In memory of those who “died suddenly” in Italy, January 22, 2024-January 29, 2024
Kickboxing champ Miriam Vivarini (37); journo Renato Rocco; environmentalist Alberto Pivato (48); 2 boys (8 & 10); 6 while out and about; 8 at home; 5 in “vaxxidents”; & more
Body found at home: Miriam Vivarini, former kickboxing champion, dead at 37
January 28, 2024
She was 37 years old Miriam Francesca Vivarini, Kickboxing champion, found dead at home suddenly at the age of 37 in Pescara, a few days ago. She was found lifeless in her apartment. Known among friends and acquaintances for a marked trait of kindness, Miriam Vivarini - who was also a psychologist - was known among athletes for the determination she showed in the ring which led her to excel in kickboxing, winning, in addition to the Italian titles, regional and interregional, even global.
No cause of death reported.
Journalist: Renato Rocco, died in Naples. He was 71, taken by a sudden illness
January 24, 2024
Naples - Journalism mourns the sudden death of Renato Rocco, 71, a Neapolitan reporter. He was cut down by a heart attack while at home with his sons, Edoardo and Antonio, who lost their mother, Alessandra Origo, also a journalist, on Nov. 3. Rocco was known and appreciated for his decades of work in various newspapers but also for his commitment to the association side of the category.
Three professors “died suddenly”:
Veneto - professor dies suddenly at the age of 48
January 25, 2024
It is a sad moment for the community of Ponzano Veneto (Treviso), struck by a serious loss with the premature death of Professor Alberto Pivato, esteemed environmental expert, researcher, and professor of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the University of Padua. The news of the death came through the mayor of Ponzano, Antonello Baseggio, who expressed his condolences on Facebook, underlining the profound sadness for the loss of a friend and professional of great value. The news was confirmed by his wife Sara, who found her husband unconscious at home on January 24th. An immediate 118 intervention and a subsequent surgery at Ca' Foncello failed to save him. Professor Alberto Pivato, born on January 12, had turned forty-eight a few days before his death.
No cause of death reported.
The University of Messina mourns Professor Eugenio Guglielmino: Pain for the entire academic community
January 29, 2024
Mourning at the University of Messina for the sudden death of professor Eugenio Guglielmino. Director of the University's Engineering department since 2021, he has held numerous positions. Author of over two hundred publications, he is remembered by his students and colleagues as a brilliant teacher, in love with his work. Guglielmino was also an international advisor of Panathlon International and Past Governor of Area 9 Sicily.
No age or cause of death reported.
Intellectual and multifaceted, farewell to GianMario Raggetti: the professor died last night
January 26, 2024
Ancona – “It was with great sadness that I learned the sad news of the passing of Professor GianMario Raggetti [right]. A multifaceted intellectual of great depth who during his brilliant career has always tried to overcome the barriers of his academic studies aimed at the field of economics to embrace with curious intelligence the world of visual arts and especially photography". Thus, the group leader regional Democratic Party Maurizio Mangialardi remembers the figure of Professor GianMario Raggetti, who suddenly passed away last night aged 77. “His sudden passing leaves a void that will certainly be difficult to fill. My heartfelt thanks go to his wife Marisa, to all his family and to the many friends who loved and appreciated him and sincere condolences."
No cause of death reported.
Gornate Olona mourns little Kevin Palmieri, funeral on Wednesday afternoon
January 23, 2024
The funeral of little Kevin Palmieri, the eight-year-old boy who died in Bergamo hospital after a sudden illness that struck him on Saturday evening, will take place tomorrow afternoon, Wednesday 24 January. After the arrival of the air ambulance and the emergency transport to the Papa Giovanni XXIII hospital, the doctors' desperate attempts to save him. Then on Sunday the terrible news of his unexpected death shocked the entire community of Gornate Olona.
No cause of death reported.
Tragedy of Matthew, who died suddenly at age 10: "You made our life extraordinary, we will continue to love you"
January 25, 2024
Parma - Matteo Cerato died at just 10 years old after being rushed to the intensive care unit of Parma's Maggiore Hospital. His death still has no explanation: only the outcome of the autopsy will establish with certainty the cause of death. Matteo was in grade 5 B at Maupas Primary School in Vicofertile, where he lived with his parents. From initial reconstructions, it appears that the little boy woke up in the morning of Jan. 23 with a fever: for this reason, he would have stayed home from school. Then, in the afternoon, his condition reportedly worsened until he lost consciousness. Then the immediate alert to the 118-emergency medical service, which arrived on the scene with an ambulance and ambulance car, resuscitation attempts and the race against time for admission to the intensive care unit of the Maggiore Hospital, where he later died.
