Thank you for your tireless work on this issue and for helping me to “see” the propaganda. God bless you and your team, Mark.

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It truly is an unprecedented crime against humanity - and it is ongoing. A friend and wonderful neighbor took FIVE of those dastardly shots and passed away yesterday morning from turbo cancer throughout his entire body.

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My god, so sorry for your loss. I wonder if others understand and see this...? I'm in Sweden and have to admit I haven't seen any deaths per se. One turbo cancer and LOTS of neuropathy and a few heart problems but fertility seems unscathed among people we know and people who have taken four and five shots seem ok. I know batches are different but I wonder why they are SO different....

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I have a list of 34 known friends, relatives, and acquaintances injured, developed cancer and or dead. First case was actually a long-time friend from Sweden. Sudden death shortly after going to bed. No prior history of cardiac problems. About 70 y.o. Multiple vaxxes Spring 2021. Did she die with certainty from those injections? Can't prove it in the individual case, but definitely possible, if not probable. Very clever murders being committed. Her husband is now developing beginning dementia. Perhaps they got the same bad batch.

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Same here. My half-sister got the shot and two weeks later was in the ER on a ventilator and died two months later still on that vent. Her husband refused to belief it was due to the shot which her doctor recommended because she had co-morbidities. Another extremely good friend got at least one shot and a year later after having just been given an excellent bill of health the week before had a stroke and died. I live in senior housing and two people I know here had all the shots - each had a stroke. One died sitting in her wheelchair. However, others here who got all the shots seem to be alright. Three other people I know got one shot and had terrible problems for a while - two are now alright, but the third one walks with walking sticks.

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I’m so sorry to hear that. Unfortunately, I’ve read countless similar reports from others. There is no question that the greatest crime in history has taken place, with the assistance of the fearful victims who offered up their arms.

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Demensia is up like 1500 percent!

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Yes, unfortunately!

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Please contact researcher Steve Kirsch. Steve Kirsch have been fighting to get the Vaccine injured and death information out. He needs data.



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Kirsch, along with Robert Malone, Bret Weinstein, Pierre Kory McCullough, and others are appointed leaders to lead skeptics of the official narrative into dead ends, become disillusioned, and give up. Read Sage Hana’s substack articles on all these characters. I didn’t agree with SH initially, but the evidence is clear.

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WOW, we are in so much trouble.

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It’s complex. The world is in trouble but progress is being made. And people are slowly waking up.

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So unspeakably sad.

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So sorry for your loss. May I ask what kind of cancer was it/did it start as?

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I don't know either. He insisted for months that it was "long covid" - refused to even believe it was due to the vax. I tried to get him to look into the FLCCC protocols. He was so sure his doctor knew what she was doing - the doctor who insisted he get all those shots!! He thought she walked on water. I know her. She doesn't. Then a couple of months ago I noticed a tumor on his head and tried once again to get him to look into the Dr. Marik's Cancer Protocol. He didn't. He went downhill pretty quickly after that and was really unable to verbalize to me what the cancer was. He had a long-time friend who was with him keeping track of what the cancer doctor was saying. One of his last words to me was he wished he'd paid closer attention to the cancer.

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My cousin, in her early 80's, BECAUSE she had had stomach cancer ~ 20 years ago, has taken 5. And told me, two weeks ago, that she was down with Covid.

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I donated in memory of my brother Joel (died age 54, J&J), my father in law Chuck (died of turbo cancer, quadruple vaxxed), and numerous other family and friends who I suspect died from this mass murder event.

I regret not keeping a list of suspicious deaths. I am certain I could list 20 or more people that I know.

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Very powerful. Thank you for this.

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I'm sorry

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I had 3 cousins die quite suddenly here in Canada, that did not appear in these reports. One in Saskatchewan, one in Alberta and one in British Columbia. All relatively young. All vaxed. 2 dying within weeks of their cancer diagnosis (the other was about 5 months). I'm thinking one did not have an obituary, and the other 2 were from smaller city/ towns.

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We will include them, albeit belatedly, if you send us the details. Send them to markcrispinmiller@pm.me.

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lots of obituaries do not mention a cause of death, may be that is why.

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Lately, I've been looking at obituaries locally, and I'm seeing in the obit saying the deceased person died suddenly. It doesn't say what from, just says died suddenly. Just from reading that, I know these people got the kill shots, no doubt about that!!

