All that propaganda linking Trump to Hitler is a huge distraction from the real crackdown to come (and if you think HE would stop it, should they let him serve as president again, you're tripping)
We now live in a nation where Doctors destroy Health, Judges destroy Justice, Universities destroy Knowledge, Government destroys Freedom, the Press destroys Information and Banks destroy the Economy.
👏 Why I don’t go to a church. I worship God on my own time...not theirs. Some” Christians (notice how I say “Some”) are fake because of 🤑. It’s all about image for “some”! Kinda like when “Some” have to have a 2,500 purse to show the world they are important. 🙄
I know what my Christ is…he speaks through my heart! I would never “throw the baby out with the bath”. Maybe you should go back and read my comments as I corrected myself and said “SOME”! I’m stating facts and I know what the Bible says. I IMPLORE ANYONE WHO LOVES CHURCH AND WANTS TO WORSHIP WITH OTHERS. I DON’T NEED ANYONE TO WORSHIP WITH…ONLY GOD! NOR DID I SAY ANYTHING BAD ABOUT CHURCH...MY POINT WAS ABOUT SOME CHRISTIANS...NOT CHURCH.
Remember…Christ is the author and establisher of the church..through the power of the Holy Spirit… on the day of Pentecost! Remember.. He said…the gates of Hell shall not prevail against His church! Agreed not every church (gathering of so-called believers) is His church…but we can’t throw the baby out with the bath! Remember…only He is perfect…His church is not…and is in the process of sanctification! Be very careful… about what you say.. about His body….the church! Remember…every…idle…word…a…man…shall…speak……given..account…of…on…the…day…of…judgment! For by your words you shall be justified…and by your words you shall be condemned! Matt 12:37
thanks for all the great info- i will check things out- but i have to agree with the people who call malones character into question- he just lost his lawsuit against the breggins- he still has a contract with the DOD and others- check out breggins webiste- he has links that take you right to it- i am afraid i'm not so sure about tucker either- after all- as putin pointed out- his father was deep state- and he tried out for the CIA- we are told that he didn't make it in- but do we really know? anyway.... on ward- gotta get back to building noah's ark as the rainmakers are bringing us deluge after deluge- and our hills are starting to erode here- even in moron county
The fact that you are even sharing Robert Malone’s Substack, puts this whole whole premise here in question…who is he to talk about censorship when he has been “in bed” with the DOD and Big Pharma for many years, but now in a Scamdemic World, he’s the self appointed authority on medical freedom and censorship. HAH!
mentioning Malone's a big red flag! he's involved in developing his RelCovax™, 'a second-generation…. multivalent SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidate designed to meet global vaccination demands developed with Reliance Life Sciences (India)..." -
Malone posted the Carlson interview with Benz which is the subject of Mark's essay. It’s why he posted it and provides the transcript. No one can comment on this unless they read it.
Other than that I agree with your assessment of Malone. I’ve unsubscribed to his site long ago.
I’m pretty much on the same page as you. I take all opinions and POV’s on ‘advisement’. And then see what evolves or falls out. Because soo many of the people we looked to for information and bit of filtering through all the crap, have turned out to be less than truthful or down right bogus. And I agree that’s the times we now inhabit.
Malone is still worth listening to. One of his latest intvws is on Rumble, with Tommy Carrigan. (Look for Tommy's Podcast aka TPC). Quite interesting that his father reportedly was CIA. Geo Webb, citizen journo, has also been tracking Malone for quite some time.
Ha!!! I asked Nass (who has regular contact with the medical feeedome thought leaders) if she knew Malone’s father’s name or could get it for me. She said no and made no effort to find out. I suspected his connections might run deeper than even his professed connections with the dod.
Nass is a Malone groupie. Good friends w/Abbe Rockefeller, and her trajectory from country doc to leading international researcher ? Well, let's just say there are many questions.
The DOD was behind the Scamdemic and used Big Pharma to carry out the Agenda! But the Malone’s, Kirsch’s, Naomi Wolf’s of the world are all focused on Big Pharma (which isn’t necessarily a bad thing that the spotlight should be shined on that ‘industry’ and it’s ‘practices’)…BUT where did Big Pharma obtain the ‘R & D funding’ to develop these ‘mRNA technology’ so called ‘vaxxines’? And Big Pharma in tandem with the CDC, FDA, NIH, and the Medical Industrial Healthcare Delivery System developed that crazy Childhood Vaccine Schedule, which has now ‘injured’ over 50 % of children in the US, with chronic diseases , increased childhood cancers, raised the autism rate to 1 in 13 (especially in boys), ADHD and Sensory Processing Disorders.