No cause of death reported.
Mourning in the Quartieri Spagnoli, a 20-year-old boy who died due to a sudden illness: pain for Antonio
January 25, 2024
The announcement of his passing was spread on social media by the "Quartieri Spagnoli 1536" page. This is the post: “The Spanish Quarters are mourning the loss of a young son from our alleys. Antonio Della Corte, a young 20-year-old, passed away yesterday due to a sudden illness. We are all shocked by the tragedy that has struck the family of the Court for which we all join in condolences.”
No cause of death reported.
Farewell to Joseph Stasuzzo, the young man passed away suddenly at only 25 years old
January 23, 2024
Agira, in the province of Enna, mourns young Giuseppe Stasuzzo, the young man suddenly snatched from life at only 25 years old, leaving his entire family in pain.
No cause of death reported.
A soldier “died suddenly”:
Sudden illness during lecture – 29-year-old military dies
January 25, 2024
The man, originally from Taurasi in the Avellino province, died unexpectedly yesterday January 24th, from a sudden illness. Nicola Ciampa, only 29 years old, in service at the Magrone base in Maddaloni, was in a lecture with his girlfriend, when he collapsed unconscious to the floor. From our information, the girlfriend stayed there during this whole episode, in a total shock. Neither the resuscitation from the instructors, nor the help of the medical unit that arrived soon, could help the young man, he died nevertheless. The body is now at the disposition of the magistrate. He has been transported to the medical legal institute of Sant'Anna and San Sebastiano hospital in Caserta were almost certainly an autopsy will be done.
No cause of death reported.
Community in tears for Roberto Bizzotto, young man was only 34 years old
January 25, 2024
The community of Cavaso del Tomba (in the province of Treviso) mourns young Roberto Bizzotto. The passing of the young man, only 34 years old, has thrown his entire family, relatives and friends who had the opportunity to cross his path in life into despair.
No cause of death reported.
35-year-old girl dies suddenly, investigations begin
January 25, 2024
On a quiet Tuesday evening in Città di Castello, a tragedy struck the Salaiolo La Tina neighborhood. A young 35-year-old girl, well known in the area, was found lifeless in her home. The news of Valentina D'Amico’s death shook the entire Upper Tiber community, leaving a sense of bewilderment and pain. The young woman's mother, as usual, tried to contact her daughter for a daily greeting. However, on Monday, her daughter did not answer the phone and did not open the front door. The prolonged silence aroused concern among the family, who decided to contact the police. Firefighters, carabinieri and 118 personnel intervened and, upon entering the apartment, found the young woman lying on the ground, lifeless. Her death is believed to have occurred several hours before their arrival. There are no elements to suggest a violent death. On the contrary, it seems that a tragic illness, perhaps an aneurysm or a stroke, ended the thirty-five-year-old's life.
No cause of death reported.
A nurse “died suddenly”:
A bad illness killed him in a month: Donato Fiorillo passed away
January 29, 2024
"Today “Nessuno Tocchi Ippocrate” lights a virtual candle for Donato Fiorillo, emergency room nurse at the Pineta Grande Hospital. In just 35 days a terrible illness took him away at just 52 years old. For many, he was a shining example of professionalism and teaching for the recruits who were approaching the front line of healthcare. An entire community mourns him and so do we."
No cause of death reported.
Until August 2, 2022, when the mandate was lifted, “vaccination” was mandatory for health workers in Italy:
Update 17/03/22: The government road map for easing anti-covid measures establishes that the vaccination obligation for health workers will remain active until December 31, 2022, with suspension from work for those who do not respect it.
Two policemen “died suddenly”:
Viareggio - agent of the police station dies suddenly
January 26, 2024
Mirco Bellone, 48 years old, an agent of the Viareggio police station who served on the patrol cars, suddenly disappeared in his home due to illness. Originally from Caserta, he had been in Viareggio for many years, first at the police station counter and then at the police station. He leaves behind his wife and two children.
No cause of death reported.
