On this 60th anniversary of JFK's assassination, "Four Died Trying" will begin to tell you WHY they murdered him—and also Malcolm, King & RFK (with LINK)
Years in the making, this is the ONLY documentary that illuminates the motives for those FOUR key assassinations, showing how they warped American democracy, and made the world we're living in today
As it was sixty years ago today that JFK was murdered in broad daylight, in the streets of Dallas—a catastrophic crime that “our free press” instantly, and grossly, misreported, as they’ve been doing ever since—it is more than fitting that today we start to set the record straight, by putting out the prologue to Four Died Trying, a documentary series in a class all by itself: https://www.fourdiedtrying.com/
While several other documentaries have also been released to mark this anniversary, none of them deals so comprehensively not just with that first major murder in the Sixties, but with all four whereby the US government and its accomplices killed off our best potential leaders, all variously capable of unifying the rest of us against the US war machine, which—therefore—is now raging all around the world (including Gaza), and has also now been wreaking havoc here, through its affiliation with the juggernaut of “public health.”
Whereas most investigations of JFK/Dallas, and of each of those three other murders, tend to over-focus on the “true crime” aspect of the story, digging through the forensic weeds of how the victim was bumped off, Four Died Trying, while shedding crucial light on why all four were killed, also delves into the how, but more deeply and authoritatively—and vividly—than other documentaries, by mining an extraordinary range of in-depth interviews with numerous survivors of that bloody era: family members, eyewitnesses, close associates, investigators, and even relatives of perpetrators. (Some of them—Dick Gregory, Mort Sahl, Paul Schrade and others—gave us their last interviews.)
Let me add that, while those four martyrs (all of them, it is worth noting, men of faith) were certainly the most important of those murdered to maintain the deadly status quo, they were by no means the only ones. As students of the Dallas operation know, LBJ once told a journalist, vis-a-vis US efforts to kill Castro, that JFK was “operating a damn Murder, Inc. in the Caribbean”—a typically misleading statement, and not just because it wasn’t really JFK per se who had been “operating” all those efforts, but because it wasn’t only Castro who was in the US cross-hairs, but many others, too—others also murdered by the CIA and/or FBI et al.
Among the many others whose untimely deaths must also now be reconsidered in conjunction with those four key murders are Patrice Lumumba, Dag Hammarskjold, Fred Hampton, Thomas Merton, Walter Reuther, Mary Pinchot Meyer, Allard Lowenstein, Dorothy Kilgallen, Eladio del Valle, Johnny Roselli, Sam Giancana, George de Morenschildt, Hale Boggs, A.D. King (MLK’s younger brother), along with—of course—Jack Ruby, and those many others who “knew too much” to be allowed to live to tell their stories. Nor does the list stop there, since all too many others also have been murdered since that fabled epoch—John Lennon, Paul Wellstone, Danny Casolaro, Athan Gibbs, Michael Hastings and Seth Rich, among others—as those with eyes wide open know full well. That toll, and the true history of that quadripartite martyrdom, requires us to demand the fullest possible accounting, and not just by the complete release of all the documents still classified (since such murders tend not to be documented), but by the fullest possible investigation of our lethal government’s covert misdeeds—an inquiry that would pick up where the Church Committee left off in 1975, having only scratched the surface of this mammoth, endless criminal conspiracy.
And we can best begin to work toward that urgent reckoning by dedicating this dark anniversary to studying, and sharing, the prologue to Four Died Trying (a project that, I’m proud to say, I worked on as a consulting producer, and also served as an interviewee). Having been in the works since 2016, Four Died Trying is, necessarily, a series whose episodes will keep appearing through the months, or even years, to come, in order to awaken those still able to wake up, so as to realize, at last, the broken promise of American democracy.
"To see where we are, look where we've been" ... great tag line!
Says it all.
Interesting trailer: