fyi - the unreported death toll in western NC alone, not including SC and Tennessee, is over 16000. Media blackout and no unidentified corpses counted, thousands more buried in mud being bulldozed over. Many families killed in floods in the mountains did not have relatives to report them missing. Those who survived living in tents to take care of their livestock in freezing temperatures. FEMA just ended all housing assistance. Of course no one had flood insurance in the mountains. Why would they.

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Thank you. Finally. I have been screaming this and am accused of being crazy. Of course it was planned.

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So plan is to take everyone's cars away and force the peasants into 15 min smart cities and use bicycles and public transport and force digital single currency to pay for any travel so they can enjoy green open spaces.

From Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggins substack included in MCMs post:

The City of Los Angeles already produced the blueprint in 2020 to implement their 15-minute city plan. This will convert LA into a “highly digital and connected city in 2028.” SmartLA 2028: Technology for a better Los Angeles, declares:

Los Angeles residents will experience an improved quality of life by leveraging technology to meet urban challenges. No longer the “car capital of the world”, residents will choose how they wish to get around LA, using a single, digital payment platform, with choices like renovated Metro rail and bus systems or micro transit choices, such as on-demand LANow shuttles or dockless bicycles.

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I'm glad I'm old.

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Me too

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Thank you Mark for bringing this to our attention. Pacific Palisades fire is Lahaina 2.0 except at least they gave residents more notice like a few hours Tuesday afternoon so fewer people died. That's much more humane.

Those wildfires supposedly were so hot they melted steel and porcelain toilets. EV cars stuck in garages/driveways further acted as accelerates and smart scooters/bikes and lithium batteries 🔋 exploded.

It seems that these fires are being pushed through just before Trump gets into office.

So anyone else living in a neighborhood where whose home fire insurance policies have been cancelled or increased drastically watch out.

Have your paper documents someplace easy to take with you like stored in plastic and easy to take with you backpack 🎒.

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My friend who had lived in Pacific Palisades since 2000 came back to rubble yesterday, like a bomb had destroyed his house, only his mailbox located near street was intact. Structural beams were warped, twisted.

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Please read my comment above. “Those wildfires supposedly were so hot they melted steel and porcelain toilets.” Yes indeed they do. In SD 2007 (known source) fires, our 2 large steel storage containers were utterly destroyed, shards of porcelain toilet everywhere like a bomb had exploded, yet some small porcelain figurines were only scorched (irreparably damaged though). Pyrex shattered or folded over like a pretzel. Stands of bamboo, avocado and oak trees burnt to below ground but citrus trees unfazed despite not having been watered and being burnt to their trunks. The force of those winds and intensity of the fires is unfathomable. Comment is only on the Palisade’s fire. IDK about the others. TPTB typically target those who cannot resist.

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I don’t see an end game in Palisades.

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The powers that be

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"The screen shot above tells the story. In a normal fire combustible materials like wood and plastic burn and non-combustible materials like metal do not. Clearly, this was not a normal fire. "

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My question is, where next, where are these demons going to hit next, good Lord, we are living in hell.

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All one has to do is ask themselves “if the government went to the PROVEN nefarious lengths to force the population to take a government funded bio weapon to TREAT another government funded bio weapon, why would we not think they caused this (and the other referenced) destruction?”

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Operation sea-spray, anyone?

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Nothing like getting the federal government to pay for your newly constructed Olympic Village. Let’s see how fast a bill gets to congress to fund it.

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Remember that the Palisades folks are wealthy. They will simply rebuild and will not likely succumb to victimhood.

I have to say that I doubt TPTB set the Palisades Fire. Nothing about it is odd to those of use who have lived (barely; had a touch of PTSD after being trapped in the flames far too long in the first) though the massive 2003 and 2007 San Diego wildfires. In less than an hour, a stupidly set remote signal fire from the evening before advanced over 26 miles to destroy over 2200 homes in Scripps Ranch. It jumped a 14+ lane freeway with a large center median. There were 15 deaths, and would have been many more if the winds had shifted. There were totally inexplicable hits and misses, bizarre things unscathed in the midst of a charred landscape. Hurricane force winds are simply unfathomable. Green trees remain unscathed because the “blow torch” goes through too quickly for some things to ignite. Mismanagement? 100%. DEI hires? No doubt. Water stupidity and shortage? Yep; not more than a drop of rain in 9 months. WE ARE NOT ALLOWED to clear the brush around our homes, despite losing our insurances due to fire risks because it is allegedly a kangaroo rat and gnat catcher habitat. Where's their habitat now? And BTW, I have yet to find a rat that couldn't find a way to survive. Environmentalists have obliterated any common sense regulations from smelt to rats. Were the many others arson or from the homeless encampments? Even set? Very possibly. But the "signals" that Palisades was intentionally set simply do not add up in my mind.I hope I'm right, because this is probably the only time I haven't had my tinfoil hat on waaaay too tight.

