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I agree

They aren’t normal fires.

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It is simply Arson and Murder by our gov employees.

Let us tell it how it is!

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Federal, life in prison offenses.

Can the Feds investigate who is doing this? Or do they have to investigate themselves?

Are we the only people smart enough to see what is going on?

What do we do about it?

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There are a couple things we can do!

1. We need to continue to learn and understand this reality we're in. We need to understand that a) our country is under attack from the inside as it has been for the past 100 years or so:


and b) our science and world is built off of a fake reality:


2. Once we truly grasp this, we can begin to see reality for what it truly is. And once we can, we can begin to wake others so a) they can see that our governments are ruled by a secret elite:


b) and that these elite, will control our government and use propaganda to believe in things that aren't real for their benefit:




Once the masses see this, once the majority of the 300,000,000 of us come to terms with these facts and this reality, we might possibly be able to stop the 545 individuals (0.0001818%) from ruling over us:


Hope this all helps in a starting point!

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Waiting for the majority of 300,000,000 to awake is unnecessary and a losing strategy. A determined minority with truth on their side is sufficient. Always has been.

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I think it's important to do both, although I will say that if people can't grok the truth I tend to leave them behind and keep moving forward.

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As a Jew in New York said, in 1948, about the prospects of anti-Semitic Germany preceding the war, "The pessimists went to New York, and the optimists went to the gas chambers (sic)."

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Is this why NY is full of pessimistic Jews?


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Well said.

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Interesting, until you got to the "once the masses see this..." part. Most Americans, like everyone else on the globe, believe what they are told by what they perceive to be "authority." Getting these people -- probably 60 percent of the population -- to come around will be impossible, in my view. What we are going to wind up with is a kind of civil war, one where the lines drawn will be marked by differing views of reality. I really fear a bloodbath in this country.

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That will not be as bad as the alternative.

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It does help and thank you for your contribution Franklin O'Kanu.

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Thank you, Franklin.

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Please see, as one first and partial step, dis-investment and pooling resources and CREATING OUR OWN ECONOMY. https://donpaul.substack.com/p/the-run-on-chase-customers-abandon

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Like one or more TV stations that tell the truth for a change!

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Amen, old friend. We have no need for fear, the battle ahead is already over, just a bit around the bend in the formerly straight path.

And we have been called to an arms of the spirit, a valor that comes from on high.

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And what about the poor people in Maui that were just evaporated OR do we think it is mostly faked?

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Ed Dowd can shed light on this directly, I tried to raise him on gettr unsuccessfully. Maybe some others can try. He is likely busy under the circumstances. Not sure he knows about the DEW.

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If we know, Dowd knows. He thinks it's brush fires like RFK:


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Yes, but we are running out of time I think. The Evils are ramping things up. We need a Defense of the people from the Evil's offensive Murderous slaughter of so many different ways. I can list 8-10 at least. We need a defensive group plan to defend our health and welfare. And then additionally as the saying goes the best defense ...

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You are not well. Did you talk to MTG today? I always wanted to talk to a Jewish Space Lasers Soros Cabal Pizzagate gate guy.

On second thought, maybe not. Too old to waste my time.

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I think the Feds are setting the fires.

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Led by their bosses, the global cabal.

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Don't think the Feds investigate anything unless told to by their handlers

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Can you say who their handlers are and why most of them would listen to them?

Everybody needs to NOT fall in line and MUST think for themselves, overturning every rock.

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As I understand, it’s the Kahzarian Mafia. They go back thousands of years and title themselves Jews. But they are not Jews.

You can read /watch Videos about this on Rumble. It’s explained by Clif High on his channel but you have to go back at least a year or more to find them. Interesting info.

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Yes, that is my understanding for some of the leaders also. Saw Cliffs videos, thanks, I just like to check with others for feedback.

Now my views are morphing some, based on new information and research. You are probably not going to like the sounds of this and it is somewhat difficult to articulate ( and believe ). It just keeps getting worse doesn't it ?

The real Evil Leaders for NWO ( think GW Bush Sr. ) are the Marxists that "left " Soviet Union in 1980s when the Wall came down AND the Nazi s and offspring from WW 2 and the US Gov - Shadow Gov and Deep State that want to rule the One World Slave System Gov. So I suppose the WEF is being blamed but they are just part of the puzzle and it is really being done by the US O'biden and Hilliary, Kissinger etc. Maybe that is why they are burning us and lasering us and destroying us with poisons in the air and engineered storms and hurricanes and False Flag FIB events.


Thé story goes something like that. That is why the US is tearing down their gov to start the international governance and inviting in all the usual suspects WHO, NATO, China, to help rule the US citizens since they will be the most problematic.

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" are the Marxists that "left " Soviet Union in 1980s"

???!!! Genuine Marxism posits the triumph of the working class against the corporatist globalists, and you have it inverted.

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This is not my expertise so I don't like trying to explain something I am not clear on 😊 This theory was posed by one of the commenters in one of the substacks I read. Don't recall which one. It seems very plausible. Goes like this... When the " Wall fell ", the writer was stating it was a rouse and the Marists joined with the corporate interests and further screwed the working classes and people in Russia. Now these leaders are joining with US who is doing the same thing with gov and corporations. They will be joined by the leaders of the other captured countries. The U.S. may or may not be the ring leader.

Or the writer was saying, as I understood, the true Marists had to leave the Soviet at the time because Marxism was no longer in fashion and went elsewhere for decades and are reemerging now to join the other co operative player countries to create the captors of the Globalist, One World gov.

It is hard to tell one Psych Ops from another but if the US gov D#$E$@&W dept just incinerated their citizens in their homes and demolished a famous idyllic seaside town before our eyes and then joked about it to our faces, to make fun of the American's naivety, which they have great contempt for, it seems the US is likely the ring leader in this take over plot unfortunately. See coffeeandcovidsubstack from yesterday and this substack and TLAV site.


Other assaults by D-#E@%+W courtesy of the US *Offense* dept.


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Have read that the Roman Empire is still in business. Plus many other suspects.

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It's assured. The Roman Empire in its expanding infancy was a force to be reckoned with. But in its decline, circumstances led to the partial handing of her power over to the religious arm, which became the "Holy Roman Empire." Since then it has been her practice to incorporate pagan symbolism and the worshiping of idols to supposedly appease both Christians and Pagans. But there was, and still is, a deceptive, movement behind the scenes, facilitated and performed by the Jesuit Order (the RCC's secret military arm) to undermine the "damage" done to the RC Church by way of the Reformation, which Luther ignited half way through the 16th century. The associated history of such, can still be acquired, but the majority has been diluted, scrubbed, and decimated. If anyone would like to delve into the particulars, they need only to acquire "The Great Controversy" by E.G. White. Find the oldest version possible (1905?) and read "Fox's Book of Martyrs." for a close look at the atrocities performed in the name of "the church" and by the "Society of Jesus" aka the Jesuit Order.

Do not be deceived...Satan is at the commanding helm of the pyramid seen on the back of every dollar bill, being the "all seeing eye of Lucifer." Those submitting and falling in line under the rule of the devil, even those who do not believe they are, are in fact taking part of his scheme; his plan to destroy God's people, His Creation, and his gift to the oppressed followers of the Truth. WE know that gift to be America, but that was THEN, when the nation held a higher moral ground. The covenant between the nation and the Gift Giver, has been annulled, and yet God's Hand is still not fully withdrawn. When that does happen, and that time is surely coming, there will be witnessed ALL of that which is prophesied in Mat. 24, once protection wanes more fully.

Is that good or bad news?


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The Feds may well be the ones doing it...

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