Yes , indeed. Since 2014 Ukraine has been a US Colony or Territory.
On February 2014 Obama deposed Ukraine's duly elected President Viktor Yanukovych. CIA operative Victoria Nuland quickly turned Ukraine into an anti Russian CIA enclave. She spent $5,000,000,000.00
All the Ukrainian dead could not touch the hearts of the Congress funding the war-pigs of whom Biden is the regime Commander in Chief. Let them take this vile insult to their status in Congress beyond the injury to our Constitutional Republic which they have FAILED to uphold as the rebuke that it is, for -- treason in the first degree. MSM in its distance and silence regarding the lives of journalists like Lira is nothing more than mascoting the warpigs.
Elections have consequences; STOLEN elections have catastrophic consequences
Anyone still believe Assange is the traitor to humanity And Uncle Sam?
Living and truth have meaning beyond propaganda. Courage and cowardice make all the difference in life. Shame otherwise.
You and I care, as so many who have shown they too care by responding to this post. The ripples and waves we are creating with our words are reaching the shores of heaven! Just like procreation, words of Truth make fusion with the universal principles of design law - in the beginning was the Word, . . . Without him was not anything made that was made. Jn 1:1-5.
It’s amazing and exhilarating to see how a few words can touch the creative power that brings life and meaning to humanity. The right connections literally affect the course of events and outcomes.
You are a man of action, and you inspire meaningful, positive actions in others.
I appreciate your effort to take the edge off w a quote from Carlin. Satire and nihilism can be closely related. Especially one who has witnessed the reduction of life to the lowest common denominators will appreciate restored dignity and meaningful purpose.
What I appreciate most about the Judeo-Christian worldview is that it places ALL of humanity on universal design law protocol. And while the avenue of information came through Judaism and Christianity, the first principle of life Jesus lived and sacrificially died for is human free agency. I speak as one who recognizes the profound value of every human life, clothed in every uniform, suit and work attire known to man. Do not think for a moment that my definition of ’war pig’ would be any or every person in a military uniform. Or law enforcement. That definition would be war for the sake of war, an economic gravy train of agitation and prolonging fear and destruction. I.E., that ‘wine of wrath’ the great whore of Babylon represents. We live in a fallen world that is save-able through the connections of the right words and actions. ‘My kingdom not of this world’ -- true, but it makes all the difference in this world, and the next, spiritual and physical alike.
Biden isn't in charge of anything. Deep stater Nuland deserves 100% of the credit for this. From the coup in 2014 to her war which is now just a glorified Ukrainian peasant culling operation.
I watched Gonzalo’s videos on the war up to his very last broadcast just a few Km from the Czech border. He was jailed, tortured and murdered for speaking his opinions, which were factual and prescient. Shame on the Biden administration for allowing this.
Worse than allowing it to happen American tax dollars are paying for the Ukraine prisons and guards and all of its government plus pensions but chose to have the man killed to send a message like they are with Julian Assange & journalists in Gaza.. truth tellers are enemies to the bloodthirsty Mafia run by Washington.
When the facts are clear that this whole abortion of our national interests And the living interests of the Ukrainian people has been completely unnecessary, a national reawakening will follow. There are signs of it if you know where to look. But at this point the courage it will take to confront this collapse of our nation into ‘progressive despotism’ is held largely in reserve. What I’m more concerned about than rebukes or outrages from incidents like this is that we’re in a cycle of diversion meant to disable our best efforts to course correction. But I believe the virtue of the Judeo-Christian foundations of our civilization can overcome this collapse if we will make the confrontation on a Biblical scale in keeping with the apocalyptic nature of collapse otherwise. We face a wanton, perverse enemy. If only those who could be strengthening our nation were not so drunk with the wine of their excess, and apathetic to all our work to be ‘e pluribus unum’.
A reckoning is coming w those who have only their power and prosperity as god. They might think they’ve earned it w their slick narratives. I don’t think they qualify for the down payment on the credit they’re looking for. Big money has put our people and economy on the block, the auction block.
I would not want to suggest that control would be the objective of influencing people to choose course corrections. But the few who would ’reimagine’ and ‘retool’ civilization according to their perverse values are not entitled to a free passage to this ‘new world order’, collapsing culture and constitution alike in pursuit of controlling the resources of the nation. It gets back to the arrogance of wealth and power that our founders so assiduously worked to prevent. Certainly the ideals have been undermined and compromised in many ways, but as long as a framework to address the issues exists, indolence and apathy within us are our most corrosive enemies.
I watched all of them, too! Including his Roundtable series on YT. A TRUE journalist who confirmed what I already knew. After he was first detained by the SBU, ppl were freaking out. His info was THAT good. A few weeks later, he was back on Brighteon, giving us updates and, as always, was SPOT ON with his Intel. 100%.
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again and again. Gonzalo’s death rests squarely in the hands of Joe Biden and his corrupt State Dept. They could have saved Gonzalo and did nothing to aid and protect him. All Americans need to understand that they no longer have the protection of the US government if they run into trouble overseas…WE ARE ON OUR OWN! (Unless, of course, you’re a trans basketball “star” who hates America and we have a merchant of death to trade for him/her).
Don't forget our state dept. has deep ties with the Brits and their CFR lackeys who hate honest journalism as well as neocons who hold similar views about the independent press.
Called propaganda and the masses no longer have any common sense, morality or the ability to think for themselves. I don't understand it either but as a student of genealogy in my family for 40+ years, thank God at least my ancestors had these skills. Going to be a whole lot of the human race that is going to get a huge wake-up call soon and most won't survive it. Very Sad.