Thank you, MarSol. You are 100% correct in what you describe. I'm aghast when people keep talking as if pharmaceutical companies "derived" this "vaccine." To begin with, I was aware when Warpspeed was announced that all previous mRNA trials had failed. Pharma had spent over a decade on research which failed and which lead the FDA to not authorize mRNA injections. Thus, how could anyone produce anything in 9-10 months? Ridiculous. The product was already available. The ten-month period simply involved setting up the manufacturing process. Can people be so gullible? Why the hell don't they read and think more? I now refuse discussion anywhere about this issue because something in people's brain simply disengages and can't compute that the U.S. .gov generated this injection at a morbid cost to human life because the countermeasure was not only never tested properly but the possible cost to human life considered inconsequential. These are the monsters which run DARPA projects in their scientist white coats looking all knowing.
Malone was always ‘suspect’ in my book…came off to me as a pompous, arrogant A-Hole, who if challenged, his retaliatory nature, came out full force. And what does that tell ya? He that protests loudly, is guilty of the thing that he is being challenged on.
Which is controlled by the intelligence community, as Mike Benz mentioned in his interview. But also failed to mention that its been going on since WW2(and probably before). And with the creation of the CIA. Hollywood, music, media, schools.
Most of this brought about by The Tavistock Institute. Those word would get people banned or shadow-banned on YT, FB, and Twitter. I haven't tried it in a while but if one looks into it, they were heavily involved since 1947.
All this information is very interesting, however, this is not really new information. Many elders who have passed and most recently spoke of these things going back in the 70s, can remember conversations growing up. The Internet has actually caused too many to become blinded. The propaganda is spewing out of it, constantly. Government made the Internet for this reason.
What were those conversations? I was a kid in the seventies and remember the darkness - abortion being the best option for pregnant black women, overpopulation, Public Health and the necessity of the Noble Lie.
Also, the whole world seemed to get much poorer, but I don’t know what happened.
One World Order. Rockefellers. WWI, WWII, Central Bank, Queen of England, Vatican, Federal Reserve. Do I Go on?
Talk with anyone who lived through the Great Depression, if they are still alive. Remember they READ books! Got information from reading books and living in it.
This is the most realistic theory I've ever heard - there's a shorter version. I think there are gatekeepers and Robert Malone is one of them - so is Tucker Carlson -
He spoke at a yoga studio in the North End, pretending to understand the
va$$ine/Autism and injuries/death connection. We were suspect with anyone new
on the scene from MIT speaking out. And we were correct. He didn't support us through our fight to keep our religious rights in MA. He was difficult to work with, didnt like RFK Jr of Childrens Health Defense. CHD was working with Health Choice MA to keep our religious exemptions. Shiva never had children of his own, he is a total narcissist.
Totalitarianism begins in censorship. Censorship causes the mass formation (we saw this during High Covid.)
The mass formation does not originate from the mechanistic thinking of the people themselves but rather from the warped mechanistic thinking of the conspirators. This is a key distinction.
The psychology of totalitarianism depends on censorship. We've been distracted from censorship, as we were told (by a prominent psychologist) to focus on our own mechanistic thinking. Now we're beginning to see what's really going on.
Yes, Mr Operation Warp Speed certainly wouldn’t stop it. He’s the perfect distraction: truckers supporting Trump are to boycotting NYC. This is very important- the same people who typically were outraged about the closure of the real economy and who sympathized with the plight of the Canadian truckers are literally sabotaging the economy of their own country all for the one who brought us Operation Warp Speed. Like I’ve said before, we’re at a terrible crossroads where Trump supporters don’t acknowledge how criminal he is, especially re: “COVID” and those who don’t support him are perpetually in the dark (often willfully) about what we really went through and what we’re going through.
Do you honestly believe that Trump, could have had every one believe that Ivermectin, hydrocloroquin, vit D, Zinc would " cure", the " virus"??
Remember he spoke of this in the beginning with the Frontline Drs.
Do you remember what happened??
Big Pharma.
Go by any pharmacy and watch how many are in the drive thru picking up " drugs". It's busier than McDs. That's the majority of people who believe in drugs for Dis- Ease.
The ideas (about iver, HCQ, and such) were intentionally conveyed to him so he’d discredit them by blathering about them publicly. And even if you like him, it’s hard to deny that he’s a blatherer! Diabolically clever of them actually.
It was intentionally conveyed to promote the notion of a pseudo Pfandemic. It worked because people still talk even to this day if it was all actually real. The main idea was to get as many people as possible in a panicked state and therefore acting irrationally.
Yes, fighting over which pharmaceutical is the best treatment for the "virus" keeps reinforcing the greater lie that there was no virus. It's still happening now as the alleged health freedom movement argues as to whether the "virus" was from bats or lab leaks. Keeping the lie alive.
