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This is WW3 and most don’t even know it.

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In 2020, when we learned the election fix was in I said to my family that this was a communist take-over of the United States, a civil war. We now know of the masive global and corporate management of all of this, so that it is difficult to name the combattants in the war, but I agree with you it is a global war. Biden believes he is holding the Union together. His Rainbow people believe they are creating a new world for queer acceptance. Black radicals believe they are assuming their rightful authority over whites. Radical Jews believe they are preventing the next fascist extermination of their people by employing lawfare to get the enemies.. Corporations and their controlled politicians want to keep the extortion and bribery racket humming because it works for them. The Defense Industrial Complex wants to make MRNA a household name and the medicine of choice for all ailments. Rich world-managers want to depopulate and fix the climate. And then there is us.

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My mom who called me a science denier STILL doesn’t know what mRNA is. And she told me with extreme confidence “we are LIBERALS and we are VERY well informed”. Hahahahahahahaha

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My sister didn’t know what mRNA was or what an emergency use authorization was. She took 4 shots, and thought what I had said about the shots being mRNA was a conspiracy theory, because she was just watching TV and google, and they carefully avoided mentioning those very important facts.

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Right. And I get so surprised at people’s decisions. But those decisions are based on nothing. Pure nonsense and platitudes. Yet somehow these simpletons are sssooooo very convinced that they know everything. Amazing and so disheartening. When the jabs were rolled out, my mom said “I have absolutely NO hesitation! Look at measles and polio vaccines”. Anyone who could compare the two situations obviously knows absolutely nothing. No clue about the regulatory capture, zero liability, constant fraud resulting in billions paid in criminal fines. And of course she took Murderna. A company that had never brought anything to market previously. Why should that be a factor??? No clue about the hundreds of millions paid in royalties. No clue that the trial data was supposed to be hidden for decades. Stop hating science!!!!

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Your Mom is right. Look at measles and polio vaccines. They are both bogus failures as is the covid vaxx. Even in the 1960's there were measles parties so that all the kids would catch it and have lifelong immunity. Serious/deadly cases were rare. The way to get polio is from the polio vaxx - even the NYT has stated that.

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I love how not a single “parent” even questions if any of these jabs are actually given for something that is life threatening. My sis bugged out when I mentioned natural immunity too. She’s a science teacher. We are screwed 🤪😜😝

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These people are implementing a mixed system of capitalism and communism. Another propaganda tool is dividing people by which "ism" they support. It doesn't matter, because either way we will still live under a TOTALITARIAN REGIME.

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Aug 13, 2023Edited
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Right, so if you believe in worker owned co-ops (a good thing, actually) your neighbor calls you a commie bastard due to this absurd Cold War-like propaganda that never really went away. I hate to break it to Americans but the Soviets were never our enemy. They have long been our partners in crime. The tyrants never believed in communism or capitalism. They manipulate everything and use trickery to rob the masses.

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Yes, we are at war but most are still worried about what to post on twitter...X...

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This would be good to post on Twitter tbh.

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https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cv2PYkZr_N7/ someone sent this to me. I don’t have an Instagram account. I’m just putting it out here, it’s another angle.

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This guy is in touch with how things work and he knows there is trickery here.

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Yes, they are pics and videos. People need to see we are being arsoned and murdered. People burned up!!! Horrible!

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Ask Elon with the post what he thinks it is. He knows! Let's see if he is honest!

I don't have an acct and I would never want one. Somebody who has one and uses it please post and ask Elon what caused it? Or at least just post it like any citizens would when we are being attacked - something by someone caused this and I am sure it is lasers. Are they going to blame it on the Russians or the Aliens? I think most of the adults in the room know it is our gov workers ( fellow citizens and neighbors ) doing it to us.

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Elon is not our friend.

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I know. I ask non friends and even enemies questions also. You can still learn a lot knowing the answer could be a lie. If it is a lie you confirm they are your enemy.

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I've been questioning if it's possible this attack came from one of "his" satellites..if u ask me he's just a govt puppet they prop up kinda like zuckerburg, just a face..we truly have no clue what they're sending up above us

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I am not convinced Starlink isn’t also a weapons system.

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Yes it is easily used for such, including the weaponization of communications.

There was a predictive program movie about that I saw about 8-10 years ago. A corporate ( villain) affable man, who owned a satellite company closely connected of course with the US Gov with offices out of HI. Well the corporate head started to plan some Evil ventures towards the citizens ( can't recall if it was laser DEWs ). And one of the high ranking military that was not for the weaponizing the Sats towards the citizens stood up and of course was knocked down by the Evils. Things played out as usual. The Military and Corporate head were found out and some good guys came in to save the day. I think all the Hollywood American happy endings have conditioned us by design, to think the good guys are going to win.

Of course I don't recall the name, sorry. It had a lot of planes and military pilots in it.

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Like it would get by the "fact checkers" LOL! To bad those little birds don't get eliminated much like real birds are from the constant spray of chemtrails...whoop I mean contrails.

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Just like the fires in California. In PA last Thanksgiving where I grew up they had bad weather.

My girlfriend said it was the worst storm ever. Her house and other homes had windows blown out and hail destroyed her vehicle. Another friend said he had hail the size of golf

balls break his windows and hit the inside of his home. They never get storms so powerful.

I wonder what happened?

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This is what happened.


government employees attacking with wind, rain, hail etc to cause havoc and death.

These employees are your and my neighbors and possibly acquaintances.

