There will, of course, be those who think that the “vaccine” probably prolonged his life (by supposedly protecting him from Covid), and those (like me) who think that, if anything, it has hastened his decline. At his age it’s not unusual for one’s body to fail rapidly, so there will certainly be no controversy in the media as to what has caused him to bow out of scheduled events.
Oh no 😢 I’ve always loved Dick Van Dyke, and his spryness into his late nineties has been an inspiration. He also seemed to be waking up to the media manipulation of public attention as noted in this recent video:
Any US citizens reading this, I urge you to submit your public comment opposing the latest REAL ID trickery by the ridiculously tight deadline of October 15. See this article I just published with more details on the American version of digital ID and tools to help you craft your submission:
Also, please join me in honoring the memory of Dr. Jackie Stone, who tragically chose to take her own life on October 3 after years of harassment (being hauled into court 27 times) and smearing for the crime of saving lives:
I’ve dedicated the poem “When Tyranny Is in Vogue” to Jackie and hope it will help prevent others from succumbing to a similar fate. The more people understand how the Disinformation Playbook ( works, the less efficacy it will have and thus the broader public will begin to see the dissidents for the heroes they are instead of the villains they are caricatured to be.
This is a good point you raised. I did submit a remark just so THEY can't say I did not object. Anyway I will NEVER cooperate with the bastards after what THEY did to the human race with the COVID scam.
I also thought DVD was quite active for a 90+, even in recent times at 98. Cicely Tyson was healthy in her 90s died suddenly in January 2021 just two days after her last book was released.
It was Jimmy Carter who I wondered could make it to 100 since he's been in hospice care for over a year.
I would be curious to know the prominent people who were dying before the vaccine was recognized as the probable cause of death. I remember when Herman Cain died around the time of the Republican Convention. It was deaths like his that were instrumental in pushing the Covid narrative before I was aware, at least, of Substack. It was counter-narrative voices like Alex Berenson and Dennis Prager that clued me in and made me question the vaccine. From talking to a liberal friend, who is terrified of Trump, and believes the mainstream lies, it suggests to me that liberals are more terrified of the right than the right is of the left, which is astonishing. I suppose it helps explain their willingness to take the jab and boosters. The liberal mind is more feminine. It wants to be protected. It's not inclined to actually do the work, be a man, and fight. It resorts to hysteria if it's cornered, which is how Trump makes them feel. If you suggest to them that Trump is a good man, that he loves his friends and hates his enemies, they become apoplectic. You can't talk to them, all you can do is feel sorry for them. The mainstream media is like a box of cereal. Boy it tastes good, but it's really bad for you. You're not consuming information, you're being presented with well-crafted fluff that is not interested in your thriving, but rather in its own sales. Liberals can think these things, but out of pride or politics, or both, they apply these arguments to the right. It never quite works, but they throw in a little hysteria, and a value system that doesn't value truth, and it makes up for moral and intellectual obstinance. They are stubbornly attached to whatever is pop and cool. It's a trick played upon them by the media, and they buy it, that is, the idea that the media is rooting for the underdog. They're only for the underdog because he's competing against the middle-class liberal. It's the top-down bottom-up strategy: crush the guy in the middle by appealing to his goodness. Liberals fall for it, they vote for the Democrats, and the only ones who benefit are their economic lessers and betters, above and below them. It's concealed from them, and they rarely catch on, and if they do, they blame the right.
The Fidelity Fiduciary Bank song, from Mary Poppins, as sung by Dick Van Dyke, as the bank chairman:
If you invest your tuppence
Wisely in the bank
Safe and sound
Soon that tuppence safely invested in the bank
Will compound
And you'll achieve that sense of conquest
As your affluence expands
In the hands
Of the directors
Who invest as propriety demands
You see, Michael, you'll be part of...
Railways through Africa
Dams across the Nile
Fleets of ocean greyhounds
Majestic self-amortizing canals
Plantations of ripening tea
All from
Tuppence prudently, thriftily, frugally
Invested in the...
