In memory of those who "died suddenly" in France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Spain, Croatia, Bulgaria, October 24-October 31
German journalist Michael Caspar; Czech actress Zuzana Burianová ("fell down the stairs"); Icelandic singer Ryan Karazija; Spanish house producer Mighty Mouse; Greek actor Ilias Zervos; & MANY more
The eminent Europeans who “died suddenly” just this past week also include German top chef Heinz Winkler; German photographer Peter Radke; Belgian surfer Christ Houtters; Austrian cabaret artist Helmuth Vavra; Croatian film/TV director Lukas Nola; Finnish rockers “Honey” Aaltonen AND Janne Heiskanen; Danish singer Elisabeth Gjerluff Nielsen and Danish footwear designer Ilse Jacobsen.
Victim of a heart attack at the city-stadium: the teenager died
October 26, 2022
The emergency services were very pessimistic when transporting this 16-year-old teenager to the Emergency Room. And unfortunately, the gloomy predictions married the sad reality: victim of a heart attack, Wednesday around 6:30 p.m. at the city-stadium of Longeville-lès-Metz, the teenager did not survive. According to our information, the teenager felt ill after playing a football match with friends at the city-stadium, located next to the ice rink, on Saint-Symphorien Island. “At the end of the match, he stepped over the barrier and became unwell. His friends rushed to try to give him a cardiac massage,” reported a witness on Wednesday evening. Help came in large numbers: the firefighters of Metz and Montigny-lès-Metz were at the side of the victim, in cardio-respiratory arrest. The Samu medical teams were obviously present, with two vehicles mobilized including the intensive care ambulance. After staying there for a long time to provide the essential medical procedures, the various rescue teams transported the teenager to the Mercy Emergency Room. Unfortunately, the chances of survival were very slim. The boy, did he suffer from a heart defect? Was he the victim of a bad shock with one of his comrades during this little football match? "An investigation for the purpose of finding the causes of death has been opened, it is entrusted to the Metz police station", concluded the public prosecutor soberly.
Saint-Malo: death of a 60-year-old man after an illness on the Môle beach
October 23, 2022
A 60-year-old man fell ill while swimming on Môle beach, Sunday October 23, 2022, in Saint-Malo. Witnesses called the emergency services and quickly got into the water, around 5:30 p.m., to save him. "They managed to get the man out, to whom they began to provide cardiac massage," report our colleagues from Ouest-France. Rescuers tried to resuscitate him when they arrived, but were unsuccessful. The 60-year-old died.
No cause of death reported.
Colleagues and friends say goodbye to Blankenberge kit surfer Christ at sea
October 29, 2022
With a traditional Hawaiian Paddle Out, Christ Houtters, who recently passed away at the age of 60, was said goodbye on the beach of Blankenberge. A large number of surfers entered the water and formed a circle of flowers. The death of Christ Houtters certainly leaves few untouched in the surf community in Blankenberge. After a cremation service earlier in the day, his friends and relatives gathered on the beach of Blankenberge on Friday evening, near the O'Neil surf club. Many surfers went into the water with their boards for a so-called Paddle Out. Christoph Poegnie is clearly still emotional when he tells the story. He was there when his good friend died. “We were here with four comrades for shrimping when he suddenly said he was not feeling well and would go back to the beach. Christ was knee-deep in water when he collapsed. We tried to resuscitate him but no help was needed," says Christoph.
No cause of death reported.
A cop “died suddenly”:
The Brussels Midi police are in mourning
October 26, 2022
The Brussels Midi police (Anderlecht, Saint-Gilles & Forest) are in mourning after losing one of their own: Ronny, struck down by a heart attack at the age of 49. The man had been a police officer for a quarter of a century at the Brussels Midi police. The tragedy occurred this Sunday in his home in Grand-Bigard when he had just been jogging after his service. “We had worked together all weekend, we had seen each other again on Sunday, he left at 4 p.m. in great shape, I told him that I was going to run and he replied that he too. Life is sometimes ruthless, ”says his colleague, Éric, very saddened by this bad news.
Francois Vermeir, 68
October 26, 2022
This week we learned that Coisken Vermeir, 68, passed away suddenly. Until about 2 years, Francois still raced his pigeons with us every week. We would like to wish the family a lot of strength during these difficult days.
No cause of death reported.
Reported on October 20:
'We are not done with our investigation by finding Sanne and Hebe'
October 20, 2022
After a two-day search, the bodies of 10-year-old Hebe and her 26-year-old supervisor Sanne Bos were found in Bos' car last night. Police continued to investigate the accident site. A fatal accident seems the most likely, but there is still plenty to check. "We are not done with our investigation by finding Sanne and Hebe." This will check whether there is anything wrong with the car. The police are also looking at the weather conditions at the location and time of the accident.
Hebe and Sanne had been missing since Monday afternoon, after they left Raamsdonksveer by car from the daytime activities. Sanne was going to take Hebe home to Vught, but they never got there. An Amber Alert was issued Tuesday morning in connection with their disappearance. Late last night it became clear that the two had died. The black car, with two bodies in it, was found by a police helicopter in the water at the bottom of a slope between the A2 and the A59, at the Empel junction near Den Bosch. Today the police confirmed that it was indeed Hebe and Sanne.