Policeman-referee life cut short by illness at 55 while having dinner with friends
January 26, 2024
Montesilvano (Abruzzo) - Last night he was supposed to have dinner with a group of friends at a restaurant in Montesilvano, a reunion organized on WhatsApp among a dozen or so people and canceled yesterday morning after the tragic news of Ferdinando De Simone's death in the night from cardiac arrest. An inexplicable end, at the age of 55, and the incredulous reaction in local police and soccer circles.
Six “died suddenly” while out and about:
Man falls ill during the farmer's protest in Catanzara and dies shortly after
January 29, 2024
A 56-year-old man died suddenly in the Catanzaro area while he was stopped in his car due to a farmers' roadblock. The episode occurred on the SS 106 in the Cropani Marina area, where the state of agitation among Calabrian farmers continues. The alarm was immediately raised with the arrival of the air ambulance. All in vain because the man, in the car with his daughter, died shortly after.
No cause of death reported.
Antonello Targa, the master of the Bar Primavera in via Zarotto, died suddenly at the age of 62
January 29, 2024
Antonio Targa, whom everyone confidentially called Antonello, died suddenly at the age of 62. The cause of death is still unknown.
No cause of death reported.
Tragedy in via Torino in Syracuse: taken ill, man dies while going to the bar
January 29, 2024
Today, January 29, 2024, is not a good morning for the city of Syracuse, which, in the morning, in via Torino, in the Borgata district, recorded the death of a man due to illness. The tragedy occurred while the victim was going to a bar. Passers-by were the ones who saw the man collapse near the sidewalk, the same ones who attempted to provide first aid shortly afterwards. Unfortunately, there was nothing to be done for the unfortunate man, who passed away shortly after. The 118 emergency services were also on site and the carabinieri alerted by some calls to the switchboard of the Viale Tica barracks. For both, there was nothing else to do but declare the death as a natural death. For this reason, no investigation will be opened.
No age or cause of death reported.
Senigallia: a 56-year-old from Cerreto collapses to the ground while walking along the river
January 27, 2024
He was taking a walk along the Cesano river when he collapsed to the ground and died. It was a sudden illness that struck a 56-year-old resident of Cerreto d'Esi. The drama took place on Saturday afternoon around 3.30 pm. The man was seen collapsing on the ground by other passers-by, who immediately alerted 112. The medical staff who responded to the scene began cardiopulmonary resuscitation operations but, despite their efforts, the man did not make it and was declared dead. Local police personnel also intervened on site for the relevant actions.
No cause of death reported.
A 65-year-old man loses his life after a sudden illness on the street
January 25, 2024
Barbarano (Morciano di Leuca) – A sudden illness on the street takes his life away. The tragedy in the early afternoon in Barbarano, the small hamlet of Morciano di Leuca, where a man was struck down by cardiac arrest. This is a 65-year-old who, walking in the town center of the village of Capo di Leuca, was struck by a heart attack. The body was returned to the family for the final farewell and funeral rite.
Drama in Paola: a man keels over suffering a heart attack. Useless rescue
January 25, 2024
Tragedy struck this afternoon in Paola where a man lost his life following an illness on the street. The man, just over 60 years old, was walking along Via Nazionale near an auto parts business when he felt ill, clutching his hand tightly to his chest. Shortly afterwards he lost consciousness and was immediately rescued by passers-by, someone gave him heart massage with positive results, as the victim seemed to have recovered, but later another attack proved fatal. Rescue workers from Amantea arrived just over half an hour, but by the time they arrived the man was already deceased. Carabinieri from the Paola company and municipal police officers arrived on the scene.
Eight “died suddenly” at home:
The Costa Smeralda loses a piece of history: goodbye to Marco Bongiovanni
January 26, 2024
Marco Bongiovanni passed away suddenly due to an illness at his home in Baja Sardinia. A leading figure for the hotel sector of the Costa Smeralda, as well as CEO of Baja Hotels. The 56-year-old was also president of Baja Hotels Travel Management.
No cause of death reported.
77-year-old died suddenly in his home in San Lorenzo
January 28, 2024
Peveragno – A sudden death occurred while he was at home in San Lorenzo, after having recently completed his usual walk with his wife. This is how Tomaso "Masino" Boetti, 77 years old, died, a character known and appreciated not only in the hamlet where he lived.
No cause of death reported.
Betty doesn't open the bar, the customers call for help: found dead in the house.
