"Clap if you had your third booster," Behar said to the masked audience. The audience applauded loudly in response.


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trained seals

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Arf! (them)

Barf! (rest've us)

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was just thinking how "the View" encompasses something much like that which is witnessed when looking down upon a puddle of vomit...


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Hey Edward any amnesty for them ?

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I say put 'em in a room- and make 'em watch "the View"...

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Lets not insult beautiful seals. lol

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They’re brain dead brainwashed uninformed morons who don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to medical history and truths.

They’ve been indoctrinated and believe the lies they were indoctrinated with

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I couldn't care less if they are misinformed about their own health, that's their business, but when they push their anti-life derangement onto unjabbed people who are actually far healthier than they could ever be again that's when I get angry.

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Seriously, Behar actually said that to her audience? What a strange environment the media and health agencies have cultivated. People talking about medical procedures that should be between themselves and their doctors. It's positively creepy.

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with the right glasses on- it looks like insanity....

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So true.

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Nov 18, 2022
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Suicide cult.

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Reminds me of religions that practice human sacrifice. Select a victim by lot. The victim is required to go quietly--for the greater good. This ritual is supposed to make the rains fall or ward of plagues. Hmm.

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Yes. Interesting.

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A cult responding to a cu*t. First way I read your response. I'm pretending I'm in the UK where this is a much more acceptable word. But in the case of Behar, unacceptability fits the bill.

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How many shots is a third booster? 5?

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Yes!!!! We tought we were joking when talking about 10 shots=free toaster. But it will happen.

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Wow! I didn't realize that either until you just questioned it.

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and indeed a True Religion (goes with the jeans)....

they ain't long fer this Earth...

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CULL guys, C...U...L...L as in to cull the herd... the other similar word may apply here'bouts too but I didn't use it!

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You spelt CU*T wrong.

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Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.

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From the American Entertainment link:

Whoopi Goldberg was shocked when she found out that she had COVID because she had been “triple vaxxed.”

“I haven’t been anywhere, I haven’t done anything,” she said. “It’s one of those things where you think, I’ve done everything I was supposed to do… Yeah, it doesn’t stop Omicron.”

Dear Dumb Ass,

Your immune system is damaged and you are incubating variants in your gut. Your body can't clear the Covid infections from your body. You will get sick again and again and again. Then you will die. The End.


A Pure Blood with a Brain

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"I am the bad guy?! ...How'd that happen? I did everything they told me to." — Michael Douglas as D-Fens, in Falling Down, 1983.


Whoopi is already halfway there, in her realization.

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Yup - Blind conformity will bite you in the ass when you least expect it.

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Couldn’t happen to a more deserving piece of shit.

To this day I can’t understand how Ted Danson actually banged that scum bag.

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Temporary blindness or a case of $20 is $20. I wouldn’t touch that revolting land whale with Hunter Biden’s pecker.

But Joyless and Navarro are just as bad.

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I just joined this left site so I can now find a way out of it

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Here here!!

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Well it's one way to get rid of The View. They have no compunction having no ability to reason or deal with people who make up their own minds about the jab. It will be no great loss.

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Yup no great loss. These are the eal threats to public health. Stupid people who think they can force their view onto others who actually research and follow the real science not political one. It was always known pre covid that the flu shot caused respiratory spread so why would it be any different for a coronavirus one? They have spent decades upon decades to create a coronavirus vaccine and never were successful yet they miraculously made one so quick for a novel coronavirus they knew nothing about and made you run and hide and stop working and living. You are the dumbest person if you can't see the common sense truth and scam right there. Run and hide and social distance but come in massive droves to huge vaccination centers for the vaccine for the coronavirus we know nothing about that we just happened to make so quickly. Yup pretty stupid fools out there.

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The more shots the more the neutralizing antibodies in the body decline, too. These people need to learn basic REAL, LOGICAL science.

I thought I saw a video of Whoopi saying some bad things about those that didn't get the shots, too. These people make tons of money and they are complete ignorant low lifes.

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Exactly. That's the real science you stated not the political one. Finally in Canada we have an MP Ted Falk asking tough questions and demanding an inquiry into the Canadian governments handling of covid and blasting them for political science and tearing Canada apart with division of vaccine mandates and that inquiry can't be from a government that covers up but needs civilian oversight. The RCMP better be listening real hard to what this MP said as t's the truth and the police are crooked if they dont do anything. We have people with the same mentality of Whoopi. Zero IQ. It's the same rhetoric from all vaxxed mask wearing idiots. They got covid not once but twice or even 3x yet unvaxxed no mask wearing are fine.

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OMG! Hilarious! Thank you, Lawrence!

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My pleasure... we need everything and anything to make us laugh in the face of this genocidal insanity.