The police also wonder how it is possible that the car ended up at such a busy traffic point of the road and that no one sounded the alarm. "If anyone else has seen anything, we hope they will contact us," the police said. Police have no footage of the accident. There are no so-called ANPR cameras at the site of the accident at the Empel junction. That stands for Automatic Number Plate Recognition.
A reader wrote in an email:
The car went straight on a very gradual junction in the freeway. There was no fog, the road was not slippery, and the accident occurred in broad daylight, so environmental conditions were beneficial for safe driving. No other drivers reported the accident, which probably means it was not very busy at the time of the accident and also makes it less likely that the accident was caused by interactions with other vehicles. Police are currently searching for any defects in the car, but I doubt they played a role. There was no need to brake and if the brakes didn't work, the driver could have just steered away from the water. Hebe seems to have multiple handicaps, but I find it strange that Sanne did not get out of the car. Police say they found tire tracks (probably in the grass), but I have not heard any mention of skid marks so probably the driver did not brake.
I would not be surprised at all if Sanne suffered a vaxx-induced black-out/death. A possible alternative explanation is that she was distracted by the child in the back, but it seems unlikely that she would look back for a long enough time just when there is a turn in the road. A third explanation might be that a truck cut her off when she was in its blind spot. It is mentioned that Sanne was an extremely caring person who was devoted to this child, so I regard it as unlikely that she was texting while driving with the child in the car. As is to be expected, no mention was made on Sanne's injection status. Even if it turns out that she was recently boosted and no other plausible explanations are available, the final report will almost certainly not mention this.
Ben Teunissen, Member of Merit, passed away suddenly
October 30, 2022
It is with deep sadness and great sadness that we inform you that Ben Teunissen, one of the highly valued Members of Merit of our association, passed away suddenly on Thursday evening, October 27. Ben was a member of our association from the beginning. In the anniversary issue 25 of OMNES, which fell on the floor of the members the day after his death, he tells about this: “When I decided to take the trip to Rome in 2008, I contacted the then very young association. I immediately thought: I want to belong to this club.” And he did. From 2010 until the end of 2015, he was also the editor-in-chief, illustrator, text and editor-in-chief of “his” OMNES, for which he also coined the name. Ben was a patient, wise and sweet man. His death is a great loss to our association.
No age or cause of death reported.
Two journalists “died suddenly”:
HNA editor Michael Caspar died unexpectedly in the editorial office - an obituary
October 27, 2022
Michael Caspar was a journalist through and through. Someone who could listen, who recognized the topics, who asked questions and wrote down the article legibly. He was happy to fine-tune one or two passages, deleted, added, reformulated. The HNA recognized the value of his work and hired him as an editor for our Mündener Allgemeine on September 1, 2022 at the age of 59. He was happy to have "found a permanent place" at his age. Above all, he was grateful to be able to do what was his passion: write articles. While pursuing this passion last Monday, his life suddenly and without warning was taken from him. The reserved, even his own, with a mischievous sense of humor, Michael Caspar leaves a big gap: as a person, as a very pleasant colleague and as a journalist with excellent connections in the southern Lower Saxony/Northern Hesse region.
No cause of death reported.
Seenland photographer Peter Radke passed away
October 27, 2022
With Peter Radke, a man has now died, with whose eyes many people could see the region. He delivered pictures as a photographer for the company newspaper in Schwarze Pumpe, for the LMBV mining sanatorium, as a photographic companion for the KuFa dance company or as a cameraman for city television. Among other things, his photos in the last three decades have often shown the mining landscape changing into a lake country. Photographer master Peter Radke, born in Greifswald, was also active as a folk high school lecturer and as the artistic head of the Hoyerswerda photo regulars’ table. Peter Radke died last week after a serious illness. He was 70 years old.
No cause of death reported.
Top chef Heinz Winkler is dead
October 29, 2022
The 73-year-old died on Friday after a short, serious illness, it said on Saturday on the homepage of the "Residenz Heinz Winkler" in Aschau im Chiemgau (Rosenheim district). "A legend of culinary art has passed away," it said. Born in South Tyrol, Winkler had three stars for more than 20 years with interruptions. According to the "Residenz Heinz Winkler" in Bolzano, he began his career at the age of 14 with a cooking apprenticeship. He then learned from the chefs of the century, Paul Bocuse and Eckart Witzigmann. According to a statement on Saturday, Eckart Witzigmann said that Winkler's death had hit him very hard. With the "Residenz" in Aschau, Winkler created something great and became part of cooking history in Germany.
No cause of death reported.
Died suddenly and unexpectedly – hit queen Helene Fischer mourns a friend!
October 29 2022
Sad events about our hit queen Helene Fischer! She had just completed a mega concert in Munich in front of 130,000 spectators. It is now known that Helene's good friend and stage manager Andreas Wodziski, whom everyone just called Woody in a friendly way, died suddenly and unexpectedly at the age of just 56. The well-known pop singer also responded to his loss during her concert in Munich. There she explained: "I know very well that many of you have already lost someone or had to let someone go." Helene's eyes visibly filled with tears before she continued: "I now know from my own experience how it hurts does.”
No cause of death reported.