Get a copy of John Taylor Gatto's "The Underground History of American Education" and read it. I wore mine out, re-read it cover to cover at least 4 times...
It´s due to that we in the Collective West are mired in comfort and convenience and, of course, being propagandized the shit out of for many years. All we want here is fast food, fast Wifi, cable TV, $10 oat milk lattes, the newest smartphone, Netflix and our private transportation.
"Arm yourselves. Flee the cities." Yup, I have been living in my car since I came back from abroad. I am out of here tomorrow. Here, in Wokistan, SF Bay Area(Berkeley), I would say roughly 40% of the people here are STILL wearing face diapers. These idiots are hopeless. I was going to head to North Carolina or Tennessee, but it´s such a long drive. Instead, I am heading to rural Washington State and going to get a gun license. I hope I never will have to use it, but as my father told me on a few occasions when I was younger, "better to have it and not need it, than to need it not have it."
In Victoria, BC, I counted 8 Masked Morons at Hillside Mall this morning, so I guess that's 5%-10%... Head for a southern Red State: Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas. Up here in Justin Castreau's Woke Democratic Socialist Non-White People's Republic of Canuckistan, I'm pretty much f***ed. There's no-where I can go... well.. maybe Alberta..
We the people that should be awake but sadly are sleeping like newborns. We continue to finance our own demise while worrying about keeping up with the Jone's, getting hair and nails done and going on vacations, restaurants that serve non food, buying houses and cars we can't afford. It is pathetic the people that still think their "government" gives a rats ass about them as they roll up their sleeves and take that "safe and effective?" bio weapon even after the real data comes out. The USA has become a nation of imbeciles, just like was planned.
I'm a 64-year-old white boy, living in Justin Castreau's Woke Democratic Socialist non-White People's Republic of Canuckistan, and the insoucience you see and the corruption you've experienced is scarcely unique to America. In 2014 I was in serious financial difficulties; when I applied for welfare to help support me while I did a job search the government pretty much told me to go fuck myself. In 2017 my paid-for home I bought with my inheritance – foolishly purchased on Native land, but no-one warned me – was stolen from me and our politicians Federal and Provincial did absolutely nothing to help. November 2021 I was forced out of my job, my life grossly and illegally restricted, I was in fear of arbitrary arrest and indefinite imprisonment because I will not take an injection of an experimental drug I know to be deadly dangerous. July 2022 I got my job back, sure, but at this point I'm supporting a wife, our cat, and a vaccine-injured 27-year-old stepdaughter who can't work because of same, on a security guard's wages (officially Cdn $19.25/hour but really ± $16.01/hour after theft – it's what can happen when you make clever life decisions like "music performance degrees") – and our grossly inadequate, rodent-infested 500 square-foot apartment costs me 64% of my income.
Meanwhile Justin Castreau is supporting the movement of illegal migrants into this country to the tune of $50,000 apiece, per year, and in May will promulgate the WHO Pandemic Treaty... 😱 And that's just the tip of the iceberg of corruption in this third-world shithole country.
I'm aware – believe me, I'm aware – but I'm old, and I'm weary, and there's fuck-all I can do, about any of it.
Life can suck sometimes. I left my alcoholic, abusive husband after 28 years of marriage and fought for 2 1/2 years to get my share of what we had built together.
At one point I was just shy of a million dollars in debt. I worked 5 jobs for 2 years and 2 full time jobs for 25 years (many while still married) to help rebuild my life. My motto thru those years was "don't let the bastard win" And I didn't. I feel the same way about what is going on today. "Don't let the bastards win!" Don't give up and keep spouting your voice. I'm old too. 70 soon but if I die tomorrow it will be shouting for honesty, truth and extreme accountability for what has been done to the global citizens. Don't let them win because they are ALL LOSERS. Peace be with you.
Amen and amen. So honored to meet you all, we must understand how much we would lose if we believed we are alone …. Victory will come, remember the truckers and what they showed us back there at the Beginning.l.l. The image comes to me just now, that thousands of us are reaching out from the tops of trains, the back of trucks and tractors, wagons, holding out hands to those who are running to catch up, to understand…..and seeing those others setting out a blanket to have their picnic by the side of the road, not a care in the world…..they think……OMG
Right there with you, in many ways. In San Diego, where few people like me (lower middle class. “white”) can now afford to live, there are suddenly a gazzillion Chinese nationals, all buying multimillion dollar properties and immediately making six figure incomes. Why are they here? It has occurred to me recently, given their incessant masking, perhaps they are being handsomely paid to not only create new injectable toxins to cull people like me, but also to do all the Geo-engineering runs that now never stop over the city.
Take the <45 minutes to listen to this conversation between Jeff Rense and Stefan Verstappen.. The salient portion (talking about immigration) starts at 12:10...
I'm in Scarborough Ontario CHINADA..TRUDY and KLAUSY'S playground in the north.
I'm not going to go through my story to try to "one up" you because I'm living amongst family, two brothers also boomers at 60 and 69 are both in a precarious situation let's say.
Both with great work ethic but simply FUCKED over by our system which unfortunately MUST CRASH.
Or fortunately depending on who you are.
Suffice to say my shit happened at 39 years old when I nearly bled out in an accident.
I went from 6 figures to zero and nearly on the street.
Lots more to it as it was completely life changing.
Almost homeless then.
That's 30 years ago nearly and we are in very good position now as we made some great decisions because I was very AWAKE.
I'm seeing homeless camps ffs here in Scarborough in the winter which we've not seen before.
I'm trying to focus on others with distributing 100s of Druthers and helping Shawn Buckley and gang as I have a health and wellness program to focus on helping others trying to get to OPTIMAL health.
