"They faked a pandemic, they faked a test, and they faked a cure."

-Vernon Coleman

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It is a shame (but not a surprise) that Coleman's TG got hacked a couple years back.

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I’m so over these stupid ppl!

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Brattleboro VT won some kind of contest for best city....now I wonder.....what their death rates are....

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Perhaps that's what they're best at.

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Calgon take me away!!! Now Please 🙏🏻

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It's all for "the greater good" they say. Just "trust The Science" they chant together loudly. The vaccine is "safe and effective" they yell at the top of their lungs. If you don't take it you're a ________. Amazing how many people fell for this 💩.

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They are STILL falling for it !!! At this point, there’s no excuse.

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Covid Communism...

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A lot…

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Why don't these people read about it in advance like I did?! It isn't even a real vaccine, as doctors have pointed out.

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Used to be education meant just that.

Too bad they ignore the Scientific Method in determining proper higher education.

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It would be interesting to learn what the incentives are for this college to require their students, who are at effectively zero risk (to the extent any real risk even exists, which is an open question), to be injected with a worthless and deadly concoction whose ingredients and chemistry are still not fully known. I am sure the psychological and social are many for the virtue signaling wokesters in such an institution, but I strong suspect there are enticing financial ones as well, perhaps from the government, perhaps from pharma, perhaps from other centers of power and filthy lucre.

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I’ve have begun to realize that all of the institutions we have known and trusted now exist for the sole purpose of furthering the agenda of the elite.

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once the board consists of more than 3 people, yes. bigger than that and it gets infiltrated. unfortunately.

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Yes, I feel the same

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Yes, enticing financial incentives. I wish I could remember or find out which government or other entity actually subsidized Yale for each Cvd vacks given last fall; Naomi Wolf mentioned it in an outdoor speech at Yale.

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That’s why these lib/arts colleges are called indoctrination mills.

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Whatever happens to these young people will impact you, one way or another and to one degree or another, so the blasé or indifferent attitude should really be checked at the door.

They are being REQUIRED and/or COERCED- to go along with the depopulation program and they do not have the skills in most cases to DEFEND themselves against this assault - and that’s what it is.

They can obtain waivers in many cases if they apply for one; I’ve seen it done.

Let’s be a little more compassionate, this isn’t funny.

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If anyone is laughing, odds are it's to keep from crying. And let's remember, they had other options. Many think US has seen

its best days. Young people will have to grow up or suffer the consequences. It's their choice.

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Frankly, the word "compassion" has come to have a bad taste for me in recent years, so often in the mouths of the woke to deflect just anger, criticism--or simply amusement--from those who have earned it by their folly, bad actions, or criminal behavior.

To accuse people who are expressing their frustration and justified annoyance at a whole culture of willfully blind stupidity of being "blasé" or "indifferent" shows either a stunning inability to read the tone of the comments, or vexatious insincerity.

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My comment was perhaps the third and was in response to the comments before mine.

The comments have since expanded to include many different attitudes and opinions.

That’s the backstory.

I can understand how anyone would be averse to excusing inexcusable behavior using compassion as the stated reason.

There are degrees of folly, bad actions or criminal behavior and I reserve the right to judge and respond accordingly as I see fit.

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Compassion is what we are fighting for.

The rest of it, well yes this is damn hard to hold. 💔

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Oh author author where are thou.

Stirring up the disillusioned...

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Ha! My brainwashed cousin teaches at St. Michaels. She was in charge of her parents 60th wedding anniversary celebration during the summer of 2022. On the invitation it said must be fully vaccinated and if not, you must wear an N95 mask and social distance. Needless to say, I didn´t RSVP nor will I talk to her again. Her daughter was handcrafting masks. Barf!

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I would barf as well....

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Wow, what a sad state of affairs….and Mark’s frequent lists of Sudden deaths of those who shouted down the non vacced….Real Life, and all that...indeed, but by then there is no way to say “We tried to tell you, and we told you so.”

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These institutions are disgraceful. They collectively deserve the Bud Light treatment. At best.

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They are disgraceful on so many levels.

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They say, “you can’t fix stupid”. This is a perfect example.

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I know this is endless and upsetting. I know my shapeshifting vacation business never got off the ground, and for that I'm sorry.

But I too (as another commenter wrote) feel humans are loosing their ability to stay grounded and steady and understand what is happening.

(although I do admit it's never floated my boat to point fingers, even if completely deserved, it just spirals down)

I think 'they' are watching us and clapping in glee.