Died suddenly and unexpected on October 17, 2022 at the age of 49
October 26, 2022
Mr. Adi Nellessen from Simmerath-Rurberg. Adi Nellessen joined the municipality on May 1st, 1999 as a worker supervising the municipal canal system Simmerath and was therefore over 23 years in total at the municipality of Simmerath, last as a municipal worker busy at the building yard. We mourn Mr. Nellessen, who was appreciated by all as a conscientious, committed and always friendly employee keep good and grateful memories and honor him preserve memories. Our sincere condolences and sympathy go out to his relatives.
No cause of death reported.
Dr Wolfgang Mewes passed away
October 26, 2022
Dear friends of the nature park: Our initiator, inspirer and long-standing director of the Nossentiner/Schwinzer Heide Nature Park, Dr. Wolfgang Mewes passed away unexpectedly on October 20, 2022. We are stunned and full of sadness. The funeral service will take place on November 12, 2022 in the Karower Meiler.
No age or cause of death given.
The Fulda Referee Association mourns Marko Müller, who died suddenly and unexpectedly on October 6th
October 27, 2022
"The news affects many, because Marko was very much appreciated because of his special commitment to the community. He has worked as a referee for his club Spvgg. For him, this office, which he held for more than 20 years, was an affair of the heart,” writes the Fulda referee association. And further: "His idea of setting up a referee regulars' table ensured a great sense of togetherness among the referees, especially in the High Rhön. The regulars' table was also a welcome opportunity for many referees from the entire district to make their way to the Rhön. Marko Müller will be remembered as an always friendly, sociable and helpful comrade thanks to his dedicated work."
No age or cause of death reported.
Hermann Künzel (1950-2022) passed away
October 28, 2022
The Institute for German Linguistics at the Philipps University of Marburg, the research center "German Language Atlas" and the working group Phonetics mourn the loss of our colleague Prof. Dr. Herman Künzel. He passed away unexpectedly on October 18, 2022. Hermann Künzel was a nationally and internationally recognized phonetician. He has set standards in his specialty of forensic phonetics. With him we are losing a valued colleague with whom we were closely connected. We express our sincere condolences to his family.
Killed in a “vaxxident”:
Traffic accident - car drives against electric mast
October 28, 2022
At around 10:40 p.m., the 63-year-old driver of a Mercedes-Benz lost control while driving on Am Hohen Weg, probably due to cardiac problems, and left the road at the intersection with Praunheimer Landstrasse. The car then broke through several fence elements of the railway system there, crossed the railway tracks, crashed into a catenary mast and came to a standstill. Two uninvolved men were able to get the 63-year-old out of the vehicle. First aid was provided on site by rescue workers and they were taken to a nearby hospital. However, the 63-year-old died after unsuccessful resuscitation. Rail traffic had to be temporarily suspended. No other people were injured. The investigations are ongoing.
Cabaret artist Helmuth Vavra passed away at the age of just 56
October 30, 2022
The cabaret artist and author Helmuth Vavra, the head behind the formation Heilbutt & Rosen, is dead. The 56-year-old Viennese "lost his brave fight against his serious illness yesterday," as his artist agency announced on Monday. As a producer and actor, he brought around 20 programs to the stage with the group, which consists of changing members. But Vavra was also active as a soloist and presented "Vavra's Bed Stories" in 2010 and "Che GueVavra" in 2016.
No cause of death reported.
Medical emergency: Man died on Verditz
October 30, 2022
Shortly before 12 noon, several rescue workers moved to the area around Verditz, a popular hiking destination in the Nockberge. A short time later, it quickly became clear that it was a medical emergency. "A hiker collapsed on a forest road and lay lifeless," explained a member of the Villach Mountain Rescue Service. The emergency medical team of the rescue helicopter "RK1" tried to resuscitate the man - in vain. The mountain rescue and the alpine police brought the body down to the valley.
No age or cause of death reported.
Zuzana Burianová died: Tragic fall from the stairs! She did not get to return to the Czech Republic
October 26, 2022
Her last wish - to spend Christmas in the Czech Republic - will no longer be fulfilled. Actress and singer Zuzana Burianová died in Switzerland, where she lived, just three weeks after her 75th birthday. "Mommy fell down the stairs, broke her leg and got knocked around. She probably got an embolism," Zuzan's daughter Kateřina Kergalová told Blesk. Just a week ago, she went to see her mother and she assured her that she would get better. She was already looking forward to returning to the Czech Republic.
Parents mourn the deaths of their children with Pfizer-branded white coffins
October 26, 2022
White coffins with the names of the children who died suddenly. The coffins were placed in a provincial town in Switzerland with the names of the children who died suddenly next to the logo of Pfizer, the manufacturer of the Covid-19 vaccine. I limit myself - respecting the pain of these parents - to renew the invitation to carefully read page 8) of the new package insert of the drug / vaccine Covid-19 mRNA produced by Pfizer. "The safety and efficacy of Comirnaty Original / Omicron BA.4-5 in children under the age of 12 have not yet been established. There are no data available”. Little else to add.