I know that is very tough to do when a person is simply trying to keep a home and food on the table.
Not sure totally were this is all going but they do like to keep the fear porn going to keep the RAPE OF THE MIND going.
July 2014 I joined the ranks of The Commissionaires -- only good thing that ever came out my time in the Military: my discharge card -- and have been slowly pulling myself out of the cavernous hole I'd dug for myself ever since. It's a hell of a lot easier to get into serious trouble in life than it is to fix it, and the work of decades can be destroyed literally in a heartbeat.
Actually that discharge card was far more valuable to me than my degree ever was. That, I finally tore up and tossed in the garbage in 2016.
Damn. Thanks for sharing. Life is tough. It´s amazing how much Canada has changed for the worse. I grew up a mere 2 hour drive from Ontario and had such fond memories visiting in the 80´s and 90´s sans a passport. We folks in the States were(and many still are) fooled into thinking Canada was the bastion of peace and a very good quality of life. Boy, we were wrong. I hope things get better for you.
It will when Castreau gets what the Partisans gave Mussolini -- and Chrystia and Jagmeet along with him, the country breaks up and joins The Union -- assuming you guys have done something similar to Poopypants and Kameltoe and all the rest of them first...
Thank you so much for your stubborn courage, your principles and for trusting us so we may share this with you…..these virtual notes feel as though we are learning new signals for tapping on the walls of our cells, new codes to express our frustration and anger which our guards won’t discover…..big hugs
castreau is supported by corrupt chinese money and khalistani terrorists. india called his bluff and booted out 30 canukistan diplomats. castreau blak face still smarting over it
Yeppers! What I struggle with, looking around, so many of my days…those Media praised and worshipped, our Phx paper columnists, worthless in their craft when they could be fighting for the Truth, but oh, rather enjoying the company of Miss Information….yea, indeed, though she will betray them, just watch….
Encirclement of Russia, "doncha know, dear?" Tony Fraudci's gain-of-function labs outside of China, "doncha know dear?" Some means of paying for Hunter's cocaine addiction and endless stream of Epstein-sponsored teenaged prostitutes, "doncha know dear?"
And of course a 10% kick-back on Hunter's... "sales commissions"... to his old man...
And when the shtf do you really think anyone is going to pick up you trash? Or stock your grocery store? Or care whether your electricity is off? Better start taking care of your own needs and ditch the "government" that would prefer you were dead.
That’s exactly what they’re trying to do here- pretend everything is “normal” until things get so bad (the “tipping point”) that they can’t sell that concept anymore. Of course by then it won’t matter- it will be too late.
Watch Lira's incisive analysis of the deadly phenomenon that is Victoria Nuland, and it will not be a mystery why the State Department was less than enthusiastic about helping the poor man.
Just the first few seconds made me realize "They" wanted Gonzalo "retired" for a lot more reasons than his comments about Zelenskyy.
PS - Just learned of a very useful video capture tool, "yt-dlp" -- the reincarnation of "youtube-dl"; download a copy, start putting it to use while you still can.
I've gathered Victoria -- along with the rest of the "Neo-Conservatives" -- are under the impression their Shabbos-goy soldiers in America can wage nuclear war against Russia and win.
"Reality" -- never mind "Responsibility" -- does seem to be an issue with these people.🤔
US Government/Federal Reserve debt notes - paid for Gonzalo Lira's whole BTK experience, from the beginning to the end - for the crime of 100% accurate Journalism and Punditry... But thank goodness we avoided "Fascism" and "autocracy" in 2020... Just keep voting "Blue no matter who"...🤦
Shit. In the end, just another disgraceful incident, in an unending string of disgraceful incidents, which will be the legacy of this atrocious, monumentally corrupt, monumentally incompetent, criminal regime that seized power in a blatently-obvious putsch. 🙄💩
Eternal rest grant unto Gonzalo, O Lord, and may Light Perpetual shine upon him. May he rest in peace. 😥
Early on they'd bribed him (1st arrest)--this wuz sad nooze ta hear, sounds like he fought 'til the last breath... I do not believe he wuz an "op"--he reminds me of lifetime wit/smoker/unshaven bird-flippin' iconoclast Jean Luc Godard 'cept this one's films tanked an' he made his mark in video-journalism. Not too shabby! I will miss his wry commentary an' his much-valued perspective... Condolences ta his fambly too.
No one deserves such a horrific death. Wish there had been immediate intervention. Condolences to his Family. We are existing in a SAVAGE WORLD in these days.. 😢
I'd never heard of Gonzalo Lira when I read your earlier article, Mark, however, as a person who applies the "controlled opposition" lens to everything that comes my way I wondered whether Gonzalo was really who he is purported to be ... not enough to do any further research but then Frances Leader's article popped into my inbox.
I will begin by quoting from the Ron Paul Institute most recent article:
“One call from anyone in the United States government to Ukraine demanding that an American held for exercising free speech be released would have saved Gonzalo Lira's life. The US government and specifically the Biden regime knew it could save American citizen Gonzalo but it decided that it was better for him to die than to have any challenge to its narrative.
I readily admit I know nothing, however, Frances Leader, whose two articles I put links to clearly does ... BUT I do know about controlled opposition. I do know how controlled opposition rules the world and that the controlled opposition lens must be applied in any case there's the possibility of it which certainly includes alleged deaths of people speaking against mainstream narratives.
How much do you know about controlled opposition? How many people can you identify as controlled opposition agents? What do you know about their MO?