I think you must have meant to say “the greater lie that there actually IS such a thing as a “virus.” People’s minds have been so wall-papered over with the propaganda that such a thing as a “virus” exists that it is an “article of faith” for many millions of hapless dupes. If this is news for anyone please watch a video by Dr. Sam Bailey. Dr. Albert Kaufman is also helping educate the public on this issue.
Trump ceased to exist in early 2020. He transformed into Mr Operation Warp Speed and should thereby be referred to as such in perpetuity. People supporting him, including the truckers, who I think could have some real weird influences, need some soul searching to say the least.
The truth should be what unites us. They’re not interested in it as are most of the rest of society
So what. Sorry, I know what you wrote is funny...I'm just really over idiocy today. Not you. You're funny.
I think most people are going to poop their pants if they get what they say they want. Civil War. Martial Law. Electronic no touch weapons that guns don't have a snowball's chance in hades against. Starvation. Looting. All the rest I'm too worn out to type. point exactly. People want to fall for any stupid manipulation.
"Here's a great idea! Let's throw NYC into Martial Law so we can get our point made about our man-god Trump." So cunning! Yeah...Let's get this party started.
Coming to a town you live in. Soon if this nonsense is followed through.
That’s completely wrong to think Russia is battling some kind of fight against the real baddies who brought us Covid and all that. Russia was 100% like the rest of the world their shot was in conjunction with Astra Zeneca. They’ve lost more soldiers than in Afghanistan and Chechnya combined too… total mess.
"who is [Malone] to talk about censorship when he has been “in bed” with the DOD and Big Pharma for many years, but now in a Scamdemic World, he’s the self appointed authority on medical freedom and censorship."
...will destroy any chance we have of keeping what freedom we have. That is insane talk. Malone WAS in bed with the fascists. He has, like many others, done a complete 180 (and much more of one than most others--for God's sake he quotes von Mises).
Read his Substack. He is among the greats.
And the same commenter attacks Tucker? Anyone attacking both is very likely controlled opposition, as they would accuse the Greats of.
Again, anyone with any doubts about Malone should read his work of the last couple years. He readily admits his wrongs from the past. He is completely reformed, and much more so than many others who I consider friends and "strange bedfellows."
And think about those who do all they can to divide us. Are they truly our friends? Or are they among our enemies, perhaps planted by the much deeper state than I ever thought possible?
Professor Miller, I agree that we are in a perilous situation. It seems to me that the ball is squarely in the LEFTIST court. During this phase of history (and perhaps every phase of recent history), the Left has initiated every situation to undermine the order of European Civilization and its capacity to peacefully establish true justice. The Left appears to me to be the oligarch's first, go-to weapon. I have been harassed by a-rational, post-modernist, progressive insane people here, even at Substack. They hate and they hate "real deep down." Their hatred emanates from something very ugly and not at all political. It is probably their familial system projected onto the world. This is why they are so driven. They make up scary stories of "Nazis" and then call everyone they hate a "Nazi" without evidence. The "Nazis" that they talk about are the projected caricature of their internal drama full of monsters. I have yet to meet a "Nazi" that I could be sure of This all looks like pre-text to me to justify the Leftist/oligarchic drive towards extremism---the only extremists that I HAVE met in the flesh and blood. These are the people that your homily needs to be delivered to, but I would not envy your task in reaching them in good faith. I have never succeeded.
I am profoundly concerned that this will not be a peaceful time ahead. I cannot express how disturbing and saddening this prospect is. I imagine that on a large scale, the Left/oligarchic machine will begin to attempt to physically brutalize the Right It really has already.
This isn't the first time for an 'Age of Propaganda'. Nazi Germany, Bolshevik Russia, Mao's China, all Totalitarian/Authoritiarian Regimes; ALL escalated into being a POLICE OR SECURITY STATE changing the rules. From those states; it's a simple matter to define what's happening and the methods by which is planned to be acheived as well as the level already attained.
It seems it wasn't as difficult to establish then as spreading by 'word of mouth' took just enough time beyond the Cyber Realm of today for any fait accompli before 'The People' knew what hit them. Further, the populations had been historically accustomed to the Imperialist-Feudal Fascist Mentality for far greater time than this country's population and it wasn't as much of a difference in everyday life for the Slave Class camouflaged with the definition Serf/Peasant than it is for a spoiled 'Middle Class' of today.
The Psycho/Sociopathic propagandists have perpetuated PROJECTION upon Trump since he came on the politicial scene in 2015 with the historical descent of the Trump Family on the Escalator. It is the current fraudulently installed into positions of power as the Nazi's in their Uniparty and all they legislate by hook and crook DEFINES THEM NAZI along with their Masters in London, Switzerland, Beijing and NYC.
Seems to me about time to EDUCATE THE PEOPLE; especially the young about exactly what Nazism is and when the shoe fits, the real Nazi's must wear it.