Fatal accidents in water have increased sharply
October 29, 2022
After the extremely hot summer, the Swiss life-saving society SLRG draws a tragic balance. By September 15, the long-term average of around 46 fatal drownings per year had been significantly exceeded. At times, the prolonged hot temperatures this year may have lured more people to, in and on the water and thus also increased the likelihood of drowning accidents. Most of the cases were recorded in open water. Around 90 percent of the deaths occurred on and in open water (a good 60 percent of them in lakes and almost 40 percent in rivers). The majority of all cases affect men, who make up almost 80 percent of all drowning victims, which corresponds to the long-term average, according to a media release. While the age group between 15 and 30 years, which is particularly at risk on a ten-year average, showed a constantly high number of drowning cases, the number of fatal drowning accidents in the age group between 70 and 85 years has increased sharply. A total of three fatal drowning accidents were recorded in bathing establishments. Two of these affected children aged four and five years respectively. The third case involved a 46-year-old man who developed a medical problem while swimming.
Ryan Karazija, Lead Singer From Death Stranding's Low Roar, Has Died
October 30, 2022
The award-winning Death Stranding was praised for its interesting story, atmospheric world, and unique gameplay paired with an equally immersive soundtrack. Low Roar is an Icelandic post-rock/electronica project founded by American immigrant Ryan Karazija. Per Low Roar's social media post, the band paid tribute to Karazija, calling him the driving force behind Low Roar. They attributed him for the music and lyrics that touched the lives of many people, as well as their distinct sound thanks to his haunting voice. Death Stranding creator Kojima also expressed his shock over Karazija's sudden passing, stating that the game would not have been complete without Low Roar's music.
No cause of death reported. Karazija was 40.
More people fall ill and die - doctor sounds the alarm
October 27, 2022
I am worried. We have already reached the number of patients that we had expected only in 2025, says Jørn Einar Rasmussen, head of the Norwegian Association for Acute and Outpatient Medicine. He is currently an emergency specialist at Drammen Hospital. Now he is experiencing a disturbing trend. “We often have more than 100 patients in a day. There are well-adult people with all sorts of ailments. We don't understand why,” says Rasmussen. Emergency specialist Jørn Einar Rasmussen is head of the Association for Emergency and Hospital Medicine. He has been in contact with several other emergency departments in the country. All report a mysterious increase in the number of patients. Few of them are sick with covid. “There are no diseases that stand out in particular. It is worrying,” says Rasmussen. Now the emergency specialist is calling out a warning to the health authorities. “We see that it is necessary to speak out about this trend. If this continues, it could put the hospitals in a pressured situation in the future. In December, the employees at the emergency departments in Helse Sør-Øst will gather for a meeting to survey the situation.”
At the same time, the death toll is also increasing. In Norway, an increased mortality rate of more than 10 percent has been recorded so far this year. “This is more than we had expected. The figures are partly inexplicable,” says demographer Anders Sønstebø at Statistics Norway. So far this year, 3,250 more deaths have been registered, compared to the same period in 2019. A large proportion of this increase is due to deaths as a result of the pandemic. The figures also show that the deaths largely occur among the oldest in the population. Nevertheless, the excess mortality is so high that it makes statisticians raise their eyebrows. “I think that we may have to adjust life expectancy for both sexes down in 2022,” says Sønstebø. In that case, it is the first time in 25 years. Life expectancy for men has risen steadily since 1997. And Norway is not in a special position. Figures from Eurostat, which is Europe's statistical agency, show that mortality has increased sharply in several countries.
“We are aware that admissions at the hospitals have been persistently high in recent months. We are concerned,” says Assistant Director of Health in the Directorate of Health, Espen Rostrup Nakstad. He fears that influenza, combined with a new corona wave this winter, could lead to increased pressure on the health service. "That is why it is important that people follow the advice to take a booster dose of the corona vaccine, or flu vaccine if they are in the risk groups".
Gothenburg city mission CEO Lotta Säfström is dead
October 26, 2022
Lotta Säfström, CEO of Gothenburg City Mission, has passed away suddenly. The organization announces this on its website. She was 61 years old. She took up her post as CEO of the organization in 2010. Now she is mourned by her colleagues, the organization writes on its website: "Lotta had a great commitment and a big heart for vulnerable people, which marked her entire life, both professionally and privately". For Eva Eriksson, chairman of the board for the city mission in Gothenburg, the news came as a shock. “She was at full speed the week before. It leaves a void, you don't know how to handle it. One can find comfort in the fact that she was a fantastic person and that she did what she did for the city mission in Gothenburg.”
No cause of death reported.
Two rockers “died suddenly”:
Finnish Blues Society: musician and writer Honey Aaltonen has died
October 29, 2022
In the early evening of Saturday, sad news began to spread widely on social media, according to which the musician and writer Isko Kaleva "Honey" Aaltonen has died. Now the Finnish Blues Society/Blues News Magazine has confirmed the information on their Facebook page. Aaltonen was known, among other things, as a musician, composer, producer and lyricist, journalist and writer. As a musician, Aaltonen played in bands such as Krazy Kats, Tortilla Flat, Downhome Boys, U-Bayou, Teendreams and Big Bertha & The Bulldozers. As a versatile multitasker in the music field, Aaltonen served for a long time on the board of the previously mentioned Finnish Afro-American Music Association, and also became known to many from behind the counter of the Fennica record store in Helsinki.
Aaltonen was born in 1960. No cause of death reported.