Do you understand that those in power wish to press everyone's buttons ... that means the people who do believe them ... and the people who don't. I'm a little at a loss at how people seem to have difficulty absorbing this simple principle.
I frequently listened to him on the Duran. I didn't especially like the guy for other reasons but I never heard anything from him that hinted at "controlled opposition." Whatever he was, he paid the price for having a counter narrative in Ukraine just as many others who ended up dead, may they rest in peace.
"I especially liked his escape from capture, riding a motorcycle while being fired upon and still making it to the border unscathed...while reporting it all!"
Gonzo was my cousin. He lived in UA long before the war started. Married a Ukrainian woman and they had children. He wasn’t fired upon. Frances often throws shit at the wall and is certain she's always correct if it sticks once or twice but in this case it's pure cringe.
"I have 6 cousins. I have no idea what they do for a living and certainly NOT what earners they may have on the side. Don't assume that your blood relatives are necessarily quite as squeaky clean as you might like, Good Citizen!
That would be very naïve, wouldn't it?
My opinions are not 'throwing shit at the wall', mate. They are arrived at by observation and testing. Gonzalo failed the tests."
That's a lot of extrapolation about someone she at least admits up front she didn't trust; what it *isn't* is evidence he was a "paid agent" - as summed up in this statement from your second link: "I am not saying I have any evidence of this…. of course I don’t." So if you're going to cite her you shouldn't be making definitive statements about what she admits is only speculation. Evidence to back up the claim might eventually emerge but we ain't seen it yet. Worse, if none ever does emerge, then you've been guilty of smearing a dead man, congrats.
Outrageous facts: aka your usual marxist/fascist provocation stunt. Nobody knows for sure what actually happened. It's all just outrage porn with a view to mind controlling all the sceptical normies.
Also notice people in this comment section already spitting feathers over a train of hard to verify dubious thought. Mission accomplished as far as the commies are concerned.
Aside from the fact that world views and simply getting paid from some ‘legitimate’ source are big factors is anyone’s equation, your criticism of Lira shows your own values are apparent, but unclear. The consensus is that he spoke truth to power, regardless of the prattling pleasers who take Big Pharma money to showboat their paymasters agendas.
We should all take fair warning against characterizing Lira and anyone else (like Assange) who refuses to be a running dog for Regime favor. And it might be bad juju to call him out apart from an egregious transgression of the Constitution, which our treacherous regime is so busily and brutally collapsing like in your face. This puts a truly black eye on a story that should be raw fiction, but is vile reality.
Whatever meaning may be derived from those links, it should be a credit to his work that he merits comment. Thank you
Those in power can afford to spew out bucketloads of truth because only a small group of people pay attention to it and thus this truth can be used to manipulate this small group by mixing it with lies - controlled opposition. I'm not sure what merit we can judge there to be in controlled opposition because its purpose is to control and manipulate us and keep us under the boot and the only reason it is telling the truth (that is mixed with lies) - and which can be found in other sources in any case - is for that purpose.
Victoria Nuland - nah, she is such a sweet girl and she has all those photos of kittens and puppies in her office. She does not have a bad bone in her CIA fortified body, although her brain (all 2 cells of it) seems to thrive on eliminating problems and road blocks, that kind of thing. Now move along you lot!!!
Nobody's talking about her and you can be sure she had a direct hand in his imprisonment and lack of medical care. He woke a lot of people up to her demonic warmongering. She hated him and murdered him for calling her out...repeatedly.
And just recently Nikki Haley and Chris Christie were trying to tell us Ukraine is a democracy. Oh and don't forget about the other warmonger Lindsey Graham. I featured an interview with Lira in my newsletter months ago. He explained the real reasons the war got started quite succinctly. Our government is a disgrace.
What sad and horrible news. Certainly makes the U.S. government complicit, just as we suspected.
yep. Expected but still so sad and deeply disturbing.
Yes , indeed. Since 2014 Ukraine has been a US Colony or Territory.
On February 2014 Obama deposed Ukraine's duly elected President Viktor Yanukovych. CIA operative Victoria Nuland quickly turned Ukraine into an anti Russian CIA enclave. She spent $5,000,000,000.00
Ain't that some shiite?
It only took one phone call. More blood on Biden’s hands
All the Ukrainian dead could not touch the hearts of the Congress funding the war-pigs of whom Biden is the regime Commander in Chief. Let them take this vile insult to their status in Congress beyond the injury to our Constitutional Republic which they have FAILED to uphold as the rebuke that it is, for -- treason in the first degree. MSM in its distance and silence regarding the lives of journalists like Lira is nothing more than mascoting the warpigs.
Elections have consequences; STOLEN elections have catastrophic consequences
Anyone still believe Assange is the traitor to humanity And Uncle Sam?
Living and truth have meaning beyond propaganda. Courage and cowardice make all the difference in life. Shame otherwise.
"And nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care."
-- George Carlin
You and I care, as so many who have shown they too care by responding to this post. The ripples and waves we are creating with our words are reaching the shores of heaven! Just like procreation, words of Truth make fusion with the universal principles of design law - in the beginning was the Word, . . . Without him was not anything made that was made. Jn 1:1-5.
It’s amazing and exhilarating to see how a few words can touch the creative power that brings life and meaning to humanity. The right connections literally affect the course of events and outcomes.
You are a man of action, and you inspire meaningful, positive actions in others.
I appreciate your effort to take the edge off w a quote from Carlin. Satire and nihilism can be closely related. Especially one who has witnessed the reduction of life to the lowest common denominators will appreciate restored dignity and meaningful purpose.
