She may only have the BS 24:7 variant.

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Took me a minute, then broke out in LMAO.

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I’ve seen a few people that got the jab sick with Covid 2 to 3 times. I’ve never gotten sick with it and never got the jab. That should tell everyone something right?

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Same here. Also didn’t mask, didn’t lockdown, bought my own groceries and celebrated holidays and special occasions with family and friends. And I’m 71!

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I had a one-day cold (could still taste food at the time) with no sore throat or cough at the end of 2023. My wife had been sneezing the days prior and my younger brother whom we had visited, before that. I wanted to test out one of those lame rapid antigen tests and it claimed I was positive covid. Whatever that was it was a #$%^ nothingburger. My wife and I are un-poisoned and since 2021, antivaxxers.

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Those test have cancer causing agents in them and 1 in 6 are suppose to be accurate. A watermelon will test positive if you give it enough tests!

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The President of Tanzania also called it B.S. and tested a papaya positive for COVID.

He passed away very soon after that … Brave man. 😢💔🙏🌍

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Yes I’ve heard that

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They didn't get any mythical Covid. They had reactions to putting toxins into their bloodstream.

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Yes, it should.

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even the deadliest virus since the spanish flu frowns upon conspiracy theorists?

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Looks like they need to test positive for the imaginary virus to keep it alive.

Maybe whoopi only has bird flu and leprosy.

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But she’s vaccinated up to her ass, right?

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I have been sick of this woman and "The View" for at least one decade - likely two. You would think this and the other time or times she got Covid after multiple injections that she would keep her blabbering mouth shut. But NO, she is as loud and obnoxious as ever.

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Whoopi is a racist. Stats on murder of unborn black babies is horrible. Pro lifers stick up for black babies!

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Whoopi is a case, still being diagnosed.. deliberately ignorant, deliberately arrogant …when she falls, it must be from a height; she has prolonged the end, her shocking awakening….hope to be here for it

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Dig your style. Most certainly do✌😎

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I've never seen so many sick people in all my life!

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Me, too.

And people I know who beat something a long time ago now are fighting it again, though it’s always worse.

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Sniffles All Summer

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Old harpy Joy Behar calls people irrational who correctly point out that the multi-vaxxed seem to contract covid many times, then says the un-vaxxed will die from C19… too stupid for words.

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Yes, they are truly brain dead.

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People are still "testing" for this?

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So Doug and Whoopi still playing the stupid PCR test for positive COVID. What a bunch of LIARS.

Did Miss VP give Doug COVID? What a joke! I wish a sinkhole would just eat up all these

Leftists LIARS.

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Of course, regular readers of this blog would naturally assume that all these reported calamities among the rich and famous are directly related to the shots. In this process we forget that most of society has been drinking highly polluted water, taking all sorts of drugs, breathing toxic air, eating prepared foods with lots of GMO, high LA-6 content, additives, high fructose syrup and getting very poor nutrition and no exercise. Perhaps the overall, dismal lifestyle of America, in addition to vaxxes, has something to do with all this trouble. And oh, I forgot to throw in the abundant radiation that we get daily. Covid and other shots may just be the catalyst, bioweapon, and planned killer for those who still believe doctors and government.

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Agreed. The poison shots will escalate the situation.

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Well said.

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In other news today, a certain politician appeared to be grazed by a bullet.

I’m highly suspicious of this as being mere theater.

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No, unfortunately its real. The bullets were real, someone got killed, someone else there got seriously injured.

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spot on !

(as it's 'Le Theatre du Grand-Guignol'!)

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Recently I had some kind of flu (or something) and had annoying bone type pains for days. It never once occurred to me to test for covid. Why should I. The symptoms have long been known to be associated with flu like ailments. But after a couple of weeks I went to the acupuncturist and the first thing they asked me was, do you think it was covid? I said, I have no idea and I really don't care what it was. These covidians have a mental illness...in my opinion.

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I had the bone one too. Please don’t roll your eyes but I have a theory… flus are detoxes(we’ve known that since the brawls between Pasteur and Beauchamp in the late 1800’s), all major “pandemics” line up with an increase in radio waves around the world(as documented by Arthur Firstenburgs great book “invisible rainbow”), as 5g gets cranked up around the world(coincidentally the first places were Wuhan & cruise liners🤔) our body’s are dealing with a form of mild radiation poisoning, the detox for which would include expulsion of dead and dying cells deep in the body hence the pain in the bones.

I have an article by Firstenburg proving the effects of increased radio waves on human health if you want to read it.

As a categorical fact it is not caused by the invisible boogeyman particle that is for sure… the Covid cult is definitely a mental disorder

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I agree about it being a detox of some kind. Yes, I would like to read the article.

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Agree, Dion. 5G/EMF (and I would add parasites/toxins) cause illnesses. Dr. Mike Yeadon and many others are saying that illnesses such as the common cold, are not contagious. Dr. Jane Ruby/Dr. Merrit has been speaking about the cancer/parasite link these last several months on Rumble. I've started reading The Invisible Rainbow, excellent book!

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Cathleen… get yourself a copy of the latest edition of ‘virus mania’ as well. It will clear a lot of this “viruses make us sick” rubbish up

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thanks, Dion, will do! It's by Torsten Engelbrecht and Claus Khnlein, MD, right?

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16

That’s the one. The latest edition has New Zealand MD Sam Bailey as co author, she and her husband are doing incredible things in the fight for truth

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thanks, Dion. I know about Dr. Bailey

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Mark… this is the second time I’ve tried to share this article with you, I hope you can see it…


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I got it, thanks. Interesting about it being Sweden, a country that until then was always held up as the country to emulate in order to live long and healthy.

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I was surprised to hear that my acupuncturist took the shot! I just assumed she wouldn’t take the poison, even if it meant she couldn’t fly to China. At least she’s done with the boosters 🙄🤷‍♀️

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Where I live the health authority was working very hard to force every association to mandate it to their members.

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Covid.....its all the rage

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And it's contagious 🙄

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I was a huge Star Trek fan for decades but since so many of the actors came out as woke, or who said really nasty things about those who did not take the poison shots, the entire series is just dead to me.

I certainly do not trust ANYONE on TV who continues to get covid as, whilst I suspect they are probably jab damaged, I will always wonder whether their current bout of covid is because they are being paid by big pharma to promote the jabs or whether they are preparing a potential mask & lockdown agenda ready for the coming US election.

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Covid is yesterday's disease. You are supposed to be fearing bird flu now. Shots are on their way.

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I had those thoughts as well

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14

are these overpayed tv whores like goldberg really that stupid and still do tests? how brainrotten can you be?

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The cardiologist told Katie that she has had this since birth, and it’s the type of condition that you have to be very careful exerting yourself. - My question to the cardiologist, If she had this since birth and has to be "very careful when exerting herself", how was she able to live so long with it?

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Thank you for your logical thinking!

A vaccinated friend suddenly turned deaf … Whatta you know, it’s called Sudden Deafness Syndrome … 🤣🤪🙄

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Total BS

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I hope Mr Snook completes his bucket list. As a fellow cancer patient his story has really affected me. I don’t even watch tv but he seems like a normal guy who got a shot at his dream and this happened to him. And having a positive outlook seven months after being told you have 6-12 months left?

People could learn from that, they fuss about and let every single thing give them something to complain about. It’s no way to go through life.

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