To be specific
In the Dawes, Tomes, Mousley, Grubbs
Fidelity Fiduciary Bank
When you deposit tuppence in a bank account
Soon you'll see
That it blooms into credit of a generous amount
And you'll achieve that sense of stature
As your influence expands
To the high financial strata
That established credit now commands
You can purchase first and second trust deeds
Think of the foreclosures!
Bonds, chattels, dividends, shares
Debtor sales
All manner of private enterprise
The mercantile
You see, Michael? All for the lack of...
Patiently, cautiously, trustingly invested in the...
To be specific
In the Dawes, Tomes, Mousley, Grubbs
Fidelity Fiduciary Bank
note: Van Dyke had to pay Walt Disney $4,000 to be able to play the bank chairman
The ruling class (Dick Van Dyke was one of their critics, most likely) has long known that usury and the lack of debt jubilees will lead to the centralization of everything, so they planned on engineering “cooperation”, and that’s exactly what they’re doing with their invented crises. To read this, it all sounds so reasonable, but that is their weak point. Its batshit crazy, its killing millions, and on top of all that, it is bound to fail. People have somehow to be made to realize this.
"In Jessem Guy’s detailed breakdown of Changing Images of Man, the audacity of a select few to reshape the entire trajectory of humanity is laid bare. This isn’t just an intellectual exercise—this small group of elites, supported by powerful institutions, feel entitled to dismantle the very foundations of human nature. With chilling precision, they have outlined a vision for our future, one that strips away individualism, freedom, and the organic evolution of society.
Societal disruptions, including the COVID-19 pandemic, are described as accelerating changes that align with the post-industrial future outlined in Changing Images of Man. Wars and crises are viewed as opportunities to speed up societal transformations that would otherwise take generations"
Excellent Tommy and oh so funny😂to bad it is true. 1st. Wonder of the world, compound interest! Fiat currency,credit expansion, debt and lots of wars. Yeepy we all go a die!
The spoonful of sugar that helps the medicine go down is how you take turpentine-100% pure gum spirits. It’s the sap from pine tree with ancient healing properties.
Looking back, it looks like there was controversy on whether she took the booster. At minimum she got the original shots. Her manager supposedly claimed she didn't get the booster. Late 2021 was the height of vax mania, so I don't know.
I do recall a couple of other major red flags from back in the 2021 -2022 time period. Hank Aaron, and Marvin Hagler.
Both were jabbed within a week or two of dying. Again, in the case of Hank Aaron, a hand waving his death off as old age or natural causes becomes less understandable because of the correlation with the timing of the jab: ditto Marvin Hagler.
Big media and pharma cannot deny Aaron getting the shot as it was a publicity event, Aaron dies the same month January 2021. I mentioned in the comments earlier, Cicely Tyson was on tour with her new book, released Jan 26 2021 and dies two days later - did she get the shot ? (when it was pushed on the older population)
I was watching Mary Wilson's video channel (co-founder of the Supremes) and Mary was delighted to announce an event the following month (March 2021) within two days of that video release I read the comments "RIP Mary" I was thinking "What's going on here" and learned that Mary Wilson died in her sleep at the age of 77.
There is a reason for that song during vaccination that very few will know about...
“A Spoonful of Sugar.” From the writer's son..."When I was a kid we got the polio vaccine.
My dad, who was working on Mary Poppins, asked how my day was. I told him about the vaccine.
“Didn’t it hurt?".
I said they put it on a sugar cube and you ate it.
He called my uncle Dick and the next day they wrote “A Spoonful of Sugar.” 1964
All part of the coercive and deceitful Op which is alive and well, if you can call that well...
There will, of course, be those who think that the “vaccine” probably prolonged his life (by supposedly protecting him from Covid), and those (like me) who think that, if anything, it has hastened his decline. At his age it’s not unusual for one’s body to fail rapidly, so there will certainly be no controversy in the media as to what has caused him to bow out of scheduled events.
