In October of 2021, I was visiting the US and was in a CVS pharmacy and there was a masked woman with her son (about 12 years old, I'm guessing), and she said to him, "come on, it's time to get your shot". I asked her if he was getting the covid-19 vax and she said yes. I told her kids don't get sick from covid, they don't need the shot.…
In October of 2021, I was visiting the US and was in a CVS pharmacy and there was a masked woman with her son (about 12 years old, I'm guessing), and she said to him, "come on, it's time to get your shot". I asked her if he was getting the covid-19 vax and she said yes. I told her kids don't get sick from covid, they don't need the shot. I wanted to tell her more about the near 0 percent chance that people die from covid, but she put her masked face right in front of my unmasked face and started screaming, "Get out of here now!". The pharmacist came out and told me she would call security if I didn't leave. I was calm with them, I didn't raise my voice, but I was shocked at their level of fear and aggression with me. Walking out, I told her I would pray for her son. I felt terrible that I couldn't protect her son.
Wow... that is an intense story and I can only imagine what it was like to go through it. All of us who have witnessed these executions (that is what they are) have wanted to do exactly what you did there. So... good for you Cathleen for the having the guts to "really" do it. Fear is the driver here. It is what the mass psychosis operation did to the vulnerable. People who are afraid will do "anything" to escape their fear to feel "safe". These people are brainwashed and now resemble a death cult. We can't help them. They are gone. Like I have said many times before: "These folks with the thank the vaccine as they die from the vaccine. Because it could have been much worse."
It not just that victims of propaganda are gone. They are transformed and they can be weaponized against rational people. You've got to pretend that you are a zombie, too. Rational people don't understand the danger of other people's irrationality.
For sure... we are strangers in the strange land of the vaccine zombies. I don't have to be around them or interact with them but I can imagine what it must be like. I have said in the past (and I really don't like saying it) but considering what has been done to the vaccinated and how it is changing them mentally and genetically, I think we are living with a new human sub-species. And the question is: Will be we (humans) be able to live with the vaccinated folks who do manage to survive the injections?
I'm in Illinois... just a little better I would bet. An open air mental hospital where the inmates have "no idea" that they are insane? I bet that is fun? Anyway... you made me chuckle today.... So thanks!
That's an interesting question. I know that the body has amazing healing capabilities. I am allergic to the recently vaxxed. I don't interact on a daily basis with anyone vaccinated anymore. But when I play live poker I get an allergic reaction, and when I was an agency caregiver I had allergic reactions to some clients. There was already a cultural divide between those with a dependent mentality and the free people before the vaccines. I already didn't favor their company. Some have redeeming qualities and I hope they can be redeemed.
I would like to optimistic but I unfortunately know way to much about these injections. I’m talking about the MRNA injections only. I don’t know enough about the viral vector vaccines to make any sort of judgement. This “vaccine” is a multi-system assault on the human body that is unbelievably complex and can cause problems in literally dozens of different ways. The two things that really stand out to me when it comes to a change in the species is: #1 The destruction of higher brain functions via the immune systems attack on Spike Proteins in the brain. #2 The actual changes to their DNA via the pollution of bacterial plasmid DNA in the vials.
At some point, someone will start testing bone marrow stem cells to find out if the vaccinated are now genetically different from us. I would bet money that they are.
If this is the case, I would expect our two species to veer in different directions. And I don’t think this new species of emotionally driven brutes (as I call them) will mix well with regular humans. I could be wrong. There is a good chance that our ancestors killed many of the other variations of humans that once existed. We may have to do it again.
Thank you Lawrence for the kind reply. And I couldn't agree with you more about these people ( although I care deeply for their innocent children). Keeping our distance from brainwashed people is good for the soul and our sanity.
Cathleen. forgive the repost. For some reason the website wants to put my post in twice and when I tried to delete it both were gone! At least you attempted to inform this ignorant mother. I wonder what she would have said were you to tell her the vials of Covid shots have NO or BLANK product inserts in them. So no one has any idea what is even in the bottle of stuff that is being injected into them or their loved ones. My guess is it would not have made a difference with this mother.
You're right, Jennifer, from the crazy look in her eyes and the fear she had just by my presence near her without a mask, I think she would have injected anything into her child to "save" his life!
One of you is ethical and the other is religious. You got your pearls trampled on that one. You'll learn not to do that. In a poetic sense, people under the spell of priestcraft are like Odysseus's men who were charmed by the witch Circe (pronounced CHURCH). This is the symbolism Jesus used when he tells us not to cast our pearls before swine. These victims of priestcraft are less human than humans are supposed to be.