What I appreciate most about the Judeo-Christian worldview is that it places ALL of humanity on universal design law protocol. And while the avenue of information came through Judaism and Christianity, the first principle of life Jesus lived and sacrificially died for is human free agency. I speak as one who recognizes the profound value of every human life, clothed in every uniform, suit and work attire known to man. Do not think for a moment that my definition of ’war pig’ would be any or every person in a military uniform. Or law enforcement. That definition would be war for the sake of war, an economic gravy train of agitation and prolonging fear and destruction. I.E., that ‘wine of wrath’ the great whore of Babylon represents. We live in a fallen world that is save-able through the connections of the right words and actions. ‘My kingdom not of this world’ -- true, but it makes all the difference in this world, and the next, spiritual and physical alike.
"Sanguis Balneum" -
Wow, Bob let it all hang out on that one.
Yeah, but ain't it the hideous truth?
Bob nailed many of the satanic players. Ridiculous if it wasn’t an accurate portrayal. These satanic demons need to be thrown into the abyss
Biden isn't in charge of anything. Deep stater Nuland deserves 100% of the credit for this. From the coup in 2014 to her war which is now just a glorified Ukrainian peasant culling operation.
I watched Gonzalo’s videos on the war up to his very last broadcast just a few Km from the Czech border. He was jailed, tortured and murdered for speaking his opinions, which were factual and prescient. Shame on the Biden administration for allowing this.
Worse than allowing it to happen American tax dollars are paying for the Ukraine prisons and guards and all of its government plus pensions but chose to have the man killed to send a message like they are with Julian Assange & journalists in Gaza.. truth tellers are enemies to the bloodthirsty Mafia run by Washington.
When the facts are clear that this whole abortion of our national interests And the living interests of the Ukrainian people has been completely unnecessary, a national reawakening will follow. There are signs of it if you know where to look. But at this point the courage it will take to confront this collapse of our nation into ‘progressive despotism’ is held largely in reserve. What I’m more concerned about than rebukes or outrages from incidents like this is that we’re in a cycle of diversion meant to disable our best efforts to course correction. But I believe the virtue of the Judeo-Christian foundations of our civilization can overcome this collapse if we will make the confrontation on a Biblical scale in keeping with the apocalyptic nature of collapse otherwise. We face a wanton, perverse enemy. If only those who could be strengthening our nation were not so drunk with the wine of their excess, and apathetic to all our work to be ‘e pluribus unum’.
A reckoning is coming w those who have only their power and prosperity as god. They might think they’ve earned it w their slick narratives. I don’t think they qualify for the down payment on the credit they’re looking for. Big money has put our people and economy on the block, the auction block.
Let’s see about that.
I suspect that what wakes people up from this delusion will be out of our control. We just have to pray that we will be able to endure it as well.
I would not want to suggest that control would be the objective of influencing people to choose course corrections. But the few who would ’reimagine’ and ‘retool’ civilization according to their perverse values are not entitled to a free passage to this ‘new world order’, collapsing culture and constitution alike in pursuit of controlling the resources of the nation. It gets back to the arrogance of wealth and power that our founders so assiduously worked to prevent. Certainly the ideals have been undermined and compromised in many ways, but as long as a framework to address the issues exists, indolence and apathy within us are our most corrosive enemies.
I watched all of them, too! Including his Roundtable series on YT. A TRUE journalist who confirmed what I already knew. After he was first detained by the SBU, ppl were freaking out. His info was THAT good. A few weeks later, he was back on Brighteon, giving us updates and, as always, was SPOT ON with his Intel. 100%.
Biden and his 🤡 administration did this.
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again and again. Gonzalo’s death rests squarely in the hands of Joe Biden and his corrupt State Dept. They could have saved Gonzalo and did nothing to aid and protect him. All Americans need to understand that they no longer have the protection of the US government if they run into trouble overseas…WE ARE ON OUR OWN! (Unless, of course, you’re a trans basketball “star” who hates America and we have a merchant of death to trade for him/her).
Don't forget our state dept. has deep ties with the Brits and their CFR lackeys who hate honest journalism as well as neocons who hold similar views about the independent press.
Not just the Brits either!
Ever listened to the CBC?
And yet we the taxpayers are the ones paying for it. Time for another Boston Tea Party?
Why America -- indeed, all of The West -- has not been in open violent bloody revolt for the past 3 years at least, is incomprehensible to me.
Called propaganda and the masses no longer have any common sense, morality or the ability to think for themselves. I don't understand it either but as a student of genealogy in my family for 40+ years, thank God at least my ancestors had these skills. Going to be a whole lot of the human race that is going to get a huge wake-up call soon and most won't survive it. Very Sad.
Get a copy of John Taylor Gatto's "The Underground History of American Education" and read it. I wore mine out, re-read it cover to cover at least 4 times...
It´s due to that we in the Collective West are mired in comfort and convenience and, of course, being propagandized the shit out of for many years. All we want here is fast food, fast Wifi, cable TV, $10 oat milk lattes, the newest smartphone, Netflix and our private transportation.
Should be very interesting two weeks after the lights have gone out. Look to your preps, and heed the words of all people, Jesus Christ:
"Arm yourselves. Flee the cities."
"Arm yourselves. Flee the cities." Yup, I have been living in my car since I came back from abroad. I am out of here tomorrow. Here, in Wokistan, SF Bay Area(Berkeley), I would say roughly 40% of the people here are STILL wearing face diapers. These idiots are hopeless. I was going to head to North Carolina or Tennessee, but it´s such a long drive. Instead, I am heading to rural Washington State and going to get a gun license. I hope I never will have to use it, but as my father told me on a few occasions when I was younger, "better to have it and not need it, than to need it not have it."