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There is a certain feeling of smug satisfaction being able to remain grounded when they are doing their best to deceive and gaslight you.

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I have been dealing with gaslighting my whole life.

And yes to do the work of it and stay empowered and whole is a beautiful thing.

But I have never felt smug about it, awesome yes, but not smug. The cost is way too high.

I don't want to swim with monsters, not my jam.

But yeah a loud 'Fuck You!' does wonders.

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So with you on this.

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Thank you ❤️

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I’m mostly rather prissy when it comes to the cuss words, life long habit, but I am not so prissy now when cussing is around me. ~~~Frankly there really are no words these days, the empty ones help as much as banging pots and pans in the kitchen. I am expected to walk around struggling to stay whole, when conversational topics demand that I split into fractions, since my listener won’t handle my truth. No, not smug, but how long do I hold back? For humanity …

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Yeah, sigh. . . I'm not around others and rather thankful for that. Although there has been much grief there.

So I mostly don't have to deal with what you are dealing with.

I do know what it is to speak out and not be heard though and the cost of it.

I don't usually swear around people.

What to do here, witnessing devastation that so many can't see or won't.

It's incredibly traumatic stuff to entertain. To shift one's one perspective can be like feeling untethered, tilted, upside down with the ground opening beneath you. Why would anyone want to go there.

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I've had quite a few loud fuck you's in the last several yrs.

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Yeah me too!

I live on my own off grid and can be super loud. Playing with 'singing' moving vibration through my body, sometimes very loud.

And audio journaling, sometimes very loud! ( although why I need to record myself and not just talk to myself, I do no know!!!)

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Yup you’re right.

“Smug” was not the word I should have used to convey my thoughts and feelings about surviving gaslighting.

I’ll leave my comment and humbly accept that I was not precise enough in my use of language.

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Oh thank you for reflecting on this.

This is such a damn huge stretch for all of us.

But as I said feel what you feel, it is so important. Sometimes I feel hatred or deeply bitter and just let it be felt.

And sometimes I poke those who are behaving really horrendously and really shouldn't. It helps me step back into myself, establish boundaries, but likely clouds the real issues and isn't helpful.

It's damn hard being human in the best of times. ❤️

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I would rather not tip toe around in conversation, and be honest, when they tell me they’re going for the next booster. I would rather say, “Next week? Oh please don’t go, put it off a few days, I have something to show you.” Or “ I’ve been reading about these things for nearly 4 years, I will forward information to you.” I’d rather be able to say, “Do you really trust your doctor? Are you sure? “. But I withdraw in frustration, feeling like a fraud because an honest conversation, even sharing differences is not possible, and in months or short years I could hear of devastating health changes for them.~~~ You know, in a deep dream, when you feel underwater, can’t move, can’t talk and somehow you know it is not consciousness? Like that…..

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I’m glad you described your feelings as I held back from using an analogy to describe how I feel when I defeat gaslighting- when I can - and know it.

It’s like watching a sneaky @hole throw a boomerang at my head only I move my head just enough to avoid being hit and instead, the boomerang comes back and hits them in the head while they are busy laughing with their fellow @hole friends.

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Elizabeth - you have a point. Every single thing they say and do is meant to demoralize, antagonize, and humiliate us...

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Truly awful.

We are being asked to really step up. Not an easy task.


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Thinking it is more a matter of being deceived... but would not rule out stupid, either.

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this is what happens when colleges will admit any autist no matter how vax-damaged and unsuited to learning college level curriculum.

by curriculum i mean what was offered when MCM got to NYU in the neil postman era

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Uh oh. Don't they know we're having Halloween AGAIN?? So it won't work THIS time, either!

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Heheheheheheeee 👻

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THe more one is jabbed the more likely one will get COVID, but the that is all one gets one is truly blessed. THe jab gives many VAIDS, turbo cancer, and neurological injury including but not limited to DEATH - as in 17 million Americans.

I am more than ready to walk these jab pushers up the 13 steps.

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Oct 10, 2023
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And they plan to jam the homeless into the housing stock they are carefully monitoring as they are doing now in Lahaina - as they continue to bomb and otherwise destroy homes whilst grabbing the land it sat upon:


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I'm sick to death of this BS! What a frigging bunch of sheep.

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It blows my mind that they have St. Michael as their namesake. St. Michael fights evil...

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With all of the information out there now on the many dangers of this jab, it’s hard to believe that people are still falling for this, let alone continuing to push it. These aren’t places of “education”, they’re places of indoctrination through propaganda.

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