You might get a clue and “say something” about these damn vaccines when you:

Have a heart attack

Then a spinal stroke

Then four open heart surgeries

Then bowel cancer

Then another mini heart attack

It’s not your body destroying itself by itself. Good gosh wake up. They are still injecting the zombies and babies.

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Completely Sad. Completely unreal. Completely criminal!!!

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The root cause of mass jabbing seems to have been the misinformation campaigns, and censorship carried out.

There were always safe effective treatments for covid, but the pharmaceutical industrial complex was hot on just one treatment. It was all about opening the treasuries and letting loose an avalanche of taxpayer money.

All the wrong people got rich ( again ).

There’s still hope for a lot of these types of cases, but jabbed damaged people should consider alternative treatments, or at least start learning about them.

I have heard that pin point radiation can be delivered almost anywhere in the body. I have heard that Fenbendazole and Ivermectin can be effective for cancer.

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And chlorine dioxide.

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And the band played on......

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People do not want to face reality and admit they made a very bad decision.

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The beat just keeps going on and on, when will this nightmare end.

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Kicking the bucket is the new Kool. When is a fashion house going to do a shoot of models portraying what is happening, at the cafe, on the road, in the office? Or, simply in hospital, in a gown, walking down the hall in high heels. It's so chic. That might get the word out. Hospitals have probably never seen so many celebrities, generally the richest, healthiest people around, at least while they're doing well.

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