I receive frequent news about persecuted Christians in unnamed countries for years…Seeing how internet, phone calls and chatty meetings at the handy park bench are being photo’d and recorded~~~and I often freak out just noticing my tech tower outside our comty gate~~~ I hafta wonder how we are going to collude on a language, secret enough for us to understand “meet at….” and the time, messages when things get much worse. Talking behind our hands, or an ice cream cone, or a fake sneeze. yes?
Just write cursive on a sheet of paper with a drawn picture of a clock with hands. Seriously. Nobody under the age of 50 can read cursive or a non-digital clock. They'd be bamboozeled.
Some weeks ago I met a young woman on the dr ofc, we talked briefly and I found her waiting outside when I was leaving. She wanted to visit further, and gave me a yellow slip of paper with name and phone. I am pretty sure she was in her 30s but her print was that of fourth grader. Very sad
💪🏻👊🏻Am certain in this current BUILD BACK BETTER Surveillance Police State with video cameras everywhere of none of that being successful for long in any given place.
'The People' have a few benefits and one is surprise. Beyond that, the U.S. has just spent 20+ years at war and there are many more than competent with Military Maneuvers without some Treasonous, WOKE General giving orders to sabotage another U.S. Unit or cold-blooded murder as overseas. The people in this country, at least the interior, hunt, trap, fish, stalk and know their way around the Mentality while those from the places you speak of ARE NOT RAISED WITH IT and though trained; don't come by it naturally as it comes to those learning since early childhood and that includes women. They also don't know exactly WHAT 'The People' have here by way of Ordinance, Weaponry and support systems as Engineers of all kinds, Sat Phones, Kevlar Vests and Night Vision. Many build their own novelty items including major bombs making the Arab Car-Bombs taking-out 3 City Blocks appear as infants. The U.S. has Gas lines EVERYWHERE...And, that's deadly far and wide.
Let the Criminals Against All Humanity and Life on the Planet push some more and every one of those lousy, rotten Communication Towers is going to come down and we'll all re-learn the Mind-Set for how Rock-n-Roll and tough Blue Jeans were invented in the United States.
This is new kind of fascism. Control thru captured MSM, internet while you go to China Mart and buy poisoned food ,an LED suit and everything is swell.
We've been in a war for close to 4 years now, and yes, another fake emergency will be an attempt to impose even more draconian measures and unfortunately that is what it would take for some of those in total denial and oblivion to begin to wake up, but trying to lecture people about this fact will do nothing. If it isn't obvious already there is no convincing and nothing that will shed light for those who do not wish to see so perhaps we shouldn't be fear-mongering and just doing what we can in small ways for ourselves and we have shun the idiots (sorry, that's what they are at this point. Total denial is a dumb way to live) and move on. Let them awaken when (and if) they will.
We now live in a nation where Doctors destroy Health, Judges destroy Justice, Universities destroy Knowledge, Government destroys Freedom, the Press destroys Information and Banks destroy the Economy.
Any Questions?
You forgot, Religious Institutions destroy morals, faith, and eternal souls.
👏 Why I don’t go to a church. I worship God on my own time...not theirs. Some” Christians (notice how I say “Some”) are fake because of 🤑. It’s all about image for “some”! Kinda like when “Some” have to have a 2,500 purse to show the world they are important. 🙄
I know what my Christ is…he speaks through my heart! I would never “throw the baby out with the bath”. Maybe you should go back and read my comments as I corrected myself and said “SOME”! I’m stating facts and I know what the Bible says. I IMPLORE ANYONE WHO LOVES CHURCH AND WANTS TO WORSHIP WITH OTHERS. I DON’T NEED ANYONE TO WORSHIP WITH…ONLY GOD! NOR DID I SAY ANYTHING BAD ABOUT CHURCH...MY POINT WAS ABOUT SOME CHRISTIANS...NOT CHURCH.
Christians are the worst to Judge...SOME. At least I find in the South! And if you have a gay kid...some work overtime😆
Let me make a correction tho...I should never call them fake...that’s God’s right to judge. “Some” just act “fake”
Remember…Christ is the author and establisher of the church..through the power of the Holy Spirit… on the day of Pentecost! Remember.. He said…the gates of Hell shall not prevail against His church! Agreed not every church (gathering of so-called believers) is His church…but we can’t throw the baby out with the bath! Remember…only He is perfect…His church is not…and is in the process of sanctification! Be very careful… about what you say.. about His body….the church! Remember…every…idle…word…a…man…shall…speak……given..account…of…on…the…day…of…judgment! For by your words you shall be justified…and by your words you shall be condemned! Matt 12:37
Do tell. Most fail to mention role of Church here - what have you noticed?
Corporations destroy Food & Politicians destroy Laws. But police & military will enforce whatever "Law" is on the books.