January 27, 2024
A 54-year-old woman was found lifeless inside her home in Porto San Giorgio this morning. This is Betty Gasparroni, well known in the city, owner of Caffè Roma, a business located in Viale Don Minzoni. It was the customers who called for help. Every morning at 6.30, she showed up at her bar to open the door. This morning however, Betty didn't show up. A unique event triggered the alarm around 8.30. Health workers from the Blue Cross and 118 intervened on site, as well as the Flying Squad, but there was nothing left that could be done for the woman. The 54-year-old was in her bed, with her dogs watching over her lifeless body. The causes of death need to be clarified even if there are no signs of violence on her body and the most probable hypothesis is that the woman was struck down at home by an illness.
No cause of death reported.
Brescia - Sudden illness at home, 53-year-old dies
January 26, 2024
Brescia – He was only 53 years old Flavio Bonetti: he passed away suddenly on the afternoon of Wednesday 24 January, struck down by a sudden illness that left him with no escape. Born and raised in Fiesse, he owned a small business and was well-known and loved in the town. “The absence of him has thrown the entire community into despair: he was a significant presence from many points of view”, underlines the parish priest of the town of Bassa.
No cause of death reported.
Gioia Sannitica - Sudden illness: 46-year-old man found dead in his bed
January 25, 2024
Gioia Sannitica (Naples) - A sudden illness, probably a heart attack, cut short the young life of Angelo Gizzi. He was just 46 years old and was a very reserved and mild-mannered person. The other morning, he was found in bed in his home, lifeless. Help arrived on the scene via a 118 ambulance. Unfortunately, doctors could do nothing but pronounce the 46-year-old man dead.
No cause of death reported.
Andrea feels ill at home and dies suddenly
January 24, 2024
He suddenly felt ill at home and it was not possible to save him in any way. Andrea Chinaglia, electrician, passed away on the evening of Tuesday 23 January. He leaves behind his wife, a four-year-old child, his sister who lives in Lusia and a brother who lives in Fiesso Umbertiano. An electrician by profession, he worked at Berco, but for him electronics was much more than a simple job, a real passion. Andrea was a healthy person, who regularly underwent the necessary checks, and nothing would have ever led one to think of a similar epilogue.
No age or cause of death reported.
Found dead in front of his house. "Musta, good and cheerful, we all loved him"
January 23, 2024
Found dead in front of his house. A sudden illness is thought to have occurred. The neighbour, seeing him on the ground, immediately asked for help. But when the 118 operators arrived in Piazza Lelio Basso it was too late: El Mustafa Raihani's heart had stopped.
No age or cause of death reported.
On Friday, 26 January 2024, suddenly, in his home, he died prematurely
January 26, 2024
Dismayed and incredulous, we join the family and all those who mourn the sudden death of Orpheus Sesuru, aged 52, and ask the Lord for the consolation and strength of the Holy Spirit.
No cause of death reported.
The funeral of Luca Gnuva, the 57-year-old from Vigezzo who passed away suddenly, will be celebrated tomorrow
January 29, 2024
Luca Gnuva's funeral will be celebrated tomorrow, Tuesday. The 57-year-old from Vigezzo passed away last Saturday. An autopsy was performed on Friday to establish the cause of death. Luca was a well-known and respected person not only in the Vigezzo valley, he had always done his best for everyone, being part of numerous associations. The funeral will be celebrated in the church of Prestinone, a hamlet of Craveggia, at 2.30 pm.
No cause of death reported.
Sulmona -Panfilo Giampietro died at the age of 68 after suffering a cardiac arrest
January 29, 2024
He was following his favourite team from the TV screen when, suddenly, he felt ill under the eyes of a friend. Panfilo Giampietro died at the age of 68 after suffering a cardiac arrest late yesterday evening. The bricklayer, well known in the city, was helped by an acquaintance who was spending the evening at home until a 118 ambulance from Campo Di Giove arrived on site. The man was then urgently transported to the emergency room of the Sulmona hospital where he was resuscitated and stabilized by doctors until he was urgently transferred to the cardiology-ICU with haemodynamics of the San Salvatore hospital in L'Aquila. Here, unfortunately, the heart of the "sheriff", as his friends call him, did not hold up.
Piombino, mother of three children dies suddenly at 45 years old
January 26, 2024
A sudden illness killed Marzia Liguori, 45 years old, on Wednesday 24 January. As www.iltirreno.it writes, Marzia, mother of three children, loved to define herself as a full-time parent, as remembered by the many friends who also expressed their shock and pain on social media as soon as they learned of her disappearance. She leaves behind her husband Pasquale, her brothers (one of whom, Alberto, known in the city because he was on the technical staff of one of the Piombino football teams) and her three children (two boys and a girl), whom she loved deeply and of whom - as in many remembered – she was a proud mother.