Better be super rural. Seattle is woke central.
In Victoria, BC, I counted 8 Masked Morons at Hillside Mall this morning, so I guess that's 5%-10%... Head for a southern Red State: Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas. Up here in Justin Castreau's Woke Democratic Socialist Non-White People's Republic of Canuckistan, I'm pretty much f***ed. There's no-where I can go... well.. maybe Alberta..
We (USA) should never supported Ukraine a corrupt non-nato country. We have spent billions on this folly and killing field for nefarious reasons.
We shouldn't have supported them from day one. Nor should we be supporting Israel which is just as corrupt as the Ukraine.
In the words of Lt-Cmdr. Geordi LaForge: "Who's WE?"
We the people that should be awake but sadly are sleeping like newborns. We continue to finance our own demise while worrying about keeping up with the Jone's, getting hair and nails done and going on vacations, restaurants that serve non food, buying houses and cars we can't afford. It is pathetic the people that still think their "government" gives a rats ass about them as they roll up their sleeves and take that "safe and effective?" bio weapon even after the real data comes out. The USA has become a nation of imbeciles, just like was planned.
I'm a 64-year-old white boy, living in Justin Castreau's Woke Democratic Socialist non-White People's Republic of Canuckistan, and the insoucience you see and the corruption you've experienced is scarcely unique to America. In 2014 I was in serious financial difficulties; when I applied for welfare to help support me while I did a job search the government pretty much told me to go fuck myself. In 2017 my paid-for home I bought with my inheritance – foolishly purchased on Native land, but no-one warned me – was stolen from me and our politicians Federal and Provincial did absolutely nothing to help. November 2021 I was forced out of my job, my life grossly and illegally restricted, I was in fear of arbitrary arrest and indefinite imprisonment because I will not take an injection of an experimental drug I know to be deadly dangerous. July 2022 I got my job back, sure, but at this point I'm supporting a wife, our cat, and a vaccine-injured 27-year-old stepdaughter who can't work because of same, on a security guard's wages (officially Cdn $19.25/hour but really ± $16.01/hour after theft – it's what can happen when you make clever life decisions like "music performance degrees") – and our grossly inadequate, rodent-infested 500 square-foot apartment costs me 64% of my income.
Meanwhile Justin Castreau is supporting the movement of illegal migrants into this country to the tune of $50,000 apiece, per year, and in May will promulgate the WHO Pandemic Treaty... 😱 And that's just the tip of the iceberg of corruption in this third-world shithole country.
I'm aware – believe me, I'm aware – but I'm old, and I'm weary, and there's fuck-all I can do, about any of it.
Life can suck sometimes. I left my alcoholic, abusive husband after 28 years of marriage and fought for 2 1/2 years to get my share of what we had built together.
At one point I was just shy of a million dollars in debt. I worked 5 jobs for 2 years and 2 full time jobs for 25 years (many while still married) to help rebuild my life. My motto thru those years was "don't let the bastard win" And I didn't. I feel the same way about what is going on today. "Don't let the bastards win!" Don't give up and keep spouting your voice. I'm old too. 70 soon but if I die tomorrow it will be shouting for honesty, truth and extreme accountability for what has been done to the global citizens. Don't let them win because they are ALL LOSERS. Peace be with you.
Amen and amen. So honored to meet you all, we must understand how much we would lose if we believed we are alone …. Victory will come, remember the truckers and what they showed us back there at the Beginning.l.l. The image comes to me just now, that thousands of us are reaching out from the tops of trains, the back of trucks and tractors, wagons, holding out hands to those who are running to catch up, to understand…..and seeing those others setting out a blanket to have their picnic by the side of the road, not a care in the world…..they think……OMG
Wow. Sounds like you've been through an even worse wringer than I've been. John 14:1-4 I guess...
Right there with you, in many ways. In San Diego, where few people like me (lower middle class. “white”) can now afford to live, there are suddenly a gazzillion Chinese nationals, all buying multimillion dollar properties and immediately making six figure incomes. Why are they here? It has occurred to me recently, given their incessant masking, perhaps they are being handsomely paid to not only create new injectable toxins to cull people like me, but also to do all the Geo-engineering runs that now never stop over the city.
That is maddening and sickening… so sorry, such a beautiful city
Take the <45 minutes to listen to this conversation between Jeff Rense and Stefan Verstappen.. The salient portion (talking about immigration) starts at 12:10...
I love the nickname "Misandry Today" ( came up with for California: "Dogshittistan".
I'm sorry that happened to you and your family.
I'm in Scarborough Ontario CHINADA..TRUDY and KLAUSY'S playground in the north.
I'm not going to go through my story to try to "one up" you because I'm living amongst family, two brothers also boomers at 60 and 69 are both in a precarious situation let's say.
Both with great work ethic but simply FUCKED over by our system which unfortunately MUST CRASH.
Or fortunately depending on who you are.
Suffice to say my shit happened at 39 years old when I nearly bled out in an accident.
I went from 6 figures to zero and nearly on the street.
Lots more to it as it was completely life changing.
Almost homeless then.
That's 30 years ago nearly and we are in very good position now as we made some great decisions because I was very AWAKE.
I'm seeing homeless camps ffs here in Scarborough in the winter which we've not seen before.
I'm trying to focus on others with distributing 100s of Druthers and helping Shawn Buckley and gang as I have a health and wellness program to focus on helping others trying to get to OPTIMAL health.
I know that is very tough to do when a person is simply trying to keep a home and food on the table.
Not sure totally were this is all going but they do like to keep the fear porn going to keep the RAPE OF THE MIND going.