No the Military isn’t… What happened to protecting us from Enemies Foreign & Domestic..for starters
JOE & OBAMA…how about the invaders… illegal aliens @ Southern Border. How about Chinese Nationals… middle aged men being housed @
Camp Pendleton in CA?
thanks for all the great info- i will check things out- but i have to agree with the people who call malones character into question- he just lost his lawsuit against the breggins- he still has a contract with the DOD and others- check out breggins webiste- he has links that take you right to it- i am afraid i'm not so sure about tucker either- after all- as putin pointed out- his father was deep state- and he tried out for the CIA- we are told that he didn't make it in- but do we really know? anyway.... on ward- gotta get back to building noah's ark as the rainmakers are bringing us deluge after deluge- and our hills are starting to erode here- even in moron county
Nope, Carry On!! got some others too :) Well said.
Tucker is an intelligence operative? I don't agree or disagree, but to what end?
The smartest become the globe hopping mercenaries in suits the McKinsey Consultants .
The fact that you are even sharing Robert Malone’s Substack, puts this whole whole premise here in question…who is he to talk about censorship when he has been “in bed” with the DOD and Big Pharma for many years, but now in a Scamdemic World, he’s the self appointed authority on medical freedom and censorship. HAH!
mentioning Malone's a big red flag! he's involved in developing his RelCovax™, 'a second-generation…. multivalent SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidate designed to meet global vaccination demands developed with Reliance Life Sciences (India)..." - (Jan.2022)
Exactly, he's party of the MIC as well.
Yes and for those who don't know what MIC stands for - it is the Medical Industrial Complex (aka Military Industrial Complex).
And he quickly censors and silenced anyone who does not subscribe to his sanctioned narrative.
Doesn't everyone learn through experience???
Malone posted the Carlson interview with Benz which is the subject of Mark's essay. It’s why he posted it and provides the transcript. No one can comment on this unless they read it.
Other than that I agree with your assessment of Malone. I’ve unsubscribed to his site long ago.
I finally had enough discerning “no” moments while reading his Substacks, I stopped following him almost a year ago.
I’m pretty much on the same page as you. I take all opinions and POV’s on ‘advisement’. And then see what evolves or falls out. Because soo many of the people we looked to for information and bit of filtering through all the crap, have turned out to be less than truthful or down right bogus. And I agree that’s the times we now inhabit.
Don’t buy those shoes! Get some minimalist barefoot shoes and resurrect your foot health 😀
Malone censored me on Twitter 2 years ago for asking,
"why did you take the covid vax"? That was a red flag for me.
Malone is still worth listening to. One of his latest intvws is on Rumble, with Tommy Carrigan. (Look for Tommy's Podcast aka TPC). Quite interesting that his father reportedly was CIA. Geo Webb, citizen journo, has also been tracking Malone for quite some time.
Ha!!! I asked Nass (who has regular contact with the medical feeedome thought leaders) if she knew Malone’s father’s name or could get it for me. She said no and made no effort to find out. I suspected his connections might run deeper than even his professed connections with the dod.
Nass is a Malone groupie. Good friends w/Abbe Rockefeller, and her trajectory from country doc to leading international researcher ? Well, let's just say there are many questions.
The DOD was behind the Scamdemic and used Big Pharma to carry out the Agenda! But the Malone’s, Kirsch’s, Naomi Wolf’s of the world are all focused on Big Pharma (which isn’t necessarily a bad thing that the spotlight should be shined on that ‘industry’ and it’s ‘practices’)…BUT where did Big Pharma obtain the ‘R & D funding’ to develop these ‘mRNA technology’ so called ‘vaxxines’? And Big Pharma in tandem with the CDC, FDA, NIH, and the Medical Industrial Healthcare Delivery System developed that crazy Childhood Vaccine Schedule, which has now ‘injured’ over 50 % of children in the US, with chronic diseases , increased childhood cancers, raised the autism rate to 1 in 13 (especially in boys), ADHD and Sensory Processing Disorders.
Thank you, MarSol. You are 100% correct in what you describe. I'm aghast when people keep talking as if pharmaceutical companies "derived" this "vaccine." To begin with, I was aware when Warpspeed was announced that all previous mRNA trials had failed. Pharma had spent over a decade on research which failed and which lead the FDA to not authorize mRNA injections. Thus, how could anyone produce anything in 9-10 months? Ridiculous. The product was already available. The ten-month period simply involved setting up the manufacturing process. Can people be so gullible? Why the hell don't they read and think more? I now refuse discussion anywhere about this issue because something in people's brain simply disengages and can't compute that the U.S. .gov generated this injection at a morbid cost to human life because the countermeasure was not only never tested properly but the possible cost to human life considered inconsequential. These are the monsters which run DARPA projects in their scientist white coats looking all knowing.
