dad suddenly having more anger fits and the kids hardly recognizing him, and not from alcohol….dreadful … shocking what They have deliberately conceived to mess with human brains and vulnerabilities Just from a jab….I feel like a multistory something….that people around me don’t go beyond the second floor, that I know more, and am willing to share, but ..… it’s so distressing

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Yes, many are forever lost. I have no doubt of that.

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I am very worried we will not be able to save humanity from the globalist psychopaths!

This project should be a huge help to turn America back in the right direction instead of falling off a Cliff…

We need ALL hands on deck ASAP!

Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

Contact ASAP here to join us…


Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!

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We need ALL hands on deck ASAP!

Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

Contact ASAP here to join us…


Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!

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Tetros is blaming “us”. It was “them” who managed the pandemic incorrectly and nominated President Xi for a Nobel?!? Tetros is blaming misinformation and disinformation on us that the treaty is to prevent another pandemic mismanagement. How is it that their misinformation and disinformation isn’t held to account? Our immune systems are so robust, we don’t need people who think they are Gods when we have a God who made us “fearfully and wonderfully made”

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I did see a few news outlets kick it off for them with a lovely piece titled

"doing your own research might get you killed" or something very similar... haha

so peasants dont do your own research, just listen to us, we are the "experts" and the authority.

One thing we have or should have learned as Child - once a liar, always a liar - either you have integrity or you do not... they have Zero credibility.

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Any comment from Secretary Austin re DoD accountability?

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He's feeling quite weak, from what I hear.

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I think he embraced a Kinzhal in The Ukraine on January 3rd.

It is good to travel and have new experiences.

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Someone said he was not out of the country, but really, gone is gone, eh? Replaced by Freeland anyway, seems to me she is running with it...

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We can't admit that the good guys took out the #4 rat in our junta government.

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“We” is all of nobody. “Everybody Counts or Nobody Counts.” #HoldFast to the moral principle encoded in the #GoldenRule (ref. @ConnellyBooks; #MichaelConnellyBooks). Know we’re all more #NEARLY to optimum wellbeing when aware: Nutrition Exercise Attitude (of gratitude &) Rest Lengthens Youthfulness.

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Don't hold your breath. None of this miscreants will ever be held accountable.

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Eventually they will

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Jan 27, 2024
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Absolutely! Still, we will have to define "accountable" before I do. For me, accountable is jail and/or fine. Losing a job does not count in my book for these crimes.

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lol oh that jackass ... well he is back at Walter Reed - his arse is falling out, now would be a good time for his mouth to speak a truth - guilty as the rest there F Face Lloyd

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Need proof of life.

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“Disinformation” = Information megalomaniacal tyrannical psychopaths hell bent on total control don’t want you to have.

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Well stated

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These globalists think they can shove all this stuff down countries throats. Not so fast! It goes to show you what kind of idiots they are.

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Texas is another false flag

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Dr John Day, in his stack, has described Operation Garden plot, which was planned 1986, in event of mass illegal migrants. Effectively, military control and FEMA camps. They must have crystal balls, setting up legislation decades in advance, which allowed them to produce medical countermeasures in an emergency as well, no requirement of Good Manufacturing practice or safety and efficacy.

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All they needed was patience. They could plan for decades, one small step at a time. I truly believe that we are seeing the cancer (their plans) explode now because of Trump's election to the Presidency and his pulling back the curtain. Dr. Miller had an excellent interview (sorry, Dr. Miller, I cannot recall the interviewer) recently with a hypothesis that Trump was installed (unwittingly), purely for the purpose of sowing extreme division within the country. Dr. Miller, you should write your next substack on that theory, at first I was skeptical, but upon reflection, it's a pretty good hypothesis.

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From my extensive reading these last few years, on medical, banking and geopolitics, I have no doubts that leaders everywhere are selected, not elected, and in places where the leader does not play the right tune, some crisis is fabricated to produce a revolution so that "their man" gets installed. I can't believe how naive I was but their propaganda machine has been perfected for decades. In UK, we have both a Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary, whom nobody even voted for. Keir Starmer, dem equivalent, is no doubt going to be our next PM, allowing us the illusion of any democracy. On a much smaller scale, we have boats landing daily with illegal migrants, escorted by the Lifeboat service, then put up in hotels! Majority are single men.

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Divide and conquer!

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Civil war is exactly what they want.

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Still, GO TEXAS!

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Until the proverbial fruit hits them, they won't know they have lost the room. Soon, I hope.

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I’m not sure what to believe anymore. I trust no one. Where are the alternative news outlets and doctors who got it right from the beginning? They are the heroes.

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