Seems to their ONLY JOB.
I hope things get better for you 🙏
July 2014 I joined the ranks of The Commissionaires -- only good thing that ever came out my time in the Military: my discharge card -- and have been slowly pulling myself out of the cavernous hole I'd dug for myself ever since. It's a hell of a lot easier to get into serious trouble in life than it is to fix it, and the work of decades can be destroyed literally in a heartbeat.
Actually that discharge card was far more valuable to me than my degree ever was. That, I finally tore up and tossed in the garbage in 2016.
Damn. Thanks for sharing. Life is tough. It´s amazing how much Canada has changed for the worse. I grew up a mere 2 hour drive from Ontario and had such fond memories visiting in the 80´s and 90´s sans a passport. We folks in the States were(and many still are) fooled into thinking Canada was the bastion of peace and a very good quality of life. Boy, we were wrong. I hope things get better for you.
It will when Castreau gets what the Partisans gave Mussolini -- and Chrystia and Jagmeet along with him, the country breaks up and joins The Union -- assuming you guys have done something similar to Poopypants and Kameltoe and all the rest of them first...
Thank you so much for your stubborn courage, your principles and for trusting us so we may share this with you…..these virtual notes feel as though we are learning new signals for tapping on the walls of our cells, new codes to express our frustration and anger which our guards won’t discover…..big hugs
Thank you for your kind words.😘
Make the most of Substack while you can. I'm reading / hearing noises they're preparing to move on it.
Hang in there brother. We can't let these assholes defeat us no matter what they may do.
castreau is supported by corrupt chinese money and khalistani terrorists. india called his bluff and booted out 30 canukistan diplomats. castreau blak face still smarting over it
Yeppers! What I struggle with, looking around, so many of my days…those Media praised and worshipped, our Phx paper columnists, worthless in their craft when they could be fighting for the Truth, but oh, rather enjoying the company of Miss Information….yea, indeed, though she will betray them, just watch….
Encirclement of Russia, "doncha know, dear?" Tony Fraudci's gain-of-function labs outside of China, "doncha know dear?" Some means of paying for Hunter's cocaine addiction and endless stream of Epstein-sponsored teenaged prostitutes, "doncha know dear?"
And of course a 10% kick-back on Hunter's... "sales commissions"... to his old man...
"Right on" my Canadian Bro.
Not another dime to these murderous villains! Eternal rest grant to him o Lord, and let the perpetual light shine upon him.🙏😢
There is no America anymore. Just mafia.
Lots of Chinese nationals imported where I live.
And Media.
Media are an arm of the mafia.
That’s the real problem- they don’t even have to pretend they’re legit business out in the open.
And when the shtf do you really think anyone is going to pick up you trash? Or stock your grocery store? Or care whether your electricity is off? Better start taking care of your own needs and ditch the "government" that would prefer you were dead.
At least Al Capone when he was running Chicago kept the peace (sort of) and Mussolini ensured the trains arrived on time... 🤔
That’s exactly what they’re trying to do here- pretend everything is “normal” until things get so bad (the “tipping point”) that they can’t sell that concept anymore. Of course by then it won’t matter- it will be too late.
Just wish that "tipping point" would hurry the f*** up... 🙄
Watch Lira's incisive analysis of the deadly phenomenon that is Victoria Nuland, and it will not be a mystery why the State Department was less than enthusiastic about helping the poor man.
Just the first few seconds made me realize "They" wanted Gonzalo "retired" for a lot more reasons than his comments about Zelenskyy.
PS - Just learned of a very useful video capture tool, "yt-dlp" -- the reincarnation of "youtube-dl"; download a copy, start putting it to use while you still can.
Good to know about the video capture tool, many thanks!
I've gathered Victoria -- along with the rest of the "Neo-Conservatives" -- are under the impression their Shabbos-goy soldiers in America can wage nuclear war against Russia and win.
"Reality" -- never mind "Responsibility" -- does seem to be an issue with these people.🤔
War with Russia? Well at least toast in the USA will be in abundance.
US Government/Federal Reserve debt notes - paid for Gonzalo Lira's whole BTK experience, from the beginning to the end - for the crime of 100% accurate Journalism and Punditry... But thank goodness we avoided "Fascism" and "autocracy" in 2020... Just keep voting "Blue no matter who"...🤦
Voting "blue" to go along with their Blue Pills I suppose...🤔
Ukraine is fighting for democracy for all of us my ass. Right up there with "15 days to flatten the curve."
Shit. In the end, just another disgraceful incident, in an unending string of disgraceful incidents, which will be the legacy of this atrocious, monumentally corrupt, monumentally incompetent, criminal regime that seized power in a blatently-obvious putsch. 🙄💩
Eternal rest grant unto Gonzalo, O Lord, and may Light Perpetual shine upon him. May he rest in peace. 😥
Rip Good Gonzalo --
Early on they'd bribed him (1st arrest)--this wuz sad nooze ta hear, sounds like he fought 'til the last breath... I do not believe he wuz an "op"--he reminds me of lifetime wit/smoker/unshaven bird-flippin' iconoclast Jean Luc Godard 'cept this one's films tanked an' he made his mark in video-journalism. Not too shabby! I will miss his wry commentary an' his much-valued perspective... Condolences ta his fambly too.
No one deserves such a horrific death. Wish there had been immediate intervention. Condolences to his Family. We are existing in a SAVAGE WORLD in these days.. 😢
I'd never heard of Gonzalo Lira when I read your earlier article, Mark, however, as a person who applies the "controlled opposition" lens to everything that comes my way I wondered whether Gonzalo was really who he is purported to be ... not enough to do any further research but then Frances Leader's article popped into my inbox.