In October of 2021, I was visiting the US and was in a CVS pharmacy and there was a masked woman with her son (about 12 years old, I'm guessing), and she said to him, "come on, it's time to get your shot". I asked her if he was getting the covid-19 vax and she said yes. I told her kids don't get sick from covid, they don't need the shot. I wanted to tell her more about the near 0 percent chance that people die from covid, but she put her masked face right in front of my unmasked face and started screaming, "Get out of here now!". The pharmacist came out and told me she would call security if I didn't leave. I was calm with them, I didn't raise my voice, but I was shocked at their level of fear and aggression with me. Walking out, I told her I would pray for her son. I felt terrible that I couldn't protect her son.
Wow... that is an intense story and I can only imagine what it was like to go through it. All of us who have witnessed these executions (that is what they are) have wanted to do exactly what you did there. So... good for you Cathleen for the having the guts to "really" do it. Fear is the driver here. It is what the mass psychosis operation did to the vulnerable. People who are afraid will do "anything" to escape their fear to feel "safe". These people are brainwashed and now resemble a death cult. We can't help them. They are gone. Like I have said many times before: "These folks with the thank the vaccine as they die from the vaccine. Because it could have been much worse."
It not just that victims of propaganda are gone. They are transformed and they can be weaponized against rational people. You've got to pretend that you are a zombie, too. Rational people don't understand the danger of other people's irrationality.
For sure... we are strangers in the strange land of the vaccine zombies. I don't have to be around them or interact with them but I can imagine what it must be like. I have said in the past (and I really don't like saying it) but considering what has been done to the vaccinated and how it is changing them mentally and genetically, I think we are living with a new human sub-species. And the question is: Will be we (humans) be able to live with the vaccinated folks who do manage to survive the injections?
I live in Massachusetts - It's like living in a mental institution.
I'm in Illinois... just a little better I would bet. An open air mental hospital where the inmates have "no idea" that they are insane? I bet that is fun? Anyway... you made me chuckle today.... So thanks!
That's an interesting question. I know that the body has amazing healing capabilities. I am allergic to the recently vaxxed. I don't interact on a daily basis with anyone vaccinated anymore. But when I play live poker I get an allergic reaction, and when I was an agency caregiver I had allergic reactions to some clients. There was already a cultural divide between those with a dependent mentality and the free people before the vaccines. I already didn't favor their company. Some have redeeming qualities and I hope they can be redeemed.
I would like to optimistic but I unfortunately know way to much about these injections. I’m talking about the MRNA injections only. I don’t know enough about the viral vector vaccines to make any sort of judgement. This “vaccine” is a multi-system assault on the human body that is unbelievably complex and can cause problems in literally dozens of different ways. The two things that really stand out to me when it comes to a change in the species is: #1 The destruction of higher brain functions via the immune systems attack on Spike Proteins in the brain. #2 The actual changes to their DNA via the pollution of bacterial plasmid DNA in the vials.
At some point, someone will start testing bone marrow stem cells to find out if the vaccinated are now genetically different from us. I would bet money that they are.
If this is the case, I would expect our two species to veer in different directions. And I don’t think this new species of emotionally driven brutes (as I call them) will mix well with regular humans. I could be wrong. There is a good chance that our ancestors killed many of the other variations of humans that once existed. We may have to do it again.
Wow that's a stark assessment. I see where you're coming from.
I call them like see them... It is what it is... I don't like it... but not much I can do about it...
Thank you Lawrence for the kind reply. And I couldn't agree with you more about these people ( although I care deeply for their innocent children). Keeping our distance from brainwashed people is good for the soul and our sanity.
Yes it is... Peace be with Cathleen.
Cathleen. forgive the repost. For some reason the website wants to put my post in twice and when I tried to delete it both were gone! At least you attempted to inform this ignorant mother. I wonder what she would have said were you to tell her the vials of Covid shots have NO or BLANK product inserts in them. So no one has any idea what is even in the bottle of stuff that is being injected into them or their loved ones. My guess is it would not have made a difference with this mother.
You're right, Jennifer, from the crazy look in her eyes and the fear she had just by my presence near her without a mask, I think she would have injected anything into her child to "save" his life!
One of you is ethical and the other is religious. You got your pearls trampled on that one. You'll learn not to do that. In a poetic sense, people under the spell of priestcraft are like Odysseus's men who were charmed by the witch Circe (pronounced CHURCH). This is the symbolism Jesus used when he tells us not to cast our pearls before swine. These victims of priestcraft are less human than humans are supposed to be.