💯 Divide and conquer. A long time Establishment strategy....and quite successful. We really need to get beyond this and turn to the same damn page. We know who the enemies really are. Hint...they're running everything.

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Thanks for sharing a well written, informative and emotion conjuring post. "People will be people until they are not." I enjoyed reading it. Thank you.

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They can't prevail after the mess they pulled with con-vid and the jabs.....

"As traumatic transformations go, the covid operation is up there with industrialisation and de-industrialisation, and for time compression it is out on its own."

"And as for the rabbit hole trope – well, I don't think we’re going down the rabbit hole at all. We’re climbing out of it into the light."

From https://realleft.substack.com/p/no-conspiracies-please-were-reality

Remember that because of the industrial revolution, we got labor and safety laws. After covid, we are going to get medical freedom laws. They can't hide the catastrophe they caused!

I call this the sequel to 1984. The party lost the trust of the masses. Look how they're trying to make us scared of war with China and Russia.... Meanwhile the oil and money still flows.

What a joke.

To use the Alice in Wonderland analogy, we were hallucinating in wonderland and now waking to real land which is much less insane.

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Excellent but depressin' article--we too left the convenience of NYShitty fer the boonies... it's safer for sure but we just LOST a local battle for a "new" cell phone tower (i.e. kill tower / surveillance tower) even here in nowhereland upstate NY--only THREE families showed up to the zonin' board meetin'--we non-farmin' city folks and two farmers--fambly heads-- that live adjacent to the land gettin' the tower--oh an' that land is owned by Mennonites (who'd a thunk they'd cave so easily for $). The contract (we found out later) had already been signed, the meetin' a formality (posted only at the local laundromat an' in one paper for another town as ours is too small ta have one). The zonin' board was "all for it"--not sure if they read my 8 page letter 'bout the dangers of 5G, emfs, etc (an' I kept out the weaponized part!)... So yup, we are in dystopia...cannot hide, cannot escape (RFK Jr wuz right on that 'un)

2 more "pernts" (as Jerry only allows paid sub's ta comment on his stack)

1. the new rules for fambly pets (eg dogs, cats) MEANS no travel to Canada or Mexico with yer pets--it's like the Empire pass fer animals as many families (us!) take our critters with 'em--just as a the mask was a place marker for the vaxx to come, this rule for our pets is a place marker for our own "tagging" and "chippin' " to come--Chips a'fukin' Hoy

2. I understand that Dr. Szanto, wantin' to "do all he could do" includin' unwelcome interventions was wrong fer not listenin'--only listenin' to his calling to "save lives" an' let Hashem do the rest. I see he should'a been more nuanced BUT I commend him for tryin' to do his job--'specially at a time when most nursin' homes were actively MURDERIN' their residents--we lost TWO beloved loved ones to this cullin' of oldsters under the evil Comb-Oh -- so anyone makin' SAVIN' human lives a priority gits a little nod--even if he (like many MDs) was too unwillin' to be flexible under the circumstances...

How we all gonna fight together when more'n 3/4's of the world has no idea the jabs were bad or has a clue about surveillance?.... (ahem, mebbe "hashem?"--I've been eatin' lotta crow as a former lefty so I'm comin' round ta that idear...)

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Have you heard of Lena Poo. She is very effective and has stopped many towers from going up. He also shared how to. Maybe check her out

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thx--I haven't--I looked online an' only found a teen on twitter with that name--do you know what city she's in? If not I'll keep 'a lookin'!

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What a disgusting front page on that magazine - NO, I do NOT wish that fake phony evil bastard a "happy birthday". On the contrary, I hope he succumbs soon. HE is one of the enemies of mankind.

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MLK needed Malcolm X and the reverse was true too.

Likewise the vaxxed but refusing the Nth booster need the 9-11 truthers.

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What a story Jerry penned! The surveillance cameras are EVERYWHERE!

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I very much recognize Jerry’s musings.

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Welcome to the dystopian present... 15 minutes EVERYWHERE.

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Let's just hope the cancer takes the World Economic Forum King right quick.

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