Janne Heiskanen, ex-drummer of The Rasmus band, has died
October 28, 2022
The Rasmus tells about the death of its original drummer on social media The Rasmus band shares the sad news on their Instagram account. Janne Heiskanen, 43, the band's former drummer, has died. “We received sad news last night: Janne Heiskanen has passed away. Rest in peace Janne 1979-2022. You will live forever in our memories.” He played in the band between 1994 and 1999 and was involved in the albums Peep, Playboys and Hell of a Tester. The band writes that Heiskanen composed and performed the title track of the first album, Peep. In the post, The Rasmus sends its condolences to Heiskanen's family and loved ones.
No cause of death reported.
Two killed in a “vaxxident”:
Two died in a serious traffic accident in Luumäki - two children were seriously injured
October 25, 2022
Two people have died in a traffic accident on Kuutostie in Luumäki, the police informs. The victims were adults riding in a car. In addition, two passengers of the car have been seriously injured. According to the fire marshal on duty, the injured are children and they have been transported to Helsinki for treatment. The truck driver survived the accident without physical injuries, but was very upset after the events. The driver was taken to South Karelia Central Hospital for treatment. For an unknown reason, the passenger car had started to roll and ran into the left side of the front of the oncoming truck. According to the fire chief, the road was a little slippery at the time of the incident, but not icy. The road curves gently at the accident site and there is a 100 km/h speed limit in the area.
Elisabeth Gjerluff Nielsen: Cause of death published
October 28, 2022
Earlier this week, Avisen.dk could also report that the singer Elisabeth Gjerluff Nielsen had died at the age of just 65 after a short illness. The news naturally caused many people to both remember and mourn a fantastic singer who passed away far too soon. In an email to Ritzau, the singer's two daughters wrote that Elisabeth Gjerluff Nielsen fell asleep peacefully, surrounded by her family. In an obituary, the daughters, Rosa Marie Gjerluff Nyholm and Barbara Gjerluff Nyholm, now also write that the cause of death was cancer. “Our beloved Elisabeth fell asleep peacefully on Monday, October 24, surrounded by her family. She died after a short course of illness with cancer,” the daughters write in the obituary published in Politiken.
Danish Footwear Designer Ilse Jacobsen Dies at 62
October 29, 2022
Danish footwear designer Ilse Rohde Jacobsen died on Sunday, Oct. 23, after a long battle with cancer. She was 62. According to a statement released by her company earlier this week, Jacobsen had been engaged in her fight against cancer since August 2021 and had been enduring intensive treatment ever since she was diagnosed. “Today we mourn the loss of Ilse — our founder, fighter, entrepreneur, wife, mother, daughter, sister, employer, business partner and friend,” the company said in the statement. “May she rest in peace.” In a similar statement released by the brand’s U.S. distributor, Lines of Denmark , the team wrote that they had the “pleasure and privilege” of telling Ilse’s story in the U.S. and will “continue to carry on her legacy with pride and in partnership” with the brand’s retailer partners.
Denmark's "vaccination" drive began in December 2020:
Denmark’s Covid vaccination campaign began soon after Christmas in 2020. Some 4.8 million citizens have been vaccinated, the health authority said, with more than 3.6 million people receiving a booster shot.
Legendary house producer Mighty Mouse dies “suddenly”
October 26, 2022
DJ and producer Mighty Mouse has died at the age of 48. The news was shared by Defected Records yesterday (October 25), with the label writing that he had “died suddenly” from an aortic aneurysm. “We are devastated to confirm that Matthew Ward aka Mighty Mouse, died suddenly last Thursday at his home in Spain,” their statement reads.
Mighty Mouse was “vaccinated”:
Mighty Mouse posts June 12, 2021: “1st vaccine jab done, I was definitely a bit nervous but pleased to have it.”
Los Gofiones mourn the death of Noé Peña
October 30, 2022
The world of music in Gran Canaria and also throughout the Canary Islands is in mourning. This Saturday, Noé Peña, member of Los Gofiones and Director of the Music Schools of San Bartolomé de Tirajana, and representative of folklore and traditions in San Bartolomé de Tirajana, died suddenly. Upon learning of Peña's death, the networks have been filled with messages of mourning.
No age or cause of death reported.
Lawyer Ignacio de la Iglesia-Caruncho dies at the age of 61 in A Coruña
October 24, 2022
Lawyer Ignacio de la Iglesia-Caruncho García died this Sunday at the age of 61 after an illness that was detected last year. He was married and had three minor children. Law graduate and practicing lawyer since 1989, he was the managing partner of the Caruncho y Tomé law firm, with offices in A Coruña, Vigo and Madrid, and a specialist in legal advice for the company. The law firm and tax advisers in which he practiced his profession has extensive experience in different tax and law matters and provides services to both companies and individuals.
No cause of death reported.
Former Lanzarote politician Pedro de Armas dies of a heart attack in Argentina
October 29, 2022
The former Lanzarote politician Pedro de Armas Sanginés has died as a result of a heart attack while he was in Argentina, as it transpired this Saturday. Pedro de Armas was president of the Cabildo de Lanzarote between 1996 and 1997, as well as director of the public company Gesplan and councilor in the City Council of Arrecife.
No age reported.
Two former mayors “died suddenly”:
Francisco Mestanza León, former mayor of Bujalance, dies
October 28, 2022
The former mayor of Bujalance, Francisco Mestanza León, died in the early hours of Thursday, victim of a heart attack, at 66 years of age. A well-liked person in the town and in Morente, where he helped many of the neighbors to solve administrative procedures, since he had been an official of the INEM.