No cause of death reported.
Sudden illness, Venanzio died at 56 years old
January 25, 2024
San Severino mourning the death of Venanzio Del Giudice, taken away by a sudden illness at the age of 56. He no longer lived in the city, but everyone remembered him, for having been that young goalkeeper from Settempeda many years ago and for having also participated in an election as a councilor candidate. He had been a truck driver for a well-known local electrochemical company. Venanzio leaves behind his beloved daughter Terry and his partner Claudia.
No cause of death reported.
Five killed in “vaxxidents”:
Tragic crash into bus, South Tyrolean family destroyed: Monika dies with her children aged 10 and 7, 13-year-old son fighting for his life
January 23, 2024
Tragedy in Tyrol where a terrible road accident destroyed a South Tyrolean family, causing the death of a mother and her two youngest children aged 10 and 7 and the serious injury of the third child aged 13. The drama occurred on Monday afternoon in the municipality of Assling, in East Tyrol, Austria, when the car with the mother and children crashed into a bus. The 47-year-old Monika Stauder and her two children, residents of Sesto Pusteria, in the autonomous province of Bolzano, lost their lives. Unfortunately, immediate rescue efforts were unsuccessful in saving the woman and the two children. The 47-year-old and her 10-year-old boy died practically instantly. The other two children were extracted from the wreckage of the vehicle and transported to hospital. Shortly afterwards, however, the tragic news of the death of the youngest child in Klagenfurt hospital where he had been urgently transported. The eldest of the brothers, a 13-year-old boy whose life now hangs by a thread, is also very serious. The teenager fights between life and death in Innsbruck Hospital. However, the driver of the bus which was travelling empty suffered only minor injuries. Mother and children were traveling in a white Panda 4×4 on Drautalstrasse in the direction of Lienz when, for reasons still to be clarified, she suddenly skidded and collided head-on with a bus. According to what was reconstructed by the Austrian police, the car would have invaded the other lane at a bend shortly after 3.30 pm. A devastating frontal impact that destroyed the car, which was thrown backwards and turned around, but also the public transport. The icy road may have been the cause of the tragedy, but an illness cannot be ruled out. The news of the tragedy shocked the community of Sesto Pusteria where 47-year-old Monika Stauder and her husband are well known,
Tragedy in the Neapolitan area, Emanuele, 26-year-old father dies after car accident
January 28, 2024
Dramatic mourning in Casalnuovo, in the province of Naples, for the death of Emanuele Esposito, a young 26-year-old father who died in a road accident. The boy who lived in Tavernanova, a hamlet of Casalnuovo, leaves behind his partner and their two-year-old daughter. The accident in which Emanuele lost his life occurred on the Rome-Naples motorway, near the Caserta Nord junction. According to an initial reconstruction, the car driven by the young man, for reasons yet to be ascertained, hit the guardrail, and overturned. The boy managed to get out of the passenger compartment but was then hit by a passing car and thus lost his life instantly.
Castellucchio, 39-year-old man found dead in a ditch next to his scooter: his family had been looking for him for two days
January 24, 2024
His wife and children were waiting for him at home on Monday evening, at the end of the working day. But he did not return home either that evening or the following day. Both his family and other members of the Indian community of Goito searched for him for almost two days, until the worst suspicion became reality. The alarm was raised by a passer-by who realized that the scooter and the body of the 39-year-old, whose identity has not yet been made known, were in a ditch on the side of the road. The local police and the Carabinieri of Castellucchio rushed to the scene together with the 118 health workers. However, the medical staff could not do anything other than confirm the death. No signs of violence were found on his body. The death was traced back to Monday evening, when all traces of the man were lost. The carabinieri and the magistrate on duty are dealing with the episode, who is likely to order at least a body inspection over the next few hours in an attempt to establish whether the 39-year-old was struck by a sudden illness that caused him to go off the road, or whether he died as a result of an accident caused by a distraction as well as by the icy road. The 39-year-old, married and father of two young children, had been living in Italy for several years and lived in Goito with his family. He worked on a calf farm in the area between Castellucchio and the hamlet of Gabbiana: the very farm where he met his death on Monday evening on his way home.
No cause of death reported.