Oh no 😢 I’ve always loved Dick Van Dyke, and his spryness into his late nineties has been an inspiration. He also seemed to be waking up to the media manipulation of public attention as noted in this recent video:
Any US citizens reading this, I urge you to submit your public comment opposing the latest REAL ID trickery by the ridiculously tight deadline of October 15. See this article I just published with more details on the American version of digital ID and tools to help you craft your submission:
• “The Politics of Disobedience: Just Say NO to REAL ID Before October 15, 2024”:
Also, please join me in honoring the memory of Dr. Jackie Stone, who tragically chose to take her own life on October 3 after years of harassment (being hauled into court 27 times) and smearing for the crime of saving lives:
• “When Tyranny Is in Vogue + Honoring Dr. Jackie Stone (1965–2024) 🕯”:
I’ve dedicated the poem “When Tyranny Is in Vogue” to Jackie and hope it will help prevent others from succumbing to a similar fate. The more people understand how the Disinformation Playbook ( works, the less efficacy it will have and thus the broader public will begin to see the dissidents for the heroes they are instead of the villains they are caricatured to be.
If you're rushing to object by October 15, then you're just validating their schedule, which is BS.
This is a good point you raised. I did submit a remark just so THEY can't say I did not object. Anyway I will NEVER cooperate with the bastards after what THEY did to the human race with the COVID scam.
I also thought DVD was quite active for a 90+, even in recent times at 98. Cicely Tyson was healthy in her 90s died suddenly in January 2021 just two days after her last book was released.
It was Jimmy Carter who I wondered could make it to 100 since he's been in hospice care for over a year.
Done. ✅
I would be curious to know the prominent people who were dying before the vaccine was recognized as the probable cause of death. I remember when Herman Cain died around the time of the Republican Convention. It was deaths like his that were instrumental in pushing the Covid narrative before I was aware, at least, of Substack. It was counter-narrative voices like Alex Berenson and Dennis Prager that clued me in and made me question the vaccine. From talking to a liberal friend, who is terrified of Trump, and believes the mainstream lies, it suggests to me that liberals are more terrified of the right than the right is of the left, which is astonishing. I suppose it helps explain their willingness to take the jab and boosters. The liberal mind is more feminine. It wants to be protected. It's not inclined to actually do the work, be a man, and fight. It resorts to hysteria if it's cornered, which is how Trump makes them feel. If you suggest to them that Trump is a good man, that he loves his friends and hates his enemies, they become apoplectic. You can't talk to them, all you can do is feel sorry for them. The mainstream media is like a box of cereal. Boy it tastes good, but it's really bad for you. You're not consuming information, you're being presented with well-crafted fluff that is not interested in your thriving, but rather in its own sales. Liberals can think these things, but out of pride or politics, or both, they apply these arguments to the right. It never quite works, but they throw in a little hysteria, and a value system that doesn't value truth, and it makes up for moral and intellectual obstinance. They are stubbornly attached to whatever is pop and cool. It's a trick played upon them by the media, and they buy it, that is, the idea that the media is rooting for the underdog. They're only for the underdog because he's competing against the middle-class liberal. It's the top-down bottom-up strategy: crush the guy in the middle by appealing to his goodness. Liberals fall for it, they vote for the Democrats, and the only ones who benefit are their economic lessers and betters, above and below them. It's concealed from them, and they rarely catch on, and if they do, they blame the right.
Tragic - even he was deceived. Prayers for him and that he will welcome the risen Jesus if he has not already.
"Think of the foreclosures!"
The Fidelity Fiduciary Bank song, from Mary Poppins, as sung by Dick Van Dyke, as the bank chairman:
If you invest your tuppence
Wisely in the bank
Safe and sound
Soon that tuppence safely invested in the bank
Will compound
And you'll achieve that sense of conquest
As your affluence expands
In the hands
Of the directors
Who invest as propriety demands
You see, Michael, you'll be part of...