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there used to be a few, if you typed it in 3 years ago, you would have a handful of them. Now you have a handful every hour! Heart attacks have always been but this weekend 4 football players had a heart attacks ! and the Italian doctor who was asked how come, states it is hereditary, or cause by everything but... ! The only thing I can think of is how full of money his pockets are.

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Died suddenly (or 'unexpectedly') used to be obit euphemism for suicide, but - alas - that meaning may have changed.

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Has this caused your family to realize that it was likely the bioweapon that caused their cancers?

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Just donated Mark—keep up your great work. Nuremberg 2.0 is the only way to expose this evil and return us to sanity.

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A grim task, indeed.

Thank you so much for undertaking it.

It galls me that I can't contribute anything. Like so many others, we were financially wiped out by the plandemic measures, and have yet to recover.

Why is it that the psychopaths are always flush?

Oh, that's right: they steal it from everyone else.

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They probably are actually getting their funding through the US treasury!

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Yes. And where does the US Treasury get money, aside from thin air?

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I noticed the interest rates are not coming down! Could it be that the fed’s printing presses running at full speed won’t allow a rate cut?

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Just donated to this very important project! Thanks MCM & team ✨🙏🏾

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Every time I get an email from you Mark, I make myself read about every single death/illness. It's beyond heartbreaking and painful but I refuse to forget the innocents who have paid the ultimate price for believing our corrupt 'leaders' and 'elite'. Thank you for taking on this task on behalf of humanity. I just donated and am so grateful to you and your team for documenting this crime.

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Donation made. Thank you Mark and God bless you.

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So very many - in our small west Texas town. Deaths and disabilities. It is not slowing down at all. How in the world will this all end???

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There are too many deniers of this democide who refuse to acknowledge the unnatural demise of children with myocarditis, 20- and 30-something-year olds being diagnosed with turbo cancers, 40-something-year-olds with dementia and the newfangled medical injuries that started AFTER the rollout of the experimental jabs in mid-December 2020 and 2021. I know a knucklehead who took all the boosters, has a young family, has a college degree in the sciences, reads the obituaries and loudly and proudly (hmm) declared that he had 3 strokes. I and another coworker told him blood clots is a common symptom of the "vaccines" and he told me that it was not from that. I asked him when did he have his first stroke and he refused to tell me but I know it was in 2021 because the employee rounded up all employees and gave them rides to get the jab to keep their jobs. He also wears a mask and only removed it last week. He told me that his uncle had a stroke so getting stroke runs in the family and I never heard that having a stroke was somehow genetic. I told him if having a stroke was genetic then why didn't he get it before taking the jab and he has no answer. In March, as we were leaving the jobsite he got a call and with angst he privately told me that his father was diagnosed with cancer. Sheeple like him know everything and try to debunk facts I tell him because he believes in the system and doesn't have the capacity to think outside the system, the control matrix, yet he reads the obits. The sheeple will do whatever their masters tell them even with the facts staring them in the face and now that their human DNA has been hacked into and the nanobots are assembling in their tissues it's useless trying to get them to acknowledge that they are damaged goods but their ego and stupidity won't let them. He told me his neurologist told him to keep taking the jabs if he wants to stay alive and I told him he has children to raise. Mark, you and your team are doing humanity an extremely necessary and valuable labor of love for Nuremburg 2.0 so we can bring the war criminals and their masters to justice. We are praying for you and your team and the success of this mission.

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Everytime I come across your posts, and sadly it is far too often, I am reminded of one of the last scenes in the movie The Trial of the Chicago 7 when the Tom Hayden character starts reading off all the names of those who died in the war during the time that the whole trial was being held. So that they would not be forgotten, and respect given to them. Thank you for your work - so thankful that someone took it upon themselves to look after this bit of this war we are in.

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God bless you, MCM. What you are doing is incredible and profound. I pray these lists you have been cataloguing are well preserved for future historians to study so this never happens again.

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Thank-you for keeping this reality front and certain. We can and do let important things fall to the back burner or right off the horizon. You're so right to stay on this and keep pointing out the impact and the need to bring the culprits to justice. "Never forget", right?

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Done! I appreciate you and your team! Living through this time has been unbelievable and I'm grateful to have found others who actually accept and live in reality.

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Just donated...everyone needs to be remembered.

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