Malone was always ‘suspect’ in my book…came off to me as a pompous, arrogant A-Hole, who if challenged, his retaliatory nature, came out full force. And what does that tell ya? He that protests loudly, is guilty of the thing that he is being challenged on.
We truly live in an Age of Propaganda
They seem to be playing the Hegelian Dialectic card, pitting us against one another on every conceivable divide while controlling the chessboard
The media is seemingly the main vehicle for this psychological warfare...
Which is controlled by the intelligence community, as Mike Benz mentioned in his interview. But also failed to mention that its been going on since WW2(and probably before). And with the creation of the CIA. Hollywood, music, media, schools.
Most of this brought about by The Tavistock Institute. Those word would get people banned or shadow-banned on YT, FB, and Twitter. I haven't tried it in a while but if one looks into it, they were heavily involved since 1947.
All this information is very interesting, however, this is not really new information. Many elders who have passed and most recently spoke of these things going back in the 70s, can remember conversations growing up. The Internet has actually caused too many to become blinded. The propaganda is spewing out of it, constantly. Government made the Internet for this reason.
What were those conversations? I was a kid in the seventies and remember the darkness - abortion being the best option for pregnant black women, overpopulation, Public Health and the necessity of the Noble Lie.
Also, the whole world seemed to get much poorer, but I don’t know what happened.
One World Order. Rockefellers. WWI, WWII, Central Bank, Queen of England, Vatican, Federal Reserve. Do I Go on?
Talk with anyone who lived through the Great Depression, if they are still alive. Remember they READ books! Got information from reading books and living in it.
watch Dr Shiiva - the Swarm -
This is the most realistic theory I've ever heard - there's a shorter version. I think there are gatekeepers and Robert Malone is one of them - so is Tucker Carlson -
watch the Swarm
Dr Shiva is NOT to be trusted, he threw all the mothers of autism Health Choice MA under the bus years ago. Narcissist snake.
Can you please provide a reference to this? I'd like to better understand this claim.
He spoke at a yoga studio in the North End, pretending to understand the
va$$ine/Autism and injuries/death connection. We were suspect with anyone new
on the scene from MIT speaking out. And we were correct. He didn't support us through our fight to keep our religious rights in MA. He was difficult to work with, didnt like RFK Jr of Childrens Health Defense. CHD was working with Health Choice MA to keep our religious exemptions. Shiva never had children of his own, he is a total narcissist.
Totalitarianism begins in censorship. Censorship causes the mass formation (we saw this during High Covid.)
The mass formation does not originate from the mechanistic thinking of the people themselves but rather from the warped mechanistic thinking of the conspirators. This is a key distinction.
The psychology of totalitarianism depends on censorship. We've been distracted from censorship, as we were told (by a prominent psychologist) to focus on our own mechanistic thinking. Now we're beginning to see what's really going on.
Yes, Mr Operation Warp Speed certainly wouldn’t stop it. He’s the perfect distraction: truckers supporting Trump are to boycotting NYC. This is very important- the same people who typically were outraged about the closure of the real economy and who sympathized with the plight of the Canadian truckers are literally sabotaging the economy of their own country all for the one who brought us Operation Warp Speed. Like I’ve said before, we’re at a terrible crossroads where Trump supporters don’t acknowledge how criminal he is, especially re: “COVID” and those who don’t support him are perpetually in the dark (often willfully) about what we really went through and what we’re going through.
Do you honestly believe that Trump, could have had every one believe that Ivermectin, hydrocloroquin, vit D, Zinc would " cure", the " virus"??
Remember he spoke of this in the beginning with the Frontline Drs.
Do you remember what happened??
Big Pharma.
Go by any pharmacy and watch how many are in the drive thru picking up " drugs". It's busier than McDs. That's the majority of people who believe in drugs for Dis- Ease.
The ideas (about iver, HCQ, and such) were intentionally conveyed to him so he’d discredit them by blathering about them publicly. And even if you like him, it’s hard to deny that he’s a blatherer! Diabolically clever of them actually.
Remember Dr. Zelenko. 🙏
It was intentionally conveyed to promote the notion of a pseudo Pfandemic. It worked because people still talk even to this day if it was all actually real. The main idea was to get as many people as possible in a panicked state and therefore acting irrationally.
Yes, fighting over which pharmaceutical is the best treatment for the "virus" keeps reinforcing the greater lie that there was no virus. It's still happening now as the alleged health freedom movement argues as to whether the "virus" was from bats or lab leaks. Keeping the lie alive.
I think you must have meant to say “the greater lie that there actually IS such a thing as a “virus.” People’s minds have been so wall-papered over with the propaganda that such a thing as a “virus” exists that it is an “article of faith” for many millions of hapless dupes. If this is news for anyone please watch a video by Dr. Sam Bailey. Dr. Albert Kaufman is also helping educate the public on this issue.