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Fox news segment showed a burned house and melted car in the driveway - and a wooden picket fence surrounding what was a house completely untouched. sorry. not buying this was not conducted.

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Plus of course there might have been certain individuals deliberately targeted for any number of reasons. Like Mel Gibson, or other outspoke celebrities, writers, professors, lawyers who are considered enemies, maybe they supported free speech or humanitarian concerns, etc.

My friends house was conveniently destroyed while houses were saved nearby. His house was out of direct path but adjacent.

Plus this destruction will prevent anyone from thinking about vaccine harms.

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When countries in the Middle East and China are greening deserts with weather modification, cloud seeding, having no new technology or firefighting ability is absurd, and let's not even discuss the grotesque wealth of that state that just didn't have the ability to fight fires that once were easily snuffed out? Black char of the old fire debris is a thing of the past I guess. We've got a kill grid and a normalisation of lack of protection for home owners that is clearly looking deliberate. The globalists are focused on lack of water especially for many purposes.

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Isn’t it nice to be wanted………wanted dead!

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Can't say this often enough! PSYCHOPATHS! MEGALOMANIACS! WEF/UN/WHO

Divide and rule! Agents provocateurs anyone, FALSE FLAGS, propaganda social engineering psyops? Keeping us proles at each others' throats while the globalist technocrat predators (this includes Zionists) laugh all the way to the BIS and The Bank of Rothschild's!

This horrifying Governor 'Gruesome Newscum', 'Lone Scum', Soros, 'Benedict' Biden and Harris and even Trump, Vance, and 'Ramaswampy' et al are blatant fully owned and operated puppets of their globalist technocrat parasite masters same as other numerous 'PUBLIC SERPENTS' infesting by design from above, the bureaucratic apparatus.



Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! dhughes.substack.com Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!

AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!

Bless and thank you for doing what you do!

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If we do not expose this . widely. they will continue on burning down America to enslave us. We must spread the truth.

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1. mebbe I'm far off the mark location-wise, but what about "historic" hollywood, the ol' studios an' the homes of the stars of yesteryear that used ta be highlights of nostalgia tours, the 40's bungalows that had such character an' charm? I dunno but erasin' an entire golden age of an industry, once quite majestic fer us fans (now a sorry unseemly shadow of its former self) seems... calculated... which brings ta wonder about...

2. the film archives...a history of a nation mostly on celluloid stock--velly flammable... all stored in (am I wrong?) Hollywood. Folks worry 'bout the dang sign but I worry more about 100 years of films! Yes I know vaults have sprinklers but that wrecks negatives 'n stuff--an' given prior film fires nitrates go boom easy, even without "schmart meters" that most surely are installed... what's the chance of the history of our nation on celluloid goin' up in flames? (yes, I worry 'bout people first but still...)

3. imho, it's DEWS

WHY this finger pointin'?!


(however y'all feel about what's goin' on halfway 'cross the world I'm shocked ta my britches this ludicrous "conceit"-cum-rumor is spreadin' 'round the innertubes like wildfire itself! (also planned by sumbuddy with an agenda)...

Y'all it's DEWS not CHEWS ;-)

(sorry I need ta say this given what matter arrives in mah inbox)

....an' whatever it costs ta do this (to flatten a huge sprawlin' city & environs, people n' pets be damned) is gonna be recompensed many fold once the "Ozempic Games" & SmartShitty dystopia is in full bloom... "Zey" (team NWO) is lookin' at a lotta do-re-mi while all these traumatized displaced people are singin' the blues...

NO, we cannot have "nice things" anymore--no nice places ta live, work, no beaches... (don't fergit Acapulco). This is a hot WAR...on us! (my 2cents plain...)

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The damned DOD gave us the bio-weapon shots now their DEW's did this no doubt. The last I heard was that these were 2000 children missing from Lahaina.

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Any news on missing children? Were their parents killed off?

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I don't know. No one talks about Lahaina anymore. I saw videos where the police were directing the locals back into the fire area so I am sure many died. Now like the COVID massacre no one says anything.

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Ok, I heard the “herding humanity” program hope it does not happen but I believe something like this is the goal. We won’t call it a smart city,🤔dumb ass city!

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look up PEGGY HALL

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Stone burns to the ground. Have you not seen the previous civilizations? They are right below our feet. Just dig down fifty feet and you will find them.

North Carolina was a mass killing event because the Fucktards at blackcock wanted more Lithium. Guess what. They actually have up on the Climate Change story and Blackcock has actually dumped their investments.

The Thunderstorm Generator was built ten years ago by Malcolm Kendall in Australia. This device makes any "Fossil Fuel" type engine burn 100% clean.

Their complete system does not use Fossil Fuels at all and is based on Tesla's early work with Plasmoids.

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