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Aug 13, 2023
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oh wow. just started watching. so Dane Wigington is like the Robert Malone of climate issues ? 😝 look up Sage Hana substack if you don't know what I'm talking about. thanks for posting this. I saw this guy on Reinette Senum's stack. Was really impressed.

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Aug 13, 2023
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ok you lost me there. I don't know how much more information I can handle!

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Geoengineering with Dane Whittingham explains this!

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Oh OK....Thanks so much :-)

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It’s actually WW4 using 5th gen warfare. WW3 is over. The War on Terror. We lost. Today’s Information War: we are losing.

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That's a fair assessment. Either way, it's a WW with 5th generation trickery.

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Then you would know about China. Word has it Chinese Nationals are coming over the

Southern Border. Do you think China will attack the US from within?

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The Chinese who have been here for decades and are doctors, lawyers and professors and scientists will be linked up with newly arrived fighting age males. Waiting. A perfect storm of conditions will rally both the Chinese, Muslims from many nations, Afghans, Syrians, and many from other sources to overrun US cities. All 4 borders are open. Bus loads every day are quickly swept into the US interior. Catholic Services, Lutheran services and IOM all collaborating to invade. And all right under our noses. Waiting.

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Then how are we going to protect ourselves? When you read it from someone who knows,

it really makes you AWAKE! I know Conservative Military. Why are they allowing this to happen? We can't just stand down. Michael Yon on substack tells the truth about the

bus loads coming into US. He's down near the Southern Border. I am a Catholic. I am

furious with what the Catholic Charities are doing. Aiding and abetting illegal aliens!

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Well Lynn you have said a mouthful.

Following Michale Yon ✔️. Our military is captured by the deep state. The leadership is compromised✔️. China is infiltrating but these recent arrivals will link up with decades of previously entered Chinese in all walks of life here and now. Waiting.

Islam confides I here as well. The next pandemic/lockdowns….! ✔️.

Broken economy. Digital currency on the horizon. The beat goes on.

Arm up. Train. Prepare. You are your first responder. It is likely the ‘24 election will not occur. 15 months is a lot of time for the enemies of this falling Republic to create chaos and panic leading to draconian Governments crackdowns keeping the present regime on power. Keep reading. Stay alert.

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You said it. What else with our Communist turned Government. I said same about the 2024 Election. Do you honestly think those Leftists are going to give up power? The House Republicans do nothing but conduct their go nowhere hearings. What about Space Force?

I heard they are playing a part for the good. Then I heard the Military will step in?

My husband came from Communist Hungary. He said he has no place else to go. We

will fight til the end, if the situation presents itself. It is utterly ridiculous to see what the

Democrat Communists are doing to our Country. There are incompetent Leftists trying

to run our Country into the ground. The interest rates are killing us. Including gas, food, etc.

I hope we can keep in touch. I can learn a lot from YOU :-)

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Well stated. I get it about your husband's experience. Truly the political partys here are one. The Uniparty. All are compromised to one degree or another. Over 100 Reps are comitted Commuist. Many senators likewise. Toss in a liberal number of Moslems and Moslemas and you have bought and paid for Legislative Branch taking orders. The SCOTUS has been intimidated and families threatened. The President is a fraud. He also is an obedient Pedo Puppet. DOJ is compromised and filled with go-along bureaucrats. It is equally true that local (city and county) law enforcement is ignorant. They receive so much Federal money for SWAT gear to militarize their departments, they will comply. They need to disengage from the Federal supporting contracts. You are your own first responder. Arm up. Prepare.

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I totally agree. What a let down to read how all the so called Politicians are compromised. I knew something was up with the Supreme Court Justices. They never took up ONE

2020 Election fraud lawsuit. No wonder with Leftist Roberts at the helm (GW Man). So, that

many Reps are Communists including Senators. On that note, who knows what's coming.

It doesn't look good. JOE was on the Council of Foreign Relations. A friend told me they

run things in our Country, too. I also read there are a lot of secret societies that includes the

Supreme Court, too. Keep in touch :-)

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Lynn. Take some time to search the Committee of 300. The CFR is just a link in the hierarchy. The top of the power pyramid is very old. Committee composed of both individuals and organizations. The very top include ancient family lines and monarchical interconnections and inter-marriages to preserve influence. The key to all their power is from the same source. You can connect the dots and find out. The House of Windsor is a key. Good hunting. Some of what you uncover may be disturbing.

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Thank You for this information. I have read some of what you are talking about. Blood lines and inter-marriages to preserve influence. Yes, The House of Windsor! Putting Hakeem, the

Muslim, in a Minority Speaker wasn't by accident either. Thanks William. Keep in Touch :-)

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Islam figures in this fight as well for all their own reasons.

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Read “Man of Lawlessness” and “Sons of Perdition.” Fictional but is all about this. Eery to see much coming that I read in a book years ago.

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Thank U......I'll check the Books out. Appreciate it :-)

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Please explain WW3 is over. Why did we lose and still are losing?

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Lynn. War On Terror 9/11 until we left Afghanistan and $60 million worth of military hardware left to the Taliban. Today a lot of it is supplying much of the rest of the world. The horrific Patriot Act and all the draconian laws that came from it. I would call that a loss for the US.

The present conflict is an information war. A war against the 1st Ammend. Watch the nightly news ans see who’s winning.

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Aug 18, 2023
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It's certainly a land grab. The less people alive and healthy, the easier it is for them to grab it.

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Aug 19, 2023
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Sick and subservient.

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