The former mayor of Aspe Roberto Iglesias dies at the age of 62
October 30, 2022
The former mayor of Aspe Roberto Iglesias Jiménez has died this Sunday at the age of 62 after suffering from a serious illness for a few months. Iglesias replaced the socialist Miguel Iborra at the head of the Aspe mayor's office after his sudden death in July 2004 and after losing the mayor's office in the 2007 municipal elections, he resigned and returned to his post as an official in the City Council's economy department of Aspé. During several legislatures, his kind character and his great human values made him very loved and appreciated in his native town and, especially, by his co-workers at the City Council. A few months ago he was diagnosed with terminal cancer and in his last days he has been admitted to the Hospital de Sant Joan.
Rodrigo Burgos, former director of the Morales de Toro Wine Museum and director of the Estrella Galicia Museum, dies at the age of 44
October 26, 2022
Rodrigo Burgos Ortega, former director of the Wine Museum of Pagos del Rey in Morales de Toro, died yesterday suddenly at 44 years of age, shocking not only the region of Toro but the entire wine and culture sector, where he has left an indelible mark. The mayor of Toro, Tomás del Bien, dedicated a heartfelt farewell highlighting the great contribution of the professional to the development of the area. "Suddenly, without expecting it, Rodrigo Burgos has left us.”
No cause of death reported.
“Died suddenly” on the street:
A 34-year-old woman dies in the historic center of Talavera
November 1, 2022
A 34-year-old woman died this Tuesday, November 1, after losing consciousness in the middle of a public thoroughfare in the Historic Center of Talavera de la Reina. The woman was unconscious on Calle del Teatro, in the heart of the City of Ceramics, at number 12, next to a well-known local for drinks and in front of the stage door of the Victoria Theatre. Despite attempts to resuscitate the woman, the health services could not do anything for her, so they certified her death. The main hypothesis that is considered for her death is that the woman has suffered a heart attack. As La Voz del Tajo has learned, an autopsy will be performed this Wednesday to confirm the reason for her death.
Two killed in “vaxxidents”:
A driver suffers an indisposition at the wheel and dies in Corcubión (A Coruña)
October 25, 2022
A driver has lost his life this Tuesday in Corcubión (A Coruña). According to 112, although the causes are being ratified definitively, the circumstances indicate that he would have suffered an indisposition prior to the accident. The incident occurred on the AC-445, as it passed through the town hall of A Coruña and it was a private individual who raised the alarm at 11.45 am, after finding the victim unconscious inside the vehicle, who had left the road. An operation formed by professionals of Urxencias Sanitarias de Galicia-061 and the agents of the Civil Guard, who will be responsible for ratifying the causes of death, was mobilized for the intervention.
No age reported.
Logroño declares two days of mourning for the death of the president of the Plenary, Francisco Pérez
October 27, 2022
The city of Logroño is in mourning. It will be two days with a flag at half mast as a sign of mourning because this Thursday the councilor and president of the Plenary of the Corporation, Francisco Javier Pérez Diego, has died. His death occurred in a traffic accident he suffered in the morning when he was driving his car along the old route of the LR-345 road, in La Unión de los Tres Ejércitos (Clavijo). The SOS-Rioja said that the warning came from the wrecked vehicle itself and that the emergency services could not do anything to save the driver, while the co-pilot, who was trapped, was transferred to the Emergency Department of the San Pedro Hospital. In the incident, which occurred very close to the mayor's home, only his vehicle was involved, which rammed without falling or braking the guardrail in which it was embedded, so that the car did not rush down a slope and did not overturn. The strong blow to the vehicle occurred on the right side, where the co-pilot was traveling, so it is not ruled out that the death has to do with a previous indisposition that would have motivated the accident. With 53 years of age in September, Francisco Pérez, president of the Gylda association from 2005 to 2012, was councilor of Clavijo between 2007 and 2011, and then independent mayor of this town in the 2011-2015 legislature.
Sudden death of a 16-year-old firefighter on her way to school
October 25, 2022
A 16-year-old girl died after suffering decompensation and seizures in a house in the Los Notros neighborhood of the Santa Cruz city of El Calafate on her way to school. According to local media, it is Camila Díaz, who had left her home moments before to take the bus that would bring her to Secondary School 9 - El Calafate where she was in her third year. Shortly after leaving the young woman decompensated, so the neighbors called the Emergency Department saying that she was having seizures and breathing problems and, immediately, the doctors went to Las Araucarias Manzana 942 street where they did cardiopulmonary resuscitation maneuvers and transferred the teenager to the hospital, but unfortunately she died. The news shocked the educational community of the school where the young woman attended and the directors decided to immediately suspend classes. Meanwhile, the Investigating Judge Dr. Carlos Narvarte ordered the autopsy performed by the forensic doctor and, as it transpired, it was determined that the death was sudden death caused by an acute heart attack.
Two farmers “died suddenly”:
A 23-year-old cattle rancher who had disappeared in Amieva dies
October 26, 2022
The Emergency Service of the Principality of Asturias (SEPA) has located last night in Amieva the body of a 23-year-old farmer after his family warned that he had not returned after leaving home to go see the cattle. The lifeless body of the young man was located by a cynological team of the Canine Rescue Unit of SEPA, formed by two guides and a dog, in a bush about 200 meters from the place where he had his vehicle, a quad, in an area known as La Visitancia.