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I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again:

When will people do historical research and find out that anytime you inject anything into your body, you’re on a highway to hell.

NEVER in the history of mankind has injecting poisons into your body given you better health.

Quite the opposite. They’ve maimed and killed. Read and learn:

The Poisoned Needle: Suppressed Facts About Vaccinations https://a.co/d/cfvx9Q6

Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History https://a.co/d/coVuit4

- George William Winterburn, PhD, MD, The Value of Vaccination: A Non-partisan Review of Its History and Results, 1886

- History and Pathology of Vaccination, Edgar R. Crookshank, 1889

- Charles Creighton, Jenner and Vaccination. A Strange Chapter of Medical History, 1889

We’ve known for well over 120 years the concept of vaccination is a fraud concept.

And the criminals that pose as our elected officials are in on the take and are raking in millions, and will NEVER stop the madness that is called vaccination.

If you’ve been jabbed then your death will be influenced by and/or directly caused by said jab.

People should quit thinking it’s coincidence. That’s propaganda talk.

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Yes, this is excellent and terrifying!

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Not that i am a bible thumper, But i do believe in my father of heaven! The bible says in the end times people will be dying of man made stuff, not the exact words but end result is same, This is stuff you cannot get rid of can you say Fluoride/radiation ? It ccan't be destroyed so that feed it to you in your water/food/tooth paste, and shoot it into the body w/needles, educate before you vaccinate, www.vacinfo.org

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Death by injection, Dr Mullins. Tells you also who is behind the money making business of injecting poison and then become chronically ill.

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Absolutely another worthwhile read

It’s in my library also

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True. And yet the G-20 signed away medical sovereignty to the WHO by agreeing to global vaccine passports.

We need to step up our game. Direct action is now needed.

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Well said, but this is only the more superficial level of the deception. The next level is discovering that the entire field of virology is a pseudoscience, that there are no relevant controls in all the experiments that are said to find "viruses", therefore, by the very basic standards of the scientific method, we must conclude that no one has established that viruses even exist. If that sounds implausible, pause to reflect on the level of fraud, groupthink, error and misdirection we've witnessed around Covid among governments, academics, scientists, and media and realize exactly the same system has produced the field of virology itself.

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Gandhi knew.

“Vaccination, instead of doing good, works considerable mischief by giving rise to many new diseases. Even its advocates cannot deny that, after its introduction, many new diseases have come into being.”


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And "Turtles All The Way Down."

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Thank you for adding that

I forgot. Can’t remember them all

Another very necessary read

That’s also in my library

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I've always liked Bethenny. She is not a pandering celebrity that is easily bullied. Of course she's right and all she is doing is telling people to fuck off when they say talk of the vaccine is off limits, even if it's killing her.

The question is, why aren't there more of her/us?

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I wouldn't know a "real housewife" from (frum?) a fake'un...funny concept thar...but she sounds like a New Yawker and lordy we need more've them! (Whoopsie is no longer a real New Yawker...)

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Miss Daisy - I say Whoopi been spendin’ way too much time wit da refer man don’t you? I here that kush done bitten her in da tush. She done lost her marbles. New Yawk used to be filled with junkies shootin da horse. Now de done gotten hooked on the MRNA. Dat shit is bad news.

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Clever one - two thumbs up.

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I just watched Christina Applegate accept her Hollywood star. I admit it, I welled up with tears seeing this once self-reliant and successful woman now unable to stand without assistance.

At the same time, it fills one with absolute rage. They KNOW this is a vax injury. Of course they know. These are type-A, A-list filthy-rich Hollywood narcissists. Just as many of them were likely stocking up on ivermectin in secret, many of them are undoubtedly hounding their personal doctors, lawyers, massage therapists, acupuncturists, reflexologists, gurus and whoever else they have on call, for answers about what happened. They have to know it was the vax, and they know that if they speak up it will be the end of their careers.

Eventually though, they will speak up. I do believe this is true. This cannot be contained forever.

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Someone who won't be honest about her "Vax" injury so she can prevent others making the same mistake she did isn't worthy of a second thought never mind your tears.

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Guess what. When you’re crippled or dying, your career and all else is over.

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I think there's a reason why Danny Elfman (he happens to be Jane Fonda's nephew-in-law by the way) played this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGHuA94EDU4

and this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNRgddgauBg

during his Hollywood Bowl concert last month (I was there for my birthday! Dressed as a mad scientist with a glowing syringe for Halloween!)

Also some interesting video imagery for this one:


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They're all idiots. People are starting to drop like flies and they're clueless. I've told everyone in my family who got the shots and boosters about it killing their immune systems and tried to give them some of the research and data and they don't want to hear it. I have a circle of golf friends that are all bragging about going and getting boosted. i just shake my head. I gave up even talking about it. They know my position. I've never had the shot and never will. They'll have to shoot me before that poison is forced upon me. My doctor is even giving me a hard time about my reluctance.