Railways through Africa
Dams across the Nile
Fleets of ocean greyhounds
Majestic self-amortizing canals
Plantations of ripening tea
All from
Tuppence prudently, thriftily, frugally
Invested in the...
To be specific
In the Dawes, Tomes, Mousley, Grubbs
Fidelity Fiduciary Bank
When you deposit tuppence in a bank account
Soon you'll see
That it blooms into credit of a generous amount
And you'll achieve that sense of stature
As your influence expands
To the high financial strata
That established credit now commands
You can purchase first and second trust deeds
Think of the foreclosures!
Bonds, chattels, dividends, shares
Debtor sales
All manner of private enterprise
The mercantile
You see, Michael? All for the lack of...
Patiently, cautiously, trustingly invested in the...
To be specific
In the Dawes, Tomes, Mousley, Grubbs
Fidelity Fiduciary Bank
note: Van Dyke had to pay Walt Disney $4,000 to be able to play the bank chairman
The ruling class (Dick Van Dyke was one of their critics, most likely) has long known that usury and the lack of debt jubilees will lead to the centralization of everything, so they planned on engineering “cooperation”, and that’s exactly what they’re doing with their invented crises. To read this, it all sounds so reasonable, but that is their weak point. Its batshit crazy, its killing millions, and on top of all that, it is bound to fail. People have somehow to be made to realize this.
"In Jessem Guy’s detailed breakdown of Changing Images of Man, the audacity of a select few to reshape the entire trajectory of humanity is laid bare. This isn’t just an intellectual exercise—this small group of elites, supported by powerful institutions, feel entitled to dismantle the very foundations of human nature. With chilling precision, they have outlined a vision for our future, one that strips away individualism, freedom, and the organic evolution of society.
Societal disruptions, including the COVID-19 pandemic, are described as accelerating changes that align with the post-industrial future outlined in Changing Images of Man. Wars and crises are viewed as opportunities to speed up societal transformations that would otherwise take generations"
research book summary
Changing Images of Man - Part 2
GPT Summary - Jessem Guy's Podcast
Excellent Tommy and oh so funny😂to bad it is true. 1st. Wonder of the world, compound interest! Fiat currency,credit expansion, debt and lots of wars. Yeepy we all go a die!
Believe it or not, I'm an optimist.
Another trusting soul takes the poison........
The spoonful of sugar that helps the medicine go down is how you take turpentine-100% pure gum spirits. It’s the sap from pine tree with ancient healing properties.
Sounds similar to DMSO.
Well the timing of her jab and her death can’t be waved off simply because of her age. The timing is a red flag.
Actually I remember her death being reported but didn’t catch the information about her jab being only 3 days prior to her death.
Looking back, it looks like there was controversy on whether she took the booster. At minimum she got the original shots. Her manager supposedly claimed she didn't get the booster. Late 2021 was the height of vax mania, so I don't know.
I do recall a couple of other major red flags from back in the 2021 -2022 time period. Hank Aaron, and Marvin Hagler.
Both were jabbed within a week or two of dying. Again, in the case of Hank Aaron, a hand waving his death off as old age or natural causes becomes less understandable because of the correlation with the timing of the jab: ditto Marvin Hagler.
Big media and pharma cannot deny Aaron getting the shot as it was a publicity event, Aaron dies the same month January 2021. I mentioned in the comments earlier, Cicely Tyson was on tour with her new book, released Jan 26 2021 and dies two days later - did she get the shot ? (when it was pushed on the older population)
I was watching Mary Wilson's video channel (co-founder of the Supremes) and Mary was delighted to announce an event the following month (March 2021) within two days of that video release I read the comments "RIP Mary" I was thinking "What's going on here" and learned that Mary Wilson died in her sleep at the age of 77.