Rubiera, the optician Nicola Ascari has died
January 24, 2024
Nicola Ascari, manager of the Mirottica shop in Rubiera, together with his wife Rosa Ponticelli and his brother-in-law Domenico, has died at the age of 47. The shop was taken over by the family in 2005, but the sales point, under the arcades of Via Emilia in the historic center of the town, had already existed since 1964. Ascari, who lived in Modena, but was well known in Rubiera where he was a point of reference for his profession among the citizens, died suddenly due to the worsening of an illness which had been diagnosed in November that left no escape.
No cause of death reported.
A 59-year-old man from Agrigento dies, his family authorizes the removal of his organs for donation
January 23, 2024
The culture of organ donation is consolidated: a 58-year-old from Agrigento died in the Neurosurgery department of the "Sant'Elia" hospital in Caltanissetta after suffering a sudden illness last Friday. Well, the family, with a sense of humanity and generosity, authorized the removal of the organs. Death occurred after three days of hospitalization. Tomorrow, Wednesday, the funeral in Agrigento. The man worked in Raffadali, but he is also well known in Agrigento. In fact, on social media, the news of his passing left dismay and disbelief.
No cause of death reported.
He suffers from a sudden illness while in Miami: the president of Federfarma-Vibo dies
January 23, 2024
Condolence in the Vibo area where the professional was appreciated and esteeme. He was in Miami with his wife when he fell ill and collapsed to the ground and died almost instantly. This is how Massimo De Fina, provincial president of Federfarma, died at the age of 73, a position to which he was recently reconfirmed. He leaves behind a wife and three children.
No cause of death reported.
Dead, Massimo Giuffrida, struck down by illness
January 23, 2024
Caltanissetta (Sicily) - The sudden death of 55-year-old Massimo Giuffrida after an illness has aroused deep emotion in the city. Giuffrida, a security guard, was known and liked in Caltanissetta. For several years he had been engaged in a business, a shoe store, on Palermo Street in the heart of the city's historic center.
No cause of death reported.
Two siblings “died suddenly” within a day:
Tragedy within the tragedy, Mollica Nardo's sister dies
January 23, 2024
Tragedy after tragedy for the Mollica Nardo family. After the death of Paolo, found lifeless yesterday near the Contesse station, his sister Maria Grazia, who had been fighting an illness for some time, also suddenly died this morning. The autopsy on the body will be performed next Thursday.
No age or cause of death reported.
Dad dies at 48 during his birthday party, Agostino Damia falls ill in front of his wife and daughters
January 23, 2024
It was supposed to be a day of fun and entertainment, spent among friends and relatives, for a birthday party: in short, a different day, with the two little daughters and his wife Stefania in Rome. And instead, unfortunately, that party ended in tragedy. Agostino Damia died the other evening of cardiac arrest, just as he was celebrating a birthday. The man, an expert tire fitter, was 48 years old, originally from Tagliacozzo, lived in Avezzano with his wife and two daughters and worked at Tecnogomme. The man collapsed when cutting the cake: he was a civil protection volunteer and intervened in L'Aquila during the earthquake.
Gets harder and harder to read them doesn't it. This week particularly, the mother driving the car with her 3 children on board.
Thanks as always to Mark and team 🙏
Can I just add a little story..... I have started following a lady called Grazia Picinelli who is the President of Comitato Fortitudo. She is just an absolute hero. (the papers like to slur her name by calling Anti-Vax ). She is fighting the Italian Health system, which has in place at the moment, a memo (with NO LEGAL obligation), that masks and PCR tests are necessary for entering hospitals, visiting old peoples homes etc. However the application of these 'rules' are left to the discretion of the management of each place. So, some places are applying them in a rather authoritarian fashion. (one example - last week they operated on an 8 year old , the day after ordered her and her granny to do a PCR - they refused and the hospital threatened to throw them out. Grazia intervened and the situation was resolved and they were 'allowed ' to stay.(albeit it isolation 🤬).
So I just wanted to warn anyone living here, that IF you have the misfortune to have to go to medical appointments/hospitals/old people's homes - THEY ARE DOING THIS ILLEGALLY. So please feel free to go on Telegram - search Canale Comitato Fortitudo and there is all the info and support to fight this. Grazia has already had a lot of success , but she is only one person - WE must learn to defend ourselves and fight this evil from the bottom up (and that includes nazi type nurses who throw their weight around too much ). Thank you 🙏