Irrationally indeed. Like letting strangers pierce your body and shoot some juice into ya.
Trump ceased to exist in early 2020. He transformed into Mr Operation Warp Speed and should thereby be referred to as such in perpetuity. People supporting him, including the truckers, who I think could have some real weird influences, need some soul searching to say the least.
The truth should be what unites us. They’re not interested in it as are most of the rest of society
Anyone who thinks the spelling "Dis- Ease" conveys some kind of profound meaning can be dismissed out of hand.
If food deliveries actually do stop being made in NYC, it will be no time at all before utter mayhem breaks out. Martial Law. All the rest...
Thanks ahead of time, Valiant Truckers!
Yeah but they do have a wicked supa-smart leader for a mayor up over there?
So what. Sorry, I know what you wrote is funny...I'm just really over idiocy today. Not you. You're funny.
I think most people are going to poop their pants if they get what they say they want. Civil War. Martial Law. Electronic no touch weapons that guns don't have a snowball's chance in hades against. Starvation. Looting. All the rest I'm too worn out to type.
God Bless.
We are in for some real trouble because it’s crystal clear this is 1st rate civic sabotage … got to wonder who would have an interest in it. point exactly. People want to fall for any stupid manipulation.
"Here's a great idea! Let's throw NYC into Martial Law so we can get our point made about our man-god Trump." So cunning! Yeah...Let's get this party started.
Coming to a town you live in. Soon if this nonsense is followed through.
💯 this is how “they” destroy civil society. They’re cunning.
That’s completely wrong to think Russia is battling some kind of fight against the real baddies who brought us Covid and all that. Russia was 100% like the rest of the world their shot was in conjunction with Astra Zeneca. They’ve lost more soldiers than in Afghanistan and Chechnya combined too… total mess.
I think you're right. The "I *heart* Russia brigade is just another thin slicing of the cake.
None of the crap will work unless they're all in on it. All over the place. Including here. Everywhere.
Live free like Elsa The Lion. God Bless.
Though even Elsa learned to live in a Pride of Lions. The trick is finding your Pride, I suppose. I'm going to try.
God Bless.
"who is [Malone] to talk about censorship when he has been “in bed” with the DOD and Big Pharma for many years, but now in a Scamdemic World, he’s the self appointed authority on medical freedom and censorship."
...will destroy any chance we have of keeping what freedom we have. That is insane talk. Malone WAS in bed with the fascists. He has, like many others, done a complete 180 (and much more of one than most others--for God's sake he quotes von Mises).
Read his Substack. He is among the greats.
And the same commenter attacks Tucker? Anyone attacking both is very likely controlled opposition, as they would accuse the Greats of.
Again, anyone with any doubts about Malone should read his work of the last couple years. He readily admits his wrongs from the past. He is completely reformed, and much more so than many others who I consider friends and "strange bedfellows."
And think about those who do all they can to divide us. Are they truly our friends? Or are they among our enemies, perhaps planted by the much deeper state than I ever thought possible?
Malone is still wrong.
Professor Miller, I agree that we are in a perilous situation. It seems to me that the ball is squarely in the LEFTIST court. During this phase of history (and perhaps every phase of recent history), the Left has initiated every situation to undermine the order of European Civilization and its capacity to peacefully establish true justice. The Left appears to me to be the oligarch's first, go-to weapon. I have been harassed by a-rational, post-modernist, progressive insane people here, even at Substack. They hate and they hate "real deep down." Their hatred emanates from something very ugly and not at all political. It is probably their familial system projected onto the world. This is why they are so driven. They make up scary stories of "Nazis" and then call everyone they hate a "Nazi" without evidence. The "Nazis" that they talk about are the projected caricature of their internal drama full of monsters. I have yet to meet a "Nazi" that I could be sure of This all looks like pre-text to me to justify the Leftist/oligarchic drive towards extremism---the only extremists that I HAVE met in the flesh and blood. These are the people that your homily needs to be delivered to, but I would not envy your task in reaching them in good faith. I have never succeeded.
I am profoundly concerned that this will not be a peaceful time ahead. I cannot express how disturbing and saddening this prospect is. I imagine that on a large scale, the Left/oligarchic machine will begin to attempt to physically brutalize the Right It really has already.
Its always darkest before the light friend, have faith that good will prevail.
Evil, like many things takes the path of least resistance and that for us today is the left.
This isn't the first time for an 'Age of Propaganda'. Nazi Germany, Bolshevik Russia, Mao's China, all Totalitarian/Authoritiarian Regimes; ALL escalated into being a POLICE OR SECURITY STATE changing the rules. From those states; it's a simple matter to define what's happening and the methods by which is planned to be acheived as well as the level already attained.
