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News from Underground is based on my belief that, like journalists, academics have a civic obligation to help keep the people well-informed, so that American democracy might finally work.
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In memory of those who "died suddenly" in the United States and worldwide, September 19-September 25, 2023
Athletes in the US (4), Colombia (2), Peru, Brazil (2), UK (2), Germany, Austria, Norway, Poland, Romania, Spain (2), Italy, Iraq; doctors in Canada (2), UK, Croatia, Bulgaria, Spain; & more
United States:
Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Brazil and Argentina:
United Kingdom and Ireland:
France, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Norway, Poland, Estonia, Belarus, Czech Rep., Romania, Serbia, Croatia, Bulgaria and Spain:
Ghana, S. Africa, Malta, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Iraq, Ukraine and Russia:
India, Sri Lanka, S. Korea, Malaysia, Australia and New Zealand:
Sri Lanka:
Thank you Mark. It's important to say their names.
A relative of younger age said her friends parents are having heart issues, emergency room visits, heart skipping or racing, young children sick often, one young friend of 35 passed last week after a short battle with lymphoma. Dr. Young and Dr. Ana have it right as far as I am concerned. Too few really addressing the whole scope of it. It makes me lose my confidence in many that pretend to be about transparency as they know and are not discussing the whole scope of this.