No cause of death reported.
A farmer dies on an agricultural farm in Benicarló
October 25, 2022
A farmer dies in Benicarló. According to local media, the man was working on a farm when he may have suffered a cardiac arrest that caused his death. Units of the Civil Guard, the Local Police and the health services moved to the place, with a SAMU unit and Basic Life Support to perform the farmer of about 44 years of age the CPR tests but they could not revive the body. The body was transferred to the Institute of Legal Medicine where an autopsy is performed to know the exact causes of death.
Two cops “died suddenly”:
Benigno Moldes, head of the Local Police of Ponteareas, dies suddenly
October 30, 2022
Benigno Moldes, head of the Local Police of Ponteareas, died suddenly this afternoon while practicing sports. Sources of the City Council confirm that Moldes, approximately 55 years old, would have gone out to ride a bike, as he usually did, and would have suffered an indisposition near Arcade. The emergency services learned of the event around 3:30 p.m. Both the Local Police and the emergency services moved quickly to the scene and despite attempts to revive him, they could do nothing to save his life. Police sources report that he predictably died of a heart attack. Benigno, who had been working as a civil servant for more than 30 years, attended this week an event organized by the Provincial Council of Pontevedra to promote a new model of city.
A Civil Guard Corporal Stationed in Almeria Dies Unexpectedly of "Natural Causes"
October 26, 2022
One more day, we are obliged to communicate the unexpected death of a colleague. Pedro Sáez López, 1st Corporal of the Civil Guard in active and assigned to the Command of Almería has died of "natural causes" this past October 25, 2022. As usual, the media have not echoed the news, and it has been disseminated through different accounts related to the Benemérita in social networks. Again the messages of condolence and surprise at the unexpectedness of the news have flooded the accounts that have dared to publish it.
No age or cause of death reported.
A man dies while cleaning a path for a mountain race in Alicante
October 24, 2022
A man died on Monday due to a cardiorespiratory arrest while cleaning a path where a mountain race will run in Coll del Llamp, near the summit of Ponoch, located in Polop de la Marina (Alicante), reported the Provincial Consortium of Firefighters of Alicante and the Center for Information and Coordination of Emergencies (CICU). Around 2:35 p.m., firefighters have received a notice to rescue him and a Basic Life Support (SVB), a medicalized helicopter Alpha 01 rescue and members of the mountain rescue group GER of the provincial fire department, as well as the Civil Guard, have been mobilized to the place. Upon the arrival of the firefighters, the man was in cardiorespiratory arrest and, after practicing cardiorespiratory maneuvers, the medical team of the Provincial Consortium of Firefighters of Alicante has confirmed the death. Finally, at 4.15 pm, the body has been transferred to the Benidorm fire station.
No age reported.
A cyclist dies on a forest track in Caldas
October 30, 2022
A neighbor of Padrón of about 53 years has died on Sunday morning on a forest track in Caldas de Reis when he was cycling with a group of about eight fans of this sport. Everything indicates that the man suffered an indisposition that caused his fall. The 112 received the warning about 11.30 am when it was reported that the cyclist could be injured, so it mobilized a medical helicopter while the victim's companions tried to revive him. The doctors of the helicopter and the PAC of Caldas could only certify his death, apparently because of a heart attack, not as a result of an accident, according to sources of Civil Protection of Cuntis, who also went to the place.
25-year-old man found unresponsive at rest area
October 28, 2022
A 25-year-old man died this Thursday at the end of the day at the Montélimar-Est rest area on the A7 towards Lyon [France]. When the emergency services arrived, they found that this Spanish national was in cardiorespiratory arrest. He could not be resuscitated despite cardiac massage given earlier. An autopsy is to be performed on Friday.
Award-Winning Croatian Film and TV Director Lukas Nola Dies
October 29, 2022
Lukas Nola, 59, passed away today in Zagreb, after a long battle with cancer, Croatian media reports. His debut was in 1993, when he made a made-for-TV movie "When Nobody is Watching". His subsequent movies, "Every Time We Part" (1994) and "Russian Meat" (1995) were hits, winning awards at the Pula Festival and getting turned into popular TV series. He combined the genres of thriller, melodrama and detective story, was preoccupied with his original characters and was heavily influenced by David Lynch.
Bulgarian driver struck down by heart attack
October 23, 2010
A 60-year-old man collapsed this Sunday morning, on the Ecot area, in the Doubs [France]. The man of Bulgarian nationality told one of his colleagues that he was not feeling well. He got out of his cabin before falling inert on the asphalt. Witnesses and paramedics tried to resuscitate him. In vain. The man died at the scene. The gendarmes went to the scene and made the first observations of the incident.
No cause of death reported.