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Same here. And I don't think the word is getting out about how dangerous the shots are. I spoke to my cousin in FLORIDA, where they are supposedly getting educated about it, and she said she had no idea the the shots caused strokes and heart attacks and that people were Suddenly dropping dead. Yesterday I had a handyman doing some work in my house and he told me he was going for his 5th shot! I told him not to do it, that they are bad for your immune system and he just laughed at me and said that that was nonsense. Do these people live under a rock?

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Yes Leslie, they do live under a rock; it's located above their shoulders, behind their eyes, and between their ears.

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Nov 18, 2022
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It hasn't "come" to anything. It's been revealed.

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Find a new doctor. No one should have to deal with nonsense from the witchcraft profession.

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These idiots do not have COVID. COVID has been long gone. Every time someone gets a bad cold or the flu they say they have COVID. The common cold has made people very I'll but some how everyone has forgotten this. COVID is gone folks. But they have to keep up the fear porn to push the deadly jabs. Whoopi has a dang cold.

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Yeah these people: they get a cold and if they don’t test positive for the ’rona they keep on testing until they do!

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Totally! I had to fly on vacation with my son 3 weeks ago who had on a mask 🙄 and took two tests after I laughed at him that he had a cold, another friend told me she had it last week and took two tests. I’m like hey, you don’t have Covid! It’s so comical.

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I don’t understand why they run for tests? You get a cold or the flu, you stay home until you feel better. That’s the way it’s been forever.

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Or she’s just sick because of stupidity and morbid obesity. She’s the size of an Abrams tank. Gross person.

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Goldberg has been plagued with health issues even before covid was a thing. She clearly doesn't take the best care of herself. The only difference between pre and post covid is now she has something to blame her poor health on. She smoked for 50 years and still smokes pot. Any wonder her respiratory system is outta whack? Testing is no better than a coin toss. It's crazy that people keep testing themselves. As someone once said, "if you want to end the pandemic, stop testing."

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Ok, I'll say it.

What was Ted Danson thinking in 1992 - 1993? He destroyed his marriage for an affair with Whoopi? Bro...

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Oh dear heavens! I vaguely remember that, yuk.

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CaliforniaLost , every time I see her or him… I think the same thing .

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Interesting that Jane pushed the vaccine and now she has cancer.

Interesting Whoopi got all the shots and has Covid TWICE? OMYGOODNESS- no jab here and just had a really bad cold last year.

Just sayin.......

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May we live in interesting times.

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She had great health for her age and she ruined it!

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My God! How can those women be so STUPID??

Good job Bethenny! Don't cower like the others!

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Whop probably is super boosted and now will suffer the consequences. Will she wake up and smell the BS? Doubt it. Celebs are so disconnected and live in their small bubble.

I have friends and family who knew my husband has been suffering since May ‘21 after the Pfizer poison and unbelievably poisoned their child with the jab!

I just don’t get it.

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A friend of my chiropractor is pretty unresponsive in long term care after 2nd Moderna stopped her heart for 20 minutes. Single mom in her 40's. Her kids got shots even after that.

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stupid is as stupid comes. Whoopi unfortunately is one. And Sotomayor is about the same. How can this country rule if even people in that high position are totally uninformed.

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I know a woman that has been jabbed six times (includes one flu jab) and spends much of her time convincing others to get jabs. It is not possible to counter this unless people do their own research.

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and probably got sick multiple times ? I know several that got 3 and 4 and 5 shots, and all got sick. Poor unjabbed me has not yet gotten it !

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Misery loves company.

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Seems like the shots have produced clueless syndrome. I hope your husband is doing ok, can you say what happened?

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Nov 18, 2022
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That’s terrible. My heart goes out to you.

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Too vain to admit they were wrong...and scared of getting canceled.

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Whelp, should have taken the horse paste instead of the experimental genetic therapy shots. I don t have sympathy for the celebs, I do for those bamboozled by them. Didn't Fonda say something along the lines of "covid is a gift" for getting rid of Trump (no fan of Trump but he wasn't so bad as to acknowledge a global debacle as a good thing).

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Did you, like, read the post before commenting on it?

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Yes. Why? Did you think that just seeing her name triggered my hatred for what she did to my fellow GI’s and I stopped there? While I didn’t serve in viet nam I am a viet nam era viet and felt what she did to us. She and Kerry can never be forgiven.

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Yes what Jane did was stupid but why not be triggered by our government getting us into useless conflicts that kill our people for no good reason. Didn’t we give Vietnam favorite nation status?