I will begin by quoting from the Ron Paul Institute most recent article:
“One call from anyone in the United States government to Ukraine demanding that an American held for exercising free speech be released would have saved Gonzalo Lira's life. The US government and specifically the Biden regime knew it could save American citizen Gonzalo but it decided that it was better for him to die than to have any challenge to its narrative.
Remember that.”
Most of my readers know that I am a heavy sceptic and this scepticism applies equally to official narratives and any alternatives.
I will be honest here.
I did not think Gonzalo Lira was kosher from the first time I came across his work on You Tube. I said so at the time.
If he was controlled opposition, he really got the shit end of the stick.
If he's CO then the automatic inference is staged killing.
That is one of the most ridiculous comments I have read in a long while. Clearly you know nothing about Lira and his story.
I readily admit I know nothing, however, Frances Leader, whose two articles I put links to clearly does ... BUT I do know about controlled opposition. I do know how controlled opposition rules the world and that the controlled opposition lens must be applied in any case there's the possibility of it which certainly includes alleged deaths of people speaking against mainstream narratives.
How much do you know about controlled opposition? How many people can you identify as controlled opposition agents? What do you know about their MO?
Do you understand that those in power wish to press everyone's buttons ... that means the people who do believe them ... and the people who don't. I'm a little at a loss at how people seem to have difficulty absorbing this simple principle.
Lira was the lone voice in the woods stating that Ukraine would lose and Russia would win.
AHAHAHHAHA! You make me laugh. You are wasting your pie hole air.
I frequently listened to him on the Duran. I didn't especially like the guy for other reasons but I never heard anything from him that hinted at "controlled opposition." Whatever he was, he paid the price for having a counter narrative in Ukraine just as many others who ended up dead, may they rest in peace.
" ... he paid the price ... "
Not if he's a paid agent. If he's a paid agent he's on some kind of Witness Protection program.
Delusional you are.
Do you have evidence of what you're implying? If not, you're just casting aspersions on someone who can't defend himself, which is pretty rank.
I put links to two articles by Frances and here's a comment on her first article on his implausible heroics, an exemplar of their Revelation of the Method MO (
"I especially liked his escape from capture, riding a motorcycle while being fired upon and still making it to the border unscathed...while reporting it all!"
Gonzo was my cousin. He lived in UA long before the war started. Married a Ukrainian woman and they had children. He wasn’t fired upon. Frances often throws shit at the wall and is certain she's always correct if it sticks once or twice but in this case it's pure cringe.
From Frances:
"I have 6 cousins. I have no idea what they do for a living and certainly NOT what earners they may have on the side. Don't assume that your blood relatives are necessarily quite as squeaky clean as you might like, Good Citizen!
That would be very naïve, wouldn't it?
My opinions are not 'throwing shit at the wall', mate. They are arrived at by observation and testing. Gonzalo failed the tests."
That's a lot of extrapolation about someone she at least admits up front she didn't trust; what it *isn't* is evidence he was a "paid agent" - as summed up in this statement from your second link: "I am not saying I have any evidence of this…. of course I don’t." So if you're going to cite her you shouldn't be making definitive statements about what she admits is only speculation. Evidence to back up the claim might eventually emerge but we ain't seen it yet. Worse, if none ever does emerge, then you've been guilty of smearing a dead man, congrats.
Outrageous facts: aka your usual marxist/fascist provocation stunt. Nobody knows for sure what actually happened. It's all just outrage porn with a view to mind controlling all the sceptical normies.
Also notice people in this comment section already spitting feathers over a train of hard to verify dubious thought. Mission accomplished as far as the commies are concerned.
"Outrage porn" - perfect term.
Aside from the fact that world views and simply getting paid from some ‘legitimate’ source are big factors is anyone’s equation, your criticism of Lira shows your own values are apparent, but unclear. The consensus is that he spoke truth to power, regardless of the prattling pleasers who take Big Pharma money to showboat their paymasters agendas.
We should all take fair warning against characterizing Lira and anyone else (like Assange) who refuses to be a running dog for Regime favor. And it might be bad juju to call him out apart from an egregious transgression of the Constitution, which our treacherous regime is so busily and brutally collapsing like in your face. This puts a truly black eye on a story that should be raw fiction, but is vile reality.
Whatever meaning may be derived from those links, it should be a credit to his work that he merits comment. Thank you
Those in power can afford to spew out bucketloads of truth because only a small group of people pay attention to it and thus this truth can be used to manipulate this small group by mixing it with lies - controlled opposition. I'm not sure what merit we can judge there to be in controlled opposition because its purpose is to control and manipulate us and keep us under the boot and the only reason it is telling the truth (that is mixed with lies) - and which can be found in other sources in any case - is for that purpose.
Victoria Nuland - nah, she is such a sweet girl and she has all those photos of kittens and puppies in her office. She does not have a bad bone in her CIA fortified body, although her brain (all 2 cells of it) seems to thrive on eliminating problems and road blocks, that kind of thing. Now move along you lot!!!
Nobody's talking about her and you can be sure she had a direct hand in his imprisonment and lack of medical care. He woke a lot of people up to her demonic warmongering. She hated him and murdered him for calling her out...repeatedly.
If Victoria Nuland shows up in your neighborhood, death and destruction will follow.
And just recently Nikki Haley and Chris Christie were trying to tell us Ukraine is a democracy. Oh and don't forget about the other warmonger Lindsey Graham. I featured an interview with Lira in my newsletter months ago. He explained the real reasons the war got started quite succinctly. Our government is a disgrace.