Elvir Panjeta, a longtime media worker, has passed away
October 31, 2022
Long-time media worker Elvir Panjeta died at the age of 37, and many colleagues, journalists, videographers, editors, presenters, are saying goodbye to him. During his career, Elvir Panjeta worked for BHRT, Nova BH and TV Una. He died in his home in Sarajevo, and the cause of death is currently unknown. Journalist Arijana Saračević Helać wrote on her Facebook that Elvir was the son of the Golden Lily (Zijo Panjeta) who died defending his homeland at Žuča. "Dušica, Sunčica, Ljepotica. That's what I called him and felt. The heart of our humble, honest, beautiful Panja fell silent... The television community loved him. We are sad, dear Panja, and we love you very much. This sadness is simply unbearable. He was still laughing last night," wrote Saračević-Helać. Numerous other colleagues of Panjeta are also saying goodbye on social networks with emotional messages and words of praise for Elvira.
Ilias Zervos: The actor from "Konstantinos and Helens" died suddenly
October 31, 2022
Ilias Zervos, the actor who became known to the general public through the role of Konstantinos Katakouzinos' lawyer, Nikos Grevias, in the successful ANT1 series, "Konstantinos and Elenis", passed away suddenly. The unpleasant news was announced by Spyros Bimilas through a relevant post on his Facebook account. "It is with great sadness that we have just learned some tragic news. Our beloved Ilias Zervos left us suddenly. Our good friend, our worthy multitalented colleague, who left his mark on Theater and TV with wonderful roles, who gave his special voice to dozens of cartoon heroes and was loved by young and old, the actor fighting for the rights of actors left quietly... Our beloved friend, have a good trip..." wrote the actor. He was 65.
EuroLeague champion (1997) Anatoly Zourpenko passed away Monday at the age of 46
October 25, 2022
"Olympiacos BC extends our heartfelt sorrow for the death of Anatoly Zourpenko at the age of 46. Our sincere condolences go to his family and his loved ones. Safe travels, Anatoly... RIP," Olympiacos announcement reads. Zourpenko wore the Olympiacos jersey for three years (1995-98) and was a member of the team that celebrated winning the triple crown -- Greek League, Greek Cup, and EuroLeague -- in 1997. The Russian-Greek big man also played at the 1997 McDonald's Championship Final against the Chicago Bulls. During his 15-year club career, Zourpenko represented Greek clubs such as Papagou, Maroussi, Near East, Panellinios, and Ilysiakos.
No cause of death reported.
The Director of the Hospital's Nursing Service died suddenly
October 30, 2022
Sadness in Karysto Evia for the sudden death of the Director of the Nursing Service of the Hospital. Evdoxia Xipolitou passed away on Saturday, October 29, at the age of just 57. She was particularly well known in the area and worked for many years at the Karystos Hospital.
No cause of death reported.
Arta: He died suddenly in front of his friends
October 31, 2022
Tragedy in Mesopyrgos, Arta, where a 49-year-old man died while he was out with his friends. According to the epirus-tv-news website, the 49-year-old suddenly felt unwell and told his friends that he did not feel well. The friends were worried and mobilized immediately. The man was taken to the Ano Kalentini Health Center, where despite the efforts of the doctors to bring him back to life, he did not succeed. His friends are in a state of shock and cannot believe what happened from one moment to the next. The autopsy that will be carried out will shed light on the cause of death of the unfortunate 49-year-old.
Tragedy in Volos: 32-year-old died suddenly while sleeping
October 31, 2022
Another man passed away prematurely in his sleep in the early hours of Monday. This was a 32-year-old woman who lived with her father in Volos. As magnesianews.gr reports, the elderly man found his daughter unconscious in her bed at 4.45 in the morning and notified the emergency department. Rescuers rushed to the scene and took the woman to the hospital, where she was pronounced dead. The Police were informed about the sudden death, information indicates that the unfortunate woman was facing problems, the possibility of criminal activity was ruled out and an autopsy was ordered to establish the exact cause of her death.
He passed away ... on the night of his celebration
October 27, 2022
He died in his sleep on the night of his celebration, from a stroke, a young man, plunging his family, relatives and friends in Heraklion and Panagia of the Municipality of Minoa, his place of origin, into mourning. This is Dimitris Vidakis, a man of morals, a good family man and a successful professional, who was well-known and especially loved in the professional-business circles in the local community of Atsaleni, where he grew up and more widely in the society of Heraklion. As everyone says, he was cheerful, had no health problems and that he was a person always with a smile, optimistic and happy with his professional activity as a technician in the electrification of large units, hotels, oil mills, etc.
No age reported.
Lamentation – He died suddenly at the age of 40
October 31, 2022
Mourning in the village of Neohori in the Municipality of Istiaea Edipsos, as a 40-year-old man suddenly passed away, leaving his relatives, friends and fellow villagers in mourning. As evima.gr reports, this is Nikos Alexiou, one of the most beloved children of the village, who worked in a transport company.
K. Arapogiannis, who died suddenly while fishing in Aspropotamos, will be buried tomorrow
October 26, 2022
On Thursday 27 – 10 – 2022 at 12 noon, in the Holy Church of Agios Georgios Paleochori Gardiki Trikala, Kostas Arapogiannis will be buried who suddenly passed away at the age of 69 while fishing in Aspropotamos, below Gardiki, at noon Monday.
And another long list, and again the ages seem to be decreasing. So many deaths. Young and old, many described as very healthy. The Pfizer coffins of the children are absolutely awful. Is it real or photoshopped? Horrifying.
Damn, for that period between school and college I was obsessed with the Rasmus :(