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In my comment I mentioned Fondas covid gift as if Mark didn't already mention it. I forgot I saw that mentioned because next was Stephen A Smith being a GH actor, which I didn't know, and found peculiar. Thats what Mark was referring to, that he had already brought up the Fonda quote.

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I am English, living in England and was not born until 1979 but the whole Vietnam War gives me the rage.

I just don't understand how "good people" could justify sending young men there to die for "freedom".

Also, sorry to ask and excuse my lack of knowledge but I want to learn.

Is it true that if you were a man of a certain age during the Vietnam War (in the USA) that you could get "chosen" for deployment by a like tombola raffle of birthdates??

I read this and although I am sure that I understood it right, I don't want it to be true.

However, I trust you guys to tell me the tuth more than MSM etc.

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There was a lottery during the Vietnam War. Whatever number you had, which corresponded to your birthday, determined whether or not you would be drafted and sent to 'Nam.

Rich white boys were quick to go to college and get a student deferment.

Poor whites and blacks and Hispanics really had no choice. Uncle Sam (US government) owned them.

Couple of legacies of the Vietnam War. Lots of PTSD and at least a dozen potentially fatal illnesses caused by exposure to Agent Orange (a defoliant).

It really seems that the United States ended the day John F. Kennedy was assassinated. It's been downhill ever since.

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Thank you for your explanation there Kathleen, it is was kind of you to take the time to help me.

Could I ask you one more thing?

Do you know what ages of men were liable to go there?

Sorry one more as well, if you were say 15 years old when the War began did you go into the lottery once you got to age 18?

Thank you

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It was men from ages 18 to 26 that were drafted.

Men were required to register for the draft when they turned 18 years of age.

The draft ended in 1973 when the military became an all voluntary.

But, men still need to register even today once they turn 18.

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Nevermind Mark I see you included that, lol, I was just stunned Stephen Smith is an actor in GH. I had no clue.

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if the govt had paid 1 % for giving everyone ivermectin - it is no horse paste, there is a perfectly fine human version - this all would not have happened. It is very cheap and effective,contrary to all the grub the govt propagated. It is quite obvious that govts all over the world, with the exception of a few African presidents who paid with their lives, were in on the game.

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President of Haiti was whacked also.

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yes, and at least 2 or may be even 4 in Africa. Haiti was the worst, just shot the man at home.

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When is Fonda going to hang for treason?

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Why didn’t our government hang for treason ?

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Contrary to popular BS, the world is deeply flawed and unfair yet most people think it is hunky dory until they experience the sheer depravity of it.

Our Governments (mine - UK, but many more such as USA, Cnada, Australia, etc) seem to be able to convince many people that their evil deeds are actually nothing to do with them but instead our fault.

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Correct. Jane Fonda had no state power, it was the US state which conducted the Vietnam war, and many more in addition, and is now supporting a Nazi-infested Ukraine in their proxy war against Russia. And many liberals in the Jane Fonda mode are cheering it on.

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Good point. What do you prefer, the shot (meaning 5 shots in 2 years, lol) or a whole tube of actual horse dewormer? I don’t mean human IVM but a tube with the photo of a horse on it.

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The full frontal assault against Ivermectin is one of the many glaring red flags in this story. How they were able to turn a global life saving medication into barnyard vitamins is a testament to how uneducated the masses are.

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I will drink the pee of a horse that has taken ivermectin before gettin injected.

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Dude, I would drink the urine of a drunk weasel who just ate a dead rat that somehow has Ivermectin in it before taking some freak shot that programs the cells in my body to produce a toxin that will destroy my native blood supply.

I would even eat the dead rat before doing that. I wouldn't enjoy it, but life doesn't always give you suitable options.

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Best comment ever! I'm with you, when should we meet at the barn?!

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Will you just be eating dead rats in the barn or could maybe more of us come aslong and have like an 80s-style barn dance party as well?

Let me know, will need to purchase outfits!!

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Great comment!

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BINGO!!! And HCQ...but I repeat myself.

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Which you can make out of grapefruit and lemon rinds, imagine that! Thats what I did and it worked, along with a few other things, like vit c, cod liver oil and tons of water.

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Before Covid I used to look after dogs when their owners went on holiday.

One dog had an allergy but the owner hadn't given me the tablets for it but once I found our the actual drug name I went to Boots (UK Chemists) and got the same drug but in a children's allergy syrup thing.

My point is once you know the generic drug name, all that matters is the dosage for the animal or person.

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So what, IVM is IVM, just a different form and different dosage for horses. I'd take that over the shots any day.

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The absurdity of reason this whole horsepaste narrative relied on boggles me still.

You took an aspirin? You mean that horse blood thinner stuff? You're stupid!

I cant believe it worked.

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