It seems it wasn't as difficult to establish then as spreading by 'word of mouth' took just enough time beyond the Cyber Realm of today for any fait accompli before 'The People' knew what hit them. Further, the populations had been historically accustomed to the Imperialist-Feudal Fascist Mentality for far greater time than this country's population and it wasn't as much of a difference in everyday life for the Slave Class camouflaged with the definition Serf/Peasant than it is for a spoiled 'Middle Class' of today.
The Psycho/Sociopathic propagandists have perpetuated PROJECTION upon Trump since he came on the politicial scene in 2015 with the historical descent of the Trump Family on the Escalator. It is the current fraudulently installed into positions of power as the Nazi's in their Uniparty and all they legislate by hook and crook DEFINES THEM NAZI along with their Masters in London, Switzerland, Beijing and NYC.
Seems to me about time to EDUCATE THE PEOPLE; especially the young about exactly what Nazism is and when the shoe fits, the real Nazi's must wear it.
I receive frequent news about persecuted Christians in unnamed countries for years…Seeing how internet, phone calls and chatty meetings at the handy park bench are being photo’d and recorded~~~and I often freak out just noticing my tech tower outside our comty gate~~~ I hafta wonder how we are going to collude on a language, secret enough for us to understand “meet at….” and the time, messages when things get much worse. Talking behind our hands, or an ice cream cone, or a fake sneeze. yes?
Just write cursive on a sheet of paper with a drawn picture of a clock with hands. Seriously. Nobody under the age of 50 can read cursive or a non-digital clock. They'd be bamboozeled.
Some weeks ago I met a young woman on the dr ofc, we talked briefly and I found her waiting outside when I was leaving. She wanted to visit further, and gave me a yellow slip of paper with name and phone. I am pretty sure she was in her 30s but her print was that of fourth grader. Very sad
...and flummoxed
…baffled too!
💪🏻👊🏻Am certain in this current BUILD BACK BETTER Surveillance Police State with video cameras everywhere of none of that being successful for long in any given place.
'The People' have a few benefits and one is surprise. Beyond that, the U.S. has just spent 20+ years at war and there are many more than competent with Military Maneuvers without some Treasonous, WOKE General giving orders to sabotage another U.S. Unit or cold-blooded murder as overseas. The people in this country, at least the interior, hunt, trap, fish, stalk and know their way around the Mentality while those from the places you speak of ARE NOT RAISED WITH IT and though trained; don't come by it naturally as it comes to those learning since early childhood and that includes women. They also don't know exactly WHAT 'The People' have here by way of Ordinance, Weaponry and support systems as Engineers of all kinds, Sat Phones, Kevlar Vests and Night Vision. Many build their own novelty items including major bombs making the Arab Car-Bombs taking-out 3 City Blocks appear as infants. The U.S. has Gas lines EVERYWHERE...And, that's deadly far and wide.
Let the Criminals Against All Humanity and Life on the Planet push some more and every one of those lousy, rotten Communication Towers is going to come down and we'll all re-learn the Mind-Set for how Rock-n-Roll and tough Blue Jeans were invented in the United States.
There are and will be sensors to protect equipment...With shocking capabilities, etc. Must begin thinking as the enemy does.
This is new kind of fascism. Control thru captured MSM, internet while you go to China Mart and buy poisoned food ,an LED suit and everything is swell.
Grow your own food inside; if possible....Using Growing Lights. Yes, it is a much more effective Fascism; far more inclusive.
Hal...Open the pod bay doors, But are not vaccinated...
Malone censored me in Twitter 3 years ago, for asking,
"why did you take the covid vax"? I dont trust him.
Just for a simple question?
yes, just for a simple question. Every time he posted on twitter, i asked him,
finally after months, he blocked me. gheez....
I had to chuckle after he was censored. I'm just a grandma looking for truths.
Good grief...he’s rude
This is what they envision for the plebs.....
Love that little short in a detesting sort of way.
The truth is the greatest enemy of the state. ~ Joseph Gobbels
Can we be certain that both Tucker and Benz are not part of the propaganda, designed to acquaint us and prime us for what's coming?
Can we not be certain that Tucker and Benz are providing a soft disclosure to the populace before the big disclosure comes.
We've been in a war for close to 4 years now, and yes, another fake emergency will be an attempt to impose even more draconian measures and unfortunately that is what it would take for some of those in total denial and oblivion to begin to wake up, but trying to lecture people about this fact will do nothing. If it isn't obvious already there is no convincing and nothing that will shed light for those who do not wish to see so perhaps we shouldn't be fear-mongering and just doing what we can in small ways for ourselves and we have shun the idiots (sorry, that's what they are at this point. Total denial is a dumb way to live) and move on. Let them awaken when (and if) they will.